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Page 1: Annotated magazines

The main image is a close up of Kanye West (this is clearly shown by the large caption placed on the left of the image) He is looking straight at the camera with his head slightly tilted and he is looking at the camera with a very serious facial expression.

The masthead “VIBE” clearly stands out at the top of the page, and takes up around three-quarters of the cover page. This is the name/logo of the magazine, and needs to stand out over the other text on the page.

The header summarises one of the main articles in the magazine – a report about the making of a movie called ‘Notorious’, on the actual set of the film, revealing secrets about the film

Bar Code (essential element of all magazines, when selling copies of them). A small box that always tends to be at the bottom of the page (left or right) – in this case, its on the right. This is so they are out of the way of the other main, more important aspects of the cover like copy etc.

The use of the colours blue and pink, show that there is no particular gender that the magazine is specifically aimed at, but the ‘less-revealing’ close-up image of Kanye West, shows that the image isn't likely to be aimed at a female audience, because with female audiences it is typical to have a topless male. As it is just a clothed imaged of his shoulders upwards, it adds a more serious tone which could also be associated with a more masculine audience.

Cover lines: There is a strict colour scheme of blue, white and white used for all of the text on the page. The main cover lines ‘Kanye West’ (with a pull quote saying ‘I AM RAP’ – in blue) and ‘His 50 Greatest Songs’ are in pink, and the smaller text underneath is in black. The 50 is much bigger, so it stands put over all of the other text on the page, as it is the main/more important article out of the magazine.

Smaller text for the ‘less important’ articles, but still continues to follow the colour scheme of the whole magazine cover (blue, black and pink)

Page 2: Annotated magazines

The main image is a medium close up of a rock artist using his electric guitar. This helps reveal the genre of the magazine, as guitars and electric guitars are often associated with rock artists. He has a serious facial expression, which shows he could be serious about what he does (being in a band)/is passionate about what he does. There is a darker background, which allows the main image of the artist to stand out fully over it.

The masthead “KERRANG” clearly stands out at the top of the page, as it is pretty much THE most important aspect of the page. It takes up around a fifth of the whole page. The font style is unique and dramatic –it has a sort of ‘broken glass’ effect

The header summarises some of the bands/artists that are featured inside the magazine. As the genre of the magazine is rock, it will be associated with rock bands/artists that would be more likely to be familiar to the target audience of rock fans

Bar Code, Issue Number, Date and price (essential elements of most magazines, when selling copies of them). A small box that always tends to be at the bottom of the page (left or right) – in this case, its on the right. This is so they are out of the way of the other main, more important aspects of the cover like copy etc.

The colours yellow black and white are continuously used throughout the magazine cover, and by the use of ‘rough-looking’ copy and male artists on the front cover, it suggests that the magazine could be aimed more towards a male audience, who most-definitely are highly interested in rock music/artists

Smaller text for the ‘less important’ articles, but still stands out over the other images, as different colours are used.

The main sell line anchors the main cover image and stands out fully over it. It uses a much bigger font to allow it to stand out even more, and much more than anything else does on the whole page, as it is the most important article that could be found inside. It is also in a different, unique font that looks rough and also seems to stand out over everything else.

Cover LinesThese are only of artist’s names, which would be articles about them

Page 3: Annotated magazines

The main image is a medium close up of a rap artist called Eminem (although his real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers). He is stood with his arms crossed, staring right at the camera with a serious facial expressions – this shows that he is serious about what he does.Also, the cover line on the left of Eminem, about drugs is also a very serious topic, which relates to the seriousness of Eminem himself.

The masthead “VIBE” clearly stands out at the top of the page, and takes up around a quarter of the page. It sticks to the strict red/black/grey colour scheme that is continuously used throughout the whole magazine cover. IT is in a simple, yet effective BOLD font, allowing it to stand out as much as it possibly can.

The header summarises some of the rap artists that are featured inside the magazine. As the genre of the magazine is rap, it will continue to associate the artists, with their music genre, then also with the magazine’s genre itself. It also asks the reader a question – ‘IS 1998 RAP’S LAST CLASSIC YEAR?’ – this is most likely to be a rhetorical question, so the reader will think to themselves, and then possibly be able to answer the question by reading the inside of the magazine, which will make them want to purchase it.

This could possibly draw readers in, as it allows them to get involved with the magazine and actually get a chance to help decide who the ‘BEST RAPPER EVER’ actually is.It also sticks to the colour scheme.

The use of the colours red, black and grey are continuously used throughout the magazine cover, and by the use of an image of Eminem looking very serious, it could be aimed more towards a male audience. But the use of his being in a vest, showing some muscles, it could be aimed more towards a female audience

Smaller text for the ‘less important’ articles which, in this case are artist’s names (but different to the previous ones above).

This briefly tells the reader a few of the artists that will be spoken about/to in the magazine, through various article/interviews etc.Cover Lines

These are all rap-related, or related to the artists himself. This just shows that they are relevant to the genre of the magazine.

