Page 2: Duval County Public Schools 2016-17 Budget Workshop

2016-17 Macro Budget Issues• Reserve:

• 2013-14: 7% ($61,838,766)• 2014-15: 5% ($46,059,856)• 2015-16: 5% ($47,515,232)

• Use of One Time Money in 2015-16• Approximately $21 million was used to balance budget ( ̴$22 million in 2014-15 and $44

million in 2013-14)• Additional $12 million (from additional roll) was used on one time expenses

• Anticipated Increase in General Revenue from Senate and House Budget is $9M (~1% increase)

• Expected Roll (above the 5%) is approximately $22 million in General Revenue

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Pending Issues

• Final budget decisions from House and Senate, growing conflict with Governor

• Summer School for Lowest 300 Schools • Charter Enrollment • Actual Amount of Prior Period Funding

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Proposed Changes to the Allocation Plan• No changes to allocation plan. Three consecutive years of minimal changes.• Create allocation plan for K-2s, K-6s, and 3-6s Continuation Funding Strategies to Address Allocation Needs • Continue $1,500,000 for elementary paras (same as current year) for before and after school and lunch coverageAddition to Schools • ~$600,000 in hourly funds for secondary school media center coverage. This will provide 4 hours per day, per school for a

paraprofessional (or equivalent) to oversee media center operations.• Provide ~$1,500,000 to provide hourly tutoring to all schools at a rate of $10 per FTE for A, B, and C schools and $20 per

school for D and F schools. District Level Funding Affecting Schools• Increase marketing funding through Communications/Marketing Department• Revisit coach allocation to consider shift to elementary interventionists or to schools with greatest percentage of 1-3 years

of experience, VAM, and/or school grade • Increase number of full time district funded nurses • Increase number of school site computer technicians to support schools • Provide stipend for school based webmaster • Provide stipend for school site wellness ambassador

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Class Size Guidelines

Courses Examples MaxCore as defined by class

sizeEnglish, Math, Science, SS, Reading Grades K-3: 23

Grades 4-8: 27Grades 9-12: 30

Core not defined by class size*

Math, Science, Social Studies not defined by State Statute and

Accelerated classes such as AP, IB, and AICE

Middle: 35High: 35

Non-Academic Electives* All other electives other than band, chorus, and drama**

Middle: 35High: 38

Computer classes will not exceed the number of machines in the classroom

PE Middle/High: 60

Notes:*Students in elective classes that exceed the numbers above (mainly singleton and doubleton classes) will be given a letter with the choice

of remaining in the class at the current size (no additional students will be enrolled) or offered the opportunity to change their schedule**Band, chorus, and drama will be set based on the size of the room and teacher recommendation for class size
