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to MuTu Food, my guide to MuTu nutrition. Follow

the principles in this booklet, alongside your

workouts, + you will see your tummy flatten.

You will notice something else too – a feeling of

being brighter, lighter + more energetic.

MuTu Food is flexible, but there are some rules

to guide you, + that’s where we begin. You will

find plenty of family-friendly realism + inspiration

in the pages that follow!

I want to help you discover a new, sustainable

way of eating that busts your mommy tummy

forever, giving you + your family a lifelong love of

good, nourishing food.

wendy x


The Rules 2

Mutu Food Inspiration 3-10

Nutritional Need-To-Know 10-18

Healthy Food For All The Family 18-19

Real Time ‘Foodspiration’ 20

Welcome ...

MuTu® System programs have been created for you by

Wendy Powell, Dip.PT

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MuTu Food|The RulesTo follow MuTu Food, eat more fresh fruit + vegetables, more good fats,

more good protein, less grains + NO processed foods. That’s it in a nutshell,

but here’s a bit more detail about the healthy lifestyle MuTu Food recommends.

1. Avoid processed + refined foods. Keep your food as close to its natural

source as possible. If you can’t identify a natural source, don’t eat it. This means

NO ready meals, commercially baked pastries, biscuits, cookies or cakes, take-

out food, fast food, sweets/candy, white bread, bagels, cereal bars, packaged

cereals with added sugar, or soda/fizzy drinks.

2. Eat loads of fruit + vegetables. At least three times a day, eat fresh fruit, raw

vegetables, + green vegetables... + lots of them!

3. Drink lots + lots of water. Drink lashings of straight-up purified water, herbal

teas, very diluted fruit juice, green tea… + more water!

4. Eat protein with every meal. Limit dairy-based protein + add more: fish,

pulses or beans, meat (preferably organic, preferably grass-fed, definitely free

range) + free range eggs.

5. No more chocolate binges. The only chocolate you’re allowed is organic dark

chocolate, with a minimum of 70% cocoa solids. Don’t eat more than a couple of

squares every other day.

6. Limit caffeine + alcohol. Ideally, cut out alcohol + caffeine. But, I know that we

moms often live for our morning coffee + ‘wine o’clock’. So, drink a maximum

of one daily cup of coffee, + enjoy one glass of wine no more than three times a


7. Eat these things at least twice a week. Oily fish (like sardines, salmon or

mackerel), a few glugs of good oil (see page 12), a handful of nuts + seeds (like

hemp, pumpkin or sunflower).

8. Get out of your comfort zone. Every week, try at least one new thing from the

new foods shopping list (see page 3). If you hate it, try something else. The idea

is to add a dozen things to your food repertoire that you’ve never tried before

over the next 12 weeks.




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MuTu Food InspirationThe ‘Try Something New’ Shopping ListThe transition to MuTu Food may seem like a big leap or a small step, depending on

who you are. If you’re a devout foodie who loves cooking, then tweaking ingredients

may be all you need to do.

If you’re the type of person that goes headlong into a new project, you may want to

get stuck into juicing, smoothies + raw food straight away.

But if you’re neither of these, my advice is to keep it simple. Buy fresh vegetables

+ fruit every week + eat them up! Go to a good health food store once a month +

stock up on just a few of the foods on my shopping list below. Rethink your shopping

habits + try at least one thing that’s new + healthy every week.

• Seasonal, fresh vegetables. Dark greens + bright colours are best!

• Fresh fruit, local + organic where possible

• Wheat + sugar free oatcakes

• Rye + pumpernickel breads

• Free range eggs

• Fresh, unsalted seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame + golden linseed)

• Fresh, unsalted nuts (almonds, pecans, hazelnuts, brazils, cashews + mixed


• Frozen berries (blueberries, summer fruits, forest fruits + raspberries)

• Sugar-free peanut, cashew, almond or hazelnut butter

• Organic oats (try small rather than jumbo oats)

• Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah)

• Coconut oil (buy in a jar)

• Organic green tea, Matcha green tea, Rooibosch (red bush) tea

• Miso soup (buy in sachets)

• Spelt flour + yeast (if you want to make bread)

• Cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil or hemp oil (don’t heat it!)

• Coconut milk or water

• Sea vegetables such as Kombu, Nori or Wakame (in packs

from health food stores or the specialist aisle at the supermarket).

