V ^^^H****"**^-^ •H *tt w r* W • * 4 * >f Notw Christmas pas^vwrzzrqHmjfpd^^ ,. ~,.-^_ O.CL —(RNS>— ^»^„% %*t tJm* to a decade ^wwl* «$ the Polish embassy ^^W-^ttir-ehrlgtmHS. greetings tTOvA gcWtei^ment officials and ^3«W fl^a^ljltJl in the nations .^^l^^atfng «» sea] of thfr^itftlllia^'i^presseMJ "seasons *teMJtt*^*Hd best wishes for a i*»W 3^pr v $* happiness and i^Mttecejtf s4«rs the Yugoslav *«RftHM^a$t$n& among the nations imder' <^3«jimmlSt control has JbWtt tsJsfrtgnote of the Christian * %$ FotfeiH fitalstraas card was ***#t hf 4llftottsits new evi 4£n»pt**hia1ge in that govern 1 tfnfta *mtwk toward religion ^ ^ l f j & K i l Jiolfdays. ' j. J^mjm^H-VttAet **• Sun" Rttwrte*. Sailed STATIONERY CO, '$1Swtwtur. N. *f. .' < 4U w. Utln (K. OFFICE JtolaMmt, StaflMMlJ art «« MXilMt Prattta P«u. DOINGS AT THE DALY S •*-5srl-'** The house, all perked up for Christmas, is beginning to show a bit of wear and tear: a string o f Christmas tree lights has * sagged (nartis- t 1 c a 1 I y, tinsel lei- i cles are scat- t e r e d on the rug, the ra i s tletoe between Jiving and dining rooms is dry- i n g. presents Msry Daly are still downstairs . , . So ^ What * By Bfary Tinley Ihily small. Nowaday*, the only doll unde^ Jhe Christmas tree belongs to GThny and, at u, even sjhe feels a bit chagrined at wanting a doll. .' v ' The scene^ii^ohnny 'and Lu's house ia so reminiscent of those past Chrlstmases, and the day's immediately following. The b> resistable fascination of , touch- ing the small (figures in the creche -—' "kissing Baby Jesus" has already resulted in some breakage starting another mended set - Toy* are from here to there, wide-eyed Lit Anne and Deirdre tell us that "Santa Claus brought Happy Holidays It's a relaxed, family - and us this dump truck look How friends time of year. People drop it dumps, Grandpa!" as they in isUnvlted.— just f«r « friend- dump themselves out in the mid Iff A***lr £ •• f- nmauLAmmxAiAm. ' .'la/UMMM!'- *"- - t a i ^ i i X'i ms& a^awTwrtt.1 ci^«i v<^ j / / It Mna> «p#f» >> BA WNW4 *§^R—£^P*SitttRf lit <R,Sa,g. helloand Happy New-Year. It's j die of the floor. Round, and" idlys? content to bang away with tqy hammer, now and then giving a bang at something, or someone, nearby. T^vo-month-old Maura enjoys her ffrst Christmas very quietly. , FORTUNATELY there Is quite often "a teen-ager in the house" for Johnny and Lu one of our girls who gladly take a night off to baby sit. Thjs- evening when we'd taken Mar- kie over to baby sit, we helped set the room to rights as Lu was dressing Re * assembling a coUapaiWe doll carriage that bad reaily col- lapsed. Johnny asked, "Eemem- ber that old poem you wrote, Dad, when we were kids? Won- der if -it would apply 1 these different, of course, from noli-< rosy Sean, looking like a minis ^ ___ days when the rhildrgn^ were hire Santi himself is-parfeetlyjp,; ~ j(Hvji n y nfiri Tomtny wfrf •AMONG WOMEN- Plan Of Action They're Doing Fine" Cambridge, Ohio — ( N O •** Utile Paul Michael Nugent Is the ^ninth child In 18 years to be born by CseKarean sectiontoMr, and.Mrs. _JL.- Paul Nugent, Cambridge, Ohio. Mrs. Nugent said, . of the nine^ "This was the easiest," The newcomer has tiv» prkwt uncles, -father James S. Nugent, of the SteubenviHe Diocese, and Father Andrew M. Nlqrent, Columbus Diocese. German 'Visions 9 Spurious, Glancing through a little book given one of my children 1 was impressed by the appropriateness of the material as subject mat- ter for my final column of 1956. Entitled "My Heart Is an Open Book," it was publish- ed In 1950 by the Convent of the Sacred •By Mary Lennon Snyder—•"•» Writing of this method In the book "The Reign of Jesus Through Mary," Father Gabriel Denis, SAM, declares? "Faithful servant of Mary, you have understood that we ought to perform in union, with Our Lady not only our exercises of piety but all our exterior works as well, in order to glorify God more perfectly and ,te increase the supernatural merit of our ac- tion. Listen to the words which Jesus, the Son of Mary, spoke 'as a Written 23 years ago when about the ages of tile grandchil- dren now, here it la: Twu the/ night after Christ the kids offtobed; The living room toked like a junk dealer's i ed; Munich JMier»-3&^6F»^etfcmanm exeom- opportuniry of _ _ more unwillingly would I allow dio«?se, has J88ue4 a circular letter to this adherarite^ging^ta tottb^iet'were^telThy om th . ou 8 ht . or one.movement of ^»a^iraror^ ZJs?s^ an ^ ^ & ' ^ M S f S H e a r t in New- ?"