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Copyright � 2009 by the Genetics Society of AmericaDOI: 10.1534/genetics.109.106476

Dissection of Genetic Factors Modulating Fetal Growth in Cattle Indicatesa Substantial Role of the Non-SMC Condensin I Complex,

Subunit G (NCAPG) Gene

Annett Eberlein,* Akiko Takasuga,† Kouji Setoguchi,‡ Ralf Pfuhl,§ Krzysztof Flisikowski,**Ruedi Fries,** Norman Klopp,†† Rainer Furbass,* Rosemarie Weikard* and Christa Kuhn*,1

*Research Unit Molecular Biology and §Research Unit Muscle Biology and Growth, Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals,18196 Dummerstorf, Germany, †Shirikawa Institute of Animal Genetics, Japan Livestock Technology Association, Odakura,

Nishigo, Fukushima 961-8062, Japan, ‡Cattle Breeding Development Institute of Kagoshima Prefecture, Osumi, So,Kagoshima 899-8212, Japan, **Chair of Animal Breeding, Technische Universitat Munchen, 85350 Freising,

Germany and ††Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany

Manuscript received June 20, 2009Accepted for publication August 21, 2009


The increasing evidence of fetal developmental effects on postnatal life, the still unknown fetal growthmechanisms impairing offspring generated by somatic nuclear transfer techniques, and the impact onstillbirth and dystocia in conventional reproduction have generated increasing attention towardmammalian fetal growth. We identified a highly significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) affecting fetalgrowth on bovine chromosome 6 in a specific resource population, which was set up by consistent use ofembryo transfer and foster mothers and, thus, enabled dissection of fetal-specific genetic components offetal growth. Merging our data with results from other cattle populations differing in historical andgeographical origin and with comparative data from human whole-genome association mapping suggeststhat a nonsynonymous polymorphism in the non-SMC condensin I complex, subunit G (NCAPG) gene,NCAPG c.1326T.G, is the potential cause of the identified QTL resulting in divergent bovine fetal growth.NCAPG gene expression data in fetal placentomes with different NCAPG c.1326T.G genotypes, which arein line with recent results about differential NCAPG expression in placentomes from studies on assistedreproduction techniques, indicate that the NCAPG locus may give valuable information on the specificmechanisms regulating fetal growth in mammals.

FARM animal species are receiving a growing interestas animal models, because increasingly whole-

genome sequences have become available (e.g., forcattle, horses, or chicken) as well as specific resourcepopulations managed under standardized conditions(Andersson and Georges 2004). Fetal developmentplays a major role in postnatal physiology in mammalsas demonstrated for humans, laboratory animals, andlivestock (Park et al. 2008; Corson et al. 2009; Freathy

et al. 2009). Additionally, in cattle, fetal growth hasraised attention due to the still unknown fetal growthmechanisms impairing calves generated by somaticnuclear transfer techniques and because of its impacton stillbirth and dystocia in conventional reproduction.Calves generated by somatic cloning techniques arefrequently affected by the large offspring syndrome,which is characterized by abnormally large fetal growth(Hill et al. 1999). The underlying mechanisms are still

poorly understood. Besides artificially induced varia-tion in fetal development, there is also substantialconventional genetic variation in fetal growth with amedium heritability in cattle (h2 ¼ 0.2–0.6) (Hansen

et al. 2004; Phocas and Laloe 2004). In conventionalcattle production, fetal growth has an importantimpact, because it is highly correlated to incidence ofdystocia and stillbirth (Hansen et al. 2004; Phocas andLaloe 2004), raising animal welfare issues. Thus, theidentification of the factors modulating fetal growthwould assist artificial reproduction and conventionalanimal breeding and also would contribute to anincreased knowledge of pathways regulating fetal de-velopment. As exemplified by Candille et al. (2007), thedetection of the background of naturally occurringgenetic variation can elucidate previously unknownphysiological pathways.

In the literature, several studies in different dairy andbeef cattle populations concurrently reported thatbovine chromosome 6 (BTA6) harbors quantitative traitloci (QTL) affecting fetal growth (Davis et al. 1998;Casas et al. 2000; Kneeland et al. 2004; Gutierrez-Gil

et al. 2009; Maltecca et al. 2009). These results were inline with other studies providing evidence for QTL

Supporting information is available online at

1Corresponding author: Research Institute for the Biology of FarmAnimals, Research Unit Molecular Biology, Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2,18196 Dummerstorf, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]

Genetics 183: 951–964 (November 2009)

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affecting stillbirth, dystocia, or calving ease on the samechromosome (Schrooten et al. 2000; Kuhn et al. 2003;Holmberg and Andersson-Eklund 2006; Kolbehdari

et al. 2008; Olsen et al. 2008; Schulman et al. 2008). Thisinitiated our attempt to scrutinize BTA6 for the geneticbackground of variation in the fetal component regu-lating fetal growth. Fetal growth is affected by maternalfactors providing resources for the fetus, by fetal fac-tors determining the development of the fetus itself,and by feto–maternal interaction (Murphy et al. 2006).For dissecting these complex developmental processes,specific animal models are required, and use of fostermothers enables the specific investigation of the fetalcomponent influencing fetal growth. Therefore, wetook specific advantage of a unique cattle resourcepopulation (Kuhn et al. 2002) generated from Charolaisand German Holstein, representatives of beef and dairycattle, respectively, which are known to differ substan-tially regarding fetal growth (Marlowe et al. 1984;Noakes 2001). This resource population was createdby consistent application of embryo transfer to fostermothers, which separates genetically determined exclu-sively fetal effects from genetically determined maternalor embryo–maternal factors. Using this animal model,we identified a genetic locus affecting the fetal compo-nent of fetal growth on BTA6 by linkage and associationanalysis. Furthermore, merging our data with respectiveintraspecies and across-species information highlightedthe non-SMC condensin I complex, subunit G (NCAPG)gene as strongly associated with fetal growth.


Animals: Our study included 733 individuals from a re-source population (Kuhn et al. 2002) generated from thefounder breeds Charolais and German Holstein: 5 Charolaismales, 94 German Holstein females, 168 F1, and 466 F2. All F1

and F2 animals were generated by multiple ovulation andembryo transfer, which created full- and half-sib F1 and F2

families. Embryos were transferred randomly to virgin heiferskept in the experimental herd of the FBN Dummerstorfaccording to a standard protocol. Foster mothers were takenrandomly from the German Holstein production populationwith no further specific genetic relationship between them.Female F2’s were mated back to a German Holstein sire, whichcreated a backcross (BC) population comprising 139 offspringavailable for genotyping.