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Healthy SubstitutionsMuTu Food is about eating mindfully – that means knowing what’s in your

food + where it came from. If you routinely eat foods with little nutritional value,

or an unidentifiable natural source, then try to stop yourself in your tracks + think

about healthier alternatives. Here are a few easy switches you could try:

If you normally eat or drink this... Try this...

Any processed or sweetened

breakfast cereal

Home made unsweetened muesli with fresh

berries + yoghurt

Biscuits or cookies Oatcake or wholegrain crispbread, spread with

nut butter

Crisps/chips Roasted root vegetable chips or kale chips

Salted snacks Unsalted nuts + seeds

Milk chocolate or any candy Dark, organic 70% cocoa solids chocolate

Dessert Smoothie made with fresh or frozen fruit + natural


White rice Wholegrain rice or quinoa

White pasta Wholegrain pasta, spelt pasta

White/wholemeal bread Wheat free bread or rye bread

Vegetable oil (for cooking) Coconut oil

Olive oil (for salad dressings) Cold-pressed olive oil or hemp

Low-fat spread Organic butter

Sausages, bacon, processed

deli meats

White meat or beef – organic + preferably grass-


White potato Sweet potato

Low-fat sweetened yoghurt Natural organic yoghurt - nothing added

Cows milk Unsweetened almond milk

Sugar (added to hot drinks,

desserts, or for baking)

Stevia, or raw organic honey

Tinned soup Homemade soup, or miso soup

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Tea/coffee Herbal tea, green tea or rooboisch tea

Diet fizzy drinks or sodas Very diluted fruit juice or cordial, or water

Wine, beer or spirits Elderflower cordial diluted with sparkling spring

water, organic ginger beer, tonic water with a twist

of lime

Breakfast IdeasBreakfast is definitely not to be missed, so power up with a meal that gives you

energy for the day ahead. Try something like eggs + grilled tomatoes on toast;

muesli with fruit + yoghurt; porridge with ground flax, blueberries + honey; boiled

eggs + marmite soldiers; fruit salad followed by wholegrain toast with crunchy peanut

butter; smoked salmon + scrambled eggs with spinach. Here are some more

healthy start suggestions…

Super SmoothieBlend fresh fruit with natural, unsweetened live yoghurt + a handful of mixed seeds

(such as pumpkin, sunflower, sesame + linseed). Combos that work include:

• Frozen or fresh raspberries or blueberries + nectarine + pear

• Strawberries + kiwis + apple

• Mango + apple + plums

Tip: Add fresh apple or orange juice to make your smoothie thinner; banana to make

it creamier; or a spoonful of ground flax, other seeds or even peanut butter to thicken.

A dollop of coconut oil is a great addition to a smoothie but you need banana as well

otherwise it’s a weird texture!

Rye With a TopperToast a slice of wholegrain rye bread + add something you fancy: spread it with nut

butter (almond, cashew, hazel or peanut); add cream cheese topped with wild, or

organic, smoked salmon; add a boiled, scrambled or

poached egg; or top it with a dollop of baked beans. If you’re not keen

on rye bread, try corn cakes or oatcakes.

Turbo MuesliMix a handful of oats in a bowl with live natural yoghurt. Top with pieces of chopped

fresh fruit + a handful of chopped nuts + ground flax seeds.

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Porridge PlusCook porridge in water, milk, or a dairy-free milk alternative like unsweetened

almond milk, with grated apple + a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Tip: If cooking in water, soak the oats for 10 minutes beforehand to bring out the

creamy flavour of the oats

Brekky Omelette Whip up an omelette. I love to keep it simple, just adding mixed fresh herbs, but

I sometimes throw in extras: grated cheese + red onion, chopped tomatoes +

peppers, garlic mushrooms + watercress, or smoked salmon.


Mix together 2tbsp rolled oats, 1tbsp oat bran, 1tbsp chia seeds,

1tbsp mixed ground seeds (like flax, sunflower, pumpkin +

sesame), 1 chopped apple + a few berries. Add a dollop of natural

yoghurt + a drizzle of maple syrup.

With thanks to Helen Jinadu.

Guilt-Free Snacks MuTu Food is not about going hungry. If your energy dips, or your tummy’s growling

in between meals, top up with a healthy snack. Here are some suggestions…

• Fruit – anything you fancy. Raid the fruit bowl!

