

DEC. 15. 1915 C A RM EL, C A L IFO R N IA VOL. I, NO. 46

C a r m e l M a i l De­parture

Another Citizen Gives His Views

Gunnel, C a l., D ec . 8, 1915 E ditor Pine Cone.

Dear S ir : As there have beenseveral com m ents in the “ Pine C on e” stating that it would be de airable to have m ail leave here at7 :30 a .m ., m ight I ask that youpublish these remark* in the “ Pirn-C one’s ” Safety V alve Departm ent?

T h e letter published today, signed “ S u bscriber,” seems to in ­dicate that he does not fu lly realize what it would mean, nnder the present system .

W hen iie speaks of it being no particular hardship on the office force, one w ould im ply that there were several em ployees paid bv the Postoffice Departm ent, whereas there is one on ly— the Postmaster. T h e “ allowances f o r clerk h ire” | are too infinitesim al to be con sid ­ered in these remarks.

The P o s tm a s te r h a s not. s h o r t

hours as it is— t here is a m ail likely to arrive any time from 7 p m. to

8 p .m ., and 1 understand it is worked the same even ing, which p robab ly allows the Postm aster to reach borne by 8 :30.

W ou ld "S u b scrib er” consider it and particular hardship if he were ob lig ed to be at the office again at 7 a.m . to dispatch mail 365 days iu the vear?

O f course, there is noth ing to hinder the Postm aster from em ­p loy in g more help at. his own ex pense if he so desires, or if he can afford it, but d o not let us find lault with him until the D epart­m ent adopts a system o f reasonable w orking hours and enough paid h elp— as in F irst aud Second Class i iffices.

In the m eantim e, let us hurry to inform the dissatisfied subscriber that by p lacing a special delivery stam p on anv piece o f mail, d e liv ­ery will be effected in San F ran ­cisco the same day.

Another Subscriber

d i e t Y o u r N a m e

o n T h i s L i s t

A . H. R o se b o o m - Andrew Stew art C. O. G oo ld - -M rs. L. C. Horn', ■*

Why this de^&7?

- . 5 2 .5 (1 - - 1.00 - - 10.00

- - 100You surely

are in sympathy with the ob jects for which this fund is being collected.

O p e n i n g N i g h t Bank of Monterey

of t h e H o v i n g Monterey Savings Bank_ , j Same B u ild in g Sam>- MHiinirun t

P i c t u r e S h o w

All is in readiness for th « [ opening night, of Carmel’s j maving picture show, at the Manzanita Theatre, this com­ing Saturday.

Every facility for giving a! first-class presentation of clean [

Fire protection means Jour S an(i motion pictures! protection. Give now, and en- hag been instalIed>courage others to give.

P i u m - P u d d i n g - !ce=Cream

FOR C H R IS TM A SSomething New ------ , . ---

, ,. e , i ,,,, 1 anv part of the house.Will deliver from 1 pound up | Manzanita CluO R D E R N O W

Carmel Hall, in which the shows are to be given, has. been entirely remodeled and Mont Savings Bank

j painted. Two hundred com-1 * s ,; for table theatre chairs have! pays Four 1 er Cent Intere^* been purchased and have been on

| so arranged that a good view j of the stage may be had from j

savings deposits

Cali at the Pine Coneath e Manzanita Club, under j 0 (fjc e a n c ) o b t a i n

< m iT tv it m u u [whose auspices'this venture|C a r m e l C a n d v S t o r e ! is being conducted, expects | Jpgg o o p v o r o u r b o o K - ______ ’ .' L i_____________— every resident’ s support m , p .1 this affair, otherwise it cannot; “ What LVery Ue-

The second show, instead of positO P S h o u ld K nO W *’ • 1 1 1 ia ' being given on the night of ; •

The Campfire Girls will hold j tliC 25tH (Christmas), will take ;' their sale this coming Saturday !ace Qn the following Monday. [ afternoon, from 2 to 5 o'cW<:k. * -------

<50/r\!^C E 't/E ^ 55

I T E M S O F I N T E R E S T .

