Page 1: Evaluation for the digital media production

Evaluation for the digital media

productionBy Munirba

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What was your initial concept for your final project and what were the reasons behind your choices?

My own ideas were based around a horror-comedy movie. This was because these are the 2 main genres I would have interest therefore I was able to understand what would be horrific or funny. Also wanted to choose these 2 genres and mix them because I have seen some movies which have had success with mixing these 2 genres together so this is what I wanted to achieve , (let me in, twilight). My idea was based on the foundation of any horror movie but again I wanted to make the movie my own by adding in the romance for a touch of softness. I then joined a group we all had different ideas but we came to a conclusion at first to produce a romantic horror opening sequence. We then discussed after our first pitch that we were going to stick to only romantic considering that is a genre most people I n our class are interested in, this is also a genre which doesn’t need much thought gone into. Although we did think this we had to put a lot of thought into the story line to make sure it didn’t drag for too long or was too ‘ cheesy ‘ in an sense we wanted to put our own spin on the opening sequence and we did that.

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How has your research and planning helped you develop your final project?

As it came to research and planning we did have to search some movies to understand which one we would be our foundation for the movie, after we would then elaborate on the movie. We picked a simple romantic movie such as ‘Brotherly Love’ we chose this because this movie had an interesting ending. The movie is about a girl and a boy who start to like each other but the girls older brother is almost a father figure therefore he does not want his sister to interact with any boys but towards the end he comes and around to like the boy and does not mind him. We wanted a story line like this. In our movie the bother does not come around to the boy and just hates him. From start to end.

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Who would be the audience for your final product?

I don’t think our target audience will change after the whole production because we have kept our audience in mind even during the production. Our target audience were always school/college students but the age group would have been broader (15-25) this is because we are able understand this age group and what they want, also how they would understand the movies. We also can relate as we are the same age group and our class is an target audience as well. When we were pitching our ‘ target audience ‘ did give us some feed back and how we were able to improve the story line, locations or the character profiles of our movie.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted our audience with the movie and our story line of there being a little fight between the boys, also the come up of the characters getting together. We addressed our ideas to our audience by pitching the to our class but after this we did change many ideas and improved them so the movie could be well understood and the motive of it. We also explained where we want to shoot and why we wanted to give a skater boy theme which we have made successful.

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What have you learnt about media technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt to use a camera properly as I was panning the shots of the location I feel like using the camera has given me confidence on how to use the camera better also with equipment. I did also learn techniques from my group we were all sharing what we had to offer to help each other. I have also learnt how to use the camera in different angles can make the movie look more exciting and professional. I have also improved on my Photoshop and InDesign skills, as I was introduced to these 2 last but I have improved on them highly such s on my poster I was able to add a streak of black and white this was to symbolize that Rickey is the main character of the movie. This reflects on my poster and the way I edited it. I also came up the idea of my poster to keep Antony in the dark or in shadow as he is meant to be the character that is meant to be the problem between Rickey and Patricia. I do regret that I was not able to take much part in editing and learn some skills but I still have from last year when I did level 2 media, therefore I have made this my goal for the next assignment.

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How closely did your final product resemble your initial ideas and expectations?

Our ideas met our initial ideas of the story line, but we did add extra parts to the opening sequence to explain more about Rickey and what type of character he was, this was an idea we had from the start, we wanted to introduce all the characters but this was the opening sequence with was only supposed to be 5minutes or under. We did add some extra scenes from other movies such as ‘straight out of Compton’ when we are first introducing Rickey and he is laying around CDs and magazines. Our expectation of the movie was not as high as the movie actually came out we were very impressed with our movie and how it turned out. The movie turned out higher than we expected as of the quality of our movie was by far very good. I feel like we could have made some parts shorter i.e. the intro of Rickey could be shortened as it was quite long and took most of our opening sequence. There is also some times were we had paused on a scene for longer than interpreted. We also made changes to the way the opening sequence would be set out, the ending leading on the start, so the start of our opening sequence makes sense. Our movie has been well understood by our audience as someone had said ‘ the story line is very clear and easy to understand what is going on ‘ another class student stated how the sequence of scenes placed really made our movie stand out and different.