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“K-9” 1008 Vol 2 No 8C B (“K-9”)

Un-official Police Gazette for

VETERANS of the former

South African Police Force


for those interested in the

history of our Police and South

Africa’s National Security

Nie-amptelike Polisiekoerant vir VETERANE van die ou Suid-Afrikaanse

Polisiemag en vir diegene wat belangstel in die geskiedenis van ons polisie en

nasionale veiligheid

Augustus 2011: Vol 2 no 8C (“K-9” 100)

(“K-9” 1) (“K-

9” 100)K

Beskermheer: genl JV van der Merwe : Patron

Redateur: Hennie Heymans: Editior

Dedicated to K-9 SAPS and all the wonderful Police Dogs!9

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Contents 1972 - The bronze Statue of Sniffer Dog on our Cover ........................................................................... 5

1911 - Where it all began at Irene ...................................................................................................... 6

Message from Gen Johan van der Merwe a former Commissioner of Police .................................... 6

The “old” Main Gate to the Dog Schoole Main Gate .................................................................... 7

Dog’s Prayer ............................................................................................................................................ 8

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 9

A hundred years of policing with police dogs in South Africa – Brig Stan Gillham ............................. 9

The Police and their ubiquitous “station” dogs .............................................................................. 10

The Police dog training centre was established on 11 August 1911 .................................................... 11

Transvaal Police Force ....................................................................................................................... 11

Police breed their own particular crossbreed............................................................................... 11

Detective Head Constable Kuyper ................................................................................................ 11

June 1913 ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Foster Gang ................................................................................................................................... 11

1917 & 1918 Cape Town - Detective Constable JD du Plessis ...................................................... 12

1920 Annual Report of the Commissioner .................................................................................... 12

1921 Capt WH Padgham – 1923 Quaggapoort ................................................................................. 13

1925 - 160 km World Record: Det/Sgt Herbert Kruger and Sauer ................................................... 13

1927: 150 Dogs in training ................................................................................................................ 14

1927 Governor- General and Princess Alice at Quaggaspoort ..................................................... 15

1927 Leda on a 72 mile hunt ......................................................................................................... 15

1929 of it Veterinary Division ....................................................................................................... 16

1930 RJ “Bobby” Palmer ............................................................................................................... 17

1938 Service in Palestine by the SA Police: Det/Sgt’s Kitching and Pretorius .............................. 17

1939 The Union’s World famous Police Dogs ................................................................................... 17

Indian Police: Sgt FA Clark & Sgt WR Saunders with “Astor” and “Dinah” ................................... 18

Capt PJ Claassen, Det/Const DC Breedt and Ceasar ..................................................................... 19

Det/Sgt FA Diedericks ................................................................................................................... 20

1942 Escaped Italian POW’s.......................................................................................................... 21

1942 Visit Dog School: Crown Prince and Princess of Greece ...................................................... 22

Focus on Tracker Dogs .................................................................................................................. 22

1947 Royal Visit to Quaggaspoort Dog School .............................................................................. 23

1952 SAP Hints on the Investigation of Crime .................................................................................. 24

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1950’s Capt Scheepers Kitching ........................................................................................................ 24

Dutch Police Dog ........................................................................................................................... 24

1961 European Study Tour ........................................................................................................... 25

1962 Patrol Dogs ........................................................................................................................... 25

1962 Annual Report of the Commissioner .................................................................................... 25

1963 Die Wens van die Hond ............................................................................................................ 27

1963 Annual Report of the Commissioner .................................................................................... 27

1964 – Rand Water Board ............................................................................................................. 28

1964 – Durban Dog Squad ............................................................................................................ 29

1964 –Col CC von Keyserlingk visits Durban Dog Squad in the Bundu ........................................ 29

Boodskap van Manie Odendaal, Legendariese Patrolliehondgeleier: Daana Kruger ....................... 30

1964 Group of Warders ................................................................................................................ 31

1964 – Mozambique Police ........................................................................................................... 31

July 1964 ........................................................................................................................................... 32

1966 SAP Patrol Dog ..................................................................................................................... 32

1965 Medal to No A121 Police Dog Prince ....................................................................................... 33

1965 The Detective-dog – Die speurhond .................................................................................... 35

1967 Front Cover .......................................................................................................................... 35

1968 Constable Miller and Ryno ....................................................................................................... 36

June 1968 – Annual Report by the Commissioner of Police ......................................................... 36

1968 South African Police Dog Display ............................................................................................. 37

The Mansfield Foundation Trust ................................................................................................... 37

Wolfie and Rex .............................................................................................................................. 40

1968 – Insert: SAP Recruiting Poster ............................................................................................ 40

Police Dogs: Punch, Romeo, Rory and Wolfie ............................................................................... 42

Brando, Rootman & Erica .............................................................................................................. 43

Streaker Squad & Clowns .............................................................................................................. 45

Sgt Pieter Stander and Bimbo ....................................................................................................... 46

Dogs were used in Ancient Egypt .................................................................................................. 47

1968-09-03 Tenacity of Sgt Miljo and his two Trackers .................................................................... 48

Detective Sergeant Miljo, with Peggy and Siebert ....................................................................... 48

1968 Durban Squad – Sgt Stan Gillham ............................................................................................ 51

1970 – Durban Easter Fair & the “Canine Crime Busters” ................................................................ 52

Brig Brink & Sgt Fred Pautz and Caro ............................................................................................ 53

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Const Hennie Otto with Rex and Const DA Logner and Prins ....................................................... 54

Sgt Fred Pautz, Sgt Manie Odendaal, Sgt Davis - SOO, Const Boucher, unknown, unknown &

Const Sonnekus ............................................................................................................................. 55

1972 – First African Dog Handlers and Det/W-Off LR “Les” Moss .................................................... 56

1972 Const Henk van Tonder and SANLAM .................................................................................. 56

1972 SAP Dog Memorial Durban .................................................................................................. 57

1972 First Coloured Dog Handlers – W/O E Engelbrecht ............................................................. 57

1974 – Front Page ......................................................................................................................... 58

1976 Pro-Frelimo Rally: Curries Fountain Durban.................................................................... 58

1976 Three policemen and a crowd: Lt-Col Jordaan, Const Des Doig and W/O Brain Boucher ... 59

Drug Squad Dog at work ............................................................................................................... 59

1977 Power of the Dog ..................................................................................................................... 60

Sgt Johan Nel: Dawn and Tess .......................................................................................................... 60

1980 – Air-borne COIN Dogs ............................................................................................................. 61

1981 Sheepdogs join the SA Police ............................................................................................... 61

1979 Dana Kruger ............................................................................................................................. 63

1982 Dana Kruger ............................................................................................................................ 64

1983: Informa – African Dog Handlers.............................................................................................. 65

1983: 75th

Reunion of the Dog School .......................................................................................... 66

1987 – Patrol Dogs: 25 yrs of Service tot he Community ................................................................. 67

