Digital Graphic Narrative Development Scott Wilson

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Digital Graphic Narrative


Scott Wilson

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Shape Task

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Shape Task

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Shape Task

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I liked that my Image almost looked identical to the original Image that I used, this enabled me to add more effects and other textures so that it followed a professional standard. One other aspect of the Image that I liked was the way that I used the gradient tool in order to give the Image some depth of field. This enabled me to bring the Image to life almost. On the first task that we did where we created the houses, I specifically like the way that I used the contrasting colours, this I felt gave the house some character and it added some realistic aspects to it. For example by adding a chimney and air vents onto the roof and with the use of Dark Green at the bottom of the Image in order to create the grass effect. With regards to the other task we did, by adding textures onto the Image I felt that I used the right tools and followed how to perform the task efficiently.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I did the task again, the first aspect that I would improve is the way that the Killer whale was Drawn, as some of the aspects of the Image were looking slightly off and I had to use the paint brush tool as the Image had gaps in. I would made sure that whilst adding shapes to the Image, to make sure that there are no gaps in it. This means that some of the Image would of worked well with the task. For the first task we did with the house I thought their was some aspects which I could’ve changed such as; by adding more dimensions to the house, this would of allowed me to make my house look less basic and well made. For the Texture task, I thought it would have been good to use a different animal as the one I chose was slightly complicated. This meant that I couldn’t complete the task in time. I also merged the layers so I couldn’t in the end, add a texture on the Image.

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What did you like about your image?I liked the way that I used the colours to match the hair, this allowed me to create a realistic Image. One other aspect about the Image I like is the use of shading on “ Mclovin’s “ face, this allowed me to almost replicate the actual Image shown. I also liked the way that the Image itself almost has my own personal touch to it as in the actual Image, Mclovin doesn’t have sunglasses on. This means that I am able to make the Image my own.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I could do this Image again, I would start off by adding shading on his hair, so that it adds tone and definition onto the Image. This would allow the Image to look professional and follow these conventions too. The second aspect which I would change is the way that the Image has some blurred lines that don’t quite follow the right conventions and it also makes the Image look odd close up. I would also make sure that I have used the right amount of colours in order to make the texture look better.

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Film Quotes

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What did you like about your image?What I liked about this Image was the way the colours and the contrast of the Image stood out, for example the way that the different shades of purple Stand out. One other aspect of the Image I like is the way that the Lines/pattern on the Image almost make the Image have different aspects and they both follow different guidelines.

What would you improve if you did it again?The aspects which I would improve if I was to do this again is maybe add more effects to the Image. This will make my Image look a lot more efficient. This next aspect which I would change if I was to do it again is make sure to make the Font on the Image look more interesting and it will add a different depth to the Image.

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Text Based

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Text Based

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What did you like about your image?I liked the way that I have incorporated the following techniques accordingly and I have shown that I can create text using the correct techniques and I feel that I have demonstrated this. I also like the way that I have used different variations of the text so that I can change the angles of the text.

What would you improve if you did it again? If i was to do this again, I would improve the positioning of the text and edit the way that it is structured, so that I would be able to create more text and experiment with it more.

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Comic Book

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What did you like about your image?I liked that the image works well with the pictures that have been used, this gives it an aesthetic look to it. I also like the way that the comic book has been created, with the use of editing the images so that they all fit towards the theme of the Image. I also like the way the various colours of the Image all contrast with one another thanks to the use of threshold.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to create this again I would add different effects onto the individual image so that it fits with the comic book effect. I would also add different tones of shading onto the Image so that it looks darker. I would also explore more elements of how to make the Image look more detailed and try another Image.

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Photo Story

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What did you like about your image?I like how all the Images fit together and each scene of the photo story links with the next so that it creates a plot to the photo story. One other aspect of the Image that I like is the way that each of the shots are different and show different angles to the Image this gives it that comic book effect.

What would you improve if you did it again?

If I was to create this again I would spend more time brain storming ideas and thinking of different ways I could find new environments so that it creates a different story. One other aspect that I would look at is the way that in each of my current Comic book, the shots have the same background in, I could possibly and add different angles so that the story makes more sense.

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What did you like about your image?I like the way the design is my own personal outlook of what a wizard would look like and I have also taken the influence from one of my favourite movie characters “Gandolf” and the Wizard smoking the cigar would have a modern edge perspective onto the illustration. I also like the way the shading on the beard looks and the detail on the Hat.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to create this illustration again I would focus on more detail on the Image or possibly draw something else, so it shows more of what I could draw and I would also add colour onto my Image so that it adds depth of field to the illustration.