?.*** t 0 St - Gertrude -_-1 ^_.„-. Phrased in the. simple and love- T chnaTi38a~TOE The words quot < „„,i i„ »h= oimAia nnrt love-T*"* 1 ' mwa ine communicated because of his in translgeance in refusing to obey ecclesiastical authorities. The difficulties arose out of thi»«*purl- ous "vision" of Our. Lady sup- fposcd to have beenthad by sev- eral young Rirls of Heroktsbach In 19*9. father Dettrnan, contrary to ecckslafltlcai decrees declaring # » ^hlona" false^ continued to |^rorMte_pot>iUlar support at the ifijt&is-*i«cted on t|jf~»pot* wft In -his recent circular, Father r^l«1(M-^ffl*^%^""iplUu-hT^ them to become reconciled w|th . iJarJ m,..^,. Mlff ... pr . _-^--.-v-^---- --- •••„.-_-_ "services" at Heroldsbach, but! Divine Love, pither DtHtmann's withdrawal; Newton Press. 1349. rats caused many former follow- j Although the mess ers to return to the Church. At the time of the **vis3ons" it was reported thatf FatheJr Dett man hoped to make Heroldsbach into a "German Lourdes". Both the Congregation of t the us. Holy Office in Borne.Igs*- - Bishop ?saef Schneider *of •$a)t*berg is- aued . atrong condemnations of the Heroldsbacl^ affair, after careful tfKSmJmttdTr^^prVveiT was excommunicated ^or his part I Sister Josefa Menendez. They d - -ternal salvation" in the "visions", m arrange,: may be lound in 'The_Way g "S/SJBSaSSSa^^um published by tne fmiy ,>!,« y o u r a c t l o n a , n Mary)i hands^ you can boldly say that i ..^ .,£** !>'0u are ^procuring the greater phrased for children and the-pic- lQry ^ t iio6LUlmtr^^Mvh<,le tures show a child as the central figure seeking to love God more and more, there, is ample ma- terial for meditation for most of the alleged visions spurious. fir$t Saturday Group •- 3»e, Ri, K^V. Msgr.. George W. -Eckl, pastov of S t , An- 4 n w Church, wiU>^je ^uiEst speaksr^at the First Saturday Iriujdjpoo, v f t i t n . 5 at the Powers Hotel ballroom at 12:16 p.m..MonsigTJorEcklwill be pre. ,h? jsented by-"th* ^Rev; Albert 3 r Shamon. moaeraton Other guests will be the Rev ELiLcaJJcManmis, moderator of ^ ol ^i! na ? n * ft F*. Dai i™ IIio i«b?ted by the Mesaames R. Mc- ._,"*" „L „„^„,„ m „„, B „* „.. whom are you doing thtaf you jpuftt •yno^ermtor of the Monroe itp^PIWy 1 ]' ' fi '•".'i ,,w -JDeanery. TUT! MWCHKOtf is a public devotion to the Blessed Mother *poh»oifa t»y -the Monroe? Oeah* «cf Council Catholic W«men. AM dthblfe women who have receive^ Holy comtnunlott that^ day are invited according to Miss l ^ n n Trtncfe* -" - 7-7*-- •iMiliKu piit^ dimtnit fm- g tyg'm- •**> Whf not stop in *t M*fa?*~mi lH Mm show ton 4 buutiful Mt$Hi»* »f ditminit h M sixts tmd pricts. Our *}*mr$ Ufttion mi low mverhtU keeps our prices «|NNI ?»»<Mk,«m4 |»wr«. Til * - \BERNARD J. HENSLER I . • t.vVV|MCf HtOC. I!-' MAIN 5T ••^&F$!W&^r*rH - IN ANSWER to the first ques- tion. "How can you give God your heart?" we read. 'Tell Him -that. you-love- Him jvjth_.jaoux whole heart and that you will do something special to show Him life of Jesus a proof of this? He the Eternal Wisdom of God, Who came down upon earth to glorify Hfl heavenly Father by the re- demntfoh of mankind, found no means more perfect and more ap- propriate to His purpose than to be entirely dependent on Our Lady.. LAh, how greatly do we. glorJIy^oA' aaya Saint de Monk fort, "when in order to please that you remember you are/'Him, we follow the example of St Aridrew Parish Rosary So-i elety •will- be, hostess for the- spending the day with Him Particularly appropriate for ua, as we start a new year is the in- struction. 'Tell dear Jesus .that you offer Him everything during this hour as an act of love, your reading, your writing, your* re- citing, your posture, your play. Renew your offering each time tftrbell rings/' Is our reading, or by an exten- sion of the meaning to Include such , t. •» w , „ , 71 all leisure time activities K ^ M S W!SS«Sf". n a « " » * • «* to «ive glory to Go4 inc oil W i - . u ^^"L^To^f'," lc " select our entertainment and re- Cutchen, G. Man^eV^^tokfler^ation j, our crite rion based on r rt^l^^Srt^ i M W what will be pleasing to God and G, < W « r , £ Schneider, P. Kiloy makc u » m o r C u s e f u l t0 ^^^ 0r aBOLJ. Keiopn. d o . w e watch the ratings to see The committee will be - In wn a t entertainer or bodk is draw- Charge of reiervations ft?om St. ; ln 0ie i argest numbers, and then Andrew Parish and for decoral- do W e join the crowd? Are our dealings in our profes* sion or employment based on the hope of bringing ourselves-and others closer to God? Or do we work selfishly and uncharitably, interested only in finding the main chance for our selves? ItfAXY OFCS would sink close 4e-degpafr-tf- we aluue had to try tag. All other reservations may be sent;=to M*s. James Hilbcrt, i48 Normandy AV&, G3E ?