  • ExTASY: Scalable and Flexible Coupling of MDSimulations and Advanced Sampling Techniques

    Vivekanandan Balasubramanian∗, Iain Bethune†, Ardita Shkurti‡, Elena Breitmoser†

    Eugen Hruska¶‖, Cecilia Clementi§‖, Charles Laughton‡ and Shantenu Jha∗∗Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA

    †EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, James Clerk Maxwell Building, Peter Guthrie Tait Road, Edinburgh, UK, EH9 3FD‡ School of Pharmacy and Centre for Biomolecular Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK

    § Department of Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, USA¶ Department of Physics, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, USA

    ‖ Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, USA

    Abstract—For many macromolecular systems the accuratesampling of the relevant regions on the potential energy surfacecannot be obtained by a single, long Molecular Dynamics(MD) trajectory. New approaches are required to promote moreefficient sampling. We present the design and implementation ofthe Extensible Toolkit for Advanced Sampling and analYsis (Ex-TASY) for building and executing advanced sampling workflowson HPC systems. ExTASY provides Python based “templatedscripts” that interface to an interoperable and high-performancepilot-based run time system, which abstracts the complexity ofmanaging multiple simulations. ExTASY supports the use ofexisting highly-optimised parallel MD code and their couplingto analysis tools based upon collective coordinates which do notrequire a priori knowledge of the system to bias. We describetwo workflows which both couple large “ensembles” of relativelyshort MD simulations with analysis tools to automatically analysethe generated trajectories and identify molecular conformationalstructures that will be used on-the-fly as new starting points forfurther “simulation-analysis” iterations. One of the workflowsleverages the Locally Scaled Diffusion Maps technique; the othermakes use of Complementary Coordinates techniques to enhancesampling and generate start-points for the next generation of MDsimulations. We show that the ExTASY tools have been deployedon a range of HPC systems including ARCHER (Cray CX30),Blue Waters (Cray XE6/XK7), and Stampede (Linux cluster),and that good strong scaling can be obtained up to 1000s ofMD simulations, independent of the size of each simulation. Wediscuss how ExTASY can be easily extended or modified by end-users to build their own workflows, and ongoing work to improvethe usability and robustness of ExTASY.


    Approximately 30-40% of compute cycles on USXSEDE [1], [2] is devoted to research on biomolecular sys-tems using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. Much ofthe computational cost comes from the need for an adequatesampling of the conformational space accessible to thesecomplex and flexible systems in order to answer a particularresearch question. For example, to calculate free energiesone needs an adequate sample from the Boltzmann weightedensemble of states for the system in order to estimate thethermodynamic quantity of interest. Another example is thestudy of kinetic processes such as self-assembly or drug-targetassociation, where the integration of data from large numbers

    of trajectories is required to build a statistically meaningfulmodel of the dynamical process.

    The high dimensionality of these macromolecular systemsand the complexity of the associated potential energy surfaces(creating multiple metastable regions connected by high freeenergy barriers) pose significant challenges to adequately sam-ple the relevant regions of the configurational space. In otherwords, beside the “curse of dimensionality” associated with thelarge number of degrees of freedom, MD trajectories can easilyget “trapped” in a low free energy state and fail to exploreother biologically relevant states. The waiting time to escapefrom a local free energy minimum increases exponentiallywith the height of the free energy barrier that needs to becrossed to reach another state. Metastable states separated byfree energy barriers of several tens of kBT (where kB is theBoltzmann constant and T is the physiological temperature)are not uncommon in biologically relevant systems, but can notat present be routinely sampled with standard MD simulations.

    In practice, better sampling of the relevant regions of amacromolecule configurational space can be achieved throughmethodologies able to bias the sampling towards scarcelyvisited regions, reducing the waiting time inside a metastablestate by artificially flattening the energy barriers betweenstates - e.g. Metadynamics [3] or Accelerated Dynamics [4].Although the results can be usually reweighed to reproducethe correct Boltzmann statistics, kinetics properties are noteasily recovered from biased simulations (unless used incombinations with unbiased simulations, see e.g. [5]). Inaddition, the design of an effective bias usually requires somea priori information on the system of interest, for instanceon a suitable choice of collective variables to describe slowtimescale processes.

    An alternative approach to tackle the sampling problem isthe development of ensemble or swarm simulation strategies,where data from large numbers of simulations, which maybe weakly coupled or not coupled at all, are integrated (e.g.Replica Exchange [6] and Markov State Models (MSMs) [7]).

    This last class of methods is of increasing interest fora variety of reasons. Firstly, the hardware roadmap is now









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  • based almost entirely on increasing core counts, rather thanclock speeds. On the face of it, these developments favourweak scaling problems (larger and larger molecular systemsto be simulated) over strong scaling problems (getting moredata faster on a system of fixed size). However, by runningensembles of simulations over these cores and integrating thedata using, e.g. MSM approaches, timescales far in excessof those sampled by any individual simulation are effectivelyaccessed. In the last few years several studies have beenpublished [8]–[12] where, using MSM methods, processessuch as protein folding or ligand binding have been completelyand quantitatively characterized (thermodynamically and ki-netically) from simulations orders of magnitude shorter thanthe process of interest.