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Narrative Environment

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What did you like about your image?I liked that my Image looks detailed and the way the pyramid and the background both contrast, especially with the use of gradient tool it adds a depth of field to the pyramid and the sky. One other aspect about the Image that I like is the way that the surface on the pyramid has some simplistic elements to it and the surface has detail to it because of the use of the gradient tool and the colours which are used so that it doesn’t look basic.

What would you improve if you did it again? If I was to do this again I would think about using a different design and make it more complicated, as the design that I chose requires not a lot of detail or I would focus on other aspects of the current design so that I could add more detail to it.

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Initial Ideas

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Idea Generation

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Mood board of chosen idea

Chosen IdeaThe Story that I have chosen to base it on is the Tortoise and the Hare, except it will be with a Killer Whale and a Swordfish.

Title- The title of the story will be called the Killer whale and The swordfish, the reason I have chosen to Base it on these animals is because it is different and I don’t think there is enough Children’s books Which involve Killer Whales.

Characters- The characters within this book are going to be original and have their own Personality, for example The Killer Whale (Bubbles) will have a calm and non-competitive attitude whereas if you look at the Sword Fish (Razer) his attitude however is very competitive and would do what ever it takes to win.

Setting- The setting of the story will be set in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Mood board of chosen idea

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Mood board of chosen idea

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The Number of the pages that I aim to create is at least 9 pages and the Dimensions that I will be doing is either 15 x 23 or 21 x 23.

Story OverviewThe outline of my story is about a Killer Whale and a Swordfish, the Killer Whale challenges the Swordfish to a Race after their was a disagreement on who’s allowed to live in the same habitat, so the Race begins… The main story is similar to the Tortoise and the Hare but is set in a completely different setting and the characters are different.

Export Format


The advantages to PDF’s are that they are easily accessible and they are, easily restored if lost. This enables you to continue on the work that you hav done. Disadvantages: The Disadvantages of PDF files are that they are very difficult to edit as the Pdf Image itself is a document so it can’t be edited,

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AudienceMy target audience will be aimed at 7-11 year olds as I feel that this is the perfect age for them to understand the book. My preferred gender for this book is the male Gender however the Book could also appeal to a Female audience. I’d say the book would be aimed at working Class audience however I feel that anyone can read the book. The location of the Book will mostly be sold around the UK.

Production MethodsI think the main methods that I will be using is Rotoscoping and Shape Task, as I feel that it is the Simplest format and the most used within Children’s Books that you see in Retail stores. The thinking behind my ideas was to incorporate professional conventions into my Book so that it shows my understanding towards the task.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The proposal gives detailed answers and clearly explains what you are aiming to do

You need to add in the deadline

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The idea generation shows what you want your characters to look like and how they might interact with one another

Maybe add in some more images to show what the environment could look like under the water

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The proposal is very detailed and explains clearly how the book will be created using rotoscoping and shapes to create the illustrations.

To improve the proposal the deadline needs to be put on at the end of the slide, and overview could have a few more details on where the story set and how the ending of the story will be.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The idea generation is very detailed on the storyline of the book and the idea generation goes into some depth about the other possible ideas that could’ve been used.

For the idea generation the things that could have been further developed is more about the setting how you aim to make the illustrations look, like what kind of colours will be used.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Your proposal is very detailed, and it is clear what your story is about. I like your idea behind why they race, and I’m intrigued to find out what happens in the end as you described ‘razor’ as “very competitive” and “will do anything to win.”

I think that your example of a disadvantage of the JPEG format doesn’t really apply to your story, unless you’re planning on taking pictures of some Killer Whales and Sword Fish.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

I love the naming of the characters.I think you’ve done well with coming up with ideas. There’s a lot there which clearly shows you’ve thought about what exactly it is you want to do.I also think it’s pretty clear what your main story is just by looking at the mind map, as there is more detail in the Tortoise and the Hare bubble than the rest.

I think your mind map is a bit over-crowded. It’s a little hard to read, and it’s not clear which bubble is coming from where.

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Feedback SummarySum up your feedback.I think that the vast majority of the feedback that I have received is mostly positive and I also find the feedback was really useful as, and I think that even the negative feedback which I did receive I agree with. The majority of the feedback which I received however was positive and I think that it will help improve my work. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?The parts of the feedback which I agree with are where it says I need to add more images of what the scenery will look like at the bottom of the ocean, this will enable my audience to understand what it looks like and the basis around the creation of my product. I also agree with the fact that I had to talk more about the plot of the story line so that my audience can understand what the story is about. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?The parts of the feedback which I disagree with are where it says that my mind map is over crowded, as I feel it shows my idea generations strengths and it also showed that I have a lot of ideas that would help improve my work and it also shows thatI have back up ideas if my original idea didn’t quite work if I found it too complex.

