
Appendix Biographical Notes

THESE notes, compiled from the Dictionary of National Biography, are intended to identify some of the more important but less well-known participants in the narrative. They do not contain full biographical details. Faulty entries in the D.N.B. have been corrected wherever possible.

ADDERLEY, Charles Bowyer (1814-1905), 1st Baron Norton; helped found settlement of Canterbury in New Zealand; Cons. M.P., 1841-78; Under­Sec. for Cols., 1866-8; Pres. of Board of Trade, 1874-8.

ARTHUR, Revd William (1819-1901), Wesleyan divine; missionary in India, 1839-41; sec., W.M.S., 1851-68; pres., Methodist College, Belfast, 1868-71; hon. sec., W.M.S., 1888-91.

AsHLEY, Anthony Evelyn Melbourne (1836-1907), son of 7th Earl of Shaftesbury; Lib. M.P., 1874-85; Under-Sec. for Board of Trade, 1880-2, and C.O., 1882-5.

ATKINSON, Major Sir Harry Albert (1831-92), Minister for Colonial Defence, N.Z., 1864-5; best known as a company commander in the Taranaki Volunteer Rifles when he invented the 'search and destroy' tactics against guerrillas; N.Z. Premier, 1876-7, 1883-4, 1887-91.

BAILLIE-COCHRANE, Alexander Dundas Ross Wishart (1816-90), 1st Baron Lamington; Cons. M.P., 1841-52, 1858, 1859-68, 1870-80.

BAZLEY, Sir Thomas (1797-1885), cotton spinner and merchant; Lib. M.P., 1858-80; pres., Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 1845-59.

BIRCH, Arthur N. (1837-1914), C.O. official, Colonial Sec., British Columbia, and administered colony, 1865-6; Acting Lieut.-Gov. of Penang, 1871.

BLAINE, Henry, former member of Cape Parliament. BowEN, Sir George Ferguson (1821-99), colonial governor; Gov. of Queens­

land, 1859-68; New Zealand, 1868-73; Victoria, 1873-9; Mauritius, 1879-83; Hong Kong, 1883-6.

BoYCE, Revd William Binnington (1803-89), former pres., Australian Methodist Conference; sec., W.M.S., 1858-76.

BucKINGHAM AND CHANDOS, Richard Plantagenet Campbell Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville, 3rd Duke of (1823-89), Cons. M.P., 1846-57; Sec. of State for Cols., 1867-8; Gov. of Madras, 1875-8.

BuRY, William Coutts Keppel, Viscount (1832-94), 7th Earl of Albemarle; Civil Sec. and Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Canada, 1854-7; Lib. M.P., 1857-9, 1860--5, 1868-74; 1st pres., R.C.I., 1868-71; became Cons. and Roman Catholic; Under-Sec. at W.O., 1878-80, 1885-6.

BuxToN, Sir Thomas Fowell (1837-1915), Lib. M.P., 1865-8; Gov. of South Australia, 1895-8.

APPENDIX 257 CARNARVON, Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of (1831-90),

Under-Sec. for Cols., 1858-9; Sec. of State for Cols., 1866-7, 1874--8; Chairman of Commission on Imperial Defence, 1879-82.

CAvE, Stephen (1820-86), Cons. M.P., 1859-80; Paymaster-General, 1866-8; chairman, West India Committee, and director of Bank of England.

CHESSON, Frederick William (1833-88), journalist prominent in many philanthropic societies; wrote for Morning Star, Daily News, Adelaide Observer, South Australia Register and Evening Journal; edited for short while The Dial; assistant sec., A.P.S., 1854-66; sec., 1866-88; organised Manchester Peace Conference, 1853; founded London Emancipation Society, 1859; member of N.A.P.S.S.; Law Society; Jamaica, Gambia, Fiji, Afghan and Greek Committees; Anti-Opium Society; helped organise Eastern Question Conference and Association.

CHILDERs, Hugh Culling Eardley (1827-96), emigrated to Melbourne, 1850; prominent politician in Victoria to 1856; 1st Vice-Chancellor of University of Melbourne; Agent for Victoria in London, 1857; Lib. M.P., 1860-92; 1st Lord of the Admiralty, 1868-71; Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, 1872-3; Sec. of State for War, 1880-2; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1882-5; Home Sec., 1886.

CHURCHILL, Lord Alfred (1824-93), Cons. M.P., 1845-7; supporter of Palmerston, 1857-65; chairman, African Aid Society.

CLIFFORD, Sir Charles, member of House of Representatives, N.Z., 1853-60; Speaker, House of Representatives, 1854-60.

CoRRY, Montagu William Lowry (1838-1903), 1st Baron Rowton; private sec. to Disraeli, 1866-81; founder of poor man's hotel, 'Rowton Houses'.

DENISON, Sir William (1804-71), colonial governor; Tasmania, 1847-55; New South Wales, 1855-61; Madras, 1861-6.

DICEY, Edward James Stephen (1823-1911), author and journalist; leader writer for The Times, 1861; editor Daily News, 1870; editor The Observer, 1870-89.

DILKE, Sir Charles Wentworth (1843-1911), Lib. M.P., 1868-86, 1892-1911; Under-Sec. at F.O., 1880-2; Pres. of Local Government Board, 1882-5; ruined by divorce case, 1886.

EASTWICK, Edward Backhouse (1814-83), Prof. of Hindustani at Haileybury College, 1845; Assistant Political Sec., India Office, 1859; private sec. to Lord Cranbourne at India Office, 1866-7; Cons. M.P., 1868-74.

EDDY, Dr Charles W. (1821-74), Oxford M.B., 1849; held Ratcliffe Travel­ling Fellowship for 10 years during which time he lived in Europe, Australia and Canada; sec. to Danube & Black Sea Railway Co., 1862-74; hon. sec., R.C.I., 1871-4.

ERSKINE, Admrl John E. (1806-87), Lib. M.P., 1865-74; author of Journal of a Cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific; associated with W.M.S.

FoRSTER, William Edward (1818-86), Yorkshire woollen manufacturer; left Quakers in 1850; Lib. M.P., 1861-86; Under-Sec. for Cols., 1865-6; Vice-Pres. of Privy Council, 1870-4; Chief Sec. for Ireland, 1880-2; 1st chairman, Imperial Federation League, 1884.

FoRTESCUE, Chichester Samuel (1823-98), Lord Carlingford; Lib. M.P., 1847-74; Under-Sec. for Cols., 1857-8, 1859-65; Chief. Sec. for Ireland, 1865-6, 1868-71; Pres. of Board of Trade, 1871-4; Lord Privy Seal, 1881-3; Lord Pres. of the Council, 1883-5.

FowLER, Sir Robert Nicholas (1828-91), from Quaker banking family (became Anglican, 1858); Cons. M.P., 1868-74, 1880-91; chairman, Anti­Opium Society; twice Lord Mayor of London.


FRERE, Sir Henry Bartle Edward (1815-84), served in Indian Civil Service, 1834-61; Gov. of Bombay, 1862-7; member of Council of India, 1867; commissioner to Zanzibar to negotiate slave-trade treaty, 1872; Gov. of Cape Colony and High Commissioner for South Africa, 1877-80.

FROUDE, James Anthony (1818-94), historian; editor Fraser's Magazine, 1860-74; travelled in South Africa, 1874-5; Regius Prof. of Modern History at Oxford, 1892-4.

GoRsT, Sir John Eldon (1835-1916), emigrated to New Zealand, 1859; served as civil commissioner in Waikato, 1862, wrote classic account of the Maori king; Cons. M.P., 1866-8, 1875-1906; reorganised Conservative party machinery, 1868-74; helped found Fourth Party, 1880; Solicitor­General, 1885; Under-Sec. at India Office, 1886.

GoscHEN, George Joachim (1831-1907), 1st Viscount Goschen; Lib. M.P., 1863-85; Lib. Unionist M.P., 1886-1900; Pres. of Poor Law Board, 1868-71; 1st Lord of the Admiralty, 1871-4, 1895-1900; investigated financial position of Egypt, 1876; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1886-92.

GRANVILLE, Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl (1815-91), Colonial Sec., 1868-70, 1886; Foreign Sec., 1851-2, 1870-4, 1880-5.

GREY, Sir George (1812-98), colonial governor; explored north-western Australia, 1837; Resident Magistrate, Albany, Western Australia; Gov. of South Australia, 1841-5; New Zealand, 1845-53, 1861-8; Cape of Good Hope, 1854-61; Superintendent of Auckland, 1875; Member of House of Representatives, N.Z., 1875-9, 1880-95; Premier, 1877-9.

GREY, Sir Henry George, Viscount Howick, 3rd Earl (1802-94), Under-Sec. for Cols., 1830-3; Under-Sec. at Home Office, 1834-5; Sec.-at-War, 1835-9; Sec. of State for War and Cols. 1846-52.

HARCOURT, Sir William George Granville Venables Vernon (1827-1904), Whewell Prof. of International Law, 1869-87; Lib. M.P., 1868-1904; Solicitor-General, 1873-4; Home Sec., 1880-5; Chancellor of the Ex­chequer, 1886, 1892-5.

HAY, Rear-Admiral Sir John (1821-1908), Cons. M.P., 1862-5, 1866-85; a Lord of the Admiralty, 1866-8.

HERBERT, Sir Robert George Wyndham (1831-1905), Colonial Office official; private sec. to Gladstone, 1855; Colonial Sec., Queensland, 1859; member of Legislative Council and 1st Premier of Queensland, 1860-5; Assistant Under-Sec. at C.O., 1870; Permanent Under-Sec., 1871-92; Agent­General for Tasmania, 1893-6.

HICKS BEACH, Sir Michael Edward (1837-1916), 1st Earl of St Aldwyn; Cons. M.P., 1864-1906; Chief. Sec. for Ireland, 1874, 1886-7; Col. Sec., 1878-80; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1885, 1895-1902.

