
Bishop Comes Home! His Lordship the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Homa Bay visited Golgotha

Centre for Evangelization, on the final day of the seminar. He was received by

the Regional Vicar, Rev. Fr., Raphael Mangiti C.P. He was so overwhelmed with

happiness for what the Passionists were to launch, an Objective for Evangeliza-

tion in the Diocese. This objected coincided with the launch of the Year of faith

by the Holy See, Pope Benedict XVI latter in the year. He re-echoed his motto,

which he said like calling it “inspiration” that “Wake up and Evangelize”. The

success of the mission and realization of the objective was to be, for the Bishop, a

dream come true. He willed from his youthful days to be a missionary who ended

up being a Diocesan priest. Now this mission was to take place during his reign

as the Local Ordinary of the Diocese!

The Bishop praised the manner the Passionists were committed to their apostolate

and thanked God for their unique Charism in the Church. He was happy with the

working relation with the Passionists and was ready and willing to continue the

same way. The bishop graced the retreat and gave the evangelization team a go

ahead. Fr. Charles Wao, C.P. presented a copy of the Objective to the Bishop,

together with some of the materials to be used in the exercise. He explained

clearly to the bishop what the objective entailed and the path to be used for its

realization. The method employed to achieve this was in Evangelii Nuntiandi, On

the Evangelization in the Modern World #s 21, 22, 23, 24. The bishop graced the

retreat and gave the evangelization team a go ahead to evangelize the Diocese to

awaken faith there.

LETTER OF THE REGIONAL SUPERIOR To all confreres in the Vicariate Dear Confreres, We appreciate the effort shown towards the realization of the Bulleting. Thanks a lot for your cooperation. May I take this opportunity to inform you some of the things that have transpired in the vicariate in the recent past. We thank God for the visit of Don Carlo and LeeAnn, from Italy, who guided us in the retreat and seminars. Their presence among us was important and an eye opener for our vicariate. We hope, our relationship with them will grow even stronger. May God bless them for their generosity. On the 9th July, 2012, we managed to have a colorful profession of vows. The vicariate was blessed by ‘birth’ of two religious George Michira C.P. and Felix Ochieng’ C.P. May the almighty God bless the newly professed brothers and our team work that we showed. On the 26th July, 2012, after a series of busy days: we had a seminar on looking at our vicariate in preparation for transition to vice province and also in pursuit for autonomy. We also had a retreat and a seminar on evangelization. This culminated with the Assem-bly on this date. I thank you all for your participation. In the assemble we deliberated on many important issues. The Assembly approved our two candidates, Vitalis and Luke, for final profession of their vows. This will take place on the 28th August, 2012, at Rapo-gi St. Monica church. I thank God, confreres, for the successful completion of theologi-cal studies of our two confreres, Luke Owino Millewa and Vitalis Otieno Lana. We thank all those who have contributed to their development. On the 14th July, 2011, Rev. Fr. Elias Omollo passed on, may his soul rest in peace. On the 27th August, 2012, the vicariate gathered together in Eucharistic cerebration in memory of him. The ceremony was also attended by his family members. On the path to self-reliance, I would like to alert and urge you to join hands in the expan-sion and improvement of St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center, Ushirika, Nairobi. Con-freres, I believe that if we remain united we will succeed in this project and all other pro-jects in our vicariate. Finally, the carpentry and joinery project in St. Antony, Karungu is under way to be fully realized, thanks to the constant hand work of the confreres in Karungu and the support from Fr. Claudio. May God bless you all as you support this project in prayers and in kind. May the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ always remain in our hearts. Amen.

Rev. Fr. Raphael Mangiti Cp Regional Superior, CARLW Vicariate.