During the postnatal period, the calves were housed in aloose stall barn and were fed a milk replacer diet according torequirements, which was gradually replaced by ad libitumaccess to hay and concentrates. For all calves, birth weightand subsequently weight at 121 days of age were recorded(Table 1). Effects that affected fetal and postnatal growthwithin the F2 generation or the BC generation were calculatedby applying a linear model

traitij ¼ sexi 1 birth yearj 1 eij ;

where traits investigated were birth weight, weight at 121 daysof age, and average daily gain in the time period birth to day121; sexi is the fixed effect of sexi; and birth yearj is the fixed

effect of the jth year of birth. The resulting residuals eij for theF2 individuals were obtained and employed in all further QTLand association analyses. For the analysis of the BC individuals,the parity of dam (first or second parity) was added to themodel as a fixed effect and the respective residuals were used.

Markers, genotypes, and haplotypes: Initially, the individu-als from the P0, F1, and F2 generation were genotyped for 16microsatellite markers (see supporting information, Table S1)evenly distributed across the chromosome according tostandard protocols (Kuhn and Weikard 2007). In the initialQTL confidence interval for fetal growth determined bybootstrapping (see below), 23 candidate SNPs were addedalong with 13 intragenic SNPs far outside of the targetedQTL region serving as negative controls (see Table S1).Genotyping of SNPs was performed on an Illumina Beadstation (Oliphant et al. 2002) ( aspart of a targeted 384-SNP GoldenGate assay. The NCAPGc.1326T.G SNP was genotyped by PCR–RFLP, using restric-tion enzyme TasI (Fermentas) (amplification primers: forward59-ATTTAGGAAACGACTACTGG-39 and reverse 59-ATTTGTATTCTCTTATTATCATC-39). First, all microsatellite markersand then additionally, all SNP markers were included tocalculate a genetic map using CRIMAP Version 2.50 options[Green et al. 1990, incorporating modifications by Ian Evansand Jill Maddox (University of Melbourne)]. Markers unsep-arated by crossovers were ordered according to Weikard

et al. (2006) and according to the bovine BTA6 assemblyBuild 4.0 (NCBI accession no. NC_007304). For thosemarker pairs sharing an identical position on our geneticmap, a distance of 0.01 cM was assumed to provide a minimaldistance required for QTL linkage mapping. Minor allelefrequencies and tests for deviation from Hardy–Weinbergequilibrium for the SNPs were calculated in founder breeds(see Table S1). The most likely haplotypes of the individualscomprising microsatellites and SNPs were determined by aMarkov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm implementedin Qxpak (Perez-Enciso and Misztal 2004). Pairwiselinkage disequilibrium between the 23 SNPs distributedacross the initial QTL confidence interval was determinedby calculating pairwise r2 values, using the Haploview pro-gram (Barrett et al. 2005).

QTL analyses: As a robust starting point for QTL analysis,we applied a QTL regression analysis [QTL express (Seaton

et al. 2002)] in the line cross model assuming alternativelyfixed QTL alleles in the founder breeds. The significancethresholds were determined by 10,000 permutations and 95%confidence intervals by 10,000 bootstraps. Significantly segre-gating F1 individuals were determined by performing within-F1 parental half-sib analyses for all F1 sires and dams exceeding20 offspring in a regression QTL model (QTL express) andpermutation tests. All families exceeding a 5% chromosome-wise threshold were considered as segregating at the QTL.

In addition to the QTL regression analysis, a variancecomponent QTL model as implemented in Qxpak (Perez-Enciso and Misztal 2004) including an infinitesimal animaleffect was calculated,

y ¼ Zu 1 Qg 1 e;

where y is a vector of phenotypes, u represents a vector ofindividual infinitesimal polygenic effects, Z and Q representthe incidence matrices for the polygenic and the QTL effect,respectively, g is a vector of QTL effects (either random orfixed effects within lines depending on the model applied),and e is the vector of random residuals. Identity-by-descentprobabilities were calculated on the basis of a MCMCalgorithm implemented in Qxpak (Perez-Enciso et al.2000). A likelihood-ratio test (LRT) was calculated to test for

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statistical significance. Significance thresholds for the LRTwere determined according to Nezer et al. (2002), consideringone chromosome with a length of 1.2 M and an averagemarker density for the variance component analysesof 0.02927 M. LRT significance thresholds for a ¼ 0.05 anda ¼ 0.0001 were 10.5 and 24.

The variance component approach used to model a ran-dom QTL effect (Perez-Enciso and Misztal 2004) furthercomplemented the initial QTL analysis with the more likelyrelaxed hypothesis regarding QTL allele distribution in thefounder breeds. For the variance component QTL model,only markers with .200 informative meioses in the F2 designwere included, because it was indicated that the random QTLmodel may be instable, when information gaps occur in thegenotype file. The confidence interval for the QTL investi-gated by the variance component model was determined bythe LOD drop-off method as suggested by Lander andBotstein (1989), with one LOD interval corresponding to a96% confidence interval (Mangin et al. 1994).

For the two-QTL analyses we used a variance componentmethod, because this enabled modeling of the QTL effects asrandom or fixed. For the two-QTL analyses, we assumed a fixedQTL effect at a specific position at the maximum in the one-QTL test statistic and tested in 1-cM intervals across the chro-mosome, whether there was a second QTL position for whichthe resulting two-QTL model had a statistically significantincreased likelihood compared to the one-QTL model with thefixed QTL effect. The second QTL was modeled with a fixed ora random QTL effect, respectively. LRT tests were performedto assess the statistical significance of the two-QTL hypothesis(LRT model with two QTL vs. model with one QTL).

Association studies: Association linkage disequilibrium(LD) studies were performed to fine map the QTL in theinitial QTL confidence interval 44–56 cM, applying thefollowing model as implemented in the LD association analysisin Qxpak,

yi ¼X



likhgk 1 ui 1 eihk ;

where yi is the record of individual i, lihk is an indicatorvariable, which is 1 when the allele at the hth haplotype (1 or 2)of the ith individual is k and otherwise 0, gk is the allelic effectof allele k, ui is the infinitesimal genetic effect of individual i,and eihk is the residual. Multiple testing of a total of 52 markershad to be accounted for to avoid false positive associations. Toavoid false positive associations due to multiple testing of 52markers, a Bonferroni correction was calculated, a most

stringent procedure given the fact that there was linkage andalso linkage disequilibrium between markers. Those SNPs withthe most significant effect were tested in an extended two-marker model, whether they still showed a significant associ-ation after accounting for the effects of one of the othersignificantly associated SNPs,

yi ¼X



likhgk 1X



limngm 1 ui 1 eihkmn ;

where yi is the record of individual I, lihk is an indicatorvariable for locus 1, which is 1 when the allele at the hthhaplotype (1 or 2) of the ith individual is k and otherwise 0,limn is a respective indicator variable for locus 2, and gk and gm

are the respective allelic effects for locus 1 and locus 2. Alikelihood-ratio test (likelihood of model with locus 1 andlocus 2 vs. likelihood of model with locus 1) was calculated totest for statistical significance.

