Page 1: f, Lost · hand at the airport to meet Gen-1 eral Bor. They wore the red and white armbands that were

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Co-existence WlHi Soviets? i W a : u : O . J ; ; V i i../i li ijijni jiiii.r V . n 1,11

:<»•* - , ->?,-

/f, Lost Li Los Angc^» — jCNC) — Coex­

istence between the tree world and communism "is nonsense," Gen- Tadeusz Bor-Komorowski,

legendary hero of the ill-fated Warsaw Polish force*, Were re-Warsaw uprising against the! fused permission to land in nazis in World War II, said upon territory occupied by the Red his arrival here. ' Army. When their supplies were

Stepping off a transcontinental exhausted, the Polish Home plane into a rainy California wel- Army surrendered to the Get-



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come at Los Angeles Interna­tional Airport, General Bor em­phasized:

"FBOJrl THE time of Lenin, Russian policy remains the same: to communize the world. Only the tactic! change.. WPhen the Russians need time to prepare a new move, to strike *n«w, they ask for co-existence an* talk co­operation. Russian policy has not changed. I know only too well the Ways of the Russians. Coexistence is a tactic."

General Bor. is a luc*y sur­vivor of an early attempt at "coexistence" with the Bus-shuts. In 1W4, »*«*» and American eommane* advised the, leader of Use Polish un­derground to eooperaie with the Russians who were Bearing the gstes of nssl-occupaed War­saw. He was advised fas reveal the strength sad disposition of ihe underground to the Rus­sians and cooperate with them fn fighting; the Germane.

With an understanding that aid would come from she Rus­sians, Genera] Bor grave the signal for the Ul-fat«d Warsaw uprising la Augast, 1*14, For AS days,, the heroic Poles fought the Germans, but BO aid come from the Russians., ^Jlied airlift plane*, flying

and parachuting supplies to the

mans. General Bor .became a prisoner of war, but was re­leased five months later by U,S. forces from a German prison camp.

A dozen comrades of the' old Polish undergrounds were on hand at the airport to meet Gen-1

eral Bor. They wore the red and white armbands that were the "uniform" of the Polish Home Army in the fateful day* of 1944.

TUB POLICY of the free na­tions of the west, the General said, should be based on the un­derstanding that "the Russians respect only force." He con­tinued: JThe west must grow, strong, 'build a real force, and then speak firmly to the Rus­sians. I believe that without danger of war the Russians can be driven back to their own territory."

The morning after his arrival, here, the General was received by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph T. McGucken of Los Angeles. Gen­eral Bor Is visiting the United States as the guest c/ the Polish American Congress on the occa­sion of the 10th anniversary of tty Warsaw uprising; He spoke here to the California division of the Polish American Congress at Our Lady of Bright Mount Church.

ttMthlsgtOfi, Djt^TpSWs^^ , kmted ihe animal P«MI American Mas* of VtiiBjB&m^&

, Patrklfs • Chute*- here celebrated by Archbishop lijrk*, Ar OTtoyle of Wwhlmton (left), Shown with h.l^yp • t fo^ths; «ovs»ittiie«|.'tme1a)s 'present. They are: Jaihej>-$K#$lr£W* ' wry of laahor iMmrh and. Chief Justice »Bfl->W»rre,* <** *** tfcft ffqs^sm^mV "#ft Maw In *ss*Mftft*$ t* %f» «or ^bWsl>s|>ile\nmi»estowed on the American republic** and for lth .*t»rf!^\to&m In inter-Ainerican^l^mtk^,^ derstand»n«>d go>tlVWill. Included among the more" than.1,00ft 'present wew #5, lAttafAmerican Ambassadors to the united State* or to th# OrgauMiation of American States (Pan AmerK

,;*" can Union). (RN& Photo)

ofkN-wiiLr :i'»..tit-

President Keen On Plans JMmry

Secretary Mitchell Blasts ' I t f q t M i ^ Law$

•'.:'*£ Angeles, Calif.—(NC)-Secretary of Labor James P, ISaitcReil fcirt&Sed the annual CIO convention here by coming out flatly against "right-to-work" laws.

S M Msrcelino, PhlMjpplnca «-(N0*i*> Sonae 29 yearn ago, '«mgelliiKr» t-year-oW'-cl»«Id' cried la. church because she cQUWnH receive Communion. Shehad .'some to the Catholic church in spite of the protest of her^farents who were mem­bers of the Agllpayan sect.

Her eries were so loud that the seapvlce" had to stop.

