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What is Ayurveda?Ayurveda literally means “Divine Science of Life.”

It is the oldest continuously practiced system of healthcare on the planet.

According to Ayurveda, the health of the body is dependent upon the activity of three psycho- physiological principles or Doshas called Vata Pitta and Kapha.

Each of us are born with a certain combination and proportion of these doshas. [email protected]

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Sewanti Ayurvedic Series® Sewanti Ayurvedic Series® is a line of

Ayurvedic products developed by Padmashri Naturals Inc. to address some of the health issues of the present time.

Sewanti Ayurvedic Series® products are manufactured in a GMP facility in Richmond B.C. compliant to regulations by Health Canada and FDA.

Padmashri Naturals Inc. is a pioneer in offering classical Ayurvedic multi ingredient formulations with Natural Health Product Numbers. [email protected]

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Sewanti Product Line

NPN #80019212 NPN #80023212 NPN #80020449

NPN #80023888 NPN #80019321 [email protected]

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User Friendly Formulations

No Ayurvedic Dosha analysis or theoretical knowledge is need to use Sewanti products.

Based on imbalances and disorders.

Synergic herbal formulations to counter side effects of individual herbs.

Clinical trials including double blind placebo controlled studies done in Ayurvedic hospitals in India.

Testimonials from healthcare practitioners and general public. [email protected]

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Sewanti Diarid® Diarid (5:1 extract) is potent traditional formula of 8

herbs, to help maintain glycemic control, as well as protect against the oxidative effects of poorly controlled diabetes.

Diarid acts by:1. Balance blood sugar and insulin in Type I and Type II


2. Reduce risks of oxidative effects of poorly controlled diabetes

3. Promote efficient insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells

4. Reduce peripheral insulin resistance Dosage: Adult dose 2 capsules, 400mg each, 3

times/day before meals [email protected]

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Diarid - 5:1 Herbal Extract

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is traditionally is used in the treatment obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica) is a rasayana, used to reduce the inflammation that occurs with diabetes.

Symplocos (Symplocos racemosa) is traditionally used to treat diabetic eye disease, edema, diarrhea, fever and hemorrhage. [email protected]

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Diarid - 5:1 Herbal Extract Saptachakra (Salacia reticulata) has a long history of

use in the treatment of diabetes.

Flame of the woods (Ixora coccinea) is traditionally used to treat skin disorders that can occur as a complication of diabetes.

Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) is traditionally used to reduce inflammation that occurs as the result of poorly controlled diabetes, as well as digestive disorders

Indian Kino tree (Pterocarpus marsupium ) helps to protect and rejuvenate pancreatic beta cells. [email protected]

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Sewanti Diarid®

Sewanti research team conducted a clinical trial with 236 patients in a outpatient facility of Ayurvedic hospital to study the anti-hyperglycaemic action of Diarid Capsule.

There was significant reduction in fasting blood sugar (FBS) and Post prandial blood sugar (PPBS) in group who took 2000 mg of Diarid capsules.

Combined with dietary and lifestyle interventions, including the elimination of refined carbohydrates and regular exercise.

Summary of health benefits: [email protected]

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Sewanti Holy Basil Plus® Holy Basil Plus (22:1 extract) in synergic action with

traditional herbs like Ashwagandha and Curcumin Promotes immunity and supports stamina and boosts

energy. Helps maintain mental balance and clarity. Removes congestions like sinus or respiratory and

clears accumulated toxins. Provides potent anti-radiation protection against

exposure to TV and computers. Reduces nasal inflammation and bronchitis. Dosage: Adult dose 2 capsules, 500mg each, 2

times/day before meals [email protected]

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What is Holy Basil? Holy Basil, a proven medicinal plant that helps to

cleanse the body of toxins, and strengthen the mind

Holy Basil is also a spiritual remedy, used for psychic protection and to maintain mental balance with a long history of use.

