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Graphic Narrative Evaluation

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Use this template to help you evaluate your project.

You should give specific details about your work.

You should provide both written and visual examples to explain your project.

You should find areas to praise in your work. Be specific about why you think they are good or why you are proud of them.

You should also find areas that could be improved. Look for areas that you could make better if you went back to them. Be specific about what you would improve.

Add additional slides as you need to. Don’t be restricted by what is here.

Any blank slides should be deleted before submission.

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Does your final product reflect your original intentions?

• Compare your planning/digital flat plans/ storyboards to your final product • I think that my planning for the project and my flat plans, both replicate the final product. As I have

looked at them very carefully and used the research that I have done in order to help with the final product. For example I have researched the original story of the tortoise and the hare, then I have looked at ways I could add my own outtake on it and use different Animals so that it adds my own personal outlook on it. In my own personal story, I decided to use a killer whale and a sword fish. The killer whale is the replacement to the tortoise as in comparison to the sword fish, the killer whale is a lot slower. So thought that it would be appropriate to use these animals. One other aspect of the story that I wanted to make my own was the use of Location. From the research that I found their wasn’t a lot of fictional children’s books which have a killer whale in the story. Especially similar to mine, so I feel I have created an original story and it has my own personal take on it. Most of the aspects in my book are my own work, I have used real objects and rotoscoped them using the techniques which I have learnt. This is shown on my flat plans which I have created and my planning for the project. One specific aspect which I think works really well is the use of scenery and the background. I feel that I have used my research to my advantage and the backgrounds are my own personal work. I have also made the characters in my book from an actual killer whale and swordfish so that it doesn’t copy any other pre-existing designs within the media industry. One other aspect about my Children’s book which I think works well is the use of character positioning on my flat plans, I feel that in comparison to my final product I think that the positioning matches the flat plans and any specific direction where the characters are I think that they go with the storyline.

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The picture above shows my original flat plans and it shows the setting what I want to base my children’s book on. As you can see the characters in the book and the environment all would suggest that I want to create a book which is based in the ocean. I essentially picked this idea because I thought that the idea of my story is original and the whole concept behind the book is my own idea and has my own personal outlook on it.

The picture above shows what my page looks like in comparison to my original intention, as you can see from the flat plans I intended to create a page that showed the dimensions of a different aspects of the ocean. This will help with the concept and the scenery of the story so that each section of the ocean is different. I feel that from the proposal and the planning which I have done my intentions are their to be shown.

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How well have you constructed your images?

• How well have you constructed your images? You could talk about the overall visual appearance and well as the use of texture and colour.

• I think that I have constructed my Images sufficiently, as I have used an original, real life Image and rotoscoped it as well as adding my own personal look to it. I think that I have constructed my Images well because I have used the techniques which we learnt in class so that I can make my own look to a sufficient standard. One of the other aspects I like about the way that I have created my Images is how detailed the Sword fish is. As I feel that in comparison to the original Image that I used I think that it was near enough identical and it still gave that cartoon/illustration look to it. I also used the shape tool in order to get the outline of a rock so that it creates natural characteristics and makes certain areas within the background look realistic. One specific aspect I liked is how detailed the rocks are in some of the scenes, for example on the 4th page which I have created I think that the attention to detail on the rocks and the whole work at the bottom of the page works really well. I used the rectangle tool in order to get the sand at the bottom of the page and decided to use a pencil tool in order to give it definition. One other aspect about my work which I like is the way that the Ocean contrasts with different colours of it so that it adds definition and makes the book follow professional conventions. I think that the visual appearance of my book looks good to a sufficient standard, for example the way that I have used the “ Polygon Lasso tool “ in order to go around the Images so that it makes the background look realistic.

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As you can see from the designs that I have created, I think that my work is made well and to a fairly professional standard as the background in the images that I have created show definition and detail to the surroundings in the background. From the way the characters look in the foreground I feel that I have used my own characters and they show my own personal style of what a children's book should look like.

With regards to the texture and colour of my product, I think that the use of colours which have been used suit the theme and the main dimension of the book, as the book is set in the ocean I feel that the design itself is simple and easy for the reader to understand. I also like the attention to detail on the sand or the characters as I feel it brings the characters to life.

