
Confidence In Public Speaking

Take a deep breath before you start your speech as this will help you gain control over your

nerves, your voice, and your words as well. Keep your mind and heart open and feel relaxed.

Eye contact is really important in public speaking as it is the best way to express your

emotions and impress the audience. Even if you are nervous appear as if things are normal

and there is nothing wrong at your end. Pass a smile when you feel tensed as this will ease

your mind and keep you in comfort.

Now picture yourself in front of an audience with that same feeling of confidence.

Transposing the feeling of confidence onto the task at hand will make it much more do-able.

You'll be able to speak with confidence in front of large groups.

It is very important that you hang out a lot with friends, and perhaps meet new people quite

frequently. Not only do you get to talk with people you might have not known until that

moment (like people in your audience) but you are also given a great chance to talk about

things you don't know. So the next time someone in your company is talking about something

quite unknown to you, don't waste the chance, participate in the conversation. Even if you

know almost nothing it will really help you when you need to improvisewith your speech.

Public speaking course

It's called present-ing for a reason, so be in the now. This is one of the most overlooked

factors in giving presentations. It's so easy to get caught up in your "content" or presentation

notes that you may as well be speaking to a wall.

What did you notice? Was it difficult for you to maintain your concentration at any point of the

exercise? Were you thinking such things as, "Why am I sitting in this chair with a book on my

lap?" If so, don't worry. It will get easier with each practice session. Just don't give up!

Planning your topic with a specific purpose in mind '" to sell, to convince, to persuade, to

inform, to motivate, and/or to act '" is your 1st objective when creating your material. This is

where your head comes into the picture in which you outline what you plan to say by means

of blocks of information. Your opening is one block. Your development will consist of

anywhere between 2 and 5 sub-topics, each of which is its own block. And, your closing is

the final block.

Public speaking is not a performance '" it is the art of communicating orally with an audience.

And, reading your presentation or delivering a memorized script does not allow for that type

of communication because you are not interacting with your audience. Instead you are

talking at them.