Eventually, her parents con­sented to her becoming a Cath­olic^:'.£

At t«, she became an invalid, gtveti top by doctors- *tt U be­cause -you are going to the wrong.ohurch that lam so III,** she told her parents and cried some -more. To please her, they began attending; the Catholic church,

Today,, Cofumban ^Vincent Lyons; pastor Of San Marrellho, reports that Greg, orisna's father, who has been mayor of the town three times, Is president of the Holy Name

Her, Wiier, .Jojnrterijr>; treasurer of :tpi, toWp^slJ; Church, is pi*sMe»t>-c£i|#;i%!»« glo.n of Mary. Gregoruu^3 her> self la a St Paul of't^ftfJBjs:;' nun. ' " ."'i*•

And an because a young lady-cried, -• • ' ' '


Art ArkM «L .Mi

* Xativity Scene Nashville, Tenn. - ( R ^ ) \ - r

More than * million persons are expected to visit thp Jarger-than-life Nativity scene initialed in a public park'vheje /Pl^-^if Christ­mas seasorj'. '... *,,-..,'.- ,'•• .• •

Waaainfton, D. C -=. (BIfS)f^i p*e»ia«nt Eisenhower has expressed enthusiastic interest in plans for construction. df.»(}|4,500,0(KJ-Pop« Puis JQfr'ia^riiity at St. Louis Uni veMty\ Sfe'toulsv ML '.' •[[',' T..1-1-'"'' ' 'T t tss .V iPwssat ' t j Is i i iJ ' tssMSnt* i M m m n I t 1st •-••'- ' ' "• T-.*^.''™_«.-^ . : .The President wiade Jknown his support for the project in a White House interview^ with the Very Rev. Paul C. Reinertj S.J

The Eisenhower Administra­tion cabinet member said that he was categorically opposed to the law* which ovttlaw labor contract provisions that workers must be­come union members.


Strike, Houston Tex.) .oilman and president of the library foundation, and Jamest C, .Black, a Republic Steel executive' and foundation member.

*>^ (UBRARY, will house mlcrofUmod copies of 600,000 priceless manuscripts belonging id, tis> Vfittcan Ubrary. Last

University pmiaenti C^jr*wV Aigual Ihf university's director

, SrOT TOO LATE! We ess still send ear tosutinu GlrT CAID of taa Mi CWW, «SSH m *Mf%m t friesd ee H*t%»ae. M wstt Wtt

,,CkrMaMa tast 7««aaT«^wke« * Nfsr.Sjp 'ifist* to . iet-thtsa oa Christssaa narmisi, •» thst ]TM hwt «h«a s

trttclj to a. Near Isst Ossol is their BOOK. Phasst writ* la. DECEMBEB CliXJBS; Thit doll'sr laottthto to a nslAsloa «lu»i will be used, this way during Deceraber. CHRYSOST0M8, for ihe edv ciUon of our studthts for the pritstbood«***fAKX'S BANK, for the Sisters in the Holy. Land****lASir.lANS, for ths Sistiis of St. AnheTaiphoris, Palejllrte**»*ORPHA»S' BREABv for Holy Land homeless "chlldren**«*M0NICA GUILD and CHAPEL-Of-TH* MONTH, to furnish the' chapel at Rajapuram, India**>*a>AMIXN UBPJBR FTJNP to the Dsmien Institute, Trlchur, India*«**PALACI OP GOLD, to the o » folks under the ear* of Fatter Bjtftw hs Jerusilem»»'*SACRED AHTICLES to the Chspels, e* BUhss TbaravU In Kottaysm, India.. Won't you join one of these Clubs?

of UbrarJes predicted that the microfilming Job would be com-pk eM *ome time next year.

PrsaWent Eisenhower gave Mr. Strike a letter praising the plan to make, the Vatican Library documents available to American scholars,

working men and women and their employers' to bargain col. j loctively.

Thirdly, they restrict union security and thereby undernrini

THESE I4AWS, which are now I the basic strength of labot :or>, in effect in IT States, mostly In | ganizations. I oppose such laws the South and* the, West, have' categorically,'* , r. met with, great opposition frornj o — the cTufrcJrahct r^taMc grwipr. ' n • • ._ pi^—

(Archbishop Joseph P. Rum-: raSSlOIUSW r l d H mell of New Orleans, La., lsst July • pubHdy took ' a vigorous stand against, the bill in hlSj A t M n t a t Q> State, asking that it not be | o f t h e constrv,ctton of * passed. However, t did become m q u i l d i n g n e r e p y the J?asfiorji-part of the State s law ^ Fathers were discussed, a t *

(The Catholle^fade Unionls s, conference between AlUMta*^] :rt;*t jneet^g in Cl vjeland, Ohio. 0ta^a]a and rep>c«n«ttves;.,o£ 1n-the,sftpne tnpnth, roundly eon- the order's St. Michaqta nAcjiMf/ den?nea.suc.h laws "as deceitful, t e r y a t U n i o n c l ^ N l ,£ , r _ ^ ImnSSYar, nndemociAttc and un-j c , a r k e jjpnaidson, «lty imfim

Atlanta Foundation

das* warfare into American 1a- ^ .^Shm^ dabrieL <5lorm|h bor. reatlons, )., , .- C X andEmn^anual'Traine^idfe.

