
MECOR Indonesia 2013

American Thoracic Society

and the

Perhimpunan DokterParu Indonesia

29 April – 3 May 2013

Bogor, Indonesia

MECOR Indonesia 2013Where we met


MECOR Indonesia 2013Our Leaders

Sonia Buist MDATS MECOR Program Director

Kevin Mortimer, MDMECOR Indonesia Director

Erlina Burhan, MD, PhDMECOR Indonesia Country Director

MECOR Indonesia 2013Where our students live

MECOR Indonesia 2013Introductions

MECOR Indonesia 2013Our Students

MECOR Indonesia 2013Our Students

MECOR Indonesia 2013Our Students

MECOR Indonesia 2013Our Students

MECOR Indonesia 2013Our Students

MECOR Indonesia 2013Our Students

MECOR Indonesia 2013Our Students

MECOR Indonesia 2013Our Faculty and Staff

MECOR Indonesia 2013Hard at Work—Conversations in class

MECOR Indonesia 2013Hard at Work—The “Quiz”

MECOR Indonesia 2013Hard at Work—Small Groups

MECOR Indonesia 2013What is the Question?

Factors associated with delayed culture conversion of patients with MDR TB in Persahabatan Hospital, Moewardi Hospital, and Syaiful Anwar Hospital, Indonesia

Prevalence of microbiologically confirmed pulmonary Tuberculosis among new diagnosed HIV-infected patients in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia

MECOR Indonesia 2013What is the Question?

Prevalence of smoking and respiratory symptoms among students in five Indonesian junior high schools

Importance of biomass fuel for lung cancer in women in five Indonesian cities

Childhood asthma prevalence and risk factors in Indonesia

MECOR Indonesia 2013

“Sampai jumpa tahun depan”


This course has been developed and implemented by the American Thoracic Society (ATS)

MECOR Indonesia 2013 is supported financially and in kind by:

Perhimpunan Dokter Paru Indonesia

(Indonesian Society of Respirology)

the American Thoracic Society

Additional support is provided by

PT Sandoz Indonesia

The American Thoracic Society acknowledges and thanks

dr. Erlina Burhan, dr. M. Arifin Nawas, dr. Firza Asnely Putri, and their colleagues who assisted in the organization of MECOR Indonesia 2013