1987 Sheepdogs ................................................................................................................................ 68

1987 SAP Dog School - Official Welcome Dinner: Gen Chen Li-Chung ............................................. 68

1988 Dana Kruger- 75 years of SA Police – Dog School’s Float ........................................................ 69

1999 Reunion of Former Commanders of the Dog School – Brig Gillham........................................ 70

1998 Maj Thomas Hawley and the Aliwal North Dog Squad ........................................................ 71

2000 Dog School - Unveiling Cornelius Kuyper Hall .......................................................................... 72

2002 Publication “Hondemeesters” ................................................................................................ 72

2002 Medal for Police Dogs and Horses ........................................................................................... 73

Mr Richard Fuber .......................................................................................................................... 74

2004 – Prov Commander’s Conference Hazyview ............................................................................ 75

2011-08-04 Visit to Training Institution Atteridgeville ..................................................................... 75

“New” Uniform: W/O T Marx ....................................................................................................... 81

The various commanders of the Dog School over the past century ..................................................... 82

Centenary function 11 August 2011 ................................................................................................. 83

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We honour them! ......................................................................................................................... 89

Demonstration Capt Bokka Nel and Chase - a Currency Dog at Work ......................................... 90

Capt “Bokka” Nel and SAP 178364K - his trusted police vehicle ...................................................... 92

2011 -08-11 Photographs taken by Capt Jan Idema ......................................................................... 93

Undated press cutting re: World First for Rambo! ........................................................................... 98

1972 - The bronze Statue of Sniffer Dog on our Cover

The sniffer dog depicted on our cover is named “Izak” – photo by Hennie Heymans. See

story below: The bronze statuette of police tracker dog “Izak” by police sculptor Brig Buks

van Staden:

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1911 - Where it all began at Irene

Fltr: Capt Jan Idema, Brig Stan Gillham and Gavin Gillham on the site where it all began on

11th August 1911 – photo HBH.

Message from Gen Johan van der Merwe a former Commissioner of Police

Since the inception of the South African Police Dog Unit the dogs

have played a key role in strengthening, and enabling, the police to

protect and serve.

The Dog Unit makes an indispensable contribution in the fight

against crime and in the arrest of criminals, curbing crime and for

sniffing out of drugs and illegal explosives.

Police Dogs have saved the lives of many Police members as well as

members of the public. Public performances of Police Dogs at work

have always attracted large crowds and thus enhanced the image of

the police.

The Dog Unit has contributed in enhancing the confidence that the community has in the


Today there are few areas where the Dog Unit are not tasked to assist their police colleagues

in the execution of their duties.

I would like to pay tribute to the Police Dog Unit who, over the years, have rendered

excellent service and have served the community with great distinction.

May they grow from strength to strength.

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The “old” Main Gate to the Dog School1e Main Gate

Die honde-eenheid van die S A Polisie het sedert sy ontstaan 'n sleutelrol gespeel om die

polisie se vermoë om te beskerm en te dien te versterk.

Op die gebied van misdaadbestryding het die honde-eenheid 'n onontbeerlike bydrae

gelewer om misdadigers vas te pen, dwelms uit te snuffel en die onwettige gebruik van

springstof aan bande te le.

Honde het die lewens van talle lede van die eenheid en die gemeenskap gered. Vertonings

van die honde-eenheid het altyd groot skares gelok en sodoende die beeld van die polisie

uitgebou en vertroue by die gemeenskap gewek.

Daar is vandag weinig terreine waar die honde-eenheid nie ingespan word om die polisie in

hulle taak te help nie.

Ek bring graag hulde aan 'n eenheid wat oor al die jare alles veil gehad het vir hulle taak en

die gemeenskap met groot onderskeiding gedien het.

Mag hulle steeds van krag tot krag gaan.

1 Photo – Dana Kruger

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Dog’s Prayer

In their book Hondemeesters Enslin and Smit give the author of the prayer as Will Judy2.

1911 - The first three tracker dogs were passengers on the SS Saxon

2 See Enslin, W & Smit, H: Hondemeesters, ISBN 0-620-29147-8, 2002.

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A hundred years of policing with police dogs in South Africa – Brig Stan


There is a saying that “time and tide waits for no man” and now, the 11th day of August

2011, marks a hundred years have passed by since the introduction of Police Dogs into the

South African Society. To think that I was lucky enough to have been chosen, in 1968, to be

one of a team of six Durban candidates, to have the privilege of being trained at the South

African Police Dog School in Quaggaspoort, Pretoria, as a Patrol Dog Handler.

The South African Police Dog School has grown from strength to strength over the

numerous years that I have personally been involved with Police Dogs. Much of the credit

must be given to many of the previous Dog School Commanders who strove to improve and

expand the use of Police Dogs. I, personally, have had the privilege and experience of

having served under nine Dog School Commanding Officers, some of whom I found to be

extremely interesting.

In so far as the training of Police Dogs is concerned we must also never forget to pay tribute

to the many talented and dedicated trainers that have passed through the gates of the Police

Dog School.

Brigadier Andries Willem Brink, during his tenure as Commander of the Dog School from

1952 to 1970, always said: “The Dog School only admits the cream of the Police Force to its

ranks as Dog Masters and Dog Handlers thus upsetting Station Commanders, Criminal

Investigation and Security Branch Commanders”.

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Whilst second in command of the Dog School I was able to arrange a 75 year week-end

Reunion which was attended by old and new Dog Masters and Handlers country wide and

now we are privileged to still be around to attend the 100th Police Dog Reunion.

On behalf of all past and present Commanders of the Police Dog School I am sure that I

safely wish all members, who are presently involved with the South African Police Service

Dog Establishment, a safe and exciting experience into the future.

Stanley Gillham: Brigadier (ret): Former Commander of the South African Police Dog

School, Quaggaspoort.

The Police and their ubiquitous “station” dogs

The use of police dogs is not exactly new - in fact, it's as old as the Pharaohs! Way back in

1198 BC, in the time of Ramses III, dogs were used in ancient Egypt, mainly to guard homes

and properties. Today there are thousands of police dogs all over the world.3

There is hardly a photograph of “old policemen” without their station’s pet dog. This must

be the “English” influence of “Mad Dogs and Englishmen”.4 Dog and horse is not only

man’s best friend but that of the police as well! In this regard see for example members of

the South African Constabulary stationed at Standerton during 1902 with their dog: 5

3 Souvenir Brochure, 1968: 13 – 14. 4 See Noel Coward’s poem: “Mad dogs and Englishmen”. 5 The Nongqai 1948-03-336

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The Police dog training centre was established on 11 August 1911

Police dogs were used in Pietermaritzburg for the first time during 1909 by Sgt Carr, a

member of the Natal Police. This was not, as far as could be established a formal police

project. From the outset the first police dogs were used by detectives to follow the tracks of

criminals or lost persons. It was only during the 1960s that police dogs were used in an

offensive role as patrol dogs. Let’s take a walk through memory lane and to look at some

aspects of the Dogs in the South African Police over the past century.

