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Best Practice of Science / Technology Parks


In the Republic of Korea, the science park developmentbegan to gain momentum in the 1970s when the DaedeokScience Town (Daedeok Innopolis, since 2005)1 was estab-lished as a national R&D center. In particular, the DaedeokScience Town was intentionally created as an engine ofenhancing the national competitiveness of high technologyand economic prosperity through the agglomeration ofresearch institutes and universities in a planned science city.It brings together many national and regional developmentpolicy efforts from the last forty years to achieve technology-based economic growth and regional innovation. In addi-tion, in the early 2000s, Korea’s regional innovation policyhas been targeting the innovative cluster as one of criticalinstruments to achieve sustainable development throughnetworked collaboration between HEI’s, research institutes,industries and government. It is highly regarded thatDaedeok Innopolis is playing a crucial role as a regional plat-form for a comprehensive approach to technology-basedregional development in a sustainable context. DaedeokInnopolis (new name) has undergone continuous self-renewal over the past forty years to better respond to the

economic demands of the nation. Today, Daedeok Innopolishas been reorganized as a global-cluster that signifies ourentrenchment and renewed commitment to placing Korea’shigh-tech prowess in the global spotlight (DaedoekInnopolis Management Office 2010).

This paper will review development of Daedeok Innopolisbased on experience over the last forty years (1973~2012).In particular, it will focus on the functional structure of sci-ence park development in terms of three different stages ofthe development model: science park, technopolis, andregional innovation cluster.


In 1973, on a site covering 27.8km2, the Korean govern-ment began the construction of Daedeok Science Town. Thecost of the development was one trillion Korean won, whichwas provided by the national government and the privatesector. Daedeok Innopolis is located in the center of thenation’s territory, approximately 167 km from Seoul, thecapital of Republic of the Korea. At a distance of about onehour from major cities including Seoul, Daegu, andGwangju, exchanges with regional government officials,industry leaders and researchers are convenient. In total,there are 30 government-funded institutions, 5 universities,over 400 corporate R&D centers, and more than 1,200 high-tech companies (SMEs) situated on this site, which is regarded

Daedeok Innopolis in Korea: From Science Park to Innovation Cluster

Deog-Seong Oh*1 and Insup Yeom2

WTA, Chungnam National University,1 Daejeon Development Institute,2 Republic of Korea


*Correspondence to : Deog-Seong OhSecretary General of World Technopolis Association, Professor of Chungnam NationalUniversity, Republic of KoreaEmail: [email protected]

World Technopolis ReviewCopyright©World Technopolis Association

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution Non-Commercial License( whichpermits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, pro-vided the original work is properly cited

1 Keeping step with the growing size of the park, the name has twice been

changed from Daedeok Science Town (DST, 1972-1999) to Daedeok Valley

(DV, 1999-2004) and Daedeok Innopolis (2005-present).

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as one of the most highly favored areas in which to live andwork in Korea. For operational purposes, the grounds havebeen organized into five distinctive zones (See Table 1). Alsoresident in Daedeok Innopolis are about 11% of all PhD-levelresearchers in Korea who specialize in engineering and thenatural sciences. Established as the shining emblem ofKorea’s science and technology, Daedeok Innopolis is nowmoving beyond science and R&D to take flight as a globalinnovation center.

Daedeok is a place where people, technology, and natureharmoniously coexist, as well as being a place where busi-ness and research activities are conducted efficiently andconveniently. But much more than that, it’s a world-classinnovation cluster where creativity openly blossoms andbreathes. Daedeok Innopolis is now becoming the sort ofhigh-technology cluster which sports a dynamic and thrivinglevel of production of intellectual property applications

based heavily on robust R&D input. With the research insti-tutes and universities together, Daedeok Innopolis com-prises very convenient facilities for the commercializationof technology within specialized industrial sectors like IT,BT and NT (Daedeok Innopolis Management Office 2010).

There are three distinct processes in the development ofDaedeok Innopolis (see Fig. 2). At the initial stage, DST in1973 was the sole science town in Republic of Korea whichhad been developed as a mecca of science and technologywith a strong research workforce. DST was intentionallycreated as an engine of enhancing national competitivenessin high technology and economic prosperity through theagglomeration of research institutes bringing togethermany national and regional development policy efforts overthe last 40 years. The DST research complex was built withthe investment of $3.16 billion over the past 3 decades tobetter respond to the economic demands of the nation.

EstablishmentNovember 1973Korea National Government Initiated

Address81 Exporo Yuseong-gu, Daejeon Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea

Employment55,614 person (9,055 PhDs) as of 2010 *About 11% PhDs in Republic of Korea


• 129 organizations (in relation with R&BD): 30 Government Research Institutes(GRI), : 42 Private Research Institutes (PRI): 8 Support Agencies (public): 5 Universities(HEIs): 14 Public Institutes: 22 non-profit Institutes

• 1,179 high-tech companies (SMEs): Spin-offs from GRIs and PRIs,high technology-based venture businesses

Major Fields of Science andTechnology

IT (40%), BT (14%), Material Science (9%),Chemical Engineering (8%), Energy Resource (8%) etc.