^The Milk and Cream ^Business of the Carmel< Dairy, A Stewart, prop.,is now7 being conducted

< by I. B. Waterbury <7


2 deliveries daily . Milk 8c. * Qt- Address P. O . B ox » 7 . or L e a v e

O rders at C a rm e l C a n d y S to re

at M iss Johnson’ s studio. The Junior Boys’ Club will assist.

The Reading Circle meets at . ,| “ 3 “ • DeN“ 'P f ' C Y K ellS s J S J f t S i

'has announced I England for home on Dec. 12.dinner affair for ( o clock o.. | liave been in Belgium

| Christmas evening. ; ^ ,agt gpring.The teachers and pupils ot , rpi *. • . i

i our public school are preparing j ' ’Resol ved. That capital pun-; , “ . prf jshment should be abolished’ ’a closing a {fan for next FT unn debate at! day afternoon at the school ■ ^ Monterey high school last house. Parents and tnenn. n Liilian Herrick

j are invited to attend. Miss E Stone> in the neg-i ative, won.

F i r e W a r d e n for Carm el j r p h e g o a r d 0 f Supervisors Sufficient signatures h a v e hisreceiyed the folbwing bids

been obtained to insure the ap-1 for grading a portion ot the pointment of J. E. Nichols as Coast road near the Oliver a Deputy Fire Warden in Car-; ranch house: A M. Allen,

■ mel district. The desirability [ $1540; L. G. Hare, $11J5. C. D. for an official of this nature is Todd, $1705; Ruteven & Cer- that the appointee will have rano. $1655; Kunze & Wolfe, authority to make arrests for [$1724.

B 2 Ben

violation of the State fire laws and can demand assistance in

| fighting fires.

Carmel Drug StoreHas a fin* line of

* ga b y


Also Stationery, Toilet Articles, a n d Rubber

SundriesColumbia Graphophone and

Records for Sale


|WE C A R R Y J .H . N . A N D S U N K I S T

G O O D S [ U S E O U R B A K E D ! G O O D S - M A D E


Useful Christmas gift. AI sit" near Ocean ave., from 1 to y e a r ’ s subscription to the Pine [5 o ’clock every afternoon, De- Cone. i cember 14 to 24.

M. DeNeale Morgan is hold­ing a holiday exhibition ofsmall water-colors and mono- — —types in her studio, Lin col For Artistic Stationary, com-

/-»--------- — ■* rnercial and social, th e ‘PineCone is equipped for deing the highest class work.





Books Are the Most DesirableChristmas Gifts

The Pine Cone Job Printing De­

partment Is Now Equipped

To Do All Kinds of Work

At Moderate Prices

The Wealth of Kings The W a r on TyphoidSays Westminster Gazette: The war on typhoid fever is"Economy is advised, even : becoming a great national eam-

among cabined ministers and paign and promises to eclipse law officers, who are asked to even the campaign conducted diminish their demands on the about twelve years ago against public purse. consumption.

"But what o f the monarchs The public health service at and their income? Washington is leading in the

"W e have heard something goad work. U.S. Surgeon-Gen- of the diminution of the Kais-1 eral Rucker suggests an a p - er’s private fortune owing to propriate address to be spoken the war. But even with his at the funeral of a typhoid fifty royal residences and in- victim. It is here given: terests in all manner of busi-i At . .. , .nesses he has never been the , oimp w;iM,etar? bUn pre-richest monarch in the world, vented It entirely unueW