^039-R by Jan, 2. Spain To Restore Castle Of Xavier ^HtesW4-^H^fer-^rTSe~Span- lah foverntnettt has announced that lt will restoj^the<j(sastie of ^ta.vicT, Jftear_ Pamfflonar where Tlie ISpshisb saint, one of. tlte first Jesuits, is the patron at the province of; N«^m/;wheieHhfe castle is located- The gfeopie ol TOt province recetvta .tfte) gov to attain what appears to be ,un attainable height^, were it not that Our Blessid. Lord/has given us a powerful_ff cans to assist us in giving us His Mother, as xnxr ntother. Jesus Christ and submit our- selves to Mary, His most Holy Mother/ » v . "/Tmitattihen" this heavenly modej. Love to be dependent on Mary in your work and. your Studies, In your* hardships and your comforts, in all things what- soever, place everything in her handsv 'TJuring your occupations, re- new from time to time your offer- ing to Mary by a short and aim- pie aspiration, and try to live habitually: ao disposed that if you cbulbT answer without a moment's hesitation, "Far Mary/ What joy you will thus give to the angels! What glory to God! What bless- ings you will draw upon your neighbor and- at the same time upon your own self." This then might be a plan of action for the New Year. Tha train :was agog-gog, •ff of the track; baby, armless, prone on its back. halt lay MAKING PLANS for the University of Notre Dame Alumni dance st the University Club on Saturday, D e c 29 at 9 pjn. »re: (from ieft) Victor. De Slmdn, co-chairman; Mrs. SL Lee Hastings, publicity 'chairman; Leo B. Wesley, ticket chairman and seated, Mrs. John F. Keegan, co-chairman. An elephant sat with a hols In lt* s i * , And the drum had slit In Its head, long and wide; The cavalry troop," with its horses and all, Were pitched on their faces— a terrible fsli, - The dump truok was dumped Rith.itsJoad on Jhe floor,. And the headllglita burned University Club Dance Set By Notre Dame Graduates Rochester Alumni Club of the University of Notre Dame in cooperation with the Notre Dame'Women's Group will conduct the annual Christmas Dance at the University Club on Saturday, Dec. 29 at 9 pan. Co-chairmen are Mr. and Mrs., —— M^tntn? SL an ir ^ and ' B " Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John F. Keegan, Jr. - Robe T Skipwortn . Assisting on their committees! „ ... ,^_ „ . . .j^. | Publicity, Mr. and Mrs. Peter P Tickets. Mr. and Mrs. Donald; £ fSlSKi J Jr & rVw?^i K. .Booth, Blr. and .Mra.Joseph Jg|; I SSSS«?ifil—^^ M. Geraghry. Mr. and Mrs. Eric rcaymona THeao. .Jahn.,ScQtt.an(iMr. and.Mra.Xeo-!... Among,.those-enter-tainingHprior B. Wesley. _ !t ° the dariCe are Mr. and Mrs. ' JagiL Nyfi Di)ffy r -.M&~-and—Mrsi- vx \v S^i^^SfflSfetegl^ir^SS^S^^SSS The whiskers were pulled from the cat, and the dog Was bespattered with candy— . aad so was the frog. The airplane had crashed with its nose to the wall, And the bugle, quite Rented, was past all recall. The bus and the tractor, ths donkey's hee-haw. Had ail been demolished by hammer and saw. The Christmas tree stood in the corner, like stone. And looked on the wreckage, aad wondered stone; Poor another, with poultices placed on her head. Fell asleep in a chair before going to bed. Aad rather, for playing from morning till night, Was paying the penalty, serv- Ing htm fight. Richard T. Sullivan.. Reception, Mr. and Mrs. John F-. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Dorschel, Mr. and -Mrs. Arnold and Mr. amf Sullivan. Missionary Writes "Death March' Story Soviet Zone Bans Christmas Symbols Berlin (NO - All Chris< tian motifs and' symbols con- nected with Christmas wtrs for- Westmlnstesr, Md. ( N O — bidden in the Soviet zone, ae- A n account o l a North Korean ^^ to ^ ^^^ h d e a t h march, written while the _ * * . . , author was still a prisoner of 1 Su * h rnotifs_and symbols we.rs war. has been used for a newTpermttted "on toys and objects .volume by one- of the few sur-j intended for export, but nothing vlvors. Father Philip Croshle,; sold in. Soviet zone shops could Australian born St -Columban be marked. The .house was In havoc, tht •servant had gone, With no one to clear up ths debris until morn. And this Is the picture, as I understand, Of fits night after Christmas, all over the land. Sail true three years! after twenty- Cardinal Stritch Outfits Poor Boys Chicago — ( N O — One liun» •red underprivileged Catholic boys were assured of ¥""wsim ryearr- * At his own expense Cardinal Stritch, Archbtehop of Chicago, outfitted the youngsters .from top to toe at a clamorous gatheringr at »h# Hair Stor* here. The boys were picked !fi*0!». .E^ceEJHJ? 