    It is becoming increasingly clear that the application ofensemble simulation strategies on state-of-the-art computa-tional facilities has an unparalleled potential to permit accuratesimulations of the largest, most challenging, and generallymost biologically relevant, biomolecular systems. The mainchallenge in the development of the ensemble approach forfaster sampling of complex macromolecular systems is onthe design of strategies to adaptively distribute the trajecto-ries over the relevant regions of the systems configurationalspace, without using any a priori information on the systemglobal properties. The definition of smart “adaptive sampling”approaches that can redirect computational resources towardsunexplored yet relevant regions is currently of great interest.

    In light of the challenge posed by trends in computerarchitecture, the need to improve sampling, and the range ofexisting MD codes and analysis tools, we have designed andimplemented the Extensible Toolkit for Advanced Samplingand analYsis (ExTASY). ExTASY provides three key featureswithin a single framework to enable the development andapplications requiring advanced sampling in a flexible andhighly scalable environment. Firstly, as an extensible toolkit,ExTASY allows a wide range of existing software to beintegrated, leveraging the significant community investmentin highly optimised and well-tested software packages andenabling users to continue to work with tools that they arefamiliar with. Support for specific MD codes and analysistools is provided in order to demonstrate how ExTASY maybe used, but users can easily add other tools as needed.

    Secondly, ExTASY is flexible, providing a programmableinterface to link individual software components together andconstruct sampling workflows. Workflows capture a sequenceof execution of individual tools, and the data transfers anddependencies between them. First class support is providedfor defining large ensembles of independent simulations. Thuscomplex calculations may be scripted and then executedwithout the need for user intervention.

    Thirdly, ExTASY workflows may be executed either locally,or on remote High Performance Computing systems. Com-plexities such as the batch queueing system and data transferare abstracted, making it easy for users to make use of themost appropriate compute resources they have access to. Inaddition, this abstraction allows workflows to be executed

    without exposing each component to queue waiting time, andrespecting the dependencies defined in the workflow, for manysimulations to be scheduled and executed in parallel.

    The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In the nextsection we discuss the design and implementation of ExTASY.After a brief discussion in Section III of two distinct appli-cations that have been used to design and validate ExTASY,Section IV provides a careful analysis of the performance andscalability of ExTASY. Given the complex interplay betweenfunctionality and performance when designing an extensibleand production tool, we perform a wide range of experimentsaimed to investigate strong and weak scaling properties, interalia over a set of heterogeneous HPC platforms. We concludewith a discussion of the scientific impact as well as the lessonsfor sustainable software development.


    The need for better sampling has driven developmentsin methodology (algorithm), hardware, and software for(bio)molecular simulation.

    One of the features of the popular Metadynamics method[3] or Accelerated Dynamics [4] is that a constant analysis ofwhat has been sampled so far is used to bias future samplinginto unexplored regions. A range of alternative approaches arenow emerging that do likewise, but where alternating segmentsof data-gathering, and analysis to inform the direction of futuresampling, are more coarsely grained. This iterative approachhas the advantage over the metadynamics method that theidentity of “interesting” directions for enhanced sampling doesnot need to be defined a priori, but can emerge and respondflexibly to the developing ensemble. Another advantage is thatthe MD-based sampling process and analysis method do nothave to be implemented within the same executable, or intwo tightly-coupled executables, permitting greater flexibility.Many such methods make use of collective variables (CVs)to define directions in which to promote sampling. A varietyof novel, and established, algorithms for the unsupervisedand adaptive construction of CVs exist. In addition to thework of Preto and Clementi [13], interleaving cycles of MDsimulation with data analysis through Locally Scaled DiffusionMaps [14], related methods include the non-targeted PaCS-MD method of Harada and Kitao [15], variants thereof [16],and the PCA-based method of Peng and Zhang [17].

    Better sampling can also come from faster sampling, whichhas been enabled through hardware developments such asANTON [18] and MD-GRAPE [19]. These special purposecomputers enable much faster calculations of the differentcontributions to the forces along the trajectories, thus speedingup the clock time required to perform a time integrationstep in the MD simulation and allowing execution of sig-nificantly longer MD trajectories. The cost of, and accessto such special purpose computers ensure that in spite oftheir potential, they will not be as accessible for the widerscientific community as general purpose approaches. FurtherANTON requires a customized ecosystem, from bespoke MDengines and ANTON specific data analysis middleware (e.g.,


  • HiMach). Thus ANTON style special-purpose approaches tobio-molecular simulation science cannot take advantage of therich community driven advances and eco-system.

