Page 1: CAN YOU SPOT? A… · A FIREMAN I was helped by The Salvation Army’s Emergency Services when I was involved

A WOMAN SITTINGON A BUCKETI am a Salvation Army officer,which is like a minister or apriest. I lead the worshipservices on a Sunday and helpto serve the needs of mycommunity.

Every year The Salvation Armyholds an Annual Appeal to raisemoney for its work. Wesometimes use buckets just likethe one I am sitting on.

A SKATER GIRLI belong to the youth group at my Salvation Army church. We meetevery Sunday after morning worship to learn about what it meansto be a Christian. We study the Bible, pray and talk about different

issues we are facing. Last summerwe organised a clean-up in our localcommunity. It was great fun and wereally felt like we were making a










� 1,532,603 Salvation Army members� 409,014 prisoners visited by The Salvation Army� 2,562 emergency mobile units� 1,603 Salvation Army charity shops� 1,295 Salvation Army schools� 647 Salvation Army hostels for the homeless� 325 Salvation Army hospitals and clinics� 31 Salvation Army homes for street children� 26 Salvation Army recycling the world*Statistics correct as of 1 January 2007

To find out more about the history, work and beliefs of TheSalvation Army check out

For more information or resources please contact:Schools and Colleges UnitThe Salvation Army101 Newington CausewayLondon SE1 6BN020 7367 [email protected]/schools

Registered Charity No. 214779, and in Scotland SC009359Republic of Ireland: Registered Charity No. CHY6399

CAN YOU SPOT?See if you can spot thesepeople in your poster.Read what they have to sayabout The Salvation Army.

A MAN AND HIS CORNETThe Salvation Army is my church. Wemeet for worship every Sunday andsupport and care for each other,just like a family. I am a soldier(member) of The Salvation Army.This means that I am a Christianand I have promised to love Godand to follow Jesus’teachings. I try to showmy Christian faiththrough the way I liveand by loving otherpeople.

I play the cornet in theband at my church.Music really helps meto express my worshipto God.

A FIREMANI was helped by The SalvationArmy’s Emergency Serviceswhen I was involved in amajor fire where manypeople were seriously hurt.The Salvation Army were onhand with food and drinks forthe victims and firefighters.

They had a mobile unit whichwas equipped with blankets and first aid equipment. They werealso there to listen to us if we had any problems. Often peopleneed to talk about what they have seen and heard following amajor incident. The Salvation Army also helps with other disasterssuch as floods, bombings or train crashes.

A MAN SLEEPING ON THE STREETWhen I found myself living alone on thestreets The Salvation Army helped me.One night a Salvation Army worker foundme behind a large building where I

always used to hang out. I felt safe there withother people but I was cold and hungry andgetting very little sleep. The Salvation Armyworker found me a place at a hostel. Here, I was

given food, warmth and a bed to sleep in.Thanks to The Salvation Army, I am now

living in my own flat andmaking new friends.

A WOMAN PUSHING A MOUSEI work for The Salvation Army at their main office in London. Thereare lots of people who work there. Some of them help withfundraising, some with social work and others with Salvation Armychurch activities. I work in the Family Tracing Service.We help to find family members that have gonemissing or can’t be found. It is wonderfulto reunite families who mightnot have seen eachother for manyyears.

A WOMAN HOLDING UPTHE WAR CRYI decided to become a member of The Salvation Army after my

friend invited me to an Alpha course. This helped me tofind out more about the Christian faith. I really enjoy

going to The Salvation Army and I am part of thedance and drama group.

The War Cry is The SalvationArmy’s weekly Christian

newspaper that we sellon the streets or in pubs.The money helps to fundour work. We also sell a

children’s comic calledKids Alive!

A CHILD LEANINGON THE BIBLEMe and my friends aremembers of The SalvationArmy’s junior church. Some ofus wear a uniform on a Sunday

but you don’t have to weara uniform to join in. I amin the children’s choir

which we call the singingcompany. On Friday night

there is a kids’ club where weplay games, do crafts and learn about Jesus. It’s exciting to findout more about the Bible and our Christian faith.

AN ELDERLY WOMAN HANGINGOFF A ZIMMER FRAMEDuring the week I come to a lunch club atThe Salvation Army. I also attend afriendship club for older people. As I find itdifficult to get around easily a gentlemanpicks me up in the Salvation Armyminibus.

Sometimes it can be lonely whenyou reach old age. Every week aSalvation Army minister visits meto see how I am and to say aprayer with me. It’s nice to knowpeople care.

A LITTLE GIRL HOLDING HERTEDDY BEAR’S HANDI go to a Parent and Toddler group with mymummy at The Salvation Army. I talk andplay with my friends while my mummy getsto chat with her friends. There are lots oftoys, paints and other things to make anddo. We sing songs and nursery rhymesand have a drink and a snack.

A TEENAGER HOLDING THE GLOBEThe globe I am holding shows where The SalvationArmy can be found in more than 100 countries inthe world. My parents are Salvation Army officers

and have worked for The Salvation Army in manydifferent countries. Not only are there Salvation Army

churches in these countries but also Salvation Armyhospitals, clinics, hostels, community centres, schools andmuch more.

AN ELDERLY MAN DIVING INTO A SOUP BOWLI regularly go to my local Salvation Army community centre

in the week for my dinner. As I live on my own and I’mnot used to cooking for myself I enjoy coming here for

some good food. I also enjoy chatting withmy friends who come here. The

people at TheSalvation Army are

like my family!

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