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Nationalism, Unification, and Reform


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Piedmont territory became rallying point for unification Camilo di Cavour

Prime Minister Created alliance with Louis-Napoleon

Economic Growth was a point of pride Stabilized his weak army Declared war against Austria in 1859

Piedmont gained control of Lombardy Caused other Italian states to revolt

Italian Unification

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Italian Unification

Giuseppe Garibaldi Built up an army to take over Southern Italy Crossed to Sicily

Overthrew the Bourbon Dynasty Handed over his army and land to Piedmont

March 17, 1861 Italy declared it’s unity under King Victor Emmanuel II

Finished off unification by gaining Venice from Austria and Rome from the French

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German Unification

Looked for help from Prussia to get them unified Otto von Bismarck

Prime Minister appointed Politics of reality

Urged for more military strength Ruled Prussia with parliament approval

Raised taxes and strengthened military Didn’t care what people thought If he didn’t like someone, they heard about it

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German Unification

Otto von Bismarck Foreign Policy

1864: War with Denmark 1866: Turned against ally Austria Northern Germany

Organized themselves into the North German Confederation Southern Germany

Catholic feared Prussia and France Feared France more and signed military alliance with Prussia

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German Unification

Franco-Prussian War Bismarck forced France to declare war September 1870

Entire French army and King captured Surrendered January 1871

France lost $1 billion dollars Alsace-Lorraine region to Germany

January 1871 Germany unites under Kaiser William I of Prussia

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Nationalism and Reform

Great Britain 1832

Increase in male voters from middle class 1850’s and 1860’s

Political and social reform Increased workers wages Increased industrialization

Queen Victoria (1837-1901) Longest reigning queen in English history Defined what a queen should be

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Nationalism and Reform

France Louis-Napoleon

By popular demand claims empire as Emperor Napoleon III Authoritarian: controlled all aspects of life Legislative Corps

Elected by universal male suffrage but had no actual power Expanded economy but took away civil liberities Improved Paris Gave legislature more power as time went on

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Nationalism and Reform

Austrian Empire Compromise of 1867

Created Austria-Hungary Each had it’s own constitution, government bureaucracy, and legislature 2 capitals (Vienna and Budapest) One man controlled both Francis Joseph

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Nationalism and Reform

Russia March 1861

Czar Alexander II tried to bring Russia up to Western standards Emancipation of all serfs

Couldn’t own property but government gave them land Ultimately led to struggle for the newly freed serfs Alexander II assassinated and his son went back against the reform


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Nationalism in the US

Abolition movement The desire to end slavery Divided the country in half North was against slavery South: Slavery was an institution Led to Civil War (1861-1865) 13th Amendment abolished slavery

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Romanticism and Realism

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Intellectual movement Reaction to the Enlightenment Valued individualism (uniqueness of each person) Feelings, emotion, and imagination for knowledge Revival of Medieval style

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Art Two features

1. Art is reflection of inner feelings 2. Get rid of classical reason for warmth and emotion

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Eugene Delacroix

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Music Ludwig van Beethoven

Third Symphony Embodied the Romantic ideas

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Literature Sir Walter Scott (Ivanhoe)

Clash between knights in medieval England Mary Shelley (Frankenstein)

Gothic literature Edgar Allen Poe (The Raven and other short stories)

Dreams and nightmares William Wordsworth

Poetry: directory expression of the soul Love of nature as mirror into humanity

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New Age of Science

Louis Pasteur Germ theory of disease

Dmitry Mendeleyev Classified all chemical elements (Period Table)

Michael Faraday Created generator for electrical current

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New Age of Science

Charles Darwin On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) Basis for the idea of evolution

Natural selection Nature decides which organisms survives based on the characteristics

they have “Survival of the fittest”

The Descent of Man Discusses how humans had animal origins We were not an exception to the rule

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Rejected Romanticism Showed the middle and lower class struggle Wanted to show every day life

Gustave Flaubert (Madam Bovary) Charles Dickens (Oliver Twist)
