
Alumni News Health Care Management Vol. 6, No. 1, 2015

Message from Janny Maddern, Head, Health Care Management

With the impact of policy changes and financial constraints in both health and education, another challenging year is unfolding.

The Transforming Health agenda stimulates our thinking about different structures and approaches for providing health care. Managing change is not easy, especially such large-scale change. It can be unsettling for all people working in healthcare, including the managers/leaders, while everyone tries to make sense of what is required, how roles might change and the impact on services and patients/clients. No doubt the present changes will be testing and honing your skills as leaders, communicators, innovators, planners and change agents. Just as with physical exercise, this can be exhausting but rewarding in the end. I hope that you are making good use of your professional, work-place and personal networks to sustain your personal well-being, motivation and creativity during these times.

Course changes

From the two-page flyer at the end of this newsletter, you will notice that there have been some changes to our courses. Some of the topics have been updated to reflect contemporary concerns. We have also been updating a number of marketing materials and are considering an e-marketing initiative. As a result of industry feedback, we are working towards some combined awards, such as a Master of Health Administration/Master of Business Administration. Watch this space.

New staff

We are pleased to welcome Ms Hongmei Xie and Dr Tuan Nguyen, who have joined us part-time to work on initiatives with the off-shore program in China and potential initiatives in Vietnam. The Singapore program continues to grow and there are further opportunities

being explored by Professor Arthur van Deth in the region.

Staff and student recognition

Congratulations to Mark Mackay on being awarded a Premier’s International Research Fund Grant to support work on health system modelling, and to Judith Dwyer, Janet Kelly and the research team on the successful launch of Managing Two Worlds Together Stage 3, resulting in highly practical journey-mapping tools.

Earlier in the year, we were very excited to hear that Ms Margaret Springgay was awarded an AM for her tireless leadership in mental health service delivery. This recognition of her commitment was well-deserved and we wish Margaret every success for her ongoing efforts.

Congratulations also to our 2014 Health Care Management prize winners and to Rebecca Doecke for a Golden Key Award commendation.

Keeping in touch

In the next few months, we will be updating our Alumni data base, so please contact us if your contact details or positions have changed. We also want to find out whether the newsletter is still a useful avenue for communication, how best to develop our Alumni connections and the services that the University might offer. We would be very grateful to receive any ideas.

In this issue, Keirstie Bull provides a few paragraphs on how her career has developed since graduation. It would be great to include more updates, which help to keep out graduates connected with each other (and we love hearing about your progress and adventures). So please think about writing a paragraph or two about yourself and your work and sending it to Tiffany Carlin for inclusion in the next newsletter.

Keep well. Janny Maddern

From Professor Arthur van Deth Director of Health Care Management International Programs China

This year we saw the MHA graduation ceremony shifted from November to June. Fortunately, as can be seen in the photo, the weather was kind and we had a beautiful blue sky and sunshine. Flinders’ new ViceChancellor, Professor Colin Stirling attended the graduation ceremony, along with the Chancellor, Stephen Gerlach and, of course, Janny Maddern and myself. This year’s MHA prize winner for achieving the highest GPA was Yang Xiangjiang from the Guangzhou group. As in previous years, an alumni event was held in conjunction with the graduation ceremony. This year it was organised as a sit down dinner at the TEDA Hotel. The distinguished alumni award went to Shi Zhaorong from the Military Hospital in Nanjing. It is always a real thrill to see students from earlier years, including our very first intake in Tianjin, at these events. All in all, the Nankai events in June were a terrific introduction for our new Vice –Chancellor to the MHA program.

Nankai University, Tianjin graduation, June 2015

This year we have for the first time developed a FLO website in Chinese and English for MHA students with the help of our new lecturer, Xie Hongmei. The intention is for this to enable Flinders staff to have more interaction with Flinders students, outside the formal teaching workshops. Undoubtedly we will need to run through a few versions before we get the formula right and we realise that internet connections with Australia can be problematical for many of our students.

We were delighted to receive a group of students and graduates (plus some relatives) from China in February this year. We had a terrific tour of the University, FMC and some other Adelaide Hospitals, lunch at Flinders and a welcome dinner. In September this year we hope to welcome another group of students from Shanghai and Nanjing.