1 liat honor has always be- i sary. It is liie price w hich tve are longecl to the Czar, who on his j m ade to pay for som ebod y ’s iguor- accession came into the Roman- ance and carlesiUetp, T h e day is off private estate, yielding approaching wheu such sacn- about ten million dollars a year fices ce.ase lo hp- « >ll Beyond that h i s "salary” arrive on ly w bee we have learnedam ou n ted to a n oth erten m illion ,hHt the ,ure8P" oe ofu ,v(Pu" i<1u . - j j . - t , com m unity m«aus ttiat som eone dol a S. any profitable has been crim inally negligent iuin v estm en ts abroad. There his duty. T od ay, with hearts were som e sm a,! ex p en ses to bow ed dow n by grie f o f our loss, be d ed u cted , such as som e two I let us resolve that we will heuce- and O ne-half m illion dollars a forth so order our lives that we y ea r to grand dukes and duch- tna>' conduct them without menace e s s e s . But w h en everything to o th e r s . L et us take unto our- had been taken into account* selvpR thp lpss2 " of <]n* hour, audth e C v a r r e m a in e d th e r ich e s t i OU1 sorro'v our determ ination die t zar remainea Uie\™-n®st to p r e -tut the com ing of sorrow tomonarch in the 01 d, fa r ,0therg, if we d o this, this deadahead of the Turkish bukan, shall uot hare died in vain.with his seven and one-halfmillion dollars, or King George — ------- ——V, who is the poorest in p e lf1

the°ld ”°rl‘11Advertise in theC fyou read it in the P ine Cone, you m ay safety repeat it.

Who gives a book at Christ-, mas gives not for one season: but for many. If it be well chosen, there is no other gift j o f such lasting value.

All other forms of giving ex­pression to your good will are liable to perish, to wear out, to; be lost, or to be sacrificed un­der the pressure o f adversity, but a good book, though it be­come tattered and tom, stolen ! or borrowed—which is so often t le same thing—or even lost, | is a remembrance of which the receiver can never be deprived.

When in doubt as to what to give, the easiest solution is a j book, and for the reason that it is the one token which is never considered in the price tag.

With almost a1! other gifts people are apt to measure, or at least in some way think, of the value received, but who that was ever worth a sec­ond’s though judged any book by its cover"

There is never any price problem if the present is to be a book Though your friend be a millionaire and have ever so large a library, you will not be carting coals to Newcastle if you give him a volume. The fact that he has many books only proyes that he e:ther loves

or wishes to appear to love them and will therefore w e l­come the new addition.. I f your friend be poor, you w ill be helping him to help h im self by a cheerful book.

Lord Morley remarks that Montesquieu used to declare that he had never known a chagrin which half an hour o f a book was not able to dispel, and Diderot had the same fo r ­tunate temper.

Many will recall the fervid and convincing eloquence with which George Hamlin Fitch drove home the truth as to the comfort found in the good old books.

This is a season of cheer, but for each and all of us there are also seasons of sorrow, and he who gives a literary treasure in these hours o f g a je t y , gives that which may have an infinitely greater value in the future, when t h e receiver comes upon those trials w hich are the portion o f all m ortals. If in those trials your g i f t should prove a solace, then will your kindness be even m ore blessed.

In these days of universal education there is none to whom a book is not a suitable present—that is, if anything like care has been exercised in the choice.


Delicious and Appetizing Ask Your Grocer for It

“ Pine C one ” It Pays

Carmel Officials.Sanitary Board

A. I’ . Fraser, President R. B. (.'beringtouH. P. Lnrouelte M. J M urphy Mrs. C . B. Silva, Se<"'-taYy

S ch oo l T rustees il l* . M . E . H and, Presidi-ul M iss A. C . E dm onds, Clerk W . L . OverstVeet

Fire Com m ission t\ . P. Silva R. W . BallM iss M . E . M ower, Secretary D eputy Constable and Pound

MasterR udolph Ohm

C ou n ty SupervisorDr. J. L . D. Roberts

Health OfficerDr. E . L. W iiliam siia

Chem ical lin cin e N o. 1B. Vi. \<|-,ius. Foreman•1. W. X icb o l-, Asst. Foreman D. ii Un.v!-*v, Sec. T reat

auiiiiiii*For Information

I As to Property g

j In and About §

| CARMEL ja S ,


Carm el j Developm ent !

Com pany4* «fk3IUKi:UiliOWUIiiM!iniMllNtlll0ilililiMl!IUiHilllHIUflKIUIUUi|fr

For Artistic Stationary, com­mercial and social, the ‘Pine Cone is equipped for doing the

'highest class/work.

