Page 1: Causes of Bad Eyesight – 9 Simple Tips To Improve Eyesight
Page 2: Causes of Bad Eyesight – 9 Simple Tips To Improve Eyesight

There are many causes of bad eyesight which a lot of people may not be aware. In their minds, bad vision is the result of genetic factor. They think that if the parents have vision impairment, their children can have eye problems as well. It is not totally correct because, in fact, a research found that only 3% of all babies are born with vision problems. And bad eyesight is generally a result of poor behavior that has been brought over a long period of time.

Causes of Bad Eyesight

Page 3: Causes of Bad Eyesight – 9 Simple Tips To Improve Eyesight

Our eyes need a lot of care and attention just like the rest of our body. To maintain the health of your eyes and to improve your vision you need to know the causes of bad eyesight. The following is the list :

Causes of Bad Eyesight

Page 4: Causes of Bad Eyesight – 9 Simple Tips To Improve Eyesight

Straining the eyes:

Staring or looking at an object for a long time can cause eyes muscle strain. Eye muscles strain can cause head ache and blurry vision.

Eye fatigue

Remember that your eyes work endlessly from the time you wake up until late at night. Insufficient breaks and relaxation can harm your vision.


Mental stress can increase the risk of vision impairment. Unwanted situation, problems, health condition may affect the quality of your vision.

Poor diet :

One of the causes of bad eyesight is bad nutrition,

lack of vitamins and minerals. To get rid of many

vision impairment you need to have a well balanced diet.

Causes of Bad Eyesight

Page 5: Causes of Bad Eyesight – 9 Simple Tips To Improve Eyesight

In other words, poor eyesight can be improved naturally. The development of vision disorders such as myopia, presbyopia, glaucoma, astigmatis, crossed-eye, lazy eye, cataracts, macular degeneration can be stopped by following natural methods and avoiding the causes of bad eyesight.

The following are simple ways that can help to improve eyesight :


Causes of Bad Eyesight

Page 6: Causes of Bad Eyesight – 9 Simple Tips To Improve Eyesight

The following are examples of eye exercises to clear the vision and alleviate many problems with eyesight.

Causes of Bad Eyesight

Page 7: Causes of Bad Eyesight – 9 Simple Tips To Improve Eyesight

1. Sunning and palming.

2. Resting and relaxing after doing close work for long hours

3. Having enough sleep

4. Changing views by looking at far away objects after reading, writing or staring at computer's monitor

5. Reducing causes of mental stress

6. Blinking more often

Causes of Bad Eyesight

Page 8: Causes of Bad Eyesight – 9 Simple Tips To Improve Eyesight

7. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetable

8. Consuming fish oil and food supplement for the eye more often

9. Relaxing and closing your eyes and imagining places you love to be around

By following the above steps daily and avoiding the causes of bad eyesight you can eliminate your vision problems. The important key is consistency and strong will.

Causes of Bad Eyesight

Page 9: Causes of Bad Eyesight – 9 Simple Tips To Improve Eyesight

Some people have found remarkable vision improvement in just two weeks. If you want to improve your eyesight, all you need is to stay away from the causes of bad eyesight and incorporate the techniques to promote the health of your eyes.

You will soon enjoy living without wearing your eye glasses and contact lenses (without spending expensive lasik surgery) for good.

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Causes of Bad Eyesight