5Wage" parishes through the Chicago srclidkHiesan headuuafters. They were given shoes, stock- ings, underwear; suits, over- coats, shirts, headgear and handkerchiefs. There also was a^tarkey, with all the trimmings. ernment's aftHoutte^ment'rVfttli cft'lSod and ,t>ieir jbjough Jter and « jiwl Sw, ill awwrnl Ttmm. viwaimi iiilr svnittx,uovs_suni im^HAMMIVPR W W W * jggjg*gg^,- ,'«••* „. „ , ^ F*»S «tUmkt*r, ..I'llinn^llll ,i|l|i|lll,l nir' HI •!!,!! 1 ,111 r, II rfffifi wimffwi imraiiw CLASSIFIED ADS S t 1x1111.8 de Montfort in his "True Devotion to-the BlessH Virgin Mat^j»^-ot^ed-*-de^ - , must bs in this ©ffics, 35 Sd© Strsft, 4S_houn bsfors publK COtion ioatS. CfSSCT'S ID ,*•«» «tlwi t*m ««* T^.TES8»a^-"3ii>s»rl> *jaTv--aSSBBBJBBBBBBrBBBBBB^ V^^TVIl * iBBUHiaikSHS BsstsMtf WSIMMIM akv »>nM Nandmadi Rosaritt sl»thftrot'1i^«tai'»4« st«Bmr Silw CM> a*** SM oa«w. Jo-is kf, GUASANTKED g|()fcJpEttt Smirf IMS W«IM* DritS,^ Ftoff ROOKS tahl. SMMM, nt*i*h*4. J-i ifit>r<* *, OUm*r*},<H *fnm Cftr MilittntNCi Sf nrlcti •mpm," yiiw&in~*rtmrGZ.*7-t-nill * 0 S t t t 0«iHr' tiufo** ***m Wly I^HllMi^r C* *-»»? «c GK 4-llM. ' ' "" " itiWu'itiinnw iifii ijn-- f Htli Wairttd --Hi^ i|iiti%4l|i!y rnisslonary, Three maniscrlpts were writ- ten of the vivid story before "March Till They Die" got in to print. The original and'a hand- written duplicate were confis- cated by Red border patrols. Father Crosbie had to write the entire account again. It is pub- lished here by Westminister Press. The beautifully carved wooden figures of the «oly Family and of various Christian saints,, so well known throughout tht world, were exported but not sold openly In East zone shops. The very name of Christmas was suppressed in some places, The holiday has been renamed "Winter Festival Time." ^ V Neighborhood Jl M>RUG STORES» CORPUS CHRIST1 Ywr PrtscripHos Drug Star* •RIMT'S PHARMACY 1446-1441 fur Mil* S*r«Mt DtUrwrr BUtlcr 8-9720 8-9786 BOLT ROSAST FAEISS Sy's Drug Store 151 cWir An*. «f. Drirwig Psrk NsighMrfy 5mtc* Frt« 0*lh*ry Prsicriptions flllsd exactly at your Doctor orders GLtnter&odl 3-0970 »*******>*'*++*>m****^i+**m+***^* •T. CHAU.ES BOKRdMEO DEWEY AVI. PHARMACY Prescription Specialists COSHKTICS - TOILETRIES PHOTO•*WISHING 2910 D«w»y Ai«. CHirlott. 2-1614 ^m**mi+t-*i4»**m+imii^i&im^4*^*p>m J*f*Fmaf»ti«M mi Cat !»•• Draft CMM -._ Bless Drug Store HAmilton 6-7881 86* Joseph Ave, cor. Ave. D 0«r hHj *t p«rp«t«.i Hit* ruu OCX UDT OFLOUBOKS CH.LSON PHARMACY * 1704 tKONKDE AVE. - "• - GR3-M0? Prescription *DEUV«RT SERVICE ST. CECIIJA'S ANNCfNCUTtOM "W« Csttr To Your H t i W ~ nvsKiMn •«*8K« p«M S t a k u j l i a . B.i, _ . . _ _ Pit Galltw, B.S. 2334 CULVER NEAR NORTON CO »-3<10 Open 'till 11 P.M. •T. A K N M PARISH Ann STORES/ S85 SOUTH AVE. GR 3-1847 REE DIUVIIY^SCItVICE Mty.US... 9 AM. t. tflsjl. -tpb <JL H1<<<" IIIMIHK I I ' " DOWNTOWN KtiOUmt*' fOU THE flNlST IN DRuGl BRYAN J «p«Si,*la«. IbtatuMiM IMS W i « Mate Cor. Hymotiffi Op«a Ti) l£JMMsl|lit Daily SM. "• LOestt 2-3133 ^ ST, AKORBirS PARIS« PRRSCRJEttOKS , Cw*MU> C*tw>ww*t4 ... iwimilliaX'T GOOD CODNSKt PASISsf' . WOLFF PHARMACY I^vftHlraal Pkanaaciit LOWEST PRICES THURSTON *D. .GE«. S-S87I PTM Octinn i l l Th»r»ton M. r.-... r S D*tn trmm Brwlti «T. RONIFACB Pharmacy KtlMbM Itn So. Goodman at Cllntoat , BBowning 141W OUR LADY OF LOURDES LA MAY DRUG CO. 1 8 0 0 EAST AVE. BJtowning 1-2896 » Oxford Pharmacy •tESCTlPTlOH fXHutrS Cenrtwy »M $*nrie«, Wi1|l|liiiiiBii|i|ii>T«>i.iiiiil,ii|iii«i|ijny;irii<|i>T,';i|»|'lil • ! ! • ^^ml^i^!5i*^ ii %* ,l ** 4, *4 ar ^ggasssMsa? .^syagr ../miHii, niiwr i,i)l, nil, 11, iit.MLl.iii 1, tytt ir-in^im •J> »\.itir,,>,V„1ilgii,li,t,iil,l,i m i t t n ffliW .AiaCMMtO!Lj'AJtj%^AlRPOaT / [Jltl)W|QM^4t*l^l^AI*p0a1c llll AlfKllTMt - ^•sWRa^^essa^Be^s^Bje^RSBBSssi^ej ^^m ^ Drug 8tor«i i miitvn^tmnirA -fls!?yy' e seem afcRssssr ^ »4*. $«CIAU$TS ~&M