Transvaal Police Force

Although the Union of South Africa came about on the 31st of

May 1910 the South African Police Force was not yet officially

established. This only came about on the 1st of April 1913.

However in the Transvaal police dogs were used for the first

time during 1911. The dog trainings centre was established on

11 August, a century ago. The first dog training centre was

established at Irene, with Mr Cornelius Kuyper as the first dog

master. 6 Irene was the farm of Gen JC Smuts.

Police breed their own particular crossbreed

Due to the specific circumstances prevailing in Southern Africa

it was decided to breed dogs that suited local requirements. The Doberman Pincher was

selected for its intelligence, the Rottweiler for its strength and the English Bloodhound for its

good nose and tracking capabilities. This cross breed gave rise to a true South African police

dog used for tracking purposes. 7

Detective Head Constable Kuyper

Mr Cornelius Kuyper was later appointed a Detective Head Constable8 in the South African

Police and from the very onset excellent results were achieved by the dog masters and their

dogs. 9

June 1913

During June 1913 a Doberman bitch followed a spoor that was already 22 hours old over a

distance of 8 miles only to find the missing person dead. The gentleman who tracks were

followed had committed suicide. 10

Foster Gang

In another remarkable case a Doberman bitch followed the spoor of the notorious Foster

Gang. She followed the spoor over a distance of 15 miles through the veld. She only lost the

spoor at the point where the gang took to a car on their way to a cave in Kensington where

6 Dippenaar, 1988 7 Dippenaar, 1988 8 Warrant-Officer 9 Dippenaar, 1988 10 Dippenaar, 1988

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they were eventually traced by the police. 11 The gang died in the cave on 16 September

1914. The rest is history!

1917 & 1918 Cape Town - Detective Constable JD du Plessis

Detective Constable JD du Plessis of the South African Police, Cape Town with police

trackers “Walten” and “Hertzog”12.

1920 Annual Report of the Commissioner

In the annual report of the Commissioner for the year 1920, the Commissioner noted that

there were 65 tracker dogs in police service. Most of these dogs were stationed at the dog

training school while 16 dogs were deployed in the Union. During that year 104 criminals

were brought to trial due to the use of police dogs. The Commissioner said that the police

intended to continue the employment of these use dogs for this purpose. 13

11 Dippenaar, 1988 12 The Nongqai 1917 13

Dippenaar, 1988

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1921 Capt WH Padgham – 1923 Quaggapoort

The present site at Quaggapoort was

occupied during 1923.

1925 - 160 km World Record: Det/Sgt Herbert Kruger and Sauer 14


Servamus 1997-01

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1927: 150 Dogs in training

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1927 Governor- General and Princess Alice at Quaggaspoort

1927 Leda on a 72 mile hunt

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1929 of it Veterinary Division

On 1 April 1929 of it Veterinary Division for the police was established. This new division

was mainly concerned with caring for police animals and issuing of police horses, and

personnel were stationed at most larger and central centres from where they could perform

these important tasks. 15

15 Dippenaar, 1988

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1930 RJ “Bobby” Palmer

During 1930 Bobby Palmer was the OC of the police dog school. 16 Bobby Palmer acquired

his “wings” during World War One. During the Second World War he

won the DSO with two bars and the American Bronze Star. He was

decorated by HM the King during the 1947 Royal visit. He is the first

person to become a General in the SA Police and the first Constable of

the SA Police to rise to the rank of General. (His predecessor Col IP de

Villiers joined the Police as Commissioner and during WW2 was

appointed Maj-General in the Union Defence Force.)

1938 Service in Palestine by the SA Police: Det/Sgt’s Kitching and Pretorius

Two members of the SA Police served in Palestine, Det/Sgt MM Scheepers Kitching and

Det/Sgt ZM Pretorius.17

1939 The Union’s World famous Police Dogs18

Below are photos taken at the SA police depot at Quaggaspoort which is the centre of a

network of 36 Dog Stations established in all parts of the Union19. Since 1936 11 dogs have

sent from here to Palestine and soon two more will leave to start a Station on the North-West

Frontier of India.

16 Dippenaar, 1988: 234 17 The Nongqai 1938-12-1283 18 The Nongqai 1939-09-919 19 Before South Africa became a Republic it was known as the Union of South Africa - HBH

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Indian Police: Sgt FA Clark & Sgt WR Saunders with “Astor” and “Dinah”

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Capt PJ Claassen, Det/Const DC Breedt and Ceasar

Note the uniform of Capt Claasssen: Sam Browne and Riding Breeches with Spurs.

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Det/Sgt FA Diedericks

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1942 Escaped Italian POW’s

During the night of 27 February 1942 three Italians who were prisoners of war, had escaped

from the Zonderwater POW camp near Cullinan. At 10:00 on 28 February 1942 two police

dogs arrived at the scene. Adam, a police dog, picked up the scent of a footprint on the

ground which he followed for 14 miles to a farm called Leeuwfontein. At Leeuwfontein the

police learnt that the prisoners of war had been seen, and that they were heading in the

direction of another farm Rustfontein. (Cont on p 23)

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1942 Visit Dog School: Crown Prince and Princess of Greece20

Here is the prisoners of war were arrested and taken back to the POW camp at Zonderwater.


On 19 March 1942 a second case involving police dogs occurred when Italian prisoners of

war again managed to escape from the POW camp at Zonderwater. At 09:00 on 20 March

1942 two police dogs arrived on the scene and picked up the scent of the escapees. A police

dog, called Minnaar, followed the scent of the escapees over distance of 18 miles and two

of the three escapees were found. 22

Focus on Tracker Dogs

Up to the 1960s the police mainly used tracker dogs on South Africa's extensive plains and

rural areas which were eminently suited for the successful performance of tracker dogs.

Modern mechanization had notably affected these dog’s achievements, as criminals became

more mobile, however their usefulness and continued use was by no means outmoded.

20 The Nongqai 1942-10-1034 21 Dippenaar, 1988 22 Dippenaar, 1988

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Dogs on the contrary played an increasingly important role in the combating of the

investigation of crime - their value in this regard was not to be underestimated23.

1947 Royal Visit to Quaggaspoort Dog School

The following photographs appeared in the Nongqai24:

23 Dippenaar, 1988 24 The Nongqai 1947-05-622

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The Royal Guests in the company of a proud Maj-Gen RJ “Bobby” Palmer – the man with his

hands on his hips. Gen Palmer was a former OC of the Dog School.

1952 SAP Hints on the Investigation of Crime

Police Dogs, then normally tracker dogs or Detective Dogs played

an important role in the investigation of crime. Dog masters

usually also took plaster casts of the suspect’s footprints. Much

space is devoted to Police Dogs in these hints.

