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Nashee_1750’s Story

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NCiC presents: The 6-Kingdom Adventure of Nashee

By Nashee_1750

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Nashee (ordinary world) Nashee (fantasy world)

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Morita Miyaki

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Tori Castile

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Icylerie Rough

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Silencer Chio

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Chapter 1Hi! I’m Nashee_1750, or known as Mikan Nashee… I have here a very imaginative story. Okay, let’s start…

I was inside the classroom, quietly typing something on my blog. It’s not really easy to make a fantasy story. It requires a lot of effort, and you have to widen your imagination.

I pressed the “publish” button of my blog. As I wait for it to be published, I closed my eyes a little… but when I opened my eyes, my pink laptop was gone!

I turned around and still see no one there. But where’s the laptop? I have to find it!!!

I went outside, and guess what?! Cherry blossoms were around. They were so wonderful.I find myself in a dream. I saw myself taller, my hair longer and I think that I became 3 years older… It’s like…that place was very familiar. Then I remembered a place like this. “This is Pink Valley.” I said.A resident heard me. “Yes. This is Pink Valley. You might be a guest. Welcome.” Her name is Morita. She smiles so sweetly and talks in decent manner.“Today is the coronation of the princess as Queen of Pink Valley.” Then she showed me the way. I felt weird being inside of this story of mine. But it seems fun! I wonder how the princess might look like.We arrived at the palace…

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Chapter 1We were brought before the princess.

“Welcome guest… I’m Princess Miyaki, uhm… I’ll be Queen Miyaki tonight.” She said as she raised her hand.

She seemed to be sweet. But I noticed that she has this deep sadness planted in her heart.

“Please feel at home.”

The night of the coronation came. I was seated beside Morita, who was peacefully eating the dishes.

The food looks good, smells good and tastes good. I wonder who prepared this?

Just then, a pink-haired lady came upstage, bringing with her a golden crown… I asked Morita about her.

“Ooh… She’s Kireina, the guardian here. Her duty is to protect this place. She’s into this job for 2 years already.”

When Kireina place the crown on Miyaki, it glowed. Then the Cherry Blossom trees glowed, too. It was a very pleasing sight. I’ve never seen this before. I wrote this, but I never thought that when it will be seen, it would be like this. Such a pleasant night…

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Chapter 1I stayed at Morita’s place, in a cabin behind the palace. Everyone slept soundly, but I didn’t. No, not like I didn’t, but the truth is, I really can’t. in some ways, I was so homesick.

I was bored. Instead of staring at the roof the whole time, I went outside.

There, Kireina was standing beside the Cherry Blossom tree. I approached her, and we introduced ourselves. I told her that I have to find my pink laptop.

Later on, she gave me something. She said that it was a lucky charm. It was an earring. It’s a left-side earring.

I was confused why she didn’t give me the other pair.

“You’ll know why… someday… I hope it will be useful.”

I smiled and thank her. I wore the left-side earring.

“if you’re looking for that laptop of yours, go and find Tori. She’s a girl with long silver hair. You’ll find her north of this place.”

So evening passed and morning came. Time for me to be leaving. I bid goodbye to all of them.

I was equipped with a weapon called the Lunar Spear. Its power came from the moon. I wonder where the Solar Spear is? Anyways. I went north.

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Chapter 2I walked and walked and walked. It’s like eternity. Suddenly, I bumped into someone. It’s a really beautiful maiden with weird, yet wonderful wings.

“Who are you?”

That’s a little rude, I thought… so I answered her straight back. “I’m Nashee. I’m looking for Tori.”

This maiden combed her hair with her hand, and said, “What do you want from her? If you’re one of those intruders, get away from here or else I’ll kill you.”

Tired and terrified, I trembled, until my legs were like frozen bones.

When I can’t move, a weapon was thrown from my back. The maiden evaded the attack, and she even protected me. She saw a guy in black and held him.

The guy said, “Sorry! It’s only my work. I came from Azores.”

The maiden was mad. “What did Auzilla said to you?”

“Nothing, nothing!!” As soon as the maiden released the guy, he flew away.

Then she apologized to me for treating me as her enemy.

“I’m sorry. I’m the guardian here at Niamey, I’m Nihra. For my apology, I will bring you to Tori.” She held me on her wings and we flew up high.

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Chapter 2We landed in front of a huge tree with bell-like leaves… underneath, a beautiful girl is sleeping. I looked at her carefully. I’m so dense! It’s Tori! Oh my gosh… I never thought she’d be this pretty. Isn’t it weird? Everyone is pretty. Where are the boys? Haha… that’s odd… I remember I placed a boy in this story… but I can’t remember! Darn this memory gap. :D

Nihra woke Tori up. Tori opened her eyes. She looked at me clearly, and then pointed at my ear.

“That’s the legendary earring.” she showed me her right ear. “I have the other pair.”