Furthermore, SNPs that were significant in the associationanalyses were tested, if they had an effect on the QTL teststatistic, when included in the fixed QTL model as imple-mented in Qxpak,

yi ¼X



likhgk 1 bia 1 ui 1 eihk ;

where yi is the record of individual i, lihk is an indicatorvariable, which is 1 when the allele at the hth haplotype (1 or 2)of the ith individual is k and otherwise 0, gk is the allelic effectof allele k, bi is the additive QTL coefficient, and a is theadditive QTL effect.

Haplotype analyses: The most likely haplotypes of the Qqsegregating F1 individuals were taken from the MCMCalgorithm (see above) and assigned to the respective QTLalleles Q and q according to the effect estimation from the half-sib regression model. For this purpose, we selected offspringwith extremely different transmission probabilities at position50 cM for the parental target chromosome as calculated in theQTL Express analysis. Then, we determined from the flankingparental marker alleles, which of the two parental haplotypesthe respective offspring inherited at the respective position.The haplotype, for which a positive effect on fetal growth wascalculated in the regression analysis, was denoted ‘‘Q,’’ and thehaplotype, for which a negative effect was calculated, wasdenoted ‘‘q.’’ All Q-carrying and all q-carrying haplotypes,respectively, were aligned and tested for concordance betweenQTL status and the candidate polymorphisms. The allelefrequencies for the NCAPG c.1326T.G locus were assumed


Birth weight, weight at 121 days of age, and average daily gain in the time period birth to day 121 in the P0, F1, F2, and backcrossgeneration of a Charolais 3 German Holstein resource population


Birth weight Weight at day 121

Average dailygain, birthto day 121


(SD) [kg]Min[kg]


Mean(SD) [kg]





GH 70 43.31 (4.75) 33.0 56.0Charolais 43 50.79 (8.08) 29.0 66.0F1 168 46.95 (6.09) 30.0 69.0F2 489 45.15 (6.64) 25.0 71.0 144.6 (16.04) 94.1 189.0 0.441 1.124BC 238a 40.85 (5.27) 25.0 54.0

GH, German Holstein; BC, backcross generation of individuals born to F2 dams from a German Holstein sire.a A total of 139 individuals were sampled for genotyping.

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according to the respective allele count for the alleles in thefounder populations (NCAPG c.1326G, 0.9 and NCAPGc.1326T, 0.1 for Charolais and NCAPG c.1326G, 0.2 and NCAPGc.1326T, 0.8 for German Holsteins; expected allele frequencyin the F1 population, 0.55 for allele NCAPG c.1326G and 0.45for allele NCAPG c.1326T). Following Seroussi (2009), thelikelihood of the observed concordance would be pG

NQ 3 pTNq,

where pG is the allele frequency of the allele NCAPG c.1326Gin the F1 population, pT is the allele frequency of the alleleNCAPG c.1326T in the F1 population, and NQ and Nq are thenumber of concordant chromosomes carrying the Q or the qQTL allele, respectively. Furthermore, the concordance anal-ysis in the significantly segregating F1 parents was comple-mented by analysis of individuals very likely homozygous QQ orqq, respectively, at the QTL for fetal growth. For this purpose,the random QTL effect at position 55 cM as well as the fixedQTL effect at position 50 cM for each individual was takenfrom the two-QTL model. The 10 individuals with the highestand lowest QTL effects were assumed QQ or qq at the respectiveQTL positions. Binomial tests were performed to test whetherthere was a significant concordance of divergent markeralleles in the two groups,

P ½ðX1 ¼ aÞ [ ðX2 ¼ bÞ�



� �pa

1 ð1� p1ÞnQ�anq


� �pb

2ð1� p2Þnq�b ;

where P ½ X1 ¼ að Þ [ X2 ¼ bð Þ� is the probability that allele 1 isobserved at least a times in the sample of n Q-carryingchromosomes and allele 2 is observed at least b times in then q-carrying chromosomes. Due to 10 individuals tested ineach group, nQ and nq ¼ 20; allele 1 is the marker alleleconcordant with the Q allele in the significantly segregatingF1 parents, allele 2 is the marker allele concordant with theq allele in the significantly segregating F1 parents, a is thenumber of chromosomes carrying marker allele 1, and b isthe number of chromosomes carrying the marker allele 2.The allele frequencies of the two different marker alleles aredenoted p1 and p2 for alleles 1 and 2, respectively.

Resequencing and refined haplotypes: To obtain additionalinformation on the haplotype structure and linkage disequi-librium in the NCAPG region we resequenced 4916 bp com-prising the region proximal to the NCAPG gene and severalregions from the NCAPG and the LCORL gene. Both genes arelocated in the confidence interval of this study and are alsohighlighted in a QTL analysis on calving difficulty in anothercattle breed and in whole-genome association studies address-ing human height (Olsen et al. 2008; Weedon et al. 2008).Information on PCR primers is indicated in Table S2. Ge-nomic PCR products were generated and subsequently se-quenced with the DYEnamic ET Terminator Cycle Sequencingreaction and the MegaBACE 1000 DNA Analysis System (GEHealthcare). For sequencing, PCR primers were used. Targetsfor resequencing were the four F1 individuals, which showedstatistically significant segregation of the QTL (probably Qq atthe QTL), and the 20 individuals with the highest and lowestestimated QTL effects (supposed to be QQ and qq, respec-tively) selected as described in the previous paragraph. Toobtain further information on the NCAPG c.1326T.G muta-tion history, we additionally included 6 unrelated individualsfrom the Bos indicus subspecies for genotyping by resequenc-ing in the vicinity of the NCAPG c.1326T.G locus.

