Page 1: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal





Page 2: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................5

1.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................5

1.2 Purpose of the study.............................................................................................................................5

1.3 Problem Statement of the research......................................................................................................6

1.4 Background of the research.............................................................................................................6

1.5 Background of the chosen company (LO’REAL).....................................................................................7

1.6 Aim of the research...............................................................................................................................8

1.7 Research Objectives..............................................................................................................................8

1.8 Research Questions...............................................................................................................................8

1.9 Justification/ Significance/ Relevance/ Importance of the study...........................................................9

1.10 Overview of the research....................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................................11

2.1 Introduction:........................................................................................................................................11

2.2 Conceptual framework:.......................................................................................................................11

2.3 Use of print media in promotion:........................................................................................................12

2.3.1 Print media theories:........................................................................................................................13

Figure 1: Dependency theory on print media.........................................................................................14

2.4 Advantages of using print media:........................................................................................................15

2.5 Challenges:..........................................................................................................................................17

2.6. Use of digital media in promotion:.....................................................................................................18

2.6.1 Digital media theories:......................................................................................................................20

Figure2: McLuhan’s digital media theory..............................................................................................20

2.7 Advantages of using digital media:......................................................................................................21

2.8 Challenges of using digital media:.......................................................................................................22

2.9 Comparative analysis between print and digital media:......................................................................23

2.10 Conclusion:........................................................................................................................................24

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODLOGY......................................................................................................25

3.1 Introduction:........................................................................................................................................25

3.2 Research design...................................................................................................................................25

3.2.1 Research philosophy:........................................................................................................................25


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3.2.2. Research approach:.........................................................................................................................26

3.2.3Research strategy:.............................................................................................................................26

3.3 Data collection techniques:.................................................................................................................27

3.5 Data analysis procedures:....................................................................................................................28

3.6 Ethical considerations:.........................................................................................................................29

3.7 Data quality:........................................................................................................................................29

CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS.............................................................................................30

4.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................30

4.1 Part A:..................................................................................................................................................30

Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis-Survey Questionnaire.............................................................30

4.2 Part B:..................................................................................................................................................44

Qualitative Data and Analysis: Interview Questions for the Managers.....................................................44

4.3 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................46

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..............................................................................47

5.0 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................47

5.1 Linking objectives with the literature review and findings..................................................................47

5.1.1 To critically examine and understand the contribution of print media and digital media in constructing and promoting a strong brand name....................................................................................47

5.1.2 To critically evaluate the effectiveness of the role of digital media and print media in building corporate identity for L’Oreal....................................................................................................................48

5.1.3 To find out the challenges that L’Oreal faces while using print media and digital media and provide recommendations in accordance to them.................................................................................................49

5.2 Recommendations...............................................................................................................................50

5.3 Limitations of the research..................................................................................................................51

5.4 Scope for Future Research...................................................................................................................52



Part A: Survey Questionnaire....................................................................................................................56

Part B:........................................................................................................................................................58

Table of Figures:


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Figure 1: Dependency theory on print media................................................................................14Figure2: McLuhan’s digital media theory.....................................................................................20Figure 3: Total numbers the candidates employed........................................................................31Figure 4: Gender distribution of the employees............................................................................32Figure 5: Types of print media tools to establish L’Oreal’s corporate identity.............................33Figure 6: Advantages of applying print media tools.....................................................................34Figure 7: Challenges that L’Oreal faces while applying print media tools...................................36Figure 8: Kinds of digital media tools that L’Oreal applies to establish corporate identity.........37Figure 9: Kinds of Social media based tools that the company adopts.........................................38Figure 10: Benefits that the company enjoys by the usage of social media..................................39Figure 11: Adversities that L’Oreal face by the application of social media tools.......................41Figure 12: Efficacy of social media tools over traditional media tools to develop corporate identity...........................................................................................................................................42

Table of Tables:

Table 1: Total number of years the employees is working............................................................30Table 2: Determining the gender of the respondents.....................................................................32Table 3: Types of print media tools in order to form L’Oreal’s corporate identity.......................33Table 4: Benefits of using print media..........................................................................................34Table 5: Adversities that L’Oreal faces by the usage of print media tools....................................36Table 6: Types of digital media tools that L’Oreal uses to form corporate identity.....................37Table 7: Types of social media tools that L’Oreal adopts.............................................................38Table 8: Advantages that L’Oreal enjoys in applying social media..............................................39Table 9: Challenges that the company experience by applying social media tools.......................40Table 10: Effectiveness of social media over traditional media tools to enhance corporate.........42


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1.1 Introduction

The researcher attempts to study the importance of media in promoting the products in the local,

international and global market. Thus, the researcher conducts a comparative study on the usage

of print and digital media by L’Oreal in promoting its wide range of beauty products across the

globe. As Evans (2010) states, promotion is one of vital aspects of marketing mix, thereby

making the potential customers as well as the already existing customers about the wide range of

products that a firm offers. Effective promotion helps organisations to attain a high rate of sales

as well as profit figures. However, modern critics like (vSimorov'a and Repavsov'a, 2012) argue

that apart from making monetary profits, appropriate promotional tools contribute in building a

strong corporate identity for a particular brand. Since the incorporation and application of

effective media tools like digital media print media stand out to contribute in conducting

sustainable business processes, therefore the researcher works on L’Oreal in understanding the

contribution of print media and digital media in helping to developing corporate identity.

1.2 Purpose of the study

On the realization of the rationale of this study, the researcher presents with the purpose of the

study. The purpose of this specific research is to find out the effectiveness of print media and the

digital media in developing appropriate corporate identity for L’Oreal. The purpose of this study

is also to identify whether the promotional strategies of L’Oreal via print media and digital

media is still effective enough in this present competitive market. As L’Oreal already has a

number of rival companies, who have already gained grounds in the competitive business

market, hence it is important to find out the loopholes that exist in the print and digital media

marketing strategies (Percy, 2014). Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify those flaws that

the L’Oreal’s present print and digital promotional strategies have. Based on these particular

loopholes, the research study also endeavours to find out their concerned solutions. Since

organisations, in the current scenario tend to emphasize on the contribution of print and digital

media in enhancing corporate identity so that the potential customers have faith and loyalty


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towards a company (Thackeray et al. 2008), therefore the purpose of this research is to find out

whether L’Oreal’s marketing strategies are effective enough.

1.3 Problem Statement of the research

The idea behind this research study is to investigate about the print media and digital media tools

and strategies undertaken by companies in order to construct an appropriate corporate identity

for them. Undoubtedly, L’Oreal does undertake a number of print media and digital media

marketing strategies in developing a strong corporate identity. However, it is to be noted that in

this era of stiff competition, L’Oreal does have a number of rival cosmetic companies like MAC,

Chanel, Clinique, Dior, Maybelline, and Estee to name a few, thereby posing threat to its

position (Ryan and Jones, 2009). In fact, according to reports, MAC Cosmetics ranks at the top

of the list in being the most recognizable and popular cosmetic brands, using appropriate social

media strategies. Moreover, even Chanel and Dior take away the spotlight from L’Oreal,

thereby promoting their products by using content, which are image and video based. Thus, it is

evident enough that even though L’Oreal emerges as a successful cosmetics manufacturing

company; however its rival organisations tend to undertake much more effective digital media

tools, which in turn help them to build better and effective corporate identity (,


Moreover, L’Oreal faces a number of criticisms in context to some of the advertisements that it

puts up in digital media. According to British Advertising Standards Authority, L’Oreal in UK,

comes up certain ads (for the one that promoted mascara) in the year 2007, which make high

promises, which it is not able to meet at times (, 2014). Even in 2014,

L’Oreal faced certain issues regarding digital advertising of its anti-aging products. Thus all

these incidents and issues lead to the negative publicity of the company.

1.4 Background of the research

It is to be noted that the contribution of media has been extensive in the field of promotion of

brands in the business environment down the ages. Early researcher such as Melewar (2008)

suggests that print media proved to be beneficial in promoting the company in the business

market. Most of the organisations in earlier times used to make use of advertising in newspapers


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and magazines. Most of the cosmetics producing companies used to advertise their products in

the fashion magazines in order to make people aware of the wide and fine range of products that

they introduced in the market. However, in accordance to the opinions of modern researcher like

Zarrella (2010), print media is not able to make an extensive range of people conscious about

their products. Moreover, they criticize print media, thereby arguing that they serve as a one-way

communication with the potential customers because only the companies are able to provide

their views or opinions in promoting the products.

Thus, as modern critics like Kostamo and others (2013) move on to add that digital media serve

appropriate ways in building corporate identity for the firms. It is with the development in

technology that the business world makes use of television in advertising their products, thereby

using audio-visual aids, which undoubtedly produces more effect on the potential customers.