HUTTON, James F., Manchester merchant; pres., Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 1884-5; Cons. M.P., 1885-6; director of United Africa Co. and British East Mrica Co.

jENKINS, John Edward (1838-1910), lived in Canada many years, father a prominent Presbyterian minister in Montreal; barrister; General Resident Agent and Superintendent of Colonisation for Dominion of Canada m London, 1874-6; Radical M.P., 1874-80.

KIMBERLEY, John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of (1826-1902), Under-Sec. at Foreign Office, 1852-6, 1859-61; British Minister at St Petersburg, 1856-8; Lord Privy Seal, 1868-70; Sec. of State for Cols., 1870-4, 1880-2; Sec. of State for India, 1882-5, 1886, 1892--4; Foreign Sec., 1894-5.


KINNAIRD, Arthur Fitzgerald (1814-87), lOth Baron Kinnaird; private sec. to Earl of Durham, 1837; Lib. M.P., 1837-9, 1852-78; head of banking firm of Ransome, Bouverie & Co.

KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN, Edward Hugessen (1829-93), 1st Lord Brabourne; Lib. M.P., 1857-80; Under-Sec. at Home Office, 1860, 1866; Under-Sec. for Cols., 1871-4; became a Cons. in 1880.

LABILLIERE, Francis P. de, Victorian colonist; author; instrumental in founding the Imperial Federation League.

LAwsoN, Sir Wilfrid (1829-1906), Lib. M.P., 1859-65, 1868-1900, 1903-6; temperance leader.

LowE, Robert (1811-92), 1st Viscount Sherbrooke; emigrated to Sydney, 1842; member of Legislative Council of New South Wales, 1843-50; leader writer for The Times, 1850; Lib. M.P., 1852-80; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1868-73; Home Sec., 1873-4.

LYTTON, Edward Robert Bulwer, 1st Earl of (1831-91), poet and diplomat, son of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton; occupied several posts in British legations at Washington, Florence, The Hague, Vienna, Belgrade, Copenhagen, Athens, Lisbon and Paris; Gov.-General of India, 1876-80; Ambassador at Paris, 1887-91.

M'ARTHUR, Alexander (1814-1909), brother of William M'Arthur; emigrated to Australia, 1841, and began a firm in Sydney; prominent politician in New South Wales legislature; m. daughter of Revd W. B. Boyce, pres. of Australian Methodist Conference; returned to England, 1862-3; Lib. M.P., 1874-80.

M'ARTHUR, Sir William (1809-87), Irish woollen draper in Enniskillen, Londonderry and London; established houses with his brother at Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland; Lib. M.P., 1868-85; chairman, London Wesleyan Conference, 1870; Lord Mayor of London, 1880-1; one of founders of London Chamber of Commerce, 1881.

MACDONALD, Sir John Alexander (1815-91), Canadian politician; 1st Premier of Dominion of Canada, 1867-73; one of commissioners of Treaty of Washington, 1871; Premier and Minister of the Interior, 1878-91.

MACFIE, Robert Andrew (1811-93), sugar refiner, established Macfie & Sons, Liverpool, 1838; original director of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce; trustee of Liverpool Exchange; Lib. M.P., 1868-74.

MACLEAY, Sir George (1809-91), son of former Colonial Sec. of New South Wales, 1825-37, who founded Linnaean Society and gave Botany Bay its name; played important role in promoting foundation of South Australia when, in company with Charles Sturt, he discovered the Murray river; Speaker of Legislative Council of N.S.W., 1843-6.

MANCHESTER, William Drogo Montagu, 7th Duke of (1823-90), former cavalry officer; Cons. M.P., 1848-55; pres., R.C.I., 1871-8.

MEADE, Sir Robert Henry (1835-98), entered F.O., 1859; private sec. to Granville, 1864-6, 1868-70; Assistant Under-Sec. at C.O., 1871-92; Permanent Under-Sec., 1892-6.

MERIVALE, Herman (1806-74), Prof. of Political Economy at Oxford, 1837; Assistant Under-Sec. at C.O., 1847; Permanent Under-Sec. at C.O., 1848-59, and at India Office, 1859-74.

MoNSELL, William (1812-94), 1st Baron Emly; Lib. M.P., 1847-74; Under­Sec. for Cols., 1868-70; Postmaster-General, 1871-3.

MuNDELLA, Anthony John (1825-97), hosier manufacturer and director of Bank of New Zealand; Radical M.P., 1868-97; Pres. of Board of Trade, 1886, 1892-4.



NEWCASTLE, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, 5th Duke of (1811-64), Peelite M.P., 1832-51; Sec. of State for War and Cols., 1852-4; Sec. of State for War, 1854-5; Sec. of State for Cols., 1859-64.

NICHOLSON, Sir Charles (1808-1903), medical practitioner; spent years 1834-62 in New South Wales and Queensland; member of Legislative Council, N.S.W., 1843-59; Speaker, 1847-56; Pres. of Legislative Council, Queensland, 1860; principal founder, Vice-Chancellor and then Chan­cellor of University of Sydney, 1854-62.

NoRMANBY, George Augustus Constantine Phipps, 2nd Marquis of (1819-90), ex-army officer; Lib. M.P., 1847-58; Lieut.-Gov. of Nova Scotia, 1858-67; Gov. of Queensland, 1871-4; New Zealand, 1874-9; Victoria, 1879-84.

NoRTHBROOK, Thomas George Baring, 1st Earl of (1826-1904), Under-Sec. at India Office, 1859-61, 1861-4, at War Office, 1861, 1868, and at Home Office, 1864; Sec. to Admiralty, 1866; Gov.-General of India, 1872-6; 1st Lord of the Admiralty, 1880--5; special commissioner to Egypt, 1884.

NoRTHCOTE, Sir Stafford Henry (1818-87), 1st Earl of lddesleigh; Cons. M.P., 1855-85; Sec. of State for India, 1867; Gov. of Hudson's Bay Co., 1869-74; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1874-80; Foreign Sec., 1886.

PAKINGTON, Sir John Somerset (1799-1880), 1st Baron Hampton; Cons. M.P., 1837-74; Sec. of State for War and Cols., 1852; 1st Lord of the Admiralty, 1858, 1866; Sec. of State for War, 1867-8.

PoPE-HENNESSY, Sir John (1834-91), Cons. M.P., 1859-65, 1890--1; Gov. of Labuan, 1867-71; West African Settlements, 1872-3; Bahamas, 1873-4; Windward Islands, 1875-6; Hong Kong, 1877-82; Mauritius, 1883-9.

RICHARD, Henry (1812-88), Congregational pastor, Old Kent Road, London, 1835-50; sec., Peace Society, 1848; Lib. M.P., 1868-88; advocate of international arbitration.

RoBINSON, Sir Hercules George Robert (1824-97), 1st Baron Rosmead; Lieut.-Gov. of St Kitts, 1854-9; Gov. of Hong Kong, 1859-65; Ceylon, 1865-72; New South Wales, 1872-9; New Zealand, 1879-80; Cape of Good Hope and High Commissioner for South Africa, 1880--9, 1895-7.

RocHE, Alfred R. (1819-76), father editor of Morning Post; civil servant in Canada; campaigned for development of North Western Territories of Hudson's Bay Co. under pseudonym 'Assiniboia' in Montreal Gazette; hon. sec., R.C.I., 1868-71.

RoGERS, Sir Frederic (1811-89), 1st Baron Blachford; one of founders of the Guardian; leader writer for The Times; Registrar to Joint Stock Cos., 1844; Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioner, 1846; Permanent Under-Sec. at C.O., 1860--71.

RoGERS, James Edwin Thorold (1823-90), political economist; 1st Tooke Prof. of Statistics and Economic Science, King's College, London, 1859-90; Drummond Prof. of Political Economy, Oxford, 1862-7, 1888; M.P., 1880-6.

SEWELL, Henry (1807-79), sec. and deputy chairman of Canterbury Assoc. for Colonisation of New Zealand, 1850; member of House of Repre­sentatives, N.Z., 1853-6, 1860, 1865-6; of Legislative Council, 1861-5, 1870--3; 1st Premier of N.Z., 1856; Colonial Treasurer and Commissioner of Customs, 1856-9; Attorney-General, 1861-2; Minister of Justice, 1864-5, 1869-72.

SHEPSTONE, Sir Theophilus (1817-93), British resident among Fingo, 1839; Agent for Natives in Natal, 1845; Sec. for Native Affairs, 1856; annexed and administered Transvaal, 1877-9; Administrator in Zululand, 1884.


SMITH, Goldwin (1823-1910), Stowell Law Prof. at University College, Oxford, 1846; Regius Prof. of Modem History, Oxford, 1858-66; Prof. of English and Constitutional History, Cornell University, 1868-72 (non­resident prof. to 1881); settled in Toronto, 1871; lecturer in English History at Cornell, 1875-94; pres., American Historical Association, 1904.

STANLEY OF ALDERLEY, Henry Edward John Stanley, 3rd Baron (1827-1903), orientalist; travelled extensively in the east, said to have lived in Singapore as an Arab; became a Moslem convert; supported Indian National Congress.

TAYLOR, Peter Alfred (1819-91), partner in Samuel Courtauld & Co., silk mercers, 1850-66; chairman of committee of Society of Friends, 1847; Radical M.P., 1862-84; treasurer of Jamaica Committee, 1867, and of the Eastern Question Association; proprietor of the Examiner, 1873-4; pres., People's International League; pioneer of international arbitration and payment of M.P.s.

ToRRENS, Sir Robert Richard (1814-84), son of Robert Torrens, the political economist; emigrated to South Australia, 1840; member of Legislative Council and Collector of Customs, 1851; Registrar-General, 1852; Colonial Treasurer, 1856-7; member of House of Assembly, 1855-8; Premier and Colonial Treasurer, South Australia, 1857; Lib. M.P., 1868-74.

