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  • WHAT IS THIS? Soziale Marktwirtschaft, or Social Market Economy, is a German form of market capitalism that rejects both laissez-faire economics and socialism. Instead, the Social Market Economy is a third way between Democratic Socialism and Classical Economics. It is also known as the Rhine Model or Social Capitalism
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  • ORIGINS: OTTO VON BISMARCK Otto von Bismarck was a German chancellor from 1871 to 1890 Considered by many the father of modern Germany, his policies had a huge impact on German history and economics
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  • BISMARCKS REFORMS Rapid industrialization, coincided with the establishment of free trade and the liberalization of the German market. The establishment of the first Welfare State, with healthcare insurance and a pension fund for German workers. Suppression of subversive movements, like Socialism and Political Catholicism.
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  • FAST FORWARD TO 1945 Germany suffered a humiliating defeat after World War 2; millions of its people were dead and its cities lay in ruins. The powerful Nazi institutions that laid its framework were now abolished and one- third of the country was now communist.
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  • CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC UNION The CDU is a centre- right, Christian Democratic party that assumed the Soziale Marktwirtschaft as its economic platform. Konrad Adenauer was the shrewd leader of the CDU and chancellor during their time in government.
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  • THE MASTERMIND Ludwig Erhard was the Minister for Economics from 1949 to 1963; he later served as Chancellor from 1963 to 1966. He was the brains behind the Social Market Economy
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  • TWO PRONGED Soziale A driving force behind the adoption of these policies in Germany was maintaining social stability. Marktwirtschaft Dedication to the free market, with pragmatic regulation. Providing enough for each German.
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  • UNDERLYING IDEOLOGY: CHRISTIAN ETHICS Defines concepts of right (virtuous ) and wrong (sinful) behavior. More specifically, the Social Market was influenced by Catholic Social Teachings.
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  • WIRTSCHAFTSWUNDER During the 1950s, Germany was one of the fastest growing economy in the World. Unemployment: 1950 11% 1960 3%
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  • CONTINUED SUCCESS AND INFLUENCE Germany has the best economy in Europe. The Lisbon Treaty cites the Soziale Marktwirtschaft as a model for all of Europe.
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