    Methods such as Replica Exchange and Metadynamicsrequire a tight coupling between the simulation and analysisprocesses, and are thus typically implemented as additionalfacilities within the core MD code (e.g. replica exchangemethods are implemented in AMBER [20], CHARMM [21],GROMACS [22], LAMMPS [23], and NAMD [24], for ex-ample), or are provided by a separate package that com-municates in a fine-grained manner with the running MDexecutable, generally though specially-installed “hooks”; anexample of this approach is the PLUMED package [25]which provides metadynamics capabilities (amongst others) toAMBER, GROMACS, LAMMPS, NAMD and also QuantumESPRESSO [26]. In contrast, there is, to our knowledge, so farno established and generally available package to support thetypes of coarser-grained, adaptive workflows described above.


    In this section we first present the requirements that havebeen considered in the design and implementation of ExTASY,which we then go on to discuss.

    A. Requirements

    Consistent with the design of many new software systemsand tools, we analyze the functionality, performance andusability requirements of ExTASY.

    1) Functionality: Specific to sampling, there is a need tocouple two very distinct computational stages; each stage canbe short-lived when compared to the typical duration of mono-lithic simulation. Furthermore, the two stages differ in theirresource requirements significantly: one stage is characterizedby multiple compute intensive MD simulations, the other by asingle analysis program that operates on data aggregated frommultiple simulations. The “Ex” in ExTASY is a reference tothe extensible nature of the framework, and thus any couplingmust be between the abstraction of stages and not specificcodes for fixed time duration.

    Scientists may have access to multiple systems, and wishto submit jobs on each, or may be forced to migrate fromusing one system to another due to CPU time allocation, orsystem end-of-life. It is imperative that any software systemsupport interoperability, i.e. use of heterogeneous systemswith minimal changes. MD simulations may be executedover multiple nodes, depending on the system size, thus anysoftware system should also support the ability to executetasks over multiple nodes.

    2) Performance: In order to obtain good sampling, a largenumber of simulations must be executed. In many cases, theaggregate number of cores required by the set of simulations(“ensemble”) is much higher than the total number of coresthat are available at a given instance or that can be allocatedon a system. The framework must decouple the aggregate (orpeak) resource requirement of the workload from the number

    of cores available or utilized. On the other hand, if access toa large number of cores is available, the framework should beable to use them effectively. In this regard, the strong andweak scalability of the framework is to be investigated.

    3) Usability: Depending on the application, the user mightneed to change to using a larger/smaller set of input data,modify simulation parameters or replace any of the simulationor analysis tools. The framework should offer easy applicationsetup, minimizing the user’s time and effort in the process.The user should only be concerned with decisions on “what”the workflow is and “where” it is being executed. The detailsas to “how” the deployment and execution occurs shouldbe hidden by the underlying software. Thus the frameworkshould use tools that abstract complexities of deploymentand execution from the user. Workflow users and developersshould be able to concentrate their efforts on the applicationlogic and expect the underlying software to provide a level oftransparent and automation of aspects such as data movementand job submission.

    B. Design

    From these requirements, we identify the following as theprimary design objectives of ExTASY.

    1) Support range of HPC systems, abstract task execution,data movement from the user.

    2) Flexible resource management and coupling capabilitiesbetween different stages as well as within a stage.

    3) Provide the users with an easy method to specify orchange workload parameters without delving into theapplication itself.

    These design objectives put together lead to the followingsimple software architecture:

    1) Middleware for resource and execution management:The ExTASY framework is aimed to provide an easy methodto run advanced sampling algorithms on HPC systems. In thisprocess, the ExTASY framework should abstract users fromthe complexity of application composition, workload executionand resource management. There is need for a middlewarethat provides such resource and execution management thatprovides many of the required functionalities and performance.The details of how tasks are mapped or executed on toresources is abstracted from the ExTASY user. The user isonly required to provide details of the workload and identifythe resource(s) that are accessible. This design choice thus ac-knowledges the separation of concerns: workload descriptionfrom its execution on HPC systems.

    2) Configuration files: Composing the advanced samplingalgorithms discussed in the previous sections using the com-ponents provided by a particular middleware stack, requiresspecific knowledge of the middleware itself. The ExTASYframework bypasses this complexity by adding one more levelof abstraction. It provides ready-to-use scripts in accordancewith advanced sampling methods discussed in this paper thatare configurable via configuration files. In these configurationfiles, the user is exposed to only application-level, meaningfulparameters that can be modified as necessary.


  • Fig. 1. Design of the ExTASY framework using Ensemble Toolkit asmiddleware. The ExTASY framework provides ready-to-use scripts createdusing components provided by Ensemble Toolkit. Parameters related to theresource and workload are exposed via configuration files, which alone arethe files that users interact with. Within Ensemble Toolkit, the workload isconverted into executable units by the execution plugins and submitted to theresource using RADICAL-Pilot.

