
1 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat



1. Complete a timeline containing major events of the Great War (1914-


Missing words and dates: Marne, naval battle, truce1, unrestricted submarine warfare, April

1915, declares, assassinated, August 1914, poison gas, costly battles, Russia, Armistice



June 28, 1914 Assassination

Archduke Franz Ferdinand is __________ in Sarajevo, triggering the outbreak of war.

__________ Outbreak of War War was declared by the various countries involved.

September 5, 1914

The first battle of the ______ begins.

December 24, 1914

Christmas _____ Soldiers on both sides initiated an unofficial Christmas ______.

February 04, 1915

Blockade of Britain Germany begins using U-boats (submarines) to attack Allied and neutral shipping.

April 22, 1915 Second Battle of Ypres The second battle of Ypres lasted from April 22 to May 25 and was the first instance of ________ use by Germany.

__________ Gallipoli

1 Treva. 2 Adapted from: (Accessed April 11, 2016). Vocabulari prèviament explicat a la Unitat (see vocabulary).

2 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


The battle of Gallipoli lasted from April to December of 1915.

February 1916 Verdun The battle of Verdun lasted from February to December of 1916 and became the longest and one of the most _______ in human history

May 31, 1916 Jutland The ________ of Jutland lasted from May 31 to June 1 of 1916.

July 1916 Somme The battle of the Somme lasted from July to November of 1916.

February 01, 1917

Submarine Warfare On February 1, 1917, Germany resumed ___________________.

April 06, 1917 War Declared The U.S. ________ war on Germany.

July 16, 1917 Ypres The third battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) began on July 16, 1917.

November 07, 1917

Bolshevik Revolution The Bolshevik Revolution in ________ resulted in a Communist government and the creation of the USSR in 1922.

November 11, 1918

_________ The ________ was concluded, and fighting stopped at 11 am on November 11, 1918.

June 28, 1919 Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919.

3 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


2. Fill in all the gaps, then check your answers with your partner3:

Convoy, armistice, trench warfare, conscientious objector, Fourteen Points, front,

dogfight, 'poilu', stalemate, chemical warfare, Russian Revolution

1. ___________ is the type of fighting used in WWI where both sides dug long

trenches protected by barbed wire and heavy machine guns with “No Man’s Land”

in the middle.

2. A combat of fighter planes during WWI was known as a _____________.

3. A French soldier in WWI was known as a __________.

4. A __________ is the name of a large group of ships that travelled together for

better protection against submarines.

5. The line or place where armies met on the battlefield is known as the


6. The Great War was the first war that armies used __________ by using poisons

like chlorine or mustard gas.

7. A ___________ is a person who refuses to serve in the war on the basis of

religious, political or moral beliefs.

8. In 1917 Russia withdrew from the Great War due to the __________, when the

Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown.

9. The situation where neither side is winning or losing the war is known as a


3 See Accessed April 18, 2016.

4 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


10. The agreement to stop fighting on November 11, 1918, is known as the

_____________ ('the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month').

11. Woodrow Wilson’s plan for long-lasting peace after WWI was referred to as the


3. Discuss a documentary in pairs: The Great War, a YouTube web series

hosted by Indy Neidell

“Propaganda During World War 1 - Opening Pandora's Box”, THE GREAT WAR

Special (8 min.)

“Propaganda was nothing new at the beginning of World War 1. But the rapid

development in mass media4 and the total war effort by the nations led the way to

our modern understanding of mass propaganda, especially in Germany and Britain.

Iconic images5 like that of Uncle Sam or Lord Kitchener are still known today and

are part of the collective memory”


Relax, you (possibly) won’t understand every single word:

When you watch this documentary there will definitely be words that you don’t

understand. You don’t need to worry at all! It’s not necessary to understand every

single word to understand what you’re hearing. Even if you don’t understand

everything that you hear at first, it’s not going to be an obstacle in your learning


4 “Mitjà de comunicació de massa”. Per exemple, els periòdics. 5 “Imatges icòniques”, emblemàtiques, fàcils d’identificar. Vegeu les imatges infra.

5 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


A. Listen carefully and complete the text:

Front, Belgium, censorship, hun, wartime, Kaiser, real news, national myths,

(0:00 – 0:15) “Propaganda. Specifically __________ propaganda. Never mind

what’s actually going on at the ________ or in the enemy’s homeland6, you need

to keep up your nation’s morale regardless. You need your people to hate the

enemy and so you put your propaganda machine to work.”


(1:46 – 2:03) “Germany already had a working propaganda apparatus at the

beginning of the war. The German military did not think the population was smart

enough to differentiate between _________ and false propaganda so freedom of

the press was abolished and _________ was established.”


(3:17 – 3:29) “[German propaganda] was really focused on German culture since

German culture was deemed7 superior to other cultures. There were German

___________ and heroes, knights slaying dragons, Siegfried, the valkyrie8 and the

dualism between culture and civilisation.”

