  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England



    P E R S O N A L FI L E F O R MFo r office us e only:

    D a t e S e n t :

    D a te R e c d;

    Information from this form wilt appear in Horizons an d other informat ion format s published by Mission Services Association.

    This form is prepared to help you give accurate background information about yourself an d your mission work.please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviate*Please d o n ot write o n t hi s form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets fo r additional information y ou m ay want to provide.

    This is no t an application form. It is no t an official form endorsing yo u an d your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicizeyour work t ha t m a y help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. If an y questions seem too personal or seem offensiveto you. please feel free to leave them blank.

    Name in full _ Sp el l o u r all n ames Tk

    Complete address on field:

    P h on e n umbe r on field:

    rM i d d l e Name

    Date: Ipef Month Day Year)

    F c u s ~ tLa st Name

    (Number - Street City State Zip number Country)

    In Case of Emergency call :

    Ask f o r : First Middle - L a s t n a m e an d ad d res s )

    I 3 3 i

    Your complete address while In USA: 3N u m b e r S fre a f City - S t a iity State - Zip) Csq a ^ Iai

    Your US A phone number: area co d e . phone number 28*^^ crName an d address of Livlnglink church or churches:

    N u m b e r S t r e e t Full name ol etiurch)


    Full n a m e of c hur c h)City:

    Sta te

    Numbe r St ree tS t a t e

    Names and a d d re s s e s of o t h er s p o ns o ri n g c h ur c h es w h o s e e ld e rs r e co m m en d you:CAurcl^ Number Street /9 2 0 A gr fA(Fullname ol cnurch) . ^ , ity /\^^rson S t a t e n

    Zi p

    Zi p

    Zi p +6012.

  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England


    Full n am e of ch u rch )City:

    Numbe r St ree tS ta t e Zi p

    Please send l e tt e rs o f recommendat ion f r o m the e lder s iny o u r s p on so r in g churches which will encourage otherchurches t o s u p p o rt your missionary w ork. C e rta in ly th ewords of these elders will help to convince o th ersregarding the worthiness of your m i ss io n w or k. Pleasehelp MSA to spread your news through H OR IZ ON S b ysending these elders letters from y ou r s po ns or in gc h ur c he s a s soon as possible. MSA will be happy t o h el pyou c ontac t these elders if yo u will send th e fulladd re s se s of t h e chu rc h e s

    P l e as e s k e tc h a map directing visitors to your location on t h e mi ss i onfield. Where ar e you in relationship to other missions an d to the nearestl a rg e c i t y?

    Recommendations by Christian Leaders: List names here an d enclose a copy of each letter.)N a m e ; - N u m b e r S t r e e tCity: State ZipName

    City _Place of Birth Number Street)Date of bi r th u r


    Ad d date of arrival Month)

    Year)if applicable.)


    Ot y )


    Numbe r St ree tS t a t e

    Y e a r)

    S t a t e

    and natura l iza t ion da t e Year)

    Where baptized?. ^ rc)n Date

    Zi p


    Zi p


    City S t a t e Zi pOn an extra sheet p lease d escr ib e an y details regarding your c on v ers io n w hi ch y o u might care to mention.,M A R I T A L STATUS :Married Single Divorced WidowedPlease give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife Dehrtx J. Fous TDate of marriage r c A


    Wh o s o lem n iz e d your wedding?

    ^ / ? ? 8 , heremarried An^prson ^ Day) Year)

    List Children by full name giving th e place, birthday, month an d year in th e order of your children s birth days. If youc hil dr e n ha ve been adopted please indicate.) In case yo u are single, please list your brothers a n d s i st e rs by name inthis space.

    Nam e

    Das/\J 7 7 F o u s - t

    Place o f b i rth M o n t h ,Au^us t


    D ay3

    Ye a r


  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England


    Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary Give

    Service Datesapproximate dates:

    Place Posi t ion

    EDUCATION high schoo l and later :

    Name of school Location

    What influenced you to become a missionary?

    Number of years Deg re es g ra nted a nd d at eList honorary degrees

    What is your purpose in missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the missionf ie ldYour own explanation in some detail might be influential in leading others into full-time service . Use extra sheets ifyou need mor e space :

    Describe briefly in outline form th e nature of your daily duties on th e field

    Which of th e following t erms mos t nearly descr ibes your missionary status?Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School TeacherHomemake r Doc tor Nurse Soci al Wo r ke r Music Teache rministry Radio follow-up Christ ian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of


    mission equipment Main t e nanc e enevo l e n t Off ice Work Produc t ion of BibleProduction of Christian literature in the National Language Villageo r re spondence Cours e sEvangelism ^ Name other

    Languages you know fluent/non-fluent

  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England


    P A R E N T S : /-larolJ} S FouS~fa t h e r s name and his h o m e a d d re s sLiving Deceased ^ Number Street {first Middle Last nameCity State Zip PhoneHis occupation Is he a Christian? Yes NoWhat positions of leadership ha s he held in the local church?