Tori approached me and placed the right-side earring to my right ear. “there. It’s completed…”

“So, you’re the chosen one?” Nihra asked. “I’m really sorry a while ago…”

“That’s nothing.” I said, then smiled. “actually, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just here to look for my pink laptop.”

Tori tapped the tree with her hands. A thing fell down. It was a wristwatch. She wore it to me.

Suddenly, there was an explosion. We ran to see what happened.

It was an intruder from Azores. The guy seemed to have reported that I’m here.

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Chapter 2“That’s Castile! She’s the assistant guardian of Azores. What does she want, now?” Nihra said angrily, then she flew up to face Castile.

Tori noticed that I was shaking, so we ran to go on some place to hide.

Meanwhile, up in the sky…

“The Prince of Azores wanted her fiancé to be with her.” Castile said. “So I’m just here to bring the Chosen One home.”

Nihra laughed a little. “Ridiculous, Castile. You’re a little funny.”

Castile got angry. “Don’t let me get mad. I’ll tell your sister to pull you back to where you really came! She’ll bring you back to Azores.”

Nihra was somehow terrified. She can’t speak, it’s like… her mouth was stapled.

Castile started to summon a triangle line below her. It was a spell.

Nihra still can’t move. She thought, “I don’t want to go back to Azores. I don’t want to experience suffering again…”

Castile put out her flaming sword. “I’ll kill you with my sword. Then I’ll let this triangle below me to teleport the Chosen One to Azores.”

I wept. Tori saw me. She started singing.

The flames on Castile’s sword went out.

The trees were shaking and the wind was very strong. I was so sure, Tori’s the one behind this.

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Chapter 3Instead of bringing me with her, Castile ended up bringing herself alone. Nihra knelt down and cried. “I’m so weak. I’m nothing but an irresponsible guardian.”

Tori cheered her up. “I did normal. I want to protect you from her. We’re friends, that’s normal. But that doesn’t mean you’re weak.”

As I watched them confronting each other, I told myself that I’ll do my best in every ways possible.

Tori told me, “Go and give that wristwatch to Guelli. She’s in Wrangel Port.”

Oh yeah, I remembered. When I wrote something about Wrangel Port, I was so emo. So Guelli, the guardian there, was made as a serious person… Tsk…

I rode the ship going to Wrangel Port. People here were looking at me because of my earrings. Aww, I hate this awful feeling of being watched…

An hour later, we arrived at the port. Just as I thought, this is a lonely place.

I looked around to see Guelli the Guardian. But she was nowhere to be found. I was puzzled. I know no one here, and I’m all alone.

Then I went on seashore. I saw a woman, staring at the sea, alone like me, too. I approached her. “Excuse me, do you know Guelli?”

The woman stared at me for a while.

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Chapter 3“I am Guelli. Quit joking around.” then she stared at the sea.

I apologized, but it seems like she’s ignoring me. So I just gave her the wristwatch that Tori gave me.

Her eyes widened. “I’ve been looking for this!” she wore the wristwatch and thanked me. She asked me if she can help in any means.

I nodded and told her to help me find my pink laptop.

She looked at the sea again. Then said, “It’s very dangerous. Do you think you can handle it?”

I was nervous, but I nodded.

Okay then. You have two options to find the laptop. The longcut and the shortcut. If you choose that longcut, you have to start from Arcticany, find Icyrine the Guardian and ask for an icy flute. Then go to Mayotte Pond and look for Maiku the Guardian. Give the icy flute to her and then she will give you powers. Once you’re given powers, go to Azores and kill the Prince, then the laptop will appear.”

“What’s the shortcut?”

Guelli sighed, it’s as if she’ll regret if she tells me. “The shortcut is… go to Azores directly and marry the prince, and he’ll give you all you want to have.”

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Chapter 3“Like hell I would!” I yelled. “It’s better to take the longcut than to marry someone I don’t know!”

“Okay, then.” Guelli stood up. “Good luck on your journey. I still have some matters to do regarding this wristwatch.”

I nodded as I see her walking away. But then I realized. Where’s Arcticany?!!!

I went back to the port and see a ship ready to go. I asked the boy where the ship would go. He told me it’ll go to the West. I don’t know what’s in the west, but I just went in. and again, as expected, everyone looks at me because of these earrings of mine.

And tada!! After the long journey to the West, we finally arrived. To my surprise, it was a desert. Wow. What a place. I turned around, and saw the people going somewhere and started to wear their scarfs. I thought that they’re crazy, because, haler, it’s a desert… but when I followed them onto a cave…

We passed out from a cave, then yeah!! It’s Arcticany! The place I’ve been looking for! I started to get hungry. I wonder what I can eat here. Ice cream? Ice rice? Or Ice barbecue. Nah! These weird ideas of mine were the effects of hunger.