Moreover, different campaigns done by various television channels may put forward the

opinions of the already existing customers, which in turn influence the potential customers in

deciding whether to purchase the products. Moreover, it also serves effectively in making

publicity for the organisation (Melewar, 2008). With the upgrading of technologies, at present,

the business world makes use of the social media marketing strategies, such as promotions

through social networking sites like Twitter, Google Plus, Face-book, Instagram and Linked In.

These sites not only help in advertising the products but also in allowing the customers to share

their experiences online (Kent and Leaver, 2014). Thus, the researcher explores through the role

of both, the print media and the digital media in contributing to build a corporate identity.

1.5 Background of the chosen company (LO’REAL)

Established in the year 1909, L’Oreal stands out as a popular French cosmetics company, thereby

providing a wide range of beauty products, related to perfumes, make-up, hair care, hair colour

and skin care (, 2014). Although it is a French company originally however, it has

already gained grounds across the globe. In fact, it does an extensive business in the UK market.

Even though it promotes its company via the official website, thereby displaying the products,

however it is found that it does not use much upgraded technologies in building the corporate

identity (, 2014). The management of the company tends to believe

that the premium quality of its products is sufficient to promote its products. It does not need to


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make use of too much media based strategies to establish its position in the business


1.6 Aim of the research

In regards to the explanations of Lancaster (2012), the aim of a research work is to determine a

suitable way, with the help of which a researcher can plan the entire dissertation. The researcher

aims in this particular dissertation to make a comparative study between the role of print media

and digital media in order to build an effective corporate identity. As L’Oreal is the chosen

research company, hence the researcher also aims to explore this research topic, thereby focusing

on the promotional marketing strategies (in relation to print and digital media) of L’Oreal.

1.7 Research Objectives

According to Cooper and Schindler (2010)’s elucidation, a researcher needs to formulate and

present a set of research objectives, based on the research aim, so that it helps in the progress of

the dissertation. The researcher in this study lays down a set of objectives in context to the

research aim:

To critically examine and understand the contribution of print media and digital media in

constructing and promoting a strong brand name

To critically evaluate the effectiveness of the role of digital media and print media in

building corporate identity for L’Oreal

To find out the challenges that L’Oreal faces while using print media and digital media

and provide recommendations in accordance to them

1.8 Research Questions

As Lancaster (2012) mentions in his work, a researcher requires the framing of the research

questions based on the objectives so that it helps in directing the study as well as evaluating

effectively in order to obtain more suitable and accurate results from the research. Here are the

research questions in regards to the objectives:


Page 9: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

What are the contributions of print media and digital media in order to build and promote

a strong brand name?

What are the effectiveness of the role of digital media and print media in building

corporate identity for L’Oreal?

What are the challenges that L’Oreal come across in building corporate identity with the

help of digital and print media? What are the recommendations that can be suggested to


1.9 Justification/ Significance/ Relevance/ Importance of the study

It is noted that L’Oreal used to make huge amount of promotion via print media, thereby putting

up advertisements in newspapers and beauty based magazines. Allure magazine stands out as one

of those magazines where L’Oreal advertises its products mainly (Schmidt, 2012). However, as

market experts put forward, L’Oreal does not make much attempts in promoting its products via

digital media or social media. This in turn provides opportunities for the competitive companies

to bag more customers. In fact, market analysts note a gradual shift in the customers from

L’Oreal to other cosmetic companies because they feel that L’Oreal does not address to its

customers that effectively (Percy, 2014). In addition to it, it is also noted that the ROI or Return

on Investment of the other cosmetic companies are much higher in comparison to L’Oreal.

Thus, the significance of this research is that the researcher delves into the issues pertaining to

the role of print media and digital media in building the corporate identity of L’Oreal. The

researcher evaluates the effectiveness of the strategies that that the management of L’Oreal

already undertakes (Bajpai et al. 2012). Moreover, the information that the researcher collects

and analyses can help the management of L’Oreal in knowing the flaws of its strategies.

Furthermore, it can improvise its strategies based on the research work done. In fact, in this

entire dissertation, the researcher also produces suggestions that the managers can adhere to

while enhancing their corporate identity with the help of print and digital media.

1.10 Overview of the research

As Schmidt (2012) states in his article, an efficient researcher carries on with the dissertation,

thereby following a coherent structure so that the entire research is conducted in an effective


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way. The researcher in this particular study follows a specific structure while carrying on with

the work.

In the initial chapter, the researcher introduces the research topic along with the rationale of the

topic, purpose of doing this study, and the background of the research. The researcher also

introduces the concerned company on which the research is carried out so that adequate

information is gained on the company. Apart from that, this chapter also contains the

significance of the research, its aim, objective and questions

Chapter 2 mainly comprises the literature review that the researcher attains from the secondary

research. The researcher delves into various books and journals in order to gain information like

theories, concepts and models in context to the contribution of print media and digital media in

acquiring brand identity.

The third chapter consists of the research methodology that focuses on the research procedures

with the help of which the researcher can better understand the topic and gather information

pertaining to the research. Appropriate choice of the research philosophy, design, and research

approach helps in conducting the study effectively and collecting adequate and suitable data.

The fourth chapter consists of the analysis and the interpretation of the data that the researcher

collects by applying appropriate data collection methods and techniques. The data that the

researcher gathers based on the quantitative as well as the qualitative research and data collection

methods contributes in helping the researcher in understanding the role of print and digital media

in building corporate identity.

Eventually the last chapter concludes the dissertation, thereby providing an overview of the

entire research including the research outcome. It even attempts to link the objectives in

accordance to literature review and the primary research findings in order to see the extent of

success of the research. Eventually, the researcher also produces a list of recommendations that

L’Oreal can adopt in order to build a well-built corporate identity.


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Print MediaBrochuresCouponsMagazinesNewspaperProfessional Journal

Digital MediaRadioTelevisionSocial Media(Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Micro blog)



2.1 Introduction:

The implementation of print media and digital media is an important factor that leads a

sustainable business process. To develop the business process in current competitive market

scenario, print media and digital media plays as effective tools to contribute the product

promotion and customer awareness. Hence, Organisation like L’Oreal develops their business

process with the help of print media and digital media.

Literature review deals with the theoretical knowledge that assists to identify the gaps related

with the research topic. Fundamentally, those gaps help to carry out a critical discussion of the

areas not researches so far. In order to fulfilment those gaps, further research carries out to

understand comparative study between the role of print media and digital media to an

Organisation which is L’Oreal. In this way, the gaps suggest that print media and digital media

works as resources to the business development process. The research will be how the company

L’Oreal uses both print media and digital media for its business purpose. This literature review

will not discuss much about the company. The focus will be on the print and digital media.

2.2 Conceptual framework:

The conceptual framework of the literature reviewed in this study is provided with the help of the

following diagram --


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2.3 Use of print media in promotion:

Empowerment and social awareness invites Organisation to provide better development process.

In this manner, Organisation represents using of print media strategies that suggest remaining the

customer with them. As current market scenario is too competitive to continue the development

process, the various types of media suggests developing attractive business process. In this way,

print media develops various types of strategies to promote the business of an organisation.

Brochures: Organisation uses different type of brochures for different type of product. As

follows, company can achieve the customer attraction. Fundamentally, customer wants to know

about product content and its advantages. Hence, organisation implements their product strategy

by the brochure format. Bra¨uchler and Postill (2010, p. 18) argues that, brochure creating is the

most effective product promotion process that invites both customer awareness and development

of company brand image.

Coupons: Organisation provides some coupons to satisfy their customer. In this way, company

can achieve other customer’s intension. As a result, product promotion process can gain with

coupon providing process. Basically, tend of current customer is to achieve some extra benefit

from the company. Hence, coupon providing of an organisation can help to achieve customer

attraction for their developing business strategies (Kornetzki, 2012, p. 49).

Magazine: Organisation uses print media with the help of publishing magazines. In this way,

company can able to provide their new product information to the customer and its release date

(Nazarova, 2012, p. 27). As a result, customer attracts to their product and the company achieves

its promotion process.

Newspaper: Newspaper article can develop the product promotion process. Therefore,

Organisation tries to develop some articles after a certain period to make customer awareness. In

this case, huge range of people can get the product or service information about the organisation.

Professional journal: In current business market, professional journals help to develop a

sustainable business process (Bubela and Caulfield, 2008, p. 1403). As a result, organisation

develops some author to write some articles about their product and service. In this manner, the

company deserves huge customer intension about the product.


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2.3.1 Print media theories:

In these days, print media follows some theories that demand to establish a product within a

tough competitive market. Fundamentally, theories of print media suggest making a dependable

development process with the help of providing better information to the customer.