ToRRENS, William Torrens McCullagh (1813-94), Ind. Lib. M.P., 1848-52, 1857, 1865-85.

TREGASKIS, Revd Benjamin (1814-85), superintendent W.M.S. in Sierra Leone and the Gambia, 1864-75.

WELD, Sir Frederick Aloysius (1823-91), emigrated to New Zealand, 1844; member of the legislature, 1853; Minister for Native Affairs, 1860-1; Premier, 1864-5; Gov. of Western Australia, 1869-74; Tasmania, 1875-80; Straits Settlements, 1880-7.

WEsTGARTH, William (1815-89), emigrated to Victoria, 1840; member of New South Wales legislature, 1850; of Legislative Council, 1851-3; 1st pres., Melbourne Chamber of Commerce, 1851; founded Westgarth & Co., colonial brokers, in London, 1857; helped establish London Chamber of Commerce, 1881.

WILSON, Edward (1814-78), emigrated to Melbourne, 1842; partner in cattle station; purchased Melbourne Argus, 1847, and incorporated Melbourne Daily News, 1851; founded Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, 1861; settled in England, 1864; promoted Cannon Street Hotel meetings.

WoDEHOUSE, Sir Philip (1811-87), District Judge, Kandy, Ceylon, 1840; Superintendent, British Honduras, 1851-4; Gov. of British Guiana, 1854-61; Cape of Good Hope and High Commissioner for South Africa, 1861-70; Bombay, 1872-7.

WoLFF, Sir Edward Henry Drummond Charles (1830-1908), private sec. to Sir E. Bulwer-Lytton at C.O., 1858; sec. to High Commissioner for Ionian Islands, 1859-64; Cons. M.P., 1874-85; founded Fourth Party with Lord Randolph Churchill; special commissioner to reorganise Egyptian administration, 1885-6; British envoy to Persia, 1887-91; Bucharest, 1891; Madrid, 1892-1900.

WoLSELEY, Sir Garnet Joseph (1833-1913), 1st Viscount; saw active service in India, Burma, the Crimea, Indian mutiny and China; helped reorganise British army; led expeditions to Red River, 1869; the Gold Coast, 1873; Zululand, 1879; Egypt, 1882, 1884; Commander-in-Chief Ireland, 1890; C.-in-C. British Army, 1895-9.


YouL, Sir James Arndell (1811-1904), born in New South Wales, moved to Tasmania, 1819; successful agriculturalist, 1827-54; settled in England, 1854; sec. and treasurer to G.A.A.C., 1855-62; Political Agent in London for Tasmania, 1861-3; introduced salmon and trout into Tasmania, 1864, and New Zealand, 1868.

YouNG, Sir Frederick (1817-1913), chairman, National Colonial and Emigration League, 1867; on committee of National State-Aided Colonis­ation Society; hon. sec., R.C.I., 1874-86.

YouNG, Sir John (1807-76), 2nd Baron Lisgar; Lib. M.P., 1831-55; Lord High Commissioner, Ionian Islands, 1855-9; Gov. and Commander-in­Chief, New South Wales, 1860-7; Gov.-General of Canada, 1868-72.


1. Manuscripts: (a) Government records (b) Private papers

2. Government Printed Sources: (a) Confidential prints (b) Parliamentary Papers (c) Other official publications

3. Contemporary writings: (a) Newspapers (b) Periodicals and journals (c) Contemporary articles of particular interest (d) Contemporary books, memoirs and pamphlets

4. Secondary books and articles: (a) Biographies (b) Works of general interest (c) The Colonial Office and the empire (d) Regional studies

5. Unpublished theses

1. MANUSCRIPTS (a) Government records in the Public Record Office

Colonial Office Foreign Office C.O. 209 New Zealand F.O. 58 Pacific Islands C.O. 42 Canada F.O. 84 Slave Trade C.O. 60 British Columbia F.O. 27 France C.O. 83 Fiji F.O. 12 Borneo C.O. 87 Gambia C.O. 96 Gold Coast C.O. 234 Queensland C.O. 48 Cape Colony War Office C.O. 201 New South Wales W.O. 32 Ashanti War C.O. 309 Victoria W.O. 33 Reports and C.O. 28 Barbados Miscellanea

(b) Private papers Aborigines Protection Society Papers, Rhodes House, Oxford.


Anti-Slavery Society Papers, Rhodes House. Cardwell Papers, Public Record Office, P.R.O. 30/48. Carnarvon Papers, P.R.O. 30/6. Gladstone Papers, British Museum, Add. MSS. Granville Papers, P.R.O. 30/29. Methodist Missionary Society Archives, Gambia and Fiji files and Calvert

Papers. Newcastle Papers, Nottingham University Library, Manuscripts Department. Royal Commonwealth Society Papers, General Association for the Australian

Colonies Minute Book and Young Papers.


(a) Confidential prints C.O. 806 African C.O. 808 Australian

(b) Parliamentary Papers 1865 v (412) Report from Select Committee on the West African

Settlements. 1870 xux (C. 24, C. 51) Correspondence respecting proposed conference

of colonial representatives in London. XLIX (C. 80) Return of annual cost of colonies, 1859-68, 1869.

L (C. 264, C. 444) Gambia: correspondence concerning proposed cession to France.

1874 XLVI (C. 100) Gold Coast: despatches concerning domestic slavery. XLVI (C.962) Gold Coast: report on expedition against Ashanti.

1876 LII (C. 1409, C. 1498) Gambia: correspondence concerning cession. LIII (C. 1539, C. 1559) Barbados: Papers on Disturbances. LIV (C. 1566) Correspondence respecting New Guinea.

1880 LXXVI (C. 2520) Statistical Abstracts for Colonies, 1864-78.

(c) Other official publications London Gazette Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, 3rd ser. Colonial 0 ffice Lists


(a) Newspapers Australian and New Zealand Gazette Morning Post Daily News Pall Mall Gazette Daily Telegraph Standard European Mail The Colonies Evening Standard The Times Clippings from the following newspapers have also been used: The Argus (Melbourne); New Zealand Advertiser; The Globe (Toronto, weekly and daily); Montreal Gazette; Sydney Morning Herald; Sydney Examiner.

(b) Periodicals and Journals Blackwood's Magazine Contemporary Review Fraser's Magazine Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute Punch

Quarterly Review Spectator The Nineteenth Century


Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science Westminster Review

(c) Contemporary articles of particular interest Adderley, C. B., 'How Not to Retain the Colonies', The Nineteenth Century,

VI (July 1879) 170-8. --, 'Imperial Federation: Its Impossibility', The Nineteenth Century, XVI

(Sept. 1884) 505-16. Blachford, Lord (Sir Frederic Rogers), 'The Integrity of the British Empire',

The Nineteenth Century, II (Oct. 1877) 355-65. Bury, Viscount, 'The Unity of the Empire', The Nineteenth Century, xvn

(Mar. 1885) 381-96. Carnarvon, Earl of, 'Imperial Administration', Fortnightly Review, XXIV

(Dec. 1878) 751-63. Cunningham, G. C., 'The Federation of the English Empire', Westminster

Review, LVI (Oct. 1879) 313-34. Dicey, E., 'Our Route to India', The Nineteenth Century, 1 (June 1877)

665-85. --, 'The Future of Egypt', The Nineteenth Century, II (Aug. 1877) 3-14. --, 'Mr Gladstone and Our Empire', The Nineteenth Century, II (Sept.

1877) 292-308. Gladstone, W. E., 'Aggression on Egypt and Freedom in the East', The

Nineteenth Century, II (Aug. 1877) 149-66. --, 'England's Mission', The Nineteenth Century, IV (Sept. 1878) 560-84. Hill, A. S. 'An Empire's Parliament', P.R.C.l., xi (1880) 136-77. Jenkins, E., 'Imperial Federalism', Contemporary Review, XVI (Jan. 1871)

176-86. --, 'An Imperial Confederation', Contemporary Review, xvu (Apr. 1871)

60-77. Labilliere, F. P. de, 'What Ought to be the Legal and Constitutional

Relations between England and her Colonies?', T.N.A.P.S.S. (1869) 114-19. --, 'The Permanent Unity of the Empire', P.R.C.I., VI (1875) 36-85. Lowe, R., 'Imperialism', Fortnightly Review, XXIV (Oct. 1878) 457 ff. Macfie, R. A., 'The United Kingdom and the Colonies: One Autonomic

Empire', T.N.A.P.S.S. (1869) 119-20. --, 'Imperial and Colonial Policy', T.N.A.P.S.S. (1870) 179-80. Mills, A., 'Our Colonial Policy', Contemporary Review, XI (June 1869)

216-39. [Smith, W. ].], 'Empire or No Empire', Fraser's Magazine, VI (Dec. 1872)

667-85. Spedding, J., 'The Future of the British Empire', Westminster Review,

XXXVIII (July 1870) 47-74. Vogel, ]., 'Greater or Lesser Britain', The Nineteenth Century, 1 (July 1877)

809-31. --, 'The British Empire: Mr Lowe and Lord Blachford', The Nineteenth

Century, III (Apr. 1878) 617-33. Westgarth, W., 'On the Colonial Question', P.R.C.I., II (1870) 59-81. --, 'The Policy of Extending the Empire', T.N.A.P.S.S. (1872) 157-9. Wilson, E., 'Colonies as Fields of Experiment in Government', T.N.A.P.S.S.

(1870) 175-9.


(d) Contemporary books, memoirs and pamphlets Adderley, C. B., Review of 'The Colonial Policy of Lord fohn Russell's

Administration' by Earl Grey, 1853; and of Subsequent Colonial History (London, 1869).

--, Our Relations with the Colonies and Crown Colonies (London, 1870). Bousfield, W., The Government of the Empire (London, 1877). Bowen, G. F., Thirty Years of Colonial Government, 1859-88, 2 vols.

