Download pdf - Barsha Buzz Volume 6


Earth DayThe Barsha


Featuring: McDonalds revealed

by: Reagan Johnson and Rana Khalilelahi

And: Unhealthy Eating: Do you Know What ’s in Your Food?By: Georgia Tice and Oona


Seeds of Change Garden


Earth day is a tradition that

was started by senator Gaylord

Nelson on April 22 of 1970, to

celebrate the beautiful planet that

we live on. This tradition was

started when president Kennedy

and Senator Gaylord Nelson began

to get worried about the state of the

environment. The idea was actually

started in 1962, but took seven

years to fully become Earth Day.

However, once it was started, Earth

Day was a huge success.

Traditionally, most schools have

an Earth hour, that ASD also

participates in. During this hour,

all the lights in the school are

turned off, along with any other

electrical equipment. Though it is

hard to believe, this means air

conditioning too! This is a great

practice, that helps lower out

carbon footprint.

In the past, ASD has put on

some very creative events for Earth

Day. In addition to our annual

Earth hour. We have put on sales

where we sold food from the

organic cafe. Last year, we also sold

some very pretty recycled jewelry.

This year, we plan to have an even

more exciting Earth Day.

The plan for Earth Day this year

is centered around a very exiting

race. This race will be between

different recyclable boats. Students

will build these boats out of plastic

materials they have gathered in

their spare time. Then they will

build the boats with their teams.

The teams will be made of three

advisories (one from each grade).

There will also be different

categories that the boats will be

judged on. These categories include

most eco-friendly, fastest, most

spirit, and best design. The overall

prize will be a pizza party, but there

will also be smaller prizes for the

winners of each category.

Mr. Russell, the leader of middle

school club GAIA says that “This

race will be a great way to raise

awareness about the environment.”

What SOC and Club GAIA are doing around




Protecting The World You Live In

By: Zahra Asghar





TOP 5!

You would have to walk for seven

hours straight to burn off the calories from a Coke, Big Mac and Small Fries


Your dog’s food is healthier than

McDonald’s food is...gross!


French fries at McDonald’s are not made of real

potatoes... they use potato sauce and other foods.


All of the Burgers and Chicken are not made from

one animal. They are made from leftover bits of hundreds of animals.


McDonald’s food gives you 5 hours of endothelial

disfunction after you eat it.


ou probably love eating Big Macs...

don't you? Well we are going to tell you what is in the secret sauce of the BIG MAC:

Y Distilled vinegar, water, egg

yolks, high fructose corn syrup,

onion powder, mustard seed,

salt, spices, propylene glycol

alginate, sodium benzoate

(preservative), mustard bran,

sugar, garlic powder, vegetable

protein (hydrolyzed corn, soy

and wheat), caramel color,

extractives of paprika, soy

lecithin, turmeric (color),

calcium disodium EDTA

(protect flavor).



By: Reagan and Rana :D

If you are interested In this article a recommendation to watch is the movie “Fast Food Nation”

Subway in SchoolIs it actually good for you?By Daniel Householder and Georgia Saad

Subway claims to be a healthy choice when it comes to sandwiches. They serve many varieties of things from vegetables to meat. The thing we don’t know is how healthy it really is. Are the vegetables and animals raised appropriately to give us the right nutritions? Now that it has opened in ASD some people eat it everyday. Some limit it down to once a week. Having fast-food accessible everyday is not good. Some would say, “So what, we are still having vegetables.” This doesn’t change anything. The meat was probably grown unnaturally. Adding vegetables doesn’t change much.

SUBWAY AT ASDWhat is Subway?

Subway is a sandwich fastfood restaurant that was first created in boston. It is supposed to serve you a healthy variety of foods. You can choose between vegetables, chicken, meat, and a series of sauces to put in your sandwich.



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People who agree with subway in school

People who disagree with subway in school

22 2


Y O U W I L L M A K E A D I F F E R E N C E !

e v e r y p e r s o n c o u n t s !

OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT IS...the amount of carbon we emit individually in a year. We can help prevent Global warming and the resulting changes in our climate! HELP SAVE OUR PLANET!!!

i know i t looks long and bor ing . . . but ser iously. . .


know it seems like the usual stuff that all of your teachers tell you, but I

actually promise that you can help save the planet! It probably doesn't seem real, and you think your just one person but if everyone thinks that then no one will try. We all have to try! That’s what matters, because if everyone tries then we will have a chance of saving the world.

Try as much as possible to work and help as an individual. You are the only person that counts! Imagine that it is like a game, you have to work and try your best to win but in this case, you are actually trying to save the world... and you only have one life but, anyways, just think of it

as a deed.. something that you were always meant to do. Keep trying to push yourself even if means time. You can probably spare a couple steps to turn off your electricity or pick up cans or paper to take it to your recycle bin.


By: Sofia Rutherford


Recycle items that can still be used (PAPER, CANS, GLASS, ELECTRONICS AND CLOTHING!...etc). Try to not waste as much as possible!


If your gone for 15 minutes or more, turn off your lights but if not leave them on. Turn off electric powers when you really don't need them on.


Carpool! use a friend to take you to the same place. Stop polluting the world with harmful chemicals! Reduce cars!


YES, laptops are better and more environmentally friendly to the earth than computers are, but we use way too much energy! Change unnecessary settings. It may be cool to have them but your wasting as much energy as having a laptop just by using a screensaver!


Instead of buying unhealthy tea products for your every morning starter use your own homemade personal organic herbs that you plant right in your backyard. Produce your own products to make your lifestyle of eating habits healthier for you and your family. START AN ORGANIC GARDEN 4 U!



















By: Morgan and Yasmin

Sugar may be every kids best friend, but is it really? Like most doctors say, it is not good to have too much sugar. But having none is not good for you either, so you have to have a balanced intake. Once sugar goes into your mouth, it travels down your throat and into your stomach. There it is turned from sugar into glucose. Then it is carried to your bloodstream and from there sugar starts to move its way through your body and eventually comes to your brain. Your brain only makes up 2% of the body weight, but it uses up 1/2 of all the sugar

energy in your body. Sugar also gives you energy so its good to have once in a while. Adults will tell you that its not good to have sugar, but do you really know why? Some people report getting short term memory loss from eating too much sugar, and it also makes you hyperactive and might negatively affect your mood. Eating too much sugar results in diabetes and high blood sugar levels.

So basically, its fine too have sugar, just not too much.

Eating 5-9 pieces of fruit a day will help you think faster and recall information more quickly.

Eat raw carrots at least once a week to stimulate your memory.

Choose low Calorie bars

Ways to keep your sugar intake balanced:

-Minimize your intake of sugar and sugar based products.

-Eat healthy carbs with protein in them.

-Get regular aerobic exercise.

-Convert to diet sodas.

-Don’t skip meals, because it makes you crave sugar more than before.


community garden attracts insects and wildlife. It also purifies the air, and offers

opportunities for recycling and nature projects.

A garden, such as the one at ASD, helps you grow your own food which saves food miles. By growing your own food, you would be reducing the amount of fossil fuels being used because rather than driving to the market, you’d be growing it in your own backyard. Also, rather than using artificial fertilizer, you could use compost.

COMMUNITY GARDENAmerican School of Dubai


Community Garden: A plot of land that is gardened by a group of people to produce fruits, vegetables, and/ or flowers.

Use a low-flow shower head

Not only do you save water with this, but you save money too. About 73% of the water you use in your shower is hot water. By using low-flow shoer heads you can save up to 50% of the costs!

Plant tress in your garden

Trees trap CO2 1, which minimizes the effects of global warming. They also have many beneficial effects such as cooling your home, reducing the energy used for cooling, improving mental health, etc...

Turn off your lights or electronics when your not using them

Many electrical appliances continue to use small amounts of energy when turned off. This energy adds up over time.

Rethink transportation

You can try car pooling to work or school with a friend. Maybe even

walk or bike to a near by store rather than going by car. You can even take a metro or bus in your city to help reduces the amounts of fuel going in the air. There are many ways to travel places without using gas.

