Page 1: From Ancient to Classical Civilization.  Played a very important role in the development of Greek civilization.  Covered a small area (roughly the size

From Ancient to Classical Civilization

Page 2: From Ancient to Classical Civilization.  Played a very important role in the development of Greek civilization.  Covered a small area (roughly the size

Played a very important role in the development of Greek civilization.

Covered a small area (roughly the size of Louisiana) compared to civilizations in India, China, and Mesopotamia.

Mountainous peninsula with numerous islands, meaning the land was easily defended, and ideal for importing and exporting trade. Also forced the inhabitants to master the sea.

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Minoans – 2800 BC Arrived on the island of

Crete in 2000 BC. Built a great civilization. Discovered by Arthur

Evans. Named the civilization after one of its Kings – Minos.

Succeeded due to its advanced knowledge of metallurgy (bronze tools and weapons), and engineering.

Palace of Knossos had many rooms, elaborate baths, great works of art, and storage for oil, wine, and grain.

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Mycenaeans – 1600- 1100 BC. Discovered by Heinrich

Schlieman, worst archeologist of all time.

Settled by Indo-European migration to the Greek Peninsula. Related to the same group the Aryans originated from.

Made up of powerful monarchies each based around a fortified palace center, built on hills, surrounded by large walls. These centers most likely formed an alliance of independent states.

A warrior civilization who prided itself on heroic deeds performed in battle.

This is best exemplified in The Iliad, the epic poem written by Homer, in which the legend of Troy is told. Tale of King

Agamemnon’s invasion of Trot in search of glory and power.

The fall of a hero, Achilles.

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Mycenaen civlization collapses.

Due to the growing tensions and fighting between these independent palace centers, and more and more northern Greek-speaking invaders, the Mycenaen’s slowly fades away.

A period known as the Dark Ages follows the fall of the Mycenaens. Approx. 1100 – 750 BC Population declined. Food production


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Polis (city-state) – central focus of Greek Life. Varied in size. A community that share a

common identity. Added to the growing mistrust between different city-states.

Localized governing system.

Citizens = Adult males Words that are derived

from polis metropolis, politics, police, acropolis.

Absolutely independent and self-sufficient.

Based on 3 ideas: Geographical territory Community it represented Economic independence it


Despite their independence, these city-states did share some commonalties:

Covered small areas of land (Athens and Sparta were the biggest).

Shared a common language. Similar developments of

cities. Regarded all non-Greeks as


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Each polis was built around an Acropolis, a fortified hill with the temple of the local god at the top. This was also used for shelter during war.

At the bottom of the Acropolis was the Agora, which was a plaza that served as a marketplace, assembly area, and forum.

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Definition during this time differed from ours today.

Greece had been ruled by an aristocratic class, making all decisions for the city-states on their own. The believed that it was their right due to their heritage and wealth.

The aristocrats were well liked by the rest of the population, mainly peasants and the merchants and tradesmen who had accumulated enormous wealth over the past decades.

Along with their wealth, they wanted the power and influence that went with it.

A tyrant is one that seizes control of the government in order for the polis to progress.

Many times when this strategy was employed projects such as marketplaces, temples, and walls were constructed.

Greeks grew weary of the tyrant strategy due to their love for the rule of law.

The end of tyranny allowed many new people to participate in government.

Birth of democracy and oligarchy (ruled by the few).

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Page 10: From Ancient to Classical Civilization.  Played a very important role in the development of Greek civilization.  Covered a small area (roughly the size

The difference between ancient Greece and Classical Greece is in the level of advancement.

Classical Greece is the era where major advancements in politics, engineering, architecture, government, farming, and military strategy were made.

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With the expansion of trade and colonies, Greeks came into more and more contact with the Persian Empire.

Greek colonies in Ionia revolted against Persia, infuriating the Persian Emperor Darius, who sought revenge.

The Battle of Marathon Persia invades Greece @

Marathon. Outnumbered, the Greeks

attack and repel the Persian force.

Pheidippides runs 26 miles non-stop in order to inform Athens of the victory. He said with his last breath, “Victory. We Win!”