• Apple + handful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds, or nuts

• Pear/peach (or other seasonal fruit) + a few fresh almonds

• Mackerel, salmon, or mushroom pâté on crispbread

• Rice cake with sugar-free peanut butter

• Carrot + celery sticks with hummus or guacamole

• Berries stirred into a small pot of natural yoghurt

• Cup of Miso soup with pitta bread

• 2-3 oatcakes with nut butter

• Fruit smoothie





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Mash some avocado + smear it generously on a crispbread, then

sprinkle it with pumpkin seeds. With thanks to Sarah Bedford.

Good-For-You Drinks• Water: Pure H2O is really the best drink you can have – glug away!

• Herbal teas: Try green tea*, or any variety that you enjoy! Rooibosch tea is the

closest to ‘normal’ tea + you can drink it with or without milk. (*If you’re trying

to go caffeine free, note that green tea does contain some caffeine. But it’s so

good for you that the positives outweigh this negative).

• Fruit juice: Dilute fresh juice, not from concentrate, at least 50:50 with water.

• Cordial: Fruit, elderflower + ginger cordials, mixed with sparkling water, make a

refreshing alcohol substitute.

• Tonic water: Another decent switch for alcohol. Add ice + a good squeeze of

fresh lime + you’ll hardly miss the gin or vodka!


Fill a jug with water + add slices of orange, lime, or lemon + a

sprig of mint. Leave overnight in the fridge + let the citrus flavours

infuse before drinking. With thanks to Sarah Bedford.

Quick + easy mealsMuTu Food encourages you to enjoy real food. Don’t get hung up on

weighing it, or counting calories. All you should think about are tasty ways to cook

it! Here are some of my favourite ways to make simple, clean food incredibly


Roasted Vegetables With Pesto Crusted Chicken Or FishCoat an organic chicken breast or fillet of organic salmon or cod with pesto + add

to a baking tray of part-roasted vegetables (such as new potatoes, cherry tomatoes,

courgettes, onions, garlic, red + yellow peppers). Cook for a further 10-20 minutes,

then serve.

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Salmon With Wholegrain Or Wild Rice + GreensGriddle or grill a couple of salmon steaks until slightly charred on the outside

+ just cooked through. Stir-fry or steam some fresh broccoli florets, tenderstem

broccoli, beans, or any shredded greens, with a little ginger, or soy sauce. Pile the

wilted greens on the plate, put the salmon on top + serve with cooked wild rice.

Spanish OmeletteAdd whisked eggs (one per person, plus one) to a pan of lightly roasted diced

potatoes + vegetables (like peppers, broccoli, onion, green beans). Swirl around

to cover with the egg + cook until just firm. Slide the pan under the grill to brown +

serve with tomato salad.

Baked Sweet PotatoBake a sweet potato + top with a healthy filling, like these: Hummus or guacamole

(homemade if possible); ratatouille; cottage cheese with chives, mixed with chopped

peppers, cucumber, or prawns; roasted vegetables + pesto; tinned or smoked

salmon, mixed with cottage cheese or crème fraîche; cannellini or butter beans

mashed with anchovy fillets + black olives, with lemon juice + black pepper; hard

boiled egg, chopped + mixed with cottage cheese, or crème fraîche, + chopped



Scramble eggs, with kale, mushrooms + cheese, + mix in a little

quinoa. Scoop the mixture into a wholegrain tortilla + top with

salsa. With thanks to Emily Trew.

SaladsA simple salad of mixed leaves + chopped raw vegetables becomes a nutritious +

tasty meal in moments if your fridge is kept well stocked with fresh salad vegetables

+ delicious deli provisions. Some combinations to try…

Fishy Numbers• Smoked organic trout fillet with flageolet or cannellini beans, or lightly steamed

broad beans mixed, with lemon juice + black pepper.





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• Hot smoked or smoked organic trout/salmon/mackerel, flaked through whole

grains, like quinoa, brown rice, millet or couscous. Add chopped raw vegetables

+ season with lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, black pepper + fresh herbs.

Veggie All The Way• Marinate tofu chunks in soy, ginger, garlic + sesame oil. Stir-fry for a few

minutes, until golden + fairly crisp. Toss through whole grains, or stir into

buckwheat noodles, with finely sliced cucumber + seaweed (available dried in

packets at supermarkets). Sprinkle with sesame seeds + serve warm or chilled.

