Pitching Creative Work

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Tips on pitching creative work to clients with excerpts from Luke Sullivan's "Hey Whipple Squeeze This" and Peter Coughter's "The Art of the Pitch"

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2. A person can have the greatest idea in the world. But if that person cant convince enough other people, it doesnt matter. !*Gregory Burns 3. YOURE IN THE COMMUNICATION BUSINESS Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 4. If we expect people to follow us, we must inspire them to do so. We must stand up and be a leader. !*Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 5. IDEAS DESERVE A CHANCE TO LIVE Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 6. YOUR IDEA WILL BE JUDGED IN A SMALL FRACTION OF THE TIME IT TOOK TO CREATE IT 7. CLARITY CONVICTION GRACE Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 8. It is a fact of agency life that, with very few exceptions, the highest paid people in the agency are the best presenters. !*Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 9. SOME TIPS: 10. LEARN THE AUDIENCES CULTURE & TONE 11. ASK YOURSELF: WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT PRESENTATIONS? WHAT DO YOU HATE? Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 12. PRESENT YOUR OWN WORK, IF YOU CAN Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 13. What will make you more proud at the end of the day: The chance to hear yourself talk for an hour or the chance to hear your work talked about for years? !*Darren Moran, DraftFCB 14. IN ORDER TO BUY THE WORK, THEYRE GOING TO HAVE TO BUY YOU.Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 15. REMEMBER, YOURE BEING JUDGED Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 16. DRESS THE PART Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 17. BBC Radio news presenters were required to wear tuxedos up until World War II. !*Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 18. DONT BE SLICK OR FAKE Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 19. BE YOURSELF BE SMART BE CRISP Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 20. ENGAGE THE AUDIENCE FROM THE START Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 21. LEAVE YOUR AUDIENCE WANTING MORE Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 22. TALK ABOUT THEM, NOT YOURSELF Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 23. DONT PRESENT YOUR WORK AS RISK TAKING Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 24. CLIENTS WANT CERTAINTY Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 25. DONT LEAD WITH YOUR CHIN Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 26. BE PASSIONATE Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 27. TELL A GREAT STORY 28. The most memorable stories are the ones that are well told. By people, not presenters. Human connections are always more powerful than technological reworks. !*Gareth Kay 29. Photo Credit: AMC 30. SHOW THE CREATIVE PROCESS AS A STORY 31. PRACTICE & PREPARE: 32. Take at least a fraction of the time you spent inventing the work and create a way to present the work. Put that creativity to work in the name of creativity and do an ad for your ads. !*Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 33. DO NOT WING IT Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 34. Remember, the appearance of spontaneity is the product of preparation. !*Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 35. TEAM WORK COUNTS Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 36. KNOW WHY YOU ARE THERE 37. ANTICIPATE EVERY OBJECTION Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 38. PITCH CONCEPTS TO YOUR EXISTING CLIENTS Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 39. IF YOURE PITCHING SPEC/EXECUTIONS, MOCK IT UP 40. DONT LEAVE YOUR BEST WORK ON THE AGENCY FLOOR Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 41. NEVER SHOW WORK YOU WOULDNT WANT THE CLIENT TO BUY Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 42. DO NOT MEMORIZE Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 43. It is far better to speak from the heart, to search for your words, even make the occasional mistake, than it is to deliver a perfect, memorized speech. !*Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 44. SILENCE IS BETTER THAN BULLSHIT 45. CREATE AN OUTLINE, THEN TOSS IT Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 46. Watch a good actor sometime. He appears to be saying what has just occurred to him. Hes expressing an idea. A bad actor appears to repeating what he memorizing. It doesnt seem in anyway genuine. !*Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 47. ORGANIZING YOUR PRESENTATION: 48. WHITE SPACE EXISTS BEYOND YOUR SLIDES 49. VISUALS > TEXT 50. AVOID SHOWING WHAT YOU ARE SAYING AND SAYING WHAT YOU ARE SHOWING 51. DONT HAND OUT MATERIALS BEFORE YOU PRESENT Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 52. DONT SHOW A SLIDE BEFORE YOU ARE READY Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 53. DONT PACK YOUR PRESENTATION FULL OF NUMBERS, FACTS & CHARTS 54. The audience does not care about how much we know. The audience cares about how interesting what we know is. !*Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 55. KEEP IT SIMPLE Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 56. Make a choice about whats important and let everything elso go. !*Zen ProverbPeter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 57. THEY ARENT GOING TO REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAID Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 58. THEY WILL ONLY REMEMBER WHAT THEY THOUGHT AND FELTPeter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 59. THE THINGS IVE LEARNED THROUGH PITCHING: 60. THERE IS ALWAYS ONE CRAZY 61. YOU DONT HAVE TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM RIGHT THERE 62. LET THE CLIENT HAVE OWNERSHIP 63. Dont win all the battles and lose the war. !*Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 64. KNOW WHEN TO SHUT UP 65. PAY ATTENTION 66. CHANGE UP HOW YOU PRESENT 67. FIND A CONNECTION 68. ORDER YOUR PRESENTATION STRATEGICALLY 69. GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT, THEN WHAT THEY NEED Robert Solomon: The Art of Client Service 70. UNDERSTAND THAT BUYING CREATIVE WORK IS HARD Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 71. DEFEND YOUR WORK WITH STRATEGY Luke Sullivan: Hey Whipple Squeeze This 72. ASK WHY, DONT LET THEM TELL YOU HOW 73. A great meeting is not the goal. Great work is. Eyes on the prize. !*Mark Fenske, VCU Brandcenter 74. GO SLOW ARTICULATE BREATHE RELAX 75. THEYRE HUMAN, JUST LIKE YOU 76. The trick is to understand that you are simply talking with your audience, sharing your thoughts. Youre not arguing. Youre not selling. Youre having a conversation. Youre giving them a gift. !*Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 77. LEARN FROM EVERY PRESENTATION Peter Coughter: The Art of the Pitch 78. THE BEST PRESENTER USUALLY WINS 79. LEAVE YOUR AUDIENCE WANTING MORE