




No Report Submitted


Auxiliary Emergency



American Legion Auxiliary Department of Florida AEF Year-End Report 2020-2021 Department: Florida

Department Chairman’s Name: Linda Knoblach-Harkness

Phone # 484-264-7890

These are some of the questions that were asked on the Department Mid-Year Report

❖ How many units have a unit AEF? 62

❖ What activities were performed?

Most of our units collect money at the monthly meetings. There are a few units that collect

money in the canteen. Units had giving Trees, bake sales, bingo, a car wash and a toga party.

❖ How many members requested assistance from the Department of Florida? 4

❖ How many members was the Department of Florida able to help? 3

❖ How many members applied for National AEF? 4

Although Covid-19 tried to wreak havoc, the Department of Florida’s members stepped up to

help our members who were in need.

Jacksonville Beach, Unit 129 demonstrated that there are no boundaries when a Unit is in need.

The members of Unit 51 in Lake Charles, Louisiana got a double shot of disaster when

Hurricane Laura then Hurricane Beta ripped through their area. They hosted Dinners, bingo, car

wash, bake sales and with individual donations, Unit 129 was able to send $1200.00 to Unit 51.

Atlantic Beach, Unit 316 hosted a Dinner to help a member in Louisiana who was affected by

hurricane Laura.

Miami, Unit 133 helped four of their members who were unemployed due to Covid-19 by giving

each member $500.00.

Escambia Unit 340 was able to help four members with $500.00 each.

A member from Unit 303 in Bonita Springs volunteered to make masks and the unit asked for

donations. Keep in mind the Post home was closed through much of this. BUT the dedicated

members drove to the homes of folks who wanted a mask and waited until they people came out

to the car to get their mask made by patriotic women. The unit raised $345.00 for their AEF.

The Department of Florida members were able to donate $2265.00 for 2019/2020 National’s

Auxiliary Emergency Fund.

In 2020/2021 our members donated $1240.00 to the National AEF.

I believe these past two years were our greatest opportunity to shine the light on the importance

program and our units continue to do so by giving out brochures and teaching the program’s

purpose at their meetings, as well as fundraising.


Although our members endured their own trials and tribulations, they had each other in mind.

Our goal for 2019/2020 was $10,000. The Department of Florida has received $10124.00 in

2019/2020 to use for those members in need. This is on top of Units helping their members at the

Post homes.

For 2020/2021 so we have raised $8089.75. We still have a few weeks to go to reach our goal of


Of course, this is just a small sample of what the members in the Department of Florida are

doing to support each other and the mission.

It is a great honor to serve the Department of Florida as Department AEF Chairman because the

members dedication.

Linda Knoblach-Harkness

Department of Florida

AEF Chairman

[email protected]



Cavalcade of Memories

No Report Submitted




Department of Florida Chaplain’s Report

2020 – 2021

Due to Covid-19 over the last two years, our Chaplains have been limited in what they could do,

however you will see that we have been very busy doing what they could and they did extremely

well. As Department Chaplain I can say that I am so proud of the Department of Florida


Over the last two years we lost a number of members, below are the counts:

2019 – 2020 – 277

2020 – 2021 – 361

Combined total for two years is 638 Angels who are now with our Lord in his kingdom and

watching over us.

Included in these counts are six (6) Past Department Presidents.

The Department of Florida has 100% reporting from our Districts.

We had 115 Units reporting and 16 Districts.

95 Units reported opening and closing their meetings with Prayer, 53 Unit Chaplains were called

upon to say a prayer at other functions, such as Celebrations of Life, Thanksgiving, Christmas,

Going Away Parties, Auxiliary Luncheons, Grace at Meals, at Joint Meetings when needed and

at Veterans Day Luncheons.

36 Units reported using Home Front/Reflections.

Our Chaplains were busy getting creative to keep in touch with our Veterans and our members.

Sometimes in lieu of sending cards one unit sends dish gardens when they are in the hospital.

They sent two very large dish gardens to two members whose husband’s passed away.

Unit 344 has members that belong to POW/MIA Chapter 1 Rolling Thunder and they are

assisting with raising POW/MIA Flags at the 82 Public Schools in Brevard County.

This year our Chaplains have sent out the following Cards:


Sympathy – 757

Get Well – 983

Thinking of You – 786

Congratulations – 46

Birthday – 2,249

42 Units visited the sick 411 times during this pandemic. Way to go!

Chaplains attended 28 Funeral Services, 58 Units draped their charters 141 times for members.

3 Units handed out Grace Cards 2,035 times. 1 Unit reported placing 2,000 Grace Cards on

VAMC Meal Trays.

18 Units either attended or performed 4 Chaplain Ceremonies

45 Units held Memorial Day Services

51 Units held Veterans Day Services

45 Units held Wreaths Across America

28 Units held POW/MIA

7 Units held Pearl Harbor

15 Units held Flag Day

1 Unit held Vietnam Veterans Day

1 Unit held Patriots Day

1 Unit donated to Southeastern Guide Dogs

1 Unit is working on Missing in America Project, 2 members went to two different services.

1 Unit held Gold Star Mothers Luncheon, Flag Retirement Ceremony, Installations, Raising flags

at schools in Brevard County.

2 Units held 911 remembrance ceremonies

1 Unit attended Good Deed Award Ceremony

1 Unit held Purple Hearts Day Event

1 Unit Welcomed Home Vietnam Veterans

1 Unit attended Annual Awards, US Navy Sea Cadets American Victory Division

Vila Park Celebration of 7 Brothers that served during different wars

Hillsborough County Veterans Park – Edwin Porterfield Award and Spirit Awards Presentation.


Female Veterans Luncheon held.

As you can see our Chaplains were busy even with the Pandemic going on.

As your Department Chaplain I was busy but mostly online and the continuation of the

sympathies and congratulations were too many to even try to keep track of. Just know that the

Department of Florida was represented throughout the Country when asked for prayers.

As your Chaplain I was was asked to perform a Celebration of Life for Erna Schwabe and I did

that. I hope I represented all of you in a graceful manner and it was my honor to take care of that


As always the award for the Prayer Book will be announced at Convention.

Last year’s Prayer Book was won by Unit 323, Linda Hall.

Thank you again for allowing me the honor of being your Department of Florida Chaplain. This

is my last year as I am stepping down due to personal reasons. I know you will be in good hands

by whoever will be your Chaplain, I hope I honored you all well.

Respectfully submitted,

Lois J. Stachelrodt

American Legion Auxiliary

Department of Florida Chaplain


Children & Youth


American Legion Auxiliary

Department of Florida 2019-2021 Year-End Narrative

As Department Chairman, my theme was “Open Your Heart” for our Children & Youth. At our Department Workshop I distributed origami heart that opened and said Children & Youth.

John’s Hopkins All Childrens’ reached out and asked if members would sew masks. I recruited 35 members who sewed over 4000 masks. Supplies were delivered to members and completed masks picked up and delivered to the hospital. In three months, I put 1000 miles on my car. Communication with the Units and members was done through inspiring personal emails, Southern Division Chairman Gabriele Barnett newsletters and articles in our monthly Department newsletter.

The Annual C&Y Picnic was April, 3 2021. Auxiliary Units donated 54 raffle baskets for the event. A great time was had while raising funds for our Children & Youth charities. The Units kept the “Health and Well Being of our Veterans, Military and their Families” in the forefront while “Opening their Hearts” and minds and thinking “outside of the box” to work the Children & Youth program. Chili cook-offs, virtual basket raffles, Angel Trees, Hallo-Wing Night, email, Facebook and letter fundraisers all raised funds for Children and Youth programs. Military kids at MacDill Air Force Base, Tinker Air Force Base, Eustis National Guard Armory, Mayport and Jacksonville Navy bases all benefitted from the giving hearts of our Units. Donations of school supplies, masks, gloves, sanitizing supplies, baby items, clothes, diapers, wipes, car seats and KDH2 buttons were delivered. The Military Child’s Table ceremony was performed during Unit and District meetings, at Post homes, during outside events, in schools, on military bases, virtually and on social media. Military families overseas were adopted and received packages of scarves, snacks, PPE supplies, and Christmas gifts. Several Units partnered with Operation Homefront to distribute donated items. Klinger, a Story of Hope was read to an elementary class. One Unit says “Thank You” to military Juniors by paying their dues. (What a great idea.) Prayer cards were made by members with the message “Remember to Pray for our Military Kids.” Monetary donations were made to Camp Corral, allowing military kids and families to go to camp for free. Many Units had a special meeting in April dedicated to the Children & Youth program. April 15th “Purple Up Day” was celebrated by Legion families in post homes, unit meetings, monthly, at schools, on social media, virtually, and in communities. A Girl Scout troop who recruited 500 kids to make 6,447 thank you cards that were sent overseas to military families.

American Legion families held drive-by donation drop-off and pick-up food pantries. Food, toiletries, furniture, car seats and clothes were also collected and donated to veteran’s facilities. Gift cards were given to families to purchase needed items and home repairs. Children made pictures, thank you cards and military cutouts for legionnaires. After a house fire destroyed their home, one Unit aided the family with necessities. An outdoor Movie night with Santa and Pancakes with Santa were held at 2 post homes attended by Legion families. Juniors at one Unit hosted a Spring Fling fundraiser. The


proceeds helped to build a playground on post property for all to enjoy. Toys for Tots was also sponsored by many Legion families. Units collected food and made holiday baskets for veteran families.

Community donation drop-offs were set-up to accept school supplies, food, toiletries, PPE supplies, masks, baby items, clothes and underwear. Women, children, pregnancy centers and teenage girl shelters and local schools received the in-kind gifts. Safe holiday parties and events were held at post homes, outside venues and parking lots. Weekend Pac-n-Sac school food programs were expanded to daily or weekly distribution for all students. 1000 Florida kids received the American Legion Safe Halloween comic book. Youth sports teams were sponsored, supplied with uniforms, banners of support and travel expenses provided. Boys and Girls Clubs, summer camps, public libraries, and Friends of the Library, Hunger Walks, HUDVASH, SoZo Kids (Ocala National Forest kids), Indian River Cleaveland Clinic for Newborns and many foster kid programs received monetary donations as well as in-kind items. One Unit assisted an organization that helps victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking. Valerie’s House received handmade stuffed animals with matching tote bags for children grieving the loss of a loved one. Homeless graduating seniors received a laundry basket filled with a backpack stuffed with personal care items, water bottles, sanitizers, towels, t-shirts, $5 and notes of encouragement. Elementary students were honored monthly with blue ribbons for their achievements. So far, the Department of Florida has nominated and presented five Youth Hero and twenty-two Good Deed awards. One Florida member sends articles from around the country of eligible youth to our National Chairman Lisa.

Chronically ill children and their families are never forgotten in Florida. Monetary donations have been sent to Johns Hopkins All Children’s, Shriner’s, St. Mary’s Pediatric, St. Jude’s and Galisano Hospitals, Mailman Center, COTA, Beads of Courage, Camp Boggy Creek, Face of Courage, Angels Unaware, Cystic Fibrosis, Ronald McDonald House and the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation. Units gave holiday gifts for the hospitalized children which were distributed by the staff. In-kind donations of pop-tabs for Ronald McDonald House and Shiner’s Hospital generated funds. Bags for Beads of Courage, hats, layettes, booties, quilts, and burial wraps have been delivered to All Children’s. A Unit sponsored Girl Scout Troop made hearts, pumpkins and shamrocks for the Unit to sell and hang in the post home. All proceeds went to Dollars for Mammograms, the American Legion Child Welfare and Special Olympics. Members in one unit are sending emails to sick kids and one unit had a drive-by birthday parade for a cancer patient.

The Department of Florida “Opened their Heart” wide and has gone above and beyond for military and veteran’s children, the homeless, our communities, and those medically challenged. For God & Country, Dee Bell Department of Florida Children & Youth Chairman


Community Service


Community Service for Book of Reports 2021

Chairman: Jill Lux

Community Service in the state of Florida has withstood the rath of COVID-19. As positive cases

numbers lowered, restrictions in our communities were eased. We were able to get out there and take

care of the people in our communities during these difficult times.

The units participated in parades, Flag Day, 9-11 events, law enforcement day and all the National holidays. They donated to food baskets, worked in soup kitchens and helped with food drives. They attended town meetings and worked with town officials by participating in common events. Many units reported they cleaned up cemeteries, including the head stones, cleaned up highways and even helped neighbors clean their yards and paint their houses. They helped seniors with cooking, cleaning and transportation. With COVID-19 this year, the auxiliary units started a “buddy check”. They would call each other or email to make sure all was good. They held fundraisers to purchase Kevlar vests for K-9’s and donated care packages to the local police departments. They donated meals and goodies to fire departments also. The list goes on and on for what our auxiliary units have done throughout the year, but the numbers speak for themselves. As reported to the Southern Department Chairman and National President, our units participated in all the suggested days of service. And they did it with pride! We have some outstanding units in Florida and the following numbers will back this statement up. I will post the total numbers per district and then grand totals at the end, District 1: # of volunteers – 22; # of volunteer hours – 423; $ spent - $3493 In Kind donations - $1054. District 2: # of volunteers – 33; # of volunteer hours – 3337; $ spent - $1073; In Kind donations - $2515. District 3 did not send a report, but one unit sent the report directly to me as she did not know who to send it to. District 4 – NO Report Unit 291: #of volunteers – 40; # of volunteer hours – 3200; $ spent - $14,476; In Kind donations - $1800. District 5: # of vol – 306; # of volunteer hrs. – 7500; $ spent - $27,000; In Kind donations - $21,500. District 6: # of vol – 121; # of volunteer hrs. – 3500; $ spent - $8,000; In Kind donations - $5,000. District 7: # of vol – 25; # of volunteer hrs. – 953; $ spent - $2200; In Kind donations - $0. District 8: # of vol – 60; # of volunteer hrs. – 1452; $ spent - $1800; In Kind donations $500. District 9: # of vol – 10; # of volunteer hrs. – 100; $ spent - $200; In Kind donations $950. For those that don’t know, there isn’t a District 10 District 11 – NO Report District 12: # of vol – 242; # of volunteer hrs. – 13,301; $ spent - $10,912; In Kind donations - $12,270. District 13: # of vol – 238; # of volunteer hrs. – 5,388; $ spent - $8400; In Kind donations - $12,840. District 14: # of vol – 20; # of volunteer hrs. – 1030; $ spent – 0; In Kind donations – 0. District 15: # of vol – 31; # of volunteer hrs. – 1672; $ spent - $2465; In kind donations - $6950. District 16: # of vol – 130; # of volunteer hrs. – 1260; $ spent - $11220; In kind donations - $1570.


The total of all above is as follows: For the state of Florida, Community Service totals are: Total number of volunteers – 1278 Total number of volunteer hours – 43,116 Total money spent on our program - $91,239. Total money for In Kind donations - $66,949. Nothing will stop the great state of Florida from supporting community service! Thank you to all. Keep up the great work. Submitted by: Jill Lux Community Service Chairman 2021


Constitution & Bylaws


Constitution and Bylaws


Year-End Report

Due to the many revisions to our Constitution and Bylaws by The American Legion and our American

Legion Auxiliary, Units were encouraged by District Presidents and District Chairmen to review their

governing documents. Reports indicated 92 were inspired to review.

Year-end reports were received from 9 districts and 1 Unit reported from another district who had not

submitted a report. 121 Units out of 212 (57%) have successfully updated their Constitution, Bylaws and

Standing Rules to encompass the many changes. One District President and Chairman (District 15) were

instrumental in having all 12 Units in their district update their governing documents.

As part of the Program Action Plan, a sample Constitution and Bylaws was prepared containing all of the

recent changes for the Units to use for their convenience. Some used the sample verbatim by

downloading it and just inserting their Unit’s information where applicable and others typed the WHOLE

thing over.

The length of time between Units submitting their documents for approval, having them returned for

corrections and resubmitting was drastically reduced by having the Units email their documents for

review first. It enabled the Units to make any necessary changes, re-present to their Units for approval

and finally mail for approval. That also dropped the postage expense to Dept. of FL by 1/3.

One District meeting and two ABC Schools of Instructions were attended to provide guidance on revising

the Units’ Constitution and Bylaws. A conference call with District Presidents and Department Chairmen

was used to discuss and answer questions.

Throughout 2019-2021, emails to District Presidents and District Chairmen were sent to advise them of

the changes and how best to implement them. Emails from National Constitution and Bylaws Chairman

Trish Ward and Southern Division Chairman Jane Benzel were forwarded to the District Presidents and

District Chairmen.

I would like to thank Dept. of FL Constitution and Bylaws Committee Member Pat Devine for her

invaluable assistance and Parliamentarian Mary Kelly-Perkins for her guidance. And thank you President

Ann King-Smith for having the confidence in me to appoint me as your Constitution and Bylaws


Submitted by:

Catherine (Cathie) McMullin

Constitution and Bylaws Chairman





First and foremost....the Department of Florida is ecstatic and thankful at having a

winner in the American Legion Auxiliary Children of Warriors National Presidents

Scholarship. A wonderful program assisting the most talented of our next generation

of folks to make a contribution to our great American Society. Thank You!

Its important to note that all Districts did in fact report. Some Units closed for as

many as 5 months. Some were open and closed again, sometimes numerous times

opened and closed due to quarantine requirements. The Education Program has been

compromised by COVID-19 restrictions overall primarily due to not being able to

enter the school setting.

Give 10 to Education donations went above and beyond the normal pens, pencils and

paper.....Units also included hand sanitizer, surgical gloves, masks, Kleenex and wet

naps. Give 10 is a great program in Florida that is enhanced by it's simplicity.

Recipients again included elementary schools, high schools, day care settings and

Head Start.

Box Tops...participation again was strong. Most likely due to people being home and

having the time to participate on line.

Veterans in Community Schools...Units were creative in the ability to educate

students while unable to enter school buildings. Unit 347 in District #6 sent two 8th

grade students to the National Flight Academy in Pensacola, Fl. Town Hall Meetings

were held and 32 7th grade students participated. One member took three students to

Bushnell National Cemetery for Memorial Day and explained about how our service

personnel serve and how they honor them at this facility. ROTC carried on and

information tables were set up in locations promoting service.

Units encouraged children to write cards for Honor Flight participants. Our

Department President Ann King Smith is involved with this program and it is in fact

her chosen charity.

Art classes were taught by a unit in Florida.


Members who are also teachers promoted Red Shirt Friday in schools. One unit

donated one book per month to a class. Backpack distribution was big this past year

allowing members to participate in this very important function while no one on one

with students was required. Also included in backpacks by units were the masks, hand

sanitizer and Kleenex.

A Military Museum was set up in a school in District #12.

Gift cards and certificates were presented to graduates of a handicapped program.

American Education Week was supported throughout the state of Florida by goods,

supplies, money and time when and where allowed.

Members found unique ways to raise money and in kind donations in these very

unusual times.