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How well have you used text to anchor your images

• You should talk about the combination of words, images and text.• I feel that I have used the text and the Images in order to anchor them together really well. Especially

with the 7th page, where the text said “ Perhaps I should rest “ and the image at the bottom of the page showed the swordfish sleeping under the rock. This would indicate to the reader what the swordfish is doing, this will make it clear for the reader to understand. One other way in which I have used good combination with the Images and texts is where it shows you the opening page where the main point of focus is the two main characters in the page and I feel that at the top of the page the text is linked and it makes sense for the reader. As it shows the swordfish and the killer whale in the shot which will indicate some sort of attachment towards the reader. I think that the way I have structured my text on the page, the majority of the images that I have used and created they don’t clash with the text so that it is easy to understand. One other aspect which I have used is the spacing between the texts so that it is easy to understand and read, this will make it easier for my target audience to read and understand the whole concept of the story and the child may also learn new words in the process. As I feel that my book is easy to understand follow, I also think that in terms of the link with the text, words used and the Images which I have created I feel that I have created my own book and used my own conventions so that it doesn’t copy any pre-existing children’s books or follow any current styles out there.

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Here’s some of the examples of how the text has anchored the Image, at the top of the page you can clearly see where it says “ It was race day the crowd and the competitors were ready. “ On the Image you can clearly see the startup flag and the competitors who are ready for the race. I also think the background of the Image is consistent so that the reader won’t be confused and misinterpret the idea and plot of the story.

One other way in which my work anchors well with the image is where it says “ Bubbles was pacing himself along the swirling currents of the ocean saying to himself, slow and steady wins the race” I feel that the Image created in the foreground and the background are both appropriate to the text and it links well from a visual perspective. This will allow the reader to understand the story from a visual perspective.

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Is your product suitable for your audience?

• Reference your proposal• Give an audience profile and describe suitability in reference to content • The audience which I aimed my product at was the ages between 6-11, as I felt this was

the appropriate age for the books content and the writing style. I think that some of the words which have been used in the book also reflect on this age category as it isn’t a complex book to read and the whole plot and the storyline will be easy to understand, so this means that the book will be appropriate for this age category. With regards to other aspects of my audience I think that in terms of the demographics of the my audience that I have aimed at I think that my book is appropriately fitted towards this audience. In terms of any specific demographics to aim at I think that my book doesn’t have any as I feel that the content in my book would appeal to anyone who reads it as it doesn’t have any offensive content or generic stereotypes. My book also doesn’t have any content which would harm younger audiences with explicit content. My book also doesn’t contain any racism in it as the characters in the book are non-human. Some other examples of why my book will be appropriate for other readers will be due to the fact that it doesn’t contain any political agendas which may offend or harm anyone who reads my book. Overall I think that my audience would be aimed at anyone as there is no demographics which the book is specifically aimed at so that this will allow my book to be suitable for everyone that wishes to read it.

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My audience will find this content appropriate for them as the content within the book isn’t offensive and the context of the book and the words used don’t offend or will cause any controversy for anyone who reads it. As you can see from the pages that I have created, the Images used in the book are appropriate for my chosen audience as there is no explicit contentand the majority of the characters are suitable for mytarget audience as the characters used won’t cause Any uncomforting towards my audience.

With regards to the content used within the book I think that it matches my target audience which is from the ages of 6-11, I feel that the words that have been used and the vocabulary has been used efficiently and it is appropriate for this age category. I also like the way the text layout on the page this has made the book look clear to read and it has made it follow Professional conventions. I also feel that this was the appropriate plot to do for this age category.

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What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used?

• Reference specific tools you used with images • The techniques that I liked to use when creating my image was the rotoscoping task, I feel that it

allowed me to create and construct the book which I wanted to create. The way I created the characters in the book was also used with rotoscoping, saving and cutting out the images off the internet and attempting to add my own outlook on what I want the characters in this book to look like, this will allow the content in my book to look like my own personal work. With regards to the way that I have created my background any added detail, I used the shape tools in order to create the circles and the shore line in the background and then I used the colour picker tool in order to give the background definition and make it look realistic. One other example of what I have created and liked about my work is the added definition onto the sand on the bottom of the Images in order to show to the reader where the bottom of the ocean is. I used the pencil tool and set the dimension to 1, so that it doesn’t look to thick and almost gives the sand depth of field so that it doesn’t look plain and so that it matches the background of the Image. One final aspect of the techniques which I have used and which I liked is the way that I used the paint brush tool in order to create the Coral’s at the bottom of the ocean this would give my work an aesthetical look to it and it would also show my own personal touch onto the book. However, there is one technique which I didn’t like about my work is the way that I created the characters, I felt that I could’ve given the characters more of a certain look to them and given them a sense of character, as I think that they do look slightly plain. So I think if I used the pencil tool and the transformation tool it would help with the way they look and it will give them a identity.