• Add peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion, sweet baby peppers + chopped

hard-boiled egg to a mixed bean salad. Dress with a tomato + basil dressing.

• Dress chickpeas with a blend of paprika, lemon juice, black pepper + a sprinkle

of sea salt + parsley. Serve this simple salad with quinoa.

• Make a taboulleh of couscous, bulgar wheat, millet or quinoa, combined with

chopped cherry tomatoes, spring onions, cucumber, parsley, mint, a slug of

olive oil, a generous squeeze of lemon juice + seasoning to taste.

• Add passata to a warm potato salad + dress with a mixture

of olive oil, paprika, chillies + crushed garlic.


Measure ¼ cup cold pressed olive oil, add ¼ cup of red wine

vinegar + ¼ cup fresh lemon juice. Add 2 tbsp of Dijon mustard,

2 crushed garlic cloves + freshly ground black pepper to taste.

With thanks to Shari Hetherington Hahn.

Nutritional Need-To-KnowNourishing Mind + BodyHealthy, real food blasts fat + reveals the muscle you’re working hard to tone. It

makes your hair shine, your skin glow, + your joints feel supple. It gives you energy to

run + play with your child, which is great for your body + your spirits.

As you see the effect that eating right has on your body, you also feel the

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effect it has on your mind, giving you body confidence + a sense of being

your ‘best you’.

Feeling great is not just a by-product of being happier with your body – good

nutrition has a powerful, positive psychological effect. In contrast, a poor diet (that

includes hydrogenated fats, additives, sugar, caffeine + alcohol) exacerbates anxiety,

panic attacks, food cravings, depression, PND, irritable feelings, poor concentration

+ memory, PMS, insomnia, fatigue + SAD.

To be in mint mental condition, it’s essential to eat a balanced diet, drenched in water

+ loaded with fresh fruit + vegetables. Having a good breakfast, eating regularly,

choosing foods that release energy slowly, ensures that your mood trundles along

nicely, rather than going on a rollercoaster ride!

Essential fatty acids, particularly the omega-3 type found in oily fish + seeds, are

‘good mood’ nutrients, vital for healthy brain function. Other mind foods – containing

uplifting B vitamins, folic acid, magnesium, vitamin C, selenium, zinc + tryptophan

– include brown rice, porridge, nuts, beans, pulses, peppers, broccoli, bananas +

salmon. Oh, + very good dark chocolate!

Healing FoodsWhether you want to heal a C-section scar or a Diastasis Recti, what you eat plays

a vital role in helping your body to repair. Good nutrition facilitates healing, while

malnutrition actively delays + slows it, + impairs the end result.

To support healing: eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables + seeds rich in

phytochemicals; foods rich in protein as well as alpha-linolenic acid (essential fatty

acids found in flax, pumpkin seeds, walnuts + cold water ocean fish). You need iron

for efficient oxygen delivery, Vitamins A + C to stimulate collagen regeneration + re-

tensioning... + lots + lots of water to aid circulation.

Reduce inflammation in your body by reducing sugar, alcohol, caffeine, processed

food + trans fats. Reduce stress + get as much sleep as you can – a stressed body

cannot heal! A good probiotic will enhance gut health + counteract the negative

effects of any antibiotics or other drugs you may have been administered.





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The Truth About Carbs + SugarWhen it comes to being fat many people blame dietary fats, but refined sugar is the

real enemy. Sugar in all forms is empty calories, plain + simple.

Sugar In The BodyWhenever we eat, a hormone called insulin is released to regulate our blood sugar

levels. The amount of insulin released depends on the food we eat – the more sugar,

the more insulin.

Sugar isn’t just in cakes, sweets, or cookies. It’s hidden in highly-refined, starchy,

carbohydrate foods such as white pasta, white bread, white rice, or alcohol. As far as

your body is concerned, any refined or simple carbohydrate that

you eat or drink is pure sugar, + the same chemical reaction takes place.

A high level of insulin in your blood inhibits the breakdown of fat + makes your body

extra-good at storing it. So, despite exercising, you keep the blubber.