Fetal NCAPG expression pattern: Fetal expression patternsof the NCAPG gene were analyzed by reverse transcription(RT)–PCR on a multitissue panel consisting of six fetal bovinetissues (skeletal muscle, kidney, liver, lung, brain, and placenta,all tissues from 123 days of pregnancy). Principally, total RNAwas extracted using the Nucleospin II RNA kit (Macherey–

Nagel). For muscle tissue, an initial purification step usingTrizol (Invitrogen) was added. Genomic DNA was carefullyeliminated from RNA preparations by repeated on-columnRNAse-free DNaseI digestion. The cDNAs were synthesizedusing the Superscript III RNase H-reverse transcriptase (Invi-trogen) with oligo(dT) primer according to the manufacturer’sinstructions. Expression of the NCAPG gene was analyzed usinggene-specific primers (forward primer, 59-TGGAGCAAGTAAAAGATAGAAC-39; reverse primer, 59-ACCACTTTTCTCCGTCCTCTG-39), producing a DNA fragment of 244 bp.

Quantitative NCAPG expression analysis: QuantitativeNCAPG gene expression was analyzed by quantitative real-timePCR (qRT–PCR), using the LightCycler 480 system (RocheDiagnostics), on total RNA from fetal placenta taken at days120–128 of gestation of six purebred German Holstein fetuseswith different genotypes at the NCAPG c.1326T.G polymor-phism (three with genotype NCAPG c.1326T/NCAPG c.1326T,two with genotype NCAPG c.1326T/NCAPG c.1326G, and onewith the rare homozygous NCAPG c.1326G/NCAPG c.G geno-type). The fetuses were all paternal half-sibs generated by or-dinary artificial insemination to lactating first parity cows. TheRNA samples (1 mg) were reverse transcribed to cDNAs, usingSuperscript III RNase H-reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) andthe gene-specific primer 59-CTCCATCATTTCTTCTCCTAAC-39. The cDNA samples equivalent to 25 ng total RNA inthe reverse transcription assay were subjected to qRT–PCR induplicate, using the LightCycler 480 SYBR Green I Master kit(Roche Diagnostics) and gene-specific exon-spanning primers(forward primer, 59-CTGGAGCAAGTAAAAGATAGAAC-39; re-verse primer, 59-ACCACTTTTCTCC GTCCTCTG-39) generat-ing an amplicon of 245 bp. To generate a standard calibrationcurve a standard transcript was prepared from the 245-bp PCRamplicon and purified with the Nucleospin Extract kit II(Macherey–Nagel). The quantity of the NCAPG mRNA in theanalyzed cDNA samples of fetal placenta was calculated fromthe standard calibration curve on the basis of a serial dilutionof the standard amplicon covering four orders of magnitude(103–106 copies), which ran simultaneously with the samples.

Statistical analysis of mRNA abundance was performed byregressing the amount of transcript against the number ofcopies of the NCAPG c.1326T allele,

yi ¼ b 3 NCAPGi 1 ei ;

where yi is the number of NCAPG transcripts in the equivalentof 25 ng fetal placental RNA of fetus i, b is the regressioncoefficient of the NCAPG c.1326Tallele, NCAPGi is the numberof copies of the NCAPG c.1326T allele of individual i, and ei isthe residual effect.


Detection of a QTL affecting fetal growth: Initially, aline cross QTL regression model including 16 micro-satellite markers revealed a highly significant QTL(F value 90.16, P ,0 .0001) affecting fetal growth in a12-cM 95% confidence interval (44–56 cM) on BTA6(Figure 1). The QTL accounted for 16.3% of thevariance in the model as calculated as the relativereduction of the residual variance due to including theQTL in the model (Knott et al. 1996). The QTL seemsto act in a strictly additive mode, because we did not findany evidence for dominance or imprinting effects.The QTL allele assumed to be originating from the

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Charolais breed was estimated to increase birth weightby 3.78 kg (SE 0.40). Whereas the QTL region exhibiteda substantial effect on prenatal growth, the test statisticdropped substantially for the trait ‘‘weight at 121 days ofage’’ and did not reveal any significant QTL for ‘‘averagedaily gain in the time period birth to day 121.’’ Inconsecutive half-sib regression analyses, four of eight F1

parents tested (three sires, one dam) proved to besignificantly heterozygous at the QTL affecting fetalbirth with the peaks of the test statistics between 48 and52 cM. The QTL test statistic for the other four F1 half-sib families with .20 offspring did not exceed thestatistical significance threshold. However, it has to beconsidered that those F1 families all had a lower numberof offspring than those four F1 families with significantsegregation of the QTL.

Association study of targeted SNPs with fetal andearly postnatal growth: Targeted candidate SNPs andcontrol SNPs were used to refine the QTL for fetalgrowth in association analyses. In addition to the in-itially genotyped 16 microsatellites, we tested 23 SNPs(see Table S1) in and adjacent to the initial QTLconfidence interval for their LD association with fetalgrowth. Whereas 16 loci were nominally significant,adjustment for multiple testing maintained 7 SNPsand 1 microsatellite showing a 5% experimentwisesignificance (Figure 2). The SNP showing the strongestassociation was NCAPG c.1326T.G with a nominalP-value ,10�16. Because SPP1 c.6211338A.G is locatedadjacent to NCAPG c.1326T.G and displays LD toNCAPG c.1326T.G, the observed trait association (P ,

10�10) of SPP1 c.6211338A.G was to be expected.Interestingly, there is a cluster of markers (rs29025709–DIK82) located 8 cM telomeric of NCAPG c.1326T.Gcomprising four markers that all also show a significantassociation with fetal growth, although three of them,e.g., DIK82, are not contained in the initial 95%confidence interval 44–56 cM. To test if the markerassociations in the cluster SEPSECS–DIK82 were due

to linkage disequilibrium generated by the pedigreerelationships in our data set, five markers (the fourmarkers with the highest significance from the one-marker association and also PPARGC1A c.1892119T.C)were separately tested in a two-marker model for anassociation additional to the effect of one of the fourother markers. We found that associations for SPP1c.6211338A.G and STIM2 (rs29014935), but not forDIK82, vanished, when tested jointly with NCAPGc.1326T.G (Figure 2). Taking SPP1 c.6211338A.Ginto the two-marker model still yielded significanteffects for NCAPG c.1326T.G, STIM2 (rs29014935),and DIK82. Joint analysis with DIK82 in a two-markermodel showed no statistically significant effect for SPP1c.6211338A.G, but STIM2 (rs29014935) and NCAPGc.1326T.G were still significantly associated. Theseresults indicated that there might be more than onelocus affecting fetal growth in the targeted chromo-somal region of BTA6.

