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INTRODUCTIONOne Saturday afternoon Tom wanted to have an adventure because he didn't want to think about Injun Joe. He went to Huck and said, Im going to look for treasure. Do you want to come with me?Un sbado por la tarde, Tom quera tener una aventura porque no quera pensar en Joe el Indio. Fue a Huck y dijo: "Voy a buscar el tesoro. Quieres venir conmigo? "

Tom Sawyer loves adventures. He has a lot of adventures at home, at school, and with his friends. He has one adventure in a cave. But why is he there? What does he see in the cave? And why is he afraid?Tom Sawyer ama aventuras. l tiene un montn de aventuras en el hogar, en la escuela y con sus amigos. l tiene una aventura en una cueva. Pero por qu est all? Qu es lo que ve en la cueva? Y por qu tiene miedo?

Mark Twain (1835-1910) is a famous American writer. His name was Samuel Clemens. Young Samuel lived in Hannibal, Missouri, a small town on the Mississippi River. He loved the river and he liked watching the big boats on it.Mark Twain (1835-1910) es un famoso escritor estadounidense. Su nombre era Samuel Clemens. El joven Samuel vivi en Hannibal, Missouri, un pequeo pueblo a orillas del ro Mississippi. Le encantaba el ro y le gustaba ver a los grandes barcos en l.

Samuel loved adventures. He worked on boats on the Mississippi River for two years. Then he went to Nevada. He looked for treasure, but he didn't find it. He worked for a newspaper there. His stories were in the name of Mark Twain, and people loved them.Samuel amaba aventuras. Trabaj en los barcos en el ro Mississippi durante dos aos. Luego se fue a Nevada. Mir por el tesoro, pero no lo encontr. Trabaj para un peridico all. Sus historias eran en el nombre de Mark Twain, y la gente les encantaron.

Later, Samuel lived in New York. His book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) is about a young boy in a small town in the 1800s. Huck Finn is his friend. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) is about Hucks adventures. These two books are very famous.Ms tarde, Samuel vivi en Nueva York. Su libro Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer (1876) se trata de un nio en una pequea ciudad en el 1800. Huck Finn es su amigo. Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn (1884) es sobre las aventuras de Huck. Estos dos libros son muy famosos.

Today, many people visit Hannibal because they want to see Mark Twains home and the Mark Twain Cave, the cave in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.Hoy en da, muchas personas visitan Anbal porque quieren ver la casa de Mark Twain y la cueva de Mark Twain, la cueva de Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer.

CHAPTER 1: THE FENCE (LA CERCA)Tom Sawyer lived with his aunt because his mother and father were dead. Tom did not like going to school, and he didn't like working. He likes playing and having adventures. One Friday, he didn't go to schoolhe went to the river.Tom Sawyer viva con su ta porque su madre y su padre estaban muertos. Tom no le gustaba ir a la escuela, y que no le gustaba trabajar. A l le gusta jugar y tener aventuras. Un viernes, l no fue a la escuela y se fue al ro.

Aunt Polly was angry. Youre a bad boy! she said. Tomorrow you cant play with your friends because you didn't go to school today. Tomorrow youre going to work for me. You can paint the fence.Ta Polly estaba enojado. "Eres un chico malo!", Dijo. "Maana no puedes jugar con tus amigos, porque no ir a la escuela hoy. Maana vas a trabajar para m. Usted puede pintar la valla ".

Saturday morning, Tom was not happy, but he started to paint the fence. His friend Jim was in the street.Sbado por la maana, Tom no era feliz, pero l comenz a pintar la cerca. Su amigo Jim estaba en la calle.

Tom asked him, Do you want to paint?Tom le pregunt: "Te quieres pintar?"

Jim said, No, I cant. Im going to get water.Jim dijo: "No, no puedo. Voy a sacar agua ".

Then Ben came to Toms house. He watched Tom and said, Im going to swim today. You cant swim because youre working.Entonces Ben lleg a la casa de Tom. Observ a Tom y le dijo: "Voy a nadar hoy. No se puede nadar, ya que est trabajando ".Tom said, This isn't work. I like painting.Tom dijo: "Esto no es un trabajo. Me gusta pintar. "

Can I paint, too? Ben asked."Puedo pintar, tambin?", Pregunt Ben.

No, you cant, Tom answered. Aunt Polly asked me because Im a very good painter."No, no puedo", respondi Tom. "La ta Polly me pregunt porque soy un pintor muy bueno."