In the past few months, from July 2012, the vicariate has all reasons to celebrate. On the 9th July, 2012, two Passionists, George Michira and Felix Ochieng pro-

fessed First Vows. Two Passionists, Vitalis Lana C. P. and Luke Millewa, finished their theological Studies in the Tangaza College. We celebrate the safe return of our brothers who were out for stud-ies, Frs. Alfred and Jacob Oyugi, welcome home! The Vicariate was graced by the visit of two friends from Rome, Don Carlo and LeeAnn. The two helped in the facilitation of seminar on evangelization, first for the Laity and latter for the Passionist religious, diocesan priests and religious sisters. Don Carlo also facilitated a re-treat for the Passionists in the vicariate, both in perpetual and temporal vows. LeeAnn did a commendable job of translation

throughout their stay in the Vicariate. Don Carlo, in his presentations, nourished our vi-

cariate both spiritually and in kind. His contribution

made an impact in the Passionist religious and all that

he met.

George Michira

and Felix Evans

Ochieng’ make

their first profes-

sion. Luke and Vi-

talis finish Theo-

logical Stud-


Beginning from the 1980s, the Passionist felt the need to expand their mandate

even wider. They not only dwelt on missions and founding churches but started

recruiting locals to the Passionist charism and spirituality. This has yield abun-

dant fruit. Currently there are 24 local priests, 3 religious brothers, and 10 cleri-

cal students with temporal vows, 1 brother candidate with temporal vows, 6

novices and 4 expatriates from Italy. What is even showing a promising future

of the vicariate is the number of young men aspiring to be initiated into the

charism and spirituality of the Passionists. Currently, there are 6 postulants in

their philosophical studies in Arusha Tanzania (GEMMA) and 10 aspirants.

There are 4 residents in Molo.

The Assembly:

All the religious with perpetual vows and a representative of the religious in

temporal vows attended an assembly convened by the Regional Vicar, Rev. Fr.

Raphael Mangiti. A lot of issues regarding the future of the vicariate were dis-

cussed. The assembly in unison approved two young brothers for perpetual

vows. The vicariate is thus growing both numerically and geographically. It

took place on the 26th July, 2012 at Golgotha Centre for Evangelization.

On The Road to Self-Reliance The expatriates are becoming few in the vicariate. There are only four remain-

ing. The help that was being received from them is becoming minimal too. On

the other hand, the province has cut short the subsidy it used to offer the vicari-

ate. As the numerical expansion translates, the province is urging Kenya to

move from being a vicariate into a vice province. This calls for self reliance

even loudly. In this spirit, our community houses are striving to depend on

themselves. In Molo they use

6 Passionists have

already gone or

are out for stud-

ies. The Vicari-

ate has invested

a lot in education

of her religious

to foster quality


agriculture as a means to this. They indulge in wheat farming, maize, potatoes and vegetable pro-duction. They have their own dairy and bake bread for domestic use. The house is also used for re-treats. Golgotha Centre for Evangelization has fa-cilities for retreats, seminars maize, have sunflower oil and bake bread for the community and for sale in small scale. In Nairobi, St. Paul of The Cross Retreat house provides for the community thus contributing greatly to the spirit of self reliance. To avoid consuming more than what is produces,

the vicariate has embarked on taking members for

studies as investment. At the moment, Fr. Andrew

is back from Chicago, USA, where he trained in

matters of formation. Fr. Nicholas C. P. was in the

USA too and is due to go to Canada for his PhD.

Also pursuing PhD in different fields are Frs. Leon-

ard Okuku C. P. and John Kathoka Muthengi C.P

Meanwhile Frs. Alfred and Jacob Oyugi are back to the vicariate after successfully finishing their studies in USA and Australia respectively. Fr. Bernard Mbugua C.P. is already pursing his studies in Rome also. There is great hope in expanding and improving St. Paul of the Cross Retreat

House in Nairobi to a modern house to be fit for competition from other retreat

houses in the region. in a word, the vicariate is striving and channeling much of

her resources in the ways that are oriented towards self-reliance. The various com-

munity houses have embarked on measure that cut the expenditure and enhance

savings. The Passionists in the vicariate are certain that, though the road to success

is always not easy, they will achieve their objective


To renew the Christian community in the Diocese, starting from the village, pro-

claiming Christ through the word of God, so that in six months five new small

Christian communities would come about and twelve new evangelizers for the

Parish trained. Five small Christian communities divided into: adults 3 girls 1

and boys 1. In six months couples 3x2, girls 3, boys 3-4 e.g. a parish of 40 villag-

es will have 350 people evangelizers.