Do You Need To Be Carb-Free?I don’t advise cutting out carbs. Carbohydrate-rich foods are our main source of

energy, + are essential, especially for a busy mother.

So, I suggest keeping carbs in your diet in the form of vegetables, whole grains +

fruits; + ditching the ones in cakes, cookies + white bread/pasta/rice.

All carbs are converted into sugar in the body to be used as energy (or, if unused,

stored as fat). But, clearly, it’s best to eat carbs from good-for-you foods, rather than

from foods that are nutritionally devoid + fattening.

Stress + SugarEmotional stress, + also stress on your body (caused by eating + drinking the wrong

things, not staying hydrated + not getting enough sleep) can activate the stress

hormone cortisol, triggering the release of glucose from your liver into your blood

stream. More glucose (i.e. more sugar) means more insulin… + more fat. Not just

eating better, but treating yourself better in general, giving yourself relaxing ‘me time’

+ rest, is necessary to stop this negative cycle.

Good Fats Versus Bad Fats‘Essential fats’ really are essential. Their benefits include speeding up your

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metabolism, strengthening your immune system + helping your body

fight degenerative disease. Don’t avoid these foods because they’re

‘fattening’. They are healthy, real foods, full of nutrients. Processed fats, on

the other hand, offer your body no nutritional value.

The ‘Goodies’• Oils found in avocado, nuts, seeds, eggs + oily fish.

• Extra virgin olive oil (Must be cold pressed i.e. not heated during production,

which kills its nutrients).

• Coconut oil is an incredibly nourishing oil + its nutritional value is unaffected by

being cooked at high temperatures.

• Another great oil is cold pressed hemp oil.

The ‘Baddies’• All the fats in processed foods, pastries + cakes.

• Hydrogenated fats, also known as trans-fats, which are very highly processed +

a threat to your health (their carcinogenic effect is well documented).

How To Use Good Fats• Extra virgin, cold pressed olive, rapeseed, or hemp oils are best used cold –

drizzled on salads, bread, pasta, or vegetables. They are not ideal for cooking –

when you heat them, you destroy their taste + most of their health benefits. Buy

the best you can afford, looking for a dark coloured bottle (so the light doesn’t

damage the oil).

• Coconut oil is the healthiest cooking oil, brilliant for pan frying or stir-fries. It’s not

compromised when heated to high temperatures + doesn’t make food taste

‘coconutty’. You can also dollop it in a smoothie, spread it on toast, or use it as


More About Ground Seeds

Seeds are rich in essential fats, as well as protein, vitamins + minerals! An easy

way to get their goodness into your family’s diet is to grind them up (which releases

their nutrients) + add a heaped tablespoon each day to cereals, yoghurt, soups or


I buy fresh, unsalted seeds – pumpkin, sunflower, sesame + golden linseed





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(also called flaxseed). Using a coffee grinder, or a food processor with a grinding

attachment, I grind a mixture that’s 50% linseed + 50% a blend of pumpkin, sunflower

+ sesame. For convenience, I fill a small glass jar + store it in the fridge.

Faux Health Foods Food marketing has hopped on the health bandwagon, trying to pass off

lots of unhealthy, fattening foods as ‘healthy’. Read food labels to be sure you are

eating genuine ‘health foods’. Here are some pointers to help you scrutinise the


• Yoghurt: Natural, unsweetened, preferably organic yoghurt is healthy, whether

it’s from cows’, sheep’s or goats’ milk. But it must be natural (plain) +


• Peanut butter: Organic, unsweetened peanut butter, made from unblanched

peanuts, is packed with healthy protein. If there’s anything else added,

especially sweeteners + other oils, it becomes a fattening processed food.

• Chocolate: In moderation, dark, organic, 70% + cocoa chocolate is actually

pretty good for you. However, a bar of ‘chocolate’ made from sugar +

vegetable fat definitely has no health properties.

• Breakfast cereal: Homemade, or carefully selected, muesli, full of whole

grains, nuts, seeds + dried fruit, with no added sugar, is a great breakfast

cereal. Processed, sweetened, cereal is not. If the label says ‘fortified with

vitamins’ it’s a clue that the natural source of the food is far removed!

• Pasta: Wholegrain wheat, spelt or other grain-based pasta is a slow release

carbohydrate, which gives you sustained energy, fibre + nutrients. On the other

hand, eating white pasta is just like eating sugar.