Group 13 Graduates at Flinders University, February 2015 Singapore

The Singapore program is continuing from strength to strength with a steady increase in student numbers every year. Health Informatics, taught by Mark Brommeyer is now delivered in Singapore and from February next year Dr Mark Mackay will be teaching Operations Management. We are now beginning to look at opportunities for extending the Singapore program to Malaysia, so if you have any suggestions or contacts there, please let me know.


We recently appointed Tuan Anh Nguyen as lecturer. Tuan Anh has a background in pharmacology and pharmaco-economics. His in depth knowledge of Vietnam and extensive networks within the health and government sectors are helping us to form new connections, which we hope will lead to a new MHA program as well as research linkages in that country. I would love to hear from alumni from Vietnam about potential opportunities and connections.

Prof. Arthur van Deth

Research in Health Care Management This edition’s featured research: Managing Two Worlds Together

The Lowitja Institute chose the Managing Two Worlds Together Project to showcase at a national Parliament House function for all Australia’s Cooperative Research Centres.

The successful development of patient journey mapping tools by Dr Janet Kelly, Professor Judith Dwyer and a big team of colleagues in research, education and health services, was brought to the attention of the Prime Minister and other senior Parliamentary representatives in late May.

Managing Two Worlds Together Stage 3 Launch

Health Care Management and Lowitja Institute launched Stage 3 of the Managing Two Worlds Together project on Tuesday 2 June 2015 at the Flinders City Campus. Building on earlier research, Stage 3 focused on South Australia and the Northern Territory and analysed some of the

critical segments and gaps in the Aboriginal patient journey. It produced practical tools that can be used by health professionals, patients and their families to map very complex patient journeys through the health system and identify what support is needed.

Picture L-R

Dr Kim O’Donnell, Mr Romlie Mokak, Professor Judith Dwyer, Uncle Lewis O’Brien, Dr Janet Kelly and Dr Pat Anderson. The project confirmed that while health care is delivered in specialised segments it mostly succeeds or fails as a package. Tracking a patient’s experience, or journey, through the system is an effective way to evaluate how and why the package works – or doesn’t. Working together, researchers, clinicians, educators, managers and policy makers can identify how coordination, communication, collaboration and cultural safety can be improved. Better patient journeys will deliver better health outcomes for Aboriginal people. One of the project participants, an Aboriginal Health Worker, found the tools useful professionally and personally, saying, “I took the tools home and used

them to map the journey of a family member. It helped me to make sense of what was happening, and to work out what questions to ask staff when I went back in to the hospital. Mapping their journey and seeing what might happen next gave me the confidence to ask more questions.” The project report, workbook explaining the patient journey mapping tools, and five sets of case notes (cardiac, renal, maternity, city sites and rural and remote sites) are available as downloadable PDF’s on the Managing Two Worlds Together website and Lowijta Institute website

Prof Judith Dwyer 2015 Premier’s International Research Fund Grant

Dr Mark Mackay has been awarded one of the 2015 Premier’s International Research Fund Grants. The grant will be used to demonstrate how systems thinking and operations research can be applied in the health sector – approaches that are already

established in other sectors. A number of case studies are planned including work relating to an intensive care unit, the mental health system and ambulance ramping. The work represents the efforts of those involved in The Australian Health Care Modelling and Systems Design Collaboration ( The members of the collaboration are based in health care organisations and universities in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania. It involves clinicians and modellers who are interested in improving the health system through the application of systems thinking, design thinking and operations research methods. The grant is supported by two international partners - the UK Cumberland Initiative ( and AnyLogic (, a company that producers multi-method modelling software. For more information about the work please contact Mark at [email protected]

The Managerial Competency Assessment Project (MCAP) Confirmation Study – Australasia Flinders Health Care Management is pleased to be involved in Stage 2 of the Managerial Competency Assessment Project (MCAP) which aims to test the validity of Victorian core leadership and management competencies in other Australian States (New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia) and New Zealand and to modify the competencies if required. The study, led by La Trobe University in Melbourne, is part of a research program established in 2010 to develop a leadership and management competency framework and an assessment tool for managers working in hospital and community health services.

The use of the MCAP framework and tool in Victoria has demonstrated practical benefits for recruiting appropriately skilled senior and middle level managers, and providing specifically designed training and professional development opportunities to strengthen health services’ management capacity.

SA contact person: Ms Janny Maddern

Order of Australia

Congratulations to Ms Margaret Springgay A Member of the Order of Australia (AM) was awarded to Ms Margaret Springgay (Master of Health Service Management 1996) for significant service to community health, particularly through leadership and advocacy roles in the area of mental health services.