Page 4: Annotated magazines


Here, the text is substantially bigger than all of the rest. This shows importance within the article, and draws the readers in so they will read it. But in order to read it fully, they will of course have to purchase it first. This is how the magazine company continue to make their profits, as advertising things on the front cover etc draws readers in and they then go and purchase it. The larger text could also signify the artist’s (T.I) authroity.

The main image is of a young, attractive-looking female who is dressed in fashionable clothing. The reason for why an attractive girl was used, is so the readers of the magazine can aspire to be like her. Using a highly attractive cover girl, makes the reader want to purchase the magazine, as they are likely to believe that if they follow the tips inside of the magazine, they will be able to make themselves look relatively similar to the cover girl; enabling them to attract males, and get boyfriends etc

The caption saying ‘SHHH!’ relates to the main image, as the cover girl has her finger over her mouth, whilst obviously saying ‘SHHH!’ too. The “My secret is…’ part also links back in with the while ‘SHHH!’ idea, as it is adding a more secretive effect to the whole situation, where Christina Milan (the cover girl) would reveal her secrets, tips and opinions on how to look good.

The masthead of the magazine (RAP-UP) is unique, and stand out very well over the flowery background. The whole masthead takes up around a sixth of the page, this is allowing the cover to look sort of neat and tidy, rather than all cluttered up. The main image of ‘Christina Milan’ goes over the masthead, to show her importance.

The use of a flowery background shows that the magazine would most definitely be aimed at a female audience. The colour scheme used throughout the whole magazine cover is pink, purple and also some amounts of black. The pink and purple instantly attract a female audience as these are typically the colours that are most favourite by females.The black is only used for text, but in smaller amounts, as they tend to locate the most important bits of the magazine/articles. The black text would be used to allow it to effectively stand out over the over aspects and colours of the page, as it is much bolder and is much more able to stand out other pretty much every colour in existence.

The header is to do with fashion, which could again relate back to the cover girl, and the reader wanting to be as attractive and fashionable as she is.

Page 5: Annotated magazines

This contents page is from the magazine called NME. The black and red text over a white background helps the text stand out much better. The colours oppose each other as the white is quite dull, but the black and red are more vibrant colours and they are much more noticeable.The article titles and names are segmented up into different sections, in order to help the reader find what they are looking for more easily - this is a more ‘efficient’ way of doing so.

This promotional offer advertised here that is available to the readers, stand out over everything else on the page due to the use of different colours to the rest of them that are more familiarly used in the colour scheme. The advertisement is eye catching which is typically essential in order to sell whatever it is that’s being advertised/promoted/offered (in this case it is a subscription offer, allowing the customer to subscribe to NME magazine, for just £5.57 a month.

The main images are full-body images of artists that would possibly appear frequently inside the magazine. As they are rock artists, it shows that the magazine is likely to also be classed as the genre of ‘rock’. I can tell it is a rock band, from the large use of guitars and electronic equipment shown on the front cover, which are all typical associations of most rock bands.

The masthead of the magazine (NME) is shown differently to all other text on the page – it contains red black text, but also a white outline to accompany it. This shows, and also immediately identifies that ‘NME’ is the magazines name. The use of the red and white also stand out excellently over the black background behind it.

The contents of this page, showing what articles are available to be read inside are in smaller writing, this is because there is a substantial amount of them, but it also allows the more important ones to stand out more around them. In a way, this shows how one article could have more authority over another.

The magazine release date

Page 6: Annotated magazines

Here, the text is HUGELY bigger than any other piece of text on the page. The words ‘CONTENTS’ is broken into ‘CO’, ‘NTEN’, ‘TS’. This is because the ‘V’ is next to it, so in a way it is basically saying ‘VIBE CONTENTS’, which is exactly what the page is.

The main image is of a very attractive young model. The darkened gradient background allows the girl on the page to stand out well against it. The women used is dressed and posing in a sexually provocative way. This is more likely to entertain and attract a more of a male audience. But it still has the possibilities of attracting females due to the girl looking very elegant and extremely attractive, and the readers wanting to aspire to allow themselves to be able to look like this too.

The headline ‘Fashion’ is able to link to the image, as this type of clothing could also be seen as fashionable (to less-young females).

The cover girl is a well-known artist called ‘Ciara’, which readers will wish to be able to be like, therefore they will read the magazine.

There is an outlined ‘V’ here, which stands for the magazines name – ‘VIBE’

The headlines here, are clearly separated by their type etc.The ‘Features’ headline just has articles listed underneath it, that are featured within the magazine, and relevant to the headline. The ‘Fashion’ headline has the articles that are linked/related to fashionable items listed underneath it.Both contain the article’s page numbers along with them.

The black text clearly stands out over the gradient background, as where the white/grey part of the background is, the text is white. And where the background is black, the text is plain white.These are opposing colours, e.g. white stands out really well over black, and black stand out really well over white.

Page 7: Annotated magazines

The front cover seems to say ‘THE 250 BEST ALBUMS OF Q’S LIFETIME’, as shown here…

This could also be a special edition magazine, as the whole idea of ‘THE 250 BEST ALBUMS OF Q’S LIFETIME’ seems to take up the whole front cover too

Which also seems to have an article about it, shown here…

This contents page is from a magazine called ‘Q’. It is much neater than other magazines when it comes to the layout of the page. Everything is laid out in the upmost tidiest way.