• Cereal bars: Huge amounts of sugar + even the utterly evil ingredient High

Fructose Corn Syrup can be found in some of these. Read the label carefully +

avoid HFCS at all costs.

• Low fat, ‘diet’ or ‘lite’ foods + drinks: When you remove fat or other

elements from a food, something is added to keep the texture + taste of the

food appealing. Usually something bad, like HFCS or other forms of sugar. In

the case of low fat spreads, emulsifiers + colours are added. Despite the ‘low

fat’ label, these foods are not good for you, or your waistline.

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Labels ExplainedEvery food ingredients’ label lists the most prolific ingredient first. If sugar is one

of the first three ingredients listed, it is VERY high in sugar. Sugar has many names –

basically, if it ends with ‘ose’ it’s sugar: Fructose, sucrose, dextrose, High Fructose

Corn Syrup.

If the ingredients’ list is really long, or you can’t pronounce half of the ingredients, you

probably don’t want to eat the food. Remember, ‘real food’ has just one ingredient +

isn’t made in a factory, so there aren’t any labels to decipher.

The Organic Question It’s no secret that I’m a fan of organic food. Buying organic means you avoid

consuming chemical additives + pesticides, as well as GM crops + ingredients.

Organic farming is also kinder to the environment + to animals.

However, organic food comes with a bigger price tag. So if you can’t afford to

completely convert to organic food, there are some foods that are worth buying

organic if you possibly can; + others where it’s not so important.

Seasonal, indigenous + locally grown small-scale farmed crops are likely to need

minimal amounts of chemicals + fewer food miles. Organic may be less of an issue

if you are able to buy local + seasonal.

There are some fruits + vegetables that typically absorb large amounts of pesticides

during their production, with apples, sweet bell peppers, celery + peaches among

the worst offenders. These items, along with many salad vegetables + soft fruits, are

the ones you want to choose organic if at all possible.

However, produce with very thick skin, or skin that is removed before eating, such as

onions, grapefruit, pineapples or avocados are less likely to contain nasties by the

time you eat them. Cabbage, eggplant, mangoes + asparagus are also considered

pretty ‘clean’.

It’s worth opting for organic when your budget + your shopping

choices allow, but when they don’t, go for the lower risk produce +

choose local + seasonal, + ‘free range’ or ‘grass fed’ meat, dairy + eggs.





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Intolerance, Wheat + Dairy Intolerance is not the same as an allergy, which is quite rare. If you’re allergic to a

food, it causes an immediate (within an hour of eating) reaction. This could be itching

in the mouth, difficulty breathing or swallowing, vomiting, diarrhoea + abdominal pain.

Intolerance is also different to Coeliac (also known as Celiac), or Crohns, which are

serious conditions that need to be diagnosed + treated. If you experience excessive

bloating, diarrhoea + severe abdominal pain, these need to be ruled out.

Food intolerance is defined by a difficulty or inability to digest certain foods (often

cows’ milk, wheat, or gluten-containing grains). It may trigger eczema or inflamed skin

+ unabsorbed foods cause gas, bloating + cramping.

Not everyone wants or needs to cut out wheat + dairy entirely, but they are certainly

harder foods for our bodies to digest.

If your bloated stomach is noticeable or uncomfortable, or if you already have a

compromised digestive system, try to cut possible triggers out of your diet one at a

time + see if you feel any different after two weeks.

‘Good bacteria’ in the gut can make it less susceptible to irritation. Effective probiotics

can ease symptoms.

Wheat + Dairy AlternativesAs an alternative to wheat, try other grains such as spelt (an ancient form of wheat,

but more digestible), buckwheat, oats or rye (Note that many grains contain gluten, so

if you are allergic to gluten you will need to restrict your diet further).

Oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, or rice milk are great alternatives to cows’ milk.

Check your labels - use organic versions where possible with no added stabilizers,

dextrose (sugar) or sunflower oil. If you’re worried about sacrificing calcium from your

diet, supplement in other ways: Green veggies, almonds + beans are full of calcium.

Milk, yoghurt + cheese from goats + sheep are easier to digest than cows’ milk


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Points About Paleo Paleo eating is eating like our ‘caveman’ ancestors did before there were

supermarkets, fridges, take-outs + wine + it has a lot going for it.