Combined linkage and association study: In a secondQTL mapping step, we included the additional SNPsinto the QTL analysis to increase the mapping resolu-tion and obtained a QTL with fixed effect at position50 cM (LRT ¼ 92.7) (Figure 3). Its 1-LOD drop-offinterval spanned from 47 to 51 cM. The extension of theQTL model including one of the four markers with themost significant association to fetal growth testedwhether one of those markers accounts for the QTLwith fixed effect in the region 47–51 cM. The drop in theQTL test statistic was most prominent for NCAPGc.1326T.G and shifted the peak of the test statistictelomeric toward 58 cM (Figure 3). Marker DIK82 alsoresulted in a marked decrease of the test statistic whenincluded in the model and, in combination with NCAPGc.1326T.G, resulted in an almost flat test statistic with amaximum of 1.74 in the region 40–65 cM. Thus, thecombined LD information from NCAPG c.1326T.Gand DIK82 completely erases the QTL with fixed effect inthe region 44–56 cM. In contrast, SPP1 c.6211338A.G

Figure 1.—QTL test sta-tistic for fetal growth. A linecross model with an additiveQTL effect was assumed forregression QTL mappingincluding information from16 microsatellite markers(for information on markerposition see Table S1).¤, birth weight, all F2

individuals, n ¼ 465; —,birth weight, F2 individualswith data for day 121, n ¼352; - - -, live weight at day121, F2 individuals with datafor day 121, n ¼ 352; s, av-erage daily gain in the inter-val birth to day 121, F2

individuals with data for day 121, n ¼ 352. Significance thresholds for birth weight (pBW, n ¼ 465 individuals) and live weight atday 121 (p121, n ¼ 352 individuals) are indicated.

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did not further decrease the test statistic when jointlyincluded with NCAPG c.1326T.G in the QTL model(data not shown). STIM2 (rs29016265), like SPP1c.6211338A.G, resulted in a substantial decrease inthe test statistic, although the maximum of the teststatistic still showed a statistically significant QTL (datanot shown).

Two-QTL analyses: Initial data from associationmapping suggested that two QTL affecting fetal growthcould be segregating in the middle part of BTA6. This

was supported by results from a QTL analysis assuming aQTL with random effect, which indicated a highlysignificant QTL (Figure 4) with a confidence intervalspanning the region 55–57 cM. Thus, the confidenceintervals obtained from the fixed effect and the randomQTL effect analyses did not overlap. Although thisincongruence obtained by the LOD drop-off methodsshould not be overinterpreted, it justified the consecu-tive two-QTL analyses. When the second QTL wasmodeled with a line-specific fixed QTL effect in addition

Figure 2.—(A) Association study between markers in the interval BMS2508–FBN20 and fetal growth. On the y-axis the�log10 ofthe nominal P-value of the test is indicated. Experimentwise thresholds for one-marker (pexp) and two-marker-association studies(p2SNP) are indicated. ¤, one-marker association analysis; 1, association analysis testing individually the two-marker model withthe SPP1 c.6211338A.G SNP against a one-marker model without the SPP1 c.6211338A.G SNP. e, association analysis testingindividually the two-marker model with the NCAPG c.1326T.G SNP against a one marker-model without the NCAPG c.1326T.GSNP; h, association analysis testing individually the two-marker model with marker DIK82 against a one-marker model withoutmarker DIK82. (B) Pairwise linkage disequilibrium calculated as r2 between all SNPs in the BTA6 target interval 37.4–47.8 Mb.

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to a first QTL with a line-specific fixed effect at 50 cM, nosignificant second QTL was observed (Figure 4). How-ever, when the second QTL was modeled as random inaddition to a first QTL with a line-specific fixed effect at50 cM, the test statistic showed a highly significant QTL(LRT two QTL vs. one QTL ¼ 70.4) in the interval 54–56 cM and further peaks at positions 58, 63, and 72 cM.The confidence interval for the second QTL with pre-sumably random QTL effects could be narrowed downto 2 cM. Further extending the model to include threedifferent QTL did not provide any significant proof thata third QTL is segregating in the interval 40–65 cM.

Haplotype analyses: To obtain further informationon the position and the potential causal background ofthe QTL detected, we performed concordance analysesof the parental haplotypes from those F1 parents thatwere significantly segregating Qq for the fetal growthQTL. All four parental F1 chromosomes carrying theQ allele shared the allele NCAPG c.1326G, whereas all F1

chromosomes carrying the q allele shared the alleleNCAPG c.1326T (Figure 5). The likelihood of thisconcordance being observed by chance is 0.36 3 10�3.It has to be highlighted that all four segregating F1

parents are unrelated. The other four F1 parents with.20 offspring that did not reach the chromosomewisestatistical significance threshold in the QTL regressionanalysis all shared a NCAPG c.1326G allele at the par-ental haplotype associated with increased fetal growth.Additionally, they also shared a NCAPG c.1326T allele atthe parental haplotype associated with decreased fetalgrowth. Thus, the NCAPG c.1326T.G–QTL haplotypesin the not significantly segregating F1 parents showedthe same concordance as the respective haplotypes inthose F1 parents, for which we had obtained statisticallysignificant segregation. Looking at all P0 individuals, wefound that no NCAPG c.1326T.G allele is fixed either inCharolais or in German Holsteins, although the allelefrequencies in Charolais and German Holstein for

Figure 3.—QTL test sta-tistic for variance compo-nent QTL mapping/association analysis of fetalgrowth. For informationon markers included seeTable S1. ¤, fixed-effectQTL model. - - -, fixed-ef-fect QTL model account-ing for the effect of theSPP1 c.6211338A.G SNP;h, fixed-effect QTL modelaccounting for the effectof the marker DIK82; —,fixed-effect QTL model ac-counting for the effect ofthe NCAPG c.1326T.GSNP; D, fixed-effect QTLmodel accounting for the

joint effects of the NCAPG c.1326T.G SNP and marker DIK82. Thresholds for the significance of the model including markerand QTL vs. the model with marker only are indicated.

Figure 4.—QTL test sta-tistic for variance compo-nent QTL mapping offetal growth. For informa-tion on markers includedsee Table S1. —, one-QTLmodel assuming a randomQTL effect. ¤, two-QTLmodel assuming a fixed-effect QTL at position 50cM and scanning the chro-mosome for a second QTLwith random effect (LRT:two-QTL model vs. one-QTL model). e, two-QTLmodel assuming a fixed-effect QTL at position50 cM and scanning the

chromosome for a second QTL with fixed effect (LRT: two-QTL model vs. one-QTL model). Significance thresholds for theLRT two-QTL model vs. one-QTL model are indicated.

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Figure 5.—Haplotypes of F1 individuals (sires S1–S3, dam D1) with confirmed statistically significant segregation at the BTA6locus affecting fetal growth in the region 37.4–47.9 Mb and the refined segment 38.13–38.33 Mb, respectively. Q (increased fetalgrowth) and q (decreased fetal growth) denote the QTL alleles assigned to the respective haplotypes as determined by within-family regression QTL analysis. The NCAPG c.1326T.G SNP is indicated by an arrow. For information on markers and markerpositions see Table S1 and Table S3.