Size(Developed Area)

Total area: 70.4km2

Zone 1. Daedeok Science Town(DST; 1972~1999): 27.8km2 - for research and education, and includes a residential area Zone 2. Daedeok Techno-Valley(DTV; 2005): 4.3km2 - venture business area, pilot plantsZone 3. Daedeok Industrial Complex; 1988): 3.1km2 - local industrial park & manufacturing area Zone 4. Projected area (Green-Belt area): 30.2km2 - green belt area and includes land set aside for incoming Zone 5. Agency for Defense Development: 5.0km2 - for military and defense-related industry

Table 1. Overview of Daedeok Innopolis (2010)

Source: Daedoek Innopolis Management Office (2012)

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Fig. 2. Development of Daedeok Innopolis by 10-year (1970s-2010s)Source: Daedeok Innopolis Management Office (2010).

Fig. 1. Evolution of Daedeok Innopolis (1973-2012)Source: Daedeok Innopolis Management Office (Dec. 2008).

It also possesses a vibrant mixture of next generation tech-nologies such as IT (Information Technology), BT (Bio-Technology) and NT (Nano Technology). As mentionedbefore, it has been well developed with a healthy balancebetween research institutes, academic institutes, industries

and the public sectors, where they possess the model of thenext “Silicon Valley” here in Republic of Korea. Recently,venture parks are being actively developed in order to coverthe huge number of high-tech SME’s produced throughbelow DST’s development.

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Initial stage(1973-1989): Science Park

The first development phase began in the 1970s when theNational Science Town was established at Daedeok, inDaejeon. The master plan represented a concrete attempt bycentral government to create a science city outside the capitalregion. In particular, it was expected that DST could enhanceresearch efficiency through a systematic and comprehensiveR&D investment for each institute, creating an optimalresearch environment for the mutual exchange and applica-tion of a variety of information, knowledge and know-how,and promoting investment effectiveness by the shared use offacilities, manpower and projects. In order to achieve theseaims, the development of DST in the initial stages was cen-tered on public sector research institutes and nationally fund-ed universities (Oh and Masser 1995). The dominant role ofthe government is particularly evident in the initial stages ofDST development, as DST was established by a central govern-ment initiative; local authorities were excluded from the initialplanning of the science city program particularly that of DST.Because of exclusion, there seems to be a weaker linkbetween the technopolis and regional industrial development,than there otherwise might have been. In the 1980s, the func-tion of DST was to establish a R&D center for governmentsupported institutes and industries through the relocation pol-icy of central government. In the early 1990s, completing con-struction of DST became a high priority. There was a changein the expectations of the role of DST due to the changingeconomic and social climate. In the original plan, DST wasenvisaged to play a role as a center for pure scientific researchin Republic of Korea. However, recently applied research anddevelopment that is directly applicable to commercializationhas become an expectation. Therefore, DST has been criti-cized for being unable to adequately fulfil such needs.

Middle stage(1990-2004): Technopolis

DST was initially planned as a satellite city. Eventhough DST is c lose to i ts mother c i ty DaejeonMetropolitan City, the relationship between DST andregional economy in Daejeon was not positive. The loca-tion of DST was only important in terms of national goals.When DST was incorporated administrat ively intoDaejeon in 1983, DST was merely a secondary urban cen-ter. DST is faced a new turning point in terms of its rolefor urban structure. The DTV (Daedeok Techno Valley) isa bridge between pure science city and technopolistowards regional innovation strategy to generate a maxi-mum synergy effect by linking these critical areas func-tionally and spatially. DV can be understood as the com-prehensive approaching policy to contain DST’s R&Dfunction, technology commercialization of DTV and massproduction by local industry.

Since the mid 1990s, efforts have been made toenable high-tech venture firms to be established inDST with mechanisms to support the commercializa-tion of R&D results achieved. Its main componentswere TBI (Technology Business Incubator), Post-TBI,and a venture park, where start-up firms can maketheir efforts in commercializing their new technology.In th is cons iderat ion, Daejeon Metropol i tan Ci tyAdministration mapped out a scheme to develop ahigh-tech industrial district, Daedeok Techno-Valley(hereafter DTV).

In 2002, the central government designated DST andits vicinity as DV for the further development of tech-nology commercialization based on R&D. This varietyof high-technology based developmental activit iesenabled the DV to be re-designated the first National

Fig. 3. Daedeok Science Town (1973-1989): Research Park led mainly bypublic research institutes and universities.

Fig. 4. Daedeok Valley (1990~2004): National Special R&D Zone(Daedeok Science Town + Daedeok Techno-Valley).