Get involved locally

There are many places/ways to get involved with ways you can help the environment, whether it’s at school, home, or your neighborhood. Check out the community garden in ASD!

How does a garden help the environment?









Ways to Help The


ASD does a great job in setting an example of the benefits of a organic garden, which include:

Meeting new people, taking advantage of space that may have not been used in the past, it helps us learn about the environment and encourage us to make a difference in the food production, benefit us in which we get healthier, fresher food, and recycle huge volumes of tree trimming, leaves, grass clipping, and other organic wastes back into the soil.

Take the opportunity to check out our own community garden located outside the Elementary building, it’s truly amazing!

After learning about such pressing matters, it is

perplexing to think that

some choose unhealthy foods and brands for

consumption. However, these

decisions are often made without the right

knowledge. Examples of the misinformed are far from

few, contrasting to the informed that watched the

extremely enlightening movie, Food Inc.

What can you do?

There are several family farmers that don’t use artificial hormones on the animals.Choose hormone free beef and rBGH free dairy products at the supermarket. Food that had a “USDA certified organic label. Go online and look for grocery stores and brands that have rBGH free project and learn more about what you can do.






Do you know what’s

in your food?

Hormones in Beef is a Risk to Human Health The addition of synthetic hormones is harmful to both the consumer, and in this case, the cow. Beef is a common target of hormone manipulation to reduce the time period from ‘farm’ to food. There are six main hormones produced in beef today. Three of which naturally occur, Oestradiol, Progesterone and Testosterone. Zeranol, Trenbolone, and Melengestrol are all synthetic. Usually these unnatural hormones are used to enhance the growth of the cow. These hormones are passed on to those who eat beef. If you consume beef hormones you have a higher chance of developing prostate, breast, or colon cancer. Hormones not only affect the human body they also affect environment. When cows produce manure containing hormones (artificial hormones) it can contaminate the ground surface and ground water.

Today, diabetes has become an epidemic. The cause, simply put, is the deception the food industry

provides us with. More people buy the cheap food, and the cheap food is most often junk. The

question is, what is junk, and how do you differentiate between cheap ‘bad’ food and cheap ‘good’


Organic Food Brands

By no means, does this article suggest that you, the

reader, should become vegetarian. In fact, we have

come up with a complied list of brands that are

recommended for both non-vegetarians and vegetarians

who seek the quality of food they deserve. These brands

treat their produce with care, and naturally cultivate

crops, excluding the practice of genetically modifying

their plants and animals. Earthbound Farm Organic,

Annie’s Organic Homegrown, Eden Organic, Horizon

Organic, Newman’s Organic, Earth’s Best Organic,

Whole Foods Organic,USDA Organic, Thousand Hills

Cattle Company, and Alderspring Ranch Grass Fed Beef

are all healthy brands of food.

Written by

Oona Singh


Georgia Tice

Barsha Buzz Volume 6 March 2011

What is really in all the meat that you eat everyday?

“The measure of a society can be how well its people treat its animals.” -Mohandas Gandhi

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO), have drastically changed how food is produced in America. Some people say they are Cow Concentration Camps, Artificial Milk Machines, Poultry Prisons, Egg Laying Slaves, Ethical Collapse, Disassembly Lines, Lakes of Waste, Confined Swine, Industrial Blood Bath, and Ecological Sacrifice Zones ( CAFO).

The present system of producing food animals in the United States is not sustainable and presents a HUGE level of risk to public health and damage to the environment, as well as unnecessary harm to the animals we raise as food.

In the United States and other parts of the world, livestock production is becoming increasingly dominated by concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs.) In a CAFO, animals are crammed by the thousands and often unable to breathe fresh air, see the light of day, walk outside, peck at plants or insects, scratch the earth, or eat a blade of grass.

Over 50 billion food animals are raised and slaughtered every year. Grazing and growing feed for livestock now occupy 70 percent of all

agricultural land and 30 percent of the ice-free landscape surface of this planet. If present trends continue, meat production is predicted to double between the turn of the 21st century and 2050. Yet already, the Earth is being overwhelmed by food animals that consume massive quantities of energy and resources, whose wastes contaminate waterways and farmlands, and when eaten way to much, like it already is, the meat is a degrade to our health.