Hours; 2,358

In Kind; $19,747

Money raised/donated; $17,411.00

Unit Scholarships; $58,700.00

Department Scholarships; $870.00

A Memorial Scholarship; $900.00


Girls State


Each year the Department of Florida send 300 girls from across the state to

Girls State along with approximately 40 volunteers and 10 Female State Troopers. Our State

Troopers volunteer their time each year to assist with our program.

Our girls also have the unique opportunity where they get to spend the last three days at our

State Capitol in Tallahassee, Fl. They are able to be in the actual House of Representatives sit

and vote in the Congressional seats. The same is with Senate. They also do a mock trial in the

Supreme Court. This gives the girls a realistic experience to see what is like to serve in the

positions that they have been chosen to be in.

Since the End of Year Report 2019, is due in April and our girls do not go to Girls State until

June, this portion of the report includes April 2019 until December 15th,2020.

Units use a variety of ways to select their delegates for Girls State. They contact school

guidance counselors, JROTC, and possible candidates from their unit. Some use questionnaires

and the Americanism Essay before they do the interview process. Girls are then interviewed

and selected.

Units got creative when trying to raise money to send the girls to Girls State.

District 1, raises funds from Unit Bowling, held a Golf Tournament and dinners. District 2 had bi-

monthly hamburger and cake sales, District 6, one unit received a Community Club Grant, one

unit gets help from their Riders’ Chapter, the Chapter pays for one girl each year. The 6th

District also has an annual District Picnic with the proceeds going transportation. District 8, one

unit did a Wine Raffle Basket. District 12 used proceeds from Queen of Hearts, Lottery Hat

Raffle, “Boozo”, Quarter Auctions, and Turkey Bowl to help send girls to Girls State. District 13

received donations from the Sons of American Legion and the American Legion Riders to help.

Other fundraisers across the state were raffle baskets, craft sales, 50/50, yard sales,

Bingo, and a variety of other fundraisers.

It costs our units $400.00 per girl, $120,000 for the 300 we send. Other expenses

include meals that are provided to the girls at an approximate cost of $164,000, plus housing,

transportation to and from Tallahassee, and transportation to and from the Capitol for 3 days.

We have set up a registry at Walmart for items needed in the dormitories where units

can purchase items, also we have a Cost List of each meal for the day that units can donate to

sponsor one of those meals.

Our units had volunteered for the 2020 Program 5,056 hours with 170 volunteers.

We were on a roll, in 2019, but then along came 2020, and we had to make some heartbreaking

decisions to at first change the dates for Girls State and then cancel it all together. Decisions

that were hard yet necessary to maintain our staff and girls’ safety.


Up to the point of canceling our Girls State Session our units and districts were willing to do

whatever it took to keep the program on track. They interviewed their girls and selected their

delegates. When all the posts were shut down, our districts were also willing to hold

phone/virtual orientations.

When the decision was made to cancel the 2020 Girls State Session, units were given the option

of having The Department of Florida hold their funds for the 2021 Session. Many units had

taken up the offer, due to the uncertainty of when posts could open again and whether

fundraisers could be held. Approximately, 210 registrations were held over for the 2021 Girls

State Session.

There were still some units uncertain about sending girls to Girls State. January 31st was the cut

off for sending in Registration Fee, that fee was extended for another month so that units could

have more time to send those fees in. We also have a scholarship available to units that cannot

afford to send girls to Girls State. The Cindy Burroughs Scholarship was established in 2009 in

memory to allow units without financial means to apply to send a girl to Girls State. The

number of units that can receive this money is determined each year depending on the funds


Our units and districts, however, have gotten creative still holding some form of

fundraisers to keep the program going; holding bake sales, raffle baskets, dinners and some

have started Bingo again. When we were able to start having some more activities District

Picnics and other activities were held to help offset the cost of transportation.

Other units have decided not to send girls to Girls State but units in their area have

gotten with those units to find out what schools they usually contact to at least give every girl

interested a chance to interview.

As the Department of Florida Girls State Chairman, I have received emails from girls interested

in attending Girls State, those emails were forwarded to the District Girls State Chairman in that

area so that the units could contact those girls.

Our Fall Conference was held via YouTube so that units could go on and watch our

presentations. Since up to this point, we had not been able to have a face-to-face experience,

with a question-and-answer session, I had visited a few of the District Meetings to talk about

Girls State and answer any questions and concerns.

We were extremely excited when we heard that FSU was going to allow us to hold the 2020-

2021 Girls State Session. Interviews, orientations, transportation, and more fundraisers were


We have had to make some changes with how our program will be held. Florida State

University COVID guidelines have been set in place. In times past, we had 2 girls in each of the

dormitory rooms, this year we are only allowed to have girl in each room. This change made us


have 2 dormitories instead of 1. We are still uncertain if the girls will be able to go to the Capitol

this year because as of right now the Capitol is closed to the public.

The Girls State Director, Assistant Director, Committee Members, and I spent a weekend

coming up with alternate plans, based on where FSU would allow us to hold the House, Senate,

and Supreme Court. A letter was also written to our Governor Ron Desantis, asking him to

please allow us to go to the Capitol for the 3 days that we normally spend there. At this time,

we have not heard back from him.

This year we only have 221 girls attending this year, but all our alternates have been picked up

by units that paid but did not have any girls in their area apply or had a girl drop out for

personal reasons. We have 96 units sending girls to Girls State, 209 volunteers, with 3000 of

volunteer hours. We will also have approximately 30 volunteers and 2 Junior Advisors that will

be assisting in Tallahassee during Girls State. We are extremely excited that we will be able to

hold our 2021 Girls Session which is June 9th-17th, 2021.




History is in the making always. Members have started to realize this statement. Once

done or said, it is now History. Thirty eight histories have been sent into department but

not all qualify for an award. That is okay because the chairman is still able to find out

what is going on in the units for the Department’s submission. The virtual Fall

Conference has truly made history. For those that turned on You Tube they got a treat.

They were able to learn from a video breakout session or explanation of the Plan of

Action. We created a face book page for History and we have over 25 members on the

page. At this time this page was used by members to get ideas, brag about the unit,

share the unit’s successes or ask for help. The members will increase as time goes on

and they are aware of the page. On your face book page in the search area type in

FLALA History and make it easy on recording the much needed history of your unit and

members can find out what was successful in our past. If elected to this position, I will

continue to be available for our members and help them achieve their goals. I will

continue with the face book page and increase the members. Let’s keep Florida American

Legion Auxiliary Strong.

For God and Country,

Eleanor Amato Department of Florida Historian




Junior Activities Book of Reports

2019 – 2021

Dara Oliver, Chairman

The ALA Junior Activities Committee is Florida Strong and active and we can only continue to

build our future for the ALA. It wasn’t that long ago that we decided to rejuvenate the

committee and our future looks bright. What a crazy but fulfilling year (2 years) this has been.

The ALA Florida Juniors worked the mission and helped even during a pandemic. The Juniors

are proud of their membership and are willing to help on any committee, event or program so

don’t be hesitant, and allow them to participate in whatever they want, so that they don’t loose


Some of the Programs that the Juniors participated with were:

Honor Flight (Department President Ann’s Project)

ALA Patch Program

Poppy Distribution

Flag Raising & Retirement Ceremonies

Purple-Up for Military Kids

Military Child’s Table

Card making & Gifts

Mask Making

Junior Leadership Course

Bake Sale to benefit COTA (Department Commander’s Program)

Blessing Bags for 1st Responders & Police Officers

Cleaning the Post Home

Planting Poppies

Memorizing the Preamble to the ALA Constitution

Attending District & Unit Meetings

Junior Member of the Year submission

Department Juniors holding Installation via Facebook video chat

Out of the 16 Districts in Florida - 12 reported.

District Paid Juniors Reported Active

1 = 41


2 = 52 * 10

3 = 9 * 3

4 = 19 ~ 1

5 = 191 * 14

6 = 78

7 = 19 * 2

8 = 56

9 = 91 ~ 2

11 = 68 * 1

12 = 125 * 15

13 = 85 * 2

14 = 13 * 4

15 = 40 * 0

16 = 145 * 5

17 = 53 ~ 0

and 2 additional Juniors that are unattached to a Unit

making a total of 1087 Juniors in the Department of Florida. (As of the writing of this report)

* - District Reported ~ Unit within District Reported Blank – Did Not Report


• Paid Juniors in the Department of Florida = 1087

• Active Juniors that are counted that assist ALA = 59

Department Junior Officers were able to hold installation via Facebook video chat, the girls

were at home, in cars and even on the softball field. We are so PROUD of the Juniors that

worked the Patch Program that earned 24 patches in the past 2 years and a Jr. has been

submitted to National for the ALA Junior Member of the Year.

I appreciate working this Committee as I love our Juniors. Our goal for next year is to share

more information to Junior Activity Chairman and gain more Jr. members.

Yours in the Auxiliary ~

Dara Oliver




American Legion Auxiliary Department of Florida

Year End Leadership Report

Dorothy Walsh Leadership Chairman [email protected] (321) 426-6736


As with all Departments throughout the country, this has been a tough year for the units in the

Department of Florida to work the programs of the American Legion Auxiliary. It was also difficult for the

leadership of the Units, Districts and Department to focus on fulfilling their American Legion Auxiliary

requirements. For the year end Leadership reporting this writer received reports from 14 out of 16

districts. A big jump from previous years. However, too many of them reported no activity due to the

Covid-19 pandemic.

With the pandemic came some “out of the box thinking and planning”. Many units revised their

Constitution and Bylaws to make it acceptable to hold meetings via electronic means. This also opens

the door for training sessions via electronic media.

We had nine (9) ABC Trainings scheduled throughout the year but unfortunately, as the

pandemic bloomed again three (3) had to be cancelled. However, there was a very good turnout at the

schools that were held, and this writer received excellent feedback about the instructors. During this

time, we have had three (3) new instructors added to our roster of ABC instructors.

Several districts reported that units are mentoring their new members and officers to learn and

grow as auxiliary members. This is an item that has been stressed at all Leadership training sessions. It

has been strongly stressed that for our organization to have a future, we need to mentor our members

and grow our leaders.

A very small number of members indicated that they attended the National Mission

training. This is unfortunate as it was online and very accessible. Very few also indicated that they utilize

the “How To” sheets. Once again, the information in these reports will be used to enhance the

Leadership Program and gain member participation and utilization. The Department Leadership team

will incorporate this feedback into restructuring the program and re-educating the instructors as well as

brainstorming with them on how to get members motivated to WANT to participate. This was a plan for

the current year, but unfortunately, current circumstances kept us from moving forward.

How do we propose to do make these changes? This is how we plan to start:

1) Revise the current ABC/Leadership school program agenda and materials for a more intense focus on:

> Reporting and the materials available to assist units to do that. So many members are

unaware of the member impact report form, which is a basic and critical tool for reporting.

> Conflict Management (which has become a National Focus under the Leadership program)

> Basic Protocol

> Basic leadership training materials available through the National Website

> Who we are, what we do and why we're here


> Working and playing nice together.

2) Educate and train ABC Instructors on revised program

> through zoom meetings work together to brainstorm and fine tune the program

> have an intense training session of the new program

We are anticipating that these revisions will help to promote a stronger leadership throughout the

Department of Florida.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dorothy Walsh




It has been an honor serving as Department of Florida Legislative Chairman over the past two


The Legislative committee started 2019-2020 creating the FLALA Legislative Facebook page to

keep our members engaged with legislative issues, giving tips on how to work their program and

increased knowledge of the program. During the holidays we made weekly Buddy checks for our

members. One of the highlights of my chairmanship was when I had the honor of attending, with the

Florida delegation, the Legion Conference in Washington D.C. We knew we were headed into uncharted

territory when I returned home as everything and everyone was sheltering in place with businesses

shutting down. Members stood strong awaiting direction from the Department of Florida. The American

Legion Auxiliary supports the legislative priorities adopted by the American Legion. Many letters were

written to our Governor and representatives asking for assistance and guidelines on reopening our

home posts. Legislative work didn’t stop as we kept our focus on the mission mainly through social


At the end of the second session of the 116th Congress we had some successful wins pertaining

to Healthcare for Women Veterans, Veteran Suicide, protection of the GI Bill and support for Gold Star

Mothers. In March 2021, I attended the American Legion virtual conference that took place in

Washington. Several of the issues that we need to continue to work on with our legislators include

getting legislation passed regarding Toxic Burn Pit Exposure, Veteran Homelessness, protection of the

American Flag as well as others. The Legislative committee this past March was in full swing with

National and Florida Legislative Sessions. The committee held a Legislative Zoom Call that included our

Department of Florida Legislative Chairman, Stewart Scott, Auxiliary Southern Division Legislative

Chairman, Donna Dilliard, and Department of Florida President, Ann King-Smith. We had many

members on the call discussing legislative items, the wins and the ongoing work that still needs to be

done in support of our military, military families, veterans, and our local and state communities.


I am requesting that continuance in your meetings with discussion of the Legislative agenda, as

well as ongoing invitations to auxiliary members to participate in the Action Alerts through the American

Legion Legislative Center and that we stay connected to our National and Department Legislative

Facebook pages.

I would like to thank the Department of Florida Legislative committee members that worked

diligently these past two years to keep everything running smoothly and keeping members engaged.

Sandy Allen and Molly Main assisted with making our Legislative Platform Florida and Advocacy Strong.





Well, here we are “Reving Um Up” again for membership. We had to

shift back into 1st gear and get our motors running for membership.

September 4, 2021 was the 25 Mile marker with awards to Group 1

Unit 0241 Sneads, Group 2 Unit 0220 Ft. Lauderdale, Group 3 Unit 0189

Sebastian, Group 4 Unit 0062 Stuart, Group 5 Unit 0138 Tampa, And

Group 6 Unit 0347 Lady Lake.

By October 30,2020 we were in 2nd gear. The 50 Mile marker award.

Group 1 0167 Tampa, Group 2 Unit 0241 Sneads, Group 3 Unit 0392

Panama City, Group 4 Unit 0062 Stuart, Group 5 Unit 0008 Winter

Haven, And Group 6 Unit 0347 Lady Lake.

By January 15, 2021 we are in 3rd gear. The 75 Mile marker award.

Group 1 Unit 0331 Orlando, Group 2 Unit 0221 Niceville, Group 3 Unit

0270 Port Orange, Group 4 Unit 0062 Stuart, Group 5 Unit 0110 Port

Charlotte, And Group 6 Unit 0347 Lady Lake.

By April 16, 2021 shifting into 4th gear. The 100 Mile marker award.

Unit 0075, Unit 0221 Niceville, Unit 0240 Pensacola, Unit 0296 Destin,

Unit 0340 Pensacola, Unit 0392 Panama City, Unit 0402 Panama City

Beach, Unit 0241 Sneads, Unit 0049 Monticello, Unit 0224 Madison,

Unit 0291 Steinhatchee, Unit 0027 Ocala, Unit 0166 Homosassa Springs,

Unit 0236 Bronson, Unit 0009 Unit Jacksonville, Unit 0129 Jacksonville

Beach, Unit 0244 Jacksonville, Unit 0316 Atlantic Beach, Unit 0401

Hilliard, Unit 0010 Kissimmee, Unit 0035 Mount Dora, Unit 0052 Lake

Panasoffkee, Unit 0053 Sanford, Unit 0055 Clermonnt , Unit 0101

Bushnell, Unit 0112 Winter Park, Unit 0286 Orlando , Unit 0331

Orlando, Unit 0003 Bartow, Unit 0004 Lakeland, Unit 0034 Haines City,

Unit 0071 Lake Wales, Unit 0024 Bradenton, Unit 0074 Sebring, Unit


0309 Palmetto, Unit 0325 Ellenton, Unit 0157 Margate, Unit 0180 Fort

Lauderdale, Unit 0062 Stuart, Unit 0164 Boynton Beach, Unit 0277 Boca

Beach, Unit 0081 Melbourne, Unit 0189 Sebastian, Unit 0200 Satellite

Beach, Unit 0359 Port St John, Unit 0394 Palm Bay, Unit 0410 Viera,

Unit 0090 Cape Coral, Unit 0103 Punta Gorda, Unit 0110 Port Charlotte,

Unit 0192 Fort Myers, Unit 0336 N Ft Myers, Unit 0031 South Miami,

Unit 0043 Homestead, Unit 0098 Coral Gables, Unit 0168 Key West,

Unit 0111 Tampa, Unit 0147 Odessa, Unit 0148 Riverview, Unit 0167

Tampa, Unit 0014 St. Petersburg, Unit 0079 New Port Richey, Unit 0104

Pinellas Park, Unit 0270 Port Orange. Great Job to all Unit’s.

Many Units are very close and by close of books I feel most Unit’s will

have reached the goal they have set for themselves.

You have proven to make these two years as your Department

Chairman challenging, exciting, and creative. The Unit’s in this great

state of Florida have proven that they will never give up no matter what

the situation is. Keep “Reving Um Up”!!!!!! Membership is the key to

the success of this great Organization.

Welcome to all the new male members. You are only going to make this

organization stronger.

Thank you for all your support these past two years.

For God and Country

Terry Lee Gallagher

Department of Florida Membership Chairman 2019-2021





Book of Reports for National Security

2020 – 2021

By: Rhonda Brailey-Maurer, Chairman

This year we continued on with the Department President’s theme “Florida

Strong”, we would all soon learn how strong and creative we would have to be to

support our Military, their families and our Homeland Security front line workers.

Troop Care Packages:

How is it even possible to explain what an outstanding job our unit members

did with this program? While social distancing, they would have drop off sites, or

would partnered with other Military support organizations that shipped boxes out.

All in all, we shipped a total of 712 boxes, but our in-kind donations showed that

even if we were not shipping the actual boxes, we certainly could contribute to

them. We gave in-kind donations of food and products, and spent or donated for


Volunteer Hours: 2,71, Donations/Postage: $9,615, in-kind donations: $31,578


This program was perfect for our members to do in the safety of their homes

and still feel connected to their unit and our mission. We shipped off the

manufactured coupons in value of $6,653,183.11, which was at least half of what

we send last year, but still very amazing!

Volunteer Hours: 23,162, Postage: $4,890

United Service Organizations (USO)

With the Pandemic and the non-movement of our Military, our USO

welcome centers located at the airports were closed. In spite of that, they still had

a mission to serve our military. We had twenty units that stepped up and

participated in Central Florida’s school supply drive & holiday gifts. Our members

were given the Amazon site to order and have the items sent directly to the drop

location. One great story is when the USO Orlando Airport Center was looking for

an off-site location for our military to grab & go with their items since the center

was closed. Not knowing the area I called our Department President and she gave

me the unit name and contact closest to the USO airport center that would work

best. I made the contact with Robin Shellhammer at Unit 286. She has since

developed a great working relation with them and helped with three (3) different


grab & go events, and still more to come. Then there is Unit 316 who has been like

a second home for the Mayport USO, thanks to Liz Hill (also a USO volunteer) for

assisting the Military at their unit. The Mayport USO contacts her with extra food

donated and she bring it back to her Unit and cooks up meals for the Military and

their families. I’d like to believe that our ALA members like Robin and Liz are

also the Force, Behind the FORCES!

