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Fundraise Like a GENIUS

MARCH 2, 2013

Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE

Linda Dedicated to inspiring philanthropy and creativity

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Edison’s Definition of Genius

One Percent InspirationNinety-nine Percent Perspiration

Linda Dedicated to inspiring philanthropy and creativity

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The 1% Inspiration Part

Philanthropy, Development, FundraisingThe Role of Fundraising in a NonprofitWho Does the FundraisingEthics and Legal Issues in Fundraising

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Philanthropy, Development, Fundraising: What’s in a Name?

Does your organization have a strong philanthropic profile?

Take our philanthropic assessment, use it at a staff meeting and/or a development committee meeting!

Common findings: many organizations don't put a strong emphasis on creating a philanthropic culture in the organization. Linda Dedicated to inspiring philanthropy and creativity

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The Role of Fundraising in a Nonprofit

• What percentage of your nonprofit’s income is from:• Fees for service• Grants• Individual Donations• Corporate Donations• Other

Linda Dedicated to inspiring philanthropy and creativity

Total Income


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Who Does the Fundraising?


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Ethics and Legal Issues

Why are ethics important?The Donor Bill of Rights/Codes of Ethics/Standards

What legal issues do fundraisers need to be aware of?Government regulations, local regulations

Linda Dedicated to inspiring philanthropy and creativity

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The 99% Perspiration Part

Where Do We Find the Money? Getting Started: The InfrastructureWhat Methods are Most Effective?Measuring and Evaluating

Linda Dedicated to inspiring philanthropy and creativity

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Where Do We Find the Money

The 95/5 Rule and what it means for fundraisers

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Getting Started: The Infrastructure

Staffing Software SystemPolicies and ProceduresThe Development PlanThe Case for Support

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Getting Started: The Role of Board and Volunteers

Board RecruitmentBoard Training and EducationThe Development CommitteeVolunteer Committees

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What Methods Are MostEffective?

- Direct Mail Acquisition: 1 to 1 ½ % response rate- Direct Mail Renewal: 15-20% response rate- Telephone: 30-35% response rate- In-person solicitation 60-65% response rate

It costs six times as much to find a new donor than to retain a current donor!

Linda Dedicated to inspiring philanthropy and creativity

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When You’re Ready to Take it to the Next LevelMonthly GivingMajor GiftsCapital CampaignsPlanned Gifts Moves Management

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Measuring and Evaluating Success!

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Why is it Important to Evaluate your Development Program?

• Funding sources expect more bang for their buck!

• Boards have greater expectations!• Organizations often feel development is


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Do Your Program Outcomes Fall Within Acceptable Standards?

• Acquisition Mailings $1.25-$1.50 per $1 raised

• Direct Mail Renewal $.20-.25 per $1 raised

• Special Events $.50 per $1 raised

• Foundation Proposals $.20 per $1 raised

• Personal Solicitations $.10-.20 per $1 raised

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Development History• Use your donor software to track all development events

and activities:• Direct mail/telephone/Internet responses• Special events• Grant proposals• Major Gifts• Planned gifts• Capital Campaigns• Volunteer Results

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Development History

• Anecdotal tracking• Post mortem after events• Analysis of data• Contact reports• Volunteer debriefing• Staff meetings• Development committee meetings

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Putting it All Together

• In order to fundraise like a GENIUS you must:• Take time for the inspiration part

• Attend workshops, conferences, webinars, read, write, speak.

• Be prepared for the perspiration part• Involve your board, recruit volunteers,

spend your time on the things that count, measure and evaluate success.

Linda Dedicated to inspiring philanthropy and creativity

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Tools to Help

•• Special events evaluation• Board evaluation tools• Case statement checklist• Are You Ready for a Capital Campaign?• The Fundraiser’s Private Vault™• The Fundraiser’s Personal Muse™

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Special Offers

• Board Training• Development Audits• Development Plans• 10% Discount on Linda’s New Book

• Email for more information: [email protected]

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Contact Linda

••• [email protected][email protected] • 866-539-9990

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Thank You!

Fundraise Like a GeniusLinda Lysakowski, ACFRE