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Original Scripthttp://www.worldstories.org.uk/stories/story/58-the-hare-and-the-tortoise

Once upon a time, in a field not too far from you, there was an energetic and happy hare and a sleepy tortoise.The happy hare was called Noel and the sleepy tortoise was called Archibald. Archibald the tortoise liked to sit and munch his dinner slowly, whilst Noel the hare would gobble up his dinner and run round and round Archibald until

he was dizzy.One day, they had an argument…

“I am the fastest animal in the whole wide world,” said Noel. “I’m faster than a cheeky cheetah, a kicking kangaroo and a racing rabbit,” he boasted.

“Oh do be quiet,” sighed Archibald. “You are so full of yourself! If you’re not careful you’ll come to a sticky end…”“Where’s sticky end then,” asked Noel. “Is it far from here?”

Archibald rolled his eyes and carried on munching on some tasty lettuce leaves.“Oh you two do stop arguing,” said a blackbird as he flew past.

“No, this is serious,” said Noel the hare. “I will prove to you all that I’m the fastest animal in the whole wide world““OK,” said Archibald the tortoise. “I’ll race you then!”

Noel the hare laughed his head off.“Just you wait and see,” said Archibald. “I’ll get Wallace the wise old owl to organise a race for us…”

Wallace the wise old owl arranged the race for the next day. All the animals in the field put on their best clothes, groomed their fur, picked up a flag to wave and got ready to cheer the tortoise and the hare on.

“On your marks… Get set… Go!” Called Wallace… And the race was off!Slowly, slowly Archibald the tortoise set off and quickly, quickly Noel the hare raced off and soon he was out of sight. In fact, he was so far ahead that, when he looked back, Archibald the tortoise was nowhere to be seen.

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Original Scripthttp://www.worldstories.org.uk/stories/story/58-the-hare-and-the-tortoise

Original Script goes here with link to where it came from“Gosh,” Noel thought. “I’ve more or less won all ready! I think I’ll just have a little nap under this tree, it’s such a hot day”. Noel the

hare was soon fast asleep.Meanwhile, Archibald the tortoise ambled along slowly enjoying the sun on his shell and taking the odd nibble of grass from time to

time. On and on and on and on and on and on he plodded. He plodded past the oak tree, he plodded past the bridge, he plodded past the cow shed, he even plodded past Noel the hare who was still snoring under the tree. He plodded on until he came to the finishing line where Wallace the wise old owl and all the other animals in the field were gathered. All the animals clustered around Archibald

cheering and shouting:“Well done! Well done! You’re the winner!”

All the noise woke Noel the hare up with a start.“Oh my! Oh my! What’s going on? What’s all that noise? Never mind. I’d better finish the race then I can go and have my dinner,” he


Noel the hare raced off down the hill towards the finishing line. But when he got there, to his horror, he saw Archibald the tortoise with a gold winner’s medal around his neck.

“This can’t be right! He must have cheated,’ cried Noel the hare. “Everyone knows I’m faster than him!”“Archibald the tortoise didn’t cheat,” said Wallace the wise old owl. “He has won fair and square. Slowly and surely, never giving up, Archibald passed the finishing line first. Sorry Noel old chap, but you’ve lost this race. Let that be a lesson to you – slow and steady

wins the race!”Noel the hare looked very unhappy and sulky. Archibald the tortoise felt sorry for him and tried to cheer him up…

“Cheer up Noel, it was only a race,” Archibald said. “I’m sure you’ll win the next one. And I’d rather we were still friends than win every race under the sun.”

And from that day on they became the best of friends and Noel the hare never boasted again.

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Story Breakdown

Final script goes here. The story itself is about a Tortoise and a Hare who are both friends but have always had split personalities, The tortoise was always laid back and non-competitive, however in comparison to the Hare in the story, he was quick and very big headed. So they both had a disagreement and negotiated a race to prove a point. So at the start of the race the Hare shot off the starting line and the tortoise slow and steadily set off to complete the Race. Meanwhile, as the Race got going The hare was already so far ahead that he decided to Sleep somewhere. As the race went on the Tortoise was still plodding away throughout the different the locations, until he eventually went past the Hare who was caught Sleeping by the Rock. As time shortly passed, the Tortoise was about halfway their to the finish line, mean while the Hare had just woken up and decided to go and Finish the race only to his disgust he saw that the Tortoise had already won and had the winners medal round his neck. The Hare was Jealous, but the Tortoise was assuring him that it was just a race and the medal doesn’t mean anything.