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NCAPG c.1326T.G differed substantially. This is incontrast to SPP1 c.6211338A.G, which also displayeda discordant distribution of alleles on chromosomescarrying alternative QTL alleles. As outlined in theprevious sections, however, QTL and association studiesshowed that NCAPG c.1326T.G erased the effects ofSPP1 c.6211338A.G when included into the respectiveanalyses, while this was not observed vice versa.

To further extend the concordance analyses, weobtained the putative QTL effects for the fixed effectand the random effect QTL at 50 and 55 cM, re-spectively, from the two-QTL analyses. From the 10 F2

individuals with the lowest fixed QTL effects (presum-ably qq) at position 50 cM, 9 had a homozygous NCAPGc.1326T/T and 1 had a heterozygous NCAPG c.1326T/Ggenotype. Eight of the 10 F2 individuals with the highestfixed QTL effects (presumably QQ) at position 50 cMhad a homozygous NCAPG c.1326G/G and 2 had aheterozygous NCAPG c.1326T/G genotype. No otherlocus including SPP1 c.6211338A.G showed a simi-larly biased distribution of genotypes. Statistical anal-ysis revealed that the likelihood to obtain the NCAPGc.1326T.G distribution of alleles by chance is 2.31 3

10�9. For the QTL with a random effect at position55 cM, no analogously discordant allele distribution wasobserved for any marker.

Finally, backcross calves generated from mating aGerman Holstein sire to all female F2’s for their first andsecond parity were recruited for an additional paternalhalf-sib regression QTL analysis. It showed a statisticallysignificant QTL for fetal growth (F ¼ 10.43, P , 0.05)within the family, indicating that the German Holsteinsire should be Qq at a QTL affecting fetal growth.Further genotyping revealed that the sire was heterozy-gous NCAPG c.1326T/G, with the allele NCAPG c.1326Gon the paternal haplotype increasing birth weight.

Resequencing and refined haplotypes: In the chro-mosomal segments that were included in resequencing,we found 26 polymorphisms in the F1 and F2 individuals(see Table S3). Alignment of haplotypes for the Qqindividuals and the supposedly QQ and qq individuals,respectively, demonstrated that there is a large commonhaplotype block for the Q-carrying chromosomes en-compassing the NCAPG c.1326G allele. This haplotypeblock spans at least 193 kb. This block is shared by allQ-carrying F1 chromosomes (see Figure 5) and by 18 of20 supposedly Q-carrying F2 chromosomes. In contrast,no continuous shared identity-by-state haplotype blockcould be identified across all the q-carrying F1 chromo-somes. We observed different haplotypes for all four q-carrying F1 chromosomes and 10 different haplotypes inthe supposedly q-carrying F2 chromosomes. None of thepolymorphisms, except NCAPG c.1326T.G, which wereheterozygous in all segregating F1 parents and thatshowed a concordance with the QTL alleles, affectedthe amino acid sequence of the encoded protein or arelocated in a prominent regulatory region of the target

gene. Resequencing in six unrelated B. indicus individ-uals showed that all were homozygous for the NCAPGc.1326T allele (see Table S3).

Expression analysis: Expression analysis in a multi-tissue panel demonstrated NCAPG mRNA expression inall fetal tissues investigated including skeletal muscle,kidney, liver, lung, and brain and also in the fetal andmaternal part of the placentomes (Figure 6A). Quanti-tative real-time analysis in the fetal part of placentomesoriginating from paternal half-sib fetuses with differentNCAPG c.1326T.G genotypes suggested a differentialNCAPG gene expression (Figure 6B). Regression of thenumber of NCAPG transcripts on the number of NCAPGc.1326T alleles showed an allele substitution effect of11,675 copies (P ¼ 0.09), suggesting that the NCAPGc.1326T allele is associated with increased NCAPG ex-pression level.


In our study, we provide evidence for a QTL withhighly significant effect on fetal growth in a uniquecattle resource population. Systematic use of fostermothers and embryo transfer clearly breaks down anygenetically determined correlation between biologicalmother and fetus and enables a stringent dissection ofgenetic factors modulating exclusively the fetal compo-nent of fetal growth.

Confirmation of a locus affecting fetal growth onBTA6: The QTL position affecting fetal growth on BTA6determined in our study matches the suggested positionof former studies on fetal growth and correlated traits

Figure 6.—(A) NCAPG gene mRNA expression in bovinefetal tissues. M, marker; C, nontemplate control; 1, skeletalmuscle; 2, kidney; 3, liver; 4, lung; 5, brain; 6, bone; 7, coty-ledon (fetal placenta); 8, caruncle (maternal placenta). (B)Quantitative NCAPG expression in the fetal placenta at days120–128 from fetuses with differential numbers of NCAPGc.1326T alleles.

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very well (Casas et al. 2000; Kuhn et al. 2003; Kneeland

et al. 2004; Holmberg and Andersson-Eklund 2006).Recently, Gutierrez-Gil et al. (2009) mapped a highlysignificant, additively acting QTL for birth weight andbody length at birth on BTA6 in a cross from Charolaisand Holsteins explaining 27% of the variance with theCharolais originating QTL allele associated with in-creased birth weight. The authors reported a confi-dence interval from position 27 to 65 cM, whichincludes the NCAPG gene and is very similar to theconfidence interval from another recent QTL analysison bovine fetal growth in an experimental dairy cattlepopulation (Maltecca et al. 2009).

Collecting evidence for a causal role of the NCAPGlocus on fetal growth: The final aim of studies dissectingthe genetic background of complex traits is the de-tection of genetic variants that might be of causal effect.Whereas causality in livestock species is difficult toobtain, several lines of evidence can be collected tosupport any assumption on causal variants (Glazier

et al. 2002; Rebbeck et al. 2004). The results described inthis study merged with several other reports from theliterature provide substantial arguments in favor of afunctional role of the NCAGP locus on fetal growth:

1. Coincidence of QTL position and position of trait-associated NCAPG c.1326T.G SNP: Within the con-fidence interval of the highly significant QTLaffecting fetal growth, we identified the NCAPGc.1326T.G locus displaying a highly significantassociation with the phenotype.

