Page 1: February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2/2/2019  · February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time . ... First Reading-- I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD

4540 El Cerrito Drive San Diego, CA 92115

Phone: 619-582-5722 Website: Parish E-Mail: [email protected] Clergy: Pastor: Fr. Jose Goopio, SVD Deacon: Tony Albers Deacon: Herb Kelsey

MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 8:00AM; 5:00PM (Vigil) Sunday: 8:00AM, 10:00AM, 6:00PM, & Spanish Mass 4:00PM Tuesday - Friday: 8:00AM Monday: 8:00AM Communion Service Holy Days & Special Services: See bulletin



February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 2: February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2/2/2019  · February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time . ... First Reading-- I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Blessed Sacrament February 3, 2019

February 13, 5:00pm - 7:00pm in

the Parish Hall

Our Vietnamese Community and Rocky’s Crew

are Co-Hosting this month.

Soups: Wonton Soup, Sweetheart Wild Rice Soup & Chili Salad, Bread, Dessert & Beverage

$6.00/person. $3.00 Children 5yrs. - 10 yrs. Free for Children under 5 yrs old.

Share a meal with your parish community & Raise Funds to Improve Our Parish Hall. Thank You for Your Support!

Parish Community Announcements

CALENDAR FEBRUARY Feb. 4 - Cares for Kids Mtg PH 6pm Feb. 6 - Knights of Columbus Mtg PH 7pm Feb. 9 & 10 - Annual Catholic Appeal Pledge Weekend Feb. 10 - World Marriage Day - African Mass & Gathering 1pm Feb. 12 - Spanish Healing Mass CH 6pm Feb. 13 - Soup & Salad PH 5-7pm Valentine’s Celebration Feb. 14 - Woman’s Club Mtg PH 9am Feb. 18 - Parish Office Closed - Holiday

MARCH Mar. 4 - Cares for Kids PH 6pm Mar. 6 - Ash Wednesday Masses 8am, 11am (school Mass), 6pm - Knights of Columbus PH 7pm Mar. 8 - Stations of the Cross CH 7pm Mar. 10 - African Mass & Gathering 1pm



Thank you for your continued support.

Valentine’s Celebrations at BSP Feb. 9th-10th Weekend Masses The Parish will recognize and celebrate the longest, happily-married couples in our Parish.

Come to the Valentine’s Dance Saturday, Feb 9th 6:30-9:30pm - $5 pay at door All are welcome for a night of music and dancing. Food is available for purchase during the dance. Sponsored by the Spanish Community.

Wednesday, Feb. 13th, 5 to 7pm in the Parish Hall If you were married during 2015 to the present, the Parish invites you to enjoy FREE Soup and Salad with fellow parishioners. Special tables will be reserved for you in the Parish Hall. Please contact the Parish Office to register your celebration attendance [email protected] or (619) 582-5722


This weekend’s Quarters & Cans collection is for Catholic Charities College Area Center. They especially need:

The Center serves over 600 families each month, 35% are children. Each week 325 families come to the doors because they do not have enough food. Your donations makes sure they can serve everyone. The Center gives education about food resources, emergency food, food stamp application & recertification assistance and advocacy services.

Bring your bags to the altar after the Bread and Wine are presented. Thank you for your heartfelt support!

• Designated Monies • Non-Perishable Food

• Personal Care Items • Can Openers • Quart ziploc bags

• Sandwich ziplock bags • Plastic produce bags

Diocesan African Mass & Gathering Sunday, Feb. 10 at 1pm in

Church and Hall. All are Welcome!

2nd Sunday of each month

Spanish Healing Mass Tuesday, Feb. 12 at 6:30pm in

BSP Church with Fr. David Hurtado

Page 3: February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2/2/2019  · February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time . ... First Reading-- I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Blessed Sacrament February 3, 2019


One of our parish service superstars is reaching her centennial this month.

Peggy’s Has Done It All:

She threw one of the first shovelfuls of dirt for the ground-breaking in 1959.

The Women’s Club owes her a debt of

gratitude for almost 50 years of service, membership, made handmade gifts for sale & contributed in many other ways

Many of our former BSPS kids remember her fondly for serving at Hot Dog Days for 15 years & Mother’s Club President.