1950’s Capt Scheepers Kitching

Capt Gideon J Scheepers

shot by the British as a spy

after being sentenced to


Capt Kitching was born in Graaff-Reinet during 1903. His parents were English but they

were so incensed when the British shot Capt Gideon Scheepers that they named the little

Kitching after Gideon Scheepers. He is the Officer who planted all the trees and the cycads

on the premises of the Dog School – to his lasting memory!26

Dutch Police Dog

25 Photo – Alex Faria 26 Capt Jan Idema – interview 4 Aug 2011.

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The Dutch had various Police Forces and here is

an example of a Dutch Police dog in action. 27

1961 European Study Tour

During 1961 the police authorities realised that

these dogs were not to be restricted to rural areas

and tracking of criminals. Lieutenant-Colonel

AW Brink and Warrant-Officer PJ Killian were

sent to Europe to study the use of dogs in urban

areas. On their return they submitted their

findings to the Minister and it was decided to

establish a patrol dog section in the police for use

in urban areas. 28

1962 Patrol Dogs

In practice this meant that police patrol dogs

were attached to the flying squad. The first of

these dogs were deployed in Johannesburg by

August 1962. Police dogs were soon on duty in

Durban and later in Cape Town. 29

Police patrol dogs, normally the German

Shepherd dog, played an important role in the

combating of crime and became a force multiplier in the hands of the police. The

introduction of these aggressive patrol dogs curtail the activities of the ducktails which were

prevailing in Johannesburg and Durban. The appearance of a single police dog would set

the group of these unruly youths flying. 30

1962 Annual Report of the Commissioner

Incidentally the author was witness to the following incident mentioned in their annual

report of the Commissioner of police for 1962:

“1. During December 1962, about 400 individuals, most of them duck tales, massed in front

of the Playhouse, Albany Grove Durban, demanding admission to the building after the

tickets were sold out. The management and the police could not prevail on them to disperse

and traffic was disrupted as a result. With the assistance of one police patrol dog, which

moved into the ground and started barking and biting, it took only a few minutes to

disperse the crowd.

27 The Nongqai 1948-05-614 28

Dippenaar, 1988 29 Dippenaar, 1988 30 Dippenaar, 1988

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2. During the same month a complaint was received of a disturbance at the Playhouse

Cinema Lounge, Durban. A member of the force who was sent to investigate was blatant

was assaulted by nearly 40 ducktails and could not quell the disturbance. Another member

of the force was despatched to the scene with a patrol dog and succeeded in restoring order

without difficulty, arresting two culprits without interference from the other ducktails.”

These incidents proved to the police that the introduction of police patrol dogs was

successful and that the numbers should be increased and that they should be deployed in

other centres as well. 31

11th of July and 1963 when the police pounced on Lilliesleaf, Rivonia, 15 members of the

security branch were accompanied by one policeman with his patrol dog. 32

31 Dippenaar, 1988 32 Dippenaar, 1988

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1963 Die Wens van die Hond33

1963 Annual Report of the Commissioner

During 1963 the South African police celebrated its 50th anniversary and the introduction of

patrol dogs as an aid to crime prevention was a major success, the Commissioner of police

stated in his 1963 annual report as follows:

33 Die Jongspan - 12 August 1963

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“Since 1962 the decrees in crime in areas where patrol dogs were present, has served as

sufficient proof of the value as a deterrent. As a saving in manpower they have shown in

certain cases that the handler with his dog may obtain the same results as quite a large

number of policemen.

It is self evident that many practical problems of training and performance of still being

experienced, but these are problems that will gradually be overcome. This method of

combating crime still has a large field to be covered.”

It was evident that patrol dogs had been introduced into the force display and that the

numbers would be considerably increased. The use of dogs was entirely justified by the

situation the police were called upon to deal with34.

1964 – Rand Water Board35

34 Dippenaar, 1988:322 35 Justitia 1964-01-36

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1964 – Durban Dog Squad36

1964 –Col CC von Keyserlingk visits Durban Dog Squad in the Bundu 37

Above – In Lighter Vein: Reading the Nongqai while on the spoor.38

36 Justitia 1964-06-33 37 Justitia 1964-06-35 38 Die Nongqai 19570849

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Boodskap van Manie Odendaal, Legendariese Patrolliehondgeleier: Daana


Dagsê Hennie,

Ek het op 2011-08-13 met Manie Odendaal per telefoon gepraat. Hy is nog gesond en het net

gebabbel net soos Manie goed kan doen, rondom sy avonture binne die SAP-honde-eenheid.

Hy dra dan ook sy gelukwense aan die SAP-hondeskool en personeel oor vir die

merkwaardige mylpaal wat bereik is op die 11 de Augustus 2011.

Hy vertel weer die storie van hoe hy te Cato Manor begin het as jong konstabel en toe net na

die 1959 onluste van Cato Manor verplaas is aangesien hulle te jonk was om diens in die

onlusgeteisterde gebied te kon doen. Hy is 'n hard werkende polisieman wat deur sy talle

plakboeke en foto’s beaam word.

Hy onthou hoe hy 'n verplasing ingesit het na die Vrystaat om terug te gaan na sy ouers, toe

hy 'n boodskap ontvang het om by die Smithstraat polisiestasie in Durban te rapporteer. Met

sy aankoms het hy onder andere vir brig Brink (bevelvoerende offisier by die hondeskool)

ontmoet het. Hy is toe meegedeel dat hulle hom na die Hondeskool stuur om 'n

patrolliehond op te lei. Hy was "berug" onder kollegas en misdadigers vanweë sy goeie

resultate. Hy wou nie die verplasing aanvaar nie, aangesien sy verplasing alreeds

goedgekeur was om "huis" toe te gaan.

Die lang en die kort van die saak is dat Manie na Hondeskool toe is om as

patrolliehondgeleider opgelei te word. Dit was in 1963. Met sy terugkoms onder die bevel

van Sers Peter van Rooyen gewerk. Hier het hy weggespring en die sake/suksesse het begin

inrol... Hy het dan ook aangebied om 'n daggahond wat nie wou werk nie, onder sy

bekwame hand te neem. Vir 'n proeftydperk van 3 maande te sien of hy die hond kan laat

werk. Nodeloos om te sê die hond was 'n yster en het Manie toe aan Sanab bewys dat

“daggahonde” 'n belangrike hulpmiddel binne die SA Polisie is.

Hy is dan ook die eerste Hondeman wie se patrolliehond 'n medalje ontvang het.

Gedurende 1968 is Luit Hendrik Meyer die eerste bevelvoerende offisier by die Durban

Honde-eenheid. Manie sê dat vandag se hondemanne moet voortbou op dit wat hulle jare

gelede begin het. Volgens hom is 'n suksesvolle hondeman iemand wat lief is vir sy hond en

nie 'n ou is wat sy horlosie die heeltyd dophou nie...