Dependency theory:

The print media follows some theories to implement their product development strategies. In this

way, dependency theory can be helpful to an organisation. Basically, customer attracts by the

proposal of media that helps to understand about the product. In this way, product orientation

and providing information creates customer attraction. The dependence relationship starts with

the print media. In a hand customer depends on the print media, as they can get better

information from it. In the other side, an organisation can achieve its organisational objectives.


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Dependency relations on print media

Relevant dependenciesCognitive arousal Affective arousal

Arousal involvement in information processing

Better involvement of cognitive, affective and behavioural affects from the media

Casual observer

Dependency activated at the time of exposure

No activation of dependencies

Active selectorSelective exposure

Figure 1: Dependency theory on print media(Source: Kohli, 2010, p. 35)

The dependency theory suggests that, an individual can attract to the media offering content. In

this manner two types of dependencies occur, the cognitive dependency increases to keep the

individuals attention and affective dependency assists to increase the individual’s satisfaction.


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Hence, the individual involves to the information processing for his present attraction. In this

way, media can change the individual’s behaviour that assists to gain better involvement.

Hypodermic model:

The hypodermic model suggests that print media pushes some message to the individual that

attracts them to get the product or service. Essentially, the receiver can affect with this message

as receiver is more dependable on media. The concept of current market customer is that the

media provides better information about a good product or service. Hence, the organisation can

achieve their development with the help of hypodermic model (Rothschild, 2009, p. 27) suggests

that, customer mostly understands the words and presentation of the media that assists to express

an intension to the product or service.

Social responsibility theory:

Print media follows social responsibilities theory as it generates some different types of ideas.

According to Fridrich (2010, p. 144), people has a social responsibility to spray every

information to the society, as everyone has a right to deserve information. Hence, print media

takes a lead role to deserve the social responsibilities. However, Rothschild (2009, p. 31) argues

that, print media provides information not only earning purpose but also it carries a social


2.4 Advantages of using print media:

Using print media addresses huge range of advantages. The company provides their product and

service to the customer, but they ask print media for product promotion process. Coverdale et al.

(2009, p. 699) argues that, although company deals with the customer, print media develops a

relationship between customer and the company. However, lots of advantages of print media can

implement in this way.

Unlimited exposure: An organisation can make unlimited publicity with the help of print media.

In this way, newspaper and magazines will help to the product and service development process.

Fundamentally, TV or radio programme can implement with a specific or schedule time, where

print media does not follow any kind of particular time. The customer can deserve the


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information at any time with any situation. Most important thing is that, a reader can read an

article couple of time that cannot possible at TV or radio. While the reader has not more time, he

can read the key points within a short period of time. Hence, print media provides unlimited

publicity of a product or service.

Non-intrusive: TV and radio works as intrusive as their advertisements sometime disrupt the

follow of the programme. In this way, print media gets huge advantages to continue the flow of

advertisement. Therefore, people can attract in this way as they completely gets the information

about a product or the service.

Target marketing: Print media develops the target market. Fundamentally, the reader can gain

some marketing knowledge with the help of continue reading. Hence, developing awareness of a

leader can suggest developing his intension for a selected product or service. As a result, the

company can achieve a target market that demands a sustainable growth of the company.

Coverdale et al. (2009, p. 700) generates an idea that, target market can achieve with the random

flow of print media that assists to gain customer attraction and motivates to purchase the product

or service.

Loyal readership: Print media develops a long term relationship with the reader. Within a city

the reader fully attaches with some selected newspaper and service. As a result, the reader can

gain more knowledge from the newspaper or magazine. In this manner, the reader can be grateful

to the service.

Position flexibility: The advertisement printing place is an important factor as people read

attractive place of a newspaper or magazine. Hence, positioning of the advertisement provides

better information to the customer. In this way, cover page or back page of the newspaper or

magazine address more flexible position. Hence, a company can gain more suitable situation if it

uses particular flexible position.

Budget planning: The print media provides different types of space structure. As a result,

company can able to implement their budget strategy regarding advertisement. In this manner,

company prints their advertisement according to the market requirement and to deserve the

customer attraction.


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Better information: The Company provides its information to the target audience. As a result,

customer can gain better information in this way. In need, while company observes that the

information will provide in detail, they can implement brochures. Providing brochures help to

spray more information about a product or service (Kohli, 2010, p. 48).

However, according to current competitive market structure the company tries to develop with

print media for better business development process. Therefore, print media is an important

content that leads an organisation to achieve organisational objectives.

2.5 Challenges:

Update technical system and modern society throws wide range of challenges to the print media.

Basically, internet generation tries to attach with digital technology. As a result, print media

becomes too weak to deserve its stability. However, the challenges of print media can implement

in this way.

Declining readership: Current people tend to develop with the help of digital system. As a

result, they do not wish to read newspaper or magazine. In this manner, the readership decreases

day by day. As print media fail to attract young generation, it can be huge challenge to them.

Nazarova (2012, p. 39) suggests that over 52 ages people read newspaper at only 44% where

within 25 years age young generation uses it at the range of 4%. Hence, newspaper and print

media fails to develop its new market structure.

Lost revenues: Loosing readers address to decrease income. As print media loses its interest

among the customer, the income part decreases rapidly. The outlets collapse itself according to

low income structure. As a result, few of interested customers cannot buy the newspaper or

magazine. The print industry also faces huge challenges according to lost revenues.

Long-term survival: The print media industry survives with low profit income since couple of

decades. As a result, the outlet owner collapses their business. In this way, print media is unable

to reach to the common people. As a result, people become interest less on print media. The

long-term survival invites some print media industry to cease them (Sch’afer et al. 2014, p. 168).


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Cash flow: The print media industry is unable to maintain cash flow process. In these days, high

price of every goods suggest to increase the production cost where earning of print media is too

short. As a result, the industry faces wide range of challenges.

Cost control dilemma: The print media industry is unable to control its cost. Employees

demand and government policies widely affect print industry. As a result, print media faces huge


Digital growth: Rapidly growing up of digital media throws huge challenges to the print media.

Current market totally develops with digital media. As a result, print media becomes hopeless.

Fundamentally, modern cultural tradition tries to throws old generation system and develops

with new technology. In this way, print media is unable to deserve the intension of the customer.

Global ambitions: The global industry used print media to continue the business process that

demands lots of time factors. In these days, internet system provides short time information

sending way. As a result, the industry leaves print media and adopts with the digital media. Kohli

(2010, p. 43) argues that, global market strategy needs too short time to develop, so print media

stays far behind of digital media.

2.6. Use of digital media in promotion:

Advertising is the most important key factor to develop a product or business. In these days,

various creative aspects considers with the help of digital media. Fundamentally, digital media is

the best weapon that assists to play an effective role for an organisation (Barni, 2011, p. 36). In

Current market scenario, digital media represents various types of advertising process.

Radio: Digital media first born with Radio. Although radio is not a part of visual media, it

provides better service since last couple of century. Basically, radio provides sound information

within few of second. As a result, people become more attach with it. In this manner, radio can

be able to provide local market information according to its cultural needs. Most important thing

is that, radio advertising is not too expensive to continue the process.

Television: Digital media gets its huge advantages with the help of Television. Basically,

television takes wide range of market place, as it provides information with audio and visually.


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Customer intension can earn with the sound effect and their attraction comes while they see the

product or service. Hence, television develops its marketing strategies with the help of proper


Social media: Current era widely depends on the internet system. Hence, people try to develop

them with social media structure. Social media uses as a tool with the help of internet system that

interact people to share their personal or business information from any part of the world

(Hutchins and Rowe, 2009, 52). Therefore, social media can be an effective tool to advertise the

business process. In this manner, social media works with various types of identity to develop

the business promotion.

Blog: The social media runs with blog posting. The user can post his ideas or product or

service. In this manner, companies try to post the blog that helps to send the message to

its every user.

Micro blog: Micro blog is update version of blog. In a micro blog, a user can share short

text updates. Customer dislikes reading a huge length of article. Hence, micro blog

deserves effective advertisement strategies.

Facebook: The companies generate an official page at Facebook. In these days,

Facebook becomes most popular social media. Lots of people spend their time. Hence,

companies try to push their “status update” related with any product or service. Beside

this, thy can “upload” videos or images. As a result, advertisement process can start

within fraction of second.

Twitter: Company shares their view that related with the product or service. In this way,

customer knows those sharing information of the company. As a result, the advertisement

process can generate with the help of twitter.

Pinterest: The user can share their image, videos etc. In this way, an organisation can

develop their advertisement strategies that will suggest inviting the customer. The user

creates “board” that interacts other members. Sending “pin” to the customer will be

helpful to the company for advertisement process (Renwick and Lamb, 2011, p. 134).

