
Community Solar and SPICESolar Energy Society of Alberta - February 7, 2019

Presented by: Warren Sarauer Chair of the Board

SPICE StoryWho is SPICE?

• The Solar Power Investment Cooperative of Edmonton (SPICE) is a

community investment cooperative focused on the development of

renewable energy projects that bring benefits to the greater Edmonton


• Creating competitive, ethical, community powered investments with people,

planet, and profits weighted equally is SPICE's primary commitment.

SPICE Story2012 – 2015

• SPICE started as a grassroots organization. It was founded and officially

incorporated as an Opportunity Development Cooperative (ODC) by

three passionate and involved community leaders focused on economic

empowerment, environmental sustainability, and solar power.

• SPICE is a cooperative by intention and embodies the 7 cooperative principles

while continuously striving to share their benefits with other organizations

through open collaboration.

SPICE Story2015 – 2017

• The current Board Of Directors was established with local and influential

leaders in the solar industry who have 75 years of combined experience in

solar development.

• SPICE also started dipping it's toes in solar and training projects helping with

the development of the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues

(EFCL) Green Leagues program for Edmonton communities interested in

greening their energy and leading in sustainability practices.

SPICE Story2017 – 2019

• SPICE was a successful applicant for a significant Community Energy

Capacity Building Program grant from the Government of Alberta to

help "Lead and Seed" community energy in Alberta, for Albertans.

• This funding support was vital in assisting SPICE with it’s legal

establishment, bylaw development, board training, website creation, and

much more…

SPICE InvestmentsHow it works

Investors select vetted projects to invest in and receive

competitive returns over time

Community renewable energy

project is developed and

generates revenue

Property owner needs financing for

rooftop solar project and has

limited knowledge

SPICE is a one-stop facilitator connecting:

• Property Owners • Community Investors • Project Developers • Local EPC’s

SPICE Investments

SPICE InvestmentsMember Opportunity

For $25/year members gain access to:

1. Local competitive green investment opportunities2. An ownership share in a local green investment cooperative3. A vote to influence a local green investment cooperative

SPICE InvestmentsCEDC Tax Credit

• New opportunity for investors through the Community Economic

Development Corporation (CEDC) Tax Credit.

• Newly developed legislation (Investing in a Diversified Alberta Economy

Act) will allow SPICE, other ODC’s, and social funds with social impact

initiatives to offer a 30% income tax credit for investors.

SPICE InvestmentsNext Steps • SPICE will be looking to access project development funding through the

new Community Generation Capacity Building Program to establish it’s first

investment-ready project.

• Once the first projects are made available, SPICE will be sharing

updates through our website and with those that have expressed

interest through our presentations.


SPICE Website


SPICE Social

• Facebook:

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• LinkedIn:

• E-mail inquiries: [email protected]