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Special R&D Zone,2 entirely encompassed within theDaejeon Metropolitan City: Daedeok Science Town (DST),Daedeok Techno-Valley (DTV), Industrial Complex, andYuseong Tourist Area. This zone was commissioned to carryout the pilot project of regional innovation and technology-led economic development with strong support from thecentral government. DV development provided importantopportunities for regional development. First of all, DVlinked with DST and DTV, the largest science and technolo-gy research park in Korea, providing an important hub forleading the regional industry through the efficient develop-ment of advanced science and technology (Daedeok TechnoValley Corp. 2001).

Mature stage (2005- ): Innovation ClusterAccording to a 2006 report by Daedeok Valley

Management Office (DVMO), within 10 years, Daedeok willhave obtained immense growth, with the number of ouroccupant companies and R&D institutes and the number ofinternational patent registrations rising dramatically. In par-ticular, the companies in DV are estimated to be at 3,000units in 2015, and the number of foreign R&D institutes isexpected to register 20 in 2015, up from 2 in 2004. In addi-tion, DVMO is predicting the international patent registra-tion will grow to about 10 times the number from 2004, andthe sales by technology commercialization are expected toreach $31,296 million in 2015.

Over the years, Daedeok Innopolis has served a criticalrole in raising Korea’s scientific competitiveness to global

top-4 status (IMD Switz. 2010). On the solid foundation fur-nished by the cutting-edge convergence and integration ofR&D capacity of government-funded institutes, the cultiva-tion of top minds in science and technology at top-tier uni-versities, and the growth of technology-intensive venturecompanies through the commercialization of R&D results,Daedeok Innopolis is fast advancing toward its goal ofbecoming a world-class innovation cluster and hub for globaltechnology commercialization. Daedeok Innopolis has con-sistently produced R&D results that have formed the founda-tion for Korea’s economic growth. Such proud achievementsinclude CDMA, which has become the global standard formobile communication; WiBro; terrestrial DMB; the exportof Korean nuclear reactors to the UAE; the Korean-madeglobal new drug Factive; the Arirang satellites; and thenuclear fusion research device KSTAR. In addition, DaedeokInnopolis has been creating a business-friendly environmentcomplete with a global network and support for industry-academia-research collaboration, as well as strengtheningthe management capabilities of future entrepreneurs.Through such efforts, it is being reborn as a stronghold forstate-of-the-art technology enterprises that compete on theworld stage.3

Only recently, Daejeon city as a Technopolis, leading theKorea's science and technology development, applied forthe National Project (Official title: Korea’s National Projecton International Science Business Belt; hereinafter referredto as “ISBB”), which is funded by Korean Ministry ofEducation, Science and Technology for the years2012~2017(six years, total budget:$4.5 Billion). The ISBBwill be a national platform to promote high-tech businessand clustered development in the areas of innovation, sci-ence and technology. On May 16, 2011, Daejeon city wasadopted as the host city for the location of the ISBB. Thisproject aims to establish the National Platform of KoreanScience & Technology in order to promote capacity build-ing of R&BD as well as foster the global competitiveness.Within this framework, Daejeon City has extended itsinternational network with global science cities, as well as,promoted foreign investment.

Fig. 5. New BI (Brand Identity) and Concept of Daedeok Innopolis: Thesymbol of DAEDEOK INNOPOLIS expresses the philosophy of aninnovation cluster

Source: Daedeok Valley Management Office (2006).

2 Daedeok Innopols is a hub for global technology commercialization, combining R&D, business, and production. It was designated as an R&BD special zone in pur-

suance of the special act on the fostering of Daedeok Innopolis in July 2005.3 Source: Daedeok Innopolis Management Office (2011); Daedeok Innopolis also operates a wide variety of programs for successfully commercializing new technologies,

and uses its rich store of accumulated know-how to synergize the nation’s topmost R&D capacity with organic cooperation and exchange between industry, academia, and

research. By completing a hub-and-spoke system linking its unique research capacity with advanced industries across the country, Daedeok Innopolis is firmly establish-

ing itself as Korea’s R&D hub and regional innovation cluster in cooperation with its mother city, Daejeon Metropolitan City.

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3.1 Science Park model at the Initial StageThe development feature of Daedeok Science Town at

the initial stage shows us the model of a science park. Asa national hub for development of science and technolo-gy, the main objectives in the initial stage of the SciencePark are:

Constructing infrastructure: Designing, developing, andmanaging the Science Park. Also includes forming con-nections with other cities and regulating development ofthe Science Park (Regulating green areas, building-to-land ratio, floor space index, and etc.). Managing and operating the Science Park: HarmonizingR&D facilities, amenities, and welfare facilities with eachother. Also includes maintaining the balance betweensupply and demand in the Science Park. Constructing institutional infrastructure: An institutionalstructure to regulate environmental pollution, to activatebusiness and R&D activities, and to enhance the conve-nience of residents should be established.