Google+: The social media invites google+, where user can post and share opinion,

image and videos. In this way, other user can observe that. As a result, company


Page 20: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

ENHANCESExtends, amplifies, enhances some human capacity—body part, previous medium, emotions

REVERSES INTOWhen pushed to extreme reverses into opposite intension.

OBSOLESCESMakes an older medium obsolete

RETRIEVESRetrieves experience or medium from past

generates their account in googl3e+ and develops the product or service advertising


2.6.1 Digital media theories:

Digital media develops with some theoretical aspects that develop the advertisement process. In

current market structure, the marketer tries to develop their marketing strategies. Hence, updated

theoretical approaches become essential part to continue successful business process. Hence,

digital media theories can implement in this process.

McLuhan’s theory: McLuhan’s suggests his theory in his book “McLuhan in Space”.

According to McLuhan, cultural consideration is the prior thing to develop the business process.

The digital media invites and attracts people to earn their intension. McLuhan argues that people

largely miss the old structure while they adopts with new structure. In this way, while people

adopt with new structure, they do not wish to back that old one. As a result, digital media takes

place of print media (Canavor, 2012, p. 46).

Figure2: McLuhan’s digital media theory(Source: Canavor, 2012, p. 45)

According to McLuhan, emotions and body part are the capacity of human being that assists to

grow up attraction to a goods or service. In this way, previous experience can be effective. The 20


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human being does not wish to leave its old attach thing instead of new develop one. While

extreme forces develop the new product or service, the human being develops it continuously. In

this manner, print media deserves huge range of success (Gilmore, 2012, p. 621).

The second media age theory:

The theory of second media age was developed by Mark Poster. The implications of new

communication technologies are examined by this theory. The main concern of this theory is the

rise of internet culture and the demise of media or broadcast culture. The theory mainly deals

with the conflict between traditional media and internet. In accordance with the theorists, the

consumers and audiences will not tolerate the passivity demanded from them by television as

soon as active participation in a decentralised and networked media will be practical (Mosco,

2009, p. 1395). The inventor of this theory comments that internet will be the strong medium to

provide an effective alternative to the severe technical limitations of the traditional media. This

will result in the rise of a system with multiple producers, distributors and customers.

Social network theory:

Social relationships are viewed in terms of ties and nodes in social network theory. In the

network, nodes stand for the individual actors while ties stand for relationships which connect

the individuals. This theory focuses on the relationships between the individuals instead of their

characteristics. Relationship between the individuals may be in terms of the emotional

attachment or exchange of materials or exchange of information (Klinger, 2013, p. 727). With

the effective mapping of these relationships, developing and informal communication patterns

within an organisation are analysed. Employees’ control over information is determined by the

place they occupy in the communication network. As the relationship pattern bring employees

into the contact with the behaviours of the other employees, these relationships are also helpful

in explaining certain attitudes of the employees towards job related matters.

2.7 Advantages of using digital media:

Digital media offers a range of advantages to the retailers. The reason behind the widespread

popularity of digital media is nothing but the great advantages of digital media.


Page 22: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

Versatility: one of the great advantages of digital media is that it is versatile in nature. In print

media, the content contents are presented either in the form of text or in the form of images.

Unlike the traditional print media, the contents can be presented in various forms like audio,

video, animation, text, still image, (Klinger, 2013). Moreover, contents can also be presented in

the combined forms of video and text, audio and text, image and text etc. As a result of this great

advantage, the advertisements can easily attract the attention of the audience (Barni, 2011, p. 39).

Thus, with the advantage of versatility, the basic purpose of advertisement (to attract the

audience) can be fulfilled successfully.

Transformability: transformability is the other great advantage provided by digital media.

Using digital media, the marketers are now able to present the contents as per the choice of the

customers. In a printed advertisement, a customer cannot magnify the font size if he has poor

eyesight (Renwick and Lamb, 2011). This problem is successfully sorted out with the effective

use of digital media. Contents which are displayed in an e-commerce site of a company can be

represented in various ways as per the choices of the users. The visitors can change the

appearances of image or text; adjust display brightness and sounds and many other things.

It can be networked:

A piece of digitally stored content can be linked to other relevant contents. If the customers need

any background knowledge or meaning of a particular word, embedded hyperlinks provide an

easy solution to them. With the help of those hyperlinks, the users can easily access dictionaries

for understanding meaning of a certain word (Gilmore, 2012).

2.8 Challenges of using digital media:

Every coin has two faces and digital media is not an exception. It is not that digital media only

facilitate the marketers. It has many negative aspects too.

Time: there are many ways of advertising through digital media. Websites of the companies and

social media sites are the most important tools for this. In both of these tools, interactive and two

ways communication occurs between the audience and the company. A long term relationship is

developed as a result of this. In order to grow effective relationship with the customers,

somebody of the organisation needs to monitor each network, reply to the comments of the users,


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answer to the queries of the customers and respond to the complaints (Klinger, 2013, p. 722). It

is a long term process. So, the organisation needs to engage additional worker in this process.

Security issues:

It is very important for the business organisations to secure their web pages form the hackers.

Hacking is the greatest threat to the internet users. In the virtual world of the internet, not even a

single data is secured. The content of the website can be changed by a hacker. This will affect the

customers of that organisation in a negative way. Therefore, it is very important for the

organisations to be aware of the security issues and take necessary steps to protect the data. Due

to the security risk, many of the customers are against the online transaction.

2.9 Comparative analysis between print and digital media:

The comparative analysis among the print media and digital media is important factor that invites

to represents their advantages and disadvantages. Sometime both of them provide some

advantages. However, the comparative analysis can implement in this way.

Business development process: The print and digital media both can work for the business

development process. In this manner, newspaper and magazine advertisement attracts the

common people that help to grow up the business process. Similarly, television and internet

social media helps to develop the business process.

Expense: Print media carries low budget according to the advertising time. As newspaper and

magazine demands low budget, the digital media can face huge trouble. Fundamentally, digital

media is too expensive to post an advertisement.

Area-location factor: Print media works within a certain location. As a result, they can earn

small range of customer awareness according to short spray. Digital media works all world

bases. As a result, the industry tries to develop their business advertising with the help of digital

media (Gilmore, 2012, p. 626).


Page 24: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

Time factor: Print media takes more time to spray the advertising message. In the other side,

digital media takes too short time to spray the product or service development message of an


Market demand: Current market structure totally depends on digital media. Customer wants to

takes all business information with the help of digital media. Hence, print media becomes

hopeless day by day (Klinger, 2013, p. 721).

However, the comparison between the print media and digital media represents that current

business structure runs with urgency and time factor. Hence, digital media takes a lead role to

implement the business advertising strategy.

2.10 Conclusion:

The advertising is best way that implements the market strategy for a sustainable product or

service development process. Fundamentally, marketing process invites product promotions. In

this way, print media and digital media can take an important role for the product development

process. The print media provides cost advantages to the company. As a result, company

develops their product development strategies with the help of print media. According to

dependency theory, print media attracts people by offering some product or service. Similarly,

hypodermic model suggests that media pushes the message to aware the customer. The social

responsibility theory suggests that, everyone has the right to reserve the information. As a result,

business development process rapidly generates. In the other hand, digital media takes less time

for the product promotion. Beside this, digital media generates different types of resources that

can attract people. McLuhan’s theory suggests that, media provides cultural consideration that

invites the business development process. The second media age theory considers that, the

cultural factors influences people to make a connection with digital media. The social network

theory suggests that, the individual can continuously connect with each other through network

system. In current market scenario, the attraction presentation helps to earn customer attraction.

As a result, digital media becomes too popular during the advertisement process. The researcher

has selected the company called L’Oreal as case study. From next chapter onwards which is

chapter 3 methodology the researcher will discuss how the company L’Oreal deals with both

print media and digital media. 24


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3.1 Introduction:

Research is the scientific method by which the researcher tries to prove a theme with the help of

systematic investigation. According to Cameron (2009) in this chapter the researcher does not

mention actual result of the research process, rather the researcher explain the approach by which

he or she gets the step to reach the actual solution. Therefore, the researcher should choose

appropriate research philosophy, research approach, research strategy in order to accomplish the

research project and accumulate the conclusion. With the purpose of collecting, the relevant data

regarding the research topic the researcher has done data collection method after selecting the

persons who have ability to provide relevant data. The researcher gets a finite time to accomplish

the entire research progression under ethical consideration (Cooper and Schindler, 2010).

3.2 Research design

3.2.1 Research philosophy:

Research philosophy is the course of action by which the researcher is able to gain knowledge

related to the research topic based on two concepts such as ontology and epistemology.