To carry out a six month mission of evangelization in one Parish of each Deanery

of Homa-Bay Diocese beginning in September each village of the Parish will ac-

commodate two evangelizers for four weeks of initial activity. The first week

they will visit the small Christian community of the village inviting them to open

up the mission in the second week starting a program of prayer and visiting of the

families to listen to them and to propose an appointment to talk with them about

the faith. The 4th week the evangelizers will form groups around the word of God

so that at least 4 to 5 new groups would come about and so that every Parish

would have 70 to 80 new evangelizers. The evangelizers will then meet the

groups they have formed after every two months to meet with the leaders of the

groups calling together all participants in groups to motivate them for evangeliza-


There are brother candidates who stay here undertaking different courses. Bro.

Nicholas is in Chemichemi College for Catechetical Studies while Bro. Victor

Khaemba is in attachment and schooling in Marist International College. The Com-

munity hosts and guides retreats and reaches out especially to sisters around for


Golgotha Centre for Evangelization

44 The number of the professed Passionists in the Vicariate – Locals 40, Italians 4. Novices: 6 Postulants: 6 Aspirants: 10 Residents: 4 On the 14th July, 2011, Rev. Fr. Elias Omollo, laid to rest. He was latter buried in the Vicari-ate graveyard in Golgotha Cen-tre for Evangelization in Homa Bay Diocese. Elias was the first local passionist to pass on. May his soul rest in eternal Peace. Other passionist who have

passed on in the Vicariate in

the resent past include; Fr.

Vittorre Cammusso Cp who

was buried in Italy, and Fr.

Aelared Lacomara Cp. who

was buried in the USA. Laco-

mara passed on exactly two

month after Elias.

Frs. Tobias Otieno and Claudio Moscatelli and Bro. Maurice Omollo Gor live in this communi-ty. It is an evangelization center which trains pastoral agents within the Catholic Diocese of Homa Bay. The centre also offers facilities for retreat, seminars and conferences to people with-in and without the diocese. There is a sunflower oil production unit, car-

pentry, maize farming, kitchen garden and bak-

ery for domestic use and small scale selling.

Numerical Expansion of the

Vicariate The vicariate has also grown numerically.

When the first missionaries came in the 22nd

July, 1970, they were entrusted to founding

missions in the then larger Kisii Diocese by

Bishop Tiberius Mugendi. Homa-Bay Diocese

was curved from Kisii. Passionists are dominant

in Homa-Bay Diocese. Meanwhile they have

expanded the horizons to other dioceses like

Nakuru, Kericho and Nairobi. The community

houses in all these dioceses are schools of pray-

er and solace for the needy.

Other Passionist Commu-

nities in the Vicariate:

The Vicariate has

moved from Luo

Nyanza to other Dio-

ceses like Nakuru,

Kericho and Nairobi.

There are 3 religious

communities – other

than parishes – Mo-

lo, Ushirika and Gol-

gotha Centre for


Meanwhile, the Novi-

tiate having novices

from CARLW, GEM-

MA and MATAF, is

in the vicariate. Afri-

can Theologate -

Kisima is also in the


Molo Community: It was founded in 2004. It is in The Catholic Diocese of Nakuru in St. Timothy Parish. Frs. Raphael Mangiti C. P., Eliud Otunga C. P., Samson Amala C. P. and Julius Missawo C. P. live in this house. In this house resides the seat of the Vicariate Regional Superior. The community has a residence for young candidates in their first year of encounter with the Passionists. Apostolate in this house comprise of visiting schools

and vocation animation. In addition, small groups of

‘retreatants’ are accommodated and guided – especial-

ly the religious.