Volunteer Hours: 902, Donations $7,588, in-kind donations $1,981

Operation Homefront:

The organization was also faced with many struggles serving our military

and their families, however we had seven unit that got incredibly involved with

both of their programs, the school supply drive and holiday toy drive. Both of

these programs were in partnership with the Dollar Tree Stores, so all our members

have to do is pick up the goods. When I say we had picked up a lot of donations

that would be an understatement. There were also 3 units that participated in the

“Meals for the Military” but only used Operation Homefront as a means for vetting

the E6 and below service members with families and providing the names and

number of family members.

Volunteer Hours: 232, Donations $680, in-kind donations $25,686

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP):

Honestly, I was hoping this program would have been more successful

seeing all the our National Guard and reservist have gone through this past year.

With that being said, we still had 4 units reporting, Unit 62 did some wonderful

things for the National Guard families for Christmas, and Unit 305 packed up some

amazing Thanksgiving food, gift cards and early Christmas shopping for them

Volunteer Hours: 230, Donations 219, in-kind donations $5,270

Blue Star Mothers:

Because of the situation with Covid, a lot of events had to be cancelled were

planned for them. Eleven units reported on a few things. Twelve banners were

presented, several meetings were attended, and large in-kind donations were also

made. Unit 72 worked extremely hard raising funds to help support with several

things the BSM chapter needed. We do try to support our Blue Star Mother and

chapters around the state when they do on-line auctions/fundraisers.

Volunteer Hours: 48, Donations $40, in-kind donations: $2,656


Gold Star Mothers:

Who doesn’t want to support our Gold Star Mothers? We had 13 units that

reported on doing some things for them. Again, this was another Covid situation

that prevented us from holding special events for them. Donations were made in

the name of them. Unit 39 usually does a walkathon for Military Suicide

Awareness but made a $500 donations instead. Unit 75 had their annual poker run

along with the Riders honoring one of their own Gold Star Mothers becasue the

poker run was in honor of her son. Unit 347 gave a donation for the Gold Star

Monument, and Unit 189 decorated the home of one of their Gold Star Mother

member. Much love and support was spread around, even while social distasting,

Lastly, there were 4 banners presented to these remarkable ladies.

Volunteer Hours: 300, Donations $2,650, in-kind donations $8,652


My Warriors Place has started by a Gold Star Mother, and it for veterans,

active-duty military, and their families, along with Blue and Gold Star families and

first responders. Unit 24 made a visit to the Ruskin compound and was so taken in

that they worked on a fundraiser for about a month.

Volunteer Hours: 84, Donation: $1592

Military Spouces:

We really thought outside the box on how to support our military spouses, 6

units did some amazing things. Unit 348 had a baby shower @ Patrick’s AFB,

Unit 110 supported a spouse while moving, Unit 316 held a luncheon with gifts

and household items and we used the eMentoring spouse support program.

Volunteer Hours: 285, Donations $461, in-kind donations $454

Military Families:

Here again we had 20 very creative units do some amazing things. Unit 375,

Unit 402 & Unit 356 worked together to welcome home soldiers from Ft Rucker

for the holidays. Unit 242 helped with food and gift for 12 children and two

moms, Unit 344 held an Easter party and truck-o-treat. Unit 90 gave a $200

donation for Christmas gifts for military children. Unit 5 works with trrffhe JSCE

at MacDill AFB for holiday meals, and Unit 275 held their annual “Operation Toy

Soldier” for local military kids. Unit 316 was starting to work with the navy

squadron base but was stopped due to Covid.

Volunteer Hours: 465, Donations 1,735, in-kind donations: $5,912


Military Kids Table:

Eight units reported setting up the Military Child Table to bring more

awareness of what our children also go through when a parent is serving. Some

were done in conjunction with the POW/MIA ceremonies, and others were done in

April for Military Child Month.

Volunteer Hours: 66

Homeland Security aka First Responders:

Thirty units reported in support of our first responders, This certainly is not

surprising. There was so much support it’s almost to much to write. Our units

took meals, breakfast, lunches, and dinners to the stations or had benefits meals for

them, trays of cookies and fruit baskets were also delivered to them. Unit 84

helped 1st responders’ children. Unit 237 gave comfort animals for our first

responders to hand out on calls. Unit 303 collected food and supplies from their

parking lot for fireman battling a huge fire near them. Unit 148 made mats for the

sheriffs dept to hand out where needed. We are Florida Strong, and we do Back

the Blue!

Volunteer hours: 3,179, Donations: $1,700, in-kind donations; $13,424


There was not a lot of opportunity to take the courses for CERT this past

year, but eight unit did report on 11 members that got certified.

Volunteer hours: 74


Unfortunately, a lot of units could not participate in the school ceremonies at

the end of the 2019 school year, but donations were given to support their

programs and medals were passed out to the winning cadets.

Volunteer Hours: 424, Donations; $3,990, Medals: 26

Ceremonies for 9/11 & POW/MIA

Both of these ceremonies are held in September, this year it was a little

uncertain. Only seven units report on attending but I’m sure there were more.

Unit 13 sets up monthly as a remembrance for special events. They put a lot of

hours into this program.

Volunteer Hours: 354



• Service to Active Duty Military

1. Total hours members volunteered = 472

2. Total dollars spent = $219

3. Total number of Military assisted = 224

• Service for Military Families

1. Total hours members volunteered = 1,565

2. Total dollars spent = $12,270

3. Total number of Military assisted = 909

Because of Covid our numbers are way down with actually having

contact with our active-duty military, which is not surprising. Battling

the coronavirus has taken away a lot of opportunities that we would

normally have.


Past Presidents Parley


This has still been a very difficult year to be able to

visit people in the nursing homes or rehabilitation centers but some of

the Unit Past Presidents found a way. They called to find out what they needed, boxed it up and

took it to the parking lot. The employees came out and took them in.

When the Post had to close they helped clean the Post home. It is a lot easier to

clean when people are not in the building. Units paid members’ dues that were in nursing homes.

Mentoring at all Units by Past Presidents was on the top of the list for a way to help the members

and that helps the Unit.

Unit 110 in the 13th district along with Department fixed up the outdoor common area with

planters for Jacobson Vets Nursing home

Unit 248 West Tampa helped 10 female Veterans who were in VA housing with household startup

supplies. They also provided some furniture

Unit 275 took on a daunting job of digitizing records all the way back to 1997.

As was reported but I think it is a good way to end this report the greatest thing a Past

President can do is to mentor those that are coming up, that's how we learned pass it on.

This concludes my report.

Shirley Fraser

Past Presidents Parley Chairman




April 30, 2021

Year-End Poppy Report 2019 - 2021

Department of Florida

We started the 2019-2020 year off Florida Strong but unfortunately COVID-19 slowed us down and and

had a tremendous impact on our 2020-2021 year.

The Department of Florida held its Boot Camp July 11th - 14th, 2019, preparing the 2019 – 2020 Program

Action Plans. The Plans were presented at Department Workshop August 9th – 11th, 2019 where all

Districts and Units were invited to attend. The Poppy Program, as all other programs, were presented

with display boards and slide presentations, as well as, copies of all programs were distributed to all

District Presidents and Chairman with copies available for all members, including all reporting forms and

instructions, on the Department of Florida website: We were on our way to an exciting


The Department of Florida Fall Conference was held November 1st – 3rd, 2019, which included an hour

breakout meeting for the Poppy Program. The importance of reporting was highlighted in the breakout

session. Included as part of Fall Conference was a Poppy Contest, open to all units, asking for Poppy

table and wall decorations, not to exceed 12x12 inches for display and raffle. Twenty-three Units

submitted 33 Poppy projects raising $535 toward President Anne King Smith’s project, Honor Flight.

But just as the 2020 year began, the pandemic was upon us. Unfortunately, the 2019 – 2020

Department of Florida Convention was cancelled, as well as, the 2020-2021 Boot Camp, Department

Workshop and Fall Conference.

All forms and programs were updated for the 2020-2021 year and placed on the Department of Florida

website, available to all. We tried to keep members involved and updated through newsletters.

Four articles were submitted to the Department of Florida newsletter, Mail Call:

1. February 2020: The article announced the winners of the Fall Conference Poppy Contest,

reminded all of upcoming Poster Contest, Year-Reports due dates and reminded District

Presidents of the Poppy Centennial Project.

2. May 2020: Announced Centennial Project winner.

3. November 2020: Basically a recap of 2019-2020 since Convention and Fall Conference


4. February 2021: Poppy Program points of interest (when reports due; how Poppy Funds

can/cannot be used.

District Presidents were asked to have their Units design a poppy for the National Poppy Chairman’s

“Centennial Poppy Project”, submitting their District’s winning poppy to Department by April 1, 2020.

Five Poppies were received but only one was actually submitted by a District, all others were sent direct

from Units. All submissions were considered and the winning Poppy was submitted by Kelly J Mixon

Unit 9, Jacksonville, 5th District. It was forwarded to Beth McGinn, National Poppy Chairman on April


27th, 2020 with notification to Susan Hall, Southern Division Poppy Chairman. The winner was posted

with a photo of the Poppy in the May Mail Call.

2019-2020: Eleven of sixteen Districts, submitted Year-End reports, reporting activity since 2019 Year-

end reports. Approximately 59,119 poppies were distributed raising $64,118. Based on Department

Poppy Contribution and Proceeds Quick Book reports it appears we have only had about 75% of our

revenue and little more than half the poppies distributed are reported. Most notable: District 6 raised a

total of $20,131.47, District 12, $10,627.96 and District 7, $10,145.50. The importance of reporting was

reiterated in our newsletter.

2020-2021: Thirteen of sixteen Districts submitted Year-End reports. The full impact of Covid-19 clearly

shows: 19,351 poppies distributed raising $25,079.

Totals for the extended 2019 – 2021 reporting time period: 78,470 poppies distributed; $89,197 raised.

During 2019-2020 the Poppy Program was promoted through Proclamations from cities and townships,

newspaper coverage, TV coverage, social media, distributions at local businesses, mail outs, raffles,

picnics and promotion of National Poppy Day. One Unit distributed poppies and flags to 25 Veterans

who were given keys to their new homes at a special ceremony on Veterans Day. Innovative ways were

found by Units to increase Poppy revenue including one Unit setting up a Poppy information/display

table at all attended events to educate the community about the story behind the Poppy Program.

Most Units increased the number of distribution locations and number of volunteers participating in


Things changed during 2020-2021. Most promotions were through Facebook and within home posts

with very few outside distributions. Junior members planted Poppy fields. All did their best to

remember our Fallen and our Veterans however, Covid restrictions curtailed most all activity.

2019-2020: Two Districts reported having one Unit each promoting the Poppy Poster Contest. The

Covid-19 situation shut down schools making virtually impossible to promote the Poster Contest. Six

posters were submitted for the Poppy Poster Contest, all coming from Unit 286, Pinecastle. One Class II

and five Class III and all made by local Girl Scout Troop. The Class II and the winning Class III were

forwarded to Susan Hall, Southern Division Poppy Chairman via email, as instructed, on May 17th, 2020.

Originals were returned to the Unit with certificates for all and a small gift for Class winners.

There were no posters submitted for the 2020-2021 year.

Two Districts reported having one Unit each with a Little Miss Poppy in 2019-2020. Actually, one Unit

had a set of triplets, two girls and a boy, acting as their Little Miss (and Mr.) Poppy. The children attend

different Veteran related events promoting the Poppy. During the 2020-2021 reporting year, again, 2

units reported having a Little Miss Poppy. One Unit had their very first Little Miss Poppy, so hopefully,

they will continue with the tradition. Only one Little Miss Poppy Contest submission was received

following guidelines both reporting years which were submitted to Susan Hall, Southern Division Poppy

Chairman. The Department of Florida Little Miss Poppy 2020 and 2021 is awarded Evelyn DeRouin,


Orlando Memorial Unit 19, 6th District. Her submission has been forwarded to Southern Division

Chairman for consideration for National Little Miss Poppy.

The 2020 Shirley Harbour Award was awarded to Pinecastle Memorial Unit 286 for best narrative

outlining their outstanding Poppy Program.

The 2021 Shirley Harbour Award is awarded to Unit 5, USS Tampa, 15th District for best narrative

outlining their Poppy Program. This small Unit overcame many obstacles including the pandemic but

managed to promote their Poppy Program. Awesome job Unit 5, Patricia Delgado, Unit Poppy


It’s been a tough two years but Florida Strong prevailed ending stronger than ever ready to move on to

our new challenges of 2021 – 2022. With the pandemic almost behind us, Units are planning for a

better year ahead.

For God and Country,

Ruth Sovern

Poppy Chairman, Department of Florida





Department of Florida Book of Reports

As illustrated by the picture on the right, the Department of Florida

is a force to be reckoned with. The end of the year reports have

been received from units as well as districts and auxiliary members.

All districts have reported.

Public Relations Facebook page (FLALA Public Relations) was created and now has over

631 members with 2272 photos. It has a very active group with posts daily. The Florida’s

Department website ( is active with calendars, posted events and the ability to

link onto the newsletter. Units have websites and post between 50-100 entries per month.

The Department’s newsletter is called “Mail Call”. Each month “Mail Call” features ALA

programs. Units, as well as Districts, are encourage to send pictures to the newsletter

which highlights happenings. In addition, quite a few units and districts have newsletters,

websites and face book pages. Reference: ALAFL_VolIX_Issue6January2020rev.indd

ALAFL_VolX_Issue4November2020.indd and ALA2FL_VolX_Issue9March2021.indd

The following are samples of what Florida has done to show the community what the ALA

is about:

“Blessing of the Buckets” filled with items that lends a helping hand to our veterans can

be seen on Channel 20 WCJB GNV. The event also gave haircuts to our veterans. ALA

Unit 16 was featured on this event. Annual-blessing-of-

the Buckets-gives-back-to-veterans- -565066592.html.


Hey Sailor! Not one but a ship load. ALA Unit 316 and the Department of Florida Officers

had the privilege of serving Thanksgiving Day Dinner onboard the USS Roosevelt Naval

Stationed in Mayport, FL (Jacksonville).


Pass through the intersection of Dale Mabry Highway and Kennedy Boulevard in Tampa,

you have seen flags flying and perhaps even received a memorial poppy as part of the

American Legion U.S.S Tampa Post 5’s Memorial Day remembrance


Local Springfield Nursing home veterans went on a Virtual Honor Flight that was

presented by President Ann King Smith Department of Florida and can be seen on

Channel 13 ABC.


Unit 35l, Fort Myers Beach, promotes their events through their newsletter, Facebook,

Poinsettia Park newsletter and local media. They advertise all their events keeping their

members and the public informed of holiday day parties, bake sales, fall carnival and

artwork events. Bonita Springs, Unit 303 promotes their events using the local

newspapers and TV stations, their Facebook page with 206 members, the Legion

newsletter, the ALAD-13 Facebook page and public speaking engagements. The unit

president sits on the Bonita Springs Veterans Advisory Council where events happening

at her unit are shared monthly. They have appeared in the Bonita Banner and Fort Myers

News Press for July 4 and 9/11 ceremonies. Patricia Whitehall Unit 323, Lehigh Acres

has been writing editorials weekly for the Lehigh Acres Citizen paper. She also displays

her articles on the internet for members that do not get the paper to read.


Crestview Unit 75, field the Crestview News Bulletin on June 1. This Auxiliary tradition

pictures a poppy field with crosses. A must see!

Unit 154, Marathon, wears the ALA brand as they volunteer at local function such as the

Coral Head Blues fest, poker run fundraiser, Bullies and Blondes fundraiser for animals

and the Stride Walk for Breast Cancer. They alerted local media of their participation and

of all events and were featured on TV88 Marathon Weekly and Time Out magazine. They

have received proclamations from the Marathon City Council in celebration of the

Auxiliary’s 100 celebration.

Lady Lake, Unit 347, published their ALA Thanksgiving boxes for families. The unit filled

60 boxes that would feed a family of 10. They had a full page publication in the “The

Villages Daily Sun”. Unit 130 LaBelle distributes fliers throughout and has ads in the

Caloosa Belle Newspaper.

Once again Unit 275 Dunedin and family, decorated a lamppost in their city in a military

theme. The theme for the Dunedin American Legion family was “celebrate all hero’s”

which was pictured on the lamp post. This year their lamppost came in second.

Loris Boser Vincent chaired the Christmas Parade decorations for the family of the

American Legion Crestview Unit 75 and won first place in the community for the most

festive float.

District 12 continues to be impressive. The chairman creates a spreadsheet with all units

and keeps track of calls, emails and reports received. District 12 has an impressive

Newsletter which posts it on Face Book. Unit 200 Guided Missile in Satellite Beach

created a website. Check in out! Unit 189, Sebastian, creates fantastic fliers.


The American Legion U.S.S. Tampa Post 5 has their own cemetery. There are 750

veterans buried in the cemetery next to the post home. A business card was created for

Wreaths across America asking the public to sponsor a wreath and attend the ceremony

on December 19th. They also did a video of the ceremony which featured ALA Tampa

Unit 5’s Chaplain, Lori. On the back of the business card was a Q R code that enabled

people with a cell phone to scan this code and the ceremony would appear. Channel 13

was in attendance along with Department of Florida Auxiliary Historian.

Diane Rousseau, Unit 219, Fruitland Park, received a proclamation from the city

proclaiming December 19 as Wreaths across American Day in Fruitland Park. Her Legion

family laid wreaths at Shiloh Cemetery.

Larry Cheever, the recipient of a bronze medal in WWII, receive 100 birthday cards for

his 100th birthday and was surprised with a parade of cars by the family of American

Legion Post 63, Winter Garden in attendance along with WESH TV Channel 2.

ALA Unit 351 Tice had a phenomenal and deserving event for 10 year old Owen Fredella.

Owen was presented the National Good Deed award from Department President Ann

King-Smith. Owen was escorted from his home to the Post 351 by the Legion Riders,

police, fire department with street lined with branded legion family members.

During the pandemic, Owen started to make brightly colored bracelets from rubber bands

and sold them for $1.00 each. He donated $1600 to the Harry Chapin Food Pantry. It

didn’t end - on the day of the event he also raised $277 when a bucket was passed

around. All this had made the news on WINK TV. Full story is published in the December’s

Mail Call.


American Legion families of Post/Unit 402 Panama City Beach and Post/Unit 285

Edgewater took advantage of the Florida’s Adopt-a-Highway program. At no cost, the

Florida Department of Transportation provides supplies to keep a 2 mile strip of highway

clean from debris. In return, a sign is erected showing the public who adopted this area

at the beginning and end of the 2 mile area.

A Virtual Fall Conference. What a great idea! Each Department Officer, Program

Chairman, and District President made a video of their normal Fall Conference report.