(London, 1889). Buckle, G. E. (ed.), The Letters of Queen Victoria, 2nd ser., 3 vols. (London,

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Aborigines Protection Society, 111, 167; Fiji, 149, 151, 152, 153, 155; Gambia, 161 ; New Guinea, 164; pressure group, 140, 144, 165, 166, 668 n59

Adcock, Revd George, 160-1 Adderley, Charles Bowyer, 41, 45;

biographical notes, 256; Colonial Society, 96, 116; Gambia ex­change, 87, 145; Merchant Ship­ping Bill, 160; replies to attack on Granville's colonial policy, 77, 11 7 ; views on colonial self­government, 42, 51, 133, 136-7

Admiralty, The, 166 Adrianople, 221 Afghanistan, 196, 216; Afghan Com­

mitte, 166, 168; Afghan War (1879), 185, 204, 228, 231; British relations with, 200-4; Gladstone's attitude, 229, 252

Airlie, David Graham Drummond, 5th Earl of, 115

Alabama case, 65, 80, 85, 183 Alderley, Lord Stanley of, see Stanley

of Alderley Alexandretta, 223 Ali, Amir Sher, 202 Alsace, 80, 122 American Civil War, 33, 47, 148 American War of Independence, 27,

30, 35, 129 Amos, Sheldon, 115, 139 Andrassy Note, 214 Anti-imperialism, 2-3, 6-9, 11-12,

23-4, 25-7, 33, 35, 37-8, 91; see also separatism

Anti-Opium Society, 166

Anti-Slavery Society, Fiji, 151, 152; pressure group, 140, 144, 165-6, 167

Antwerp, 78 Argus, The (Melbourne), 60, 95, 104,

112 Argyll, George Douglas Campbell,

8th Duke of, 96 Arthur, Revd William, 149, 151, 154,

168, 256 Ashanti War, 33, 47, 157, 207 Ashley, Anthony Evelyn Melbourne,

158, 167, 256 Ashworth, Edward, 161 Atkinson, Major Sir Harry Albert,

99, 102, 116, 256 Australian and New Zealand Gazette,

106 Australian Colonies, 21, 36, 69, 70,

105-6, 134, 142, 155, 241; British exports to, 122, 124; Dilke's views on, 48-9; New Guinea, 163-4; population growth, 121; tariff con­troversy, 33, 84-6, 140. See also New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia

Australian Colonies Duties Act (1973), 86

Aylesbury, 181 Aytoun, Sinclair, 115

Babcock, Revd, 160 Baden-Powell, Sir George, 133 Baillie-Cochrane, Alexander Dundas

Ross Wishart, 94, 115,116, 147,256 Balkans, 10, 13 Ba-Pedi, 193, 195


Baptist Missionary Society, 151 Barbados, 144, 191-2 Baring, Thomas, 96 Barrington Memorandum, 217, 219

n22 Basutoland, 8, 192, 193 Bathurst, 147 Bay Islands, 145 Bazley, Sir Thomas, 147, 161, 256 Beach, Sir Michael Edward Hicks,

see Hicks Beach, Sir Michael Edward

Beaconsfield, 1st Earl of, see Disraeli, Benjamin

Beaconsfieldism, 200, 206, 231, 234 Belgium, 135, 249-50 Bentham, Jeremy, 27 Berlin Conference on West Africa

(1884-5), 250 Berlin, Congress of, 202, 208-9, 224,

231, 241 Berlin Memorandum, 214 Besika Bay, 214 Birch, Arthur N., 96, 256 Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 125, 208,

247 Bizerta, 232 Blachford, Lord, see Rogers, Sir

Frederic Blackwood, Arthur, 96 Blackwood's Magazine, 75, 177 Blaine, Henry, biographical notes,

256; Colonial Society, 95, 96; Westminster Palace Hotel confer­ence, 115; You! Circular, 99; Youl Committee, 102, 103

Blake, R., 173; quoted, 207,219 Bloemfontein Convention, 193 Board of Advice, 130; see also Coun·

cil of Advice Board of Trade, The, 15, 19 Bodelsen, C. A., climax of anti­

imperialism, 65, 90; Disraeli, 173, 174, 177 n16, 178, 179; division of nineteenth century into periods, 3, 24, 26, 27; 1870 a turning point, 119, 236; opponents of Granville's policy, 115, 237; separatism, 6, 34

Bojong, Tomani, 147 Bousfield, William, 132 Bowen, Sir George Ferguson (Gover­

nor of New Zealand), 59 n13, 62-3, 256

Bowring, Sir John, 115 Boyce, Revd William Binnington,

151, 154, 161, 256 Bradford, Selina, Countess of, 189,

198 Brazza-Makoko Treaty, 249-50 Bright, John, 37-8, 54, 63, 72, 76,

83, 84; India, 29-30, 39, 239; views on colonies, 2, 37, 38, 55, 73

Bristol Chamber of Commerce, 14 7 British Columbia, 68, 69, 71, 86 British and Foreign Bible Society,

152 British North America Act (1867),

33, 191 Brown, David, 161 Brown, Thomas, 147, 161, 162 Browning, T., 161 Brunschwig, Henri, 250 Buckingham and Chandos, Richard

Plantaganet Campbell Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Gren­ville, 3rd Duke of, 58, 95, 117, 145, 256

Buckle, G. E., 172, 175; quoted, 173 Bukhara, 200 Bulgaria, 214, 216, 221, 224 Buller, Charles, 28 Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward George

Earle, 96 Burgers, Thomas Fram;ois, 195 Bury, William Coutts Keppel,

Viscount, biographical notes, 256; Colonial Society, 93-4, 95, 97-8; Granville's policy, 60, 76-7, 116, 118; opposes imperial federation, 133, 136; separation, 47-8, 50; Youl Circular, 100; You! Commit­tee, 102, 103, 107

Butler, Sir James, 173 Buxton, Charles, 167 Buxton, Thomas Fowell, 165, 166,

167, 256

Cabinet, The: Afghanistan, 202, 206; Canada, 73; Disraeli, 186, 190, 206, 231; Eastern Question, 207-8, 219, 221-3; Fiji, 153, 190; Fugitive Slave Circular, 166; Gambia, 162; Gold Coast, 158; 'key to India', 217; South Africa, 197, 200; Suez Canal shares pur-

INDEX 277 chase, 211; views of Gladstone's Cabinet on colonies, 72, 83-4

Cairo, 217, 251 Calvert, Revd James, 149, 151 Cambridge, Prince George William

Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of, 224

Campbell, John Logan, 99 Canada, Bright's views on, 73; British

exports to, 124; Canadian Tariff Bill (1873), 86; confederation, 33, 36-7, 93; Dilke's views on, 48; Disraeli's views on, 178, 181, 182-3; Gladstone's views on, 66, 73-4; Granville's policy, 51, 65--8, 71, 78, 90; Granville's views on, 72, 73; imperial guarantee of loan, 65, 78; independence, 37, 69, 73, 182; Kimberley's views on, 74, 134; Newcastle's views on, 43; population growth, 121; relations with United States, 33, 34, 47, 54, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 78, 84, 122; You! Circular, 100

Canada Government Building, 161, 167

Cannon Street meetings, 73, 114, 115, 118, 120, 148; criticism of, 104-9; deputation to Granville, 87, 134

Cape Colony, 100, 122; federation, 192, 195; responsible government, 86, 193. See also South Africa

Cardwell, Edward, 57, 72, 73, 75, 80, 84, 86, 96; Canada, 65-6; New Zealand, 58-61, 62, 64; self­reliance, 37, 56, 71; West Africa, 157; West Indies, 191

Carlyle, Thomas, 111 Carnarvon, Lady Evelyn, 189 Carnarvon, Henry Howard Moly-

neux Herbert, 4th Earl of, attacks Granville's policy, 54, 68, 70, 75-6, 84, 88, 114, 121, 180; colonial conference, 102; Colonial Society, 96, 116; expansion of empire, 237, 245; Fiji, 154-6, 170, 189-90; Gambia exchange, 159-62; Granville quotes Carnarvon's des­patches, 117; limited experiments in the tropics, 188, 190-1; Malay States, 167 n56; New Guinea, 163-5; New Zealand, 58, 63;

opposes imperial federation, 133, 134-5, 137; relations with Disraeli, 156, 185-6, 189-90, 207; resigna­tion (1878), 185, 196, 221, 246, 252; South African federation, 168, 192-5, 197, 200; Transvaal, 195-6; upholds imperial interests, 4 7, 126; views on imperialism, xv­xvi, 240-1; West Mrican policy, 156-9; West Indies, 191-2 ; West­ern Pacifiic High Commission, 170; Zulu War, 197--8

Cave, Stephen, 116, 257 Cecil, Lord Eustace, 115 Cecil, Lord Robert, see Salisbury,

Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Mar­quis of

Cell, J., quoted, 38-9, 46 Cetewayo, 195, 198 Chamberlain, Joseph, 165, 178, 180,

254 Chamberlain, Sir Neville Bowles,

202 Chamerorzow, Louis Alexis, 167 Chesson, Frederick William, career,

166, 257; Fiji Committee, 153-4; Gambia Committee, 161; Jamaica Committee, 167; New Guinea, 164; Parliamentary Committee on the Eastern Question, 167; Poly­nesian labour trade, 151, 163; Westminster Palace Hotel confer­ence, 115; Working Men's Associa­tion, 111

Chester Mechanics' Institute, 40 Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley, 55,

57, 63, 75, 96, 136, 137, 257 Chimkent, 200 China, 9, 13, 16, 17, 21, 29, 49, 182,

248 Chown, Thomas C., 145, 147, 159,

161, 162 Church Missionary Society, 151, 166 Churchill, Lord Alfred, 118; Austra­

lian Association, 95 n6; biographi­cal notes, 257; Colonial Society, 96; emigration, 110; Jamaica Committe, 167; opposes imperial federation, 136; South Mrica, 165; Westminster Palace Hotel confer­ence, 115; You! Committee, 102, 103

