


need to be

sagacious in

more than

just Marketing

Marketing gets people to a


That’s obvious.

Great content, videos, posts,

emails, drive traffic and

convert backers…

…but promotion isn’t

the whole story.

You’re going to need to be

more than just a good

salesman to see the long-

term success you set out for.

Wise-up and look at

the entire life-cycle of

your project.

Here’s are the areas of

operation that you or your

team need to be familiar

with and questions you need

to answer to fulfil the

promises you’re making!


- What makes your campaign

different than the thousands

of others?

Finance - Do you want your campaign to

end up costing you money in the


Design - Does your product or project

have the aesthetic appeal that

your backers will desire?

E-Commerce - Have you ever done serious

business online before?

Legal - Have you done necessary

research into the regulations

surrounding your project?

CRM - Are you ready for an influx of

questions, complaints,

comments, and feedback?

Analytics - What are you learning and how

are you storing and interpreting

that information?

Management - Who will be there to make

sure you and your team stay

on course?

Manufacturing - Is your product going to find its

own materials and build itself?

Logistics - How will you insure everything

is literally heading in the right


Shipping - What happens if your backers

don’t receive the rewards that

they pledged for?

Development - How are you going to keep the

momentum going after your

campaign ends?

Yes, the internet can help

with many of these

questions, but experienced

team members or

professional partners are a

worthy investment.

Your focus on each area

will depend on your

specific project, but they

will all probably be present

in your attempt to find

crowdfunding success.

Running a

Crowdfunding Campaign?

Find the Companies and

Freelancers you need to

build and scale your project.