The idea is that you only eat what exists or grows naturally – the stuff our ancestors

hunted + foraged: including meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds + natural

healthy fats (coconut, olive, avocados, nuts + seeds).

In its purest form, paleo is more than ‘no processed food’ – it also means no grains

or legumes (which includes peanuts, soy, lentils, peas + all beans). That rules out

bread, cereals, pasta + rice. If you follow paleo to the letter, all carbs are off the menu

except those from vegetables + fruits (although not all fruits are allowed).

Religiously following a paleo diet is hardcore. That said; I reckon there are some

sound + simple concepts we can take away without necessarily throwing ourselves

full pelt into paleo. For example, choosing a diet based on vegetables, protein,

natural healthy fats + real, unprocessed foods makes good sense to me; + cutting

out toxic foods that add stress to our bodies seems like another no-brainer.

The bit that throws most of us is the abstinence from grains that paleo dictates. MuTu

Food is more relaxed about this – I believe that grains can have a place in a balanced

diet, but definitely not in every meal. I recommend that

grains or carbs are the smallest portion on your plate (more about how to prioritise

food groups on your plate on page 17).

Take 5: Paleo Principles1. Reduce grains, increase veggies

2. Always include protein on your plate.

3. Get some nuts! Kids enjoy them too, so get snacking!

4. All the family needs good fats. Eat plenty of them.

5. Eat Real Food – single ingredient stuff, straight from nature.





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Healthy Food For All The FamilyMuTu Food means clean, fresh, real food for the whole family: Low in sugar + refined

carbs; high in fresh vegetables + fruit; rich in protein; with buckets of essential fats;

+ some whole grains. On a plate, veggies are the biggest portion, followed by

protein (meat, fish, eggs, tempeh, beans + pulses), with the smallest portions being

carbs + grains.

Here’s what MuTu Food means in our family:

• We always choose real food over processed food, or ‘low fat’ alternatives.

• We eat organic wherever possible, especially fruit, vegetables, dairy + meat.

• We eat food that’s flavoursome, light + fresh, not bland or stodgy.

• We love good food + eat plenty of it… + we never go hungry.

• We savour our food, + we stop eating when we’re full.

• We all eat the same stuff; there are no ‘kids’ meals’.

• We're relaxed about food: my kids get ice cream at the beach, I like a nice glass

of red some nights... Don't get too hung up!

Six Tips…• Stock up: Fill your cupboards + fridge with good food: fresh fruit, nuts, seeds,

dried fruit, oatcakes, small pots of natural yoghurt, + scrubbed carrots +

washed cucumber all set with a tub of hummus.

• Remove temptation: If you have a ‘treats cupboard’ filled with candy/sweets,

cakes, + chips/crisps, get rid of it! If it isn’t there, you won’t be tempted. Don’t

use your kids as an excuse.

• Involve the children: Let them whisk an egg, pop a pepper, or wash

vegetables; or give them a blunt-ish knife so they can help chop salad bits.

• Eat the same meals, together: Don’t prepare separate meals for yourself,

or talk about your ‘diet’. Help them avoid food hang-ups by sharing meals


• Breakfast rules the day: If you do nothing else, please do this: Get up a bit

earlier + start the day right with a good breakfast (see page 5).

• Plan ahead: Think in advance about meals + make sure you have the

ingredients at hand, helping you to avoid ready meals or takeout.

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For optimum health + to lose weight, nothing is more important than what you

do or don’t choose to eat. Everything you achieve by working out will be only

be visible when you lose the extra layer of fat on top of your muscles.

MuTu System is a holistic program – to enjoy everything it promises, you need

to embrace not just the exercise but the healthy eating stuff too.

MuTu Food is not about dieting, going hungry, or eating differently to your


It’s about making the right food choices + changing the way your whole family

eats for the better. It’s about knowing the difference between nutritious food +

empty calories, understanding that not all fats are equal, + learning about the

impact of sugar on your body. Understanding food helps you care about

eating right.

You may need to change a few habits, try new things, + be more aware of

what you eat. By choosing clean, real food, you take control over your body +

give it what it needs to look great, feel fabulous + function at its best.

Need help? Got questions?Head over to

MuTu ® is a registered trademark in the UK + US.© All content (text, photographs, images + videos)copyright MuTu System Limited 2015. All rights reserved.

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