2. Concordance between QTL and NCAPG c.1326T.Galleles: There is a significant concordance of QTLalleles and NCAPG c.1326T.G alleles in segregat-ing F1 individuals and in the extreme F2 individualswith presumably QQ and qq QTL genotypes. As out-lined by Seroussi (2009), full haplotype concor-dance of a representative sample of chromosomesis likely to point to the causative gene. The concor-dance between QTL alleles and NCAPG c.1326T.Galleles is further confirmed by an analogous con-cordance also in those F1 parents that did not reachthe formal statistical significance threshold in thewithin-family QTL analyses. Lack of full concor-dance between the assumed QTL genotype andthe NCAPG c.1326T.G genotype in the F2 individ-uals might be due to the effects of the second QTLaffecting fetal growth in close proximity to theNCAPG gene.

3. NCAPG c.1326T.G explained a major proportion of theQTL: The QTL model including NCAPG c.1326T.Gdecreased the QTL test statistic at the position 50 cMbelow the significance threshold. In combinationwith locus DIK82, NCAPG c.1326T.G completelyerases the QTL effect in the fixed QTL model.

4. Concordant segregating QTL–NCAPG c.1326T.G hap-lotypes within breed: Within the German Holstein

population, we observed a purebred sire signifi-cantly segregating for a QTL affecting fetal growth.This sire also showed a concordance between theQTL allele and the NCAPG c.1326T.G alleleidentical to that of the F1 parents of the resourcepopulation.

5. NCAPG c.1326T.G–QTL linkage disequilibrium con-served across distantly related breeds: Setoguchi andcolleagues (Setoguchi et al. 2009) provided strongevidence for a highly significant association of theNCAPG c.1326T.G locus with growth in two un-related Japanese cattle breeds. These populationshave entirely different historical and geographicalorigin compared to each other (Minezawa 2003)and also compared to the European Charolais andGerman Holstein breeds used in our study (McKay

et al. 2008). Conservation of linkage disequilibriumbetween alleles of the NCAPG c.1326T.G locus andQTL alleles affecting bovine growth across suchdivergent populations provides further support fora functional role of the NCAPG locus.

6. The NCAPG c.1326T allele associated with low fetalgrowth is presumably the ancient allele: The largehaplotype block shared by the Q-carrying haplo-types compared to the lack of continuous haplotypeblock in the q-carrying haplotypes demonstratesthat the q allele should be the ancient variant. Thisfits into the results from resequencing B. indicusindividuals, where only the NCAPG c.1326T allelewas found. Thus, during evolution presumably theNCAPG c.1326T allele had already been present,when the B. taurus and B. indicus subspeciesseparated. NCAPG c.1326G has been demonstratedto be associated with increased fetal growth inour population and should be associated withincreased calving problems. Thus, in natural pop-ulations the mutation would be particularly disad-vantageous due to lack of assistance during deliveryof the calf.

7. Fine mapping in other breeds confirmed positional candi-dacy of NCAPG: Further positional indication advo-cating NCAPG as a background for divergent fetalgrowth comes from a recent fine-mapping study inyet another cattle breed. Olsen et al. (2008)identified a 150-kb candidate QTL interval forcalving difficulty, which is highly correlated to fetalgrowth, 20 kb adjacent to the NCAPG gene inNorwegian Red dairy cattle.

8. Across-species support for positional candidacy of NCAPG:Comparative data provide further support for thehypothesis that the NCAPG locus will affect mam-malian growth. Concurrently, the NCAPG/LCORLregion was one of only seven loci, which showed ahighly significant effect on human height in twopowerful major genomewide association metaanal-yses in humans (Gudbjartsson et al. 2008; Weedon

et al. 2008).

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9. Indication of a functional role of NCAPG in fetaldevelopment: The lines of support for an effect ofthe NCAPG locus on (fetal) growth accumulatingfrom genetic studies are finally complemented byphysiological data. NCAPG is a non-structuralmaintenance of chromosomes (SMC) subunit,which has a catalytic function in the mammaliancondensin I complex and is important duringmitotic cell division (Dej et al. 2004). The NCAPGc.1326T.G SNP is a nonsynonymous mutation inexon 9 of the NCAPG gene generating the re-placement of isoleucine by methionine at aminoacid position 442 of the NCAPG protein. Compar-ison to other species supports the hypothesis thatNCAPG c.1326T indeed is the ancient variant(Figure 7). The respective part of the NCAPGprotein is highly conserved in mammals comparedto nonmammalian species and is part of a HEATrepeat (Protsweep, (Del Val

et al. 2007), which is suggested to play importantroles in chromosome dynamics (Neuwald andHirano 2000). Furthermore, NCAPG interacts withDNA methyltransferase DNMT3B and thus linksregulation of DNA methylation and mitotic chromo-some condensation in mammalian cells (Geiman

et al. 2004). Our own results demonstrated thatNCAPG is indeed expressed in a variety of fetaltissues including the cotyledons of the placentome,which is a prerequisite for NCAPG modulating thefetal component of fetal growth.

10. Suggestive differential NCAPG expression in fetuses withdifferent NCAPG c.1326T.G genotype: Our results,although not statistically significant, suggest a de-creased NCAPG expression level associated with theNCAPG c.1326G allele, which increases fetal growth.A reduced NCAPG mRNA expression associatedwith the NCAPG c.1326G is in good agreement withtranscriptome analyses in placentomes from clonedfetuses: NCAPG is one of the genes most differen-tially expressed in the placentomes of embryos

originating from somatic nuclear cloning vs. pla-centomes originating from embryos generated byconventional artificial insemination (Everts et al.2008). Somatic cloning of bovine embryos is knownto frequently result in extremely large offspring andsignificant abnormalities of the placenta (Hill et al.1999; Constant et al. 2006). Thus, our expressiondata add a first functional indication that theNCAPG gene may indeed represent a causal geneaffecting fetal growth.

Exclusion of other functional and positional candi-date SNPs and genes: Two prominent mutations(ABCG2c.1743A.G and OPN3907), in genes [ATP-binding cassette, sub-family G (WHITE), member 2(ABCG2), and secreted phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1)] thatclosely neighbor NCAPG and are located within or nearthe QTL confidence interval ranging from 47 to 51 cMare controversially discussed as a causal background forgenetic variation in milk composition (Cohen-Zinder

et al. 2005; Schnabel et al. 2005; De Koning 2006).Furthermore, Allan et al. (2007) described a significantassociation of the OPN3907 polymorphism with birthweight in an experimental cattle population. However,genotypes of the four F1 parents significantly segregat-ing for the QTL affecting fetal growth in our studyrevealed that all individuals are homozygous for bothpolymorphisms. Thus, both polymorphisms can be ex-cluded as a cause for the QTL investigated in this study.

