Page 1: Boosting up Web & Mobile App Development

Boosting up web & mobile app


Page 2: Boosting up Web & Mobile App Development

Your users will have no choice but to say your app goodbye if it is taking more than a few seconds in loading. The app load-time is the first impression, and it encourages users to keep or discard a particular app. So the more an app takes time in loading, the more developers lose their opportunities.

An info-graphics from shows that app load time in mobile phones is exceeding the load time of desktops. 12 percent respondents in a survey conducted for the same cause, confirmed that they experience mobile apps are taking more time in comparison of their desktop versions. It estimated that with over one second of delay in loading, an e-commerce store making $100,000 daily, may lose considerable audience.

Experienced developers know that in the early days, the web was totally different. If you want a powerful impact on the minds of users, you just needed to make your app look fancy with adding images, buttons, and allied

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embellishments throughout the web site. But no more it happens now. Things have changed now. These things still matter but not more than the speed. If your web app quickly loads, either on in mobile or web, the first impression always goes positive.

In a web based mobile application development or desktop application development process, developers need to design such code that does not create speed related problems. Also because there is huge pressure of app projects, developers are supposed to build the code in the first time.


There are mobile app developers who prefer iOS over Android and keep delaying Android version of their apps. They are treating Android as the second class citizen, regardless of the fact that this Google’s mobile platform has already won 82.7% market share of the entire global smartphones sales. An article from, published in July this year, titled “Despite iPhone 6 hype, Android continues to dominate iOS market share”.

End-consumers know this fact that they will get the Android version of an app several weeks or in months after the i05 version. Is this not disappointing? With this thought in mind, developers make such apps that show up beautifully on one platform but fail to justify their presence on others. Developers tend to do this mistake with all sorts

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of apps, from business apps to entertainment ones. If they still want to discriminate Android, then fact that Android’s standard browser along with Chrome hold 33 percent share, may surprise them. They may also be surprised and regret for not preferring or considering Android for their web or mobile application development project by the fact that in Q3 2013, four out of five smartphones were running Android as the core 0S.

Maybe developers do not have good experience with Android app development but they just cannot ignore the platform. The market share of Android based regular browser and Chrome is unavoidable. After all, a product is considered more successful only when it is used by more users and that’s what the case is with Android.

If it’s an app that will support all – new and old – platforms in an ecosystem, than forget not to optimize it. Android, for example, still has a considerable number of users using devices with older OS versions. So if you do not optimize your app, you will lose hundreds of thousands users.


You just cannot forget to take care of an app after implementing it in app stores. You need to keep measuring it, consistently. You will never realize how slow your app is in loading without continuously checking up the app. For example, web apps can turn out the slow from both server and client sides. A good advice to reduce

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slowness at client-end is that you reduce the number of requests the app is sending to server.

However, there is no standard rule or protocol for how often developers need to check the app, but the basic rule is that they need to be regular in that. If there is compulsory requirement of refactoring or refining to increase the speed, developers need to do that too.


You just cannot see that every developer will agree with related updates. If you think that going technically and improving the code again and again is the only way out to increase the speed of an app, then you still need to learn the art of app. Yes, mobile application development is an art rather than technology. Good science fails without good art and that’s what today developers need in mobile application development. There are physiological ways rather than going technical to improve the speed. Instagram did that in its app by devising a feature that uploads images to server way before users think to do so. That means 50 percent upload will have completed while your will ponder which hashtags to use.

So if your web app surely takes time to load, why don’t make this a less painful process for users. Also, properly inform users about such background activities otherwise they may consider it an illegal activity and stop using the app.

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Here some top tools that will help you improve your web app and increase its speed.


This tool scales your images and resizes it according to mobile devices of users. They provide this service with the motto “every single pixel counts.


This tool is used to reduce the size of your PNG images. The images resized just require a fewer storage bytes. It allows users to upload a number of images at once. This tool has fascinated a number of web and mobile app developers.


If you are using JS in your web app, you can use RequireJS alongside JS compressor. You can use UgligyJS to manage to handle dependencies related to modules.

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