The European Union currently leads the world in CAFO production. The FAWC adopted the principles from the earlier 1965 Brambell Committee Report known as “The Five Freedoms.” These essential principles have become the guidelines and codes of practice for various animal rights, animal welfare, and humane organizations around the world. The Five Freedoms include:

1. Freedom from Hunger and Thirst—by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor.

2. Freedom from Discomfort—by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.

3. Freedom from Pain, Injury, or Disease—by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.

4. Freedom to Express Normal Behavior—by providing sufficient space, proper facilities, and company of the animals’ own kind.

5. Freedom from Fear and Distress—by ensuring conditions and treatment that avoid mental suffering.

The European Union has agreed to try out new, more humane confinement techniques: Like battery

cages for laying hens, and gestation crates for pregnant sows—by 2012. Some countries within the European Union are also adopting measures to make slaughtering more humane. Moving away from electrical stunning and toward gas-based stunning on chicken disassembly lines is one example. In 1999 Denmark, a leading hog producing nation, placed strict rules on antibiotic medicines in the swine industry. People also are complaining that they should know exactly what is in the meat they are buying. Slaughterhouses and feeding operations, for example, could be required to install video monitoring systems or agree to unannounced inspections, as is now done by only a small number of operations. CAFO operators could be required to accurately report their usage of antibiotics rather than being able to purchase them by the sack-load and distribute them without a veterinary consult. The organizations could be urged to keep detailed records of where they are distributing the manure of the animals. And yet it is not impossible to imagine a far different food and farming system than the one we have today, beginning with a long-term commitment to pasture-based farming. Many people have been arguing for some time for the biggest transformation in U.S. agriculture,

away from soil-eroding feed grains toward deep-rooted green pastures; converting large-areas of the High Plains back to grass and grazing operations; getting rid of the corn and soybean dominated Midwest. In fact, thousands of family farmers are managing appropriately-scaled, grass-fed meat, dairy and egg farms without raising animals in CAFO conditions. These pasture-based grazing systems can be extremely resource efficient, and often have the advantage of not needing heating, and cooling systems, housing construction, imported industrial feeds, and mechanized manure management systems. Reform of USDA Farm Bill programs, which pump billions of dollars and largely establish the rules of modern agriculture, are seen as an essential way to fund the transformation to a pasture-based livestock economy through green payments. In 2008, Wes Jackson, director of the Land Institute in Salina, Kansas, and author Wendell Berry, called for the launch of a “50-Year Farm Bill” campaign. Jackson, Berry, and a herd of followers envision a succession of five-year plans, the average length of a Farm Bill, to move the country away from highly erosive feed grain agriculture and toward healthier pasture-based animal systems over the next 50 years.

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How It Should Be

Know your Food Nowhere in any other human industry does one find the inexcusable environmental impacts found in animal food production. Yet this is just one component of what could be called the “Mother of all crises”: The Extinction Crisis. As you eat each meal, try to understand and visualize how your food is produced and how it contributes to the present state of the world. 1. Land use: What types of habitats were originally changed to produce the food you are eating?2. Beauty: How has natural beauty been compromised as a result of your food choices?3. Chemically saturated feed: Have fields been drenched with fertilizers and pesticides to produce feed

for your meat, milk, or eggs?4. Massive collectors of feed for animals: Did the feed for your animal products come from corn, soy,

and hay collectors or from managed pastures?5. Heavy carbon footprint: How much oil goes into feeding, transporting, and processing the food you

are eating?6. Social costs: What happens to our culture as farms become factories and farmers become contractors

or disappear altogether because we want abundant cheap food?7. Health costs: What are the medical and economic impacts of a diet heavy in animal fats?8. Animal welfare: What does it mean if we support corporations that treat animals like inanimate

production units?9. True costs: Can you make food choices that are healthier for people, the land, and our future?Environmentalism begins at the breakfast table.