These reports were sent into Department Headquarters and turned into “You Tube” to be

posted on the internet for anyone to watch. What a success this program was. In addition

to reports, some chairman went over the program action plan. At any time of the year, a

member can pull up the individual program or the entire departments post and refresh

her/his knowledge. This created a total of approximately 20 videos. Link as follows:

Unit 344 Merritt Island is a force to be reckon with. They participated in Wreaths across

America, Zoom Meetings, cleaning the Georgiana Cemetery wearing the branding along

with a large sign on the fence of the cemetery, delivered 11,450 lbs. of groceries to 214

veterans, Veterans Parade at Solaris Health Care and displayed a flier, Veterans Back

the Blue Halloween Rally had a PSA in Florida Today, also on Space Coast Daily, a Drive

by Baby Shower, wearing branding at the Merritt Island Square Mall while wrapping

Christmas Presents and it goes on. Most are published in newspapers and local TV

Stations and along with branding. It is hard to believe that this is done with a total of 34



Department of Florida has been active in public relations with 38 proclamations, parades,

fliers, editorials, newspaper PSAs, face book pages, websites, TV, wearing branding,

cancer walks, Golf fundraisers, branding with banners while in the community, 20 + You

Tube presentations, Adopt-a-Highway signs, and drive byes.

The Department of Florida is so proud to have so many members

involved in letting the community know: Who we are? What we do?

And why we matter to our Veterans, Military & Families, Children &

Youth and our Communities. Pictured: Program Chair & Officers

For God and Country,

Eleanor Amato

Public Relations Chairman




Unit Development and Revitalization Report for 2021

This has been an interesting year. Problems from voting for unit officers

to why we did not do things! I have visited several units and I think our

problems would not exist if the seasoned members would assist and help

guide our new members. We sometimes need to except change instead

of just saying no, we don’t do things that way. If it doesn’t go against

your Constitution and By-Laws, you can accomplish the tasks together.

When a conflict happens work with our members and help them

understand why we don’t accomplish things the way they would like.

The seasoned members may have experienced problems in the past and

this knowledge is extremely helpful to solve the current conflicts. We

should be more welcoming and friendly. When you can be a helping

hand to someone that is much better than being a hindrance to them. We

need to teach and encourage our new members to attend ABC Schools

so they will have a better understanding of how The American Legion

Auxiliary is supposed to function as a proper Veterans Organization.

National American Legion Auxiliary has courses online that will give

you the history of the Auxiliary. New members don’t understand that

our emblem is protected by copyright and how to protect our emblem by

teaching the proper ways to do things. Please remember that a Lounge

is the business of the American Legion and not the Auxiliary. If you

notice a problem, go to the Department website, and fill out the form for

UD&R to come in and assist with some of the problems. Also, contact a

long-time member for advice. The only stupid question is the one that

wasn’t asked. We should encourage new members to help with our

programs so they may gain more knowledge about our organization. We

may also help the Legion, SAL, and Riders with their programs.

Working together is best way to accomplish goals that produce results

for all organizations.


With the pandemic behind us, we should be an organization open to new

ideas and asking new members to get involved with our programs. They

may put a different spin on how you present a program. Seasoned

members give your support and guidance working with new members

can accomplish newer ways of presenting programs. Please remember if

you comply with your Constitution and By-Laws and Standing Rules

things will go right. Be a mentor not an object standing in the way of

change. If we continue to work for the common good all should work

out fine.

Irma Wehrli

Department Chairman


Veterans Affairs &



1 Department of Florida Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation 2020-2021




This year, Florida’s Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Committee chose a theme of “Land of

the Free, Because of the Brave”! We promoted our mission to enhance the lives of U.S.

veterans, military, and their families. In doing so, Florida members achieved Goal 5 of the ALA

Centennial Strategic Plan, set forth by National. Our Department President’s theme this year is

“Florida ALA Strong.” Here are some of the ways that Florida Units stayed “STRONG” for our

veterans and their families.

The 2020-2021 year has been very trying for Florida with the virus, quarantines, and

functions/activities that have come to a halt. Our members stayed strong throughout this time

and came up with creative solutions that still allowed them to help our veterans and their

families. They set up donation drive-ups that allowed them to take donations while still

practicing social distancing. One Unit even held a drive-up baby shower for female veterans.

Adjusted were parades routes so our members could still honor our veterans by walking and

driving by their homes.

Using technology to celebrate, connect, and help our veterans was a common theme in the

Unit’s reports. They held Welcome Home Ceremonies for Vietnam Veterans using the internet.

Face Time allowed members to participate in Veteran Buddy Checks all year long. Email chains

were set up to stay in contact with veterans, and their caregivers to find out how they could


Units dropped food off at the doorsteps of Florida veterans. From Pensacola to Miami, and

Jacksonville to the Keys, veterans and their families received fresh fruit baskets, toilet paper,

cleaning supplies, and even some wish list items. The Units even had new kitchen appliances

delivered such as toasters, air fryers, and microwave ovens. Also sent were personal hygiene

items, greeting cards, stationary, games, movies, and puzzles in an attempt to keep them

engaged and active.


2 Department of Florida Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation 2020-2021

Despite the cancellations, our members vowed they were going to help our veterans. Stand-

Downs were cancelling across the state, but one District participated in a stand-down at the

local Air Force Base. They donated $400 worth of bicycles, volunteered, and were on the

council setting up the Stand-Down. Our veterans received: Bikes, Mental Health, Toiletry Bags,

Dental Exams, Medical Exams, Immunizations, and there was a Veterans Court.

One District joined up with the HUD-VASH program. HUD-VASH is a Housing and Urban

Development Veterans Administration Supportive Help. They collected items for veterans who

are placed in housing, from homelessness. Furniture, bedding, dishes, clothing, cleaning

supplies were collected, and donated, to these veterans. The Auxiliary District reached out to

their extended Legion Family to include the Legion, Sons, and Riders who came together and

moved the furniture for these veterans. What a wonderful way to thank our heroes!

Homeless veterans were definitely on the minds of our members. One unit donated socks

and shoes to Songs and Stories for Soldiers. This is a non-profit organization raising shoes &

socks for homeless veterans. Another unit assisted with the seven homeless veteran

transitional homes in their area. These homes placed 29 veterans; one had a 1-year-old

daughter. They provided everything needed for Christmas dinner including 20-pound turkeys.

Auxiliary Units across the state reached out to our veterans in Nursing Homes, Hospitals and

their homes delivering Birthday gifts, meals, and Christmas gifts. Veteran State Nursing Homes,

Clifford Sims residents received individually wrapped cookie bags with a Thank You note

attached. Our members certainly did not want our veterans feeling left behind during this


Technology was utilized, once again, to zoom in an Auxiliary caller for bingo. The unit

member was at home with her bingo cage and balls. The veterans at a local nursing home were

in their lunchroom, properly “socially distanced” with their bingo cards. The employees had a

laptop set up at the front of the room, and the veterans played bingo for several hours that day.

Members used Skype to connect with residents of nursing homes. Our members prayed with

our veterans on a weekly basis all year. If the veteran did not have the proper tablet, kindle,

etc. Florida Auxiliary Units supplied them with one.


3 Department of Florida Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation 2020-2021

Other Units took care of the veterans in the community with haircuts, grocery deliveries,

supplying them with books and movies. Auxiliary members transported the veterans to

appointments, did yard work, picked up their prescriptions, and sang Christmas carols outside

their windows. One unit created “Project You are Loved” for veterans suffering from severe

anxiety due to current or previous combat experience. This project offers a gift of love along

with a thank you to veterans for their military service. The stone that comes with the card is a

daily reminder to our veterans they are not forgotten. Two thousand, two hundred cards have

been donated, and given to veterans in nine states.

Units donated money to Veterans Charities in this time of need. Organizations like Wounded

Warriors, K-9’s for Warriors, The Victory Center, Loads of Love Laundry Program are just a few

who received help this year from our Florida Strong Auxiliary Members. Homeless veterans

received clothing, toiletries, plastic sleeping mats, food, and gifts.

This year, the Department President’s special project is Honor Flight. Honor Flight flies WWII,

Korean War, or Vietnam veterans to Washington D.C. to see their monuments. Florida has nine

hubs from Tallahassee to Fort Lauderdale. Our members held bake sales, silent auctions, raffles,

and many other fundraisers to support this charity. Even though the flights were postponed,

our members knew that their support would be needed even more when the pandemic was

over and flights resumed. They know our veterans need our thanks, respect, and love.

Parades, Wreaths Across America, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas parties, and ceremonies

that honor veterans are other ways our members show their respect. Veterans across our state

received honor, friendship, and gifts. Holidays are a time for family and our members. ALA

members did not forget our Military Families on base, or in the community. Food baskets,

wrapped gifts, and Christmas cards were dropped off to the families of those serving.

Our members did not forget our veteran’s caregivers. Babysitting, spa day gifts, housework,

and lawn care were just some of the ways our members gave back to our veterans and their

families. Since the Florida Keys are small and remote, the District members signed up for 24-

hour assistance to our veterans’ caregivers. They received time off, gift packages, food,

counseling sessions, home repair, and even car washing gifts.


4 Department of Florida Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation 2020-2021

Members participated in the National Training Sessions for VA&R, and the Caregiver Support

virtual Meetings. They seemed to be excited about National virtual information now that

everyone is practicing social distancing and maybe even quarantined. Units continued having

meetings, using the internet, to keep their members engaged and strong!

Despite the lockdowns, social distancing, and isolation of the state, our members stayed

strong! They have adapted, and overcome the obstacles they faced since the pandemic. Our

mission of Service, Not Self was evident in our members’ actions. They vowed to help, and

support, our veterans and their families.

Florida Auxiliary members have spent 108,669 hours helping 17,323 veterans and their

families. The veteran community and the private sector, in Florida, definitely know… Who We

Are, What We Do, and Why We Matter!!!

For God and Country,

Jane Hardacre

Department VA&R Chaiman

[email protected]


District 1


Book of Reports District 1

I want to Thank You for the opportunity for being District President. It has been a crazy fun ride.

From Covid to Hurricanes. Most of the Units stayed on tasked with working the programs.

Some units I was able to visit had a lot going on from cornhole tournaments, meat bingo, to egg your

yard. A lot of activities.

I am proud to report that District 1 has done an amazing job with membership this year. Over 100%.

One unit sent letters and called members that had not paid and asked if they needed assistance with

dues and if they did the unit paid the dues for them.

It’s been 3 years since Hurricane Michael it the Panhandle. It completely destroyed Post/Unit 375 in

Lynn Haven. I am proud to report that they have a new building and are back up and running. They have

been meeting at different locations over the 3 years to keep things going.

Post 33 in Pensacola got their charter back and I have been meeting with potential members for starting

an Auxiliary Unit. It looks very promising.

District 1 is sending 11 young ladies to Girls State this year. Orientation was held 1 May 2021 in

Crestview at Post/Unit 75.

We held 2 District meetings 21 November, 2020 10 members attended and 20 February 2021 20

attended one from Department Rhonda Braily Maurer National Security Chairperson.

Only 4 Units sent in reports for the mid and end of year. Still trying to get the units to understand how

important reports are.

Now the downs. We have had I know of 3 Units that have a lot of trouble with Presidents and other

officers stepping down and other problems. I know 2 have been resolved with the help from District and

Department. We are still working on the other. UD & R has been called in to help.

Respectfully Summitted By :

Kim Edens

District 1 President


District 2


It has been my pleasure to served as Second District President for three consecutive years. The

Second District is a small urban area with a whopping SIX active units. As my time comes to a

close, let me tell you about these extraordinary units; however, with Covid-19, these units

struggle to stay afloat.

Unit 13, Tallahassee

The fiscal Year 2020-2021 began with our nation and all nations having to battle a virus that was wreaking havoc on the earth as thousands of humans were dying daily. The coronavirus affected all meetings, activities, and service to military families. However, it did not stop ALA Sauls-Bridges Unit 13, Inc. from providing service and support to our military families. Our members continued providing service and support on an individual basis, to the best of our ability, under the strict new coronavirus COVID-19 guidelines issued throughout the State of Florida and worldwide. We began having our Executive Committee and General Membership meetings via the ZOOM social media network to continue implementing the business aspect of Unit 13. We provided Buddy Baskets to veterans moving out of Veteran Village and into their new homes. We provided food to fill the pantry at the Veterans Clinic. We continued to provide school supplies to needy students via Leon County schools and collected clothes and hygiene items for Veteran Village residents. We continued to participate in Honor Guard, Honor Flights, and other events as we adhered to the coronavirus guidelines. We continue to fly our flags and honor America. Unit 13's fiscal year began with the Installation of Officers in July during the Post Social. All members attending agreed to support their incoming officers and abide by the ALA Mission Statement. We always recognize our POW/MIA ceremony at the opening of the program. In addition, the Auxiliary holds a Raffle of baskets filled with goodies and items, identifying a monthly theme and members love the excitement of winning. In June, all Girls State activities were canceled due to the coronavirus. Therefore, funds submitted to the Department will be used in 2021-2022. In November, all usual Veterans Day activities, including the Veterans Day Parade, were canceled because of the coronavirus, including all distribution of Poppy. Leaving our supports in Senior and Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing homes without the traditional Red flower we call the Poppy. Locally, we have a new group of ladies called "Female Veterans Unite." This group is strictly a female veteran organization that meets to discuss their military experience without peer pressure—coming together monthly either by a social atmosphere and quarterly having a guest speaker. At this time, they have almost 100 members. On June 26, they will be holding a Wellness Retreat for 25 members free of cost. Since all veteran activities were canceled, these ladies united on Veterans Day, walking down Monroe Street, passing the capital to the Viet


Nam Memorial, demonstrating how strong female veterans are and their capabilities to finish the job. Unit 13 supports these ladies and wishes them well! In December, we helped decorate the Post-Legion Hall for the Christmas holidays but did not sponsor any events. Instead, we purchased gift cards for fifty-two veterans at Veteran Village as we were not allowed to provide a holiday meal. We participated with American Legion Post 13 for the Four Chaplains Ceremony and the Post Everlasting service in February. In addition, Unit 13 had three members to memorialize for this fiscal year. March, designated as Women's History Month, again we were not allowed to celebrate with our usual spring luncheon. Instead, Unit 13 purchase a military pin and a certificate acknowledging our appreciation and gratitude for their service in the United States military. With the Coronavirus vaccine in effect, we are happy to announce we're back on schedule with participating in Poppy distribution, honoring our men and women who gave their lives for this great country. In addition, Memorial Day celebrations are on at the local Cemeteries, including a ceremonial at the Tallahassee National Cemetery by invitation only. Unit 82, Lanark Village

It has been a rough year for everyone; we had several sisters sick, two celebrations of life, then there was the pandemic. Thank God we all survived and did the best we could: Lanark Village sponsors a weekly food share project from "Farm Share." Florida Farmers

support Farm Share to provide nutritious food, including fresh vegetables, juices, eggs, bread,

chips, meats, etc. However, they never know what will be available until pick-up. Their Post is

the distribution point for four areas once the food comes in. Post and Auxiliary members

divide the food equally in four shares. Three shares are distributed to the surrendering areas

within the county. When covid restrictions lighten, Lanark re-started Farm Share via a drive-by

only. In August, they re-started their Friday Night Burgers. This is an excellent fundraiser.

At Christmas, Unit 82 supported several nursing homes with gifts requested from staff members for both veterans and non-veterans. They also bought presents for underprivileged students in the local school district. Valentine Day, 16 veterans enjoyed a delicious dinner, compliments of Unit 82. In the community, Unit 82 sponsored a team for the Camp Gordon Johnson Golf tournament. Because of Covid -19 visiting restrictions, Lanark mailed 42 birthday cards instead of visiting veterans. The American Legion Post was closed due to Covid and needed funds to pay their regular expenses; the Auxiliary donated $4,400. to Post 82 to help with those expenses.

Unit 84, Havana


Due to Covid 19, many of our regular activities were either scaled back or canceled. Thankfully,

all the 2019-2020 officers agreed to stay in the same position and were elected unanimously,

with installation on June 15. We held regular Unit meetings at the Shade Tobacco Museum,

with masks and distancing observed.

Memorial Day observation was replaced by a "TAPS" ceremony at the All Veterans Memorial

in front of the Library. Covid obliterated our monthly attendance at the Havana Town Council

meetings. Were unable to attend, lead the Pledge and Open prayer, receive information, make

any pertinent announcements, or request assistance. The Havana Christmas Parada was not

held. Our annual Chapel of Four Chaplains Ceremony (the First Sunday in February) was also

not held.

Members had extra opportunities to help each other, with one by transporting another to two

oral surgeries. Another helps care for a First Responder's children when needed, usually twice a

month. (He's on the SWAT Team, and his wife sometimes is at work when a call comes in.)

School Supplies were collected and distributed to a Title 1 School in august. One of our

members donated $100. for this project, allowing us to target teachers with specific needs. We

also participated in "Operation Military Kids" at the Dollar Tree, both with the Fall and Spring

drives. In addition, one Member got four gallons of Hand Sanitizer donated for a school to use

in the halls from all grades.

We Supported the Post fundraiser of Boston Butts and a fundraiser for a flag pole at a local

Volunteer Fire Department.

One Member sewed 20 kit bags and 20 lap robes for veterans at the VA Hospital in Lake City;

items were delivered free of charge by the local VA clinic. We also send over $200.00 worth of


For Veterans Day, We held a flag disposal service at the All Veterans Memorial in the Library.

We had over twenty townspeople and ten Unit members participated. For Veterans Day, we

held a Flag DISPOSAL Service at the All Memorial at the Library. Again, we had over twenty

townspeople with ten members participate. Two of our unit members are also members of the

Post Honor Guard assisted.

We have several clothing drives with clothes and toiletries going to the Kearney Center

(Homeless Shelter) and Florida State Hospital.

We could not have our regular Christmas Dinner but brought food donations together and

worked with the VA Social Work Coordinator to assemble boxes for delivery. One Member

made eight pies.

One Member was able to deliver $100.-$200. worth of donated food weekly to two families,

who both have five children.

One of our members was in a bad car accident in January and is still recovering.


Unit 84 completed Department Reports and submitted by the deadline date of April 15.

Officer elections were held at the April meeting; fortunately, the same officers agreed to

continue with their current office.

President Kathee continues to serve as Florida State Hospital Representative for the

Department and has had several communications around the District and State for donations.

Unit 100, Marianna

No Report Submitted

Unit 217, Quincy Since Covid, the Unit could not serve their usual coffee and donuts on

Tuesdays at the Tallahassee VA Clinic. These ladies drive approximately 50 miles round trip to

make sure our veterans are welcomed and served. In November, the Legion and Auxiliary

prepared six boxes for disabled veterans and the elderly.

On Veterans Day, dinner was served at the Usher Union of Gadsden County to veterans and

their families. In December, the Unit hosted an annual Christmas Party of food, drinks, and

door prizes. Members from Unit 84 were guests for the occasion. February usually brings the

annual fundraiser "THE LOVE BREAKFAST." Unfortunately, this year the Quincy citizens did not

have an opportunity to enjoy that fabulous breakfast due to Covid-19.

Last Year, Poppies were not distributed on Memorial Day; however, Unit 217 plans to make up

this year by distributing poppies at several locations

Unit 241 Sneads,

Like many other Units, Unit 241 was in low gear due to COVID, but it did not stop us from serving veterans, children, and meeting community needs, just on a smaller scale.