Clarendon, George William Frederick


Clarendon (cont.) Villiers, 4th Earl of, 55, 56, 73, 79, 84, 86

Clifford, Sir Charles, 115; Australian Association, 95 n6; biographical notes, 257; Colonial Society, 96, 97; letter to The Times, 99; New Guinea, 164

Climax of anti-imperialism, 2, 6-7, 8, 51-2; an appraisal, 53-91

Cobden, Richard, 45, 4 7; India, 29-30; Manchester School, 12, 29; views on colonies, 2, 11-12, 30, 34, 37-8

Colomb, Captain John Charles Ready, 133

Colonial conference, 99-101, 104, 107

Colonial Laws Validity Act (1865), 36

Colonial Office, Cannon Street meet­ings, 106-8; Disraeli, 186, 190; domestic slavery, 157; Fiji, 151-3; Gambia exchange, 145-8, 161-2; Granville's secretaryship, 83, 89-90; library, 94; New Guinea, 163; New Zealand, 58, 60-2; 'qualified restraint', 16, 17; responsible government, 36; separation, 43; South Africa, 192; West Indies, 191; You! Circular, 100-1; You! Committee, 103

Colonial Reformers, 27, 31, 32, 45, 77, 177, 182

Colonial Society (Royal Colonial In­stitute, 1870), 120; Cannon Street meetings, 107; J. Chamberlain, 254; J. Colomb, 133; colonial con­ference, 102; deputation to Gran­ville, 87, 134; Fiji, 151, 153, 163; foundation, 93-8, 115; Gambia, 145, 148, 161; imperial federation, 128, 139; F. Labilliere, 125-6; Newfoundland fisheries, 163; New Guinea, 164-5; non-political nature, 95, 116, 141; You! Circu­lar, 99-100, 101

Colonies, The, 131, 137 Combo (Gambia), 147, 159 Congo, River, 249 Constantinople, 208, 216, 217, 219,

221 Consuls, 14, 148

Contemporary Review, 128-9, 131 Corry, Montagu William Lowry, 154,

207, 257 Council of Advice, 129, 135; see also

Board of Advice Cranbrook, Earl of, see Hardy,

Gathorne Crawfurd, John E., 167 n56 Cross, Richard Assheton, 186 Crown colonies, 10; Dilke's views on,

49; Fiji, 156; Gladstone's views on, 41-2; Griqualand West, 193; Treasury and, 89; West Africa, 158, 188, 189; West Indies, 144

Crystal Palace, Disraeli's speech at, 6, 26, 80, 133-4, 172, 173-80, 183-5

Cyprus, occupation of (1878), 207, 209, 223, 224, 226, 231, 232; Derby, 185; Gladstone, 227-8; Salisbury, 208

Daily News, 47, 107, 108, 180, 214 Daily Telegraph, 100, 105, 106, 107,

113-4, 117, 180 Dardanelles, 214, 217 Darling, Sir Charles, 33 Darwin, Charles, 165; theories of,

242, 254 Delagoa Bay, 193, 195 Denison, Sir William, 96, 102-3, 110,

116, 118, 136, 257 Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, 15th

Earl of, Afghanistan, 185; attacks Disraeli's policy, 234; 'black sav­ages', 142; Cyprus, 185; Foreign Secretary, 185, 186, 208; Gambia, 160, 162; relations with Disraeli, 181, 185; resignation (1878), 185, 196, 223, 246, 252

Dicey, Edward James Stephen, 219-21, 257

Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, 48-50, 55, 165, 243, 257

Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st Earl of Bea­consfield, advantages of colonies, 181-3, 184; Afghanistan, 200-4; armaments, 55-6; Aylesbury, speech at (1859), 181-2; Cabinet, 186, 190, 206, 231; Canada, 178, 181-2; 'colonial deadweights', 178; concept of empire, 207, 209, 219, 223-6, 228,231-3, 255; Con-

INDEX 279 gress of Berlin, 208-9, 224; Crystal Palace address, 6, 26, 80, 133-4, 173-7, 179-80, 184; domestic slavery, 158; Eastern Question, 208, 214-19, 222-6, 246; election defeat (1880), 234; Fiji, 156, 189-90; forward movements, 187, 200, 206, 232; Gladstone's criticisms of, 219-20, 226-7, 228-31; Gold Coast, 189; imperial consolidation, 46, 84, 133-4, 136, 176-7, 179, 181; imperial ideas, 172-85, 231-3, 238, 243, 252, 254; imperialism, a slogan, 170-1, 232-3; India, 196-7, 204, 208, 209, 216-19, 223-4, 226; Malay States, 189; Manchester Free Trade Hall speech, 80, 183-4; Manchester School, 29; 'a millstone', 178; Prime Minister (1874), 185-6; Public Worship Regulation Act, 156, 190; Queen Victoria, 206-7, 213; relations with Carnarvon, 189-190, 198, 207; relations with Derby, 185, 207-8, 234; relations with Salisbury, 185-6, 204, 208, 217; responsible government, 17 5-6, 281-2; Royal Titles Act, 211-14; separatism, 178-9; South Africa, 195-6; Straits of Malacca, 184; Suez Canal Company shares, 207, 209-11; United States, 181-2, 183; West Africa, 178; Zulu War, 197-200.

Domestic slavery, 157, 158-9, 168, 189

Duff, Grant, 178

Eastern Question, 209, 214-19, 221-4

Eastern Question Association, 166, 168

Eastern Question Conference, 168 Eastwick, Edward Backhouse, 111,

115, 147, 151, 153, 257 Eddy, Dr Charles W ., 129; bio­

graphical notes, 257; deputation to Home Secretary, 111-12; emigra­tion, 110; Fiji, 153; Privy Council extension, 130; Westminster Palace Hotel conference, 115; Y oul Com­mittee, 107

Edinburgh Review, 50, 238

Egypt, 228, 245, 251; Disraeli's ideas about, 216, 217-19; occupation of, 249-50; Suez Canal Company shares, 2 09-11

Elcho, Francis Charteris, Lord, 116 Emigration, 28, 34, 104, 110-12,

113-14, 115, 120, 124-5 Erromanga, 151 Erskine, Admiral John Elphinstone,

166; biographical notes, 257; Fiji, 149, 151, 153, 154; Gambia, 161

European Mail, 108 Evangelical Alliance, 152, 166 Evening Mail, 31 Evening Standard, 76-7, 105 Exeter Hall, 242 Eyre, Edward John, 33, 167

Fante, 143-4 Fante Confederacy, 143 Fay, C. R., 19 Fenians, 33, 54, 65, 78 Fergusson, Sir James, 164 Fieldhouse, Revd, 161 Fiji Committee, 153-4, 161 Fiji Islands, Carnarvon's policy, 154-

6, 170, 188-9, 237; Disraeli and annexation of, 154, 156, 227, 228, 231; Goodenough and Layard commiSSIOn, 153-4; Kimberley's policy, 148-9; lobby for annexa­tion (1871-4), 151-5, 159, 236

Fish, Hamilton, 69 Fitzgerald, C., 161, 162 Foreign Office, 13, 15, 16, 17, 29,

152, 162, 208 Forster, Samuel John, 147 Forster, William Edward, 75, 82, 83,

114, 158, 257 Fortescue, Chichester Samuel, 75, 83,

94, 95, 116, 257 Fortescue, Hugh Fortescue, 3rd Earl

of, 162 Forward movements, 169-70, 187-8,

190, 196, 200, 206, 231, 232, 236 Fowler, Robert Nicholas, career, 166,

257; Fiji, 151; Gambia, 147; Malaya, 167 n56; South Africa, 165; Westminster Palace Hotel conference, 115

France, British exports to, 124; colonial rivalry with, 126, 237, 24 7-9; Gambia exchange, 70,


France (cont.) 145-8, 159--62

Franco-Prussian War, 57, 122, 148, 183

Fraser's Magazine, 75, 113, 123, 124-5, 128, 131, 138

Free Trade, 27, 29, 30, 44; Cobden, 11-12; colonies, 85, 139; G. Smith, 2. See also imperialism of free trade.

Frere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward, 96, 166, 169, 207; biographical notes, 258; South Africa, 197-200, 245

Froude, James Anthony, 111, 116, 242; biographical notes, 258; Fraser's Magazine, 113, 123, 124-5, 126; imperial federation, 129, 131; Rectorial Address, St Andrews, 112-13; South Africa, 195, 198

Fugitive Slave Circular (1875), 166, 168

Gairdner, Gordon, 96 Galbraith, J. S., 31 Gallagher, J. A., 'imperialism of free

trade', xvi, 4, 7-10; Macdonagh's criticism of, 10-12; Platt's criti­cism of, 12-24

Galt, Sir Alexander Tilloch, 54, 68-9

Gambetta, Leon Michel, 247 Gambia, exchange of, 70, 87, 144-8,

159--63 Gambia Committee, 159, 161-2, 166 Garrisons, withdrawal of, 51, 56, 71,

75; Carnarvon's criticism of, 88; from Canada, 65-6, 68, 69-70, 78; from New Zealand, 53, 57--65, 87; from South Africa, 86, 87

General Association for the Australian Colonies, 42, 93, 95, 115

General Elections, (1859) 30-1; (1868) 51; (1874) 184-5; (1880) 170, 196, 231, 234, 243

Germany, expansion of, 125--6; re­lations with, 80; rivalry with, 121, 246, 248-50; South Pacific, 152; Transvaal, 195

Giers, Nicholas Karlovich de, 1 7 Gill, Revd William Wyatt, 163 Gladstone, William Ewart, Afghani-

stan, 229; Australian tariffs, 85;