    W h a t C h ri st ia n s er v ic e does h e n o w d o ?

    Mo th e r s full maiden n a m e j

    LivingFirst - Middle Last name

    D e c e a s e d N u m b e r S t r e e tnity AWer9g-r^ Statfl Zip Phnna3i76H39^SIs sh e a Christian? Yes ^ No Her occupation If employed outside thehome iAJGr^ef dCt JTn cn\J flsk-ir Guicl^What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church? 5. -j-etxcUerDo you have relatives in mission work? Yes No ^If so, please list their names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet with a brief explanation of theirmissionary activity.F O RW A RD I NG A G EN T :N a m e c hr t r t t am MrgginMAPv t7t7t.t nuQWTP{FinX - Middle Lastname. II applicable, listbothMr ar)dMrs. foilnames.)Number and Street ^^^7^ rsaii-n tsy ^ p. o.2.63Q6, City TndiaTiapolis

    Indiana Zip 46226-0306 Phone 317/542-9256Where attend church? MFull name of churchNumber Street City NA State Zip nA-What duties are performed by the forwarding agent?Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only? Yes, sent and made payable to CMFDoesthe forwarding agent receive a salary? In what form should funds be sent?Please give the full name of themission: CHRISTIAN MISgXQHARY FF T TiOWSHTPDoes the mission have official tax exempt status? XES Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this mission:If funds are to be sent directlyto the missionary on the mission field, please explain the details ofHOW to do it,so wecan give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.

    Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep he r informed regarding your missionary activity. Thanks so much;you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.Ifyou have additional informationthat you thinkwill be helpful to thestaff ofMSAin preparing newsstories about your ministry,please feel f ree to send it.Include Mission Services on your mailing list for your newsletter an d we willsend HORIZONS to you free ofcharge each month

    as y ou s er ve o n the field.

  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England


    THOMAS F. FOUSTP e rm a n en t Add re ss Per sona l Data

    2230Highland Road Birthdate: 22 January 1958Anderson, Indiana 46012 Height: 6 ft.U.S.A. Weight: 172 lbs.317) 643-9989 Marr ied w i th 3 children

    Personal goalsI seek a teaching position with a College, University, Seminary, or Graduate School in thearea of Church History. My priniary discipline is the Reformation Movement s of theNineteenth Century in North America.EDUCAT IONAL BACKGROUND

    Bache lor of ArtsAnderson UniversityAnderson , Ind iana 46011In at tendance from 1976-1980Graduation: July 1980Majors: Religion, Bible, and Business AdministrationMaster of DivinityEmmanuel School of ReligionJohnson City, Tennessee 376 1In at tendance from 1980-1986Graduation: June 1986Major area: Church HistoryMajor professors: Dr. Dean E. Walker and Dr. Wil liam J. RichardsonThesis title: The P ub lish ed Work s o f D ea n Everest Walker

    with Int roduct ions and Evaluations

    Doctor of PhilosophyThe University of BirminghamEdgbaston, BirminghamEngland B15 2TTFull-time residency from January 1989 to January 1991Graduation: Pending completion and acceptance of dissertationSupervisor: Dr. C. Robert WetzelThesis topic: The Philosophical, Theological, and HistoricalRoots of the Campbell/Stone Reformation Movement


    Foust, Thomas F and Richardson, William J., eds. Adventuring for Christian Unity andOther Essays by Dean E Walker Published through Emmanuel School of Religion JohnsonCity, Tennessee by College Press Joplin, Missouri .Dr. Dean E Walker authorized me to publish his writings.

  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England


    WORK EXPERie^E.Tinuary 1989

    toJanuary 1991

    February 1986t oAugust 1988

    August 1983toFebruary 1986

    August 1980to

    August 1983

    SpringdaleCollege54Weoley Park RoadSellyOakBirmingham B29 6RBEnglandSupervisor: Dr. C. Robert WetzelPosition: Ass is t an t Bu r sar

    jlDuring these two years, I alsoministered (infonnally) with the/ Bromsgrove Church of Christ in Bromsgrove, England andpreached in several of the Church of Christ congregationsthroughout Great Britain while being financially supportedthrough funds raised in the U.S. Concurrently I assisted BishopLesslie Newbigin and Dr. Dan Beeby in the administration of theBritish Council of Churches program The Gospel and QurCul ture


    NebraskaChristian College1800SyracuseNorfolk Nebraska 68701Supervisor: Dr. G. Richard Wamsley, PresidentPosition: Assoc Pial j j jLChurch History andJ^^Business Manager

    i/ AsAssociateProfessor of Church History I was responsible forplanning, preparing, and teaching all courses for general churchhistory courses and history courses related to the Campbell/StoneMovemen t