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These are the tools which I used in order to create one of the pages Seen above, I used these tools as I felt that these would be the best way of creating my characters and the background, this will allow My book to follow a certain aesthetic. One other reason why that I Used these tools was to show and demonstrate the skills to a Sufficient standard and So that it shows professional conventions And style.

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What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks?• One of the aspects about my work which I don’t like or I think

doesn’t work well is the design of one of my characters Bubbles. I think the concept of the character works well its just the fact that I think that the character look kind of plain and doesn’t really have an identity. I feel that I could’ve used some of the other tools in order to create characteristics for my character e.g. Maybe add teeth or more facial features and add some facial expressions in each scene.

• One other aspect of the work which I don’t like is the way that my vegetation looks, I feel that it doesn’t look realistic and I don’t think it looks like seaweed at first glance. I feel that I could’ve used other tools within Photoshop in order to give it a different look or at least make it look realistic and less rushed.

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One other example of what I think could be Improved is the way that my flag looks in this Page, I think that I could do more with the Image and add a different angle to it, so that it actually looks like a starting line. This will then Enable me to get a realistic look and add some Definition to the page so that I can Improve the look to the page. I could create this starting Line better by making two brown poles on Either side of one another using the pencil tool this will allow me to put the racing flag on it Which will help me improve the overall Appearance of it.

One of the characters which I don’t like is the way that Razor looks. I think the Whole appearance of the character looks Good and the overall style looks okay. However I think that the character could Have a certain look and could have some Form of characteristics so that the Audience has some form of identity Towards the character.

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Why did you include the content you used?• Images, fonts, effects, colours Images- The images that I have been chosen to make

are what is reflected to my own production, for Example the image of a killer whale has been used to show the character of my story who is in fact akiller whale. This is because I planned to use these Creatures in the book. One other reason behind the Images is so that it links in with the theme of the Book as it is set in the ocean.


Font- The font that I chose to use was Arial this was due to the fact that I feel that it is a suitable font to use and it also is a clear font to read. I have used this font because I feel that it suits the way the book looks.

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Colours- The colours that I have used for thePage are blue, orange,green, beuge. The reason that I have used these colours is because I feel that these colours best represent the theme of the oceanfor example, the colour of the ocean is blue, the colour of the sand is beuge and the colour of the seaweed is green. With regards to the orange I have used it as i’ve seen any many cartoons and books and from my own personal experiences, that starfish are orange and some of the sea corals etc are orange or other colours.

Effects- The effects which I have used in my pages for the book are that I have used textures on certain objects at the bottom of the ocean. So that it adds some dimension to the Image and I have also used it so that it adds some realistic aspects to the Image. I also added strokes onto the images so that they add detail onto the pages and so it looksprofessional.

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What signs, symbols or codes have your used in your work?

• Choices of colour, style, locations, character design and tone all give additional meaning to your work.

• The signs and symbols which I have used in my story are whats representing on what goes into the majority of children's books. I don’t think that there is any symbolism or codes which have been used for any effect or purpose. However I think that some of the colours etc. Have been used for a purpose.

• Choices of colour- The reason behind the choices of colour are to show to the reader the location of the story and the setting. For example I have used the colour blue in order to show the colour of the ocean and that is where the species are inhabited. I have used the colour beige in order to show the colour of the sand and so that it contrasts with the ocean. One other aspect of the colours which I used were the colours red, orange, pink and yellows were mostly used as miscellaneous colours as they were used for aspects such as Crabs, Starfish, corals and reefs etc.

• Locations- The location of my book is set in the Atlantic ocean because I felt that it would be an appropriate location for the plot of the story. Also some the characters in the book or the extras, do tend to live in the surrounding waters of the Atlantic ocean, this could educate the reader.

• Style- I think that the style which I have gone for is what best replicates my work, I think that my style is my own and has my own unique look on certain aspects. However I feel that some of the aspects are similar to some books, but overall I think that the work which I have created is my own personal style and I feel that it shows my own personal outlook.

