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DVD cover analysis

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Artists name and title of DVD. The colour is gold so that the title stands out from the rest of the cover. Also the logo for Mariah care is embedded into the title. There are lines or borders to separate the artists name from the name of the DVD.

Lures. Lure ring images of the video that make the viewer want to purchase the product. The images are striking to draw the viewers attention. For the male audience sex appeal is used to attract them as the images reveal legs ,the artists figure and the bottom.

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Page 3: Dvd Cover Anaylsis

The main image shows the artist with her arms open one might say this symbolises that she welcomes the audience with open arms. The lighting draws attention to her and as a first view informs the audience who stars in the video.

Institutional logos informing the audience of who the artist is signed or is associated with. Having the institutional logos gives the companies recognition for supporting this video and artist

Promotional material to inform the viewer of what the DVD would look like in CD ,MP3 album, vinyl form.

Informing the audience on the status of the artist.

Page 4: Dvd Cover Anaylsis

Beyonce is the only person on the front cover making her the focal point also her outfit colour has been designed to attract the attention of her audience. As well as that her pose attracts the male audience as it complements her assets.

Making eye contact with the audience makes the feel more involved.

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Inspirational look. One might say that it means that the man is looking up into the heavens for guidance.I believe that this guy falls under the “baddie” in the film.

These characters have such a presence we can automatically tell that they are the protagonists in the film. As well as that the lighting in this picture symbolises that he is coming out of the light and exposing himself. The bit when he comes out of the light may symbolise that he is a heavenly figure coming out of the light because he is different.

This guy has a sinister look on his face which suggest that he is the “baddie” of the film

One might say that the characters are ranked in order of importance in the film.

InstitutionsPreviews of the film to lure the viewer into purchasing the DVD cover

Hints of what the film could include and the themes explored

The house colours are dark representing certain themes of the film.