'n Hondeman in murg en bloed moet lang ure werk en tyd is nie belangrik nie... die jag van

verdagtes en die resultate/sukses is al wat jy nodig gehad het... nie "time due " nie...

Van: Dana Kruger.

Dear Reader,

As a schoolboy Const Manie Odendaal was my hero! Later I also joined the Force. In Durban

we sometimes worked on the same shift. He was always eager to assist with his dog Prince!

We wish Manie well! Salute! - HBH

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1964 Group of Warders39

1964 – Mozambique Police40

Fltr: Capt Dores, Lt-Col AW Brink and Sgt-Maj Regio.

39 Justitia 1964-11-36a 40 Justitia 1964-11-36b

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July 1964

1966 SAP Patrol Dog41

41 SARP 1966-05

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1965 Medal to No A121 Police Dog Prince

On 11 August 2011 the following photograph was taken of Police Dog A121 Prince, a well-

known and beloved dog of the Durban Public, at a Medal Parade in Durban. His handler

was Const Manie Odendaal. The picture below appeared in the SARP dated November

1965. The author is standing in the platoon just right of the officer.

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1965 The Detective-dog – Die speurhond42

1967 Front Cover

42 SARP 1966-05-36

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1968 Constable Miller and Ryno

One of the most moving events of the year was the search for the Webb and White

boys in Cape Town. On 13 June 1968 three children, David Webb (5), Michael White

(5) and Colin White (4) strayed from a house in Bothasig and disappeared in the

dense vegetation between Bothasig and the slopes of the Tygerberg. Their

disappearance was noticed at 12h30 and their parents and various neighbours

immediately began searching for them. However, when they were unable to find the

children, the parents summoned the Police. At 16h30 Constable David Miller from

Wingfield and his patrol dog, Ryno, arrived at the spot where the children had

entered the wooded area. Ryno picked up the scent of their tracks and after

following it for two miles through extremely dense bush and vegetation came upon

the children crouching close together in the bush, Colin, the youngest, began to cry

and Ryno walked up to him and began to comfort him - something the animal had

never been taught at the Dog School in Pretoria.

The three children were exhausted and very hungry, and if Ryno had not found

them it is doubtful that they would have survived the night. 54 The fact that makes

the event all the more striking is that Ryno was a patrol dog and therefore not really

used for tracking. The animal's behaviour thus bore testimony to the thorough and

comprehensive training given to dogs at the Dog School. The Police, in turn, were

justifiably proud and felt a deep affection for their splendidly successful four-footed


The success achieved by Constable Miller and Ryno in tracking the little boys was to

some extent overshadowed by a subsequent search for lost children. Although the

latter event did not enjoy the same amount of publicity as the search for the Webb

and White children, the two tracker dogs, Peggy and Siebert, who found the

children, were awarded medals of honour by the South African Police.

These medals are awarded to tracker dogs only for deeds demanding extraordinary

effort, initiative, resourcefulness and perseverance from the animals. 43

June 1968 – Annual Report by the Commissioner of Police44

Division Tracker dogs Patrol dogs

Western Province 6 31

East Rand 4 6

Northern Transvaal 12 18

Natal 13 4

Eastern Province 8 6

Western Transvaal 11 5

Orange Free State 9 5

Eastern Transvaal 9 -

43 Dippenaar, 1988:378 – 379 44 Dippenaar, 1988:322

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Northern Cape 8 4

Transkei 4 3

Northern Orange Free State 2 -

South-Western Districts 7 11

Border 12 12

West Rand 2 8

Southwest Africa 4 3

Dog school 53 73

Port Natal - 27

Witwatersrand - 20

Total 164 234

Details Tracker dogs Patrol dogs

Number of cases in which they were used 3204 13141

Entirely successful 1468 -

Partially successful 1506 -

Unsuccessful 219 -

Groundless cases 11 -

Apprehension of suspects by dogs - 5036

Arrests made with the help of dogs - 8065

Lost or stolen property recovered - 11

Use for maintenance of public safety - 22

Assistance with the investigation of cases - 5

Miscellaneous - 2

1968 South African Police Dog Display

On the 8th of July 1968 there was a South African Police Dog Display held at New

Kingsmead in aid of the Mansfield Foundation Trust. 45

The Mansfield Foundation Trust

Pieter Breytenbach had the following to say in the introduction:

The Mansfield Foundation Trust welcomes you. In welcoming all to this

performance of the South African Police Dogs, we say a special word of thanks to

our Mayor, Councillor Mrs. Margaret May tom, who is our principle guest today.

Her Worship's presence is an indication of her interest and support of our endeavour

to attain yet another goal for Mansfield. We recall with pride that Mrs Maytom

attended the opening of the Mansfield War Memorial Swimming Bath; this was her

first official engagement after being elected Mayor in 1966.

We, the Mansfield Foundation Trust Fund, are glad to have Mrs Maytom with us

here at our first fund raising venture under the auspices of the Foundation Trust.

45 From the archive of Gen Leon Mellet – HBH.

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In 1964 the Mansfield War Memorial Foundation was able to present to the public of

Durban a display of the South African Dogs at Mansfield; this attracted about almost

2,000 people.

At the beginning of last year we again approached the South African Police and

asked their permission to present this Family Day display.

We welcome Lt-Col Andries Brink, his dog handlers and their dogs back to Durban

and we are proud that we have been instrumental in bringing to the public of

Durban once again this very fine and interesting display given by our canine guards.

I believe that while the South African Police are being of service to us in this way,

our venture is encouraging police recruitment by showing young men yet another

facet of our Force. In this programme is an illustration showing more branches of

police service.

I know that Col Brink and his men are pleased to be back with us in Durban.

Of the other performers here at New Kingsmead, the Mansfield High School Cadet

Band needs little introduction: They are fast becoming one of Natal's top Cadet

Bands, having won last year’s Durban and District Band competition. They are to

play at the launching of a new ship in Durban by our Prime Minister on August 6.

To add a touch of glamour we are to see a PT display given by girls of Mitchell High

School. Thank you girls!

What are the aims of the Mansfield Foundation Trust? We would like to establish a

fund to provide further education of boys who, without our financial support,

would possibly have to leave school. We also try to provide Mansfield with

amenities not provided for by the Education Department.

Should anybody wish to make a donation towards our Foundation, please send it to

P O Box 1824, Durban.

In this instance we are glad that you have "gone to the dogs ". Enjoy the show, and

Thank you for supporting us.

Chairman Mansfield Foundation Trust.

Here is a copy of the brochure which did much for the Police as far as recruiting and

image building was concerned:

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Wolfie and Rex

1968 – Insert: SAP Recruiting Poster

This poster was also in the brochure and serves to illustrate the point that the Dog Squad

was an important factor when it came to recruiting. Leon Mellet, then a journalist with the

Page 41: eNongqai


Natal Mercury also played an important part in building the image of the South African


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Police Dogs: Punch, Romeo, Rory and Wolfie

Comment by HBH

It is presumed that the information contained in the various publications have their origin

from Leon Mellet’s press files!