BERNARD J. HENSLER - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1956-catholic-courier-journal/catholic... · r letter to this adherarite^ging^ta tottb^iet'were^telThy om th.ou8ht.or

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V ^^^H****"**^-^

•H *tt w r* W •

* 4 * >f

Notw Christmas


,. ~ , . - ^ _ O.CL —(RNS>— ^ » ^ „ % % * t tJm* to a decade ^ w w l * « $ the Polish embassy ^^W-^ttir-ehrlgtmHS. greetings t TO v A gcWtei^ment officials and

^ 3 « W fl^a^ljltJl in the nations

. ^ ^ l ^ ^ a t f n g « » sea] of thfr^itftlllia^'i^presseMJ "seasons *teMJtt*^*Hd best wishes for a

i*»W 3^pr v $* happiness and

i^Mttecejt f s4«rs the Yugoslav *«RftHM^a$t$n& among the nations

imder' <^3«jimmlSt control has JbWtt tsJsfrtgnote of the Christian

* %$ FotfeiH fitalstraas card was ***#t hf 4llftottsits *» new evi 4£n»pt**hia1ge in that govern

1 tfnfta *mtwk toward religion ^ ^ l f j & K i l Jiolfdays. '

j . — J^mjm^H-VttAet **• Sun"

Rttwrte*. Sailed STATIONERY CO,

'$1Swtwtur. N. *f. .' < 4 U w . Utln (K.

OFFICE JtolaMmt, StaflMMlJ art

« « MXilMt P r a t t t a P«u.



The house, all perked up for Christmas, is beginning to show a bit of wear and tear: a string o f Christmas tree lights has * sagged (nartis-t 1 c a 1 I y, t i n s e l lei-

i cles are scat-t e r e d on the rug, the ra i s t l e t o e between Jiving and d i n i n g rooms is dry-i n g. presents Msry Daly are still downstairs . , . So

^ What


• By Bfary Tinley Ihily

small. Nowaday*, the only doll unde^ Jhe Christmas tree belongs to GThny and, at u, even sjhe feels a bit chagrined at wanting a doll. .' v '

The scene^ii^ohnny 'and Lu's house ia so reminiscent of those past Chrlstmases, and the day's immediately following. The b> resistable fascination of , touch­ing the small (figures in the creche -—' "kissing Baby Jesus" — has already resulted in some breakage — starting another mended se t -

Toy* are from here to there, wide-eyed Lit Anne and Deirdre tell us that "Santa Claus brought

Happy Holidays

I t ' s a relaxed, family - a n d • us th i s d u m p truck — look How f r i e n d s time of year. People drop it d u m p s , Grandpa!" as t h e y i n i sUnv l t ed .— just f«r « friend- • dump themse lves o u t in the m i d

Iff A***lr

£ •• f -

nmauLAmmxAiAm. ' .'la/UMMM!'- *"- - t a i ^ i i



a awTwrtt.1 ci^«i v < ^ j / /

I t Mna> «p#f» >> BA WNW4 *§ R—£ P*SitttRf lit <R,Sa,g.

helloand Happy New-Year. It's j die of the floor. Round, and" idlys?

content to bang away with tqy hammer, now and then giving a bang at something, or someone, nearby. T^vo-month-old Maura enjoys her ffrst Christmas very quietly. , FORTUNATELY t h e r e Is quite often "a teen-ager in the house" for Johnny and Lu — one of our girls who gladly take a night off to baby sit. Thjs-evening when we'd taken Mar-kie over to baby sit, we helped set the room to rights as Lu was dressing

Re * assembling a coUapaiWe doll carriage that bad reaily col­lapsed. Johnny asked, "Eemem-ber that old poem you wrote, Dad, when we were kids? Won­der if -it would apply1 these

different, of course, from noli-< rosy Sean, looking like a minis ^ ___ days when the rhildrgn^ were hire Santi himself is-parfeetlyjp,; ~ j(Hvjiny nfiri Tomtny wfrf


Plan Of Action

They're Doing Fine" Cambridge, Ohio — ( N O •** Utile Paul Michael Nugent Is the

^ninth child In 18 years to be born by CseKarean section to Mr, and.Mrs. _JL.- Paul Nugent, Cambridge, Ohio. Mrs. Nugent said,

. of the nine^ "This was the easiest," The newcomer has tiv» prkwt uncles, -father James S. Nugent, of the SteubenviHe Diocese, and Father Andrew M. Nlqrent, Columbus Diocese.