Gutierrez-Gil et al. (2009) pointed out that the QTLaffecting fetal growth they described in the interval 27–65 cM on BTA6 seems to primarily affect bone growth.This would support homology of the bovine QTL onBTA6 to the NCAPG/LCORL locus on human chromo-some 4 (HSA4) affecting height (Gudbjartsson et al.2008; Weedon et al. 2008), which is also determined bybone growth. Interestingly, there is an evolutionaryconserved chromosomal breakpoint between BTA6genes leucine aminopeptidase 3 (LAP3) and integrin-binding sialoprotein (IBSP) (Weikard et al. 2006).While on BTA6 (NCBI Build 4.0) both loci are located

Figure 7.—Alignment of amino acid 423–469of the bovine NCAPG protein to the respectiveregion in other eukaryotes. The B. taurus NCAPGvariant I442M due to the NCAPG c.1326T.G mu-tation is indicated. Regions corresponding toHEAT repeats in the bovine protein sequenceare indicated.

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immediately next to each other in close vicinity toNCAPG, LAP3 was mapped near NCAPG on HSA4, butIBSP is located very distantly from LAP3 at the telomericend of the chromosome (NCBI build 36.3). Thus, ifindeed there is a species-spanning homologous locusaffecting mammalian bone growth, IBSP as well assecreted phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1, also known as osteo-pontin) and matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein(MEPE), all well described for their effects on bonemetabolism (Beck et al. 2000; Nampei et al. 2004;Karadag and Fisher 2006), but located centromericof IBSP on BTA6, should be excluded as candidate genesfor this locus. Our results demonstrate that comparativeQTL information originating from different species canhelp to refine the genetic background of a complex traitin the target species as suggested by Burgess-Herbert

et al. (2008).Resequencing in the vicinity of the NCAPG c.1326T.G

revealed a large number of variants within the NCAPG andthe neighboring LCORL gene. However, none showedboth concordance with the QTL alleles and a potentialfunctional relevance. It has to be granted that in spite ofmany positional and functional indicators in favor ofNCAPG c.1326T.G, it still cannot formally be excludedthat variants other than NCAPG c.1326T.G might rep-resent the causal background of the QTL affecting fetalgrowth. Next-generation sequencing (Shendure and Ji2008) of the entire genomic region in a well-characterizeddata set from divergent bovine populations might addfurther evidence in this respect. This will have to be com-plemented by refined functional in vivo and in vitro an-alyses in specific cell models.

Indication of a second locus affecting fetal growth:Association analyses combined with QTL/associationanalyses and also one-QTL mapping suggested a sec-ond QTL with effect on fetal growth distinct from theNCAPG locus. The variance component model providedstatistically significant detection of a second QTL, butonly if this QTL was modeled with random effects. Incontrast, the two-QTL model was not statistically morelikely than a one-QTL model, when a fixed effect wasassumed for the second QTL. Interestingly, the teststatistics provided by Setoguchi et al. (2009) also givean indication that a second QTL might be segregatingin the Japanese Brown population at the position 60 cM.Whereas for the locus at 50 cM, there is a mountingindication that the causal mutation might be locatedwithin or near the NCAPG gene, the genetic backgroundof the putative second QTL at position 55 cM remainsopen. Although peroxisome proliferator-activated re-ceptor gamma, coactivator 1 alpha (PPARGC1A) andstromal interaction molecule 2 (STIM2) are candidategenes for fetal growth due to their function in energymetabolism and embryonic development (Puigserver

and Spiegelman 2003; Eid et al. 2008), our data do notconvincingly support a causal role of either generegarding genetic modulation of fetal growth. Further

research is necessary to elucidate the background of thesecond QTL affecting fetal growth. However, our resultstogether with a wealth of other data on lactation suggestthat the middle part of BTA6 seems to represent a truehotspot of genetic variation affecting growth andlactation traits.

While the QTL at positions 50 and 55 cM obviouslyexert strong effects on fetal growth, we could not detecteffects on growth in the consecutive life period until day121. Hadjipavlou and Bishop (2009) described thatQTL for growth might act at distinct times of life andmay have no effect at other times. Analogously, wefound an indication of NCAPG effects only in later lifein our resource population (data not shown). Thus, acomprehensive analysis of the NCAPG locus regardingeffects on growth and associated metabolic traitswill shed further light on NCAPG c.1326T.G effects inpostnatal life. This knowledge will be a prerequisite forapplying NCAPG c.1326T.G in selection programs. Ourresults demonstrate that in spite of probably largedifferences in allele frequencies, the causal QTL allelesaffecting fetal growth are still segregating within theCharolais and German Holsteins representing beef anddairy cattle breeds, respectively. Thus, both breeds maybenefit from a targeted selection on NCAPG c.1326T.G.

Our QTL and association studies showed that thecausal mutation underlying the identified locus modu-lating fetal growth has a major effect. The substantialsize of the effect will facilitate the further functionalinvestigation of NCAPG for its role in affecting growthduring normal and aberrant fetal development inconventional reproduction or in assisted reproductiontechniques.

We thank Jill Maddox (University of Melbourne, Australia) forproviding the modified CRIMAP Version 2.50. Also, we thank ourcolleagues at the FBN Dummerstorf involved in the generation andcare of the SEGFAM F2 resource population for their continuoussupport of our work. We thank the German Federal Ministry ofEducation and Research for the financial support of this work withinthe scope of the FUGATO QUALIPID project (FKZ 0313391C).


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Communicating editor: T. R. Magnuson

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Supporting Information

Dissection of Genetic Factors Modulating Fetal Growth in Cattle Indicates a Substantial Role of the Non-SMC Condensin I Complex,

Subunit G (NCAPG) Gene

Annett Eberlein, Akiko Takasuga, Kouji Setoguchi, Ralf Pfuhl, Krzysztof Flisikowski, Ruedi Fries, Norman Klopp, Rainer Fürbass, Rosemarie Weikard and Christa Kühn

Copyright © 2009 by the Genetics Society of America DOI: 10.1534/genetics.109.106476

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A. Eberlein et al. 2 SI


Markers included in fine mapping of QTL for fetal growth on BTA6

Table S1 is available for download as an Excel file at

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Description of primers for resequencingin the NCAPG/LCORL region on BTA6

LCORL intron 6*: comparative in-silico analysis indicates that the annotation in the current bovine assembly Build4.0 (fragment annotated as 3`UTR) is incorrect

Primers Forward Reverse


(bp) fragment











Total bp resequenced 4916

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A. Eberlein et al. 4 SI


Characterization of polymorphisms identified within the NCAPG/LCORL region on BTA6

Table S3 is available for download as an Excel file at