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Brando, Rootman & Erica

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Streaker Squad & Clowns

Above: “Old Dog Handler” Flip Sonnekus pulling

faces in Durban!

Left: Vestus the police dog also has his coat shaved

off – he is posted to the Streaker Squad!

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Sgt Pieter Stander and Bimbo

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Dogs were used in Ancient Egypt

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1968-09-03 Tenacity of Sgt Miljo and his two Trackers46

Detective Sergeant Miljo, with Peggy and Siebert

On 2 August 196847 two Ovambo lads disappeared on the farm Mosbach, in the

Tsumeb district, South-West Africa.

The farm, belonging to Mr J de Bruin, covered roughly 10 000 hectares of which the

major portion was a densely wooded area over broken and hilly country. The jagged

rock masses along the ridges were in places impassable and the terrain was strewn

with so many stones and boulders that unless the object of a search was spotted

46 Servamus 1997-01-33 47 Please note that dates differ with a month in the two sources provided - HBH

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directly the chances of locating it would be very slim. The hills were the habitat of

predators and cheetahs; wild dogs and baboons were common. Furthermore, it was

an arid area with no standing or underground water and if the children were not

rescued reasonably soon, they could easily succumb from straying around without


According to eye-witnesses the two lads, Sotman and Werner, had been playing near

the goat enclosure that morning but had strayed away later. The women were the

first to notice that the lads were missing and after searching for some time, called in

the help of the father of one of the boys. He followed their tracks for about four miles

and discerned that the children had apparently strayed apart.

Approximately a mile further on he found the tracks of one child, apparently those

of his own son. By that time, however, it was growing dark and he was obliged to

turn back.

The father notified Mr De Bruin of the two lost children and the Police were

contacted the next morning. The dog master, Detective Sergeant Miljo, and his

tracker dogs, Peggy and Siebert, were sent to the farm, where Werner's father

showed the detective the two sets of tracks made by tiny shoes in the dry sand.

Peggy picked up the scent of one set of tracks and followed it for about a mile to the

foot of a hill before losing it. Siebert then picked up the scent of some tracks further

on and set off in a north-easterly direction towards the mountains. The tracks were

found again for the first time at the foot of the mountain, where Siebert again picked

up the scent and followed it to near the boundary line of the farm, where he lost it a

second time. By that time a strong wind had come up and it was very hot. The dogs

proceeded with difficulty over the rocky ridges strewn with loose, projecting

outcrops covered with dense bush. The rest of the search party of approximately

eight black men were convinced that the child they were tracking would be found

that very same evening. They carefully searched every conceivable shelter, but no

further tracks could be found as the sun had already set. The party spent the night,

which grew bitterly cold, in the veld. They made a huge fire and were encouraged

by the thought that the children might see the fire and come towards them.

The next morning the search party was joined by a farmer, a black constable and

another two black men. Approximately ten miles from the farmhouse, Detective

Sergeant Miljo showed the new members of the search party the last tracks they had

seen the previous evening. As the tracks pointed in a certain direction, the search

party formed a line about 50 paces apart and set off in the general direction in which

the tiny footprints pointed. By that afternoon the search party had thoroughly

searched an area covering approximately eight square miles and were convinced

that the child had not strayed in that direction.

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The search party therefore concentrated its efforts on the area where Siebert had lost

the scent the previous evening. Forming a similar formation about fifty paces apart,

the search party moved forwards in a semi-circle while Peggy and Siebert were

allowed to roam about freely in order to pick up any possible scent. While Detective

Sergeant Miljo was standing on the summit of a hill, one of the tracker dogs began to

bark at the foot of the hill.

Werner's father called out to his son and they eventually found him at the foot of the

hill, but he had already been dead for some time. By that time night had fallen and

the search for the other child had to be abandoned.

The men in the search party - weary, physically exhausted and complaining of sore

feet - spent another cold night in the veld. According to Mr Bosch, the farmer who

had joined them, the presence of the Police and Police dogs kept up the party's

morale and inspired the rest of the party to press on until the Police called off the


Early the next morning the search was resumed in the area where the two children

had strayed apart. The party found the other set of tracks and Peggy picked up the

scent. After about one mile Peggy was heading towards the crest of a hill when she

lost the scent on a game track. The terrain, strewn with loose rocks and covered with

dense bush, was virtually inaccessible but the men conducted a very thorough

search and encountered several troops of baboons in the process. By that afternoon

the dogs were so footsore that they could hardly walk. However, late that afternoon

one of the black men found the other child, Sotman, a few hundred yards from the

place where Peggy had lost the scent. The child was still alive, and arrangements

were hurriedly made to rush him to a doctor. According to the District Surgeon at

Tsumeb, who treated the little boy, his condition was so critical that had he been

discovered only one hour later, it is extremely doubtful that he would have

survived. For two days his life was in danger, but eventually he recovered fully.

It was subsequently estimated that Werner, the child who had died, had wandered

14 miles away from the farm-house and the other child, eight miles. Had it not been

for the two tracker dogs, the search would have ended in failure. Sotman's father

was very grateful: "I am very satisfied with the help I received from the Police and

now realise for the first time that I can rely on the Police at any time."

As a token of appreciation for the services of the Police, Mr De Bruin donated a sum

of R50-00 to the Police Dog School in Pretoria for the expansion and promotion of

their work.48

48 Dippenaar, 1988: 378 – 381

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1968 Durban Squad – Sgt Stan Gillham

Fltr: Messers Brink, Gillham, unknown, unknown and Alvin Pelser.

Below: Fltr - Sgt Alvin Pelser, unknown, Constable Logner, unknown and Sgt Gillham.

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1970 – Durban Easter Fair & the “Canine Crime Busters”49

49 From the archive of Gen Leon Mellet – HBH.

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Brig Brink & Sgt Fred Pautz and Caro

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Const Hennie Otto with Rex and Const DA Logner and Prins

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Sgt Fred Pautz, Sgt Manie Odendaal, Sgt Davis - SOO, Const Boucher, unknown, unknown

& Const Sonnekus

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1972 – First African Dog Handlers and Det/W-Off LR “Les” Moss

1972 Const Henk van Tonder and SANLAM

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1972 SAP Dog Memorial Durban

On the left is sculptor Buks van Staden with

Una Whitehorn, Albert Steytler en Hennie

Meyer on the extreme right. Hennie Meyer

was the first Commissioned Officer in

Durban who became a Dog Handler and was

OC Dog Squad, Port Natal.