Beaconsfieldism, 196, 200, 204, 234; Canada, 73-4; climax of anti­imperialism, 52, 70, 91; colonial independence, 84; Colonial So­ciety, 96-7; debate with Dicey, 220-1; Eastern Question, 216, 219; empire scare, 51, 54-5; 'England's Mission', 226-7, 255; Fiji, 152-3, 155; 'freedom and voluntaryism', 77-8; imperial federation, 133-4, 137; Midlothian campaigns, 170, 228-31, 234; moral trusteeship, 41-2, 239; New Zealand, 59, 61, 63, 64; occupa­tion of Egypt, 250; self-defence, 36-7; separation, 72, 7 5, 76, 84; unpopularity of government, 80-2; value of colonies, 40, 241; volun­tary ties of empire, 4-6, 35, 45, 66, 87

Globe, The (Toronto), 67 Glover, Commander Sir John Haw-

ley, 169 Glynn, George Grenfell, 96 Godley, John Robert, 28 Gold Coast, 160, 238; domestic

slavery, 157-9, 168, 189; Select Committee (1865), 143-4

Goodenough, Commodore James Graham, 153, 154, 156

Goodfellow, C. F., 168 Goodliffe, H., 95 n7, 116 Gordon, Sir Arthur, 169 Gordon, D. C., 232 Gorst, John Eldon, 96, 102, 103, 109,

110, 111, 115, 258 Goschen, George Joachim, 158, 258 Grant, Daniel, 123 Granville, Granville George Leveson­

Gower, 2nd Earl of, biographical notes, 258; British Columbia, 68; Cabinet, 83-4; Canada, 54, 65-9; climax of anti-imperialism, 51, 53-5, 57, 70; Colonial Society, 96-7, 134; conduct of colonial affairs, 83, 87-90; Manchester School, 54; New Zealand, 53, 58-65, 78; opposition to colonial policy of, 6, 75--6, 99, 105, 106, 108, 117-18, 236-7; South Africa, 69; views on colonies, 71-2, 73, 74, 84; Youl Circular, 100; Youl Committee, 102-4, 107


Graphic, The, 254 Greece, 36, 145, 182 Gregory, Sir William, 178 Grey, Sir George, 116, 118, 143;

biographical notes, 258; Cannon Street meetings, 104-6, 108; emi­gration, 110-11 ; New Zealand, 58, 60, 99

Grey, Sir Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl, 45; biographical notes, 258; Granville's policy, 79, 101, 116; Privy Council extension, 130; self­government, 42, 86, 139

Griqualand West, 8, 192, 193 Gurney, Samuel, 161, 166

H. de B. H., 131 Halifax, Nova Scotia, 66, 68 Hamilton, Lord George, 114-15, 116 Harcourt, Sir William George Gran-

ville Venables Vernon, 214, 227-8, 258

Hardy, Gathorne, Gathorne-, 1st Viscount Cranbrook, 117, 196-7, 202

Hare, Thomas, 109 Hay, Admiral Sir John C. D., 147,

157, 258 Hay, Lord William, 116 Hennessy, Sir John Pope-, see Pope­

Hennessy, Sir John Herat, 202 Herbert, Sir Robert George Wynd­

ham, Aborigines Protection So­ciety, 165; biographical notes, 258; expansion, 186, 188-9, 237, 245; New Guinea, 163-4

Hicks Beach, Sir Michael Edward, 196-200, 224, 258

Higinbotham, George, 101 Hill, Alexander Staveley, 132 Horton, James Africanus Beale, 143-

4 House of Commons, 54, 123, 125;

Canada, 36-7, 182-3; colonial connection, 34, 35, 44-5, 181, 182, 187; colonial policy debates, (1870) 76-8, (1871) 79, (1873) 136; concern for colonies, 32-3; domestic slavery, 157-9, 189; Eastern Question, 167, 214, 219, 224, 227-8; Fiji, 152-6, 190; Gambia, 147, 160, 162; Merchant

Shipping Bill, 160; New Zealand, 60, 63; Royal Titles Bill, 213; responsible government, 37, 41, 56, 79-80, 86; separatism, 34, 80-2, 182. See also House of Lords and Parliament

House of Lords, 54, 83, 86, 92, 114, 197; Carnarvon's attack on Gran­ville's policy, 63, 70-1, 75-6, 87, 117, 121, 135; Disraeli on empire, 223, 224-6; Fiji, 154-5, 240; Gambia, 147; Public Worship Regulation Bill, 190; Queen's Speech, (1875) 209, (1876) 211; West Africa, 158, 240. See also House of Commons and Parlia­ment

Howe, Joseph, 50-1 Hudson's Bay Company, 68, 88 Hugessen, Edward Hugessen, see

Knatchbull - Hugessen, Edward Hugessen

Hutton, James, F., 161, 162, 258

Imperial federation, 85, 128-33, 243 Imperial Federation League, 132-3 Imperial guarantee of loans, Canada,

65, 78; New Zealand, 58-9, 64-5, 78, 88

Imperial idea, xvii, 7, 39--40, 45, 238-44, 251-5

Imperial mission, Carnarvon on, 155, 240-1; Dilke on, 49; late-Victorian belief in, 251-5; mid-Victorian attitude to, 238-9; A. P. Thornton quoted on, 239

Imperialism, 3, 6, 14, 15, 40; anti­Disraeli slogan, xv, 170, 172, 231; Carnarvon on, xv-xvi, 240-1 ; Conservatism and, 4, 173-5; defi­nition of term, xv-xvi; Disraeli's contribution to, 174-5, 231-3, 238, 252; Gallagher and Robinson's definition of, 7; Gladstone on, 42, 227-9; Harcourt on, 227-8; in 1870s, 236-7, 248; late-Victorian, 242-4, 248-9, 251-4; Rosebery on, xvi, 242. See also imperial idea, imperial mission, imperialism of free trade and New Imperialism

Imperialism of free trade, xvi, 29; Gallagher-Robinson thesis, 4, 7-10; Macdonagh's criticisms of, 10-


Imperialism (cont.) 12; Platt's criticisms of, 12-24. See also informal empire

India, 10, 92, 196, 206, 223, 241; British exports to, 21-2; Gran­brook, 196-7, 202, 204; defence of, 200--4, 208, 209, 217, 246; Dicey's views on, 220-1; Dilke's views on, 49-50; Disraeli's views on, 213, 226; Gladstone's views on, 41-2, 220, 228-9; 'keys of', 18, 217-9; Lytton, 200--4; Manchester School, 17, 29-30, 39; mercantilist techniques in, 8-9, 17; R. J. Moore quoted, 30; Russian expansion towards, 200-2, 213; Salisbury, 202, 204, 232; Suez Canal Shares and, 211; war with Afghanistan, 200--4. See also Royal Titles Act

Indifference, 7, 25-7, 32-4 Informal empire, 4; criticisms of

term, 10, 20-3; definition of, xvi, 7, 19; Gallagher and Robinson's ideas on, 7-10; Platt on, 13-15, 20-3. See also imperialism of free trade

International rivalry for colonies, 246-51

Ionian Islands, 36, 145, 182 Ireland, 10-11, 28, 55 Isandhlwana, 198 Italy, 250 Ivory Coast, 145

Jamaica, 33, 167 Jamaica Committee, 167 Jenkins, John Edward, 126; career,

166-7, 258; emigration, 110; Fiji, 154; imperial federation, 128-9, 131-3; opposition to Granville's policy, 111, 114, 116, 118, 139; South Africa, 165 ; West Africa, 157

Jervois, Sir William Francis Drum­mond, 169

Johnson, Reverdy, 97 Johnson-Clarendon Convention, 65

Kabul, 202, 204 Kandahar, 202 Karun River, 17 Kashgar, 202

Kennedy, Sir Arthur Edward, 145 Khiva, 202 Khyber Pass, 202 Kimberley, John Wodehouse, 1st Earl

of, 57; Australian tariffs, 84-6, 140; biographical notes, 258; Canada, 73-4; colonial relation­ship, 45, 74, 80, 82, 133-4, 137, 180; Fiji, 148-9, 152-3, 156; for­ward movements, 169, 187, 237, 245; Gambia, 147-8; impression of Granville, 89; South Africa, 87; West Indies, 191

Kinnaird, Arthur Fitzgerald, 96, 115, 118, 166; biographical notes, 259; colonial connection, 136; critic of Granville's policy, 99, 107, 116; emigration, 110; Fiji, 151, 153-4; New Guinea, 164

Knatchbull - Hugessen, E d w a r d Hugessen, 126, 180; Australian tariffs, 85; biographical notes, 259; British troops in colonies, 86; dis­avows separatism, 55, 75, 79, 80-2, 91, 187; Fiji, 152

Knightsbridge, Salisbury's speech at, 226, 241

Knorr, K. E., quoted, 27 Koebner, Richard, xv, 50, 170;

quoted, 26, 45, 172, 174-5, 177. 179, 184,221, 232

Kruger, Paul, 196

Labilliere, Francis Peter de, 95 n6; biographical notes, 259; critic of Granville's policy, 105, 107, 109, 114, 115; defends empire, 121, 122, 125-6, 129; imperial federa­tion, 130, 131, 133, 139; New Guinea, 163-4

Lagos, 18, 158 Laissez-faire, 3, 8, 13-15, 17, 29, 42,

113, 188, 237, 248 Latin America, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21 Latona, 151 Lauderdale, Thomas Maitland, 11th

Earl of, 162 Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, 155-6, 167, 259 Layard, Edgar, 153, 154, 156 Leeward Islands, 191 Le Moniteur, 160 Leopold II, 249, 250 Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, 182

INDEX 283 Lichfield, Thomas George Anson, 2nd

Earl of, 115 Little England, 1, 4, 26, 30-1, 34-5,

38, 40, 181, 253-4 Liverpool Chamber of Commerce,

162, 166 London Missionary Society, 151, 161,

163, 166 Lorraine, 80, 122 Lowe, Robert, 54, 63, 72, 75, 84, 86;

biographical notes, 259; Canada, 73; New Zealand, 64, 71; views on colonies, 34, 55, 76, 80