This science park model contains three main functions:R&D, Business and Infrastructure. Management is only limit-ed to infrastructure-related service. In terms of research &development, research and education were led by researchcentered HEIs. Training of experts in basic science wasimproved. Public research institutes focused on conductingnational R&D projects and constructing national R&D infra-structure. They also focused on the construction of a nation-al framework of science and the development of strategicindustries with a long range vision. Private R&D institutesformed a hierarchical relationship with their mother firmsand concentrated on R&D related to their mother firms.They focused on building R&D infrastructure and R&D activ-ities. In this stage, the commercial potential of R&D resultsin basic science or engineering from research centered HEIspromoted the construction of the Science Park: Businessincubation centers and technology exchange centers werebuilt in HEIs and R&D institutes to support technology com-mercialization. Collaborative R&D also began. R&D expertstrained in research concentrated HEIs led technology com-mercialization activities.

Fig. 6. Clustered Development of Daedeok InnopolisSource: Oh and Yeom (2011).

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In terms of Business & networked Entrepreneurship, theDaedeok Science Town focused on non-industrial basic sci-ence activities in the initial stage. Thus entrepreneurshipactivities were barely present at this stage. Business incuba-tion activities were barely supported in this stage. The onlybusiness incubation space provided were labs in HEIs.Business incubation was limited to business start-ups in labsof HEIs. In order to support business start-ups, a systemizedbusiness incubation system is required for example, Pre-Incubation systems, TBI projects in HEIs. The venture capitalmethods in this stage were mainly Angel Funds, which is atype of Risk Financing. Funds were mainly provided to ven-ture firms by individual investors (Risk Financing). Thus,venture capital services were barely existent. Only lab busi-ness start-ups in research concentrated HEIs were supportedin this stage. Administrative networks among public researchinstitutes were formed. R&D activities were mostly conduct-ed with government aid. Thus, independent networksbetween institutes were barely existent. More networksshould be formed among firms, HEIs, and research institutesto promote R&D activities and to support business incuba-tion. In this stage, technology commercialization and ven-ture activities were mainly conducted in labs located insideresearch institutes and HEIs.

Main infrastructure in the initial stage, Science Park waslimited to R&D related facilities such like R&D center, HEIetc, which did not contain industrial functions. Initially thispark was designed as a research and education city. A legalstructure to regulate land-use should be established. The

Science Park was initially built as a national science and tech-nology city, so business activities were not recognized in theinitial stage. Legal structures or institutes that manage busi-ness facilities did not exist in this stage. The function ofScience Park Management Office includes designing theScience Park, selecting occupying institutes of the SciencePark, and other management functions. Education, research,and residential facilities were harmonized with each other inthe Daedeok Science Town.

In summery, main functions are R&D, Business activitiesand Infrastructure. The management is limited to mainte-nance service. The components of key role are HEIs,National R&D Center in R&D function, Spin-offs of R&D labsin Business function and management office inInfrastructure function.

3.2 Technopolis model at the Middle StageAt the middle stage of Daedeok Innopolis development

shows us the technopolis model. The Technopolis model isa total system for innovation and technology commercializa-tion. This model is operated in the composition of four mainfunctions and their components.

In this stage, HEIs and research institutes actively support-ed business incubation activities: containing legal support,constructing infrastructure (business incubation center, andetc.). Cooperation between the Science Park and the localgovernment, which governs the city where the Science Parkis located, is important for collaborative activities. In order toexpand R&D activities into technology commercialization

Source: Oh (2008)

Table 2. Functional features of Science Park Model

Function Main Features Key Role


- HEIs that lead advanced science technology R&D.- Government affiliated research institutes

: In order to increase national science and technology capacity, major R&D projects were supportedby the government. (government affiliated institutes)

HEIs,National R&DCenter

Business- Firms that originated from research institutes in advanced science fields.- Venture firms that originated from labs in HEIs or research institutes(research centered HEIs).

Spin-offs of R&D labs


- Management departments in HEIs or research institutes.- A special management institute, which is established by the central government,managed and operated the Science Park. → An independent management institute is established.

- The Science Park should be managed, designed, and developed by the central government.

Administration andManagement of onscience parkdevelopment

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activities, R&D capacity of the Science Park was enhanced. Inaddition industrial areas were expanded next to SciencePark. At the same time, as various infrastructures wereexpanded in the Science Park, a legal structure to efficientlymanage and operate the infrastructures was established.Venture firms were created and the roles of HEIs becamemore important in this stage. All HEIs, including researchcentered HEIs and local engineering HEIs, conducted tech-nology commercialization and collaborative research withfirms, research institutes, and HEIs.