Other things you can do is review the healthy table, policy, and labels on this site: By, Marina Gissel

What You Can Do

Hungry for change? By Jacob Kazmi

Food inc. Movie Reviewood inc. is a movie created by Robert Kenner. The movie analyzes the food

industry in America. Many issues are brought up that criticize what we eat. While questioning the industry, moviemakers go undercover into factories and slaughterhouses. Shocking facts are woven through the movie artistically protesting the food industries corporation. Genetically modified foods have filled the supermarket replacing fresh foods. The idea of making food bigger by altering its genes is good but the effects can be deadly. Break outs of harmful diseases have been the result of cloning and modifying. Food inc. was made possible by many people who spoke in the movie about their experiences in the field of food.

Featured in the FilmMichael Pollan " is a food expert who is the author of five books including The Omnivores Dilemma. He is known world wide for his work in refining the food industry.

Barbara Kowalcyk# is a food safety advocate fighting to give power to the USDA to shut down plants. She started working in the food field ever since she lost her son to E. coli from American factory beef.

Joel Salatin# is a farmer who retains the true meaning of farming. At his small farm, ‘Polyface’ in Virginia his livestock are free roaming and eat only fresh grass. He cannot produce as much meat as the factories but it is much better quality.


“You’ll never look at dinner the same way”

This picture shows the difference between the normally grown chicken (right) in 1950 which would take 68 days to grow. Then on the left is a genetically modified chicken in 2008. You can see it only takes 47 days to grow. This is the reason that big food companies use genetically modified foods. When the chickens are modified they grow faster than their organs causing them to not be able to move and exercise.

About the Issues:Food Inc.

Factory Farming:

About 10 billion animals are born then killed in the US. The majority of them are born In factory farms with terrible conditions. These farms aren't only bad for the animals, but also for the workers and nearby towns.

Diabetes and Obesity:

Did you know that one-third of children are overweight because of the stuff companies put in their products?

Many people think that soda and junk food are ok for their children, but

it is really bad for them.

Putting Nutritional labels on Restaurant Food:

No one knows whats in they're food at restaurants because some menus don't tell the truth about whats in the food. Some restaurants show how some meals are healthier that others and even how many calories the dish concludes.


Did you know that in January of 2008, the FDA allowed markets to sell meat and milk that came from cloned livestock?

“We put faith in our government to protect us, and they are not protecting us at even the most basic level.”

Barbara KowalcykWhose son died from E.coli poisoning

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that because of food borne illnesses:

76 million people are sickened325,000 people are sent to the hospital

5,000 people die

In the movie food inc. Barbara Kowalcyk talked about her experience with food borne illnesses. Her two year old son, Kevin, died

from E. Coli. Ever since she has been active in giving rights to the USDA to shut down food companies.

People Affected


Factory Farming in Action

Food borne Illness

By: Max Rodencal


Robert Kenner,


Eric Schlosser, Co-


By Nicholas Khayat

food inc.Taking Action

factAbout 10 billion animals

(chickens, cattle, hogs,

ducks, turkeys, lambs and

sheep) are raised and killed in

the US annually. Nearly all of

them are raised on factory


1. Limited the amount of soft drinks and sweets you buy.

2. Eat at home instead of eating out.

3. Bring food labels to the 21st century

4. Tell schools to stop selling junk food and soft drinks

Have you ever thought about what is in your food or where it comes from? Did you know are nations food is controlled by a bunch of corporations that care more about profit than our health? Now a days we have perfect chicken, pork, soybeans and even tomatoes that are food that we eat though they carry many types of dangerous bacteria that can make many people ill and kill them. Most of the animals we eat such as cows, pigs, and chicken are grown and raised on factory farms under terrible conditions.

Where Does Our Food Come From?

Junk foods, fries, and other types of sweets and unhealthy foods are still in schools. These junk foods in schools are making kids obese and giving them diabetes. Things you can do to help is to ask your school board to give more nutritious foods. Also, try to eat less junk food

8 ways to get involved 5. Go without meat at least once or twice a week

6.Buy more organic foods

7. Protect family farms by visiting farmers’ markets.

8. Read food labels to see where your food comes from

Obesity and Diabetes in School

LibyaLibya has had, in most people’s opinion, the worst consequences of the uprisings. Their former leader, Moammer Gadhafi, has been known to be especially violent.


