
Exploration and Expansionism

Exploration and ExpansionismChapter 6, Section 11ExpansionismEuropeans began to expand into the rest of the world between 1500 and 1800.Portugal and Spain were first. Then the Dutch Republic, England and France.2What is expansion?


4Motives for ExplorationWhat caused them to take such dangerous journeys?1. To convert the natives2. for adventure3. for the riches God, glory, and gold5Why did the Europeans want to explore and expand?


7Portuguese Trading EmpirePortugal took the lead in European exploration. In 1420, Portuguese fleets began probing southward along the western coast of Africa. There they discovered gold.8Which European country was first to explore?

9Portuguese Trading EmpirePortuguese sea captains heard reports of a route to India around the southern tip of Africa. In 1488, Dias rounded the tip, called the Cape of Good Hope. Later, Vasco da Gama went around the cape and made it to India. He returned to Portugal with spices and made a huge profit.

10What country was Portugal first interested in reaching?

11Portuguese Trading EmpireThe Portuguese continued to look for the source of the spice trade. They gained control of Melaka on the Malay Peninsula. Melaka was a thriving port for the spice trade. Portugal gained control of the spice trade.12What did Portugal gain control of that completed their empire?


14Voyages to the AmericasThe Portuguese sailed eastward through the Indian ocean to reach the source of the spice trade. The Spanish sought to reach it by sailing westward across the Atlantic.

15How did the Spanish believe they could reach the spice trade?

16ColumbusAn Italian explorer believed that the Earth was not as large as others thought and believed he could reach Asia by sailing West. Queen Isabella of Spain financed his mission in 1492. Columbus reached Cuba and Hispaniola and believed he had found Asia. 17Columbus explored for Spain but was actually from __________.

18Read page 196 in bookQuestions:

Why did Columbus give the people of Hispaniola a thousand handsome good things?How did the explorers take advantage of Native Americans?To whom was Columbus writing this letter? How do you know?

19The Line of DemarcationBoth Portugal and Spain feared one another would claim the others newly discovered land. In 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas resolved the problem.They decided on a north to south line through the Atlantic Ocean and the easternmost part of South America. Portugal claimed the unexplored territory east of the line, and Spain to the west. 20What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?


22Race to the AmericasOther countries realized that Columbus had discovered a new frontier. Venetian John Cabot explored the New England coastline for England and Florentine Amerigo Vespucci went on several voyages. Europeans called these areas the New World even though civilizations had been flourishing there for centuries. 23The Spanish EmpireSpanish conquerors of the Americas, conquistadors , had much success taking over area in the Americas. It took Hernan Cortes only three years to overthrow the Aztec Empire in central Mexico. By 1550 Spain controlled northern Mexico. In South America, Francisco Pizzaro took control of the Incan Empire. By 1535, Queen Isabella declared that the natives, called Indians were her subjects.24By 1550, what country was in control of Mexico?

25The Spanish EmpireShe granted the Spanish encomineda, the right to use the Native Americans as laborers. Mexicos population dropped from 25 million to 3 million due to forced labor, starvation and European disease. Catholic missionaries converted and baptized many natives. The Native American social and political structure was torn apart and replaced by European systems of religion, language, culture and government.26Economic Impact and CompetitionEuropeans sought gold and silver wherever they went. In addition, sugar, cotton, dyes, vanilla and hides from livestock flowed into Europe. The extensive exchange of plants and animals between the Old and New World known as the Columbian Exchange transformed the economic activity of both.

27Why was the exchange called the Columbian exchange?

28Trade, colonies and mercantilismEuropean nations in the 1500s and 1600s established many colonies in the Americas and the East. A colony is a settlement of people living in a new territory, linked with the parent country by trade and government. The English established colonies in North America and by 1700 the English had established a colonial empire along the eastern coast.

29What will the English settlement in North America become?

30Trade, colonies and mercantilismColonies played an important role in the theory of mercantilism. According to this theory, a nations wealth depends on a large supply of gold and silver because it gave a country a favorable balance of trade. This means that a nation exports more than they import.Colonies were important as sources of raw materials for the parent country and market for goods.

31BIOPOEM Magellan pg. 188, Columbus pg. 196Line One: First NameLine Two: Three or four adjectives that describe the personLine Three: Important relationship (brother of, colleague of)Line Four: 2-3 things,, people, ideas that the person loved or was interested inLine five: 3 feelings the person experiencedLine six: 3 fears the person experiencedLine seven: Accomplishments (discovered)Line eight: 2-3 places or people the person wanted to see or experiences the person wanted to haveLine nine: His or her residence Line ten: Last name32