Main features of Technopolis development at middle stageare as follows. In terms of Research & Development, HEIsbecame more important, since they are the source of ven-ture firm start-ups. Various local HEIs moved into theScience Park and contributed in collaborative R&D activitieswith other firms and research institutes. HEIs mainly con-ducted research projects offered by the government with thehelp from public research institutes. With research centeredHEIs and local HEIs participating actively, R&D activities inthe Science Park were enhanced; the groundwork for ven-ture firm start-ups was established. Research projects givenby the government were conducted by HEIs. Public researchinstitutes led collaborative research projects with industriesand HEIs, conducted research contracts offered by privatefirms, and etc. Commercialization of research results beganin public research institutes; promoted start-ups of venturefirms. As HEIs’ and firms ‘R&D activities increased andexpanded, public research institutes’ functions increasedand expanded. Public research institutes supported the cre-

ation of venture firms by establishing business incubationcenters, and etc. In government affiliated research institutes,national R&D projects and collaborative R&D projects wereconducted. In the process, technology commercialization,technology transfer, spin-off activities occurred. In order tosupport these activities, support systems such as businessincubation systems were established.

In terms of Business & Networked Entrepreneurship, asystem to utilize research results from research institutesand HEIs in order to support potential entrepreneurs andventure firms is necessary. Business incubation activitiesshould be expanded from a small number of public institutesand HEIs to various local institutes. Also, business incubationactivities should be integrated and diversified to promoteregional development. There should be an integrated sup-port system for venture firms, which includes customizedbusiness incubation, specialized collaborative networks, ven-ture communities, venture capital programs in order to sup-port venture firms efficiently and flexibly.

In terms of Management & Globalization, the manage-ment and operation of the technopolis should become moreprofessionalized. The management and operation servicesshould include education programs which are developed bypublic institutes, financial aid for venture firms, marketingservices, institutional support, various equipments, facilities,and etc. Technology Commercialization was the core topicof education programs: Technology marketing, technologymanagement, technology commercialization, advertisementof products, and etc. Financial aid was provided to venture

Source: Oh (2008).

Table 3. Functional features of Technopolis Model

Function Main Features Key Role

R&D- Active collaborative research programs among industries, HEIs, and research institutes- Enhancing local R&D support capacity.

Collaboration among firms,HEIs, and research institutes


- Various business incubation centers were promoted by active technology commercializationand sound entrepreneurship.

- Venture activities and technology commercialization activities of venture firms or middle sizedfirms are supported by local governments.

Various business incubationcenters

Management &Infrastructure

- A multi-functional office takes job to cope with the expansion of the Science Park.- To control the surrounding area of the Science Park, the institute collaborated with the local

government to connect the activities of the Science Park with local innovation.- The role of the local government was expanded to develop venture firm areas, establish vari-

ous support institutes and etc for local economic prosperity, to encourage private firm invest-ment and participation.

Local government's support inbusiness activities, R&D activi-ties, management activities/Multi-functional managementinstitute

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firms in order to help venture firms to settle down and makeprogress. A financial aid system that focuses on supportingventure firms was established by the central government.Local governments also adhered to the central government’spolicy of supporting venture firms and their growths; thefunctions of business incubation centers established by localgovernments were enhanced to also provide financial aid. Anintegrated operation and management office was establishedinstead of individual operation and management institutes.It was an integrated system that synthesized the governanceof the Science Park like management, infrastructure mainte-nance etc. The cooperation with local governments wastaken for the sustainable development of technopolis.

As a function of Infrastructure, industrial space for venturefirms and R&D facilities was expanded in order to expandearly R&D activities to technology commercialization. As var-ious infrastructures in the Science Park are expanded, a legalstructure was necessary to efficiently manage and operatethe facilities. A structure and the division of roles in R&Dfacilities, business facilities, management-facilities wereestablished. Accessibility quality of life enhanced in terms oftransportation, land-use, and amenities. The integration ofculture and society with local residents was emphasized tomake best use of mother city’s infrastructure.

3.3 Innovation Cluster Model at the Mature StageAt the mature stage of development, Daedeok Innopolis

takes innovation cluster model: a center of business excel-lence on high-tech industry in the global science. In order toestablish an innovative cluster, the collaborative systemamong firms, HEIs, and research institutes are enhanced.Regional innovation cluster of national or local strategicindustries are created in Daedeok Innopolis. A specializedscience and technology network is established to maximizeinnovation of science and technology. At the end, globalmarketing strategies were enhanced. We are trying to attractforeign institutes and foreign investment into the SciencePark. In particular, a cooperation system among firms, HEIs,and research institutes was enhanced in strategic industrialfields such as IT, BT, and NT. As a result, an innovative clus-ter was built and collaborative R&D is actively conducted inorder to foster technology commercialization. Numerousnetworks among firms are created in order to support tech-nology commercialization and business activities.

