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Moon BSP 18th year

1 - Mauricio chart.

Birth of elder brother children. Moon in 4H in the 5H from Saturn placed in 12H (karka for elder brothers). It was his 3rd children and Moon is the 9th lord from Saturn. It is also placed in the kakshya of Saturn indicating that the event trigerred by Moon will be strongly related to Saturn Kakaraktwas.

2 - Caroline, Princess of Monaco

Moon is Libra, naisargika house for relationships. It' placed in the 9H in the 7H from Mars, which is karaka for boyfriends in a female chart and is the darakak as well. Being placed in the kakshya of the 7h Lord Sun, the Princess got envolved in a romanctic relationship with Philippe Junot during her 18th year of life.

3 - Thamirys

Moon is placed in the 9h of higher education in Moola nakshatra, Lord of moola is placed in the 4H house of education. Moon is also aspected by Jupiter from 3H of trips, the karaka for higher education and travels. By the end of 2007 she graduated from High Schol and in januay 2008, she spent 2 months travelling within the cuntry (Jupiter and Moon influence on 3H and 9H). In march 2008 she joined Law School (9H and Jupiter). Notice that Law is closely related to Jupiter and Saggitarius.

4 - Glassco, John B

Left country to pursue his dreams and life purpose. Moon is in the 4H of homeland associated with the 12L Sun (abroad) and Mercury, the 10th Lord of main life karma in parivarthana with ascendant Lord Jupiter. Both Lagna lord and AK Moon shows the pursuit of his big purpose in this life, being in tha natural house of travel (Sagitarius) with the 12th lord of abroad. Mr. John left his natal country to became a poet, memoirist and novelist. Notice that Moon is AK with Lagna Lord in the Kakshya of Lagna. So, this travel was perhaps the very start of his brilliant career life.

5 - Skelton, Red

After working as a minstrel man on a showboat that cruised the Ohio and Missouri rivers, and as a clown with his late father's circus, he turned to burlesque in the late '20s. In 1930, at age 17, he met Edna Marie Stillwell, a 15-year-old usherette. They were married two years later, and soon she was writing his material and managing his career. His big break came in 1937 on crooner Rudy Vallee's radio show, when his irreverent humor made a hit with the audience.

Moon is in the 4H of heart and feelings placed in the kakshya of the 7L, Moon is also a karaka for marriage and romance, especially in male charts and that brught a romance in his life. It's important to notice that Moon is is Putrakaraka (Love) and Mars is not only 7L but also the Darakarka.

6 - Bruna

In her 18th year her mother undergone a bad time due to depression. Notice Moon association with Saturn (Mathrikaraka), a classical combination for depression. The 4L Jupiter is also casting a close aspect to this Moon from Gemini, a dual rashi(Jupiter spoils some karakatwa of 7H when placed in dual signs). This combin

ation happening in the 10H from the 4H (mother) indicates that the cause of depression was the unemplyment of her mother during all the 18th year of this native life.

Oi Maurício! Eu terminei o ensino médio em 2006. 2007 eu fiz cursinho mas foi uma bagunça... comecei numa turma em março ai nao tava encarando e comecei em outra em maio e outra em agosto. Nesse ano a minha mae tava com depressao e afastada do trabalho desde 2006. Em 2007 minha prima pir parte de psi nasceu e meus avos ajudam a minha tia a criar. Não lembro de mais nada nesse ano. Ajudei?