The features listen down the left hand side are the articles etc that will be featured inside the magazine, and the artists in which they will be about.

The main image is of a band that will be mentioned inside the magazine, as they have an article where they are the main subject. There is also a large page number in the bottom right hand corner of the main image, saying ’96’ as this is what page the article/interview on this ban would be located.

All 3 of the people standing in the main picture seem to be looking very serious, which can show that they are passionate about what they do. As they are dressed casually, and sort of ‘funky’, it is likely that the band could be of the rock genre, as they tend to dress uniquely and always look serious; or even angry.

This image shows another band likely to be interviewed inside, and also have an article included in the magazine that is about them too. Again, they all look serious.

The colour scheme of red, black and white is continuously used throughout this contents page. The red stands out well over the white background, and the white also stands out well over the red background (in the title –’Contents’). The black text is used frequently too, as it also stand out very well over the white backgrounds, which helps add a more dramatic effect, and makes it much more visible.

Page 8: Annotated magazines

This double-page spread is from NME magazine

This double-page spread proves that NME is obviously aimed at a teenaged audience, and most likely to also be male. This can be realised by the use of the title ‘NME LOVES THE TEENAGERS’.

Here, it shows a section called ‘EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT’ – as this is 2 pages dedicated to teenagers, it shows 3 bands that are currently popular, therefore a ‘everyone’ is talking about them. Each band name has a small image of the band under it, along with a short article about them. The images that are located under the band names seem to all gave something in common – none of the bands are ALL looking directly at the camera. This could help portray the typicality of teenagers ‘not being bothered’ about what is going on around them.

The Main Image Is of a band who look as if they could be in their late teens. They are dressed fashionably, in relation to the genre of music/magazine they are known for. They are sat on a bed, in a typical male teenager’s bedroom (posters of girls/models etc). They also continue to look as if they don't care, which can often be associated and stereotyped towards teenaged males.

There is a constant colour scheme of blue, white and black on this double-page spread. The blue is a light tone, and pretty much always used to highlight the most important bits on the pages.

The white text is almost always on top of a black background, apart from when it is being highlighted (in blue) as something important. And the black text is almost always on top of a white background, unless it is also highlighted in blue; to show more importance.

Page 9: Annotated magazines

This double-page spread is from the magazine called ‘Kerrang’.The colour scheme used related to what the band are also wearing (their clothing is red, black etc) – the band shown are called ‘The All American Rejects’. The colours aren't similar either, which allows them to avoid being mistaken for one another, and lets them individually stand out much more clearly.

The layout used is neat, and keeps the whole page quite blanked out. There is a lot more text used than images, but the main images takes up around half of the whole double-page spread. The smaller images are colourless (black and white), allowing them to be shown to be separate from the much bigger images, also allowing them to stand out much more efficiently.

The way in which the smaller images are colourless; in comparison to the much bigger image, shows a colour-contrast as they are complete opposites.

The smaller images are individual portraits of each individual band member of ‘The All American Rejects’.. Having the one image of all of the band member much bigger than the others, shows the overall importance and authority of them when they come together as one.

There is a pull-quote located near the star of the page, saying ‘The All American Rejects might look and sound like a band your mum would approve of, but don’t be fooled, Tyson and his crew dish the dirt’. The whole of the pull-quote is written in capital letters and also two different colours (pink/purple and red). This draws the reader’s attention in, and lours them towards the article; making them want to read on. The use of the word ‘crew’ gives intensions of the article being informal, as well as the term ‘dish the dirt’; which implies that the article will cover the upmost important details.

Page 10: Annotated magazines

The is from NMA magazine, and the artist shown is ‘Florence And The Machine’. She is a highly attractive, young individual who is posing in a provocative way, with large amount of her legs showing. The main (and only) image on this double page spread pretty much takes up the whole of the double page spread, and the text is then places over it.

The largest piece of text is placed behind ‘Florence And The Machine’, this is to show her importance and authority over everything else on the page. Where it says ‘USA’ then ‘Got The Love’ is a play on words, as Florence And The Machine has a song called ‘You've Got The Love’. As the article says, ‘she’s 2009’s biggest success story, with America at her feet’. This shows she is a big artist, which shows its relevancy to having her appear inside the magazine.

The use of an American flag also shows its relativity to the whole topic of the article and the title, as it is the flag of the actual country.

There is a very plain and simple colour scheme used, which is just basically white and black. This is used so Florence and the American flag are allowed to stand out much more effectively and efficiently over everything else on the page, as they are pretty much the only things that are properly coloured.

The layout is very tidy, and all the text is placed on the one side of the page, to allow the reader to be able to read it with ease, avoiding any chances of getting things mixed up.

Everything on the page, is relevant to everything else that is on the page.

e.g. it says ‘USA’ at the top, talks out ‘America’ in the article, and also shows an image of an American flag. – The relativity is clearly shown here, with the relation that America and USA etc all have to eachother.