In this experts in science & technology and integratedprofessional training programs are required to build an inno-

vative cluster. It is important to create clusters of relatedinstitutes to promote the growth of strategic industries.Financial aid and support in specific technologies are alsoimportant. Cooperation with international innovative clus-ters and global marketing strategies induces synergy effectsin the development of science and technology.

In innovation cluster, pleasant residential areas and strate-gic high-tech industries should be harmonized with eachother. In addition, the cluster was developed into an innova-tive cluster, which leads local innovation. Land-use shouldbe improved to activate high-tech R&BD activities. A system-atic and integrated structure of R&D facilities, business facili-ties, and management facilities are required in order to pro-mote the development of high-tech strategic industries. Amulti-purpose site was established in Daedeok Innopolis toattract strategic industries, foreign advanced research insti-tutes, and foreign research centered firms into DaedeokInnopolis. An international support infrastructure was estab-lished to enhance global competitiveness.

The main features of science park development at maturestage are as follows.

As a function of Research & Development, research cen-tered HEIs led R&D activities in national strategic industries.Core science fields such as IT, BT, and NT fields were mainlyresearched in order to increase national competitiveness.Through collaborative researches among HEIs, researchinstitutes, and industries, technology commercialization wasconducted. HEIs’ roles and functions were diversified. Inorder to maximize the efficiency of technology commercial-ization activities, R&D activities in specific fields were sup-ported by public research institutes. By creating clusters ofstrategic industries, technology can be accumulated.Continuous R&D activities and the formation of strategicindustry clusters are required for technology innovation.

In terms of Business & Networked Entrepreneurship, aninstitutional system and infrastructure was established tosupport entrepreneurship activities. This led to the construc-tion of an innovative cluster. Potential entrepreneurs instrategic industries were discovered and supported to buildan industrial cluster and a Regional Innovative System(RIS).Business incubation services, including the provision ofspace and facilities, institutional structures, and etc. wereimproved. As a result, venture firms became more active.Professional support services such as business consulting,technology marketing, and etc. were provided as part ofbusiness incubation programs. Business incubation pro-

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grams were customized and divided into three stages. Thesesystemized business incubation programs efficiently support-ed the settling down of venture firms. Business incubationprograms supported venture firms to settle down and ulti-mately, the venture firms contributed to the establishmentof an innovative cluster.

In terms of Management & Globalization, a RIS should beestablished by the government. An education departmentshould be established in the RIS in order to provide a cus-tomized education program for different regions. The cus-tomized education programs should focus on technologycommercialization and business incubation. Education pro-grams in specific fields or retraining programs should also bediversified. Consistent education programs should be offeredby education institutes such as the University of Science andTechnology, The Technology Management Graduate School,Patent and Law Graduate School, and etc. In order to estab-lish an innovative cluster, financial aid is necessary in hightech fields. Technology marketing has to be supported in dif-ferent technology clusters. Financial aid should be providedto specialized or advanced technologies. Cooperation amongdifferent technology clusters is necessary. Cooperation net-works were created among related institutes in the SciencePark. These networks were built by the management Officeof the Science Park and local governments. Clusters werebuilt inside the Science Park and cooperation betweendomestic clusters and foreign clusters was encouraged.


The volume of employment created in Daedeok Innopolis isrelatively small by global standards. However, taking intoaccount that Daedeok Innopolis’ employment consists ofprofessional manpower which is the center of knowledgeand technology, Daedeok Innopolis’ employment is moremeaningful in terms of future oriented development. Highlytrained research manpower in public and private R&D cen-ter has been concentrated in Daedeok Innopolis for the last40 years. 129 institutes are currently located in DaedeokInnopolis. Private research institutes are major occupantsand government funded research institutes are following.However government funded institutes were the numberone occupant of the Park until 1990, but private researchinstitutes took over that position from that time forward.Investment organizations began to show up from the mid1990s, about 20 years after initiation of Daedeok Innopolis(Daedeok Science Park was established in 1973), but it grewvery slowly from 2000 (Oh and Kang 2009). Daedeok is agood place to transfer technology and science to nearbyfirms but it does not hold a sizable population. Therefore, itseems that threshold of investment organizations inDaedeok Innopolis does not exceed a certain number. Thereare about 24,000 researchers including 9,055 PhD holderswho work in private, public research institutes and universities.

Function Main Features Key Role


- An innovative cluster to be created to promote the growth of strategic industries.- The collaborative network among firms, HEIs and research institutes is enhanced.- Local governments should actively support the creation of innovative clusters. - Regional innovation projects are conducted by central and local governments.

Collaboration among firms,HEIs, and research institutes


- A support system for business incubation activities: in addition to providing business incuba-tion space, technology support, marketing support and other professional support was provided.

- Clusters of strategic industries are created by the cooperation between science park and localgovernments.

- Business activities such as technology marketing, technology commercialization, and technolo-gy transaction are managed by specific centers of regional innovation.