German 'Visions9 Spurious,

Glancing through a little book given one of my children 1 was impressed by the appropriateness

of the material as subject mat­ter for my final column of 1956. E n t i t l e d "My Heart Is an Open Book," it was publish­ed In 1950 by the Convent of the S a c r e d

•By Mary Lennon Snyder—•"•» Writing of this method In the

b o o k "The Reign of Jesus Through Mary," Father Gabriel Denis, SAM, declares?

"Faithful servant of Mary, you have understood that we ought to perform in union, with Our Lady not only our exercises of piety but all our exterior works as well, in order to glorify God more perfectly and ,te increase the supernatural merit of our ac­tion. Listen to the words which Jesus, the Son of Mary, spoke

'as a

Written 23 years ago when

about the ages of tile grandchil­dren now, here it la:

T w u the/ night after Christ the kids off to bed;

The living room toked like a junk dealer's i ed;

Munich JMier»-3&^6F»^etfcmanm exeom-opportuniry of

_ _ more unwillingly would I allow dio«?se, has J88ue4 a circular letter to this adherarite^ging^ta tottb^iet'were^telThy om t h . o u 8 h t . o r one.movement of ^»a^iraror^ ZJs?s^an

^ ^ & ' ^ M S f S Heart in N e w - ? " ? . * * * t 0 St- Gertrude -_-1 ^ _ . „ - . Phrased in the. simple and love-

T chnaTi38a~TOE The words quot

< ™ „„,i i„ »h= oimAia nnrt love-T*"*1 ' m w a i n e

c o m m u n i c a t e d because of h i s in translgeance in refusing to obey ecclesiastical authorities. T h e difficulties arose out of thi»«*purl-ous "vision" of Our. Lady sup-

fposcd to have beenthad by sev­eral young Rirls of Heroktsbach In 19*9.

father Dettrnan, contrary to ecckslafltlcai decrees declaring # » ^hlona" false^ continued to

|^rorMte_pot>iUlar support at the ifijt&is -*i«cted on t|jf~»pot* wft In -his recent circular, Father r^l«1(M-^ffl*^%^""iplUu-hT^

them to become reconciled w|th . iJarJ m , . . ^ , . M l f f . . . p r „ . _-^--.-v-^---- --- •••„.-_-_

"services" at Heroldsbach, but! Divine Love, pither DtHtmann's withdrawal; Newton Press. 1349. rats caused many former follow- j Although the m e s s ers to return to the Church.

At the time of the **vis3ons" it was reported thatf FatheJr Dett man hoped to make Heroldsbach into a "German Lourdes".

Both the Congregation of tthe us. Holy Office in Borne.Igs*--Bishop ?saef Schneider *of •$a)t*berg is-aued . atrong condemnations of the Heroldsbacl^ affair, after careful tfKSmJmttdTr^^prVveiT

was excommunicated ^or his part I Sister Josef a Menendez. They d - -ternal salvation" in the "visions", m arrange,: may be lound in 'The_Way g "S/SJBSaSSSa^^um

published by tne fmiy ,>!,« y o u r a c t l o n a , n M a r y ) i

hands^ y o u can bold ly say that i . . ^ .,£** • !>'0u a r e ^procuring t h e greater

p h r a s e d for chi ldren and the-pic- lQry ^tiio6LUlmtr^^Mvh<,le tures show a child as the central figure seeking to love God more and more, there, is ample ma­terial for meditation for most of

the alleged visions spurious.

fir$t Saturday Group •- 3»e, R i , K^V. Msgr.. George W. -Eckl, pastov of St , An-

4 n w Church, wiU> je ^uiEst speaksr^at the First Saturday Iriujdjpoo, v f t i t n . 5 at the Powers Hotel ballroom a t 12:16 p.m..MonsigTJorEcklwill be pre. ,h? jsented by-"th* ^Rev; Albert 3r Shamon. moaeraton

Other guests will be the Rev ELiLcaJJcManmis, moderator of

^ o l ^ i ! n a ?n* f tF*.Daii™ I I ioi«b?ted by the Mesaames R. Mc- ._,"*" „L „ „ ^ „ , „ m „ „ , B„* „.. whom are you doing thtaf you jpuftt •yno^ermtor of the Monroe

i t p ^ P I W y 1 ] ' 'fi '•".'i,,w

-JDeanery. TUT! M W C H K O t f i s a public

devotion to the Blessed Mother *poh»oifa t»y -the Monroe? Oeah* «cf Council *£ Catholic W«men. AM dthblfe women who have receive^ Holy comtnunlott that day are invited according to Miss l ^ n n Trtncfe* -" -


piit^ dimtnit fm- g tyg'm- •**> Whf not stop in *t M*fa?*~mi lH Mm show ton 4 buutiful