    C. Implementation

    1) Ensemble Toolkit: As mentioned previously, ExTASYrequires a middleware for resource and execution management.We chose to use Ensemble Toolkit [27] as the middlewarecomponent as it provides several relevant features such as theability to support MPI tasks, dynamic resource management– one type of which is to be able to execute more tasksthan the resources available, support for heterogeneous HPCsystems and strong and weak scalability guarantees. EnsembleToolkit has been tested upto O(1,000) tasks with short and longterm plans to support O(10,000) and O(100,000) tasks [27].Ensemble Toolkit is in turn based upon the pilot abstraction(and the RADICAL-Pilot [28] implementation of the pilotabstraction) to provide much of the flexible and scalableresource management capabilities.

    Ensemble Toolkit exposes three components to the user thatcan be used to express many applications: Kernel Plugins,Execution Patterns, and Resource Handle. Scripts that are partof ExTASY framework use these components to describe theapplication logic.

    2) Configuration files: The application logic is expressedvia components of Ensemble Toolkit. The resource and theworkload specifications are exposed via configuration files.The ExTASY framework has two types of configuration files:(i) resource configuration, which consist of details of theresource where the application will to be executed such as theresource name, the runtime, and the username and account de-tails used to access the resource, and (ii) kernel configuration,which defines the workload parameters such as the location ofinput files for the Molecular Dynamcis simulation and analysistools, parameters for the tools, and workflow parameters suchas the number of simulations.

    Fig. 2. The SAL pattern common to both sampling algorithms. The crux ofthe pattern is an iteration over 2 stages: simulation and analysis, where thenumber of simulation and analysis instances can be different. The pattern mayalso contain pre- and post- processing stages.


    We illustrate the capabilities of the ExTASY approach viatwo exemplar applications. The two different advanced sam-pling algorithms implemented with ExTASY are the DiffusionMap-directed-MD (DM-d-MD) and CoCo-MD techniques.Both these algorithms have a common execution pattern: anensemble of simulation tasks followed by an analysis stage,performed for multiple iterations following the pattern shownin Figure 2.

    In the case of the DM-d-MD algorithm, the simulationstage consists of Gromacs and LSDMap in the analysis stage.Whereas, in the CoCo algorithm, the simulation stage consistsGromacs runs and trajectory conversions and analysis consistsof CoCo. The individual simulation or analysis tools mightdiffer depending on the algorithm chosen but the overallpattern is observed to be the same.

    A. Diffusion Map-directed-MD

    The Diffusion Map-directed-MD (DM-d-MD) technique[13] improves the efficiency of computational resources bychoosing which replicas of the protein are used to run MD.When replicas are too close to each other, the MD trajectorieswill be similar. The information gain from simulating MDwith close replicas is small. Part of the replicas which are tooclose to each other are deleted. To hold the total number ofreplicas constant, replicas which are too far apart from eachother are duplicated. In DM-d-MD, a non-linear dimension-ality reduction technique, the locally scaled diffusion map(LSDMap) [14] is used to calculate the distance betweendifferent replicas. The deletion or duplication of replicas woulddestroy the correct sampling of the protein. By changing theweights of individual replicas in the reweighting step, thecorrect sampling of the protein is obtained.

    The DM-d-MD technique requires only the protein startingstructure. No additional information about the protein is nec-essary. The user can fine tune the sampling mainly by varyingthe total number of replicas and the way how the local scale


  • in LSDMap is calculated. At the begin on the method, thereplicas are generated from the protein starting structure. Afterthe MD step, the LSDMap is calculated. LSDMap requiresonly the final structure for each replica from the MD step.Based on the LSDMap results new replicas for the nextiteration of DM-d-MD are chosen from the current replicas.The reweighting ensures that the

    It was shown that DM-d-MD technique is, at least, oneorder of magnitude faster compared to plain MD [13]. Thiscomparison was done for alanine dipeptide and a 12-aminoacidmodel system, Ala12.

    B. The CoCo-MD workflow

    The CoCo (Complementary Coordinates) technique [29]was designed originally as a method to enhance the diversityof ensembles of molecular structures of the type produced byNMR structure determination. The method involves the use ofPCA [30]–[32] in Cartesian space to map the distribution ofthe ensemble in a low (typically 2-4 dimensional) space, andthen the identification of un-sampled regions. CoCo generatesnew conformations for the molecule that would correspondto these un-sampled regions. The number of new structuresgenerated is under the users control the algorithm divides thespace into bins at a chosen resolution, marks bins as sampledor not, first returns a structure corresponding to the centre ofthe un-sampled bin furthest from any sampled one, marks thisbin as now sampled, and iterates as many times as desired.

    In the CoCo-MD workflow, an ensemble of structures fromMD simulations are analysed using the CoCo method; newconformations become the start points for a new round ofMD simulations. The latest MD data is added to the previousset, and CoCo repeated. The method is agglomerative - allMD data generated so far is used for each analysis; but alsoadaptive - a fresh PCA is performed each time. Appliedto simulations of the alanine pentapeptide, the CoCo-MDworkflow is able to reduce mean first passage times from theextended state to other local minimum states by factors of tenor greater compared to conventional simulations [33].