Lowther, James, 187 Lugard, Sir Edward, 61 Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton,

1st Baron, 96 Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, 1st

Earl of 169, 207; biographical notes, 259; Viceroy of India, 200-4

Lyveden, Robert Vernon Smith, 1st Baron, 75-6

M'Arthur, Alexander, 166; bio­graphical notes, 259; Fiji, 151-2, 154; Gambia, 161; Jamaica Com­mittee, 167; Parliamentary Com­mittee on the Eastern Question, 168; South Africa, 165; Westmin­ster Palace Hotel conference, 115

M' Arthur, William, 116; Australian Association, 95 n6; career, 152, 166, 259; domestic slavery, 157; Fiji, 151-5; Gambia, 161; New Guinea, 164; Parliamentary Com­mittee on the Eastern Question, 168; South Africa, 165; Westmin­ster Palace Hotel conference, 115

McCulloch, John Ramsay, 27, 28-9 Macdonagh, 0., quoted, 10-12, 30-1 Macdonald, John Alexander, 76, 259 MacDonnell, Richard Graves, 164 Macfie, Robert Andrew, calls for a

select committee on colonial rela­tions, 79, 118, 136; career, 166, 259; Colonial Society, 96; critic of Granville's policy, 114-15, 121, 125, 126; emigration, 110, 112; Gambia, 147; imperial federation, 129-31 ; Social Science Congress, 109, 112; wastelands, 139

McGarel, Charles, 116

MacGregor, Sir William, 169 Mcintyre, W. D., 178-9; quoted, 19,

46, 72, 188, 245 Macleay, Sir George, 93, 259 Malay States, 82, 144, 228, 231, 238,

245-6; Jervois, 169; Perak crisis, 189; resident system, 188-9; Stanley of Alderley, 167 n56; Straits Settlements Association, 167 n56

Malta, 202, 209, 223 Manchester Chamber of Commerce,

147, 149, 161 Manchester Cotton Supply Associa­

tion, 149 Manchester, William Drogo Mon­

tagu, 7th Duke of, biographical notes, 259; Colonial Society, 96; critic of Granville's policy, 115, 118; emigration, 110; Gambia, 147, 161-2; imperial federation, 129-30, 131; Newfoundland fish­eries, 163; New Guinea, 164; Westminster Palace Hotel confer­ence, 115; You! Committee, 102-3, 107

Manchester Free Trade Hall, Dis­raeli's speech at, 80, 173 n6, 180, 183

Manchester School, 2-3, 25, 48, 117, 122, 124; Bright, 29, 38, 39; Cobden, 12, 29; Granville, 54, 118; Sir G. Grey, 106 n30; India, 17, 29-30, 39; influence of, 12, 29-30, 31, 97-8, 120, 123, 126, 238; G. Smith, 38, 39; P. A. Taylor, 169

Manitoba, 68 Maoris, 33, 36, 58-60, 62, 115 Marabouts, 159 Marsh, Matthew, 94, 116 Mathews, Jehu, 123, 126, 131, 132 Maude, Colonel, 96, 102, 111, 116 Meade, Robert Henry, 89-90, 186,

259 Mellacourie, River, 159 Mercantilism, 3, 8, 9, 26-7 Merchant Shipping Bill (1875), 160 Merivale, Herman, 46-7, 96, 135,

137, 259 Metis, 54 Mexico, 15-16 Midlothian campaigns of Gladstone,

6, 170, 228-31, 234


Mid-Victorian definition of, xvi Mill, James, 27 Mill, John Stuart, 28-9, 167 Mills, Arthur, 45, 131, 136, 157, 166 Milton, William Spencer, Viscount,

96, 107, 111, 116 Moffat, Dr Robert, 161 Molesworth, William, 31 Monck, Charles Stanley Monck, 4th

Viscount, 75 Monroe Doctrine, 245-6 Monsell, William, 79, 259 Montagu, Lord Robert, 117 Montgomerie, Hugh E., 96, 103, 116 Montreal Gazette, 108 Moore, R. J., quoted, 29-30 Moresby, Captain John, 163 Morison, J. L., quoted, 173-4, 179 Morning Post, 100, 107, 117, 180 Mashesh, Chief of Basutos, 193 Mowbray, John Robert, 117 Mulholland, John, 211-13 Mundella, Anthony John, 165, 168,

259 Murdoch, Thomas William Clinton,

103 Musgrave, Sir Anthony, 68

Napier of Magdala, Robert Cornelis Napier, 1st Baron, 221

Napoleon III, xv Napoleonic Wars, 28 Natala, 100, 192 National Association for the Promo­

tion of Social Science, 104, 109-10, 112

National, Colonial and Emigration League, 104

National Emigration League, 111 National Union of Conservative and

Constitutional Associations, 173 Newbury, C. W., 248-9 Newcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes

Pelham Clinton, 5th Duke of, 42-4, 47, 57, 149, 260

Newfoundland fisheries question, 163 New Guinea, 163-5, 246 New Guinea Colonisation Associa­

tion, 164 New Hebrides, 149, 151 New Imperialism, 3, 6, 16, 119, 140,

170, 178, 252-3 New South Wales, 69, 84, 93, 116;

Cannon Street meetings, 108; Fiji, 149, 151

New Zealand, 49, 84, 115, 117, 122, 138, 142, 149, 155, 241; Gran· ville's policy towards, 65, 69-71, 72, 87-8, 99, 104-6, 108; imperial guarantee of loan to, 51, 58-9, 64, 78, 88; Maori wars, 33, 4 7, 5 7-8; population growth, 121 ; relations with United States, 63, 89; Vogel, 85; withdrawal of the garrisons from, 33, 51, 53, 58-64, 66, 87-8

New Zealand Advertiser, 60 Nicholson, Sir Charles, 95 n6, 118;

biographical notes, 260; Colonial Society, 93, 95, 96; critic of Gran­ville's policy, 103, 111, 115; New Guinea, 164

Nineteenth Century, The, 130, 219-21, 226-7

Noble, John, 109 Non-intervention, policy of, 13-14,

16-17, 142-3, 169-70 Normanby, George Augustus Con­

stantine Phipps, 2nd Marquis of, 94, 96, 97, 116, 118, 260

North British Review, 239 Northbrook, Thomas George Baring,

1st Earl of, 61, 260 Northcote, Sir Stafford Henry, 96,

109, 217, 260 North Eastern Railway Company,

Victoria, 138

Observer, The, 219 Orange Free State, 8, 192, 193, 195

Pacific Islanders' Protection Bill (1862), 151

Pacific Islands, Labour Trade, 148-9, 151-2

Pakington, Sir John Somerset, 96, 260

Pall Mall Gazette, 100, 105 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd

Viscount, 18, 30, 31, 33, 43, 148, 170, 207, 216, 219

Papua, 163-5, 169 Paramountcy, 9, 13, 15, 21, 197,

245-6, 248 Paris, Treaty of (1856), 80, 85, 183,

214 Parliament, colonial lobby in, 165-8;


influence on colonial policy, 159-60, 162. See also House of Com­mans and House of Lords

Parliamentary Committee on the Eastern Question, 167

Partition, 247-51 Patteson, John Coleridge, Bishop of

Melanesia, 149 Perak, 189 Persia, 16-17, 216, 248 Persian Gulf, 216, 217, 223 Pessimism, 26, 33 Philo-Colonus, 131 Philosophic Radicals, 2 7 Pine, Sir Benjamin Chilley Campbell,

115 Platt, D. C. M., 12-23 Plimsoll, Samuel, 160 Pope-Hennessy, Sir John, 192, 260 Portugal, 195 Poverty Bay, 58 Pretoria, 195 Privy Council, 129-30, 135 Protectorate, Gold Coast, 157-9,

188; proposals for Fiji, 152, 154 Public Worship Regulation Act

(1874), 156, 190, 207

Qualified restraint, 16 Quarterly Review, 50, 75 Quebec, 67 Queensland, 93, 149, 163 Quin, Thomas, F., 147, 161

Red River, 33, 68, 88 Reformed Presbyterian Church of

Scotland Committee on Foreign Missions, 151

Residents, 188, 189 Responsible government, 25, 31, 35,

45, 86, 122, 191; Disraeli's views on, 46, 175-6, 181; Gladstone's views on, 41, 84; Newcastle's views on, 42-3; Russell's views on, 44-5, 84; self-defence, 56, 57-8

Revivers (of Trade) Association, 123 Rhodes, Cecil, 248 Ricardo, David, 27 Richard, Revd Henry, 167, 260 Riel rebellion, 33, 78 Roberts, General Sir Frederick

Sleigh, 204 Robinson, Sir Hercules George

Robert (Governor of New South Wales), 154, 155, 156

Robinson, R. E., 'imperialism of free trade', xvi, 4, 7-10; Macdonagh's criticism of, 10-12; Platt's criti­cism of, 12-24; quoted, 244, 251, 252, 253

Roche, Alfred R., 95 n7, 96, 103, 116, 151-2, 260

Roebuck, John Arthur, 40, 182 Rogers, Sir Frederic, 1st Baron

Blachford, biographical notes, 260; expansion of empire, 237, 245; Granville, 83, 89; imperial federa­tion, 133, 135, 137; New Zealand, 59, 62; West Indies, 191

Rogers, James Edwin Thorold, 98, 260

Rose, Sir John, 77 n66, 126 n21 Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose,