Mt$Hi»* »f ditminit h M sixts tmd pricts. Our *}*mr$ Ufttion mi low mverhtU keeps our prices

« | N N I ?»»<Mk,«m4 |»wr«. Til * -

\BERNARD J. HENSLER I . • t . v V V | M C f H t O C . I ! - ' M A I N 5 T


- IN ANSWER to the first ques­tion. "How can you give God your heart?" we read. 'Tell Him -that. you-love- Him jvjth_.jaoux whole heart and that you will do something special to show Him

life of Jesus a proof of this? He the Eternal Wisdom of God, Who came down upon earth to glorify Hfl heavenly Father by the re-demntfoh of mankind, found no means more perfect and more ap­propriate to His purpose than to be entirely dependent on Our Lady.. LAh, how greatly do we. glorJIy^oA' aaya Saint de Monk fort, "when in order to please

that you remember you are/'Him, we follow the example of

St Aridrew Parish Rosary So-i elety •will- be, hostess for the-

spending the day with Him Particularly appropriate for ua,

as we start a new year is the in­struction. 'Tell dear Jesus .that you offer Him everything during this hour as an act of love, your reading, your writing, your* re­citing, your posture, your play. Renew your offering each time tftrbell rings/'

Is our reading, or by an exten­sion of the meaning to Include

such , t. •» w , „ , 71 all leisure time activities K ^ M S W ! S S « S f " . n a « " » * • «* to «ive glory to Go4

inc o i l W i

- . u ^ ^ " L ^ T o ^ f ' , " l c " select our entertainment and re-Cutchen, G. M a n ^ e V ^ ^ t o k f l e r ^ a t i o n j , o u r c r i t erion based on r rt^l^^Srt^ i M W what will be pleasing to God and G, < W « r , £ Schneider, P. Kiloy m a k c u » m o r C u s e f u l t 0 ^^ 0 r

aBOLJ. Keiopn. d o . w e watch the ratings to see The committee will be - In w n a t entertainer or bodk is draw-

Charge of reiervations ft?om St.; l n „ 0 i e i a r g e s t numbers, and then Andrew Parish and for decoral- do W e join the crowd?

Are our dealings in our profes* sion or employment based on the hope of bringing ourselves-and others closer to God? Or do we work selfishly and uncharitably, interested only in finding the main chance for our selves?

ItfAXY OFCS would sink close 4e-degpafr-tf- we aluue had to try

tag. All other reservations may be sent;=to M*s. James Hilbcrt, i48 Normandy AV&, G3E ?^039-R by Jan, 2.

Spain To Restore Castle Of Xavier ^HtesW4-^H^fer-^rTSe~Span-

lah foverntnettt has announced that lt will restoj^the<j(sastie of ta.vicT, Jftear_ Pamfflonar where

Tlie ISpshisb saint, one of. tlte first Jesuits, is the patron at the province of; N«^m/;wheieHhfe castle is located- The gfeopie ol TOt province recetvta .tfte) gov

to attain what appears to be ,un attainable height^, were it not that Our Blessid. Lord/has given us a powerful_ff cans to assist us in giving us His Mother, as xnxr ntother.

Jesus Christ and submit our­selves to Mary, His most Holy Mother/ » v . "/Tmitattihen" this heavenly

modej. Love to be dependent on Mary in your work and. your Studies, In your* hardships and your comforts, in all things what­soever, place everything in her handsv

'TJuring your occupations, re­new from time to time your offer-ing to Mary by a short and aim-pie aspiration, and try to live habitually: ao disposed that if you

cbulbT answer without a moment's hesitation, "Far Mary/ What joy you will thus give to the angels! What glory to God! What bless­ings you will draw upon your neighbor and- at the same time upon your own self."

This then might be a plan of action for the New Year.

Tha train :was agog-gog, •ff of the track;

baby, armless, prone on its back.



MAKING PLANS for the University of Notre Dame Alumni dance st the University Club on Saturday, D e c 29 at 9 pjn. »re: (from ieft) Victor. De Slmdn, co-chairman; Mrs. SL Lee Hastings, publicity 'chairman; Leo B. Wesley, ticket chairman

and seated, Mrs. John F. Keegan, co-chairman.

An elephant sat with a hols In lt* s i * ,

And the drum had • slit In Its head, long and wide;

The cavalry troop," with its horses and all,

Were pitched on their faces— a terrible fsli, -

The dump truok was dumped Rith.itsJoad on Jhe floor,.

And the headllglita burned

University Club Dance Set By Notre Dame Graduates

Rochester Alumni Club of the University of Notre Dame in cooperation with the Notre Dame'Women's Group will conduct the annual Christmas Dance a t the University Club on Saturday, Dec. 29 at 9 pan.