    A. Experiment setup

    1) Physical system: The 39-residue mixed α/β proteinNTL9(1-39) (pdb code 2HBA, 14,100 atoms including water)is chosen as the physical system for our experiments. NTL9has an experimentally measured folding time of around 1.5ms [34], and its folding process has been extensively studiedby experiment and all-atom MD simulations, both by meansof the Folding@Home distributed computing platform coupledwith MSM analysis [9], and by Anton supercomputer [35].

    The relatively small size of NTL9, and the existence ofprevious MD simulation results over long timescales, makethis protein an ideal candidate for testing and benchmarkingour approach. Albeit small, NTL9 is much larger than a simplepeptide, and exhibits a folding process with two competingroutes [35], thus presenting a non-trivial test for adaptivesampling.

    2) HPC systems used: One of the requirements of ExTASYas that it should be interoperable, so we have used severaldifferent HPC systems for our experiments, and characterisedthe performance of ExTASY on each.

    Stampede is a Dell Linux cluster located at the TexasAdvanced Computing Center, and is part of the ExtremeScience and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE).It consists of 6400 compute nodes, each with 2 Intel Xeon‘Sandy Bridge’ processors, for a total of 16 CPU cores pernode, as well as an Intel Xeon Phi co-processor (not used inour experiments). Stampede uses the SLURM batch schedulerfor job submission.

    ARCHER is a Cray XC30 supercomputer hosted by EPCC,and operated on behalf of the Engineering and Physical Sci-ences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Natural EnviromentResearch Council (NERC). It has 4920 compute nodes, eachwith 2 Intel Xeon ‘Ivy Bridge’ processors, giving 24 cores pernode. ARCHER uses the Portable Batch System (PBS) for jobsubmission.

    Blue Waters is a Cray XE6/XK7 operated by the NationalCentre for Supercomputing Applications on behalf of theNational Science Foundation and the University of Illinois.The XE6 partition used in this work consists of 22640 computenodes with 2 AMD ‘Interlagos’ processors, giving 32 coresper node. Blue Waters uses the TORQUE/Moab workloadmanager for job submission.

    B. Evaluation of individual components

    Since the performance of the entire workflow depends on theperformance of each of the component parts, we investigate thescaling of both the simulation code (Gromacs) and the analysistools in isolation on each of the three target platforms, usingthe NTL9 system used for the full sampling workflows.

    1) Simulation tools: The parallel efficiency of Gromacswith respect to a single core on each machine is shown inFigure 3. While efficincies of 69% (ARCHER, 24 cores), 78%(Stampede, 16 cores) and 46% (Blue Waters, 32 cores) suggestthat while the scaling for such a relatively small simulationis not ideal, using a single node per simulation is a gooduse of the available hardware. Beyond a single node, theefficiency drops off so although multiple node simulation tasksare supported by Ensemble Toolkit they are not useful for thisbenchmark case.

    2) Analysis tools: Due to the nature of the two workflows,there are many parallel simulation tasks, but only a singleanalysis task. Therefore, the analysis task may be configured torun on as many cores as are available to the simulations. BothCoCo and LSDMap are parallelised using MPI, and consist ofparts which are independent, e.g., reading of trajectory filesin CoCo, and involve communication e.g. diagonalisation ofthe covariance matrix in CoCo and the diffusion matrix inLSDMap, so the parallel scaling is expected to be sub-linear.The performance of CoCo is also strongly dependent on I/Osince it reads the entire trajectory file rather than just the finalconfigurations like LSDMap.


  • Fig. 3. Gromacs parallel efficiency on ARCHER, Blue Waters and Stampede.A single 20ps gromacs simulation of the NTL9 system is performed usingvarious core counts on the three machines and the execution time is measured.

    Fig. 4. Strong scaling of CoCo analysis tool on ARCHER, Blue Waters andStampede. A total of 256 simulations are analyzed using various core countson the three machines and execution time is measured.

    Fig. 5. Parallel efficiency of LSDMap on ARCHER, Blue Waters andStampede. A total of 2449 structures are analyzed using various core countson the three machines and execution time is measured.

    Figures 4 show the strong scaling of CoCo for a fixed inputof 256 simulations. We see that CoCo is able to scale to atleast 256 cores on ARCHER and Blue Waters, and to around32 cores on Stampede, thus for our following experimentswe configure the workflow to run CoCo with as many coresas there are input trajectories. LSDMap (Figure 5) however,does not scale efficiently much beyond a single node on eachmachine, even with over 2000 input structures. Nevertheless,we run LSDMap on as many cores as are available, eventhough it cannot use them fully. Due to the structure of theworkflow, those cores would otherwise sit idle during theanalysis phase.