See more at:

Graduate Update

Keirstie Bull – Emergency Services Nursing Director Central Adelaide Local Health Network I completed my Masters in Health Administration in July 2012 and when I enrolled I was the Quality Manager for Southern Adelaide Local Health Network Emergency

Services. This was one of the first single service multiple site roles to be implemented in the newly formed Local Health Networks within South Australia so it seemed like the ideal time for me to do more study. I chose the Flinders University program because I felt the core components would equip me to develop my career and I also liked the teaching philosophy of a combination of face to face workshops plus online education. I felt face to face workshops were vital to support my learning because they encouraged the development of professional networks, provided opportunities to have critical discussions about issues affecting the delivery of healthcare and the ability to share knowledge at a higher level without interruption of the day to day. I strongly feel my Masters has supported my career in the acute care sector by providing practical knowledge and skills for operational management plus broader concepts for strategic planning and considering the future healthcare needs of our community. I have recently been appointed as Emergency Services Nursing Director Central Adelaide Local Health Network; it is an exciting time to be working in CALHN with an abundance of change and it has reaffirmed for me what I love about my career – a challenge, operational management, big picture thinking and most importantly working with a team of clinicians who are all passionate about Emergency nursing care. At the moment the RAH ED is preparing for the move to the new Royal Adelaide Hospital with the development of new models of care and the implementation of EPAS (to name but a few) and the Network EDs are supporting Transforming Health and working towards a financially sustainable best practice service.

In this new role as with my previous roles there are always plenty of opportunities to learn and develop and I will continue to build on the foundation of knowledge and skills I learnt in my Masters.

Keirstie Bull RN, MHA

Alumni student Congratulations to Rebecca Doecke

Congratulations to Rebecca Doecke for being commended for her high academic achievement by the Chancellor of the University. Rebecca qualifies for membership of the Flinders University Chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society, an international network of

academically talented students. The Flinders University Chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society is organised and managed by students. The University and Golden Key share a common interest in recognising and promoting academic excellence. Founded in the United States in 1977, the Society’s development in Australia began in 1993. Flinders University began its chapter of Golden Key in 1995 and now all three universities in South Australia have Golden Key Chapters. Golden Key continues to grow locally and internationally with over 400 chapters world-wide. Golden Key also provides scholarships and career development opportunities. Welcome to our new staff member

My name is Hongmei Xie. I feel that it was such a privilege to be invited to join the Health Care Management team at the beginning of this year. This small and friendly team has made me feel at home.

Currently, I am working on developing a bilingual FLO site for our China program. I am extremely happy to be able to put my training and knowledge in Health Science and Computing Science to work. I am constantly amazed to see how opportunities present themselves and, more importantly, how as human beings we can rise to challenges. I consider myself to be a dedicated life-long learner with a great passion for different aspects of the Health Sciences.

My spare time is almost completely occupied by raising my daughter; this has proven to be both tiring and rewarding. I also volunteer in the Salvation Army as an account clerk. I chose the Salvation Army because I believe that they sincerely help disadvantaged people and I have been among that group at a stage in my life. I am looking forward to professional and personal growth with you all for many years to come!

Hongmei Xie

Current Staff Health Care Management Ms Janny Maddern, Head & Associate Dean - FHCWI Professor Arthur van Deth, Director International Programs Professor Judith Dwyer, Director of Research Dr Mark Mackay, Senior Lecturer Dr Tuan Anh Ngyen, Lecturer Dr Kim O’Donnell, Research Associate Dr Suzanne Zhao, Associate Lecturer Ms Hongmei Xie, Associate Lecturer Mr Andrew Alston, Academic (sessional) Ms Paula Bowman, Academic (sessional) Dr Jean Murray, Academic (sessional) Mr Walter Spehr, Academic (sessional) Ms Tiffany Carlin, Administrative Officer Ms Danni Gray, Administrative Assistant Ms Bernadette Noonan, Administrative Assistant

Current staff involved in our offshore teaching program include Arthur, Janny, Walter and Paula, Di Aldous, Mark Brommeyer, Jacinta Ryan, Anne Smyth, Tessa Ho and Joanna Shen (academic advisor – China).

