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WollyBusiness Plan Yuval Friedman Ronen Lahat 1 November 2016

One of the reasons that social networks success so much is that it gives us an opinion for anything and everything. Our opinion is meaningful and it’s important for us to have it. Social networks give us this platform for opinions easily, and let us see who thinks like us or not, and why.

Real interactions work when we allow other people claim their opinion, let them be part of something and not only spectators. We see in many different apps day to day like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and others, platforms where people ignite their friends into debates and challenge them, either for a prize or not. That’s the reason we created Wolly. We want to be that platform for people to express take their side. To pick a side while getting exposed to the opinion of others and created communities.

Wolly is an interactive social platform We use challenges as a tool to create engagement with viral and creative content

We believe that people has a lot more to say and they are eager to share more and more but they lack of opportunity and incentives, that is where Wolly comes in.

In contrast to other social networks, Wolly will not only help people share their opinions, Wolly also encourage them create their own challenges.


“Social networking sites have become a huge part of our life and the way we interact on a daily basis with people, brands and famous figures.”

Here’s how it works: Our method is very simple and contain four simple steps:

1. Choose your interests 2. Create/Join a Wamble 3. Choose a Team 4. Invite your friends to join or challenge you

What is a Wamble? A wamble is a challenge, which doesn’t necessarily mean on a sports competition. A challenge can about anything that anyone have opinion on. TV gameshows, elections, local and national issues, even between friends.

Why Wambles? A wamble and a call for action which requires a response from someone else. Side or challenge. By using those calls for actions, we can encourage people to take action and engage, which is the whole point of the app.

What is a Team? Teams are an easy way to side with an opinion or a bet. One can feel part of something and even be a leader and create your own Team and invite your friends.

Who is going to win the USA election? Who will win Barca or Madrid? What will mom cook for dinner?

Everything works!

Our Vision is to help every place, event, brand, person or organization to become more social and interactive

Use location based challenges and real time challenges to turn every place/event into a fun and interactive game between people.

Help brands, non profits and opinion leaders to generate real interactions with their followers and spread awareness based on their values and goals.


The App ‣ The has a Personal Profile -like Steam- in which he sees his avatar, description, country,

etc. and slots for Badges, Rank and Scores, as well as a list of recent games.

‣ The Home Page is a dynamically realtime feed of current events, reflecting the ongoing TV gameshows and sport events.

‣ In it there are curated main stories, Wambles, user-generated Quizzes and Polls. There are also prizes and sweepstakes.

‣ Every current event or sport season has a realtime feed like Twitter or Facebook.

‣ Users receive notifications on the activity of their feed and friends. As well as major players that they are following.

‣ For any category the user can see who are the leaders and experts, as well as a Badge in their profile. They are influencers and one can bet like with as in eToro.

‣ Any user can create a Wamble on anything. Any user can create a Team inside a Wamble.

‣ Teams get scores on their own and to their members. They can have their own logo.


Steam profile, which shows ranks, badges and active games is an inspiration for a Wolly profile.

Target market WOLLY intends to penetrate the US SNS market by initially targeting users between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four who attend college. Considering that about 41% of Americans in this age-bracket attended college in 2015, this would be a niche market, which has significantly more stable growth than casual social network.

1. Form relationships with college students: Give branded merchandise to fraternities/sororities such as Flags and beer pong equipment and promote them in our app via special challenges.

Arrange WOLLY theme parties where they receive social challenges they need to complete during the party and win prizes.

“Support your team challenge” – arrange a competition between two colleges. We will challenge each collage to show their support for their team in a season game and reward the college with the best supporters.

We will approach restaurants and clubs in college communities that can use the WOLLY app as a fun way to interact with its members. It can be pivoted as an alternative form of meet-up where people get to interact on a more personal, targeted and socially-conscious level than Facebook.

Find ambassadors that can post flyers for us, promote our campaigns, help us with party arrangements and communicate the students’ needs and problems.

2. Charity Campaigns: Millennials are motivated to engage in political affairs, some of the prizes will go to charity. Wolly is an ideal platform for their intended market and we will work to gain more users via cooperation with charity organizations.

3. Content Marketing: Content that ensures high engagement and customer return with a wide audience is key to maximizing the probability of going viral. That is why we are going to hire a digital marketing manager in the US that will do the following:

Promote the best content generated by our users to promote WOLLY on other social networks

Write a blog about our challenges and the brand culture. This will help us attract more fans and establish the WOLLY brand the way we want it to be in our vision.


4. Follow everything that is trendy around the social networks. If there is a new season of survivor, we want it as a challenge in the next hour.

5. Social superstars’ endorsement:

There are lots of influencers in social networks and we tend to use them to create awareness to the app via challenges that suits them.

Why WOLLY (for marketers)?

Most marketers tend to think conversations with customers are highly important. That engagement—interacting as much as possible—is what builds long-term advocacy. So it’s surprising to find that customers don’t feel the same way. A survey of more than 7,000 consumers found that only 23% said they have a relationship with a brand.

In 2014, brands spent more than $9B (in the US and Europe) in order to engage with their followers on Facebook.

WOLLY was designed to provide brands with a novel tool and approach for revenue promotion via social challenges and help them gain access to their target market while keeping a lower cost and increasing the impact by involving users in the campaigns.

“User generated content is 35% more memorable than any other media”

Source: ipsos millennials social influence study 2014



A popular marketing technique is a Pick-Your-Side approach, Wolly can be the platform to choose your team, like #TeamCap and #TeamStark hashtags for Captain America Civil War. A similar gimmick was used in the campaign for Batman v Superman, with the #WhoWillWin Hastag and with Star Wars The Force Awakens.

In 2015 Google launched the ‘Choose Your Side’ Promo for Star Wars The Force Awakens, allowing users to choose between the Jedis and the Dark Force. Similarly Pizza Hut made its users pick side for Captain America Civil War, asking ‘Which Side Are You On?’ with their orders.


Business Model:

Prizes: For big events and leagues of long duration prizes will be casted.

Affiliates: Every challenge is directed to a much defined target audience with clear potential for product/service specific revenues. E.g. a challenge for Snowboarders will be coupled with targeted discounts to relevant Snowboarding products and services available only to those who complete the challenge - thus creating a nested motivational structure driving multiple layers of sales opportunities and cross-promotions. Fancy used this method and made $3M per month with only 10M users.

Campaigns: Brands are already using challenges to engage with their fans and our monetization plan is built around it.


Our research and talks with CEOs in the market helped us differentiate ourselves and bring a greater experience resulting in more viral content.

Wolly is the only company that focus in uniting all the challenges as a new way to share and interact.

The Team: Yuval Friedman, CEO:

Owner and CMO of APPFRO application development. P.R. Officer - Civilian Population Unit Commander, Rank Lt. Captain (Reserve). A trailblazer in the field of Social Media with tens of thousands of followers around the world and nearly ten years of Internet Marketing experience. Content Manager, blogger, director of political campaigns, reseller large companies and a TEDx guest lecturer on Entrepreneurship.

Ronen Lahat, CTO:

Full Stack and App Developer for iOS and Android. Ronen has had significant experience in Graphic Design working for one of the biggest Newspaper networks in Israel and has developer several successful websites and applications. Outside-the-box thinker and problem solver.