'" ■

C a r m e l P i n e C o n eP U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y

Entered as second-class matter February to, 1915. at the cost office at Carmel, California, under the Act o f £tfarch 5, 1579.TU. L. Overstreet. Editor and Publisher

C A R M E L, C A L P e .C . I g . 1 9 1 5

SUBSCWIPTION $1.00 l*>*r« V kawSingle Copies - - Five Cents

I f you read it in the ‘Pine Cone, you may safely repeat it.

The Right o f CriticismThe president of Columbia

University is reported as de­claring that “ injudicious criti­cism of university professors should be stopped.”

What is sauce for the g' ose is sauce for the gander. I f university professors exercise the privilege to publish their views broadcast, they should concede the right o f criticism of those views. In the very nature of things, often the criticism will be injudicious; but the views too are as likely to be injudicious and ridiculous. Dr. Butler will encounter diffi­culty in imposing a system ofcensorship. « -------


SystemLittle Christmas presents,

Put away with care,Do to sell next summer.

At a fancy fair.Little satin gim-cracks

Bought for charitee,Make, next Christmas morning,

Gifts for you and me.Thus a little system

(Simple, quite, and cheap) Makes the Christmas Spirit

Earn its board and keep.

Let Us AI! Help to H ake Som e­

one HappyI h i t a r t i c l e w a s p u b l i s h e d

la s t w e e k , a n d w i l l a p p e a r e v e r y W e d n e s d a y u n t i l C h r i s t ­in a s —a s a, r e m in d e r

While pondering over the fine feeling established, the many favorable comments re­ceived and the noble impulses aroused, as the result of send­ing a bunch of poppies to San Francisco a short time ago, it has occured to me that the ap­proaching Christmas season of peace on earth, good will to men, would be an excellent time for the good people of Carmel to do something for those who are unfortunate and unhappy.

We are all more or less pros­perous, all more or less up against it. There are none of us so bad off that we are un­able to help a little someone who is infinitely worse off than we are.

If you only knew it, there are worthy folks right in our midst who are facing a very cheerless Christmas time in­deed. There a r e reputable charitable organizations in San Francisco which are sending out strong appeals for clothing, food and money to carry on their work of succor and good cheer.

Have you an old dress, an old coat, a few forgotten toys. They can be used to keep some one warm, to make some child happy. If you have none of these, make a money donation, which may buy medicine for those who are ill.

You may leave or send your contributions of clothing, toys and money to the Pine Cone office, to be distributed where they are most needed.

But- do it now !W. L. Overstreet

C H R I S T H A S f S U G G E S T I O N S f

T3EX— —Departure

At the

Blue Bird Tea I Room Gift Shop


List Vour Properties


I Pine Cone Real Estate

f Cantino Real, near Ocean A ven u e, Carm el, C Mil— mi I -nw an—

and Renting Bureau

FO R R E N Tj Casanova St., and 10th ave.I $15 winter months, $30 sum­mer; water extra.


P U B L IC L A N D S A L E D e p a r t m e n t o r t h e I n t e r i o r , U . S. | L a n d O f f i c e a t n a n F r a n c i s c o ,C a l . \

N ovem ber 6, 1915 N O T IC E is hereby given that,

ns d irected bv the Com m issioner o f the G eneral Land Office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R . S ., pursuant to the application of Norman H arry D avis, Serial N o 03229, vie w ill offer at. pu b lic sale,

i to t.lie* h ighest bidder, but at not i less liian $2.50 per acre, at 10 o ’ clock A .M ., on the 22ud day ot D ecem ber, 1915, next, at this office,I he fo llow ing tract o f land : N E J, S W 1 , Lots 2, 3, Sec. 10, Lot 1, Sec. 15, T. 20 S, li. 2 E ., M .D .M .

That this tract, is ordered into market on a show ing that the greater portion thereof is m ountain­ous and too rough for cu ltivation.

The sa l e w i l l not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased b idd in g T b s person m aking the highest, hid will be ra- piired to im m ediately pay to the Receiver the am ount thereof.