Leadership Program The Unit held Officer elections through U.S. Postal Service.

Due to membership increase, the Unit added the position of 2nd Vice President. Programs were assigned between the 2-Vice Presidents by the President. The Unit held meetings for half of the fiscal year with social distancing and wearing masks. Starting March, the Unit had Program Training each month. Examples: "Good Will"; Military Children. At May's meeting, there will be a joint training session on Poppies and Memorial Day

On September 12, 2021, Unit 241 hosted School of Instruction with 20 in attendance, representing five out of the six Units. Guests were Wanda Brandt, Dept. 1st Vice President and Charlotte Bass, Dept. Girls State Chair.

Americanism Program: Flag Education, targeted for 4th graders, has been rescheduled for the 3rd time, now set for June 1. Post 241 always assists with this training by demonstrating flag folding. The students love to watch this. Upon each fold, an Auxiliary member reads what that fold represents.


Three (3) members flew the American Flag daily. One (1) member expressed Americanism with the Flag by saluting, folding, and playing taps. In March, one (1) member displayed Americanism by displaying the Flag as the funeral procession arrived at the cemetery for a 99-year-old WWII veteran.

Education: The Unit donated school supplies to a local elementary school and four (4) local schools to assist with disinfectant supply purchases due to COVID. Also, Unit 241 purchased their annual donation of copy paper for four (4) local schools.

Chaplain Program: The Unit Chaplain has sent out greeting cards for birthdays, sickness, sympathy, anniversary, thinking of you, patriotic, holiday cards, and others at the President's request. She conducts prayer before Post/Unit fellowship meals and before Unit meetings.

Children & Youth Program: The Unit donated $300 to Sneads High School Volleyball Team to assist with travel expenses to the state competition in Ft. Myers. The team brought home the 1A School Championship for the 8th consecutive year; donated $100 to Volleyball support sign; donated $100 to Softball Team to renew support sign. One (1) member volunteered for the Civil Air Patrol and participated in children and youth school fundraiser. The Unit held its Annual Safe Halloween on October 31,

2021, by "Drive-By Only," serving over 600 kids and adults

Juniors: The Unit has 23 paid Juniors with seven (7) actively involved in Unit activities. Two (20 Juniors participated in the Memorial Day Parade sponsored by the local garden club. Four (4) Juniors participated in the Unit Safe Halloween, helping treat bagging and handing out bags on Halloween night. Two (2) Juniors participated in two local Christmas parades. One (1) Junior assisted with softball camp sponsored by Sneads High School Softball Team.

Five (5) Juniors assisted with the School Appreciation Luncheon reflected in this reporting period. Thus, the Unit has a lot of potential regarding Junior members.

Community Services: Several members are very active in the community: Alumni Association, town council meetings, card ministries, volunteer church treasurer, cemetery associations, local garden club, services to neighbors (i.e., calls, cards, cooking, pick up groceries, medication. The Unit donated gentled used clothes to residents at Florida State Hospital. Seven (7) members participated in two (2) local Christmas parades. Our Unit placed a candy bowl at a local bank to express good cheer to everyone during the Christmas holiday.

One Member (1) is very active in other charities besides Auxiliary: American Red Cross, Disaster Action Team, Fire Response, St. Marks Lighthouse Wildlife Refuge, Town & Country Neighbor Leadership, Friends of Florida Caverns, Assisting with CPR Recertification, Sisterhood, Red Hills International Trail Committee, Art in the Park/Party to relocate an Ecuador family, Community Clean Sweep. In addition, the same Member is volunteering at a Covid Vaccine Center.

Poppies: The Unit donated $100 to the Department for Poppies in May 2020. Unit plans to celebrate Poppy Day on Saturday, May 29, 2021, at two (2) locations.


Constitution & By-Laws: A 3-member committee met in April 2020 to review and proposed revisions to the Unit's Constitution & ByLaws, adding a section entitled "Emergency Situations" to include election practices. At the June meeting, members reviewed and approved the proposed revisions. On July 3, 2020, the ALA Department Chair approved the adopted Constitution & Bylaws and Standing Rules.

VA&R: One (1) Unit member provided Caregiver Support to a veteran & spouse by transporting to Dr. appointments, shopping, banking, cutting hair, meal preparations, cleaning house. One (1) member attended a veteran funeral; One (1) member assisted a veteran and spouse by babysitting/washing clothes/cleaning house. The Unit performed various services and mailed cards to Post 241 members for Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Held a Veteran's Day Dinner for Post 241 members;

Sent Veteran Day flyers home with 540 local elementary students; Delivered 60 fruit baskets to local veterans, sent 1600 valentines to veteran hospitals and nursing homes, four (4) members attended the funeral of another member's spouse, who also was a Past Post 241 Commander;

Unit constructed over 280 PVC cross flag holders and placed at veterans graves at two (2) local cemeteries. Note: Added two (2) more cemeteries this year. One (1) member is involved in other organizations: Veteran Foreign Wars, Commander Coalition, Veteran Treatment Court, Big Bend Honor Guard, Disabled American Veterans, Women Veteran Association, American Veterans Organizations, COVID Vaccines at VA Facility, etc.

Grand Totals For Unit 241, Sneads: Approx. 13,900 hrs. 17,795 miles $ 5,100

Membership is an ongoing year-long project.!!!!!!!

All Units worked through the year updating their Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules to

comply with National and Department changes. As 2020-2021 was a unique and challenging

fiscal year, still, our members overcame the challenge and accomplished the purposes of our

ALA organization and the Mission Statement.

Respectfully Submitted Nell Hewitt, President American Legion Auxiliary District 2


District 3


ALA Department of Florida District 3 2020-2021 Annual Report

2020-2021 proved to be an interesting year for the units of District 3. Between Covid 19

restrictions and mishaps for some of the unit leaders, they

were still able to help their communities and veterans.

Unit 49 in Monticello got off to a rip roaring start with membership, and was the first unit reach

their goal—and they surpassed it! They are a small unit that had a difficult time coming back

after the devastating loss of their president in2019, but managed to pull themselves together and

now have a leadership team to be proud of. they are a small unit in a small town, but still

manage to reach out to the community by participating in Memorial Day, Independence Day, and

Veterans Day Ceremonies with Post 49. They hold an annual Fish Fry as their main fundraiser.

Congratulations to the Little Unit That Could!

Unit 57 Lake City is so busy it can be difficult to keep up! They are the largest unit in

membership in the 3rd District, and their functions prove this. They have donated mechanical

stuffed cats to veterans in nursing homes with dementia. Studies have shown that caring for and

petting these “pets” help with calming the senses. They hope to raise funds to donate more.

They made and donated many masks to the VA Hospital in Lake City, as well as volunteering at

the VA Hospital and Clinic. They held a Yard Sale in April and assist the Riders and Post with

fundraisers, and are sending a few girls to Florida Girls State.

Unit 107 in Live Oak participated in Memorial Day, 9/11, and Veterans Day

Ceremonies while maintaining social distancing. Due to Covid 19 they were unable to distribute

poppies, but are set up with the local Publix to distribute them on Memorial Day weekend this

year. They participated in the Post Family’s annual Halloween candy distribution, serving

approximately 200 children. This is done at a Legionnaire’s house, where they all sit outside.


They collaborated with Dollar General and collected toys from the community for the needy

children in Live Oak. The Post Family also has a Goody Bag program where they delivered gifts

to the Vets in Live Oak’s Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities. They attend a First

Friday Dinner every month, and all the proceeds are used in this program. This has been done

for five years, and approximately 300 veterans have been served over the years. They are

sending one girl to Girls State this year.

Sadly, Unit 131 Greenville has been unable to maintain Charter Strength and will be turning in

their Charter this year. Their president moved out of state, and they were unable to keep the unit

going. Greenville is a small town that is losing population, and the members were aging.

Unit 215 Jasper is sending a girl to Girls State this year.

Unit 224 holds basket raffles for fundraising and is doing quite well with this. They still work

hard with the community.

Unit 291 holds Membership Drive dinners, participates in distributing bread and canned goods in

the community, and places crosses in memory of our deceased military members. One of the

post members makes the crosses, and family members in the community can purchase one with

the name of their loved one inscribed on the cross. They are displayed with American Flags on

Memorial and Veterans Days.

Unit 383 in Old Town did not submit a report.

In The Spirit of Service, Not Self

For God and Country

Respectfully Submitted,

Hilde Schmid

District 3 President


District 4

No Report



District 5


5th District Auxiliary Units 2020 - 2021Year End Report

We all know this COVID 19 Pandemic has hurt all of our Auxiliary Units.

Several Units within the 5th District could not enter their home Posts, since

some of these Posts did not open their doors until September, Spring of

2021 and one Post just opened up the beginning of May 2021

All of the Units had their elections of new 2020-2021 Officers by ballots with

drop off in their Posts Parking lot. Several Units asked their Officers would

like stay on in their position and then notified their members if that was fine

with them. Some 5th District Posts opened their doors just for the Units

elections, which were held within the CDC guideline.

The District has several Units with older members and it was very hard for

them to have their election, because these older members refused to come

to the Post or meet with other members to vote by ballots etc. Since the

Posts are now open again, all these Units had their elections, for new 2021


All the Unit Officers within the 5th District been duly installed.

The Units are getting back into the swing of things for their fundraisers,

meetings and get together. The Units are collecting items for the Holiday

baskets for needy families, cutting coupons. Sponsored Halloween Parties,

Childrens Christmas party with Santa, Easter Egg hunt and breakfast with

the Easter Bunny. Had fundraisers to supported the Auxiliary programs.

Since we have several Units with older Members, the membership is down

by several percentages.

The Units accomplishments are as follows

Unit 9, at the first District Meeting in August, this Unit was presented with

the 5th District Unit of the Year award from the District President for 2019-

2020. The Unit has road kill bingo every Thursday evening, collects items

for Soldiers Angels, and is collecting specific items for Hubbard house and


the Unit Juniors planted Poppy seeds. The Membership Chairman Liz

Shumaker created a poppy patch, which was submitted to Department and

this patch was chosen to represent Florida in the Poppy book to be

presented to our National President Nicole Clapp. The Unit has permission

from Department President to have these patches and pins to be sold with

the proceeds to Honor Flight. Unit members attended their first Jacksonville

Veterans Day Parade. During the Holiday season provided dinners to 7

families and adopted 2 families for Christmas. Donated gifts to Daniel Kids

and provided dinners for the 125th Fighter Wing on both Thanksgiving and

Christmas day. Throughout the year they provided school supplies,

cleaning supplies, treats, coloring books, Legion comic books to the military

children and purple up stickers to every student. Held draping of the

Charter and Members Initiation ceremony and nominated and awarded the

Units first Good Deed Award to Miss Hanna Hall. Members supported their

Post with Boots on the Ground. The Unit donated over $3,910.00 to various

programs and donated over $1070.00 In Kind Donations.

This Unit is small, but mighty with 46 members and is currently at 124%

Unit 54, their Post did not open until September 2020. Installation of new

Unit Officers was held at their regular scheduled September meeting. Their

primary fundraiser is Road Kill bingo and special Dinners. The Units had a

“Make with Bacon” cook off to support the Foar from Hone Rowing team.

The Unit raised $3,250.00 to donate to the Foar from Home Rowing team,

bringing awareness to Veterans Suicide. Hosted their annual Christmas

party, donated 25% of the monthly dinners and Roadkill Bingo proceeds to

help their Home Post with their building fund. Supported the “Adopt a

Soldier” program, 120 lbs of pop tops to the Ronald Mc Donald House. The

Unit donated over $4,350.00 to various Community programs, like ROTC,

Scholarship, Homeless Coalition of Nassau County, Christmas cards,

Adopt a Soldier, dinners to Nassau County Families in Transition, back to

School supplies and 6 outdoor tables. Every Unit member received a

birthday card in the month of their special day.

The Unit will participate in the Nassau County Veterans day parade and the

Unit is invited to appoint a member to the Nassau County Veterans Council

to ensure information to our members. This Unit is at 100% in Membership


Unit 88 this Unit provides meals on Wacky Wednesday as well as their

monthly steak nights and monthly breakfasts to the Legion Family. The Unit

continues to have Road kill Bingo twice a month, due to Wacky

Wednesday, dinners and breakfasts they doubled their Donation on the

Donation Sheet for 2021.

The Unit had their 7th annual Fall Festival for the Community and members

of their Post Home. At Thanksgiving provided food for 9 families and

Thanksgiving Dinner to the USO at the Airport. At Christmas brought the

opportunity to help a Veteran with five Children. Donated $600.00 in gift

cards to purchase items for the Children and donated ham and other foods,

including Christmas morning breakfast. The members brought hams and

other food items for Veterans families to VVAC also. Held their first Easter

Egg Hunt, with 45 children present.

The Unit clipped and donated $23,550.00 in coupons to the Local USO in

Atlantic Beach, FL and is proud to be sending two girls to Girl State.

Unit 129 holds bingo every Wednesday and Friday afternoon, collects box

tops, coupons, medicine bottles and paper for recycling. This Unit raised

and sent $12,000.00 to Unit 551 in Lake Charles, LA for their members that

lost everything during Hurricane Laura. Then the Unit had a Car wash,

bake sale and from members donations raised over $1,500.00 more to be

send to Unit 551 in Lake Charles because these members got hit again

with Hurricane Delta. In November the Unit hosted the presentation of

Military Childs table. Hosted the Childrens Christmas Party with Santa.

January 2021 had no meeting due to many members came down with

COVID19. In February participated in the Challenge 22, bringing

awareness to PTSD and Veterans Suicide. Unit members also went on the

southern Unity Motorcycle Ride.

These Unit members have been very busy in working the Bingo twice a

week, dinners, special fundraising events to donate $1,000.00 for the Toys

for Tots program, donated $4,400.00 to Blue Care Back Packs. The total

this Unit donated was $34,115.00 to various Communities nonprofit Org.

and In Kind Donations of $11,048.00 with Year End Donations of $9,000.00


This Unit is over 100% at the moment and was awarded the “5th District

Unit of the Year” award for 2020-2021

Unit 137 is now able to have fundraisers, because this Post Home did not

open until September. Collecting items for the Holiday baskets, having

dinners and breakfasts to raise funds for the various programs. Sponsored

the Polar Plunge. Saturday May 8th the Unit hosted the District

Constitutional Conference, supplied and donated several Door Prizes.

Unit 194 due to the fact that their Home Post was not opening until October

1st the Unit was able to participate in the St. Augustine Annual Cancer walk,

in the Community Clean Up, Community walk with Sheriff Robert Hardwick,

Webster School Summer Food Giveaway, Toys for Tots and the back to

school supply give away. The Unit collected and mailed $35,000.00

coupons. The Unit continues their service to the Veterans at Clyde Lassen

VA Nursing Home in delivering 480 donuts and Christmas gifts to the


Unit collected pumpkins from District members to be donated to the Clyde

Lassen Nursing home. Provided Christmas gifts to 35 Kids Safe Zone

Afterschool participants and supported the Military Purple Up Day. This

Unit had over 400 volunteer hours and had $450.00 in monetary donations.

Unit 197, this Unit overcame many obstacles, has not been able to meet,

because their Home Post did not open until May 7th 2021. Members

attended Jacksonville Veterans Day Parade, participated and donated food

from Farm Share to the Community, filled Christmas shoe boxes of Love.

Did trunk and treat at Halloween, participated at Jacksonville Veteran

Stand Down. Like all other Units these Unit members were collecting items

for the Holidays, supported their home Post in restoring the Women Rest

room prior to the re-opening. This Unit is still struggling with membership

but are all excited about going to their home Post for meetings and


Unit 202 had their first meeting in August and members participated in the

Community “Trunk or Treat”, bake sale for Thanksgiving baskets.

November 21st held their annual Garage sale. Participate in the Friday night

eat in or take out dinners. Distributed Poppies in November, members are

collecting and cutting coupons. The Unit donated $200.00 to their Post for a

new oil filtration system.


Unit 233 their home Post opened back up on August 29th, the Unit

sponsored a Kentucky Derby Party, members attended their monthly

meeting via zoom. A member picks up bread and goodies from Publix twice

a week and delivers these items to Veterans, Families and Friends

throughout their community. A member picks up a Veteran and his wife to

take them to their Doctor appointments at least twice a month and takes

them to the grocery store every week. One member sings the National

Anthem every Sunday at the Post before the Football game. The Unit

sponsored a Baby Shower for active Duty female Military members.

Unit 244 this Unit has older Members and tries to have their monthly

meetings, but with the older members it is very hard at the moment; they do

not want to attend and their home Post was closed for several month. The

Officers believe it will get better within the next year. They are currently at

104% in membership

Unit 250 the Unit started off by donating $500.00 to Honor Flight and

$250.00 to a Unit member in need. Participated in a Birthday drive by for

WWII Veterans 94th birthday, waving flags and banners. Participated in

several Farm Share Food drives, distributed over 400 meals. Had a school

supply drive and collected 35 string backpacks, binders etc. planed a

Halloween Trunk or Treat party which 75 children attended. Unit members

volunteered their help with the 2nd annual Sunshine Festival. Participated in

Breast Cancer Awareness by decorating bras in pink and donated

$1035.00 to Breast Cancer. At Thanksgiving gave out 20 food baskets to

families in need. Had their 14th annual Childrens Christmas party with 100

children in attendance, had a wrapped toy for each Child and also had the

child ID program. The Unit handed out 24 baskets and toys to families in

need. The Unit was able to raise funds to donate another $500.00 to a Unit

member in need, $2300.00 to support their Post home. $1000.00 to Warrior

Quest USA a Veterans support group for PTSD. Several members

attended the POW/MIA ceremony at Cecil Field. Held a fund raiser for their

Unit President and hosted the District ABC School.

Unit 283 members donated professional clothing the Northeast Womens

Veterans Organization. During their Sunday breakfasts they serve

breakfast to First Responders at no charge as a thank you for their service.

Participated in a “Happy Birthday Parade” for a courageous 4 year old, who


was diagnosed with cancer. Had a “Back to School Drive” and were able

to fill over 80 back packs for Military School Children and support one of

their local Schools. Some members walked in the “Making Strides for

Breast Cancer”. The Unit started a “Fall Food Drive” to help and stock local

food pantries. Held their annual Childrens Halloween party, donated

refreshments to the Volunteers who replaced the roof of Veterans home. At

thanksgiving and Christmas supplied food baskets to over 25 Veterans and

their families. Donated Christmas cards and cookies to the local “5 Star

Veterans” home. Every month the Unit collects items like soap, eyeglasses,

cleaner wipes, pens, shaving cream, razors and many more items to be

delivered to Lake City Veterans Domiciliary canteen. Every Veteran that is

in the Domiciliary received a Birthday card from the Unit. Collected items

and helped with the Jacksonville Veterans Stand Down. The Unit was able

to submit for two Young Hero & Good Deed Awards, these Awards were

presented to the two young Heros with the assistance of the 5th District

President and Legion Department Sergeant at Arms. The Unit raised

monies for various programs, do know it was a lot, but unfortunately the

Unit did not report the total amount raised and donated.