1972 First Coloured Dog Handlers – W/O E Engelbrecht 50

50 SAP Magazine 1972-08

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1974 – Front Page

1976 Pro-Frelimo Rally: Curries Fountain Durban

In 1976 the Viva Frelimo rally organised by the leaders of the Black Consciousness

Movement to celebrate the coming to power of Samora Machel took place there and

the dompas burning campaign, held in 1959 and led by Nobel Peace Prize winner

Inkosi Albert Luthuli was also a notable event at the stadium. It is where COSATU

was launched in December 1985 as well as the re-launching of the ANC Women's

League in 199051.


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1976 Three policemen and a crowd: Lt-Col Jordaan, Const Des Doig and W/O Brain


Drug Squad Dog at work53

52 Photo from General Leon Mellet‘s archive – HBH. 53 Photo from General Leon Mellet‘s archive – HBH.

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1977 Power of the Dog54

Sgt Johan Nel: Dawn and Tess55

54 Sarp 1977 55 Photo – Dan Kruger

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1980 – Air-borne COIN Dogs

1981 Sheepdogs join the SA Police56

Chips enlist into the SA Police! At that time Chips was the only English Speaking dog in

the Police Force. (Our SA Police Camels got their commands in Arabic if my memory serves

me correct.) One can read in the Hints on Investigation of Crime – all the commands are

given in Afrikaans.

56 Police Magazine 1981-09-42

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Above right: Veteran Johnny Aissing.

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1979 Dana Kruger

Dit was my begeerte om my loopbaan in

die hondeafdeling te kon begin. Ek

onthou nog as jong konstabel het die

"squads" met honde daarin my genoop

om spoedig my aansoek na die Benoni

Honde-eenheid in te dien. Gedurende

1979 het ek dan onder die bevel van 'n

oud-Durban Hondeman, kapt “Bez”

Bezuidenhout begin werk . Die

bevelvoerende offisier in daardie dae in

die Hondeskool, Pretoria, was brig Manie

van Zyl (later aangestel as generaal-

majoor in die SAP.)

Ek was die langste hondeman tot met my

aftrede en het so by die 6 voet 11 duim

gedraai. Vandag reken ek dat die Duitse

herdershonde dalk nek probleme moes

gehad het van die opkyk. Die SAP-

hondeskool was nie net 'n

opleidingsentrum nie maar ook jou

"tuiste". Sonder die Hondeskool was ons

soort van verlore. Dit is die plek wat jy

gereeld gesien het en daar was genoeg

kursusse aangebied om te verseker dat

ons bly teruggaan. Net soos jy al die

kursusse deurloop het, sterf jou hond of word jou hond gekeur en raai wat?

Daar begin jou kursusse weer van vooraf. Die kursusse het om die hond gegaan en nie die

lid of geleier nie. Ek het 3 patrolliehonde gehad en vele ander kollegas het selfs meer gehad

en dus heelwat meer kursusse deurloop. Dit het verseker dat die standaard van opleiding

altyd hoog was en dat die lede fiks was.

Wie sal die daaglikse opwarmings-"PT" vergeet? Dan die 5 km hardloop om die

Hondeskool of die 7 km tydtoets op Vrydae deur Pretoria-Wes se strate in die vroeë


Ek het as jong luitenant my draai in Middelburg Honde-eenheid (Transvaal) gemaak en in

1987 is ek na die Empangeni Honde-eenheid verplaas. In 1990 het ek as kaptein by die

Durban Honde-eenheid begin werk waar ek gedien het tot en met die rang van luitenant-


Page 64: eNongqai


Ek het in 1993 begin by die Provinsiale Hoofkantoor en gedien as die provinsiale

bevelvoerder van polisiehonde tot met my aftrede as senior-superintendent gedurende

Augustus 2008.

Ek wil dan ook die SAP-hondeskool en huidige personeel ook hartlik gelukwens met die

hoogtepunt in die SAP om as een van die min polisiemagte in die wêreld gereken te word

waar dit die aanwending van polisiehonde in verskeie velde dek - van voorkoming van

misdaad tot die opsporing van verdagtes en vele ander spesialis take. Ek wens die

Hondeskool en hul personeel landwyd sterkte toe met die belangrike taak op hande

Saluut...!!! Dana Kruger.

• Gen Johan van der Merwe and Sen-Supt Dana Kruger: The General is no “shorty”

himself and is a fit and tough man. The picture illustrates how tall Dana really is –

photo by HBH

1982 Dana Kruger 57

The long and the short of it ....

57 November 1982

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1983: Informa – African Dog Handlers

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1983: 75th Reunion of the Dog School

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1987 – Patrol Dogs: 25 yrs of Service tot he Community

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1987 Sheepdogs

1987 SAP Dog School - Official Welcome Dinner: Gen Chen Li-Chung

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• Menu signed by: Generals Coetzee, Neethling, Schutte, De Witt and Frik Reynecke.

1988 Dana Kruger- 75 years of SA Police – Dog School’s Float

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1999 Reunion of Former Commanders of the Dog School – Brig Gillham

Fltr: Messers Stander, Van Zyl, Conradie, Blom, Gillham and Berg.58

58 Photo Brig Gillham and Lt-Col Smit - HBH

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1998 Maj Thomas Hawley and the Aliwal North Dog Squad

The 18th OC of the Dog School, Director Max Berg, honored the 6th OC of the Dog School,

Maj T Hawley on his 90th birth day for his role in the Tracker Dog Section for the importation

of British Blood Hounds.59 Maj Hawley was OC from 1946 – 1948.

59 Press cutting supplied by Lt-Col H Smit - HBH

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2000 Dog School - Unveiling Cornelius Kuyper Hall

Mev Minnie Louw (gebore Kuyper) laaste lewende dogter van mnr Cornelius Kuyper waar

sy ‘n foto van haar Vader in die hondeskool onthul. Saam met haar verskyn kapt Hendrik

Smit. Die plegtigheid het plaasgevind toe die Cornelis Kuyper-konferensiesaal by die

speurhond-seksie geopen is. Die onthulling het plaasgevind toe 40 kommissarisse elk die

SOE-toekenning van NASKOM ontvang het.

2002 Publication “Hondemeesters”

Two members of the SA Police Service Insp Wilter Enslin60 and Capt Hendrik Smith are the

authors of a book entitled: Hondemeesters61. The ISBN is 0-620-29147-8.

60 Insp Enslin is now retired while Capt Smit at the time of writing is a Lt-Col - HBH 61 Translated it means: Dog Masters - HBH

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2002 Medal for Police Dogs and Horses

Lt-Col Hendrik Smit and Insp Mike Evert was intimately involved in the institution of the

police medal: South African Police Service Dog and Mounted Star for bravery.

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Mr Richard Fuber

Mr Richard Fuber wrote as follows: “Dear Sir, Attached is the bravery Medal for the Equine

and Canine unit. The Director, Mr J Erasmus, has given full permission to use the attached

artwork. All good wishes for your research and publishing, Just to add, this Medal came

about by the then Captain Hendrik Smit after many years of hard labour and effort on his

behalf, for such an award, Richard Furber.