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Draft Script Page 1: Once Upon a time under a nice, peaceful Atlantic Ocean, lived 2 different Creatures. A Sword fish called Razor and a Killer Whale called Bubbles. These two were the best of friends at one time.

Page 2: One day they had an argument about who would be the best creature in the Ocean, so they decided to settle with a Race from one end of the ocean to the other, the outcome they decided was the loser has to be banished from the habitat.

Page 3:The Sword fish was confident he would be able to beat the Killer Whale, however the Killer Whale knew that he wouldn’t. The next day all the Fish’s in the Atlantic Ocean helped arrange the occasion, by setting up the Starting line, flags and speakers…

Page 4: It was race day the Crowd and the competitors were ready, the competitors were waiting for the starting flag… “ 3, 2, 1, Go!! “ And they were off, the Crowd were cheering, and Razor the Swordfish shot off from the line and Bubbles the Killer whale slowly swam across the line.

Page 5:Moments pass and the race is on the way, Razor the swordfish was already halfway up the course. “ You’ll never catch me. “ He said to himself.

Page 6: Bubbles the Killer-whale however, was pacing himself along the swirling currents of the Ocean saying to himself, “ Slow and steady wins the race. “

Page 7: As time passes, Razor the swordfish turns around and see’s that Bubbles isn’t in sight, “ I’m going to win this easy, perhaps I should rest.” He said, Razor then perched up next to a coral reef and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Page 8: Meanwhile, with Bubbles catching up ever so surely, he eventually passed him without realising.

Page 9: As time passed, and Bubbles almost at the finishing line, Razor woke up and realised that he had a race to win. He swam and swam as fast as he could, but when he eventually crossed the finishing line, to his disgust he saw Bubbles the Killer Whale lifting the trophy.

Page 10: “ How can this happen? “ Razor said, with a upset look on his face. “ Slow and steady wins the race, and that’s the truth.” Bubbles said with a Smug look on his face. “ I guess it was a good race, I’ll be going now. “ Razor said, after realising that he is now banished from his Habitat. “ So long Razor. “ Bubbles said.

All the fish and other creatures went up to Bubbles and started celebrating his famous victory, congratulating him on his brilliant achievement.

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Final ScriptOnce Upon a time under a nice, peaceful Atlantic Ocean, lived 2 different Creatures. A sword fish called Razor and a killer whale called Bubbles. These two were the best of friends at one time.

One day they had an argument about who would be the best creature in the Ocean, so they decided to settle with a race from one end of the ocean to the other, the outcome they decided was the loser has to be banished from the habitat.

The Sword fish was confident he would be able to beat the killer whale, however the killer whale had other ideas.

The next day all the fish’s in the Atlantic Ocean helped arrange the occasion, by setting up the starting line, flags and speakers…

It was race day the Crowd and the competitors were ready, the competitors were waiting for the starting flag… “ 3, 2, 1, Go!! “

And they were off, the Crowd were cheering, and Razor the swordfish shot off from the line and Bubbles the killer whale slowly swam across the line. Moments pass and the race is on the way, Razor the swordfish was already halfway up the course. “ You’ll never catch me. “ He said to himself. Bubbles the killer whale however, was pacing himself along the swirling currents of the Ocean saying to himself, “ Slow and steady wins the race. “ As time passes, Razor the swordfish turns around and see’s that Bubbles isn’t in sight, “ I’m going to win this easy, perhaps I should rest.” He said, Razor then perched up next to a coral reef and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, with Bubbles catching up ever so surely, he eventually passed him without realising. As time passed, and Bubbles almost at the finishing line, Razor woke up and realised that he had a race to win. He swam and swam as fast as he could, but when he eventually crossed the finishing line, to his disgust he saw Bubbles the killer whale lifting the trophy.

“ How can this happen? “ Razor said, with a upset look on his face. “ Slow and steady wins the race, and that’s the truth.” Bubbles said with a Smug look on his face. “ I guess it was a good race, I’ll be going now. “ Razor said, after realising that he is now banished from his Habitat. “ So long Razor. “ Bubbles said.

All the fish and other creatures went up to Bubbles and started celebrating his famous victory, congratulating him on his brilliant achievement.

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Digital Flat Plans

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