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Xerxes, Darius’ son, seeks revenge for the defeat at Marathon.

Sends the largest army ever assembled, by land and by sea.

A Greek force of 7,000 held off the Persian attack for two days – most famously by the 300 spartans’ and their fighting at the Hot Gates during the Battle of Thermopylae.

Athenians raised their largest army ever just a few months later and defeated the Persian Army in the year 479 BC.

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The Delian League Defensive alliance

against the Persian Empire.

Centered on the island of Delos.

Liberated captured Greek city-states from Persian-occupied Ionia.

Center moves from Delos to Athens following colony liberation.

Dominant political figure was Pericles.

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Pericles was a prominent political figure in classical Greece.

Democracy flourished under his leadership

Direct democracy – every issue under vote by the state are voted on by every citizen of the city-state, in this case Athens.

Citizens voted to(i.e. adult males) pass laws, elect public officials, and make final decisions on war and foreign policy.

Allowing lower-class citizens to be eligible for public office, along with pay for officeholders, allowed for more poor people to participate in government. This was another baby-step in the evolution of democracy.

Ostracism – meant to protect from ambitious leaders. Members of the assembly could write on a broken pottery piece (ostrakon) a name of a person they feel is a threat to the city. If named by 6,000 members, then person is banned from city for 10 years.

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Athens vs. Sparta These city-states hated

each other. War broke out in 431 BC. Athens Strategy – stay

put behind city walls. Supplies would safely arrive from out colonies and sea trade. Wait out the Spartans.

Sparta’s Strategy – along with its allies, lead an army to the walls of Athens and surround the city. Provoke a battle and hope the Athenians take the bait.

After 25 years Athens finally fell to the power of the Spartans. Their defeat was aided by disease and further breakdowns within the walls of Athens.Any cooperation between Greek city-states was ruined by this war.Athens, Sparta, and a new power Thebes battle for control for the next 66 years.

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Limited freedoms with Greek society.

Could take part in religious festivals, but nothing else.

Could not own property. Always had a male

guardian – father, husband, or son.

Expected to be a good wife – bear children, take care of the household.

Strictly controlled – married at the age of 14 or 15, therefore they learn their duties at an early age.

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Religion Effected all of manners of

Greek life – essential to well-being.

Temples constructed. We know of the Greek

Gods from the writings of Homer. Some Gods on Mt. Olympus are:

Zeus – Father of the Gods. Athena – Goddess of

Wisdom and Crafts. Apollo – God of the Sun and

Poetry. Ares – God of War Aphrodite – Goddess of

Love Poseidon – Zeus’ bro, God

of the Seas and Earthquakes.

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Drama – Entertainment and the

arts also flourished in Classic Greece.

Drama or tragedies referred to a style of plays written during this time. A set of 3 plays centered around a unifying theme.

Examples: Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, Aeschyius’ Oresteira, and Eurpides’ Alcestis.

Comedy –A form of play-writing focused on making fun of politicians and intellectuals.Very similar to political satire in today’s world.

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Sophists – group of travelling teachers who sold their services. Believed it was beyond

the reach of the human mind to understand the universe.

Right and wrong were arbitrary (“to each his own”)

Stressed importance of Rhetoric, a persuasive speech style used to win debates, and master politics.

Considered dangerous to the youth.

List of famous Greek Philosophers:SocratesPlatoAristotle

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Never wrote anything himself. He is known because of the writings of Plato and others.

Served as a teacher to aristocratic sons. He took no pay because he felt what he was doing was noble.

Socratic Method – a teaching method devised through questioning and answers. Forces the subject to use own reason and logic in order to find truth.

His question of authority led to his downfall. Arrested and convicted of

corrupting the youth of Athens by teaching them to question and think for themselves.

Sentenced to die by poison.

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One of Socrates students.

His philosophy was centered around understanding reality, and our place in it.

Also wrote extensively on politics (The Republic). Suggested that there

should be 3 classes – intellectual, warrior, and working.

Believed women deserved equality in education and access to position.

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Student at Plato’s school called the Academy for 25 years.

Did not necessarily agree with Plato’s world view.