* « . • « . u . - . u „ .^woi'ieM8,W8.wh«e t h a t cJty water *nd,se«ei:^a^t; '^•t'b"**""'11* ot the Pop«iperrn«tlnK i,tnprnb?csnH'. JV-^tles would be made kv«Uabl»4»-

h* u i i i w ^ i o n bar- the compulsory unfon Pius *Xtt Library,M he said, "wffl interest millions of Americans, for the collection is one of the world's primary sources of Infor­mation on the history of Western thought. Accea* to it will be im­mensely valuable to all who wish to delve more deeply into the fundamentals of our civilization."

Microfilming of the documents it being done, by Vatican tech­nicians. The Knights of Colum­bus sue financing the work. Per­mission to duplicate the manu­scripts-was given by-Pope Pius XII, who also agreed to have the library named after himself.

America^ *«««*!;*£ > * £ } * * construqtjon, and, ,±M false and destructive spfceit of ter w o r ^ s manager^.»ssure^-W

shop, under which all employees of a plarit or concern having a union contract must Join the ac­credited Pinion within a eer|.«ta time after b*lns» hired,'

I N HI* SPJKClJ, Mr. Mitchell, a Catholic said It will be found that "theselaws will; do onore harm than good."


the 40-aci5e trast In .ao^ptitlylngi section of. Atlanta, ^||lch..jh«!,#;

derrhas under optlbn, *Hii .prw-s posect site Is adlaeeint tp i y h a ^ mpWly o|ve)()pinf ait -*, jrutfol Negro, residential area ofc : he City- .. ., : «:"••*;£'

The projected-buying,, wbfcft would be the flrat-ofc jtJ Wn| here, would ho primarily a mbn->

•'In they first place," he c6n- -t-w t o t,nawn as St tlnu*d,"these^ight-to-work>law« a s t e ry t o *•• *noW ^ b t

da not create any Jobs at *U. Irt .thV«tona_place, tbaeS? BISlSJn: urtdesIfabTe and unnecessary llrtr-

Paid pf th? Cfoss but aJs,d would,.csn tain a "church, a ho>pltaVanj|';*•.. parochial sctTopl for Negro

Year veeelm* $U eHerisar far a f»*4 **ka« h» b« irlwa to a iMswlets cMM at Chrirtaaa wilt MtiVm wake to a tatt stosuch. Pleas*'** *•* faint es^h*mih<sasJM|res> **• *s«t | « t wt aBUsitr ttr the Htb/ Wsdt


lit every altar there fs .the stone, with relics off we martyrs, on Which the chaUc*; rests. Can yea give MO to supply; onf for: the Shrfiit Chspe* '« Sfc Pius X, whTcfi we'hope to bulB In the NeaTEastt When yon: do,-ask fort the Skint's picture, done In three colon, suiUble for framing. . SPKAKDiG Slaters at,8_ '«lM::MeoaH(. wft.irt. PfOT»»'

ST. UJCY Feasted on Dee- 13, she is ".* patron of all troubled fcy the p«yei Is her name, cist, yeu help the home of the Sister* of Charity inthe' Holy City of iertsalem, where even'the doorkeeper is a blind child? Your itrt»il«ts gift at Christina* will brighten'the darkness for St. Lucy's little oats.

G OF LUCTT: Stater L«*r to « • « * • wak UH Sahritortoa

M a Sitoitoraary. Her year ef triialaf wMl set* flW_aei :• jjBtwfcsWsAry,

frtosd wtttaaake that

• ft-.thi'u "R 'iodJ}

y~$„— his six y»»rs of study ! f ^ ' I ^ ^ ^ a M ^ a l W B ^ . " ^ s > [ p B ^

•••^Maimm* 'trfeit-St. Joseph) ' « f who Jr the 'iuafl^lfflJiP;^w>'-^.!»e' much- glorified.". -CalW» fdopt

O i r t i l s s d p a s f a ^ ^

•W?fassJa«a.vThes thererata the* etehtered Carssekv whsaa ws


at-«? Crib &&4<mmi#A vmm *mb&w&lm$ia&*& A A d k « . * .****,', , ' i s s k « ^ ^ 2


•F <V 4rt «f-*f ?*•, #!»& -,^^B A ^ - t f * * - # t ^ * * ^ w

— I T * 1 ,