Understanding the nature of the research topic the researcher uses ontology concept, whereas in

order to understand the relation between the research topic and the rationale the researcher uses

the epistemology concept. As opined by Onwuegbuzie and Leech, (2009), there are three types

of research philosophy used based on the nature of the research topic such as interpretivism,

realism and positivism. In order to identify the psychological reason behind any issue the

researcher use interpretivism philosophy. The interpretive thinks that there are different reasons

may belong behind one problem. The researcher tries to find out the direct reason behind the

issues by following the realism philosophy, whereas the researcher find out the reason of the


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issue by scientific experimental process, then it is called positivism research philosophy (Toloie-

Eshlaghy et al. 2011).

In order to accomplish the research study the researcher has chosen the positivism research

philosophy. The research topic is based on role of print media and digital media to build up

corporate identity so the topic is business related. In this context, the researcher collects the data

and without any manipulation applies in data analysis method to get the solution.

3.2.2. Research approach:

With the intention of understand the concept of research topic the researcher uses this research

approach. Generally, two types of research approaches are used such as inductive research

approach and deductive research approach. In case of deductive research approach, the

researcher is able to interchange general information to more specific data by following four

steps such as theory, objective/hypothesis, observation and confirmation (Bernard, 2011). At

first, the researcher has chosen theory related to the research topic and give an objective or

hypothesis. After a methodical observation, the researcher gives confirmation, so the researcher

gets concrete information from general information. On the other hand, through inductive

research approach the researcher is interchanging the specific information to more general

information (Crowther and Lancaster, 2012).

The researcher has chosen deductive research approach. The research topic is based on role of

print media and digital media to build up corporate identity, so there are several theory based

on the promotional strategy used in research project. With the help of this research theory the

researcher has understand the nature and accumulates the relevant information.

3.2.3Research strategy:

The researcher has chosen the questionnaire survey strategy for conducting the quantitative data

collection method. In addition, for qualitative data collection method, the researcher has chosen

telephonic interview and face-to-face interview although the researcher thinks that the face-to-

face interview is more effective than telephonic interview.


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3.3 Data collection techniques:

3.3.1Primary and secondary data collection process

The researcher has used both primary and secondary data collection method. In the course of

secondary data collection method, the researcher accumulates the data with the purpose of

getting general idea regarding the research topic. However, the researcher would like to make

awareness regarding the present scenario of the research topic so the researcher has designed the

primary research process. Following the secondary data collection method the researcher

accumulates data from published books, journals, websites etc., whereas following the primary

data collection method; the researcher has collected data directly from resources (Truscott et al.

2010). As these data are not published before, so those are called primary data.

3.3.2Qualitative and quantitative data collection method:

Quantitative data collection method is the process by which the researcher collects numerical

data. The researcher chooses some people and distributes close-ended questionnaire. After a

certain period, the researcher accumulates the feedback from those respondents. After

accumulating the information, the researcher represents those data with the help of different

chart, graph and table to compare the present scenario with past scenario. Apart from that with

the help of statistical calculation, the researcher tries to understand the entire scenario (Bryman

and Bell, (2011).

The researcher has chosen 50 employees of the L’Oreal Company in order to accumulate the

information regarding the research topic and distributed the questionnaire to them. After

collecting the feedback, the researcher is able to use 45 feedback form as sample because the

researcher needs entirely filled questionnaire otherwise the researcher will not able to calculate it


3.3.3Qualitative data collection:

In order to colleting the comprehensive information, the researcher has designed to conduct the

qualitative data collection approach. As the research needs descriptive information regarding the

research topic, so the researcher has chosen those person who have personal experience and


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knowledge regarding the research topic. After choosing the effective persons, the researcher

takes interview face-to-face or telephonic mode and collects the data (Crouch and Pearce, 2012).

In the course of this qualitative data collection method, the researcher gets more knowledge that

is relevant to the research topic.

Conducting the qualitative data collection method the researcher has chosen 5 marketing

manager of the L’Oreal organization and collected data through face to face interview process.

3.4 Sampling technique:

Following sampling process the researcher chooses the people for accomplishing the data

collecting method. Generally, two types of sampling methods such as probable sampling and

non-probable sampling are used for data collection method. Conducting quantitative data

collection method, the researcher follows the non-probable sampling and selects the people

through random selection. Thus, there is an equal chance to every person to participate in the

research study. Thus, Harrison and Reilly, (2011) opined that, accumulating data from

quantitative research method is more balanced. On the other hand, the researcher uses probable

sampling process and chooses the participants in systematic way. Therefore, the researcher has

chosen the persons for qualitative data collection method who have personal experience. Besides,

the research should take permission from the organization L’Oreal as the researcher wants to

conduct the research on that organization.

The researcher when distributed the questionnaire, then he or she uses Likert’s scale ranging in

order to get better details.

The researcher has chosen 45 employees from the organization to accomplish the quantitative

data analysis process whereas 5 managers are chosen for qualitative data collection method.

3.5 Data analysis procedures:

After collecting the data from quantitative data collection method, the researcher has calculated

statistically. Then, with the intention of gaining knowledge and match the objectives the

researcher has used MS excel for analysing the numerical data (Cameron, 2009). The researcher


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has calculated the data in percentage form to compare the present scenario with the past scenario.

The researcher uses those data without any manipulation and with the help of graphical

representation analysis the issues. After analysis the data the researcher tries to identify that is

the collected data is able to achieve the objectives or not.

As the researcher has collected the comprehensive data from the qualitative data collection

method, so after proper analysing of those data the researcher is able to gain knowledge those are

more enriched (Crowther and Lancaster, 2012). As the data are collected from 5 marketing

managers of the L’Oreal so the accumulated data will be different in nature. Thus, the researcher

compels to analysis the qualitative data amore carefully.

3.6 Ethical considerations:

Following some rules and regulations, the researcher has conducted the research study that is

called research ethics. Apart from that, the researcher should maintain the Data Protection Act.


Under Data Protection Act, the researcher is responsible for keep the collecting data confidential.

Apart from that, conducting the research process, the researcher should maintain honesty.

Moreover, as the researcher has collected the data for academic purpose so he or she has no right

to use those data in commercial purpose.


The researcher should express all the condition of the research towards the participants and the

participants have full authority to withdraw their name in any situation. In addition, the

researcher cannot force to the participants to participate in research process.

3.7 Data quality:

The researcher gets very short time for conducting the research process so the researcher several

times cannot collect all-important information. Limited budget make overlook some steps in the

research process. Apart from that, several time the managers do not want to reveal information of


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the organization and in case of quantitative research process participants gives haphazard answer

those are not relevant.


4.0 Introduction

In this particular chapter, the researcher evaluates and discusses the data that have been obtained

with the help of the primary research methods. Since the researcher collects data by using both

the primary research methods, i.e. quantitative and qualitative methods, therefore it is important

for the researcher to analyse the collected data from each of the methods. It is to be noted that the

researcher obtains numerical information from survey questionnaires that have been distributed

to 50 employees of L’Oreal, out of which 45 come up with their opinions. It is then the

researcher transforms the data into percentages and demonstrates it in the form of graphs. On the

contrary, the researcher obtains the qualitative data by interviewing 5 marketing managers and

experts of L’Oreal with the help of semi structured questions. The researcher then evaluates the

opinions of the managers. The literature review or secondary research that the researcher

presents in chapter two is taken into account while evaluating the findings.

4.1 Part A:

Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis-Survey Questionnaire

Q1) How long have you been working with L’Oreal?

Options No. of candidates Total Candidates Response%

0-2 years 12 45 26.67

3-5 years 25 45 55.55

More than 5 years 8 45 17.78

Table 1: Total number of years the employees is working


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0-2 years 3-5 years More than 5 years




Working tenure

Figure 3: Total numbers the candidates employed

Findings and Analysis

In accordance to the above table, the working tenure of most of the respondents ranges between

3-5 years (i.e. about 55-5% of the candidates). On the contrary, there are about 26.67% of the

respondents’ population, who are like freshets, whose working tenure range from 0 to 3 years.

However, there are also about 8 respondents (forming 17.78% of the survey population) who

have work experience of more than 5 years.

Thus, it signifies the fact the employees whom the researcher chooses for undertaking the survey

can be reliable enough, thereby knowing about the various marketing procedures of L’Oreal.

Since they have a working tenure of 3-5 years, hence, neither are they too immature

professionally nor are they too obsolete with their working strategies. In fact, they can provide


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adequate information in regards to the marketing strategies required to build L’Oreal’s corporate

identity and which of the two promotional media tools serves more effectively, i.e. print media or

digital media.