Wrote on a wide range of topics (i.e. ethics, politics, logic, poetry, astronomy, biology, geology, and physics). In fact, until the 17th century (1600’s), science in the western world was largely based on his ideas.

Like Plato, Aristotle an effective form of government.

•For his Politics, he looked at 158 states’ constitutions and found only 3 worth having monarchy, aristocracy, and constitutional government.•He favored constitutional government.

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Neighbor of Greece, to the north.

Since they were non-Greeks, they were considered?

Rural people organized in groups, not city-states.

By the end of the 5th century they were a powerful kingdom.

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Came to power 359 BC Built powerful army

and turned Macedonia into a chief power of the Greek world.

Admirer of Greek culture, he longed to unite all of Greece un Macedonia.

Athens tried to fight off Macedonia power, but they were too strong.

• Phillip II quickly gained control of Greece, and sought to invade Asia (Persian Empire, Bactria). This was cut short by his assassination.

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Son of Phillip II Carried on fathers legacy. Became King at the age

of 20. His father took him into

battle throughout a young age, so his knowledge of military leadership and strategy were unmatched.

Sought revenge for burning of Athens by the Persian Empire in 480 BC.

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Invades Persia with 37,000 men.

Within 1 year he successfully freed the Ionian city-states from Persian rule.

Upon defeating a large Persian force at Issus, he then turned south. By winter Syria, Palestine, and Egypt were his.

The city of Alexandria was built in Egypt. It became, and remains today one of the most important cities in Egypt and the Mediterranean world.

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In 331 BC Alex takes full control of the Persian Empire.

Over the next three years, he moves his army east, reaching as far as Pakistan, all while experiencing a number of difficult war campaigns.

Tired and weary of fighting, his army refused to go any further.

•Alex turns back to Greece in order to regroup, however he soon dies due to exhaustion, unhealed wounds, and alcohol.Some believe that he was poisoned.

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Military Leadership – he was a master of strategy and tactics, and of fighting on any terrain and against any enemy.

Bravery – he was reckless in how he was willing to lead his men into battle and risk his own life. This inspired his men to follow him into unknown lands.

He sought to be like Achilles – the warrior-hero of Homer’s Iliad, an ideal of Greek culture. He was known to keep a copy of it under his bed, along with a dagger.

Military skill helped extend Greek and Macedon rule over vast areas of land. This brought large amounts of gold and silver back home, which helped stimulate the economy.

Trying to imitate Alex, his successors established military monarchies through force and claims of divinity.

Due to Alex’s expansion of the Greek Empire, culture was also expanded, both in and out of Greece. Greek language, architecture, literature and art spread throughout SE Asia and the near east, and vice versa.

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Greek word for “to imitate Greeks.”

Age that saw the expansion of Greek language and ideas to the non-Greek world and beyond.

The world that Alex united soon fell apart after his death. His generals squabbled

for power. Eventually broke into 4

kingdoms Macedonia, Pergemum, Syria, and Egypt.

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Alex sought to unite Macedonia, Greece, and Persia, allowing all equal opportunity in the empire. He even encouraged his men to take a native wife.

After his death, his generals decided this was no good. Power and influence would be determined by Greeks only.

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Architecture and Sculptures – cities were being constructed all over Greece at this time. Artisans and engineers were in high demand. Their work has been an inspiration to artists for the last 2000 years.

Literature – writing talent was held in high regard. Unfortunately, not many writings from this era has survived. A new genre formed, Comedy, during this time.

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Science – huge progress in the fields of math and astronomy.

Aristarchus theorized that the sun was the center of the universe, and the Earth revolved around it. Not widely accepted at the time.

Eratosthenes – calculated the circumference of the Earth to within 185 miles (24,675 miles).

Euclid – wrote Elements, an essay on plane geometry that is still used today.

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Most famous scientist. Mastered the geometry

of spheres and cylinders. Also discoverer of the number PI (3.14).

Also an inventor – a water pump that retrieved water from caves for irrigation. Its action led him to toy with the idea of gravity.

“Eureka!” and “Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I will move the world.”