Any persons cla im ing adversely the above-described land are ad­vised to tile thHir claim s, or ob jee lions, on or before the time desig anted for sale.

.1, B. S A N F O R D . Register G R A C E B G A U K IN . R eceiver

C H R J W E L H E t t J S G O .Tj. 8 . SIoK V TX , AIanager

P i c t u r e F r a m i n g

Call and see our fine holiday line of Framed Pictures


A d ve rtis in g cop y for next uaeek shou ld be in th is Office b y

M onday noon.

P p n t Well furnis’d r u r K C I 1L H ou se ) consisting of Living Room, 18x28. with large fireplace; bedroom; sleeping - porch; large bath­room; dinihg-room; kitchen; two large porches; outhouse;

First-class plumbing; electric lights; located near Forest Theatre. For terms apply to W. L. Overstreet, Pine Gone office.

FOR R E N T H Z$7.50, $10, $15, $20. Bath and electricity; piano in $20-house. Inquire at Eleventh and Casa­nova Aves.


f\II Saints episcopalSERV IC E A T 4 O 'C L O C K E V E R Y S U N D A Y , E X C E P T SE C O N D SU N D A Y IN T H E M O N T H , W H E N T H E H OUR IS / / A .M .

A . \V. D A R W A L L , Rector


J. E. B E C K , M. D.Office at Carm el-by-the-Sea

Pharmacy, Carmel, Cal.

I BC h r i s t m a s

i *D e c o r a t i o n s

s I| Berries, Wreaths, I 1 Shrubbery, Trees j

Order Early

j B. Munger P. Wilson

Grove Building Co.m. ,T. TICE, C O N T R A C T O R


For Sale ?1?; ?,u e sy,r O l OGLE a Double and a ! single harness. Address, Box j 238, Carmel, Cal.

Lost something? Put an Ad in the Pine Cone.

C A R T E L |By-the-Sea

£Is the best Winter resort in the World

Huntipg Fishing Tennis Golf, etc.

Good hotels and iCottages

Just the place to spend the holidaysFor information write to

the Fine 0© ns1


F u r n i t u r e S t o r eMonterey

Everything for ihe Home.

Low Prices and Easy Terms.

Hoosier Kitchen Cahinets

Free Sewing Machines

Specialties in Lineoleums and

Window Shades

La Playa Personals

Miss Bertha Giles, driving her new Overland home, was met at Monterey by her A. B. Post, her brother-in-law, of San Jose.

Miss Maude I. Lyons has re­turned to Oakland, her visit having been shortened because of illness at home.

Mrs. Chas. R. Giles and Miss Mabel Giles returned Saturday to San Jose, after five weeks here. They may return next month.

Recent arrivals: J. E. and A. A. Kunz, Chattanoga; Dr. and Mrs. M. T. Smish, Wal­lace, Ida.; Margaret Sherwood and M. Hale Shackford, Well­esley, Mass.; Bertha M. Hen­dricks, Denver; Mrs. Albert Burch, Mrs. Robt. G. Officer, Berkeley; Mrs. H. E. Haskell, Palo Alto.

A 70-foot gravel walk haS been made in front o f the annex.

1916 C A L E N D A R SW ith Photographs by Lewis Josselyn

Make Acceptable Christmas and N ew Year Gifts

On display at the Pine Conej office and at the Blue Bird

Tearoom j

Announcem entDr.* A. E. Irving wishes to I

announce that he has located 11 as a dental surgeon in Carmel. I He is a graduate of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, ’class of ’04, and is prepared ito practice modern dental sur- J gery. I

Office in home - “ Acacia cottage, Dolores street, near Seventh avenue. adv j

Property TransactionsDeed: F. M. Wermouth et

ux to Lillie B. Hansen, *10. Lots 15. 17 and 19, blk 97, Carmel-bj -the-Sea.

Deed: Carmel Dev. Co. toIrving J. Gill, $10. Lets 2, 4. 6, 8. 10. 12. 14. blk ISO, Car- mel-by-the-Sea.