Unit 316 is very proud to have received the American Legion Auxiliary

Department of Florida “Margaret ”Peggy” Cone Award for National Security

and the “Theresa Gilleo Award” for the most creative Veterans event for

2019-2020. The Unit is still serving steak and salmon dinner twice a month.

Hosted the first District meeting at which time Virna Luke a 316 member

received the Billy Award from the District Commander for her outstanding

work during 2019-2020. Collected school supplies, cutting and counting

coupons, donated several pumpkins to Clyde Lassen Nursing home.

Celebrated Oktoberfest and had the annual witches brew dinner and cake

walk. Donated over $500.00 with Post family members donation to the

mother of a member whose home was devastated during Hurricane Laura.

Had a great fundraising dinner, silent auction, 50/50 and raised another

$1200.00 for the mother of said member whose home got more damaged

during Hurricane Delta. Several pieces of furniture were collected and

donated to a Veteran in need. The Unit collected and donated items to

Lake City Veterans Nursing home, donated $500.00 to Honor Flight. Every

week the Unit donates food to needy Military and Veterans families.

Collects items from members and delivers these items to local BEAM


(Beach Emergency Assistance Ministry), several juniors and their class

mates wrote Christmas cards which were delivered to the local USO. Unit

is raising funds with special fundraisers, 50/50, special dinner’s etc.

members attended the Memorial Day and Veterans Day ceremony at

BVMP (Beaches Veterans Memorial Park) and at Thanksgiving and

Christmas donated food baskets to needy families in the Community. The

Unit raises funds for various fundraisers; a member was elected as 5th

District President again.

Unit 372 purchased their own American Flag. Each patriotic holiday was

promoted on their face book page with a short informative narrative. The

Unit is collecting and cutting over $5,000.00 in coupons. Members

supported the POW flag line and laid wreaths at Jacksonville National

Cemetery. The Unit collected comfort items for female troops and mailed

over $300.00 worth of items to the female Military overseas. This Unit is

small but mighty and is growing with enthusiasm by the members.

Unit 373 the Unit is still collecting mini soaps, shampoos and other hygiene

items for the mobile homeless shower unit. Members are also collecting

aluminum cans, pull tabs and empty medicine bottles for various projects.

For their Unit meetings had small attendance due to the COVID 19. The

Legion and Unit have no Post home and had no meetings from November

to February; this Unit is trying very hard to have fundraisers and to grow in


Unit 401 collected and delivered 10 for 10 School Supplies along with book

bags to Bryceville Elementary, Callahan Intermediate and Hilliard

Elementary. Collected activity items and donated these items to a local

Senior Center. Provided the funding and purchased a Lift Recliner for one

of their elderly members. Conducted an Essay Contest re: various topics

about flag and presented the award to the winner. Had two Christmas

Basket raffles, one adult oriented and one a child friendly. The Unit

sponsored brunch with Santa and distributed 97 stuffed stockings.

Delivered Christmas cookies to 3 local Fire Stations. Had Easter Breakfast

with the Easter bunny, with all the donations collected to go towards

Wolfson Hospital. Collected and donated supplies for the 5Star Veterans

Center, Jacksonville. Delivered Valentine Goodies to the Veterans living in

the local Senior Care Facility. Voted and donated $100.00 to ROTC and


presented check during ROTC bike run. This Unit is also small and is over

100% in Membership.

For God and Country

Annie Anderson

5th District President

American Legion Auxiliary

Department of Florida


District 6


American Legion Auxiliary

District 6

Mary La Noce, President

May 13, 2021

End of Year Report

Due to the Pandemic and with Post closings this year, we did not have many

Units reporting.

Unit 10 reported that they managed to distribute Poppies at their Post when it

reopened and collected $110 in donations. In addition, they made their annual

donation to Southeaster Guide Dogs.

They donated $1,000 to the Sea Cadets and had 2 of their Juniors join the


During the shutdown they took advantage and helped renovate their Post


The Unit set up a Christmas Angel Tree to benefit the children who reside at

Creative Family Children’s Home. They helped 25 resident children. They

conducted a food drive and collected 4 boxes of non -perishable food and 2

turkeys for the Home’s Thanksgiving dinner. They also donated $2,000.00 to

the Home. They also collected several boxes of food for their Christmas dinner.

The unit is busy with several fundraisers to help planning new ideas to help

their Veterans and Community. Future plans in the works honoring Children &

Youth and Military Child in April. They are making preparations for Armed

Forces Day celebration in May.

Unit 19 with the Legion family they held a Children’s Christmas Party and it was

a huge success.

Some of their Juniors were busy making items to put on the tables at the Post

for special Holidays, such as Valentine’s Day and other holidays.


The Junior Chaplain was busy with the Department Chaplain, going to the

Cemetery during the Wreaths Across America and said a prayer over the

Veterans Graves. While they were there, they noticed a woman crying and

having a hard time coping with her loss, so we went over to comfort her a gave

her a couple of Poppies. She was grateful we helped her that day.

Members are helping Veterans in their own way, either by visiting of just calling

and checking on them.

Unit 53 they had a hard time reorganizing their Unit but they feel they are on

the right track now. They did manage to get the Standing Rules and By Laws

submitted a approved. They did submit N/A reports and are trying to get up to

ALA standards. I’m Sure they will succeed with some guidance from us and an

ABC School is a definite need.

Unit 112 The Unit held Zoom meetings for the unvaccinated and in person for

those vaccinated. They have a Newsletter every other month.

Americanism: they submitted essays from the Elemental Schools and the High

Schools. They had 25 entries. They participated in Wreaths Across American.

National Security: they sent in $2,000 in coupons to a base in Okinawa.

7 candidates were interviewed for Girls State. This year they had 1 delegate and

their alternate was upgraded to delegate of another unit. Poppies: they had 3

Poppy Booths. Education: they provided goodies for Teacher Appreciation

Week for one of their schools. They spent $250 on books for one school. They

awarded Scholastic Achievement Awards to one young lady and one boy at each

of the 8 schools in their district. They donated $500 worth of food for the food

pantry of one of the elementary schools. One of their members worked over

130 hours in preparing classes for ESL students in the community. Children &

Youth: they volunteered more than 650 hours working with

Boy Scouts and Naval Sea Cadets. Community Service: members worked with

HOA, Chamber of Commerce, S.A.L. counseling service, Ran 5K, 10K, and one

half marathons for charities. They collected $1020 for all the charities and $630

for in-kind service. Total of 325 hours. They also worked VA&R programs. They


donated 3 food baskets at Christmas. They are participating in a Memorial Day

Ceremony at the Post.

Unit 219 They held a peanut butter drive for Make-A-Difference Day in October.

An all time high of 335 jars was collected and donated to Beyond the Walls food

pantry in Fruitland Park. Donated $200 to Leesburg High School Baseball

Program to assist with needed uniforms. Donated $300 to Fruitland Park

Elementary with $150 going to the 3rd Grade Teacher for books and recreational

items for the students to replace items destroyed during school closure.

Members did a Wreaths Across America ceremony on December 12th. Donated

walker bats made by a member to the Orlando VA.

Unit 347 A massive food drive and collected 8.5 tons of food delivered to the

Unit. Three of the local food banks received the donations. Volunteers logged

in 300 hours to complete the task over the course of 2 days. The Unit collected

$5,000 in cash and split it among the 3 food banks. The estimated value of the

goods donated was $42,000.

The Unit reached out to local schools several times during the school year to

determine how they could help. They provided hand made masks and

underwear valued at $355.00. One fund raising event was held in accordance

with COVID 19 regulations, Oktoberfest. They spent $600 and made $600 in

profit. 5 members volunteered and logged in 25 hours. The Unit participated in

the Lady Lake Not-So-Scary Halloween event. The event was a drive through

versus a party as is typically held. The Unit donated $378.00 in candy to fill the

goody bags.

To honor Veteran’s Day the made and delivered 200 goody bags to Veterans

that are shut-ins in local assisted living facilities. 18 volunteers logged in 21

hours. The Unit spent $1,000.

Thanksgiving and Christmas 50 food boxes for each holiday were donated to

needy families, 46 members volunteered and logged 107 hours, costing the Unit

$800. 78 gifts were donated to the Toys for Tots program valued at $1,170.

$500 was donated to the Lady Lake Shop-With-A-Cop Program and $500 to the

Legion’s Wreaths Across America Program. In January, the Post was

approached by the VA to use the main Post Hall to administer COVID shots to

veterans. They contracted for a free of charge usage of the Post facilities. Unit


members donated $268 to the Salvation Army to support the Easter Holiday for

children in need. The Unit sponsored the Lady Lake Library and Friends of the

Library with a $1,000 donation to the children’s summer reading program. In

celebration of Children and Youth month the Unit prepared a Lottery Board to

support an organization called Kids Central. Kids Central helps meet the needs

of foster children. The Unit raised $1,300. Our Poppy distribution was cancelled

twice this past year. They ordered 8,000 poppies at a cost of $628. They

distributed 2,500 poppies around the Post on Veteran’s Day and on the Veteran

Goody Bags. The Unit had a profit of $336.25 on Poppies. The Unit is gearing up

for Poppy distribution in May and has ordered 3,000 more Poppies.

Each year the Unit sponsors 10 girls for the Girls State Program. They

interviewed 25 girls. 2 vetted girls living in Fruitland Park were given to Unit

219. They selected 10 delegates and 10 alternates 10 girls are going to Girls

State. They are paying for lunch for all 300 girls and staff at the Capital at a cost

of $3,600.

The Unit collected thousands of can tabs and donated them to local schools.

The Unit collected, sorted and mailed coupons valuing $192,495 and logged in

4,273 hours. The Unit spent $341 in postage.

Each month the Unit supports 3 local food banks giving each a check for $150.

They will be increasing the checks to $200 in the future. The Unit donated a

total of $5,550 total to the food banks. In addition, non-perishable items to

these food banks are donated on a weekly basis. During the course of the years

32 volunteers logged 230 hours and made in-kind donations of 2,428.

Mary LaNoce


District 7


Book of Reports


District 7

Faye Kirkland, District 7 President

Seven out of eight units reported activities. Our new Unit, #15 even had

things to report.

Unit 3 in Bartow, led by President Diane Tucker worked tirelessly this year

to serve our Veterans and the Bartow community. The Unit cooks and

served meals to their elderly and ill members as the needs arose. The Unit

adopted a family from the community and a single Veteran mom, both with

five children each and provided Christmas with Santa and gifts. Cards with

gift cards inside were handed out to the adults.

Polk County Youth Fair brings in 4H and FFA young people from all over

Polk County and food is usually provided for them. Due to Covid this did not

happen this year. Unit 3 cooked and served two dinners to these children

for two nights.

Bartow prides itself in serving people. While a small Unit, they are always

available for meals, transportation and any other needs as they arise.

Unit 3 also made donations to the Veterans Homeless Coalition, the Girls

Villa Golf Classic and other local charities.


Unit 4 in Lakeland, led by Pam Snyder had a lot going on this year. Veterans

were served. Christmas was provided for needy children. Many activities

were held at their home Post that the Auxiliary helped with.

Unit 8 in Winter Haven, led by Audra Anderson were remarkably busy this

past year. The Auxiliary went Christmas caroling to bring Christmas cheer

to those who could not get out. They sponsored a Law-and-Order dinner

and gave awards to area law enforcement for various things. The Unit made

and filled 100 ditty bags with personal items for the patients at the James A.

Haley VA Hospital. They also helped provide care packages for a unit in

Afghanistan. These packages contained socks, sanitizer, shampoo,

conditioner, soap, shower shoes, etc. to help make their lives better while


A He/She Dinner was held to raise funds for prostate cancer. Unit members

dressed as men to promote awareness for prostate cancer. $2000 was


The Unit also attended a memorial service at the Lakeland Memorial

Veterans Park in honor of the Viet Nam Veterans and POW/KIA.

Unit 15 in Dade City, led by Liz Benson although a new unit helped homeless

Veterans by providing clothing and food. A spaghetti dinner was held to raise

funds needed to help with the activities. Many plans are already in the works

for next year.

Unit 71 in Lake Wales led by Linda Hayes has lots to be proud of this year.

They started the year out struggling to stay together but have worked hard,

pulled together and are a shining star in their community. Weekly they head

up a food bank that has served about 18,000 people this year. Food is


brought in and the Unit collects food and they then sort and hand out the

food. The Unit works closely with the Legion on other activities. One of the

exciting things they finished their year out with was collecting items and filling

backpacks for foster children who were graduating and aging out of the

Foster Care System. These backpacks included personal items, snacks,

socks, change for the laundromat and other miscellaneous items a teen

might need. Many of these kids become homeless.

Unit 72 in Mulberry led by Faye Kirkland also found many ways to serve

others despite Covid. The Unit worked closely with Gold and Blue Star

mothers and helped with several projects of theirs. Fund raising dinners

were held to raise funds to carry on the various Programs of Work. A

Veterans Day program was held honoring all wars. A special tribute was

held for women Veterans. A lunch was provided for those in attendance.

The community of Mulberry was invited. Unit 72 participated in community

festivals, supported our Law Enforcement Officers, clipped coupons and

mailed over $50,000 worth. During the month of the Military Child a program

was held and the Military Child table for presented and explained by Auxiliary

and SAL Junior. The Unit also held a road cleanup. The Unit contributed

$1700 to the USO and $500 to Camp Boggy Creek. The Unit worked in

tandem with the Legion family, area churches and community organizations

to clean and repair a disabled Veteran’s home.

Several Units in the District distributed Poppies and used those funds in

appropriate ways. Two units sent girls to Girls State. An ABC school was

held. Most units monitor the Legislative and Public Relations website and

Facebook page to keep up with pertinent items.


It has been my pleasure to serve this amazing District and group of Auxiliary

members. Their dedication to our Veterans is awe inspiring.

Thank you.

For God and Country,

Faye Kirkland


District 8


DCC District 8 End of Year Report

May 8th, 2021

The past 2 years as District 8 President has been fun, frustrating and eventful. In

my two years from 2019 thru 2021, we had Installations, Initiations, Unit

Fundraising and events bringing us all together. Our District had a Leadership

class, 5 ABC classes, 2 District picnics and a Membership class. We dressed up as

Rosie the Riveter and Bikers. Department President, Ann King Smith visited us in

Feb. 2020 and we had a blast visiting all the units. We monkey napped Dept

Membership Chairman, Terry Gallagher’s monkeys and Terry raised $800.00 for

Honor Flight to get them back. Unit 24 raffled off a flying pig painting and

collected $564.00 for Honor Flight. Our District maintained a Facebook page and

had regular emails to share Auxiliary information. Two units used Constant

Contact and one unit used Thryv to communicate with all their members at once

and one unit started a website.

Most of our units gathered and donated school supplies both years. $17,000.00 in

scholarships was given out. Many units went to nursing homes, Bay Pines

Veterans Hospital, My Warriors Place, participated in Wreathes Across America,

parades, Honor Flight welcome home events and Quilts of Valor events. Although

we were not allowed to go into facilities in the last year, our units dropped off lap

blankets, goodie bags, school supplies and food to various organizations to be

dispersed by their essential workers. Way to go!

Unit 113, Rotunda West had an angel tree in December, 2020 that was a huge

success. They are presenting 2 NJROTC girls with scholastic excellence awards.

Our units worked on their Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules to amend the

Preamble, change eligibility dates, remove all she’s and her’s and add virtual visits.

Under the Auxiliary’s new rules, many of our units signed up new male members.

They were welcomed with open arms.

Unit 24, Bradenton held a baby shower for Veteran families which totaled 152

hours and over $1,500.00 worth of items. They have a member who volunteered

300 hours at the Bradenton Veterans clinic.

Our district reported 325 hours on poppy distribution and $8,535.00 in proceeds in

2020. One member of unit 24, Harriet Martin raised $3,000 for the poppy fund

through mailings. They clipped $450,911.50 worth of coupons in 1,088 volunteer


Unit 325, Ellenton reported 633 hours on Americanism, spending approximately

$2,200.00. They made and delivered bags to Bay Pines VA Hospital in December

of 2019 and 2020 equaling approximately 200 hours and $2,400.00 for bags and


goodies. In April, 2021 they held a raffle and sent $700.00 to Honor Flight. Their

PR chairman submitted articles to the local weekly paper almost every week and

sometimes more than one article. They hosted a golf outing and raised $5,000.00.

All of our units had to find new ways to raise money. Instead of sitting in front of

stores asking for donations for Poppies, some units were successful with mailing

them out to members with a return envelope.

Veterans with special birthdays or who were ill had their very own parade drive

past their homes.

Eight units in District 8 are sending a total of 18 girls to Girl’s State.

