
Dam Inundation Mapping Tool User Guide

This Dam Inundation Mapping Tool delineates estimated inundation areas given a location of dam

points and estimated dam height data. Please follow the steps below in order to successfully create

inundation polygon.

This tool is currently compatible with ArcGIS 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, and 10.4.0.

1. Adding Dam Inundation Mapping Tool To add a custom toolbox, in ArcMap or ArcCatalog, open ArcToolbox and right click in the

white space and go to Add Toolbox

Browse to the location storing the tool, select and click Open

The Dam Inundation Mapping Tool is now added to the ArcToolbox

2. Using Dam Inundation Mapping Tool. Double click on the Dam Tool in your ArcToolbox to open the tool dialog.

1. Input dam location with id and height

Add your point feature class identifying the locations of the dams and their heights.

The attribute table associated with this file MUST strictly contain these two specific fields

with exact same following field names. (See the sample point data SampleDamPoints.shp

under folder Input)

1) Point_ID: this field contains unique number and is used for iterating the process and

naming the output inundation polygon.

2) Height_M: this field contains the estimated dam height in meters.

Sample dam points


To use your own custom dam point file as input data, the attribute table MUST contain the

two specific fields descried above.

2. Input raster surface

Add your digital elevation model as the input raster surface.

A mosaicked 30-meter resolution elevation data from the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography

Mission) covering Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam is also provided as a

separate zip package.

In case you want to acquire the 30-meter SRTM for your area of interest, please visit

3. Output estimated reservoir area

As default, the output reservoir polygons are stored under folder Output.

The output file is automatically named using the id number taken from the Point_ID field in

the input dam point file.

Examples of output estimated reservoir area

Dam Inundation Mapping Tool Quick Start Guide

1. Add Dam Inundation Mapping Tool into ArcToolbox

2. Under Dam Inundation Mapping Tool, Double click on the Dam Tool 3. Add your point feature class identifying the locations of the dams and their heights.

4. Add your own digital elevation model. 5. Click OK to run the tool. The result will be automatically stored under

\\DamToolPackage\Output\ 6. To use custom datasets, please see the user guide.