The house is situated in the highlands and has fertile soil and an adequate rainfall

throughout the year favoring agricultural practices. The community indulges in

wheat, maize, potato and vegetable production. It has its own dairy and bake bread

for domestic use.

St. Paul of the Cross retreat House – Nairobi

The retreat house is commonly known as Ushirika. At the moment, the members of

this community are: Frs. Filippo Astori, Evans Fwamba, Peter Ochieng and Jacob

Oyugi. Fr. Andrew Okeyo is due to join the community. Others include Fr. Roy

Srampical C.P. form India but staying in the Vicariate and teaching at Tangaza Col-


SCALING 1. EN# 21 - MAKE QUESTIONS COME ABOUT The Bishop to give notice to the Parish Priest to talk about the mission. 2 Passionists, 2 Diocesan Priests, 2 Sisters and 2 facilitators of evangelization. Give the vision of the new pastoral work and the Bishop will do a presentation

of the beginning of the mission. New mission in a different Parish every 6 months. Time – 3 weeks, expenses, (journeys of the facilitators) 2. EN # 22 – CLEAR PROCLAMATION OF THE MISSION The team of evangelization – 2 CP, 2 Diocesan Priests, 2 Sisters and 2 facilita-

tors go to the Parish where the mission is to take place. The Parish Priest must meet with the leaders of SSC to explain the work that is

to be done in the villages. He presents the evangelizers that will go to the villages so that they can make a calendar for the visits. Each village decides on how to accommodate the evangelizers.

What is needed for this: Materials, time, Journeys, and upkeep for the evangeliz-

ers EN# 23 – ADHERENCE The presence of the evangelizers in the village at the beginning of the mission -

the villagers will take their dates for the visit. The two facilitators will visit the SCC before the actual month so that they get acquainted with that.

They are ready to stay for 4 weeks. What is needed for this: Materials, time, Journeys, and upkeep for the evangeliz-

ers EN#24 - MATURATION OF NEW GROUPS The new groups go to the other villages to start a mission in another village Par-

ish, etc. NOTE: For the first experience of the mission in the first parish, the expenses

for the facilitators are already put in place by the Passionists. By Rev. Fr. Charles O. Wao cp

The GrowTh ot The fVicrVc Te aowd The

nec ry

The vicariate has grown tremendously down the years from her humble beginning

in the 1970s. There are numerous parishes that have now entered into different lo-

cal Churches; from Homa Bay to Nairobi Archdiocese, Kericho and Nakuru. Other

than running parishes, the Passionists are very busy even in community houses

which deal with different apostolate. Have a glance at the various parishes and

community houses in the Vicariate:

CARLW Vicariate in a Glance:


…number o fPraisei unh-er f Pi i a nai d P- manh

ai drPda nt : nTPg ,P- emg , PrunTug K daSg Pn- Kdk

.ene- edda an : s aSP…

Activities of the Parishes:

Since the dawn of the Passionists in Kenya in

1970, reaching out to the people has been pri-

oritized as a means for evangelization. Since

then they have established many parishes some

of which have been handed back to the admin-

istration of the Diocese.

Currently, they (Passionists) run Five Parishes (Tonga, Karungu, Kadem, both in

Homa Bay Diocese, Sotik in Kericho Diocese, and St. Benedetti, Thika in Arch Di-

ocese of Nairobi).

Kadem Parish

St. Michael Parish, Kadem was founded about 57 years ago and has 45 outstations

and 108 small Christian Communities. The population of the Catholic faithful is

about 22,000 people.

They also have meditation on the cross and daily celebration of the Eucharist with

the pupils from Kiranda Primary School run by the Blessed Virgin Sisters.

They have a small scale wine project, poultry and a kitchen garden. It is a parish

that is taking steps on the right direction in quench for self-reliance.

NB. In Kadem, Tonga and Karungu parishes, there is intensive catechetical In-

structions, popularly known as ‘osiro’ organized for hundreds of children during

school recess every year.