In animal studies a potent anti radiation effect of Holy Basil has been shown with a very significant reduction of radiation – induced damage and mortality. This finding is relevant to persons exposed to excess radiation, high altitude solar radiation and chronically exposed to TV and computer screens. [email protected]

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Holy Basil Plus - 22:1 Herbal Extract

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a popular Indian herb used to reduce pain, boost energy, and enhance fertility.

Indian Beech (Pongamia pinnata) is used to treat disorders of the female reproductive tract, skin, blood, gums and teeth and digestion.

Rose Leadwart (Plumbago indica) is used in the treatment of abdominal disorders, hemorrhoid and skin diseases. [email protected]

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Holy Basil Plus - 22:1 Herbal Extract

The final ingredient in Holy Basil Plus is Turmeric (Curcuma longa), a commonly used culinary spice. Turmeric is traditionally used in the treatment of digestive disorders, liver/gall bladder disorders, edema, inflammatory joint disease, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

In the study conducted by Sewanti team Holy basil plus herbal powder exhibited significant antioxidant activity showing increased levels of glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GRD), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) and decreased level of lipid peroxidation (LPO). [email protected]

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Sewanti Joint Flex® (formerly Rheumat) Joint Flex is a traditional remedy to treat the root

cause of all inflammatory joint diseases. It contains a high potent arsenal of some of the most effective anti-arthritic herbs used in Ayurveda.

Joint Flex acts by:1. Enhances digestion and supports joint mobility

2. Plant derived source of chondro protector

3. Relieves joint pain, swelling and burning sensation

4. Promotes the elimination of toxins from the joint (ama)

Dosage: Adult dose 2 capsules, 250mg each, 2 times/day after breakfast and dinner. [email protected]

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Sewanti Joint Flex® (formerly Rheumat) Herbs

The primary herb in Joint flex is Guggulu (Commiphora mukul . Ayurvedic medicine considers Guggulu to be a rasayana (rejuvenative)

Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) is similar to Guggulu, used in Ayurveda to treat arthritis and diseases of the liver.

Cardamom Ginger (Alpinia calcarata) demonstrates anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Castor root oil (Ricinus communis root) supports gastrointestinal function and has laxative effects. [email protected]

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Sewanti Joint Flex® (formerly Rheumat) Herbs

Ashoka bark (Saraca indica) has a sedative property and reduces the burning sensation.

Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) relieves indigestion and flatulence.

Red Silk tree resin (Bombax malabarica) demonstrates hypotensive and anti diarrheal properties.

Coomb Teak root (Gmelina arborea) is a tonic, laxative and used in management of neurological disorders. [email protected]

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Sewanti Stressnil® Stressnil (35:1 extract) is a highly effective

traditional Ayurvedic formula to alleviate anxiety, psychosis, depression and insomnia.

Stressnil formula contains a potent 35:1 extract of 6 mental rejuvenation herbs.

Improves brain nervous system and circulatory system

Promote a restful sleep Improves memory and rejuvenates the mind and

senses. Dosage: Adult dose 1-2 capsules, 500mg each, 2

times/day before breakfast and before bed time. [email protected]

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Stressnil 35:1 Herbal Extract

Clitoria (Clitoria ternatea) is traditionally used in the treatment of psychosis, depression, eye diseases.

Mooncreeper (Sarcostemma brevistigma) is traditionally used to balance the brain and nervous system.

Brahmi herb (Bacopa monnieria) is a nervine tonic tradionally used to promote cognitive function in children. [email protected]

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Stressnil - 35:1 Herbal Extract

Nardus root (Nardostachys jatamansi) is traditionally used in the treatment of poor memory, anxiety, depression, metal stress, insomnia, chronic pain, cough, asthma, epilepsy, weakness, and infertility.

Amalaki fruit (Phyllanthus emblica) is a traditionall used in the treatment of a wide range of disorders, including mental disorders, fatigue and diseases of the eye. [email protected]

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Sewanti Stressnil®Summary of health benefits: Sewanti Stressnil® is potent and highly effective

traditional formula to help relieve mental stress, treat depression and promote a sound, satisfying sleep.