Q2) Please identify your gender

Choices No. of respondents Total Respondents Response%

Male 20 45 44.44

Female 25 45 55.55

Table 2: Determining the gender of the respondents

Male Female



Gender distribution of the employeesGender distribution of the employees

Figure 4: Gender distribution of the employees

Findings and Analysis


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As per Table 2, about 55.55% of the respondents’ population comprises women whereas the rest

are men. Thus, it can be concluded from here that L’Oreal does promote employee recruitment

based on gender equality. Moreover, it is evident enough that since L’Oreal initially used to

manufacture beauty products mainly for women, therefore it hires mostly who can attend the

female customers.

Q3) Which of these print media tools the company uses to establish its corporate identity

can be more effective over digital media?

Options No. of candidates Total candidates Response%

Brochures 12 45 26.67

Magazines 18 45 40

Newspapers 8 45 17.78

Professional journals 7 45 15.56

Table 3: Type of print media tools in order to form L’Oreal’s corporate identity better

than digital media


Page 34: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

Brochures Magazines Newspapers Professional journals




Type of print media tools that establishes L’Oreal’s corporate identity better than dig-

ital media

Figure 5: Type of print media tools that establishes L’Oreal’s corporate identity better

than digital media

Findings and Analysis

In context to Table 3, 40% of the candidates believe that the usage of magazines is an effective

print media tool to establish corporate identity. However, 26.67% respondents support brochures

as an important print media tools to form brand identity. Application of professional journals and

newspapers also stand out as quite significant print media tools, thereby attaining the support of

8% and 7% support of the respondents, respectively.

Thus, it is evident from the above data that fashion based magazines serve their effectiveness in

building corporate identity for L’Oreal in comparison to the digital media. Digital media tools

tend to incur costs, for instance, internet costs, costs of purchasing electronic equipment, such as

computers, television and radios, which tend to be higher than the costs involved in purchasing

fashion oriented magazines. Moreover, the magazines serve the purpose of updating customers

with the latest products and their importance. However, it seems that L’Oreal does not promote

itself much with the help of newspapers or professional journals.


Page 35: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

Q4) What do you think are the advantages of using print media over digital media?

Options No. of respondents Total number of



Unlimited Exposure 18 45 40

Targeting the masses 20 45 44.44

Loyal readership 7 45 15.56

Table 4: Benefits of using print media over print media

Unlimited Exposure Targeting the masses Loyal readership




Advantages of using print media over digital media

Figure 6: Advantages of applying print media tools over digital media

Findings and Analysis

In relation to Table 4, the most important and advantageous aspect of print media is that it

contributes in targeting a huge amount of audiences and 44.44% support of the targeted

respondents substantiates this fact. About 40% of the respondents also suggest that print media

helps in providing unlimited exposure to L’Oreal products. Finally, 15.56% of the candidates

opine that upholding loyal readership is another advantage of print media.


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The advantages of print media in terms of unlimited exposure, targeting mass audience and

getting loyal readership was ascertained over digital media. With the help of the data, it can be

analysed that since print media tools like magazines and brochures, and newspapers are not

subject to strict time schedules like the programmes of the digital tools, therefore it provides

unlimited exposure. Moreover, it also helps in targeting the market and the audience so that it

helps in attaining a sustainable growth for L’Oreal.

Q5) What are the challenges that L’Oreal faces by using print media instead of digital


Choices No. of candidates Total candidates Response%

More inclination

towards digital media

18 45 40

Declining readership 12 45 26.67

One way


15 45 33.33

Table 5: Challenges that L’Oreal faces by the usage of print media tools rather than digital


More inclination towards digital media

Declining readership One way communication




Challenges faced while applying print media instead of digital media


Page 37: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

Figure 7: Challenges that L’Oreal faces while applying print media tools rather than

digital media

Findings and Analysis

As per Table 5, 40% of the respondents suggest that one of the major challenges that L’Oreal

faces is more preferences towards the usage of digital media. Even 26.67% of the respondents,

point out that the decline in the readership is also a challenge for L’Oreal. Nonetheless, 33.33%

candidates indicate that one-way communication is another primary disadvantage of print media

that L’Oreal faces.

Thus, it can be analysed from the data that in the era of technological developments, people tend

to favour the usage of digital media so that they can they can attain audio-visual based

knowledge about the product. Hence, this also leads to a decline in the readership percentages.

Since L’Oreal uses print media over digital media at times, it has found to lose on some of its

readership base. Moreover, digital media tends to provide open communication between the

company employees or executives, thereby answering to the queries whereas there is no scope to

provide feedback promptly or get answer to queries.

Q6) What are the digital media tools that L’Oreal uses over print media to build corporate


Options No. of respondents Total respondents Response%

Radio 10 45 22.22

Television 10 45 22.22

Social media 15 45 32.66

Official website 10 45 22.22

Table 6: Types of digital media tools that L’Oreal uses over print media to form corporate



Page 38: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

Radio Television Social media Official Website

22.22% 22.22%



Kinds of digital media tools that L’Oreal ap-plies over print media to establish corporate


Figure 8: Kinds of digital media tools that L’Oreal uses over print media to establish

corporate identity

Findings and Analysis

In reference to Table 6, 32.66% of the respondents believe that social media serve as the most

effective digital tool in forming L’Oreal’s corporate identity. About 22.22% considers television

as the most effective whereas only 22.22% determines radio as a digital tool to develop

L’Oreal’s corporate identity. About 22.22% of the employees agree that L’Oreal’s official

website is also used as an effective digital media tool for promotion. As the above data

highlights, in this present technologically advanced scenario, undoubtedly social media

marketing stands out as the most effective digital media, in comparison to the other digital tools,

as it can connect a wide range of customers locally, nationally as well as globally. In fact, it is

obvious that neither any of the print media tools nor any digital media tools can address

customers at such a global level.

Q7) What are the social media tools that L’Oreal uses over print media to share its

business information?


Page 39: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

Choices No. of candidates Total number of



Blog and Micro-Blog 5 45 11.11

Linked In 18 45 40

Face-book 5 45 11.11

Twitter 10 45 22.22

Others 7 45 15.56

Table 7: Types of social media tools that L’Oreal adopts instead of print media

Blog and Micro-Blog

Linked In Face-book Twitter Others






Kinds of Social media tools L'Oreal adopts instead of print media sharing business in-


Figure 9: Kinds of Social media based tools that the company adopts instead of print media

Findings and Analysis

In accordance to Table 7, 40% of the candidates opine that Linked In is the mostly used social

media tools, whereas 22.22% respondents consider face-book as effective. On the contrary, blog

and micro-blog, and Twitter bags in the support of certain staff (about 11.11% each).Hence, it is

found that L’Oreal makes an extensive use of the social media tools, such as the social

networking sites can help in sharing business information and building appropriate corporate


Page 40: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

identity. In fact, the responses highlight that L’Oreal makes maximum use of Linked In and

Face-book in order to connect with people and share business related data on a large basis.

Q8) What do you think are the advantages of making use of social media rather than print


Choices No. of respondents Total number of



Versatility 15 45 33.33

Transformability 10 45 22.22

Easily networked 10 45 22.22

Cost effectiveness 10 45 22.22

Table 8: Advantages that L’Oreal enjoys in applying social media over print media

Versatility Transformability Easily networked Cost effectiveness


22.22% 22.22% 22.22%

Benefits of the usage of social media over print media

Figure 10: Benefits that the company enjoys by the usage of social media rather than print


Findings and Analysis


Page 41: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

In regards to Table 8, versatility stands out as the most advantageous aspect of the application of

social media tools, thereby attaining 33.33% of the respondents’ support. On the other hand, it is

also to be noted that transformability, cost effectiveness and easily networked are some of the

benefits of the usage of social media tools. Hence, each of them receives 22.22% of respondents

support respectively.

Print media does not provide the versatility, opportunity to create network with community

members, and is not that transformable. Moreover, it is not that cost effective also. Hence, it is

because of these reasons social media is able to pull more people towards itself. Moreover, the

data also authenticates that a piece of work on the internet not only provides information but also

contain several hyperlinks at the bottom, with the help of which a customer can gain more

knowledge about L’Oreal’s products. It is also cost effective because it requires no investments

as such. It is open as well as free for all. In addition, employees believe that social media tools

help in transforming the content, thereby adjusting the audio-visual settings of the content.

Q9) What are the challenges that L’Oreal faces in the use of social media rather than print


Options No. of candidates Total candidates Response%

Negative word of

mouth and


18 45 40

Poor product reviews 12 45 26.67

Negative brand


12 45 26.67

Security issues 3 45 6.67

Table 9: Challenges that the company experience by applying social media tools over print



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26.67% 26.67%


Adversities that L’Oreal faces by usingsocial media as compared to print media

Figure 11: Adversities that L’Oreal face by the application of social media tools instead of

print media

Findings and Analysis:

In reference to the above-mentioned table, it is evident that quite a major part of the respondent’s

population (i.e. 18 out of 45 candidates) agree that the negative word of mouth tend to act as a

challenge for L’Oreal when it applies social media tools. On the contrary, 12 out of 45

candidates (26.67% of the total candidates) believe the fact that poor product reviews is a social

media tool, which tends to act adversely, thereby challenging the corporate identity of L’Oreal.