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Character Design- I feel that the character design shows my own personal look on the character. I used the Polygon lasso tool in order to rotoscope the Images and make sure that it shows my original conventions and it Shows my own work so that I don’t plagiarize any Existing characters that have been made on the internet. I have flipped the Images of the characters in the book in Order to show the different locations.

Tone- With regards to the tone of the Image and how it Looks I feel that I have conveyed the task well, for Example the way the certain landmark features look in The pages and the attention to detail on the corals andThe rocks at the bottom of the ocean. I feel that the Meaning which is conveyed is that it shows different Themes of the ocean and it shows the artistic style.

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What representations can be found in your work?• How are men, women or children shown in your work? Does your work feature different

ages, races, social groups or religions? Does a lack of any variety of character types create its own representation?

• The characters in my book are represented in different ways, due to the fact that my characters in the book aren’t aimed at a specific audience as the characters in the book are based around fish or mammals with non-human like features and non-human names. I also feel that the characters in my book are different because the plot of my story isn’t set round any different religions or does it show any interest towards social groups as the characters in my book are just animals. I feel that my book doesn’t have any variety of character representations as the majority of the dialogue used in the book is fairly simplistic. This could be due to the fact that the characters names in the book and the type of characters which I have used in my story are different as I don’t think that I have made the characters genders clear, this will be due to the fact that the characters aren’t justified gender wise. I feel that this will allow my audience to have there own outlook on what they think the characters could be.

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What style have you employed in your products?

• Discuss influences/ existing products

• What visual style does your work have and why did you choose it?

• The influences that I have used when creating my product is the fact that their isn’t enough children’s books with Swordfish in them and killer whales, as most of the books are non-fiction texts. One of my other influences is the story tortoise and the hare. Seen as though my book is based around this story and the whole plot is basically the same. I decided to do this story as it is one of my favourites growing up. One other example of a book which I think that my book is influenced by ‘’ where going on a bear hunt ‘’ I thought this kind of book was a good influence when creating my own as it was one of my favourite books when I was younger so I thought this book would have a huge influence on me. I also think that the visual style of the book is similar to mine so it allowed me to create my own. Overall I think that my book has a certain visual style, the bright colours and the contrasting colours are all brought together in order to create a certain style. I think that the use of these colours all work well with one another and it creates the theme and it adds the dimensions to the page. One other aspect about the visual style of my book is that the characters have their own unique look in my opinion and they don’t copy any pre-existing characters in the industry. I think that the reason that I chose these kind of art styles is because I felt that it best replicated the way my work looks.

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What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning

• How did the planning and research help• How well did you manage your time• Reference specific examples • I think that the strengths of the planning were that I felt that the plan which I created

showed that I had a good idea of what I wanted to create. This enabled me to find the setting of the book which I wanted to create and the types of characters which I wanted to include in the story. I also found that from the way that the mind map was structured, if I wasn’t happy with my original idea I would move onto something else, as I felt that I had many other ideas available. This would suggest that I am organised and have a backup plan to fall back on if it wasn’t happy with my original idea. With regards to the research side, I thought I had a look at the various children’s books and the most popular ones. This then lead me to the conclusion that from the research that I have done I thought doing a children's book on two different creatures in the ocean would a good and original idea. As from the research which i did their isn’t a lot of children's books out there which are based on killer whales or swordfish. Overall with regards to the way that the product looked and the whole overall look of the book, I think that I managed my time well overall and I also feel like that I have matched the criteria that was set when creating the book. I specifically felt that I used my time wisely because on my plan I feel that I really go into detail about the plot of the story and I understood the task that was needed to be achieved.

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Historical and cultural context

• How does your work compare to what has come before? What other similar products have existed in the past? What current products exist?

• I think that my product is similar to some books which have been made in the past, this could include adventure books such as “we’re going on a bear hunt” the reason that I feel that my book is similar is because of the layout of the page and the way it looks overall. I think that some of the illustrations which I have created show my own style and I haven’t seen many children’s books which have a unique aesthetic look which differs from other books. I think that some of the books which have existed in the past are different to mine as I feel that mine has a different aesthetic style to my own. With regards to the way that I think current product looks now and compare it to my own. I think that with the advancements in technology in comparison to old books, I think that most new books which have been made are different to mine but follow the same conventions. Such as the colour use and the way the text is placed on the page, I think that it does show some similarities. Overall I think that the product which I have made I feel that it does compare to most of the current products and I feel that it also has it’s own style along with looking different to products in the past.

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