Download pptx - Digipak update

Page 1: Digipak update

Here is our digipak so far that Soraya has been working on. She has taken on this task as she is good at designing which is essential for this job. She has spent a lot of time and effort on this and has produced these three images and is working on more. She has gone with the main colours for our video which is purple and blue as they fit the genre of indie-pop best as it is not too girly and suits our art theme.


Page 2: Digipak update

When filming the paint background shots we got some photos of the wall which Soraya has made into the CD. The colours were reds, blues, purples, yellows and greens therefore Soraya has spent a lot of time on this as it is now pinks, purples and blues and it looks great. She now needs to create text to go with it.

Page 3: Digipak update

Using the previous slides background, Soraya has added the name Soraya onto the CD aswell as the album name. We changed the name ‘Early birds’ to ‘Vision’ as vision was the old name for Soraya therefore this now has a link to the vision shot in the sand that she got in Spain which we thought we were not going to be able to use, but now as well as this design, we can now use the footage at the end of the video when the text ‘Vision’ is taken away by the waves. The name vision still links into our song as the lyrics mention eyes and vision is a suitable name for the whole song as well as others which will be on the album.