Adjunct Staff Health Care Management A/Prof John Brayley Australia Prof David Filby Australia A/Prof Mary Harris Australia Dr Angelita Martini Australia Dr Jean Murray Australia Prof Lorraine Sheppard Australia A/Prof Peter Satterthwaite Australia Mr Mark Brommeyer Australia & China A/Prof Tessa Ho China Prof Ruizhi Pang China Ms Diane Aldous China & Singapore Dr Jacinta Ryan China & Singapore Dr Tian Cheong Sing Singapore Mr Wee Chin Singapore Mr Chng Kentigern Singapore Mr Sim Tian Seng Singapore Ms Anne Smyth Singapore Dr Yeo Khee Quan Singapore

Industry Advisory Board Members 2015 Health Care Management (HCM) Ms Janny Maddern, Head, HCM Professor Judith Dwyer, Director of Research, HCM Professor Arthur van Deth, Director International Programs, HCM Ms Heather Petty and Ms Lynne Cowan, Representatives from SA Health Mr Mark Diamond, Representative from the Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM) (SA) Associate Professor Peter Satterthwaite, Representative from the Royal College of Medical Administrators (RACMA) Ms Tracey Klose, Representative from the Royal College of Nursing Australia (RCNA)

Mr Stephen Walker, Representative from Private Sector Mr Len Payne, Representative from the Aged Care Sector in SA Mr Alan McLean (Alumni representative) Ms Melissa Lewis and Ms Usha Ritchie (Student representatives) for the Industry Advisory Board and the Curriculum Committee We will be inviting two more representatives to join our Industry Advisory Board: • Representative from mental health care; and • Representative from primary health care.

2014 Prizes for academic excellence in Health Administration studies Congratulations to our 2014 prize winners: SA Health Prize in Health Administration – Ms Erica Bell Graduate Diploma in Health Administration Prize – Mrs Lisa Turner St Andrew's Hospital Prize in Health Administration – Ms Carolyn Manhire Graduate Certificate in Aged Care Administration Prize – no recipient this year Australasian College of Health Service Management, SA Branch, Health Management Prize – Mrs Jodie Graham

Our sincere congratulations go to all prize-winners and also to all 2014 Health Management graduates. Well done.

Prizewinners for 2015 will be announced at the 2016 graduations.

• SA Health Prize in Health Administration (in conjunction with SA Health) for the highest grade point average in the Masters degree.

• Australasian College of Health Service Management, SA Branch, Health Management Prize for the graduating student in the Master of Health Administration OR the Master of Science (Health Administration), who has completed at least

half their degree at Flinders and who has produced the best management project or thesis.

• St Andrew’s Hospital Prize in Health Administration for the graduate with the highest grade point average in the Graduate Certificate in Health Administration.

• Graduate Diploma in Health Administration Prize for the graduate obtaining the highest grade point average in the Graduate Diploma in Health Administration.

• Graduate Certificate in Aged Care

Administration Prize for the graduate obtaining the highest grade point average in the Graduate Certificate in Aged Care Administration.

Australasian College of Health Service Management Prizes (Australia-wide) Students with high grade point averages may be nominated for the following ACHSM prizes which are offered each year. 1. Anthony Suleau Prize for the best Grade Point

Average in a postgraduate Masters course in Health Management.

2. Ian Brand Prize for the best Grade Point Average in a postgraduate course in Health Management.

2015 SA Branch 'celebrating healthcare management' awards

There are two categories:

1. outstanding senior and/or executive manager 2. outstanding emerging leader (middle level


Flinders University Alumni News The website to the main Flinders University Alumni News may also be of interest to you:

Health Care Management Past Alumni Newsletters These can be found on our website at: Australasian College of Health Service Management …..(any news) Why not follow ACHSM on Facebook? Log in to Facebook or visit their website at: HCM Contact details Location Health Care Management Level 2, Room 2.31, Health Sciences Building Flinders University, Bedford Park SA 5042 Telephone: 61-8-8201 7755 Fax: 61-8-8201 7766 Email: [email protected] For more information, please visit our website at: Postal Health Care Management Health Sciences Building Flinders University GPO Box 2100, Adelaide SA 5001 Please remember - we need YOUR input to help keep our Alumni News interesting and up to date. Don’t forget to send in your contribution by the beginning of October or earlier for the next issue. We would be grateful for your assistance in distributing our Health Care Management flyer to your friends and colleagues.