Mortgage: Irving J. Gill to Marv C. Schroeder, $530; same as above,

| Deed: Carmel Dev. Co. to E. M. Flanders, $10; lots 7 and 9, blk 137. Add. No. 2, Carmel bv-the-Sea.

Santa Claus willarrive at the Leidig S t o r e s W e d n e s ­

d a y n e x t a t 2 : 3 0

A present for every

Little Tot in Carmel

and vicinity

Come, see Santa and his happy family of little fo lk s . It’ ll do your

heart good.

JUST OUTPlNE Ne h d u e s

Christmas is Coming

printingtngravingB R I N Gl W O R K O F T H I SK I N D

t o t h e :

Pine C one Office doir"t the

For Artistic Stationary, com­mercial and social, the ‘Pine

For 35e You Can Read ItGrace |VIaeGoLuan Cooke’s

“ THL h e a r t o f O R LL ”ASK M E N O W W m . N. Dingle, P.O. Box 172

Dr. A. E. Irving and wife.. nf Kelseyville, have located permanently in Carmel. Dr.

C Irving, who is a dentist, has ' | his offico at Acacia cottage,

Dolores street, near Seventh avenue.

Miss Catherine Morgan, who has occupied the Gates cottage for nearly two years, is now occupying the new Hanson house.

Mr. Stephen Rogers, of San i Jose, came down last week for ; a brief visit: >

Miss M. E. Mower returned j from Berkeley last week, and j will remain here some time.

The local bowling alley is now ready for lovers o f the game. “ Set ’ em up, Boy.”

3Bill” Turner and “ Rudy”I Ohm returned home on Satur- I day evening.

Mr. Charles Josselyn and son Winsor motored into town from Pasadena on Friday even­ing. They were off again on

! Sunday. Winsor has been at­tending the Townsley school of art.

A week-end visitor was Mr. Ernest Clewe, who, it will be recalled was the first Father Serra of our Forest Theatre productions. Clewe is now practicing law in San Fran­cisco.

Prof. G. H. Marx levest Palo Alto this week for a trip East. He will attend the convention

| of university professors to be ' held at Washington.

Mrs. J. L. Williams, who has been ill for several weeks, is slowly recovering.

Mr. and Mrs. J- K. Turner are shortly to leave us for a while. The former, after vis­iting northern California, is going East, and Mrs. Turner goes to Pasadena about Janu­ary 1 to attend the Townsley art school.

Thos. B. Reardon will spend the holidays with his folks in San Jose.

The concert at Pacific Grove last Friday evening was at­tended by a number of Carmel residents.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______________ Among those elected to office' T _ _ “ by Monterey lodge o f Masons

For Rent caSova T J' McC*bes h i r r s ris? i “ s jsw jdress P. O. Box 4. Carmel. g ^ U1S’ M° ” g tHe

A . E . IR V I N G , I >.L>.S. I A party of ladies sojourning d e n t is t here is made up of Mrs. Fred

Dolores street, near 7th aven u e^ ook ,C a rm e l, C a l. ^ Watson a n d Mrs. R. J.

“ Making A Man ”

W i l l i a m G r e e r

H A R R I S O N ’S

S p l e n d i d B o o k

If You Would Live Long and Have Health,

Read This Book

$ 1 . 2 5 $ 1 . 2 5

Daylight Tide Table


15 1 :28 p16 2 :1 ti p17 2 :57 p18 3 :3 4 p19 4 :09 p20 4 :45 p21 5 :21 p

Ft. H i o h

1.8 6 :20 a2.3 6 :57 a2.8 7 :42 a 3.1 8 :08 a3.3 8 :4 3 a 3.0, 9 :17 a 2.8| 9 :51 a

F,.5.7 5.6 5

Acacia CottageGreen.

F o r R e n t Remington eard tv ,dch toI u' d t t m • j • have been held at Pine Inn on| reasonable; will Jetirer. P iuetW the 18 th h a sb een p ^ tp on ed ■ office. until after the holiday*.