You may not have known about her many years of service for all of us at church. She spent many hours washing and ironing church linens every Monday morning. She was also a

Eucharistic Minister, made weekly visits to the homebound sick & at Collwood.

As a member of the Martha & Mary group she helped grieving families by cooking, serving & cleaning up after funeral receptions.

She’s a big believer in regular prayer, and she practiced weekly Adoration for many years.

Wish Happy Birthday to the Queen of Tuesday Senior Bingo!

Parish Community Announcements

2019 Annual Catholic Appeal Next Weekend Feb. 9-10 (in Pew Pledge)

You are invited to participate in the Annual Catholic Appeal—an opportunity to support essential ministries and services which benefit our Local Church.

Catholic Schools and Tuition Assistance Formation in the Faith | Catholic Charities

Prison Ministry | Young Adult Ministry Seminarian Support | Retired Priests

Our BSP goal this year $27,000. Your participation makes a difference. Any amount over our Goal will return to our Parish.

Consider offering God just 1 penny out of every dollar you earned in 2018. It’s not much and your generosity will bring joy to all who will benefit from sharing your gifts.

Use the brochure form to make a Pledge; available at the church doors now for those that want to plan ahead.

Make checks payable to: Diocese of San Diego

Or go to to make a secure online pledge or donation and for more information.

Campaña Católica Anual 2019 Próximo Fin de Semana del 9-10 de Feb. (en Pew Pledge)

Le invitamos a participar en la Campaña Católica Anual, una oportunidad para apoyar los ministerios y servicios esenciales que benefician a nuestra Iglesia Local.

Escuelas Católicas y Asistencia de Matrícula Formación en la fe | Caridades Catolicas

Ministerio de la prisión | Ministerio de jóvenes adultos Apoyo Seminario | Sacerdotes Jubilados

Nuestra meta de BSP para este año es de $ 27,000. Tu par-ticipación hace la diferencia. Cualquier cantidad sobre nuestra meta regresará a nuestra parroquia.

Considere ofrecerle a Dios solo 1 centavo de cada dólar que gano en 2018. No es mucho y su generosidad traerá alegría a todos los que se beneficiarán al compartir sus regalos.

Use el formulario del folleto para hacer un compromiso; Dis-ponible en las puertas de la iglesia ahora para aquellos que quieren planear por adelantado.

Haga los cheques pagaderos a: Diócesis de San Diego O visite para hacer una promesa o donación segura en línea y para obtener más información.

Peggy Raynoha’s 100th Birthday is February 15th

Page 4: February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2/2/2019  · February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time . ... First Reading-- I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Blessed Sacrament February 3, 2019


Pastoral Council Update

Your Pastoral Council is planning several upcoming events to make our Parish more JOYFUL, more PRAYERFUL & more WELCOMING.

Our Valentine Celebrations are described further in this Bulletin.

Lenten Mission - April 15-17 with Father Pio Estepa, SVD.

Parish Seder Mass & Meal -April 17

Ethnic Food & Fellowship Event June 9, Pentecost Sunday, after 10am Mass

Our Parish Feast Day Celebration June 22-23, Picnic & outdoor 5pm Mass Sat. June 22 at Admiral Baker Field.

GET THE BEST CATHOLIC CONTENT IN ONE PLACE Free to Blessed Sacrament parishioners. Entertaining, authoritative & in-depth movies, programs, talks, audio dramas, and ebooks—just a click away! 1) Go to 2) Click “Register” and enter your name, email address, and a password. 3) You’re all ready to access the inspiring and engaging content on FORMED!

An Ongoing Mission

In his hometown synagogue, Jesus’ neighbors are amazed by his words. Nevertheless, they remind each oth-er, “Is this not Joseph’s son?”

Surely the people know who he is. The carpenter’s son. The young man who had learned in this very synagogue. The boy down the street.

Conflict arises as Jesus begins to define himself in a new way. When he compares himself to the ancient prophets Elijah and Elisha the ten-sions grow. The tensions multiply when Jesus begins to tell of a new mission for God’s people: the good news of the scriptures is intended for all.