(3:43 – 5:38) “The Wellington House or War Propaganda Bureau [London, England]

was established in 1914, but its existence was a secret and it was to influence the

public more subtly. (…)

Initially, British propaganda used images of the ______, but eventually the

________9 began to appear. Unrestricted submarine warfare, the occupation of

6 “Pàtria”. 7 “Considerada”. 8 Sigfrid, un heroi de la literatura i de la mitologia germànica, protagonista del Cant dels Nibelungs. Les valquíries eren guerreres de la mitologia nòrdica. 9 Els huns, poble nòmada estepari, el seu cabdill més famós va ser Atila (s. V). El terme fou utilitzat com a sinònim de “bàrbar”, de l’alemany cruel, per part de la propaganda aliada.

6 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


_________, the execution of Edith Cavell [a British nurse], such events gave fodder

for the barbaric images of German soldiers.”

B. British propaganda proved more effective than German propaganda. Do

you agree?

“I think British propaganda was more effective than German propaganda because it

was more subtle…”

“German home propaganda was very successful, but the contrast between reality

and propaganda was so stark (extreme) that when Germany lost the war many

people felt betrayed, a situation which paved the way10 for the “stab-in-the-

back myth”11. For example…”

C. All the mass media was used. Could you give examples? (4:00)

- If you want to learn more about the use of propaganda during the Great War:

10 Fonamentar. 11 La “punyalada per l’esquena” (en alemany, “Dolchstoßlegende”): és una expressió molt difosa entre els cercles de l’extrema dreta alemanya després de l’ensulsiada de 1918. Segons aquest “mite”, l’exèrcit imperial alemany no havia estat derrotat en el camp de batalla sinó que havia estat traït pels civils de la rereguarda. És un mite important en l’ascens del nazisme.

7 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


Uncle Sam (U.S.), a common national personification of the American government of the USA. J. M. Flagg's 1917 poster, based on the original British Lord Kitchener poster (1914). It was used to recruit soldiers.

Lord Kitchener (the British Secretary of State for War). British recruitment poster by Alfred Leete, 1914.

8 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


Extra: Evaluating wartime posters (group project):

a) Select a poster:


b) What sort of messages did they hope to get across? How?

c) Why did the government use posters as propaganda? Possible answers:

To justify the involvement in the war; to recruit soldiers; to raise money; etc.

9 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


4. Online activities

A. “What was it like in a World War One trench?”

Explore a British trench on the Western Front:

1. Life on the front line

2. Interactive trench

3. What caused trench foot?

4. Where next? (accessed April 19, 2016)

10 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


B. Free printable: Battles of WWI

Word search puzzle: (accessed April 19, 2016)

Battles of World War I

Instructions: Complete the word search below, using the word bank at the bottom

of the page (red). All of the words are sites of famous battles in WWI:

The Marne, Jutland, Cambrai, Ypres, Verdun, Vimy Ridge, The Somme, Gallipoli,


11 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


5. Map analysis: Europe before and after WWI

Review the map of Europe in 1914 (before the war) and 1923 (five years after the

war), then complete the tasks below:

Europe before the war Europe after the war

Haus Publishing.

1. List the countries and empires that were part of Europe in 1914 that no longer

existed in 1923.

2. List all the new countries displayed on the 1923 map that were not present in


12 The Great War (1914-1918). AICLE. Ricard Expósito i Amagat

Institut Rafael Campalans

Subject: Social Science (History) Level: 4th ESO

Timing: 9 sessions

The Great War (1914-1918)

Author: Ricard Expósito i Amagat


3. For each of the new countries listed above, write down the empire of which that

country was once part of.

6. Comment on a text: Forgotten Voices of the Great War by Max Arthur in

association with Imperial War Museums, Croydon, Ebury Press, 2014,

pages 311-313. This classic book (2002) is a collection of interviews with soldiers and civilians (mostly from Britain) who lived through the war. Forgotten Voices is part of the Imperial War Museum’s oral archive.

Corporal12 Clifford Lane, 1st Battalion, Hertfordshire Regiment, 1918:

“As far as the Armistice itself was concerned, it was kind of anti-climax. We were

too far gone, too exhausted really, to enjoy it. All we wanted to do was go back to

our billets13, there was no cheering, no singing. That day we had no alcohol at all.

We simply celebrated the Armistice in silence and thankfulness that it was all over.

And I believe that happened quite a lot in France. It was such a sense of anti-

climax. We were drained of all emotion. That’s what it amounted to.”

1. How did soldiers like Clifford Lane cope with war?

2. How do you think corporal Clifford Lane felt about the war ending? E.g. happy,

dazed, confused, bewildered…

3. If you want to know more about James Clifford Lane (and hear his voice), visit: (IWM interview)

Accessed April 24, 2016.

12 Caporal. 13 Barracons.