The formula contains 35:1 extract of 6 herbs along with the powder of the herbs to facilitate the encapsulation process.

It has been formulated with important medicinal plants that have been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years to correct dysfunctions within the mind. [email protected]

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Sewanti Triphala Plus® Triphala Plus 11:1 extract Gentle detox to normalize functions of liver and gall

bladder Cleanse the body of waste and enhances elimination and

non-habit forming Corrects constipation and supports health digestion Strengthen eyes and dispels fatigue boosts energy Phyllanthus Niruri removes the calcification in bile duct Licorice reduces inflammation and soothes irritated

tissues and harmonizes the actions of other ingredients in a formula.

Dosage and Duration: For constipation, improving digestion and seasonal detoxification - 2 Capsules twice daily for 3 months. [email protected]

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What is Triphala? Triphala literary means 3 fruits but this special

formulation has 2 added ingredients tailor made for western physiology

Each of the three herbs in Triphala Plus act on a specific dosha, or one the three ‘humours’ of the body, helping to restore their proper function.

These three doshas, called vata, pitta and kapha are responsible for all the physiological activities of the body.

Amalaki is specific to pitta (bile). Bibhitaki is specific to kapha (phlegm). Haritaki is specific to vata (wind). [email protected]

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What is Triphala? As well as being a rejuvenative (rasayana),

Ayurvedic medicine considers Triphala ‘mala shodhana’, meaning that it 'purifies' the body of wastes and toxins (mala).

Triphala also enhances digestion (agni), sharpens the senses and strengthens the eyes .

A common use for Triphala is for constipation, gently helping to restore the proper tone and function of the large intestine. [email protected]

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Triphala Plus – 11:1 Herbal Extract Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica) has many uses, and in

particular is used for symptoms of heat and inflammation and to enhance bio -availibility. Amalaki normalizes digestion, supports the liver and has demonstrated significant liver-restorative and cholesterol-lowering effects in research trials.

Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) is tradionally used in diseases of the eye. Modern clinical research has validated the benefit of Bibhitaki in respiratory conditions including asthma, documenting its antispasmodic, anti-cough and expectorant properties.

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) helps to improve digestion, promoting the absorption of nutrients, and regulates colon function. [email protected]

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Triphala – 11:1 Herbal Extract

Although Triphala has a long history of use in India, it is a relatively new product in the West. To ensure the best effect, Sewanti’s team of Ayurvedic physicians have formulated Triphala with other herbs, to better tailor it to the Western physiology, including disorders of the liver and gall bladder.

Stone breaker (Phyllanthus niruri) is traditionally used in the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice and gall bladder stones

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra is used to reduce inflammation, soothe irritated tissues and harmonize the actions of the ingredients in a formula. [email protected]

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Sewanti Triphala Plus®Summary of health benefits:

Cleanses the body of wastes and toxins, enhances elimination.

Strengthens the eyes. Normalizes blood lipids, prevents oxidative

damage, and reduces inflammation. Corrects constipation. Normalizes liver and gall bladder function,

protects the liver and pancreas. Boosts energy, dispels fatigue. [email protected]

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For further information contact:Neelam Toprani, CEO & PresidentPadmashri Naturals Inc.6417 Fraser St., Unit 60022Vancouver, BC V5W 3V0

Tel: (604) 628-2003 email: [email protected] [email protected]

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Join Sewanti Ayurvedic Series in wellness

ॐ सर्वे� भर्वेन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे� शन्तु निनरामयाः । सर्वे� भद्राणि� पश्यन्तु

मा कणि�द्दःुभाग्भर्वेेत् । ॐ शान्तिन्तः शान्तिन्तः शान्तिन्तः ॥

Meaning:Om, May All become Happy,May All become free from Illness.May All see what is Auspicious,Let no one Suffer.Om Peace, Peace, Peace.Ayurvedic Prayer [email protected]