In his famous passage from the First Letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul reminds us of the eternal nature of love. Love does not come to an end. In today’s readings, we are remind-ed that, like love, Jesus’ mission cannot be contained. Jesus slips through the crowd of persecutors and moves on to new challenges. We are called to this same perse-verance in the name of love. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

Una Misión Continua

En la sinagoga de su pueblo natal, los vecinos se maravillaban con las palabras de Jesús. No obstante, se preguntaban: “¿No es este el hijo de José?”

Con seguridad la gente sabía quién era Jesús. El hijo del carpintero. El joven que aprendió en esa misma sinagoga. El muchacho de la calle.

El conflicto surge cuando Jesús empieza a definirse de una manera nueva. Las tensiones aumentan cuando se compara con los antiguos profetas Elías y Eliseo. Las tensiones se multiplican cuando Jesús empieza a hablar de una nueva misión para el pueblo de Dios: la Buena Nueva de la Escritura está dirigida a to-dos.

En su famoso pasaje de la primera carta a los Corintios, san Pablo nos recuerda la naturaleza del amor eterno. El amor no termina. En la lectura de hoy, se nos recuerda que, como el amor, la misión de Jesús no se puede detener. Jesús se desliza entre la multitud de persegui-dores y sigue adelante con nuevos retos. Estamos llamados a esta misma perse-verancia en nombre del amor. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.



The Little Ones by Jim Burrows

Page 5: February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2/2/2019  · February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time . ... First Reading-- I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Blessed Sacrament February 3, 2019


SATURDAY, Feb. 2 5pm Charles Munoz & Family

SUNDAY, Feb. 3 8am Parishioners 10am Sue Houz † 6pm Martha Nguyen †

MONDAY, Feb. 4 8am Tommy Collet - int.

TUESDAY, Feb. 5 8am Evelyn Romero †

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 6 8am Charles Munoz †

THURSDAY, Feb. 7 8am Edward Hargis †

FRIDAY, Feb. 8 8am Emma Ruiz †

SATURDAY, Feb. 9 8am Jesus & Beatriz Bermudez † 5pm Charles Munoz †

PRAY DAILY FOR OUR PRIESTS Please pick up special prayer

cards at church doors.

Scripture Readings & Prayer Feb. 3 – 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

A Vocation View: “Love never fails.” Trust the love of God and follow your heart.




Monday: Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11


First Reading -- I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD (Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19). Psalm -- I will sing of your salvation (Psalm 71). Second Reading -- If I have all faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing (1 Corinthians 12:31 -- 13:13 [13:4-13]). Gospel -- No prophet is accepted in the prophet’s hometown (Luke 4:21-30).

Sunday, Feb. 3 Bishop John Dolan

Monday Feb. 4 Bishop Robert Brom Tuesday Feb. 5 Bishop Gilbert Chavez Wednesday Feb. 6 Rev. Emmanuel Ochigbo Thursday, Feb. 7 Rev. Dennis O’Connor Friday, Feb. 8 Rev. Raymond O’Donnell Saturday, Feb. 9

Rev. Samuel Offurum The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

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4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Blessed Sacrament February 3, 2019

Feb. 7 Discussing Sex & Love: Raising Boys and Girls in Today's World 6:30pm St. Therese Parish (Social Center), 6016 Camino Rico, San Diego, CA 92120 Heidi Hill, Catholic Speaker and CEO/President of Birth Choice, a pro-life non-profit organi-zation (, will equip you with the information to help educate your children and com-bat their outside influences while drawing them deeper into Christ's plan for their lives. Heidi’s spoken to numerous groups in the diocese and has been featured on KFMB Radio Show with Mike Slater. Feb. 9 Love Our Priests Prayer Group 10am at Ascension Catholic Church, 11292 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., SD 92124. You’re invited to join us for a special Mass followed by an infor-mal potluck honoring Fr. Enrique Fuentes, OCD (Pastor of St. Didi-cus). Come hear about how Fr. En-rique came to the priesthood. Bring a friend & a dish to share!

