Page 1: Bulletin 11- 24 November 17 - · It would be greatly appreciated if any old toys or old books

24 November 2017

Bulletin Number 11


When we welcome the child, we welcome the family

Tel: 01207 270396 / Email: [email protected] / Website:

Congratulations to Year 6 who had 100% attendance this week. Well done to Reception 2, Y2, Y3, and Y4 who achieved our 95% target

This week our overall attendance was 94%

Please ensure you make every effort to ensure your child gets to school every day to help us achieve our target.

Poor punctuality means your child misses valuable learning time and that lessons are disrupted for all other pupils. Please make sure that your children are in the yard by 8.45am every day.

Dear Parents, Grandparents & Parishioners To say this week has been rainy would be an understatement. However, let’s hope the sun shines this weekend. Firstly, next week is the most important date in the Pontop Partnership calendar. Our school and parish are hoping to fully embrace the week, so please see our timetable of events via this link. Lots of activities are going on both in school and in our parish. On Monday, the whole school will be completing jigsaw pieces relating to the mission theme 'Unbroken'. These will go onto our prayer tables in every class from Reception to Year 6. Parishioners, parents and other members of the community are very welcome to view our prayer stations on Tuesday evening after school (3:15 - 3:45). On Tuesday, the whole school will be making prayer crackers which will be sold to children, parishioners, parents and given to the elderly at Burnopfield Care Home. On Wednesday, the children will be attending the Mission Mass at Sacred Heart Church at 9:30am. This mass will be a special celebration and will involve all of the children singing the Mission Song, and some of the children performing the Mission Dance. Everyone is welcome. On Friday, a coffee and cake afternoon will be hosted by the Friends, school volunteers, the Mission Team and the Mini Vinnies from 2pm to 3pm. Parishioners, parents and members of the community are all welcome. If you would like to make a cake donation before Friday 1st December, please could they be given to staff in the school office. We would greatly appreciate any cake donations you are able to give. To view the Mission Week timetable, please visit our Mission Team Blog or follow the link below. Together, we are looking forward to the start of our stronger journey in faith. I was delighted to welcome parents, not only to our Captain Cook's luncheon on Wednesday, but for Y4's child- initiated liturgy. Miss Walker was delighted to see so many parents and grandparents join Fr Dixon and the children. Next Tuesday we welcome Y5 parents to their class liturgy. Many thanks again to the Friends for helping with refreshments. This week we celebrated youth Friday; celebrating the great gift of young people. This year's theme is 'Yes' and invites us to reflect on Mary, who as a young person, had the courage to say 'yes' to what God was calling her to do. The children have taken part in a special liturgy at school to mark the occasion and also listened to a special message from Bishop Seamus. Thank you to all those children who volunteered to read on Friday and Saturday. The children also read and sang so well in today’s assembly. We would like to extend today to Saturday evening Mass with Mrs McCarron's class. The service is officially Youth Sunday and starts at 5.45 pm. We would like to ask as many families not just in Y1 but across the school to attend. I personally thank everyone that has sent in food for the Minnie Vinnies Christmas food collection and toys for the Schools Council’s Toy Sale next week. NEWS Sponsor Mr Dixon: This year, Mr Dixon, our lovely caretaker will be raising money for Children in Need and the Mesothelioma UK Charitable Trust by dying his hair a ridiculous colour, chosen by you. You can donate online at or drop your donation into school but make sure you write on/comment what colour(s) you would like Mr Dixon's hair to be! All suggestions will be put into a hat and the winner will be selected before the end of term! If you donate online, don't forget to tick the box to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation if you're a UK tax payer. Virgin Money Giving will pass this on in full to charity, making your donation go even further.

Class Reception1 Reception2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Attendance 90% 96% 90% 95% 99% 96% 92% 100%

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School Council Toy Sale: We will be raising money for the Student Council by holding a toy sale on the 1st December. It would be greatly appreciated if any old toys or old books that are no longer used could be donated by Wednesday 29th November to the school office. Thank you.

Christmas Jumper Day: On Wednesday 6 December we’re inviting all pupils and staff in Little Hearts Pre-school and Sacred Heart School to take part in Christmas Jumper Day. Everyone will be asked to wear their silliest, sparkliest or cosiest Christmas woollies and make a donation of £1, or whatever they can give, to help save children’s lives around the world. If your child doesn’t have a festive sweater already, just dig out a plain jumper and decorate it with tinsel, baubles or homemade snowflakes. We’d really appreciate your help to make Christmas Jumper Day a huge success. With your support we’re looking forward to a woolly fun day! Any monies raised will be split between Save the Children and the children in Zambia, which the school sponsor. Pantomime Time – Oh yes it is: I am delighted that our Friends have organised our school pantomime again this year. On Monday 18 December the children will see a performance of ‘Cinderella’ in school. It will be a wonderful occasion and I’m pleased that our children will have this at a hugely discounted rate due to the Friends bargaining skills. A letter with more information is attached to the bottom of this newsletter.

Christmas Dinner: We are having our ever popular Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 6th December, If you would like your child to have one, please complete the order form at the bottom of the newsletter and ensure advance payment (if your child is in Y3-Y6) is made on ParentPay no later than Monday 27 November. Please note we cannot accept any orders after this date. Reception - Year 2 and those eligible for free school meals will receive a free meal as normal, but please still return the slip so we can give the kitchen accurate numbers.

