
Business Marketing,

Branding, Public

Relations & Consulting

CJ Carter is best known for his dedication to the gym and his need to be better than himself every day. Training and

working with teams in the NBA such as the Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets, Atlanta Hawks, Detroit Pistons,

Oklahoma Thunder, New York Knicks and the Milwaukee Bucks, Mr. Carter is not new to the need for passion and hard

work that the game requires.

Growing up, CJ’s beginnings were in the church, which left no room for extracurricular activities such as basketball, but

gave him the deep rooted foundation of family and steadfastness. As time passed, the changing world around him began

to lead him to basketball at the age of 12. You could say that he was at most ‘the guy nobody wants on your team,’ as he

lacked any skills. Tired of getting beat in many playground games he feverishly wanted to win against close childhood

friends, CJ vowed to get better to one day beat his opponents. But just as he began to improve his skills, life set in and

suddenly CJ was shuffling homes between his parents yearly, one in Tennessee and the other in North Carolina.

Finding solace in basketball, CJ excelled at the game during the hard life between the two homes. The transitions were

tough on him mentally and physically, but he wanted to play ball. Grabbing multiple championships and MVP and Player

of the year accolades during his high school years, college was where he eventually he settled into his grove, winning

championship games and obtaining more Player of the Year recognition. He always played with more seasoned players,

learning how to become more of a leader while working towards his Bachelors in Communications. With all the

responsibilities that his life had in play he caught the attention of several people in the league opening the door to a

professional career. Thus began his professional career in 2009.

Nobody can begin to tell you his journey like CJ Carter. Understanding the essence of growth and being a great leader,

this man knows the good, bad and the hard ugly truth about his world professionally and personally.Photo Credits: MLP Photos

How did you get started playing professionally:

Got invited to train with Oklahoma 2009 – Got beat out by Kevin

Olly. I remember that time because I could believe I didn’t get the

job. But looking back I know why. I lacked the leadership qualities

they were looking for.

Who is your influence past/present and why? What or did you take

from their business style and enhance it:

Jawan Tuck gets a nod for that one. He was very instrumental in my

life. A lot of people have come and gone but he’s always been there.

From teaching me how to be a good kid to being a good man

professionally and personally, he’s the one who played a big part in


How did you meet your Management/Agent:

I met my management through mutual business associates in the

entertainment industry. We recently just started working with each

other. I’ve been working with my agent for a little over a year and

met him through a mutual friend in New York last summer. This guy

never had a pro basketball player on his roster. It just mainly

consisted of football players. That was right up my alley. If he didn’t

have another b-ball player in the lineup then that was better for me. I

knew he would do exactly what he would, which was get me on the

court because he only had me to worry about lol.

How are you unique from other people within your industry:

I think what makes me unique is that I have gone through the extra hard

times to pursue this dream. My situation was not as good as others I

played ball with growing up all the way through college. But I always

stayed humble. A little wild sometimes, but humble. I went through a lot

growing up and made a lot of good and bad choices. I have had to settle

for the mediocre and be patient. But I made it through the

circumstances of losing and winning on and off the court. I do still have

a lot of growing to do. That’s life. People really don’t know who I am

unless they are close to me. But I’ve had my ups and downs. Those made

me who I am today.

What do you hope to accomplish during your time as an entertainer:

I’m just trying to be better than myself every day. Pushing the envelope

every day, testing myself really. As an entertainer, I hope that the person

watching me really enjoys what I bring on and off the court, saying ‘I

enjoyed seeing him do his thing…he’s a good guy.’

Is there anyone out that you may consider "fair" competition or maybe

a threat to your advancement:

No. There are guys I do and don’t like. But that doesn’t make me better.

I make me better. The guys in my younger days when I couldn’t play are

those guys. But as I’ve grown I’m competing against myself. Only I could

stop me from advancing.

Photo Credits: MLP Photos

If you were to die tomorrow, what impression of yourself and talent would be left: That I was a truly humble but dedicated player. I always looked out for my team. I was always in the gym jumping. Never worked out, but freakishly in shape.

Give me some famous quotes to be remembered by, live by, or inspires you (if applicable): With great ability comes great responsibility.

What other endeavors do you have (e.g., acting, start up record label, clothing line) - where do you see yourself in 3 to 5 years:I had part ownership with a restaurant in New York. Did a few commercial ads with Nike, Gatorade, and Russell Athletics. I want to maybe get into a speaking career. Been thinking about modeling. I don’t know we will see.

What are your major career accomplishments (if applicable) or what would you like to accomplish: I have won many championship wins, but I want to be a part of a winning professional championship team, I want to be a part of the win before I have to hang it up.

Describe your fan base or potential fan base: My fan base is the people at home. The people that live in these rough streets; the ones that live in the projects; the ones who grew up in single parent homes; anybody going through the struggle and life. That is my potential fan base now. The ones who can relate to me and me to them.

Have you been featured in any sort of media or press? It’s been a few magazines with a two page spreads nothing noteworthy. Really not into talking to media. Too sketchy on what to talk about and not to these days.

If you had to pick a president out of who you know now who, and why? I would vote for Clinton. She has her own body of work and deals with the pressure very well. She’s shown that consistency and fire every day since I’ve seen her around. She is a woman who can hold her own and keep it professional. She also has the backing of her husband and of course that helps.

When you aren’t entertaining what do you enjoy doing: I’m big into legacy so spending time with my kids is important to me. I’m a big reader, getting into writing here recently. Listening to music is a passion that gets me through the course of time. I’m crazy about music.

Photo Credits: MLP Photos

Accolades and Career Achievements

2005-2006 National Championship –

Nashville, TN Junior Year and Conference Player of the Year

Miss State University - 2007-2009 – Bachelors – Communications

Texas Wranglers UBL (Dallas) –

Spring Summer 2010 MVP Championship (Ozzie Denson)

Russell Athletics Commercial - Lead character – 2010

Camp (D-League) Mavericks Legend - 2010-2012 (Nancy Liebermann)

Training Pre Workout Draft Camps - 2012

Utah Jazz

Golden State Warriors

Milwaukee Bucks

Orlando Magic

Philadelphia 76ers

New York Knicks 2012

Atlanta Hawks invite for workout – Winter of 2012

New York Knicks - 2013 – Signed

D-League – For Knicks - 2013





Management Email: [email protected]

Contact Phone: 347.948.7106

Current Agent: Cassim Bucary

Current Agent Email: [email protected]

Business Marketing,

Branding, Public

Relations & ConsultingPhoto Credits: MLP Photos
