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A Story of


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Who is HealthInsight?

➢We are a private non-profit organization, acting as a catalyst in the

redesign of health care systems with a long track record of

participation and success in the Medicare QIO program.

➢We have been national performance leaders, piloting innovations,

sharing knowledge, and promoting program advancements

through the years.

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Who is HealthInsight?

The federally-designated Quality Improvement Organization

for three states (NV, NM, UT) with more than 40 years


Also contract with 27 other

states’ QIOs to handle

their appeals on weekends

and holidays.

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What does HealthInsight do?

➢Our current work includes serving as an:

– Medicare Quality Improvement Organization

– State External Quality Review Organization;

– Regional Extension Center (REC) for Health Information Technology;

– National ONC Beacon Community; and

– Community health information exchange (HIE) organization

– NRHI regional health improvement collaborative;

– AHRQ-designated Chartered Value Exchange (CVE);

– RWJ Foundation Aligning Forces for Quality community;

➢Forty years experience working in the federal Medicare


We are experienced, successful agents for change

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Improved System Performance




Copyright HealthInsight


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The Quality Assurance Division

Medical Case Review – improving care one case at a time.

➢Patient and Family Engagement and Immediate Advocacy

➢Complaints Investigation (Quality of Care)

➢Expedited Appeal of Discharge/Termination of Service

Determinations • Process over 1000 cases monthly, more cases than any other QIO,

• Cover appeals under subcontracts with 27 other QIO’s and provide

mitigation review for conflicts of interest cases for 21 states

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Appeal Example

• Sally is Medicare beneficiary living alone who was recently admitted to a hospital after a fall during which she broke her hip.

• The surgery went well and after a week the hospital provided her with a notice that her Medicare provided services would be terminated the following day

• Sally doesn’t feel ready to go home and requests an appeal of the termination

• She calls the Medicare Helpline (rings at HealthInsight) requests an expedited appeal of her discharge/ service termination notice

• HealthInsight processes the appeal (requests and redacts medical records for the physician reviewer; requests and records the physician review; notifies the beneficiary and providers of review outcome; updates government system with case details; sends written notices to case parties, if required)

• Sally receives a call from a HealthInsight nurse saying that her independent Physician Reviewer agrees with the planned discharge/termination of services and if she stays in the hospital she will be responsible for paying any for the services she receives after the day on the termination notice.

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What we had?

HealthInsight leads the nation in development and use of technology to

support electronic case review and drive efficiency in the Quality Assurance


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Our Dilemma?

➢Current application is built on Lotus Notes

– Medicare will not approve Lotus Notes for external web use

– Relies on a Lotus Notes freelancer for maintenance

– Can’t respond to change requests

– Can’t keep up with regulations updates and state specific customizations

➢Want to scale their business to all 50 US states

➢Expand business beyond Medicare

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Additional Business Challenges?

• The life cycle of a review request typically lasts 1 to 3 days

• HI is only paid if cases are processed in a timely manner; penalized if

case processing does not meet Medicare Regulatory SLAs

• Physician Reviewers must be paid regardless

• All medical records supplied by Medicare providers must be “redacted”

• Numerous government rules and regulations must be observed

• Physicians receive and respond via email or fax; manual data entry

• CMS does not allow any direct integrations; duplicate and manual data

entry required

• CMS still requires providers to FAX in medical documentation

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Lotus Notes Screenshot

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Appeals Screenshot

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Appeals Screenshot

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Look-up Info

Use of whiteboards and loose leaf

sheets to track and keep users

updated on latest information

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Business Rules

Business rules end up as

reminders on various

computer “sticky” notes

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Our Solution!

HealthInsight engages OutSytems to help us migrate off the

Lotus Notes platform

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Our Approach?

➢Requirements Gathering Session

➢ Initial walk through of the old application

➢Workflows – business process documentation –

old and new

➢Defined Sprints and Epics

➢Based on assumptions supported by industry

standards and experience

➢Timebox of 3 months

➢2 full time developers

➢1 full time delivery manager

➢1 part-time engagement manager

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Expected Business Process

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Support & Clinical Staff Administrator

High-level Architecture

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Expected Feature Usage

Source: Standish Group Study Reported at XP2002 by Jim Johnson, Chairman

Features and Functions Used in a Typical System

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Actual Detailed Business Process

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Actual Feature Usage

Source: Standish Group Study Reported at XP2002 by Jim Johnson, Chairman

Features and Functions Used by Hi-Resolution










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Other Challenges

➢PDF document manipulation (upload, merge, manipulate,


➢ Inbound fax queue management and outbound faxing

➢Automatic processing of inbound emails

➢Specific UI requirements – ➢ Specific screen sizes

➢ User guidance that supports process flow

➢ User role business functions can overlap

➢ Lock indicators for cases

➢ Information rich pages and entry forms

➢ Users with low technology proficiency

➢Extensive audit logging

➢Many, many business process exceptions

➢Support for IE8 and IE9

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Was this a gamble?

Source: Standish Group Study Reported at XP2002 by Jim Johnson, Chairman

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How we got it done!

➢ Incredible team work and work effort between

business and development teams

➢Delayed vacations

➢Early mornings and late nights and some


➢Extreme categorization of defects and requirements

for prioritization

➢Willingness by business to live with some

problems and do some things manually

➢Compromises in functionality to simplify the design

➢ Increase of timebox by 1 month of development time

for stabilization and issue resolution

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New HI-Resolution Application

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New HI-Resolution Application

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New HI-Resolution Application

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New HI-Resolution Application

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New HI-Resolution Application

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2013 Rollout Plan

Development & Testing Go Live




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What we accomplished?

• Migrated all business functions off Lotus Notes

• All key functions can be performed in the new application

• Established the baseline to which HealthInsight will be able

to add:

• Additional functionality - like external access for

physician reviewers

• Additional contracts (states) for which to process


• Additional types of processes besides appeals

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What we accomplished?

• Some Statistics

• Almost 170 user stories

• Managed over 400 defects and change requests

• Processed 1400 new cases in the first month

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What we learned?

➢Having IT infrastructure in place is “critical”

➢Things aren’t always as simple as they seem

➢Managing timelines, competing priorities and goal


➢The old adage of “Test early and often” still holds true

➢Test early on the same type of equipment that the users

will be using

➢Targeting old browser versions with a new application

wastes time

➢When replacing an application, you cannot always count

on some functionality not being needed.

➢A sense of humor goes a long way

➢Wine, port and chocolates help make up for lost sleep

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