Thank you,

Theresa Walls

District 8 President



District 9

No report



District 11


Eleventh District Book of Reports

2020 - 2021 Fran Carlton, District President

For years the Eleventh District has been called the Elegant Eleventh. This year one of the unit presidents stated we should be called the Enduring Eleventh District. We started the year without a District President due to the unfortunate resignation of Dee Butler who had served two years but was having some family issues that prevented her from serving the extended term that was caused by Covid 19. My appointment to the position did not come until February. Even without a President the Units in the District did indeed endure. We were the first District in the Department to reach 100% in membership and have remained in first place even now at the time of this report. We have four units with 100% or higher, two units need only one and one unit needs only two to make 100%. We are over 103% in membership. Public Relations was conducted through several methods. Units used social media and had face book pages. One unit reported they have a web site. Most Units communicate with members by email and phone calls. Several Units produce flyers to promote their dinners and events. Units wrote articles for Post and Unit monthly newsletters. They submitted articles to local weekly news papers. One unit had three articles appear. Two in the Veterans Voice and one in the Cleveland Clinic Newsletter. Each month they select a veteran to receive a complementary copy of the Veterans Voice newspaper. One Unit had 52 social media postings, 48 flyers were published, and they had 20 email blasts and three interviews with reporters. Auxiliary Emergency Fund donations were made to Department and National. One Unit decided to help now. They discussed starting a Unit AEF because they have had members try to get assistance but were denied. Therefore, members are not inclined to donate to Department of National AEF. This Unit did however, donate to Department AEF and one member donated $50. to National. This Unit has information books at the entrance to the Post with websites, addresses and phone numbers of utility companies and organizations that provide assistance plus information on Suicide Prevention. Two Units reported collecting at every monthly meeting. There is one member who has a coin dish at home. She puts all pennies and nickels and dimes in the dish. She then puts them in coin wrappers to bring to each meeting. Unit 164 Boynton Beach donated $50 to Department and $120. to National. Out of AEF collections they paid dues for all members over 90 years of age. In spite of school closures District 11 has continued to have events for our Education program with several Units donating school supplies Delray Unit 65 spent $350 purchasing school supplies during sales. The actual value of these supplies was $1,400. They also donated 35 pairs of sneakers for the students. Stuart Unit 62 donated 156 backpacks and $700 in school supplies to fill the back packs. Belle Glade Unit 20 helped 35 children by donating $200 for school supplies. Other Units also


reported school supply donations. Operation Homefront and Safe Space were assisted. Two scholarships were presented totaling $1,500. Donations were made to Department Scholarship programs. Members donated 82 hours and $2,986 of in kind donations. National Security activities flourished in the District. Units donated items and packed troop boxes. In kind donations of $250. plus cash donations of $450. Two Units reported donating $1,750 plus $120. in kind to Forgotten Soldiers Outreach. They had 12 members spend 36 hours packing boxes for their organization. . A Junior member of Delray Beach Unit 65 used her initiative and found ways to help. Writing 30 letters of encouragement to soldiers. These letters were delivered to FSO to be placed in the troop boxes. Eleven members joined with the Legion family for a Yellow Ribbon Event for the Army National Guard Battalion that was being deployed. They volunteered 70 hours for this event. Donations of $1,200. were made by units for items given out. One Unit donated $100 to military families by donating a turkey and Christmas food basket. One Unit has two CERT - Citizen Emergency Response Team members and another Unit donated $10. to CERT. Units reported $210. in donations to USO. Royal Palm Beach Unit 367 volunteered 5 hours and gave 4 pints of blood to a local blood drive. Another Unit donated at two blood drives held by their Post. Without a doubt Stuart Unit 62 was a standout in the District. They volunteered 3,060 hours collecting and clipping coupons for the troops. They had 195,047 coupons for a value of $98,401.55 and spent $2,000 in postage. This Unit also volunteered 75 hours packing 76 troop boxes. They had $8,000 of in kind donations and spent $3,000 in postage. The members volunteered 40 hours working with local stores in coordination with Operation Homefront collecting school supplies and stocking stuffers for Christmas. The Unit purchased stockings and stuffed them with toys for the WPB Army National Guard Unit that District 11 is supporting during their deployment. The Unit stuffed over 100 stockings. They also sponsored a dinner for Gold Star Family members including dinner and drinks for the evening. They volunteered 25 hours and donated $510 of in kind items. Unit members donated gifts for the National Guard families in conjunction with the Post, 58 hours were volunteered. Members donated some great toys including two bicycles. West Palm Beach Unit 141 purchased two cases of Girls Scout cookies at $60 each for donation to the troops overseas. They donated $500 in gift cards and collected toys for the local deployed Army Reserve families. They participated in the Yellow Ribbon project and donated $250 to suicide prevention awareness for veterans.


Belle Glade Unit 20 donated $500, West Palm Beach Unit 141 donated $500, Okeechobee Unit 64 donated $200 and Delray Beach Unit 65 donated $100 for gifts for children of the deployed troops. Poppy programs did not have as much success this year but one Unit reported placing poppies and donation canisters in restaurants. $253. was collected. Another Unit ordered 2 dozen canisters and plan to give these to members who have contacts with businesses where they can be placed. Because of the virus one unit thought outside of the box and ordered poppy pins. Eighty pins were distributed for a donation of $5.00 raising $400.00. Community Service reports showed that Boynton Beach 164 had 34 members donate 1807 hours and spend $1,000 donating to pet shelters, Faith Farm Ministries, food banks and nursing homes. Other units in the District reported 180 volunteer hours donating 7,584 hours. They helped neighbors shopping, $17,642. was spent and $81,126.75 of in kind donations was received for community services activities and/or projects. One unit adopted-a-road for litter cleanup. Other activities Units did to improve the community were to hold a beach clean up, collected food for homeless, volunteered at the Salvation Army thrift store, volunteered at Cleveland Clinic and the Humane Center. One Junior from Delray Beach Unit 65 donated to tornado relief in Georgia, did road cleanup and volunteered with a project assisting children in the community. Tequesta Unit 271 collected cancelled stamps for birth defect research, they cooked, transported to doctors and cleaned houses for the elderly. Lake Worth 47 had 70 volunteers who ran errands, did shopping and delivering food, did laundry and mowed lawns. They collected contributions and delivered them to various programs and organizations. Total volunteer hours were 2,097 and $11,447 was raised and donated. Members made a LOT of masks and donated them to neighbors, strangers, and community programs. Boca Raton Unit 277 donated $200 for personal care items for residents in Manor Care Rehab Center. They held many raffles with a Lotto tree for Christmas, Baskets for Halloween, 50/50 and gift cards to support their general fund budget and programs. Lake Worth Unit 47 joined their legionnaires and held events for Children & Youth month. They adopted a single Mom who is a veteran and donated $400 to make their holiday joyous. Many of our Units wore purple in honor of Military Children. Tequesta Unit 271 knitter/crocheted 120 baby caps for Jupiter Medical Center They also donated to COTA, Special Olympics and Children's Miracle Network.. Delray Beach Unit 65 also donated to Special Olympics.


West Palm Beach Unit 199 held a Make Halloween Safe costume party and an Easter Egg Hunt for children in their community. Unit 62, Stuart Fl. held a Christmas "Drive through" event for 40 children. They assisted three families in need with a total of four children. They purchased $1,500 worth of gifts for veteran’s children. The in-kind donations came to $2,500. Unit 65, Delray Beach was the only Unit reporting any Junior Activity and that is one Junior member who has participated in several programs. Her activities have been reported under those programs in this report. Our units continue to support the Veteran’s Affairs and Rehabilitation program in many ways. Unit 62 in Stuart put together baby baskets for VA Medical Center in West Palm Beach Fl. for the annual Veteran baby shower. They received $500 in-kind donations. They continue serving breakfasts for Veteran’s every 3rd Tuesday of every month. They have served 246 Veteran’s at a cost of $738. They also support a Veteran’s Home Emerald V in Stuart. They have donated an estimated $10,000 of in-kind donation to this project. Some of their members cook food and deliver them to Veterans. Unit 367 Royal Palm Beach helped a homeless Veteran and his family by supplying temporary shelter for a few weeks. Unit 65, Delray Beach, had a Christmas Party for a veteran and his family who had been homeless. Faith, Hope & Love Charity had just found them an apartment. The Unit held a special holiday lunch and gave the family a food basket and filled the children's Christmas wish list including an ipad for each child. Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived and presented the gifts for all. Due to Covid restrictions the number of participants were limited, so members who usually participated in the Missing in America project were unable to attend. We did have one member who participated as a pallbearer. One member takes meals to Vetsville in Boynton Beach every week. This unit donated $50 directly to Honor Flight when they were having a matching fund drive thereby making their donation value $100. This Unit also donates to and supports Paws 4 Liberty a local program that trains service dogs for veterans. Unit 271, Tequesta, wrote 838 Thank you notes and letters of encouragement to Veterans overseas. They delivered them to Forgotten Soldiers to be put in boxes that are being shipped to our deployed soldiers. They held their yearly Holiday Cards for Heroes event. Shipping approximately 6,447 cards overseas. They donated $500 to the Stand Down House for Veteran's Christmas gift project for 27 veteran children. Donations were made to West Palm Beach Fisher House and K-9 for Warriors project. They donated ten $50. Publix Thanksgiving gift certificates for families in need. Two of their members attended the Missing in America project. They purchased socks and underwear for homeless veterans at a cost of $250 which will be delivered as soon as the WPBMC is open to volunteers.


Unit 277, Boca Raton, supplied 26 Patriotic bags filled with donations of personal item’s, puzzle books and candy given to Veterans at nursing homes in Boca Raton. Ladies in the unit also assist local Veterans by transporting them to doctor appointments, shopping, cooking and cleaning their homes. Unit 367, Royal Palm Beach kept busy by preparing food for veterans, washing clothes, cleaning rooms and transporting veterans to doctor appointments. Unit 164 Boynton Beach reported total donations of $12,217 plus in kind donations of $5,000 with 1,500 volunteer hours serving over 200 veterans. They received a $250.grant from Walmart which went in part to the Department Presidents project, Honor Flight. Unit 141 West Palm Beach raised $1,500 with a steak dinner and donated to Paws 4 Liberty, Final Salute and $100 to Honor Flight, $100 to Legacy Run and $100 to Children of 9/11. They donated shoe boxes filled with toiletries to homeless the week of Veterans Day and they collected a carload of food to donate to the VA for homeless veterans. Unfortunately, the pandemic has taken a toll on some of our programs, but the ladies in District 11 have been thinking outside the box, joining up with their Legionnaires and helping our Veterans during this time. District 11 usually has a strong Girls State program. This year with so many students doing virtual learning and the fact that Palm Beach County schools are still in session it was impossible to find candidates. Two Units are sending three girls though. All three girls are coming our of Martin County. Under Leadership Units reported that they did not use special forms or formats that were suggested to promote Leadership. Several units did report that they mentored new officers and chairmen and a couple of units reported they discussed leadership topics at their meetings. This year new District plaque was presented for Leadership honoring our beloved Past Department President, Jean Mahoney who mentored most of us. The first time recipient of this award is Shirley Rearick, President of Stuart Unit 62. Cavalcade of Memories does not get much activity, however Delray Beach Unit 65 has a member who has been active for 45 years. This member has shared mementos from past years including mimeographed newsletters, candidate announcement cards, application forms from the 50's, a typed (on a typewriter) history book, photo albums, unit entries for Department awards and other items. Things were done much different in the 70's, 80's, 90's than they are done today. The only Unit reporting activities in Constitution and By Laws was Lake Worth Unit 47 who amended their By-Laws to allow holding meetings by Zoom or any other means necessary.


Between the elections (primary and general) and the chaos of Covid 19 the Auxiliary still manage to communicate and accomplish some of its Legislative goals. Members attended Candidate forums to learn and make informed decisions at the ballot box. Some members worked the elections and Units promoted "Get out and Vote". We had members who provided transportation to the polls. Delray Beach Unit 65 has one member who regularly communicates with legislators. She was invited to be present when the Governor signed the new Election Reform law. One Unit reported 10 contacts were made with National elected officials. One member is part of the American Legion Legislative alert program. Last but definitely not least is our Americanism activity. Units reported 259 hours of patriotic community involvement with a total of $525. spent Twenty wreaths were purchased and placed on plaques and memorials in downtown Stuart by two members. One unit reported distributing Flags at a cost of $50. One unit reported purchasing 600 pocket Flags to insert into 156 troop boxes at an expense of $368.00. This unit also presented copies of the Flag code to all new members. Units placed 1,000 Flags on graves of Veterans for Memorial Day with 30 members participating. Six additional Auxiliary members and two Juniors placed Flags at another local cemetery for Veteran's Day. Five members removed the Flags, washed them and packed 1,500 Flags for storage. Three volunteers carried American Flags in the St. Patrick's Day parade. One member was a keynote speaker on Veteran's Day. Units saluted the Flag and said the Pledge of Allegiance at all meetings. Members reported flying the Flag on all patriotic holidays. Lake Worth Unit 47 reported 16,101 hours that the Flag was flown. Units participated with their Posts in Flag Day ceremonies. 17,704 hours were reported in participating in the American Legion Auxiliary Americanism programs. A total of $600. was spent. Wreaths were donated to Wreaths across America by several of our Units. On a general note, several Units reported financially assisting their Posts. Most with donations in the hundreds. But both Okeechobee Unit 64 and Tequesta Unit 271 have donated several thousand dollars each to help their posts. Thank God that we are "Florida American Legion Auxiliary Strong", not only for our organization and our programs....for our Veterans and our Active Duty Military but to help keep our Posts afloat. It has been my honor to serve as Eleventh District President during this unique period in history. I am extremely proud of the Members and Units in this district and all they have accomplished. I remain faithfully,


Yours In Service to God and Country, Fran Carlton, President Elegant Eleventh District


District 12


American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Florida 2020 – 2021, End of Year Report

Karen Humann, District 12 President First and foremost, I would like to thank Department President Ann King Smith, the entire Department staff, and the members of District 12 for assisting me in working and building the “Mighty 12”. As the saying goes, there is no “I” in team. I am honored to report on the fabulous work that the Units have done over the past year. Unfortunately, I can only report the highlights of all the exquisite work that the Units of District 12 have performed. Otherwise, my reporting would consume a book of its own. Please let it be noted that this report represents activities from May 2020 through April 2021. In addition, most of the Units held Halloween and Holiday parties for both children and adults, and most helped local schools with either supplies and / or monetary donations, and clipped coupons. Unit 1 – Titusville

• Sponsored a Candidate Meet & Greet, organized by the Titusville Chamber of Commerce and held at a local shopping mall

• Co-sponsored a Titusville Chamber of Commerce Luncheon where they received an award for their Partners in The Business of Education Program.

• Assisted three members from their own AEF fund.

• Junior members made cards for Veterans in the VA centers and baked and decorated cookies for the Department Children & Youth picnic.

Unit 22 – Cocoa

• Assisted Post 22 by donating money on multiple occasions to help with expenses

• Donated to Suicide Prevention

• Worked the Driven by Heart (Breast Cancer) Campaign Unit 39 – Vero Beach

• Purchased, folded and personalized messages for pocket flags for mailing to deployed servicemen and women.

• Donated earbuds to a less fortunate school in Indian River County.

• Donated to the Words from War wall monument to be erected by the Next Generation Vets of Indian River County at Veterans Memorial Island.

• Held a yard / bake sale with proceeds going to Honor Flight. The remaining items were then donated to the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

• Participated in the Gold Star Mothers Walk-a-Thon for Military Suicide Awareness. Unit 40 – Fort Pierce

• Donated to Post 40 to help defray the cost of some of the bills

• Held a Valentine’s dinner dance

• Held a Quarter Auction

Unit 81 – Melbourne

• Donated to USO, Life recaptured (human trafficking home for women and children who were rescued), Honor Flight, AEF

• Donated 212 pairs of socks for Warrior Projects

• Some members donated over $20,000 to Veterans / NVHS for housing /generator


• Donated 12 pounds of bottle caps to Sea Breeze Elementary School for bench

• Donate 15 pounds of pull tabs to the Shriners Unit 117 – Palm Bay

• Voted in their first male member in July, 2020

• In August, the Juniors sent 14 handmade birthday cards to a WWII Veteran in Louisiana, who was celebrating his 111 birthday

• On September 11, along with the entire 117 family, the Auxiliary organize and delivered 175 meals to first responders

• Participated in a Veterans Day parade with Palm Bay Mayor, Rob Medina (a Marine Veteran) riding in their float.

• Assisted SAL with their Special Olympics event in February

• Held a Female Veteran Recruitment Luncheon in which 24 Female Veterans attended. This brought 3 new members into the Unit

• The Future Leaders (Juniors) held a Spring fling Fundraiser and raised $2200 towards a new swing set for the Post home.

• The Post family was asked to host PDP Erna Schwabe’s Celebration of Life. Following the celebration, there was a rededication of the lighthouse that was originally dedicated to Erna in past years.

• Continues with Suds of Love program, even though the pandemic, helping 7-12 Veterans on a weekly basis.

Unit 126 – Jensen Beach

• NO REPORT Unit 163 – Eau Gallie

• Held a “Drink Like a Fish” raffle

• Held 2 bake sales

• Have an ongoing Purses With a Purpose and have donated 139 stuffed purses to date. Unit 171 – Fort Pierce

• NO REPORT Unit 189 – Sebastian

• Reflagged graves at cemetery in the Remember Our Heroes Program

• Participated in the Flag Retirement Ceremony

• Donated to Toys for Tots, St Luci County Christ for Kits, and Camp Boggy Creek

• Donated quilts, lap robes, kit bags and masks to the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center

• Purses of Hope, filled with toiletries and goodies were deliver to 26 ladies at the Pelican Gardens Assisted living and 8 bags to the gentlemen

Unit 191 - Melbourne

• Supported Food pantry at Allen Chapel Church

• Purchased a food basket for a member that was sick Unit 200 – Satellite Beach

• Provided needed home services for Veterans & members


• During quarantine, contacted & checked on each other via phone, text, email and Facebook.

• Donate three dozen mobility devices to a local organization that provides them to Veterans in need

• Donation a large sum of money to 75 homeless Veterans so they could purchase backpacks, blankets, hats, gloves, personal hygiene items, food, water, and tents.

• Donated 25 purses filled with personal items to the female residents of their adopted senior living facility

• Donated to the War Dogs Foundation which helps rehabilitate Veteran working dogs

• Donated 35 pounds of soda tops to the Shriners.

• Held a blood drive

• Unit 318 – Port St. Lucie

• Gave out 4 scholarships ($1500 each) Unit 344 – Merritt Island

• Meetings were held via Zoom during the entire year

• Made multiple masks

• Participated in a 4th of July “backwards” parade

• Organized a drive-through parade at Solaris to celebrate Veterans Day

• Participated with Wreaths Across America, the last Naval Battle, and POW/MIA flag raisings at local schools.

Unit 348 – Cape Canaveral

• Displayed memorabilia of a D-Day soldier and father of an Auxiliary member

• Donated 25 boxes of non-perishable foods to a local homeless food shelter.

• Hygiene items were collected to be given away in the City of Cape Canaveral’s Backpack Jamboree (Unit 348 was a sponsor)

• Held a “redneck” basket raffle

• Donated 100 hygiene bags to local Cape Canaveral students in backpacks full of supplies during the Back to School Back Pack Jamboree

• Airmen at Patrick Air Force Base received Valentine candy and cards made by Cape View elementary students.

• Held a “purple up” fundraiser. Money raised was used to help a local young man with his Eagle Scout Project as well as to help feed families of deployed airmen at Patrick Air Force Base.

Unit 358 – White City

• Purchased a memorial bench and engraved plaques for two past Presidents.

• Made multiple donations for multiple causes Unit 359 – Port St. John

• NO SUBMITTAL Unit 366 – Barefoot Bay

• Again adopted Camp Boggy Creek as their year long project. Made and delivered 16 bear skins, as they did not want them stuffed this year.


• Crocheted 90 hats and 50 pair of booties and delivered them to Indian River Medical Center for the newborn nursery.

• Again made a monetary donation to the Brevard County Children’s Hunger Project

• Collected and donated 33 pounds of pop tabs to Sebastian School.

• Volunteered 1,150 to Community Service Programs

• Donated clothing, food and other gifts to the Veterans Transitional Facility in Melbourne and other Veterans Hospitals throughout the state.

Unit 394 – Palm Bay

• NO SUBMITTAL Unit 410 – Rockledge

• Hand made a lap quilt given to Vista Manor.

• Donated pre-boxed food, blankets, and sleeping bags to the homeless

• Continued making sleeping mats for homeless Veterans project. Some mats are woven and some are crocheted.

Respectfully submitted, Karen Humann, 12th District President


District 13

No Report



District 14


American Legion Auxiliary Department of Florida

District 14 Year End Report 2020-2021

Our District encompasses from Key West north to North Miami. We have 11 Units (Unit 28 Key West, Unit 168 Key West, Unit 154 Marathon, Unit 333 Key Largo, Unit 43 Homestead, Unit 133 Palmetto Bay, Unit 31 South Miami, Unit 346 Miami, Unit 98 Coral Gables, Unit 374 Key Biscayne, Unit 67 North Miami). Our members are strong and have banded together to help our mission succeed. Our year started out like everyone elses, COVID-19 Pandemic. Th Post homes were closed. Members were scared to meet in person. But we adapted and overcame. Older members who had never used a computer figured out how to Zoom to their meetings. We social distanced. We helped from far.