Feb. 18 Father Joe’s Ladies Guild Charity Luncheon at the Town & Country Resort & Convention Center 10:45am - Silent Auction Preview & Social Hour 12:05pm - Entertainment, Luncheon & Opportunity Drawing/Silent Auc-tion. $58 per person; All proceeds benefit the children at Father Joe's Villages.INFO: Mary Korey 1-619-591-9977 or [email protected]

What’s Happening Around the Town Migrant Family Assistance Catholic Charities is raising funds to assist legally admitted needy mi-grant families in reaching their in-tended destination, usually to other family members in the US. Dona-tions can be made at Catholic Chari-ties is also collecting clothing, such as long pants, shirts, sweatshirts, jackets and new socks and under-wear for men, women and children, mostly in medium and small sizes. Other needed items include back-packs and adult shoelaces.

Collection sites are: 1. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chula

Vista, 345 Anita St. 91911, (Monday – Friday 9am – 4 pm.) 2. Good Samaritan Episcopal

Church, 4321 Eastgate Mall (UTC area) 92121. (Monday – Friday 9 am – 3 pm.)

March 22-24 Marriage Enrichment At the Courtyard Marriott in Rancho Bernardo. Celebrate your sweet-heart and give your marriage a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. It takes the love you have for your spouse and helps you to build, expand, and deepen that rela-tionship. Sign up for the upcoming weekend Food and lodging are pro-vided. There is a $75 fee and a vol-untary donation requested at the end of the weekend. INFO: Seth and Carly Aichle 760-672-6443 INFO: Marzo 15, 16 y 17 Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Los invita a darse el regalo de vivir un Fin De Semana. El fin de sema-

Your neighborhood Catholic school serving Blessed Sacrament,

Holy Spirit and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart parishes

ENROLLING NOW Grades TK - 8 Office hours:

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na del ENCUENTRO MATRIMONI-AL MUNDIAL es una experiencia personal y positiva, por medio de la cual se le ofrece a la pareja un método de comunicación que le puede ayudar el resto de su vida. Es una oportunidad para dar una mira-da mas profunda a su matrimonio. INFO: Rigo Hernandez 760-936-9626

Page 7: February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2/2/2019  · February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time . ... First Reading-- I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD

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Page 8: February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2/2/2019  · February 3, 2019 — 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time . ... First Reading-- I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Blessed Sacrament February 3, 2019

Parish Information & Resources Parish ID# for United Way Contributions is 9753


Adoration Chapel Contact parish office 619-582-5722

Altar Servers Contact parish office 619-582-5722

Choir - Contemporary (10:00 am & 6 pm Masses) 619-582-5722

Choir - Traditional Patti Burch (8am Masses) 619-735-6330

Eucharistic Ministers Contact Parish Office 619-582-5722

Lectors Sheila Kennedy 619-287-1864

Ushers Parish Office 619-582-5722

Youth Ministry (High School Students) Contact parish office 619-582-5722


Cares for Kids Teresa Markey 619-582-2141

Culture of Life Margie Morrison 619-582-8651

Knights of Columbus John Agoh 619-278-8405

Women’s Club Pat Luebbers 619-262-8522

PARISH OFFICE 619-582-5722

Pastoral Staff Fr. Jose Goopio, Pastor

Deacon Herb Kelsey

Deacon Tony Albers

Kerwin Molina, x124 RCIA & Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator FaithForm@blessedsacrament-

Justine Coliflores, Confirmation, teens Administrative Staff

Jeanine Yin, x100 Administrative Assistant

Nancy Ulrich, x129 Communications Coordinator

FORMED Website

Online Catholic Evangelization Resources For Blessed Sacrament parishioners.


Marriage Information: 619-582-5722 Those wishing to be married must contact the priest at least 9 months before the marriage date.

Baptism Information: Deacon Herb Kelsey

First Communion: Contact Parish Office

Confirmation: Contact Parish Office

Anointing of the Sick: Fr. Jose Goopio 619-582-5722

Funeral Arrangements: Contact Parish Office 619-582-5722

SCHOOL SKDA - St. Katharine Drexel Academy Anne Egan, Principal 619-582-3862 Parent-Teacher Group(PTG) Tina Greenbank (President) [email protected]