    C. Evaluation of ExTASY

    Fig. 6. Measurement of overhead from ExTASY on ARCHER, Blue Watersand Stampede. Using only the simulation stage of the SAL pattern, overheadfrom ExTASY is measured on the three machines at various core counts.

    1) Characterization of overheads: In addition to the neces-sity of characterizing performance overhead introduced by anew system approach and implementation, in order to instillconfidence in potential users of ExTASY it is important tomeasure the overheads imposed by ExTASY. The objectiveis to discern the contributions from the different aspects ofthe ExTASY framework as opposed to MD and analysiscomponents. The time taken to create, launch and terminateall of the simulations or the instantiate ExTASY frameworkitself on the resource are examples of the former overhead.All of the experiments use Ensemble Toolkit version 0.3.14.

    We ran a single iteration of the workflow with null work-loads, i.e., where the task did no work (/bin/sleep 0),but otherwise was configured as a “normal” simulation task,launched using MPI and taking a whole node on each ofthe machines. The number of tasks ranged from 16 to 128,and they were all run concurrently. Figure 6 shows thatthe overheads on Stampede and Blue Waters are relativelysmall, growing from

  • Fig. 7. Strong scaling of DM-d-MD workflow on ARCHER (top) and BlueWaters (bottom). The number of simulations is held constant at 128, numberof cores per simulation at 24 on ARCHER and 32 on Bluewaters. The totalnumber of cores used is varied with a constant workload, hence measuringstrong scaling performance of the framework.

    simulation time decreases from 395.7s on 512 cores to 79.52son 4096 cores, a speedup of 4.97x with 8x as many cores– yielding a scaling efficiency of 62%. The analysis time isessentially constant at around 100s, as expected. The lossof scaling efficiency for the simulation part comes fromtwo sources. Firstly, there is the fixed overhead discussed inSection V-C1 associated with the execution of 128 concur-rent tasks, which is approximately 15s. Secondly, the actualcomputation which occurs within each task take longer whenmore simulations are run concurrently, due to the fact thatthey all write to the same shared filesystem. For example,when 16 instances are run concurrently on 512 cores, theMD simulations take an average of 45.6s each. When all 128instances are run concurrently, each takes 49.0s, or 3.4s slower.If these effects are removed, the effective scaling efficiency on4096 cores rises to 77%.

    Similar results are obtained on ARCHER (Figure 7, top),although the scaling of the simulation part tails off on 3072cores, and the LSDMap analysis takes somewhat longer, withhigher variability than Blue Waters. Both of these are due tothe fact that both the MD and analysis involve significant I/O,and it is known that opening many small files concurrently isslow as the metadata servers of the parallel Lustre filesystembecome a bottleneck [36].

    CoCo-MD on Stampede (Figure 8, bottom) has similarstrong scaling for the simulation part as DM-d-MD. Thesimulation time decreases from 363s on 256 cores to 83.7son 2048 cores – a speedup of 4.3x for a 8-fold increase in thenumber of cores (54% efficiency). However, the analysis time(CoCo) does not scale due to the fact that the parallelisationin CoCo is limited to the number of input trajectories, whichis 128 in this case, even if more cores are available.

    The CoCo-MD workflow on ARCHER (Figure8, top) doesnot show as good scaling as DM-d-MD, or CoCo-MD on

    Fig. 8. Strong scaling of CoCo-MD workflow on ARCHER (top) andStampede (bottom). The number of simulations is held constant at 128,number of cores per simulation at 24 on ARCHER and 16 on Stampede.The total number of cores used is varied with a constant workload, hencemeasuring strong scale performance of the framework.

    the other platforms. The reason for this lies in the fact thatafter the actual molecular dynamics calculation, a ‘trajectoryconversion’ step is required to prepare the data for CoCo.This step only takes a fraction of a second to execute, butthere is a very large overhead caused by aprun, whichallocates resources to and launches each individual task. Thisdoes not occur on Blue Waters, which uses the ORTE [37]implementation of RADICAL-Pilot that is not yet default onARCHER.

    3) Weak scaling test: To investigate the weak scaling prop-erties of ExTASY, we fix the ratio of number of instancesto CPU cores, and vary the number of instances with theconstraint that all simulations can execute concurrently. Forexample, on ARCHER 16 instances are executed on one nodeeach (24 cores) giving a total of 384 cores, and the numberof instances is increased to 128, i.e., the number of cores is3072.

    Since all simulations run concurrently, and the length ofeach simulation does not change, we expect the simulationtime to be a constant. However, the analysis part will increasesince the performance of the analysis tools is a function bothof the input data size (depending on the number of instances),as well as the number of cores available, and even though thenumber of cores is proportional to the data size, the amountof work grows faster than linearly with the data size.