The UAE The UAE is one of the most steady countries, along with Qatar and Oman, in the Middle East.

During the past few months the UAE has been going through some rough times, but there are some facts that will astound you. Did you know that Mubarak and

Gaddafi kept at least 50 billion dollars for themselves, and did you know that Nostradamus predicted that World War III would start in the Middle East?

Libyans have taken to the streets and buried their dead, accusing government forces of perpetrating massacres in Benghazi and other towns said to have been taken over by anti-regime protesters. Opposition sources claimed that at least 61 protesters had been killed in three days of unprecedented unrest largely in Libya’s impoverished eastern region, though it was not possible to confirm that figure. Human Rights Watch reported that 24 people had been killed by thursday. Diplomats reported the use of heavy weapons in Benghazi, Libya's second city, and "a rapidly deteriorating situation" in the latest Arab

country to be hit by serious unrest. Bahrain is a small desert kingdom in the Persian Gulf, a nation of about 1 million. In February 2011, it became swept

up in the unrest sweeping through the Arab world, as long simmering tensions within the country boiled over, producing large demonstrations and a violent crackdown. For the Obama

Administration, Bahrain is the Egypt scenario in miniature, a struggle to avert broader instability and protect its interests while voicing support for the democratic aspiration of the protesters. It is one of the most politically volatile countries in the gulf, and one of the most strategically important for the United States, which bases its Fifth Fleet in the country.

z E g y p t zEgypt was the beginning. Egypt was the one that started the revolts. Most of the countries had been on the verge of a revolt, but Egypt has had the worst turmoil within the government, so they took action. AFTER EGYPT…

A N D T H E P R O B L E M S T H E Y ’ R E H A V I N G


2 0 1 1 B A R S H A B U Z Z


Bigfoot NingenMystery

you never know what is

inside the sea....

Bigfoot was called by many different names prior to 1958 because it was storied to only be seen by indigenous tribes. After 1958 the first scientist claimed to have the first picture of Bigfoot. He wrote many articles about the animal which made it very popular in Canada and America. In 1958, a construction worker found Bigfoot prints and called his friend to plaster them. That is how the name Bigfoot was made. The highest concentration  of Bigfoot sightings is in the west of the U.S. Scientists believe Bigfoot could have come from an ancient animal found in China that migrated to the west.

Alex Lewis

Reportedly observed on multiple occasions by crew members of government operated "whale research" ships, these so-called "Ningen" ("humans") are said to be completely white in color with an estimated length of 20 to 30 meters. Eyewitnesses describe them as having a human-like shape, often with legs, arms, and even five-fingered hands. Sometimes they are described as having fins or a large mermaid-like tail instead of legs. The only visible facial features are the eyes and mouth. According to one account, crew members on deck observed what they initially thought was a foreign submarine in the distance. When they approached, however, it became clear from the irregular shape of the thing that it was not man-made -- it was alive. The creature quickly disappeared under water. Joey Shim


5 m

ost u





ns1. Phonefingers

3. Dryear Ear Dryer

2. Motorized Ice Cream

Designed for keeping your iPod or iPhone smudge-free, these finger gloves are for people who can’t be bothered with wiping their screen.

Made for the truly lazy, this invention is for people who are unable to twist their wrists to catch falling drops of ice cream. Just put it in the dishwasher when you’re done, don’t waste your energy washing it up.

Oh no! You come out of the shower, and you realize that your ears are wet! Don’t stress, just whip out your handy Dryear Ear Dryer, stick it in, and let it work its magic.

4. Doggles Designed for dogs who love the outdoors, these anti-fog glasses are the new trend in canine-wear. 100 percent UV protection is guaranteed.

5. Shape-Up Dumbbell Alarm Clock This combines two of life's least pleasant experiences - an early morning alarm and exercise. It's an alarm clock inside a 10kg dumbbell - and you can turn it off only with 30 upward swings. Get your exercise out of the way before breakfast or just scream and hide under the covers!

By Rana Khalilelahi

and Reagan Johnson