Ben said, Im a good painter, too. Please, can I paint? I have some fruit. Do you want it?Ben dijo: "Yo soy un buen pintor, tambin. Por favor, puedo pintar? Tengo un poco de fruta. Lo quieres? "

OK, Tom said. Give me the fruit. Then you can paint.Aceptar ", dijo Tom. "Dame la fruta. A continuacin, puede pintar ".

Ben started to paint the fence. Later, many boys came to Toms house. They watched Ben, and they wanted to paint, too.Ben comenz a pintar la cerca. Ms tarde, muchos nios llegaron a la casa de Tom. Observaron Ben, y queran pintar, tambin.

Tom said, Give me some food and you can paint.Tom dijo: "Dame un poco de comida y se puede pintar."

Tom stayed in the yard, and the boys painted. They painted the fence three times. It was beautiful and white.Tom se qued en el patio, y los chicos pintado. Pintaron la cerca en tres ocasiones. Era hermoso y blanco.

Tom went into the house. Aunt Polly, can I play now? he asked.Tom entr en la casa. "La ta Polly, puedo jugar ahora?", Pregunt.

Aunt Polly was surprised. Did you paint the fence? she asked.Ta Polly se sorprendi. "Saba usted pinta la valla?", Pregunt.

Yes, I did, Tom answered."S, lo hice", respondi Tom. Aunt Polly went to the yard and looked at the fence. She was very surprised and very happy. Its beautiful! she said. Yes, you can play now.Ta Polly se fue al patio y mir a la valla. Ella estaba muy sorprendido y muy feliz. "Es hermoso!", Dijo. "S, se puede jugar ahora."

Tom walked to his friend Joe Harpers house and played with his friends there. Then he walked home again. There was a new girl in one yard. She had yellow hair and blue eyes. She was beautiful. Tom wanted to talk to her, but she didn't see him. She went into her house. Tom waits, but she didn't come out again.Tom se acerc a la casa de su amigo Joe Harper y jugaba con sus amigos all. Luego se fue a casa de nuevo. Haba una chica nueva en una yarda. Tena el pelo amarillo y ojos azules. Ella era hermosa. Tom quera hablar con ella, pero ella no lo vio. Ella se fue a su casa. Tom espera, pero no volvi a salir.

CHAPTER 2: IN THE GRAVEYARD (EN EL CEMENTERIO)One morning before school, Toms friend Huck Finn waited for him in the street. Huck didn't have a home, and he never went to school. People in the town didn't like him. But Tom liked Huck.Una maana, antes de la escuela, el amigo de Tom Huck Finn le esperaba en la calle. Huck no tena un hogar, y l nunca fue a la escuela. La gente de la ciudad no les caa bien. Pero Tom le gusta Huck.

Huck said, Lets have an adventure.Huck dijo: "Vamos a tener una aventura."

What can we do on our adventure? Tom asked."Qu podemos hacer en nuestra aventura?", Pregunt Tom.

Lets go to the graveyard at nightat twelve oclock! Huck answered."Vamos a ir al cementerio por la noche, a las doce!" Contest Huck.

Thats a good adventure, Tom said. Lets meet at eleven oclock."Esa es una buena aventura", dijo Tom. "Vamos a conocer a las once en punto."

Then Tom went to school, but he was late. The teacher was angry. He asked, Why are you late again?Entonces Tom fue a la escuela, pero era tarde. El profesor se enoj. l pregunt: "Por qu ests tarde otra vez?"

Im late because I talked to Huck Finn, Tom said. Then the teacher was very angry. Sit with the girls, he said to Tom."Se me hace tarde porque habl con Huck Finn", dijo Tom. A continuacin, el profesor estaba muy enojado. "Sintate con las chicas", dijo a Tom.

Tom sat near the beautiful new girl. He was happy. He looked at her.Tom se sent cerca de la hermosa chica nueva. l estaba feliz. l la mir.

Whats your name? he asked."Cul es tu nombre?", Pregunt.

Becky, she answered."Becky", respondi ella.

Tom smiled and said, My names Tom.Tom sonri y dijo, "Tom de mi nombre."

The teacher was angry again. Tom Sawyer, stop talking! Go to your place now, he said. Tom went to his place.El profesor se enoj otra vez. "Tom Sawyer, dejar de hablar! Ir a su lugar ahora ", dijo. Tom fue a su lugar.

At twelve oclock Tom and Becky didn't go home. They stayed in the school yard and talked. Tom said, I love you. Do you love me?A las doce de Tom y Becky no se van a casa. Se quedaron en el patio de la escuela y hablaron. Tom dijo: "Te amo. Me amas? "

Yes, Becky answered."S", respondi Becky.