    For the DM-d-MD workflow on Blue Waters (Figure 9, top)we observe a small increase of 21.8s in the simulation part aswe scale from 512 to 4096 cores. Similar to the strong scalingresults, this is combination of the overhead due to the increasednumber of tasks with a slowdown of the individual tasksthemselves. The analysis is found to increase sub-linearly. Asdiscussed in section V-B2 the LSDMap computation consistsof parts which are both linear and quadratic in the size ofthe input data. Combined with an increasing number of cores


  • Fig. 9. Weak scaling of DM-d-MD workflow on Blue Waters (top) andStampede (bottom). The number of cores per simulation is held constant at32 on Blue Waters and 16 on Stampede. The total number of simulationsis varied from 16-128 and the cores used are increased proportionally. Bykeeping the ratio of the workload to the number of resources constant, weobserve the weak scaling performance of the framework.

    available for the tool, sub-linear scaling is the result. Simi-lar behaviour is observed on Stampede (Figure 9, bottom),although with a different weighting of the simulation andanalysis part, reflecting the fact that the performance of eachkernel depends on how well optimised the application binaryis on the execution platform.

    The weak-scaling of CoCo-MD on ARCHER (Figure 10,top) shows very clearly the aprun bottleneck discussion inSection V-C2, and the effect increases as the number of con-current tasks grows. However, the analysis part scales betterthan linearly, which is to be expected since CoCo consistsof parts which weak scale ideally (independent operationsper trajectory file) and parts such as the construction anddiagonalisation of the covariance matrix which grow as thedata size squared or more.

    On Stampede, the weak scaling of the simulation part ofthe CoCo-MD workflow (Figure 10, bottom) is much betterthan ARCHER. The simulation time grows only by around 50scompared to over 700s on ARCHER over the range of coresthat we tested. CoCo scales almost identically to ARCHER.

    4) Effect of larger ensembles: To distinguish the effectscaused by strong scaling (increasing parallelism with a fixedamount of work) and weak scaling (increasing parallelismproportionally to the amount of work), we also measured theeffect of increasing the amount of work with a fixed numberof compute cores available. Figure 11 shows the results forthe DM-d-MD workflow running on Blue Waters as we varythe number of MD instances from 128 to 1024, keeping thetotal number of cores available at 4096. Since each task runson a single node (32 cores per instance), only 128 simulationtasks can run concurrently. Ideally, we would expect that thesimulation time should increase linearly with the number ofinstances. In practice, we see that the time taken grows by

    Fig. 10. Weak scaling of CoCo-MD workflow on ARCHER (top) andStampede (bottom). The number of cores per simulation is held constant at24 on ARCHER and 16 on Stampede. The total number of instances is variedfrom 16-128 and the cores used are increased proportionally. By keeping theratio of the workload to the number of resources constant, we observe theweak scaling performance of the framework.

    Fig. 11. DM-d-MD workflow on Stampede. Workload is increased from 128instances to 1024, keeping the number of cores constant at 4096. Within theoverheads, the increase in execution time is in proportion with increase in theworkload.

    only 7.4x as the number of instances increases from 128 and1024 i.e., a factor of 8. This is due to the fact that some of theoverheads related to managing the tasks that occur before orafter execution in the 128 task case are one-time overheads,i.e., those overheads are hidden as they are done concurrently(in the RADICAL-Pilot Agent) with the execution of theremaining tasks when the number of instances is greater than128. The scaling of the analysis part is consistent with thatdiscussed in Section V-B2, that there is a close to linear scalingsince the larger the ensemble size, the more parallelism isavailable in LSDMap

    5) Dynamic simulations: An important characteristic of theLSDMap and CoCo based workflows is that the number ofinstances typically changes after each simulation-analysis iter-ation. Thanks to the pilot-abstraction, the ExTASY frameworksupports flexible mapping between the number of concurrentinstances and the total number of cores, while being agnosticof the number of cores per instance. This functionality is usedby the DM-d-MD workflow, where, depending on the progress


  • Fig. 12. Support for dynamic workload in ExTASY: The DM-d-MD algorithmdictates the number of instances at every iteration. The number of instancesin each iteration (for a total of 5 iterations) when starting with 32, 64, 128instances is presented.

    through the conformation space of the system being explored,LSDMap may decide to spawn more (or less) trajectoriesfor the next iteration of sampling. Figure 12 illustrates thiscapability. We ran the DM-d-MD workflow on Blue Watersfor three configurations with 32, 64 and 128 initial instances.We can see that after an initial growth phase the numberof instances seems to stablise for the remaining iterations,although the difference from the starting configuration and thenumber of iterations taken to stabilise is not algorithmicallyor systematically predictable. The flexible resource utilizationcapabilities that ExTASY is built upon prove critical.

    D. Summary of Experiments

    We have shown illustrative performance data for two dif-ferent applications – CoCo-MD and DM-d-MD – based ondifferent analysis methods, on three distinct HPC platforms- ARCHER, Blue Waters and Stampede. The overall scalingto O(1000) simulations is clearly demonstated, and we haveanalysed the scaling behaviour of the ExTASY frameworkitself (overheads) and the individual simulation and analysisprograms which constitute the workflow.