Americanism – Unit 133 taught local boy scouts how to fold the flag. They lead the Pledge at meetings, Memorial Day and Veterans Day celebrations. They celebrated 2 veterans birthdays with drive thrus (one turned 100 and the other turned 98). Auxiliary Emergency Funds (AEF) Unit 133 reported that they had 1 member apply to Department AEF and National AEF. That member was assisted with funds from both. All 4 bar tenders at the post are Auxiliary members, the Unit voted to assist them financially during the pandemic that lost income when the Post home closed. Unit 154 reported no member sought help from the AEF funds. Cavalcade of Memories No units are submitting a scrap book. Chaplain Unit 28 sent sympathy cards, get well card and congratulations cards. Unit 31 sent sympathy cards, get well cards and Thinking of you cards. Unit 133 sent sympathy cards, and get well cards. Unit 154 sent sympathy cards, get well cards. Thinking of you cards and birthday cards. Unit 374 made a video to air on a local TV station for memorial day. Unit 154 POW/MIA Day


Children & Youth Unit 133 had a member that sewed about 250 masks and donated them to a local elementary school. Unit 154 reported that they were unable to support their normal programs due to COVID restrictions. Unit 133 Children’s Christmas Party


Community Service Unit 133 served meals to the public during the Post closure. Three members got certified in CPR/AED. Unit 154 reported that they served free meals with drive thru events. They participated in Strides drive for breast cancer awareness. They served breakfast on Sundays and participated in the Veterans Day Parade. Unit 154 participated in blood drives. Unit 28 Breast Cancer Walk


District 14 Commander Tom Frank & District 14 President getting CPR & AED Certified


Constitution & Bylaws Unit 31 reviewed their C&B. Unit 133 – Updated as of April 2021. Education Although there were funds available at Unit 133 for scholarship, no students applied this year. Units promoted RED Shirt Friday. Unit 154 presented 1 scholarship in the amount of $1,000 Girls State Unit 133 – Sponsoring 3 delegates Unit 154 – Sponsoring 2 delegates Unit 28 – Sponsoring 1 delegate Unit 67 – Sponsoring 1 delegate Photo is from District 14 Orienation

Juniors Unit 31 had a junior member helped to record her schools band performance to you tube for the members to water since they could not be there in person for Thanksgiving. The Unit was then able to play it for the Post. Unit 133 made cards for Veterans Day and participated in the ornament decorating contest. Unit 133 Jr lily Edward and SAL John Cusano making Ornaments


Leadership We did not hold any ABC courses this year due to COVID and members not wanting to gather in large groups. However, as District President I did promote the E-Courses that National was hosting. Legislative Unit 133 call their representatives to talk about VA benefits. Unit 154 spoke to their representatives. Membership (No Report is Due) District wide as of the Friday Report from May 13, 2021 we are at 96.39% (721) of our goal of 748. We have 13 paid junior members, 708 paid senior members for a total of 721 member. 4 units have reached 100% membership - Units 31, 43, 98 and 168. National Security Unit 31 has clipped $47,072.62 in coupons for the Troopon Program. Unit 154 packed and sent 28 troop boxes. Unit 154 Troop Boxes:


Poppy There was little in Poppy distribution in May of 2020 as the quarantine was in full effect. But we are all looking forward to this years distribution. Public Relations District Facebook Page is Unit 31 – Reported no activity. Unit 98 – Has a facebook page. There are also bi-monthly newsletters that go out to the Legion Family. Unit 154 – Has a facebook group Unit 133 – Has a facebook page with their post family – Veterans Affairs Unit 154 sent get well cards to veterans, held food rives and cooked meals. They ran errands, did housekeeping and conversed with Veterans. Unit 374 made Christmas Cards and donated $29 publix gift cards to the Miami VA. Unit 133 Drive By Birthday – Commander Bill Gregg 100th Birthday in January 2021, unfortunately he passed in May 2021.


Unit 43 President Dorothy in the Veterans Day Parade


Respectfully Submitted by

Stacy Cusano Stacy Cusano, District President ************************************************************************************************* Unfortunately I did not receive any reports from: Unit 28 Key West, Unit 168 Key West, Unit 333 Key Largo, Unit 43 Homestead, Unit 346 Miami


District 15

No report



District 16


American Legion Auxiliary Department of Florida District 16

District 16 has kept our focus on the mission of the auxiliary throughout the uncertainty

of this past year. The units were not deterred from their main purpose and objective engaging

members with the needs of the military, military families, children and youth, our community

and of course our veterans. With the pandemic units had to think outside the box for


to work our auxiliary programs.

With that said the units in District 16 were able to assist in the following ways.

Unit 7 Clearwater, started the year collecting school supplies for Eisenhower Elementary

with a donation $250 dollars. Tunnel to Towers which supports veterans with severe disabilities

they donated $250 for the cause. We held a baby shower for the Kimberly house for unwed


Unit 14 St. Pete, even with many pitfalls this year, we were able to work along side with

the legion supporting the post and our post family. When the school year started we supported

Lakewood Elementary school with supplies and a $500 donation to be used as they saw fit.

When the call came that the pantry at Bay Pines VA needed support we donated $500 to help

stock the pantry, which is for the homeless veterans. We were informed of a veteran in need

of assistance for household expenses, so we helped by donating funds to pay what was needed.

A local non profit organization Reach Street contacted us for help, we donated $500

to the cause.

Unit 79 New Port Richey, the year 2020-2021 has been a challenge but it has only made

our unit stronger and more resilient in our mission to support our auxiliary programs.

The year started with donations to our elementary schools, supplies and a monetary

donation. As Thanksgiving arrived we made 17 complete Thanksgiving meal baskets donated

to Steps to Recovery and 20 veteran families from the VA clinic a total of $1000.00.

Christmas was upon us, we were not able to do our 90 angels due to the pandemic, but we

supported veteran children from the VA clinic with a donation of $1500 in gift cards. We

supported a

women’s shelter at Christmas with $500 in gift cards to purchase gifts for the women and


Our 10th year of the Luminary Service remembering the Florida soldiers who have fallen since

the start of the Gulf War was not the same. We were unable to place 365 luminary bags in

memory, but did

instead light a luminary bag for each branch of the service. This broke our hearts.

We have provided meals every Wednesday to Steps to Recovery for 56 weeks to the veterans

housed there. We still collect can taps, this year 975 lbs. were donated to the Shriners for

medical equipment for the children. Our Save the Ta Ta’s function for the 10th year raised


$10,000 for breast cancer research. The coupon program for our military overseas has been

on going with $7124 worth of coupons sent. This year we were able to send three girls to the

Girls State program, we know they will represent us well. Other donation were given to the


Honor Flight, Bay Pines Pantry and Operation Home Front for holiday meals. This year we were

able to provide a $1000 scholarship to a young women from Gulf High School to help with her

college education.

Unit 104 Pinellas Park, the unit created holiday baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas,

filled with food, gifts and gift cards for families in the community worth $1,687.

The unit distributed $700 in school supplies to local schools and collected box tops for the


Coupons were clipped and sent to service personnel with a value of $80.344.50 and packages

were sent to service personnel overseas. The members were busy crocheting 176 hats distributed

to Bay Pines, James Haley VA for cancer patients, and 200 masks were made and distributed

to workers who needed them. Lap blankets were donated to a nursing home, normally they

visit the nursing home, hold parties and visit with the residents, but was unable to do this year.

Unit 104 was able to assist with donations to Boggy Creek $1950.00, Children’s Organ


$1500.00, Fisher House $500.00, Wounded Warriors Ability Ranch $339.00 and Jodie Hall

Suicide Prevention $300.

Unit 119 Largo started by adopting a class at Mildred Helms School, which was supported

during the school year with a donation of $200 in sanitation products and $150 for supplies

in the classroom. In November they donated Pumpkin and Apple pies to the local fire

department, supporting our local heroes. They hung Poppy Plates in the legion and collection

cans for their Poppy drive. Held a Christmas Party for 25 children, with Santa

handing out presents. In April donated $200 to a veteran in need and $100 to Dept. Children and



Unit 125 Gulfport collected $800 in school supplies for Gulfport elementary school, and donated

75 pounds of pull tabs to Ronald McDonald House. The members made 27 lab robes which were

delivered to Bay Pines VA for the in bound veterans. Masks were made and donated to Bear

Creek Elementary for the children to wear to protect each other. Had fundraiser Christmas

Themed basket to help two families with foster children to assist with gifts so the children would

have a wonderful Christmas.

A fundraiser Buy a Heart to Save a Heart, funds donated to the American Heart Association..

The unit will continue by donating to Honor Flight, AEF fund and continue to support Bay Pines.

Unit 158 Treasure Island, started the year donating $1000.00 to the Treasure Island City Council

for the Treasure Island Kids summer program, continuing with children/education supplies and

clothing were donated to the Campbell Park Elementary School in the amount of $1109.00 with

28 of volunteer hours. For Halloween there were 300 Safety Coloring books delivered to the


for distribution to the children. The holiday season came with the Pinellas Hope Angel Tree,


decorated with names of children with their wishes, but with the pandemic it was not possible

to pick names, so Unit 158 donated $1500.00 to the cause so these children could have some

of their wishes come true. Supporting our veterans through Bay Pines VA, a call came requesting

donations for the “Twelve Days of Christmas”, our unit donated $200 and gift cards to purchase

clothing for Bay Pines Closet. Honoring first responders, “Hearts for Hometown Heroes”,

$192.00 was donated by the support of Legion Family donating for a heart to be displayed in our


A fundraiser “McCashey” collected $800.00 which was donated to the USO and Children &


Still collecting coupons for our military families, our members cut $35,000 in coupons with

400 volunteer hours under National Security.

Unit 173 Holiday, worked the educating program by donating to the back to school drive

with a donation of $470.00 along with shirts delivered to Park Elementary School.

Gulfside Elementary School presented Doris Clark with a large wooden banner for our

continued support for their food pantry and supplies. Our veterans are a main support,

700 Valentines were delivered to Bay Pines for our hospitalized veterans. A veteran got back

to us saying how grateful they were remembered. We delivered 50 stuffed Christmas Stockings


a group called Steps to Recovery where these veterans are home while in transition into society.

Membership has been hard this year; we paid ten members due because of hardship, either in

Nursing homes, severely ill or hospitalized.

Unit 238 Safety Harbor, the year started off with the Safety Harbor 4th of July parade, which

Our unit puts on every year. Although it was not as big as usual, we did parade down the street

with a Coast Guard helicopter escort the parade route. Fundraising was done innovative ideas

due to

the post closing on and off, but we managed to work our programs and donate $1100.00 to the

teachers of Safety Harbor, $200.00 to clothes for kids and $200 for K 9’s for Warriors and to


families through Sylvan Abby Church. The Angel Tree project to purchase new gifts for children

of the

Mattie Williams House of Safety Harbor, other numerous fundraisers allowed us to support

Honor Flight, Operation Home front, Clothes for kids, socks for soldiers and Wreaths Across


Not forgetting our community we provided three needy families with Thanksgiving feasts. Under

National Security we promoted and worked two blood drives, also with a fundraiser Soup-or-


donating the funds. Easter has arrived with a visit from the Easter Bunny handing out candy to


children and even brought smiles to the adults.

Unit 252 Seminole, this year has been very different, but with the school year starting we were

able to donate school supplies to Orange Grove and Oakhurst elementary in the amount of

$700 with a donation of $500 to assist the teachers. Continuing with supporting our children


our unit donated to Suncoast Voices for children in the amount of $750, Special Olympics

$500 and the support of COTA $1000. Thanksgiving rolled around with donating food baskets

to 7 families in need and 10 veteran families. Remembering our deployed and active military

boxes were sent overseas filled with items requested. Children of military families supported

through the National Guard and a donation to Operation Military matters in the amount of $500.

Coupons were clipped and sent to our military families deployed and USO with a donation

Of $400.Supporting our community is very important to us, starting with our hometown heroes

sending $300 in gift cards to our local fire station. A local organization supporting our


we donated $700 to HEP. Supporting Bay Pines VA is a mainstay for us, delivery food to the

pantry for the homeless, clothes every month and a total of $1200 in gift cards for the Twelve

Days of Christmas. Supporting our American Legion Riders with their Poker Run for

Veterans Suicide prevention donation $1200. Supporting our Departments Presidents special

project Honor Flight with a $1000 donation

Unit 273 Madeira Beach, all though the year started very slow with the closing of the post


in November. Our auxiliary assisted with Covid 19 entry requirements checking membership


which allowed us to help with membership since we have 3210 renewals due for 2021.

Most of our efforts have been for Bay Pines with needs within the pantry for the homeless. We


donated over $5000 in canned goods in addition to the canned food drive which is ongoing.

We hope with easing of restrictions we can once again sponsor our Ice Cream Socials which

the patients appreciate at the hospital and we enjoy the patients. The children were not forgotten

we sponsored 32 Christmas Angels for Christmas at Ridgewood Elementary School and for 74th

Street elementary. We provided Christmas for 5 military families, making Santa happen for 18


and with a complete Christmas dinner for all. We are looking forward to Tampa Bay Troop


to return, we will pack boxes for deployed military, we support with the cost of postage and


One of our programs, You Are Loved stones which is a worry stone to remind veterans or active

duty military constantly of our encouragement and their value, Our Your Are Loved stones are in

15 states,

rehabs, VA Agencies, emotional retreats and hospitals. It is our purpose to help those with in


need of encouragement, and veterans are so thrilled we remember their service and sacrifices.

Unit 275 Dunedin, our unit has adapted in many ways to continue our work supporting veterans,

our post family, children and our community. We have worked to keep many of our traditional

ways of serving and giving alive. The year started off with schools opening with uncertainty

and changing needs. We purchased over $500 in school supplies along with many other items

needed by Frontier elementary such as dixie cups, hand sanitizer, head phones along with may

personal student items. We held our second annual Cart Crusaders Golf Cart Mystery Poker Run,

donating 403 pounds of food and presented a check in the amount of $1220 to Dunedin Cares


Food Pantry and fun was had by all. Our bingo raised money and stuffed 200 Christmas

stockings full of goodies for children of active duty military. Operation Christmas card was a

huge success with

1,122 signed cards plus 22 boxes sent to our deployed military filled with items needs.

November we held our 2nd annual “Military Order of the Purple Heart” golf tournament raising

over $13,000 for the local Purple Heart Chapter. Bay Pines VA sponsored “Twelve of


for the in patients, since no one could visit. as a post family we donated $4,000 to this program

where each veteran received Christmas gifts. With the season on us, we donated $1,466.00

towards Wreaths Across American, placing each veteran grave with a wreath to honor their

service to our country. Valentines Day did not slip by without sending personnel notes in

each card to the residents of Bay Pines VA.

Unit 305 St. Pete Beach, we have worked hard towards supporting our ALA programs even

in this uncertainty of a year. We hosted Operation Home front “Meals for the Military” providing

21 Thanksgiving meals along with gift cards for the National Guard and Army Reserve families

totally $1470.00 in value. Continuing with Operation Home front “Holiday Toy Drive” we

delivered Christmas gifts to two title one schools in the Pinellas School District, who would

support the 325 military children in our county. We supported the Children & Youth picnic by

donating 2 basketsto be raffled off at the picnic. We supported our veterans at Bay Pines VA by

donating food to the

pantry for the homeless veterans, also with a monetary donation. A donation was made to Bay


for the Creative Arts program and the Twelve days of Christmas for in bound veterans so they


have Christmas presents. Staying with the season we sponsored 20 names from the giving tree


Christmas gifts from Eckert Connection for children waiting to go into foster care, hopefully this

helped these children have a little Christmas cheer. In continuing support of our children we

made a donation to Camp Boggy Creek, John Hopkins All children’s Hospital and Heaven on


As our Department President traveled our district we invited her to a Meet & Greet at

our post, at this time we presented her a check in the amount of $1000 for her special

project “Honor Flight.

Unit 335, we have been working with the legion as a family, supporting our community and


We started out the year with donations to education, local schools, and supplies with a monetary

donation. A donation was given to the Holy Ground, which is a homeless shelter in Pasco


housing about 28 residents at a time. Thanksgiving rolled around, we provided food baskets to

the homeless shelter and veterans in need.


District 17


District 17 is now finally back on the road again cruising along nicely on our Sportster with speeds up to

normal since the first of 2021. Everything is getting back to normal after a horrifying 2020 COVID-19


The Units have been busy with dinners, bingo, sticks and stones game, and supporting our community

with goody bags and lunches for our first responders.

It has been a stressful and unforgettable 2020 for all of us. We have picked ourselves up and continue

doing what we do best, helping our veterans and our community.

Unfortunately, Emory Bennett VA Nursing Home in Daytona is still not allowing us to provide horse

races, bingo and other various parties. However, the Units still do their best to assist them in any way

we can. Unit 267 Ormond Beach supports the animal(s) with a quarterly check for whatever needs they

may require ie. Grooming, food and anything else needed for keep the animals (dog, cat, bird) may stay

heathy and lovable to the Veterans.

The VA Wellness Center (PRRC) is not open to the Units. We supported birthday gathering each month

with pizza, birthday cake and birthday cards for those who had birthdays for each month, assisted in

their Job Fair and other various lunches to meet with the Veterans.

Unit 6 holds Bingo and does Friday night Fish Fry.

Units 120 Holly Hill, 267 Ormond Beach, 285 Edgewater continue to make donations of clothing, back

packs, laundry detergent, and personal items to Barracks of Hope in Daytona, a sheltered housing

facility for Veterans.

Unit 267 held their Annual Golf Outing with 100 participants. Held lunch and Horse Races for Kentucky


Unit 270 Port Orange new Post is up and running full speed doing hot dogs, sticks and stones bingo,

assists Friday Night Fish Fry as well as helping our Community with various donations. And of course,

assisting the Veterans.

Unit 45 Palatka and 127 Lake Helen, had a rummage sale, assisted the Post in dinners and of course

helped their Juniors in new endeavors in the community.

Unit 255, Deltona sent 6 Birthday Cards to the members in January in lieu of a party. Drove Veteran and

Spouse to Dr. appoints and shopping on 6 different occasions. Participated in the Post Four Chaplain


Units participated in the Four Chaplains ceremony and now preparing for Poppy Memorial Day, Flag Day

and other upcoming holidays. Elections for 2021-2022 officers taking place in May/June 2021.

Participated in selecting 2021 Girls State Delegates/Alternates. Held St Patty’s Day dinners.

The District 17 Units must remember from the day we became an American Legion Auxiliary member, its

a never-ending commitment to doing whatever it takes to help the people we serve.

Just remember “take one day at a time” while dealing with these whirlwind times.

Be safe and wear a mask and practice social distancing when required. For God and Country
