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CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Two Contrasting Notions of Work:

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Work as Economic Necessity:Paid labor. Wage or salaried employment . Something you do solely for monetary and/or material reward to earn a living.

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Work as Creative Activity: Developing and practically engaging ones natural abilities in beneficial social, economic, political, and/or ecological activities including paid jobs, hobbies, charity, etc.

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Economic necessity of work needs no justification. Increasingly, however, this concept of work is being blamed for a variety of psychological and social problems, including:Alienation. Apathy. Boredom. Depression.Meaninglessness. Personal Sense of Futility.Frustration. Unhappiness. Sabotage. Labor Turnover. Etc.

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Growing interest in work as Creative Activity seems to reflect its appeal to basic and inherent human tendencies, including: Aversion to Idleness. Authenticity. Desire to be Productive and Useful. Connectedness to a Purpose Larger than Self. Intrinsic Satisfaction. Passion. Personal Sense of Identity. Desire for Something Exciting, Fulfilling, and Deeply Rewarding. Etc.

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Heres a selection of provocative insights, intriguing perspectives, and alternative proposals brought together to encourage and expand meaningful public and global conversations about earning a living and, simultaneously: Maximizing ones inherent potential. Expressing ones deepest convictions. Doing something significant and beneficial. Fulfilling what one sees as the purpose of ones life.

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKMan fulfills himself in work; properly challenged, he will strive for higher goals than ease or leisure.(Anonymous)

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKIm looking for something more than money out of my work. I expect deep fulfillment and a little fun too.(Anonymous Corporation Executive)

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

We are predisposed to think that employment cannot be enjoyable. Work is work that is why you get paid for it. We have grown to feel that doing what you want, whether frivolous or deeply spiritual, is personal and doesnt belong in the category of work, Right? Wrong. -Lucy Anderson

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKWhen work is soulless, life stifles and dies.-Albert Camus

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Some organizations are only dealing with the economic need of people ... Thats why everybody is looking elsewhere to meet their other needs and make more meaningful contributions.-Stephen R. Covey

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKFind a way to express what moves you.-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKA pay check is not enough to base ones self-respect on.-Peter F. Drucker

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Work has more to do with the heart than we have been led to believe We are best motivated to work not by being pushed into it or by outside compensation, but by inner desire.-Matthew Fox

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

What work is the universe asking of us at this time? What work is the Earth asking of us at this time? What work are the other species asking of us at this time? What work are the youth asking of us? What work are the future generations of humans asking of us? What work are our hearts asking of us? We dont need just any kind of work or any kind of job at this moment in history. What we need is the right work for the right times.-Matthew Fox

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Dissatisfaction, apathy, boredom, lack of joy and happiness, a sense of futility and a vague feeling that life is meaningless, are the unavoidable results of alienated work.-Erich Fromm

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

All social functions are equally necessary, and those that perform them are hence equally deserving of respect.-Jonathan Gershuny

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

What seems different in yourself; thats the rare thing you possess. The one thing that gives each of us his worth, and thats just what we try to suppress. And we claim to love life.-Andre Gide

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKJust as there are unemployed men, there is also the unemployed self.-Alvin Gouldner

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKMost workers believe in the validity of the very arrangements that waste their lives.-Alvin Gouldner

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

The quest for meaning and purpose is becoming a central focus for many. Increasingly, many are finding that it is no longer enough to have a job, or even a career. Such people are looking for deeper meaning in their lives.-Willis Harman and John Hormann

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKCreative work is the closest anyone has ever come to defining the meaning of life.-Willis Harman and John Hormann


CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Without some cause in which to lose themselves, some creed in which to find themselves, or some loved object of value for which to sacrifice themselves, men live lives without point and purpose.-Cyril E. M. Joad

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKWhat do I care about so much that I would pay to do it?-Jon Kabat-Zinn

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

You cant buy peoples commitment ... with ringing bells, thank you notes, or plaques. ... Overall organizational effectiveness and efficiency depend on employees personal dedication and sense of responsibility.-James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKThose who play for applause, thats all they get.-Elias Marsalis

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Work is not the secular enterprise the modern world assumes it is. Work affects the soul profoundly speaks to the soul at many different levels. [It] is the source of meaning and identity, the roots of which lie beyond human intention and interpretation.-Thomas Moore

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKFinding the right work is like discovering your own soul in the world.-Thomas Moore

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

We have spent billions in training programs trying to change people to fit jobs and virtually nothing to change jobs to fit people.-Jeffrey Parker

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Everyone must learn to believe in something so deeply that life is charged with meaning and a sense of mission.-John Powell

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Do you show up to work more for the paycheck or more for the passion, because you love what you are doing?-Ricky Rainbolt

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKYou must find a goal that drives you despite the dangers.-Robert Scott Root-Bernstein

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKDo what makes your heart leap.-Jonas Salk

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

The modern world takes a lot of care that the workers body should not accidentally or otherwise be damaged. If it is damaged, the worker may claim compensation. But his soul and his spirit? If his work damages him by reducing him to a robot that is just too bad. -E. F. Schumacher

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

You cant mandate motivation. You cant force people to enjoy what theyre doing. Your cant bring in an external person to hype up a group of people and motivate them, then leave and expect the people to stay motivated.-Marsha Sinetar

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

If corporations want dedication, if they want employees to invest their energy and time, they have to pay them with something more than money. Because the money exchange just doesnt work anymore. People are not slaves to the dollar and will no longer work as material slaves. This seems to be a tremendous revolution in consciousness.-Marsha Sinetar

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKIf it doesnt absorb you, if it isnt any fun, dont do it.-Logan Pearsall Smith

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Few men enjoy what they do to earn a living, and those who do are fortunate no matter how little they make.-Philip Van Daren Stein

What Makes Your Heart LeapCREATIVEWORKDo not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it.-Henry David Thoreau

CREATIVE WORKWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

Most people are looking for a calling, not a job; but, unfortunately, are saddled with jobs that are too small for their spirit.-Nora Watson

WHY CREATIVE WORK?What Makes Your Heart Leap

Lifes ultimate meaning, reason, purpose.Deeply fulfilling part of everyday life.Activity that gives the greatest joy and happiness. The ultimate source of meaning and fulfillment.The ultimate seduction. Etc.

CALL TO ATIONWhat Makes Your Heart Leap

What Local, National, or Global Issue, or Cause:

Deeply moves you?

Makes you feel this must be the reason why I was born, and why I am here?