Co-chairmen are Mr. and Mrs., —— M ^ t n t n ? S L a n i r ^ a n d ' B " Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John F. Keegan, Jr. - R o b e T S k i p w o r t n . Assisting on their committees! „ ... , _ „ „ . . „

. j ^ . | Publicity, Mr. and Mrs. Peter P Tickets. Mr. and Mrs. Donald; £ f S l S K i JJr & r V w ? ^ i K. .Booth, Blr. and .Mra.Joseph J g | ; I S S S S « ? i f i l — ^ ^ M. Geraghry. Mr. and Mrs. Eric rcaymona THeao. .Jahn.,ScQtt.an(iMr. and.Mra.Xeo-!... Among,.those-enter-tainingHprior B. Wesley. _ ! t ° the dariCe are Mr. and Mrs.

' JagiL Nyfi Di)ffyr-.M&~-and—Mrsi-

v x \ v

S^i^^SfflSfetegl^ir^SS^S^^SSS The whiskers were pulled

from the cat, and the dog

Was bespattered with candy— . aad so was the frog.

The airplane had crashed with its nose to the wall,

And the bugle, quite Rented, was past all recall.

The bus and the tractor, ths donkey's hee-haw.

Had ail been demolished by hammer and saw.

The Christmas tree stood in the corner, like stone.

And looked on the wreckage, aad wondered stone;

Poor another, with poultices placed on her head.

Fell asleep in a chair before going to bed.

Aad rather, for playing from morning till night,

Was paying the penalty, serv-Ing htm fight.

Richard T. Sullivan.. Reception, Mr. and Mrs. John

F-. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Dorschel, Mr. and -Mrs. Arnold

and Mr. amf Sullivan.

Missionary Writes "Death March' Story

Soviet Zone Bans Christmas Symbols

Berlin — ( N O - All Chris< tian motifs and' symbols con­nected with Christmas wtrs for-

Westmlnstesr, Md. — ( N O — bidden in the Soviet zone, ae-An account o l a North Korean ^ ^ t o ^ ^ ^ ^ h death march, written while the _ * * . . , author was still a prisoner of1 S u*h rnotifs_and symbols we.rs war . has been used for a newTpermttted "on toys and objects .volume by one- of the few sur-j intended for export, but nothing vlvors. Father Philip Croshle,; sold in. Soviet zone shops could Australian • born S t -Columban be marked.

The .house was In havoc, tht •servant had gone, —

With no one to clear up ths debris until morn.

And this Is the picture, as I understand,

Of fits night after Christmas, all over the land.

Sail true three years!

after twenty-

Cardinal Stritch Outfits Poor Boys Chicago — ( N O — One liun»

•red underprivileged Catholic boys were assured o f ¥""wsim

ryearr- * At his own expense Cardinal

Stritch, Archbtehop of Chicago, outfitted the youngsters .from top to toe at a clamorous gatheringr at »h# Hair Stor*

here. The boys were picked ! f i*0!» . .E^ceEJHJ? 5Wage" parishes through the Chicago srclidkHiesan headuuafters.

They were given shoes, stock­ings, underwear; suits, over­coats, shirts, headgear and handkerchiefs. There also was a^tarkey, with all the trimmings.

ernment's aftHoutte^ment'rVfttli cft'lSod and ,t>ieir jbjough Jter and

« jiwl Sw, ill awwrnl Ttmm.

viwaimi iiilr svnittx,uovs_suni

im^HAMMIVPR W W W * jggjg*gg^,-

,'«••* „ . „ , ^ F*»S «tUmkt*r,

. . I ' l l inn^ l l l l , i | l | i | l l l , l n i r ' HI •!!,!! 1 ,111 r, I I

rfffifi wimffwi imraiiw

CLASSIFIED ADS S t 1x1111.8 de Montfort in his "True Devotion to-the BlessH Virgin M a t ^ j » ^ - o t ^ e d - * - d e ^ - ,

must bs in this ©ffics, 35 Sd© Strsft, 4S_houn bsfors publK COtion ioatS.


ID ,*•«» «tlwi t*m ««*

T^.TES8»a^-"3ii>s»rl> *jaTv--aSSBBBJBBBBBBrBBBBBB^ V ^ ^ T V I l *

iBBUHiaikSHS BsstsMtf WSIMMIM akv

» > n M

Nandmadi Rosaritt sl»thftrot'1i^«tai'»4« st«Bmr Silw

C M > a*** SM oa«w. Jo-is kf, GUASANTKED g| ( ) fcJpEttt Smirf IMS W « I M * DritS,^

Ftoff ROOKS tahl. SMMM, nt*i*h*4. J-i

i f i t>r<* *, OUm*r*},<H *fnm Cftr

MilittntNCi Sf nrlcti •mpm," yiiw&in~*rtmrGZ.*7-t-nill

*0 S t t t 0«iHr' tiufo** ***m Wly I^HllMi^r C* *-»»? «c GK 4-llM.

' ' " " " • itiWu'itiinnw iifii i jn-- f

Htli Wairttd

--Hi^ i|iiti%4l|i!y

rnisslonary, Three maniscrlpts were writ­

ten of the vivid story before "March Till They Die" got in to print. The original and'a hand­written duplicate were confis­cated by Red border patrols. Father Crosbie had to write the entire account again. It is pub­lished here by Westminister Press.

The beautifully carved wooden figures of the «oly Family and of various Christian saints,, s o well known throughout tht world, were exported but not sold openly In East zone shops.

The very name of Christmas was suppressed in some places, The holiday has been renamed "Winter Festival Time."

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