Good, Tom said. Then youre going to walk to school with me every day. Amy always walked with me."Bueno", dijo Tom. "Entonces vas a caminar a la escuela conmigo todos los das. Amy siempre anduvo conmigo ".

Amy! Becky said angrily. Do you love her?"Amy!", Dijo Becky con enojo. "Te la quieres?"

No, Tom answered. I love you now. Do you want to walk with me?"No", respondi Tom. "Te quiero ahora. Quieres caminar conmigo? "

But Becky was angry with Tom. She walked away and didn't answer. Tom was unhappy. He didn't go to school in the afternoon.Pero Becky estaba enojado con Tom. Ella se alej y no contest. Tom era infeliz. l no fue a la escuela por la tarde.

That night Tom went to bed at nine oclock, but he didn't sleep. At eleven oclock he went out his bedroom window to the yard. Huck was there. They walked to the graveyard. They stopped behind some big trees and talked quietly.Esa noche Tom fue a la cama a las nueve en punto, pero l no durmi. A las once, sali de su ventana del dormitorio al patio. Huck estaba all. Caminaron hasta el cementerio. Se detuvieron detrs de unos rboles grandes y hablaban en voz baja.

Suddenly, there was a noise. Three men came into the graveyardthe doctor, Muff Potter, and Injun Joe. Injun Joe and the doctor talked angrily. Then Injun Joe killed the doctor with a knife. Tom and Huck watched. Then they went away quickly because they were afraid.De repente, se oy un ruido. Tres hombres entraron en el cementerio-mdico, Muff Potter y Joe el Indio. Joe el Indio y el mdico habl con enojo. Entonces Joe el Indio mataron al doctor con un cuchillo. Tom y Huck observaban. Luego se fueron rpidamente porque tenan miedo.

They went to Toms yard. Huck said, We cant talk about this. Injun Joe can find us and kill us, too.Se fueron a la yarda de Tom. Huck dijo: "No podemos hablar de esto. Joe el Indio puede encontrarnos y matarnos, tambin. "

Thats right, Tom said. We cant talk about it."Eso es correcto", dijo Tom. "No podemos hablar de ello."

Tom went in his bedroom window. He went to bed, but he didn't sleep well. Tom and Huck didn't talk to their friends or Aunt Polly about that night because they were afraid of Injun Joe.Tom fue a la ventana de su dormitorio. Se fue a la cama, pero l no durmi bien. Tom y Huck no hablan con sus amigos o la ta Polly sobre esa noche porque tenan miedo de Joe el Indio.

Later, some men went to Muff Potter and said, Youre a bad man. You killed the doctor.Ms tarde, algunos hombres fueron a Muff Potter y dijeron: "Usted es un mal hombre. Mataron al doctor ".

CHAPTER 3: A BAD DAY (UN MAL DIA)Becky was sick and didn't go to school for many days. Tom was very sad. One morning, he said to Aunt Polly, Im very sick, and I want to stay home from school.Becky estaba enfermo y no fue a la escuela por muchos das. Tom estaba muy triste. Una maana, le dijo a la ta Polly, "Estoy muy enfermo, y yo quiero ir a la escuela."

Aunt Polly said, Heres some medicine. Take this and you can get well quickly.Ta Polly dijo: "Aqu hay algo de medicina. Toma esto y usted puede conseguir bien rpidamente ".

But Mom didn't like the medicine. Peter, the cat, came into the room and looked at Tom.Pero mam no le gustaba la medicina. Peter, el gato, entr en la habitacin y mir a Tom.

Peter! Tom said. Have some medicine!"Pedro!", Dijo Tom. "Toma un poco de medicina!"

Peter had some medicine. He didn't like it! He went quickly out the open window and into the yard.Peter tena algn medicamento. No le gustaba que ella! Se dirigi rpidamente por la ventana abierta y al patio.

Aunt Polly watched Peter. Why did you do that, Tom? she asked angrily. You're a very bad boy! Go to school now.Ta Polly vio Pedro. "Por qu hiciste eso, Tom?", Pregunt con enojo. "Eres un chico muy malo! Ir a la escuela ahora ".

Tom arrived at school early and he waited for Becky at the school fence. She arrived early, too, but she didn't look at Tom. She went into school. Tom walked away. He didnt want to go to school now. He was very sad.Tom lleg a la escuela temprano y esper a Becky en la cerca de la escuela. Lleg temprano, tambin, pero ella no mir a Tom. Entr en la escuela. Tom se alej. l no quera ir a la escuela ahora. Estaba muy triste.