Sotik Parish

It is in the Catholic Diocese of Kericho. Fr Edwin Watembo C. P. and bros. Sam-

uel Ojwang C. P. and Martin Odego C. P. reside here. Within the jurisdiction of

the parish is the Passionist Novitiate. Fr. Alfred Orwa is the novice master assist-

ed by Conf. Luke Millewa C. P.

There is usual parish apostolate – celebration of the sacraments and instructing

the faithful in matters of faith. Br. Samuel is in charge of pastoral centre also

within the parish centre. Br. Br. Martin works in The Kaplong Hospital, in the

neighboring parish as an administrator.

St. Benedetti – Thika

It is a newly created parish within the Arch Diocese of Nairobi. Currently, Fr.

Paul Mbugua C. P. is running the parish and construction of basic structures is

underway. There is normal parish apostolate as the parish priest tries to introduce

the spirituality of the Passionist in the region. This is the second parish, after

Sotik to be outside Luo Nyanza.

The projected is hoped to earn more as more care is put and more vines planted.

There is also poultry and carpentry workshop.

Tonga Parish

It was started over 60 years ago and has 40 outstations with a population of about

28,000 Catholic faithful. The roads are pathetic forcing the priests here, Fr. John

Nyaaga C. P. and Robert Ochieng’ C. P., walk many kilometers to visit their

Christians. They start their day as in Kadem. They conduct door to door apostolate

and with the evangelizers proclaim the Word of God and other Christian instruc-

tions thus helping the Christians change from within.

The African Passionists in Tonga have helped the local population to plant sun-

flowers that are later crushed to oil in the parish. They have established many sec-

ondary schools in the region. There was no girl’s school until 10 years ago when

the Passionists, Fr. John Nyaaga C.P. and Charles Wao C.P. established the only

girls Secondary School in the parish – St. Gabriel’s Gwassi, a very famous school

in the region. Other schools include: God Oloo, St. Charles Wiga, St. Marceline

Kigoto, and St. Francis Nyagwethe among others. At the parish centre is an or-

phanage that is being run by two Passionists.

The Passionists there have motivated the locals to value trees and have established

tree planting project that is now large scale and is run by The Green Forest Com-

pany in collaboration with OSIAWALA Farm.

Karungu Parish

Karungu parish is in Homa Bay Diocese and is under administration of the Pas-

sionists Frs. Francis Owanoh and Francis Morelli and Conf. Vitalis Lana dwell the

parish community which has 22 outstations. Since her establishment, a lot of de-

velopment has come up. There are many schools that have cropped up thanks to

the Passionists, like Alendo Girls Secondary School. The Passionists working here

are so committed always visiting their Christians in the SCCs.

There are two Kenyan Passionists in the parish centre and two seminarians. The

parish also inhibits Sisters of Charity of Immaculate Conception – Ivrea, and the

Passionists Sisters of St. Paul of the Cross.

Thanks to missionaries from Italy, the parish had had development both in faith

and in kind; they built many churches – outstations – schools and even medical


Kadem Parish Community

The Passionists have always kept their apostolate passion centered. They start the

day with meditation on the Cross, reading the passion of Christ and concluding

their meditation with the Eucharistic celebration. The community members con-

clude their day by community table sharing their experiences of the day and ends

with shared prayer.


One priest goes out to the SCC, and door to door proposes to them. Fr. Charles

Wao, C.P. and the team of evangelization follows latter with the Word of God and

share experience with the villagers after which they plant crosses in the families

that accommodate them.

In the year of faith, the facilitators of evangelization together with the Passionists

will be staying for 4 weeks in one village making disciples and making the passion

of Christ the goodness that is proclaimed to all.

There is a children’s home that was started by the Passionist and is currently being

run by the Passionist Sisters.

It is from this apostolate that the community gets its needs – financial – even

though not enough for everything. Nevertheless the community members are hap-

py especially because the Christians are happy with the work that they do. To sup-

plement from the apostolate income, the parish has small scale wine project. .