    State-of the-art computational biophysics approaches aimto balance three different requirements: force-fields accu-racy, advanced sampling capabilities, and rigorous and fastdata analysis. These points are strongly interconnected. Inparticular, it is becoming clear that advanced sampling anddata analysis need to be tightly coupled to work efficientlyand accurately, as the configurational space that has alreadybeen sampled needs to be analyzed on-the-fly to inform onhow to proceed with further sampling. Furthermore, manyadvanced sampling algorithms for biomolecular simulationsrequire flexible and scalable support for multiple simulations.As no final solution yet exists on the best strategy for adaptivesampling (and different physical systems may require a com-bination of strategies), there is a need to allow combination ofdifferent MD engines with different analysis tools, and can beeasily extended or modified by end-users to build their ownworkflows, both for development of new strategies, and forapplications to the study of complex biomolecular systems.

    ExTASY is designed and implemented to provide a signif-icant step in this direction. ExTASY allows to simulate manyparallel MD trajectories (by means of standard MD engines),to extract long timescale information from the trajectories (bymeans of different dimensionality reduction methods), and touse the information extracted from the data for adaptivelyimproving sampling. ExTASY has been utilized by differentMD engines and analysis algorithms, with only pre-definedand localized changes.

    In Section III, we formally identified the functional, per-formance and usability requirements to support the couplingof MD simulations with advanced sampling algorithms. Wethen presented the design and implementation of ExTASY,an extensible, portable and scalable Python framework forbuilding advanced sampling workflow applications to achievethese requirements. After establishing accurate estimates ofthe overhead of using ExTASY, Section V consisted of experi-ments designed to validate the design objectives; we performedexperiments that characterized ExTASY along traditional scal-ing metrics, but also investigated ExTASY beyond single weakand strong scaling performance. With the exception of somemachine specific reasons,ExTASY displayed linear scaling forboth strong and weak scaling tests on various machines up toO(1000) simulation instances on up to O(1000) nodes for bothDM-d-MD and CoCo-MD workflows.

    In order to keep the footprint of new software small,ExTASY builds upon well-defined and understood abstractionsand their efficient and interoperable implementation (EnsembleToolkit, RADICAL-Pilot). This provides double duty: Thecore functionality of ExTASY can be provided by simplehigher level extensions of complex system software, whileallowing it to build upon the performance and optimizationof the underlying system software layers. This also allowsExTASY to employ good systems engineering practice: well-defined and good base performance, while being amenableto platform-specific optimizations (e.g. using ORTE on BlueWaters [37]).

    The design of ExTASY to reuse existing capabilities, forextensibility to different MD codes and sampling algorithmswhile providing well defined functionality and performanceare essential features to ensure the sustainability of ExTASY.Compared to existing software tools and libraries for advancedsampling, ExTASY provides a much more flexible approachthat is agnostic of individual tools and compute platforms, isarchitected to enable efficient and scalable performance andhas a simple but general user interface. The ExTASY toolkitis freely available from

    The ExTASY toolkit has been used to deliver two hands-on computational science training exercises and tutorials tothe bio-molecular simulations community with a focus onadvanced sampling. Participants were given the opportunityto utilize HPC systems in real time for advanced samplingproblems of their own. Details of both events can be foundat A linkto the lessons and experience from the first workshop can befound at:




    This work was funded by the NSF SSI Awards (CHE-1265788 and CHE-1265929) and EPSRC (EP/K039490/1). This work used the ARCHER UKNational Supercomputing Service ( We acknowledgeaccess to XSEDE computational facilities via TG-MCB090174 and BlueWaters via NSF-1516469. We gratefully acknowledge the input from variouspeople who have helped the development of the ExTASY workflows: everyoneelse involved the ExTASY project, the attendees at ExTASY tutorials andbeta testing sessions, and particularly David Dotson and Gareth Shannon whoprovided in-depth comments and suggestions.


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    I Introduction and MotivationII Related WorkIII ExTASY: Requirements, Design and ImplementationIII-A RequirementsIII-A1 FunctionalityIII-A2 PerformanceIII-A3 Usability

    III-B DesignIII-B1 Middleware for resource and execution managementIII-B2 Configuration files

    III-C ImplementationIII-C1 Ensemble ToolkitIII-C2 Configuration files

    IV ApplicationsIV-A Diffusion Map-directed-MDIV-B The CoCo-MD workflow

    V Performance EvaluationV-A Experiment setupV-A1 Physical systemV-A2 HPC systems used

    V-B Evaluation of individual componentsV-B1 Simulation toolsV-B2 Analysis tools

    V-C Evaluation of ExTASYV-C1 Characterization of overheadsV-C2 Strong scaling testV-C3 Weak scaling testV-C4 Effect of larger ensemblesV-C5 Dynamic simulations

    V-D Summary of Experiments

    VI Discussion and ConclusionVII AcknowledgmentsReferences