    Self-employedPosition: Evangelist ^I traveled^overmany parts ofTennessee, Virginia, North^ Carolina, and Indiana primarily preaching for congregationsf^ej^Sgelistic meetings.Also durin^this time I waspart-time Professor and night-timeDirector at D^ijghQn s.Jr._(Iollege in Johnson City, Tennessee (Dr.ElenaP. Zayas^azan was my supemsof) where I.ite.ght business^and humanities courses and I was writingmy thesi^SEtlMaster of Divinity degree. ~

    .^Love Chapel Christian Church^ Route 3Erwin Tennessee 37650Supervisors: Elders: Wayne Love, Bill Fain, and^larence Love rr-PositionTPreacliing minister


  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England


    T H O M A S F F O U S TP e r m a n e n t A d d r e s s5 0 8 S o u th 4 t hNorfolk, Nebraska 68701 402) 371-2426

    P e r s o n a l D a t aBirthdate: 22 J a n u a r y 1958Mari ta l S ta tus Marr iedHeight: 6 ft .Weight: 17 0 lbs.

    E D U C A T I O N A L B A C K G R O U N DB.A. in Business Administration,- Religion, and BibleAnderson CollegeAnderson, Indiana 46011Graduation: July 1980

    Master o f Divinity/ Emmanuel School ofReligion/ Johnson City, Tennessee 37601\ G r a du a ti o n: P e n d i n g completiono f Disser tat ion

    W O R K E X P E R I E N C EFebruary 1986\ to

    P r e se n t

    Nebr aska Chr i sti an College1800 SyracuseNorfolk, Nebraska 68701S u p er v i so r : G. Richard WamsleyP o si t i o n : Business ManagerR e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s :

    /1 -chief business officer with primsiry responsibilities to develop and manage the businessI financial, an d records systems o f t he institution and preparation of financial reports andiI analyses that informand advise the institutional community, particularly the chiefexecutive,,; officer an d governing board, of the institution s financial condition (of a 1.1 mill ion dollar. budget) -creation, management, an d accounting of al l financial operations of th e institution, includingth e following: jiesignof th e systems; preparation and presentation of financial reports; conducI of financial analyses provision of controls and audits billing and collection all funds/ endowments, and investments; cash management; expenditures for salaries and wages;transportation and vehicles; and th e selection and training of th e personnel to c a rr y o u t t h es e

    functions effectively-participation with th e CEO a nd other officers in pl anni ng fo r th e entire institution-participation with th e CE O and others in preparation and control o f t h e institutional budgets

    . - m a n ag e m e n t o f and accounting fo r physical plant routinely in it s operation and maintenance/ a nd , w it h o th er officers, in planning, design, and construction decisions-management ofpjersonnel jprogra^^ benefits-management o f a n d accounting fo r purchasing, stores, property control systems, and suppliesan d equipment-management, or f i nancial control within institutional policy, of auxiliary enterprises: housingservices; food services; and farm enterprises-determine broad policies o fall institutional functions relating to b u sin ess and financial mat t er s

    .. Tdirectoversight of and responsible for medntenance, janitorial, cafeteria, business department,a nd stEiff personnel --r-r.: management of and accounting for: fedarjd^funds; risk management and insurance; fiscalj administrationofsponsoredprograms legal services recordsmanagement spacemanagementmanagement information systems; labor relations; securitymanagement; environmental health

    and safety; an d contract managementJan u ar y 1985 Frito-Lay, P i ne y F l at s , Tennessee 37686

    December 1985 S u p er v i so r : William S peer sP o s i t i o n SalesR e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s :-account sal es involving: account service, pr oduct management , space development, merchan

    dising, pr omotional execution, distribution gains, a nd in creasin g sales volume-daily, monthly, an d a n n u a l reporting an d accounting

    ,- v During th e years 1980 through 1985, I wa s a full-time graduate student while teachingJBusmess A d^ BusinessMath, eind o th er Bu sin ess related courses a t Draughons Business College o f J o h n s o n City, Tennessee.

  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England



    PERSONAL FILE FORMFor office us e only:

    Da t e Sent :

    Date Rec d:


    Information from this form will appear in Horizons and othe r information formats published by Mission Services Association.

    This form is prepared to helpyou giveaccuratebackground information about yourself and your mission work.please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviate lease do no t write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional information you ma y want to provide.

    Thi s is not an appl ica tion form. It is not an official form endorsing you and your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicizeyour work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. If any questions seem too personal or seem offensiveto you, please feel free to leave them blank.