5th Earl of, xvi, 242 Royal Colonial Institute, see Colonial

Society Royal Colonial Society, see Colonial

Society Royal Commission on the Depression

of Trade and Industry (1885-6), 22

Royal Tithes Act (1876), 204, 207, 209, 211-14, 223

Ruskin, John, 113-14 Russell, Lord John Russell, 1st Earl,

31, 72, 116; colonial independence, 44-5, 126; critic of Granville's policy, 79, 84; imperial federation, 129, 131, 134, 139

Russia and Afghanistan, 202; expan­sion of, 123, 125, 200-2, 208, 216, 220, 222, 246, 248; British rivalry with, 121, 126, 185, 213, 217; tears up Black Sea clauses, 80, 85

Russo-Turkish War, 216, 219, 221

St Lucia Bay, 193 Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot

Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquis of, 17, 39, 172, 196, 207; Congress of Berlin, 208-9, 224; Indian policy of, 232; Knightsbridge speech, 226; policy towards Afghanistan, 200, 202; Public Worship Regula­tion Act, 190; quoted on partition of Africa, 249, 253; reappraisal of


Salisbury (cant.) British foreign policy, 217, 246, 251; relations with Disraeli, 185-6

Samarkand, 200 San Stefano, Treaty of (1878), 221,

224 Sand River Convention, 193 Sandon, Dudley Francis Stuart

Ryder, Viscount, 114, 116, 125, 147, 153

Santa Cruz Islands, 149 Schmidt, Helmut D., xv, 170 Schuyler, R. L., 3, 24, 26, 27, 90,

119, 184 Seeley, John Robert, 243 Sekukini, Chief of the Ba-Pedi, 195 Select Committee on Aborigines

(183 7), 142-3 Select Committee on Colonial Mili­

tary Expenditure (1861), 35 Select Committee on Import Duties

(1840), 22 Select Committe on the West

African Settlements (1865), 33, 35-6, 143, 145

Semmel, Bernard, 19, 27-8 Senior, Nassau William, 28 Separation by consent, policy of, 37,

38, 45, 51, 68, 72, 98, 119 Separatism, age of, 2, 25-6, 52;

Bright's views on, 2, 38; Bury on, 47, 93; Cobden's views on, 2, 34, 37; criticism of age of, 8, 26-7, 236, 238; Disraeli's views on, 177-80, 182; Froude on, 72, 113; Galt's views on, 69; Gladstone and, 41, 77, 229; Granville and, 57, 71-2, 90; Kimberley's views on, 85; Knatchbull-Hugessen's disavowal of, 79-80, 91; literature of, 47-50; Lowe's views on, 34; Newcastle's views on, 43-4; reaction against, 6, 82, 119, 121; real nature of, 34-6, 37-8, 51; G. Smith's views on, 2, 34-5, 38. See also separation by consent, policy of

Sewell, Henry, 99, 102, 103, 107, 116, 260

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of, 115

Shaw, A. G. L., quoted, 29, 32, 33 Shepstone, Sir Theophilus, 198, 260

Sierra Leone, 35, 143, 160 Silver, Stephen William, 131 Slave Trade, 148, 151 Smith, Adam, 27 Smith, Goldwin, 44, 45, 49, 50, 87,

178; and separatism, 34-5,47,54, 61, 98; Anglo-Saxon federation, 35; biographical notes, 261 ; India, 39, 239; Manchester School, 38, 39; on protection, 2, 30

Smith, W. Jardine, 128, 138 Smythe, Colonel William James, 143 Society for the propagation of the

Gospel in Foreign Parts, 151 Somerset, Sir Edward Adolphus St

Maur, 12th Duke of, 162 South Africa, 36, 142, 206, 238, 241,

252; annexation of Transvaal, 195-6, 245; confederation, 168-9, 191, 192-6, 197; Monroe Doctrine for, 245-6; relations wih Boers, 8, 193-6; relations with Zulus, 197-200; responsible government, 36, 69, 193; withdrawal of the garri­sons, 86-7. See also Basutoland, Cape Colony, Griqualand West, Natal, Orange Free State, Trans­vaal and Zulus

South Africa Committe, 168 South Africa Permissive Federation

Bill (1877), 196 South Australia, 76, 93, 139, 143 South Wales Borderers, 198 Spartali & Co., 162 Spectator, xv, 60-1, 70, 75, 78-9, 99,

100, 117, 118, 180 Spedding, James, 122, 131 Stacey, C. P., quoted, 65 Standard, The, 60, 70, 75, 78, 100,

101-2, 105, 106, 108, 111, 117, 124, 125

Stanley of Alderley, Henry Edward John Stanley, 3rd Baron, 162, 164, 167 n56, 261

State-aided emigration, 110-11, 112, 113

Steiner, Zara, 16, 19 Stembridge, S. R., 178; quoted 173,

177 nl4 Stengers, Jean, 250 Strahan, Captain George Cumine,

159, 169 Straits of Malacca, 184

INDEX 287 Straits Settlements, 158, 164 Straits Settlements Association, 167

n56 Strangways, Henry Bull Templer, 139 Suez Canal, 124, 207, 219, 220;

purchase of shares in, 189, 209-11 Sumner, Charles, 65 Swanzi, F., 161, 162 Sydney Examiner, 100 Sydney Morning Herald, 60 Synge, Colonel, 107, 116 Syria, 216, 217

Tashkent, 200 Taylor, Sir Henry, 191 Taylor, Peter Alfred, 166, 167, 169,

261 Tennyson, Alfred, Baron Tennyson,

111, 127 Thakombau, Chief of Mbau, 148,

149, 154, 156 Thornton, A. P., xvii, 251; quoted,

17,239,242,246,247 Thring, Henry, 47, 50 Times, The, 60, 76, 99, 100, 104,

107-8, 109, 126-7, 137, 147, 161, 170 n62, 176, 177 n15, 180

Toronto, 124 Torrens, Robert, 28 Torrens, Robert Richard, 118, 123,

126; biographical notes, 261 ; critic of Granville's policy, 76-7, 111, 114, 116, 117; emigration, 110, 125; imperial federation, 129, 135; Westminster Palace Hotel confer­ence, 114

Torrens, William Torrens McCul­lagh, biographical notes, 261 ; critic of Granville's policy, 116, 118; emigration, 110-11; Jamaica Committee, 167; New Guinea, 164; Westminster Palace Hotel conference, 115

Trade and Plantations Committee of the Privy Council, 130, 135

Transvaal, 8, 192, 245; annexation of, 195-6, 197, 204

Treasury, The, 15, 89, 149 Tregaskis, Revd Benjamin, 14 7 n6,

261 Trent, The, 78, 182 Tri-Partite Treaty of Guarantee

(1856), 214

Trollope, Anthony, 47, 127, 239 True, Hollis, 132 Tucker, Josiah, 27 Tunisia, 232 Turkey, 16, 21, 208, 214, 224, 246,

248. See also Russo-Turkish war Tyler, J. E., quoted, 236-7, 243

Ulundi, 200 United States, British exports to, 10,

21-2, 124; expansion of, 121, 125-6, 152, 237, 250; open door policy of, 17; relations with Canada, 34, 48, 54, 65, 67, 71, 73-4, 86; rela­tions with Great Britain, 16, 55-6, 84, 122, 181-3; relations with New Zealand, 63-4, 69, 89. See also American Civil War, American War of Independence

Victoria, 33, 69, 85, 101, 108, 138, 151

Victoria, Queen, 83; Empress of India, 211-13; Fiji, 154-5; in­terest in empire, 206-7, 253; Zulu war, 200

Vogel, Sir Julius, 85

Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 27, 28, 45

Walker, William, 116 Washington, Treaty of (1871), 78 Webster, Daniel, 97 Weld, Frederick Aloysius, 58, 261 Wesleyan Missionary Society, 166;

Fiji, 149, 151-3; Gambia, 147, 160-1

West Africa, 82, 157, 178, 188, 231, 240, 248-9. See also domestic slavery, Gambia, Gold Coast, Lagos, Select Committee on West African Settlements (1865) and Sierra Leone

West Calder, 234 West Indies, 33, 144, 191 Western Australia, 83 Western Pacific High Commission,

170, 188, 237 Westgarth, William, 95 n6, 103, 138;

biographical notes, 261; critic of Granville's policy, 105, 108, 115; imperial federation, 129-30, 133


Westminster Palace Hotel conference (1871), 112, 114-15, 116, 129, 131, 139

Westminster Review, 75, 122, 126, 127, 131, 139

Whately, Richard, Archbishop of Dublin, 28

Wilmot-Horton, Robert John, 28 Wilson, Edward, 124, 126; biographi­

cal notes 261 ; Cannon Street meetings, '1 04, 108; Colonial So­ciety, 93 n2, 95, 96; critic of Gran­ville's policy, 102, 107, 111, 114, 115; emigration, 110, 112

Windward Islands, 191 Wingfield, Admiral Sir Charles, 151,

153, 154, 161, 166, 168 Wodehouse, Sir Philip Edmond, 54,

69, 261 Wolff, Sir Edward Henry Drummond

Charles, 96, 115, 116, 129, 130, 261

Wolseley, General Sir Garnet Joseph, 169, 261

Wood, John Dennistoun, 133

Working Men's Associations, 111-12 Wray, Leonard, 95, 107, 116, 164

You! James Arndell, biographical no~es, 262; Colonial Society, 95, 96 ·critic of Granville's policy, 105, lOS, 111, 115; emigration, 110; imperial federation, 129; ~ew Guinea, 164. See also You! Circu­lar and Y oul Committee

You! Circular, 72, 99-104, 107, 116 You! Committee, 102-4, 107, 112,

115, 118 Young, Frederick, biographi,cal no~es,

262 · critic of Granvllle s pohcy, 104_.:_5 107 109, 115, 116; emigra­tion, llO, i 11 ; Fiji, 154; Gambia, 161; imperial federation, 129, 132-3

Young, Sir John, 54, 66-8, 71, 262

Zanzibar, 18, 251 Zambesi, 197, 246 Zulus, 193, 196, 197-200, 204