- The Techno-park was established as the core of regional platform.- The Strategic Industry Planning Team prepared future oriented strategy.

Strategic industrial projectsled by local governments

Management &Infrastructure

- Integrated education programs to train R&D experts and to support professionals: specializededucation programs, customized education programs and etc.

- Land-use system to promote business activities and R&D activities in the innovation cluster:clusters of strategic industries, multi-purpose sites and etc.

Global business infrastructure(management facilities, localgovernments, and internation-al organizations)

Source: Oh (2008).

Table 4. Functional features of Innovation Cluster Model

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It can be argued that there is a high possibility of commer-cialization of research results or high-tech commodity fromhigh-tech researches in Daedeok Innopolis. No other placein Korea has as many focused researchers as DaedeokInnopolis. Foreign scientists began to settle in DaedeokInnopolis from 1999 and about 300 people are conductingresearch now.

Regional impacts on economic growth of Daedeok Innopolisare appearing through rapidly growing venture business.From the late 1990s, active spin-offs from research institutesand universities have been happening in Daedeok Innopolis.Although several previous assessments indicated that themere concentration of public and private research organizations

Fig. 7. Growth of R&D and business in Daedeok Innopolis (2005-2009)Source: Daedeok Innopolis Management Office (2010)

Technology Transfer Research Enterprises Domestic Patents Registered (Cumulative)

Resident Enterprises Sales KOSDAQ Listed Companies

1979 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

ManpowerNumber of researchers 3,879 6,129 6,920 7,640 14,913 22,395 24,434

Number of foreign scientists - - - - 85 252 321


Public Research Institutes 5 8 19 17 20 20 30

Private Research Institutes 3 3 8 21 25 33 42

Investment organizations 6 10 10 8

High education institutes 1 2 3 3 4 6 5


Public organizations - - - - 9 11 14

Supporting organizations - - - - - 6 8

Non-profit Insitutes - - - - - - 22

Table 5. Institutions and employments in Daedeok Innopolis (1979-2010)

Source: Korea Bank (2010).


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in one location couldn’t generate the incidence of high technol-ogy spin-offs. Similar types of organization in DaedeokInnopolis have been significant source of technology-orientednew ventures, and Daedeok Innopolis ‘fervor for venture start-ups had spread into whole of Daejeon area from the late 1990s.

Growth of venture business is shown in sales increase.According to the investigation of Daejeon Metropolitan City,the amount of turnover by venture business was $7,773thousand in 2004. Over the last 15 years, venture firms inDaedeok Innopolis have made outstanding progress. Therate of growth of venture firms exponentially increased.Economic impact from the venture firms to the regionaleconomy is not significant but growth rate is very high. Thevolume of sales from venture firms located in DaedeokInnopolis in 2004 was nearly four times that of 1999. Venturefirm’s start-up was initiated from the end of 1980s and itgrew up very slowly until IMF Crisis in Korea. But it grewvery rapidly from year 1999 on due to the central govern-ment’ support policy for venture firms to achieve economicprosperity to cover up loss from the IMF Crisis. Job creationfrom the venture firms was recognized by the citizen ofDaejeon Metropolitan City from year 2000.

Business incubation plays the role of connecting science andtechnology to real markets and economic development. Keyfunctions for a successful business incubation is proper plan-ning, management, location selection, making connectionswith universities, positive marketing, establishing global net-works, providing financial aids, etc. With the establishment ofan incubation center in KAIST (1994), about 20 business incu-bating organizations exist in Daedeok Innopolis now. Theybelong to universities, research institutes, government insti-tutes and private firms. Currently about 322 venture firms areunder incubation and some 3,000 employees are working withfunding from the government or out of Daedeok Innopolis.

Intellectual property accumulated in Daedeok Innopolis is veryrapidly growing. According to a 2010 report by Daedeok InnopolisManagement Office, the number of domestic patents haveincreased from 12,289 in 2000 to 40,348 in 2009. It was nearlyfour times during the last nine-year period. In case of internationalpatents, the number of patents have also increased from 2,026 in

2000 to 7,684 in 2009. These statistics mean that DaedeokInnopolis is the hub of knowledge innovation and the center forfuture oriented growth in the knowledge-driven era in Korea.