If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate in contacting me.

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2004 – Prov Commander’s Conference Hazyview

Photo taken at Hazyview by Capt Jan Idema and sent in by Veteran Dana Kruger.

2011-08-04 Visit to Training Institution Atteridgeville

On the above date Brig Gillham and Hennie Heymans visited the Dog School now styled as

the SAPS Training Institution Atteridgeville. All photographs in this section by Hennie


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Capt Jan Idema at the Admin Building between the two bronze statues of the Detective’s

Tracker Dog and the Uniformed Branch’s Patrol Dog.

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Cycads from the original Cycads planted at the Dog School by Capt Scheepers Kitching. He

was responsible for the pollination of the original plants and today these plants stand here

as his monument. He was also responsible for planting many trees on the site, as the sticks

were used for the training of the tracker dogs. The sticks were laid on the trail so that the

trainers could see if the dogs were following the spoor.

Photographs of the dog exercise and training area as well as the swimming pool for the

dogs. The pool was built during 1923. During 1947 King George and the Royal Family

visited the Dog School and there are photographs of the CO and the Royals visiting the Dog

Swimming pool.

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Below: The Cycads originally planted by Capt Scheepers Kitching at the Dog School. These

prehistoric plants are the “parents” of the other plants at the Dog School.

The OC’s residence, which was recently renovated. Below is the Club House.

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This is the oldest building on the site. This building served as the OC’s office in day’s gone


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Formerly the Milk Shed – the Dog School had its own cattle which were milked. The milk

was used for the young dogs and the staff could also purchase milk because the Dog School

was “miles outside” of Pretoria!

One of the main roads inside the Dog School. Below is the single quarters.

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“New” Uniform: W/O T Marx

Warrant-Officer Tommy Marx in

the new police uniform for staff

attached to the K9 Academy.

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The various commanders of the Dog School over the past century

D/H/C Cornelius


Sub Insp HW


Capt RJ Palmer Capt PG de Witt

Capt PJ Claasen Maj TC Hawley Lt-Col LJ Steyn Brig AW Brink

Brig AJ Steytler Maj Gen FJ Stander Maj Gen HJP

“Manie” van Zyl

Brig JAN Grobler

Brig Alwyn Conradie Brig Bernie Mostert Maj Gen JJ van Zyl Brig DS Blom

Page 83: eNongqai


Brig S Gillham Dir Max Berg Ass Comm Bushie


Sen Supt Sam


Centenary function 11 August 2011

Invitation to visit the Dog School - As a police historian it was a great honour and a privilege

to visit this world famous canine institution.

Here are a few photographs taken at the low-key event

Stan Gillham, Bokka Nel

en Gavin Gillham

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Col Martin Stellenberg and Lt-Col Braam Korff, below Jan Cilliers and “Vollie van


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Lt-Col Hennie Schoeman, Brig (Dr) Hannes Strydom and W/O Kobus Meyer

Louise “Pieta” Reed, Cois Pretorius and Vlam Els

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Lt-Col John Hennop and Maatjie Swanepoel and Lt-Col Paul Bester “looking the other way”.

Kobus Brits

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Part of the happy crowd! Brig Berg, Col “Oosie” Oosthuisen (in mufti) and behind him Lt-

Col Paul Bester and in front of him, Dawie Moller, with Capt John Hennop in the front.

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Dr Hannes Strydom, Brig Spore Schoeman, Brig Fanie Potgieter, Lt-Col Hennie Schoeman,

Col Louis Davel , Lt-Col Fourie, Brig Max Berg and Lt-Col Leon Engelbrecht

A photo of Brig Max Berg and Brig (Dr) Strydom taken in the foyer of the Auditorium at the

Dog School. Behind them is a Veterinary exhibition of old canine medication and veterinary


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We honour them!

Plaques, in the auditorium, honouring Police Dogs KIA.

An exhibition of yester year!

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Lt-Col Johnny Dykes, Veteran Capt Solly Rheeder and Lt-Col Hendrik Smit

Demonstration Capt Bokka Nel and Chase - a Currency Dog at Work

Chase is a “Lady”and like all Ladies she knows the smell of money!

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Vrystaat!!! The crowd enjoying the show with Lt-Col “Van” van der Merwe of Kroonstad

Dog Unit in the centre!

Fltr in blue shirt W/O Koos Koen, Hennie Schoeman, Veteran Captain Solly Rheeder and

W/O Koekies Koekemoer. Koekies is assisting Capt Bokka Nel preparing a test for “Chase”

during the demonstration.

There are various types of dogs trained by the Dog Schoolo and employed by thye Police

e.g. Blood and Semen dogs, Rescue dogs, Explosives dogs and Drug dogs. The SAPS Dog

School is a world renowned leader in this field.

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Got it! Chase sniffed out a R100 note in the pipe!

Capt “Bokka” Nel and SAP 178364K - his trusted police vehicle

Bokka treats this police vehicle like treats like his own car! It has nearly 300 000 km on the

clock! He pays for the repairs out of his own pocket as he is afraid the Police Garage will

board his vehicle and he does not know what he will receive in its place. “This vehicle is in

tip-top condition! We can leave for Cape Town right away!” he said.

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2011 -08-11 Photographs taken by Capt Jan Idema

Group photo of all those present on the illustrious occasion!

Two former proud OC’s at the happy event!

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Brig Max Berg, Brig Stan Gillham, Brig Schoeman, Dr Strydom and Hennie Heymans

Fltr: Henry Kirsten, Capt Jan-Louis van Rooyen, W/O Japie van der Ryst, Capt Bokka Nel,

W/O Eldrid Crauze, Lt Col Johnny Dykes, W/O Gaio Gagiano and Lt Col Hendrik Smit

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Capt Bokka Nel and his currency-dog! This dog impressed the crowd and this dog serves as

a symbol of excellent service to mankind in general and the South African Police Service in

particular! A fine standard of detective work by this team is a credit to our Police Service.

One wonders whether the value of this dog could be valued in monetary terms.

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This is what will happen …..

Good Girl!

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Fltr: Lt Col Fourie, W/O Japie van der Ryst, Capt Jan-Louis van Rooyen and Capt PY


After a successful event: Stan Gillham and Brig Mohammed and at the back Gavin Gillham,

Leon Engelbrecht and Col Dwight Malan.

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Undated press cutting re: World First for Rambo!

The e-Nongqai contains various and sundry personal opinions of different correspondents

and the compiler of e-Nongqai cannot be held responsible for any of their comments.

Dedicated to all the old “K-9’s” in the former SAP,

our pioneers who laid the solid foundation! To the

new SAPS K-9: “You’re ranked with the Best in

the World!”

Greetings from: “M67” King’s Rest!!62


Your Van Driver and Section Sergeant: No 43630

Hennie Heymans. © 2011


Our old call sign was: “Em six-seven, sixty seven King’s Rest come in!”