    Name in full brne Rooc/(Fullname di church)Full name oj church)

    City: S t a t e




  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England


    (Full name of church) Numbe r St r ee tCity: S t a t e ZipPlease s end letters o f recommenda t ion from th e elders Inyour sponsoring churches which will encourage otherchurches to support yourmissionary work. Certainly thewords of th es e e ld ers will help to convince othersregarding th e worthiness of your mission work. Pleasehelp MSA t o s pr ead you r news through HORIZONS bysending these elders letters from your sponsoringchurches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to helpyou contact these elders if you will send th e fulladd re s s e s of th e churches

    Please sketch a map directing visitors to your location on the missionfield. Where ar e you In retatlonshlp toother missions and to the nearestlarge city?

    Recommendations by Chris tian Leaders: (List names her e and enclose a copy of each letter.)Name: Numbe r StreetCity: State ZipNameCity _Place of BirthDate of birth _

    (Number Street)


    (Add date of arrival(Month)

    (Year)if applicable.)

    Numbe r Stree tS t a t e

    City .Ani/i S t a t e ikIlm(Day) (Year)

    and natural izat ion da te(Day) (Year)





    Where baptized? CLhr\sitat^ CihurckCity State

    ate /}fr^ I ^ fHTr\ri\QnQ zipOn an extra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you might care to mention..MARITAL STATUS:Married Single Divorced WidowedPlease give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife ^ FoU^ h

    9 Where married?(

    Date of marriage. Mo rcz-Z-f(Month)

    Who solemnized your wedding?(Day) (Year)

    List children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and yearlntheorder ofyourchildren s birth days. (Ifyouchildren have been adopted please indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name inthis space.

    Nam e

    f\r\^f lQ D. Fnu^ifjoiiamn Af nis\rj J. TT Fha^^

    P l a c e o f b i r th


    flpC I

    Day31,J fg

    Ye a r

    AJ_, 193^

  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England


    Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Givea p p ro x im ate d a tes :

    Place Posi t ion

    EDUCATION high s ch oo l a nd later :

    N a m e o f s c h o o lAnrJfi i- yn n l i -S- /

    Locat ion

    . J^/tJ/y/Tfi. erT,/y A j.y e ^ LiLoJieq^.

    Serv i ce

    N um ber o f years ,L ./ ,

    Da t e s

    D eg re es g ra nte d a nd d at eList honorary degreesDipl/^iynq JQJ-R

    . 198^

    What influenced you to become amissionary? i _ n f o CSa\k) /lOuJ muc/i rs/np //c /e.What Is your purpose In missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on th e missionf ie ldYour own explanation in some detail might be influential In leading others into full-time service. Use extra sheets ifyo u n ee d m or e s pa ce :

    Describe briefly in outline form t he n at ur e of your dally duties on th e field:

    Which of th e following t er ms m os t nearly d escr ib es y o ur missionary status?Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School TeacherH o m e m a k e r D o c to r N u rs e S oc ia l W o rk er M us ic T e a c h e rministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance o

    Pi lotRad io

    mission equipmentC or r e s ponde nc e C our s e s

    Main t e nanc e Benevo l e n t O f fi c e W o r k P r od u ct io n o f BibleProduction of Christian literature in the National Language VillageEvangelism Name other: ^hiACch ^\q tl ts f

    Languages you know fluent/non-fluent) Ena}i\*yh

  • 8/13/2019 Foust Tom Debbie 1991 England


    PARENTS:Father s name and his home address: r CyZL ^l (FirstLiving Deceased Number Street Z/^//City Anr/i- ,State ir^(^{a/7o Zip ^60 /.^ Phone f3/7-lHis occupation Bl^c~l-r U Is he a Christian? Yes NoWhat positions of leadership has he held in the local church? Sanc/a^What Christian service d oes he now do?

    M o t h e r s full m a i d e n n a m e D)x }^R- ihrhn

    irst - Middle Last name)

    (first Middle - Lssf name)

    Living Deceased Number Street /J Jl. ? // c g tnity A ? fitatp -X Aj Zip ^fjO j-A Phnni^^/Is she a Christian? Yes No Her occupation if employed outside th ehome Mo/\f7a rifc-n / /n -r ^ p n . City IndianapolxsQtflto Indiana Zip _4^22=Q3Q6 PhoneWhere a t t e n d c h u r c h(Full name of ctturch)Number Street M City M State NA Zip NA.What duties are performed by the forwarding agent?Should money be sentto the forwarding agent only? Yes, sent and made payable to CMFDoes the forwarding agent receive a salary? In what form should funds be sent?Please give the full name ofthe mission: CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY FELLOWSHIPDoes the mission have official tax exempt sta tus? XSPlease give details of HOWchecks should be written to this mission:Iffunds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the mission field, please explain the detai ls of HOWto do it,so wecan give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire

    Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep he r informed regarding your missionary activity. Thanks so much;you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.ifyou have additional information that you think willbe helpfui to the staff of MSAin preparing news stories aboutyourministry,

    please feel free t o s end it.Include Mission Services on your mailing list for your newsletter and we witi send HORIZONS to you free of charge each month