Even 26.67% of the respondents opine that negative brand ratings can also hamper L’Oreal

brand identity. Only 3% candidates believe that improper security conditions tend to build

negative corporate identity.

Thus, it is to be noted in accordance to the findings that the employees are aware of the fact that

L’Oreal faces a number of challenges in comparison to print media. There is no scope of

negative word of mouth or negative brand ratings, in case of print media. However, such is not

the case for social media. Since social media offers two-way communication, also known as

open communication, therefore, there is a high scope for negative publicity. Since most of the


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people in modern days are part of the social networking sites, therefore they tend to post poor

product reviews. In addition to it, they also give low ratings to the products via those online

rating sites, which tend to rate different products based on product experience.

Q10) Does the use of social media over print media help to reach mass audience to enhance

the corporate identity?

Choices No. of Respondents Total number of



Yes, to a large extent 28 45 62.22

Yes, to some extent 10 45 22.22

Not at all 7 45 15.56

Table 10: Effectiveness of social media over print media tools to enhance corporate identity

Yes, to a large extent Yes, to some extent Not at all









Efficacy of social media tools over print media tools to develop corporate identity

Figure 12: Efficacy of social media tools over print media tools to develop corporate


Findings and Analysis


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In accordance to Table 10, it is visible that 84.44% of the respondents (62.22% agrees largely

and 22.22% to a certain extent) or employees agree that more usage of the social media over the

traditional media tools contributes in reaching out to the customers, thereby developing their

corporate identity. However, only 15.56% of the candidates disagree.

A maximum part of the targeted respondents supports the efficacy of the social media tools in

reaching out to the mass audience in order to build the corporate identity. In fact, it makes sure

that even the employees of L’Oreal are aware of the fact that since social media is cost effective

and a two-way communication, therefore more people get interested in making use of social

media to get connected. Thus, if companies like L’Oreal makers more use of social media tools

in comparison to the traditional ones, then it can help the company to increase its web of

connectivity, thereby building positive corporate identity.

4.2 Part B:

Qualitative Data and Analysis: Interview Questions for the Managers

Q1) Which among the two, print media or digital media tools does L’Oreal use more to

establish its identity?

As the marketing experts of L’Oreal opine, they used to apply print media tools earlier such as

advertising its products in the beauty based brochures and magazines. However, at present, as

one of the experts from the advertising department points out, L’Oreal makes use of television as

well as social media as digital media tools more for establishing its identity effectively. In fact,

L’Oreal forms contracts with celebrities, thereby making celebrity endorsements in order to

attract customers.

Q2) What are the promotional strategies that L’Oreal uses to enhance its current corporate

identity? Which one proves to be more effective?

A majority of the respondents put forward that L’Oreal undertakes promotional strategies

keeping in mind that a wide range of population can be reached with the strategies. Hence, it

mainly focuses on communication via social networking sites, such as Linked In, Twitter and

Face-book. In fact, as one of the marketing manager’s states, since L’Oreal already has 300,000 44


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fans on Linked In, therefore it plans to take a unique and innovative approach in order to activate

its community with the help of an online campaign, ‘Are You IN?’ Although this particular

attempt is mainly for hiring appropriate employees, however even the customers can visit the

link- in order to know the effectiveness to which L’Oreal hires its

candidates. This in turn can enhance the brand identity of L’Oreal.

However, another manager states that L’Oreal conducts campaigns and distributes outside malls

or colleges in order to make sure whether the customers have problems in context to its products

or the new additions or innovations that they want to see in L’Oreal’s products. However, it is

found that social media tools proved more effective in pulling in the attention of more customers,

in fact people across the globe in comparison to the usage of print media, which is possible only

on a limited population.

Q3) How can the use of digital media as compared to print media help to engage mass

consumers to develop brand identity?

One of the managers mentions social media as an effective way to connect with mass customers,

thereby categorizing social media as ‘spectators’, ‘creators’, ‘critics’ etc. In fact, it is found in

this technologically developed era, consumers tend to communicate with their peer groups,

friends and relatives regarding their experiences. Hence, they act as carriers of brand identity.

Digital media communication strategies help to connect with the customers, thereby sharing of

ideas and exchange of information. Moreover, the L’Oreal’s customer service department

promptly addresses customers’ queries and complaints through digital media, which cannot be

impossible with print media tools. Unlike print media, digital media tools helps in updating

customers over social media regarding any fresh arrivals or the latest discounts on the beauty

items. L’Oreal also plans to come up with certain fun activities over social media with the help

of which the customers can win beauty items in the form of prizes in case they win the activities.

This tends to connect the customers with the brand.

Q4) What are the major challenges that the company faces in using digital media instead of

print media for enhancing brand identity?


Page 46: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

One-way communication is the problem, as the marketing managers and market analysts opine,

that L’Oreal faces with digital media such as putting up advertisements on television and radio.

Thus, company is unable to get any form of feedback from the audience. This is turn also

dissatisfies the audience at times. On the other hand, even the social media tools introduce a

challenging situation for L’Oreal at certain situations since it is not scalable. It tends to be

difficult for the staff of the media-marketing department to stare and follow each tweet of the


One of the managers even indicates that earlier brand marketers used to possess the power to

circulate information about the products. However, at present it is with the recent technological

and social media developments that a consumer is only a click away from circulating their

viewpoints about the products. However, certain customers tend to post exaggerated stories,

spread negative word of mouth and circulate fake reviews extensively and the brand marketers

remain as mere observers. Thus, it is a challenge for L’Oreal to handle such situations.

4.3 Conclusion

On the completion of this chapter, it can be indicated that the researcher successfully analyses

the data that has been obtained by quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative data

that the researcher obtains from the employees of L’Oreal informs the researcher about the

effectiveness of digital media, especially social media over print media. The analysed data also

presents the advantages and the challenges that L’Oreal faces while using both in order to which

one is better. Moreover, the qualitative data that the researcher gathers from the marketing

managers substantiates the fact that in order to pace up with the modern competition and build up

a positive brand identity, L’Oreal prefer undertaking effective social media promotional

strategies instead of the print media and other digital tools.


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5.0 Conclusion

In this particular chapter, the researcher sums up the entire research, based on the findings that

primary as well as the secondary research provides. The researcher finally links the research

objectives with both, the findings of primary research and literature review in order to find out

the extent of success in conducting the research. Eventually, the researcher provides certain

recommendations to the managers and experts of the marketing department of L’Oreal in order

to make effective use of social media tools along with proper print media and digital media tools

also in enhancing its corporate identity. This chapter also contains the restrictions that the

researcher faces while working on the dissertation. Nonetheless, the researcher even states the

extent to which this specific research has a scope to be worked on, in future.

5.1 Linking objectives with the literature review and findings

5.1.1 To critically examine and understand the contribution of print media and digital

media in constructing and promoting a strong brand name

Empirical findings obtained by the researcher suggests that print media tools as well as digital

media tools help in building a strong and positive brand name for a company. Print media tends

to attain a loyal readership to a particular company. In accordance to the information that the

secondary research presents, print media tools have been used by most of the companies down

the ages to advertise their products, thereby building a corporate identity. Moreover, it is because

of the technological development that the print media tools such as magazines and brochures

have become more attractive looking along with their informative content. With the passage of

time, the emergence of digital media tools, such as television and primarily the social media

contributes in upholding the positive aspects of the companies’ products and services and the

experiences of the already existing customers. In addition to it, secondary research also reveals

that, the usage of print media and digital media primarily helps in differentiating the products


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from the competitors. It helps the audience to determine and decide the products of which of the

companies best satisfies the needs and preferences of the audiences.

5.1.2 To critically evaluate the effectiveness of the role of digital media and print media in

building corporate identity for L’Oreal

In accordance to the responses of the employees (quantitative data) as well as the marketing

managers (qualitative data) of L’Oreal it is evident enough that, L’Oreal does make an effective

use of the print media tolls as well as the digital media tools. In case of print media, L’Oreal

advertises its products in the allure magazines and other fashion-based magazines. In fact, the

beauty experts tend to provide beauty tips to both, men and women for enhancement of their

beauty. Moreover, they also attend to the queries of various customers with beauty-oriented

problems, which are published in the magazines in the FAQs section. This helps in building a

positive customer brand relationship, which in turn helps in building corporate identity. As the

managers state, the marketing staff of L’Oreal distributes leaflets and brochures in shopping

malls and other public visits and puts up hoardings on streets in order to make more people

conscious about the products. L’Oreal also advertises its products in certain newspapers so that it

is able to obtain a wide customer base. In fact, as secondary research indicates that newspapers

stand out as one of the cheapest sources of information provider under print media, therefore it is

evident that L’Oreal does not want to lose on the customers who mainly focus on newspaper

readings. Along with newspapers, L’Oreal also uses business journals in promoting its products.