Joe Harper was near the school. He was sad, too, because his mother was angry with him. The two boys walked and talked.Joe Harper estaba cerca de la escuela. Estaba triste, tambin, porque su madre estaba enojado con l. Los dos chicos caminaban y hablaban.

Tom said, Lets run away.Tom dijo: "Vamos a huir."

Yes, lets! Joe said."S, vamos!", Dijo Joe.

The two boys went to the river. Huck Finn was there. Tom and Joe said, Were going to run away. Do you want to come with us?Los dos chicos fueron al ro. Huck Finn estaba all. Tom y Joe dijo: "Vamos a salir corriendo. Quieres venir con nosotros? "

Yes, Huck answered. Lets go across the river. We can have a good adventure there."S", respondi Huck. "Vamos a ir a travs del ro. Podemos tener una buena aventura all ".

The boys went home because they wanted to get food for their adventure.Los chicos se fueron a casa porque queran conseguir comida para su aventura.

CHAPTER 4: ACROSS THE RIVER (AL OTRO LADO DEL RO)Tom, Joe, and Huck went to the river. There was a small boat there. The boys went across the river in the small boat. They said, This is a good place because we can play all day. Theres no school here.Tom, Joe y Huck se fueron al ro. Haba un pequeo barco all. Los chicos fueron a travs del ro en la pequea embarcacin. Ellos dijeron: "Este es un buen lugar porque podemos jugar todo el da. No hay escuela aqu

They played and then went to sleep.Jugaron y luego se fueron a dormir.

In the morning, the boys were happy again. They said, Lets stay here for a long time.Por la maana, los chicos estaban felices de nuevo. Ellos dijeron: "Vamos a permanecer aqu por mucho tiempo."

In the afternoon, they played near the river again. Suddenly, there was a noise from a big boat on the river. The boys stopped playing and watched the boat.Por la tarde, jugaban cerca del ro de nuevo. De repente, se oy un ruido de un gran barco en el ro. Los nios dejaron de jugar y miraron el barco.

Listen, Tom said. The men on the boat are talking about us."Escucha," dijo Tom. "Los hombres en el barco estn hablando de nosotros."

The boys listened quietly. A man said, The boys are in the river. Theyre dead.Los chicos escucharon en silencio. Un hombre dijo: "Los chicos estn en el ro. Estn muertos

Tom said, Those men are looking for us in the river. Were here, but they dont know that.Tom dijo: "Esos hombres estn buscando para nosotros en el ro. Estamos aqu, pero no lo sabemos ".

That night, the boys were sad. Huck and Joe went to sleep, but Tom didn't sleep. He went home in the small boat. He quietly went in his bedroom window. Then he went under his bed and stayed there.Esa noche, los chicos estaban tristes. Huck y Joe fueron a dormir, pero Tom no durmieron. Volvi a su casa en la pequea embarcacin. En silencio se fue en la ventana de su dormitorio. Luego se fue debajo de la cama y se qued all.

Aunt Polly and her friends came into his room. Aunt Polly said to her friends, Tom was a good boy, and I loved him. Now hes dead, and Im very sad.La ta Polly y sus amigos entraron en su habitacin. Ta Polly dijo a sus amigos, "Tom era un buen chico, y yo lo amaba. Ahora que est muerto, y estoy muy triste ".

Tom wanted to say, Im not dead. But he stayed quiet.Tom quera decir: "Yo no estoy muerto." Pero l se qued tranquilo.

Aunt Polly went to sleep. Tom went out the window very quietly and went back across the river.Ta Polly se fue a dormir. Tom sali por la ventana en voz muy baja y se fue al otro lado del ro.

In the morning, Joe and Huck said, Were not happy here now. We want to go home.Por la maana, Joe y Huck dijo: "No estamos contentos aqu ahora. Queremos volver a casa ".Tom said, Lets go home on Sunday. We can go to church. People are going to be very surprised!Tom dijo: "Vamos a ir a casa el domingo. Podemos ir a la iglesia. La gente va a ser muy sorprendido! "

Sunday morning, many children were at church. They talked about the three boys. They were sad because their friends were dead. Becky was sad, too.Domingo por la maana, muchos nios estaban en la iglesia. Hablaron de los tres chicos. Estaban tristes porque sus amigos estaban muertos. Becky estaba triste, tambin.

Suddenly, the three boys walked into the church. People were very surprised, but they were very happy, too.De repente, los tres chicos entraron en la iglesia. La gente estaba muy sorprendida, pero estaban muy contentos, tambin.