SOS: The Mini-Vinnies are sending out an SOS for parents and children to donate tins and dry food for a food collection for the homeless. If you could spare a few items, please could they be sent into school where they will be sorted by the Mini-Vinnies. Just a small donation from each family could provide lots of food for those people in needs. Many thanks, The Mini-Vinnies.

Church Christmas Raffle: The church are now selling tickets for their Christmas raffle which will be drawn on Friday 16th December. Tickets are 20p each or £1.00 for a booklet. These will be sent out in your child’s bag and there are also some available to collect from the school office. If you don’t use them please could you return them to school as the tickets are limited. Thank you.

Ouseburn Farm: On Monday Year 2 were lucky enough to spend the day at Ouseburn Farm. We have been learning more

about animals as part of our 'Living Things and their Habitats' unit, and have been looking at the lifecycles, needs and care of a variety of animals. At the farm, we fed the chickens, cows and pigs; took the sheep out to pasture; learnt about the habitats and care of exotic and domestic animals and much more. Our favourite moment was cuddling the lovely animals at the end of the day, and we clearly have a wealth of budding zoologists in the class. Even Miss Bray is determined to visit the farm again soon.

Year 4 Liturgy: On Wednesday, Year 4 had their first liturgy all about

'People'. We gathered together to celebrate the special people in our lives and remembered how we are all part of God's family. The children worked very hard to prepare this liturgy and had a lot of fun choosing the hymns they thought we best! It was lovely to see so many parents there, thank you! Another thank you to Fr Dixon and the Friends for all their support.

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Eco Council: Absolutely massive thank you to the two parents that came to help us plant some more of our trees yesterday,

even in the pouring rain. Katie (REC), Grace (REC) and Daisy (Little Hearts) have each been given 5 dojos for their parent’s hard work. Thanks again to everyone that has been involved, whether that was by digging holes or my donating bulbs. It's great to have such a supportive family community.

Captain Cook Lunch: This week the children were able to try some

Australian food in our Captain Cook themed lunch! Our kitchen staff did a great job at preparing some delicious meals that the children, and some parents, in year 5 absolutely loved! The kangaroo burger was definitely a firm favourite.


Ear Piercings: No jewellery other than watches should be worn in school. If ears are pierced this should be done at the start of the summer holidays so that studs can be removed in time for school.

Christmas Dinner: Please sign up by completing the slip at the bottom of the newsletter and returning it to the school office no later than Monday 27th November.

Pantomime: Please could every one return their forms to the office by the end of this month. Many thanks- The Friends.

Heart Zone Disco: Please book via the school office. Thank you.

In our Prayers - Prayer booklet: Dear God, Please listen to our prayers as we pray for Connor who was a great friend and a fantastic pupil at Sacred Heart. We pray for his family and send our love to help them in this difficult time. We will keep praying

and remember you in all our prayers. Written by Year 6

The Gospel for Sunday 19th November 2017 (Matthew 25:14-15.19-20): A Story about Talents Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a man on his way abroad who

summoned his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one; each in proportion to his ability. Then he set out. Now a long time after, the master of those servants came back and went through his accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents came forward bringing five more. “Sir,” he said, “you entrusted me with five talents; here are five more that I have made.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have shown you can be

faithful in small things; I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master’s happiness.”’

Weekly Assembly Awards:

Little Hearts Award: Edie Brilliant Manners – Jessica McDonald (Y4)

Mathematician of the Week –Alfie (Y3) Writer of the Week – Dolly (Y3)

Ms Richardson’s Award – Lucy (R) Head Teacher’s Award – Texas

Pupils of the Week – Elliot (R), Grace (R), Jay and Cate (Y1), Josh (Y2), Rio (Y3), Thomas (Y4) Filip (Y5), Lucas (Y6)

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Tuesday 28 November- Y5 Liturgy @ 9am Wednesday 29 November- Mission Mass @ 9.30am Wednesday 29 November- Year 3 Cake Sale Thursday 30 November- Reception 2 Liturgy @ 9am Friday 1 December – School Council Toy Sale Tuesday 5 December- Enterprise Day Wednesday 6 December- Reception 1 Liturgy @ 9am Wednesday 6 December- Christmas Dinner Wednesday 6 December- Heart zone Disco Wednesday 6 December- Christmas Jumper Day Friday 8 December- Advent Celebration Mass @ 9.15am Monday 11 December- LH/ Rec Nativity @ 1.15pm

Tuesday 12 December- Carol Concert Y1-Y6 @ 1.15pm Wednesday 13 December- Y6 Liturgy @ 9am Wednesday 13 December- Y1 Christmas Party Thursday 14 December- Little Hearts Christmas Party Friday 15 December- Reception Christmas Party Monday 18 December- Y2 & Y3 Christmas Party Monday 18 December- Cinderella Pantomime Tuesday 19 December- Y4 Christmas Party Wednesday 20 December- Y5 & Y6 Christmas Party Thursday 21 December- Gold Book Assembly Thursday 21 December- School Closes for Half Term Monday 8 January- School Reopens

On behalf of Fr Dixon, staff and governors, may I wish you a happy weekend! God Bless, Paul Naughton.


Name ___________________________________________ Class ______________________


My child would like to order a Christmas meal I have made advance payment on ParentPay □

- Traditional Turkey meal □ My child is eligible for a free meal □

- Vegetarian alternative □

My child will be having a packed lunch

Please return your form & payment by Monday 27 November at the very latest. A form must be

returned for every child.

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Page 6: Bulletin 11- 24 November 17 - · It would be greatly appreciated if any old toys or old books