Network building by Industry-Academia-Research collabo-ration system have been formed among universities, publicresearch institutes, private research institutes, and firms.These networks are created for the innovation and develop-ment of science and technology. The networks are oftenspecialized in specific industrial fields in the science park. Inparticular, Daedeok Innopolis as a center of the RIS(Regional Innovation System) has been played an importantrole of growth engine to interact in many fields like R&D,production, administration, institution activities, culturalactivities, etc. The RIS promotes innovation and developsthe region’s science and technology. The RIS is built by con-necting dispersed regional innovation resources and is uti-lized as a central institution to enhance the regional econo-my and industrial development. In Daedeok Innopolis, astrategic industrial innovation cluster was built in the regionand plays an important role in regional development. Inaddition, Daedeok Innopolis is a mecca of technology com-mercialization in Korea that operates a wide variety of pro-grams for successfully commercializing new technologies,and uses its rich store of accumulated know-how to syner-gize the nation’s topmost R&D capacity with organic cooper-ation and exchange between industry, academia, andresearch. By completing a hub-and-spoke system linking itsunique research capacity with advanced industries across thecountry, Daedeok Innopolis is firmly establishing itself asKorea’s R&BD hub and super-regional innovation cluster.4


No. of occupants(firms)

No. of occupants(persons)

1998 1 140 893

2000 16 350 2,523

2002 18 310 2,943

2004 18 287 2,601

2007 20 322 2,994

Table 6. Trends in business incubation centers in Daedeok Innopolis(1998-2007)

Source: Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea (2008).

4 R&BD infrastructure built in Daedeok Innopolis promote technology commercialization by combining R&D results with successful business, there is an unique

ecosystem of institutions, facilities, and infrastructures provides fertile ground for commercializing new technologies. Daedeok Innopolis boasts a high concentration

of government and private agencies that support R&D and technology commercialization, including the Daedeok Innopolis Support Headquarters, the National

Research Foundation of Korea, the Small and Medium Business Support Center, and Daejeon Technopark. It also offers an excellent array of infrastructures for tech-

nology commercialization support, including Daedeok Tech Biz Center (TBC) and Research-Production Integration Facilities.

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Fig. 8. Networking system in Daedeok Innopolis based on Industry-Academia-Research Collaboration System in Republic of Korea Source: Daedeok Innopolis Management Office (2011)


In this paper, we reviewed the model of science parkdevelopment based on the experience which is accumulatedin Daedeok Innopolis for the last forty years (1970-2010).Through the case of Daedeok Innopolis, the types of sciencepark development and their functional structures werereviewed. We also exploited the main issues of science parkdevelopment by main functions and detailed components.

- Three steps of science park development are identifiedsuch as science park, technopolis and innovation clusterin accordance with science park development stages.

- Four main functions (R&D, Business, Management andInfrastructure) and their detailed components are sug-gested through the analysis of 11 international experi-ences including Daedeok Innopolis. ■Three clear phases of science park development were

identified in Daedeok Innopolis as follows; - Science parks at initial stage: a national hub for develop-

ment of science and technology

- Technopolis at middle stage: a synthesized system forinnovation and technology commercialization

- Innovation cluster at mature stage: a center for businessexcellence of high-tech industry in global science.

Finally, as a hub science park for not only Northeast Asiabut the entire world, Daedeok Innopolis is growing andevolving into a global innovation cluster by building on thefirm foundation provided by industry-academia-research-pri-vate-public cooperation among resident institutes, enterpris-es, and universities. In order to turn R&D results into com-mercial success, Daedeok Innopolis has built R&BD infra-structure as well as has established a virtuous cycle of R&Dsince 1970. By combining R&D results with successful busi-ness, Daedeok Innopolis also has contributed to regionaleconomic development, as well as, establishment of innova-tion cluster with global competitiveness of science and tech-nology in the world market. Daedeok Innopolis manage-ment office (2010) summarized the evaluation of their activi-ties in following sector.

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Industry: In Daedeok Innopolis, with its high concentra-tion of R&D functions, technology-intensive venture firmsachieve rapid growth and new technologies find active worldapplication through start-ups. In the years ahead, DaedeokInnopolis will serve as both cradle and stronghold for thou-sands of high-tech venture companies, a place where state-of-the-art technologies and the finest entrepreneurship inthe world come together.

Academia: Some 10% of all PhD level engineering and sci-ence researchers in Korea are concentrated in DaedeokInnopolis, giving it the greatest capacity for R&D in thenation. By nurturing world-class scientists and research pro-fessionals, Daedeok will play a crucial role in the cultivationof world leaders.

Research: In Daedeok Innopolis, state-funded researchinstitutes and corporate research centers with provenrecords of technological innovation in such fields as IT andaerospace engineering are working ceaselessly to producethe world’s best achievements in R&D. By carrying outadvanced technology-based convergence research utilizingsome of the finest research infrastructures available any-where, they will serve as a bridgehead in Daedeok’s journeyto becoming a global innovation cluster.

In particular, high-qualified innovation manpower are alsothe driving force behind the technological creativity and cul-tural diversity characterizing Daedeok Innopolis. Building onits vision of Human & Science, Daedeok Innopolis will con-tinue to grow and develop through the harmony of passionand enterprising spirit.

Thanks to the generous investment and support of centraland local governments, who continue to serve as Daedeok’sfacilitator, patron, and partner, Daedeok Innopolis is rapidlytransforming into a shining hub of global innovation of high-tech sectors including technology commercialization.


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