To lead the way in health, apply for entry now:08 8201 7755 | [email protected]/fhcm

Leadthe wayin healthFlinders University’s postgraduate program in health administration prepares you to address the challenges of delivering health and aged care in a complex, changing environment.

The courses available at Flinders are:

• Graduate Certificate in Aged Care Administration

• Graduate Certificate in Health Administration

• Graduate Diploma in Health Administration

• Master of Health Administration and Master of Science (Health Administration)

These courses offer the convenience of online learning combined with face-to-face workshops. They give you the opportunity to undertake projects directly related to your work, enabling you to build on your own experiences with study that is directly relevant to you.

Flinders is one of Australia’s leading providers of postgraduate health and aged care administration programs accredited by ACHSM and recommended by RACMA.

inspiring achievement

Develop your leadership in Health and Aged Care

Graduate Studies in Health and Aged Care Management will help you to achieve your goals.

Our courses offer you

• A balance between essential theory and management tools

• Teaching staff with senior management experience

• Networking and study with peers at Flinders City Campus

• Assessment tasks that address current issues in your workplace

• Convenience of on-line learning combined with face-to-face workshops.

Flinders University is one of Australia’s leading providers of graduate programs in health and aged care management, with many distinguished and successful graduates in Australia and the region.

Our courses are accredited by the Australasian College of Health Service Management and the Masters is recommended by the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators.

Our teaching is designed to be flexible to suit our students’ needs. Our core faculty has strong practical management experience and is supported by lecturers and leaders. We ensure that the course content is updated constantly and stays relevant to the needs of practising health and aged care managers.

Students are able to pursue personal interests by taking topics in Public Health, Business, Public Administration, Education and other disciplines at Flinders University and other institutions.

All units of study in our degree from Graduate Certificate through to Postgraduate Diploma and Masters levels, are fully credited at the next level. Each year, more students are choosing to complete the Masters, which is becoming the industry standard.

What students say:“Flinders University offers a unique opportunity to gain professional qualifications from world renowned and highly experienced staff in Health Administration.”

“Great networking opportunities, and gives you the chance to translate your experience and skills into a qualification that will make a difference.”

“The knowledge and skill you acquire sets you up for a challenging however rewarding career in health and beyond.”

Further 8201 [email protected]

Health Administration pathwaysThe following are the pathways you can take through the Health Administration program at Flinders:

EntryI have completed an undergraduate degree and have 2 years’

professional experience in the health or aged care sector.

Graduate Certificate in Aged Care Administration

(18 units)

• Leadership in Health and Aged Care

• Financial Management and Economics in Health Care OR Financial Management in Aged Care

• Introduction to Social Gerontology

• Leading Organisations in Health and Aged Care OR Psychological Dimesions of Ageing

Graduate Certificate in Health Administration

(18 units)

• Leadership in Health and Aged Care

• Leading Organisations in Health and Aged Care

• Financial Management and Economics in Health Care


• One elective

Master of Health Administration (54 units)

• Leadership in Health and Aged Care

• Leading Organisations in Health and Aged Care

• Financial Management and Ethics in Health Care

• Health and Aged Care Systems and Policy

• Health Law and Ethics• Safety and Quality in

Health Care• Health and Aged Care

Operations Management• Strategic Leadership and

Management in Health and Aged Care

• Management Project


• Two electives

EntryI have completed an undergraduate degree and have 4 years’ professional experience in

the health or aged care sector

Graduate Diploma in Health Administration

(36 units)

• Leadership in Health and Aged Care

• Leading Organisations in Health and Aged Care

• Financial Management and Economics in Health Care

• Health and Aged Care Systems and Policy

• Health Law and Ethics• Safety and Quality in

Health Care• Health and Aged Care

Operations Management


• One elective

Master of Science (Health Administration)

(72 units)

• 36 units of coursework topics, including the Graduate Diploma/Masters core topics (27 units) and approved graduate level research topics (9 units)


• 36 units of thesis

Electives• Health Informatics

• Corporate Communications

• Financial Management in Aged Care

• Health Economics

• Health Ethics

• Process Redesign and Lean Thinking in Health and Aged Care

• Project in Rural Health Management


To discuss your study options contact:

Tiffany Carlin(08) 8201 [email protected] of Health Care Management Level 2, Room 2.31Health Sciences Building

For international students, please go

CRICOS No. 00114A