However, it is done on a limited amount (as the primary research suggests that only 15.56% of

the employees agree of the effectiveness of business journals).

However, since L’Oreal is aware of the fact that it is necessary to reach out to more customers in

present times, therefore it lowers the usage of print media at present, thereby making use of the

digital media tools like television, radio and social media marketing tools. The marketing

managers of L’Oreal are aware of the fact that radios tend to be portable, because of which

advertisements on radio can reach out to audiences even when they are travelling or when there

is a power-cut, (battery-oriented radios). The attractive audio-visual advertisements on television

lure the audience towards the products, thereby building a corporate identity. Even the social

media sites contribute in promoting the products and the feedback of the already existing


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customers. As the managers suggest, L’Oreal makes an extensive use of Face-book, Linked In

and Twitter as well as blogs to share information about the products as well as the experiences.

The employees whom the researcher chooses for surveying also substantiate this fact. Even

literature review substantiates that digital media provides easily understandable and attainable

information. The managers of L’Oreal also reveal that they form contracts with celebrities in

order to make celebrity endorsements to make the audience get attracted towards the latest


Thus, it is evident enough that print media and digital media contributes largely in constructing

L’Oreal’s brand name. On one hand, print media helps L’Oreal in attaining a loyal readership as

well as provide unrestricted exposure. On the other hand, since digital media is versatile in

nature therefore it helps in presenting the audience with audio-visual advertisements. In fact,

social media tools help L’Oreal to promote its products in a cost effective way, since it hardly

involves any finances (except for the internet connection expenses).

5.1.3 To find out the challenges that L’Oreal faces while using print media and digital

media and provide recommendations in accordance to them

Apart from experiencing a number of benefits of print media and digital media tools in building

up a positive corporate identity, there are certain challenges that L’Oreal faces, because of

which, at times it also leads to the formation of a negative corporate identity. As the researcher

presents the opinions of certain critics in the literature review section, in this era of technological

developments, the increasing inclination towards the digital media tends to reduce the interest

towards the advertisements on print media tools. This turn out to be a challenge for L’Oreal since

it leads to a decline in the loyal readership. In fact, even the empirical investigation (where about

40% of the employees consider inclination towards digital media as a threat for print media)

authenticates the above data. As one of the managers even indicates that, since people get to

view the product visually on screen and gain information it, they hardly show interest in flipping

over the pages of magazines. Moreover, as a considerate amount of respondents, agree print

media restricts in building a positive corporate identity as it provides mere one-way



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On the other hand, L’Oreal also faces certain challenges while using digital media tools, such as

television, radio and social media. Since radio provides only audible information, therefore it

cannot display the extent to which the beauty products beautify each of its users. Moreover,

negative word of mouth tends to spread pessimistic and adverse information about L’Oreal’s

products to not only peer groups, family and friends on local level but also at a global level. It is

evident from the empirical research that, with the use of social networking sites many customers

tend to post poor product reviews. In fact the managers mentions that, at times some of the

customers tend to put up fake stories about their bad experiences, which in turn, produces

negative publicity of L’Oreal’s brand name. Data that the research obtains from the survey also

suggests that certain customers post negative brand ratings for L’Oreal. Since people across the

globe have access to these social networking sites therefore, as the managers, states it is obvious

that the negative publicity spreads like a ‘forest fire’.

Thus, on having linked the objectives with the information obtained from literature review and

findings, it can be concluded that even though L’Oreal makes use of both, print media tools and

digital media tools; however there are certain loopholes that still exist in the marketing

procedures of L’Oreal. Hence, a set of recommendations is noted down in the next section of the


5.2 Recommendations

The researcher enlists few suggestions to the marketing department of L’Oreal based on the

challenges that it faces by using print media as well as social media in building positive

corporate identity.

5.2.1 Regularly update corporate activities on print / digital media

The managers and experts of L’Oreal’s marketing department should update its official website

and the magazines with information on a regular basis. It is to be noted that customers are hungry

for updated information and thus keep on looking for new content. In fact, they find existing

information as monotonous and boring. Thus, L’Oreal should come up with innovation such as

herbal-based products or natural beauty products and provide information and advertisements

about them on print media as well as digital media. With the help of such updates, L’Oreal will


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be able to retain the customers in front of the screen for a long time. It should also provide

updated information on print media and digital media regarding the various trade fair exhibitions

in which it participates. Moreover, L’Oreal’s marketing department should also put up updated

information about the new offers and discounts at regular intervals. This will build interest

among the internet users to surf through the company’s website as well as its social networking

sites to check the updates. Hence, it will contribute to L’Oreal in building a positive corporate


5.2.2 Integrate the CRM with the social media

L’Oreal should also concentrate on integrating the CRM activities with the help of social media

tools. The company should make use of the social networking sites such as Twitter and Face-

book in answering to customer queries, thereby acting as advisors. Moreover, it should also

begin an online chat process (probably a 24x7-service one), which can provide services to the

already existing as well as the potential customers. The social media-marketing experts should

also focus on opening up a new and separate page for each consumer in order to attend them. In

addition to it, the company can also ask its audience to post their complaints online, to which the

customer-care service experts are going to attend to as fast as possible. This will help to impress

not only the people with problems but also the other audiences, thereby proving that L’Oreal

attends to its customers’ requirements and problems with quick service. This in turn will help

L’Oreal in enhancing its corporate identity in an effective way.

5.3 Limitations of the research

At the time of conducting the study, the researcher faces a number of problems. For instance, the

researcher conducts the study under strict time constraints and financial restraints. The researcher

restricts the study merely by doing cross sectional research instead of doing longitudinal

research, thereby doing it with different sets of candidates over an extended period. Moreover,

the researcher chooses a small sample size both for the collection of quantitative data and

qualitative data. Since the researcher realizes that handling a huge population for quantitative

data will be a difficulties and involving huge amount of time and finance, therefore only 50

employees have distributed the questionnaires. On the contrary, the researcher interviews only 5


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marketing managers and experts from L’Oreal because few of the other managers did not turn up

due to time issues.

5.4 Scope for Future Research

It is to be noted that future researchers, in the form of secondary source of information, can use

the information that the researcher collects in this research and the findings and analysis of this

study. Future researchers can use this for basic information and then conduct an extensive

research, both quantitatively and qualitatively in order to get much more effective outcomes. In

fact, future researchers can also use this study as basic information in order to conduct a

comparative study of few more beauty-product selling companies and their usage of print media

and digital media in obtaining a strong corporate identity.



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Part A: Survey Questionnaire

Q1) How long have you been working with L’Oreal?


0-2 years

3-5 years

More than 5 years

Q2) Please identify your gender



Q3) Which of these print media tools the company uses to establish its corporate identity

can be more effective over digital media?





Professional journals

Q4) What do you think are the advantages of using print media over digital media?


Unlimited Exposure

Targeting the masses

Loyal readership

Q5) What are the challenges that L’Oreal faces by using print media instead of digital



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More inclination towards digital media

Declining readership

One way communication

Q6) What are the digital media tools that L’Oreal uses over print media to build corporate





Social media

Q7) What are the social media tools that L’Oreal uses over print media to share its

business information?


Blog and Micro-Blog

Linked In




Q8) What do you think are the advantages of making use of social media rather than print





Easily networked

Cost effectiveness


Page 58: A Comparative Study of Efectiveness of the Role of Print Media and Digital Media to Build Up Corporate Identity a Case Study of l’Oreal

Q9) What are the challenges that L’Oreal faces in the use of social media rather than print



Negative word of mouth and recommendations

Poor product reviews

Negative brand ratings

Security issues

Q10) Does the use of social media over print media help to reach mass audience to enhance

the corporate identity?


Yes, to a large extent

Yes, to some extent

Not at all

Part B:

Interview Questions

Q1) Which among the two, print media or digital media tools does L’Oreal use more to

establish its identity?

Q2) What are the promotional strategies that L’Oreal uses to enhance its current corporate

identity? Which one proves to be more effective?

Q3) How can the use of digital media as compared to print media help to engage mass

consumers to develop brand identity?

Q4) What are the major challenges that the company faces in using digital media instead of

print media for enhancing brand identity?