I walked down the road, without realizing I’m into the “frozen bones mode” again…

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Chapter 4I woke up to a small, but warm place. A girl asked my name and I told mine. Then I asked hers.

“I’m Icylerie.” She said. “I found you a while ago, you were chilling, then you collapsed.”

I was surprised when she said that. How can she bring me here? She’s small, probably a kid in every angle.

“I’m back.” someone’s voice said.

Icylerie looked very delighted. “Ah, twinsister, you’re back. Someone here needs help.”

I saw this cute twinsister of Icylerie, and told me that her name is Icyrine.

She’s the one I’ve been looking for! I want to tell her that I’m looking for the icy flute, but no words came out from my mouth. I felt really weak.

“Maybe you’re from a far away place.” Icyrine said. “I can sense that you’re not used to cold, chilly conditions.”

I nodded, but yet, no words came out when I tried to speak.

She placed her hand on my forehead and healed my “frozen bone mode”. But as she placed her hand at her back, she noticed my earring. “Ah! The Chosen One! You’re the Chosen One who can change this world!”

The twinsisters bowed down before me. I tried to stop them but they insisted.

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Chapter 4Suddenly, an explosion started again outside. I peeked, and saw Castile, shouting, “Chosen One, come out, come out, wherever you are!”

The people shouted, “She’s going to destroy the whole town!!! Icyrine!!!”

Icyrine stood up, brought out her icy wings and told us, “Stay here and watch me protect the city. Whatever happens, don’t go out.” then she went outside.

Watching the events flow, we sat down beside the window. Outside was Castile forming that weird triangle again, and bringing out the flaming sword.

Icyrine’s halo appeared. “I’ll freeze you to death…”

Castile wasn’t afraid. She just grinned.

They fought each other and it was so long… I was becoming sleepy but I tried not to sleep. I don’t want to wake up in Azores, though… and I was thinking that the Prince might be a weird beast, with large fangs, drooling, and a big nose. Yuck! What the heck am I thinking?!

Anyways… I slept. When I woke up, Icylerie wasn’t there anymore. I peeked outside. She was there, fiercely fighting, teaming up with Icyrine. I watched them clearly. Now I know how Icylerie carried me in this place. She had extreme powers, just like her twinsister.

The fight ended.

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Chapter 4The fight ended, but the damages were a lot. Castile managed to get away, again, by her weird triangle spell, all by herself.

I asked Icyrine about the icy flute. She automatically gave it to me.

The twinsisters bade goodbye to me.

Before I left, I glanced at Arcticany. When I went here, it’s so pleasant to see. But because of me, the beauty of the place is ruined. I have to stop the violence in this world… I don’t want innocent people to be dragged into danger. I’ve decided to bring this world peace and order that everyone wanted. I, the Chosen One, will do every single thing, not only to find my lost laptop, but also to change this world.

I walked North to Mayotte.

While I was walking, I felt rain was falling.

Oh shoot, I forgot my umbrella… but I wasn’t afraid to get wet or become sick. What I was afraid of, is to have that “frozen bone” feeling again. My weakness had always been coldness.

Rain poured heavily. What should I do? There’s not a single house here. I’m in pure grassland. No trees.

But then I felt dizzy. And then collapsed.

I woke up to an unknown place. I looked around but everything was still blurry. So I just closed my eyes.

I heard a man’s voice. (finally! A guy! Hahaha. :D)

His voice was a little low, and… a little cold… He had this masculine aura…

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Chapter 5I opened my eyes and rubbed. Everything’s clear now. I’m right, he’s a guy. He’s so handsome to some sense that I can’t breathe well…

“Are you alright?” the guy with cute cat ears asked me. “You were lying unconscious a while ago…”

I told him that I’m fine. Then he served me food.

“Where are you supposed to go, in case you didn’t collapsed?” he asked. “I’ll bring you there after you recover.”

“I’m going to Mayotte pond.” I replied.

It’s like he stopped smiling for a while when he heard the word ‘Mayotte’… So I asked him what’s wrong. He ignored the question, so I just stopped hesitating.

Midnight came. I turned back and saw his handsome face…

He suddenly opened his eyes and caught me looking at him. “What’s wrong? Do you need something?”

I don’t know what to say, so I thought of random things. “I wonder what your name is?”

To my surprise, he told me. “I don’t have a name. Please give me one.”

I felt pity. Who would leave him like this? Where are his parents? He’s so handsome, but he’s got no name.

“I know…” I said cheerfully. “You’ll be called Rough, from now on.” I smiled at him. He seemed so delighted.

And so, morning came…

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Chapter 5We walked through the muddy path near pond. “This is Mayotte.” he said. “Sorry, but I have to leave.” So he ran away.

My mind was still rolling and rolling, thinking why he doesn’t want to be in this place. It’s a nice place, dragonflies come flying around. Quiet. Peaceful. But where can I find Maiku? I already have here the icy flute. I turned around at every angle. Still no trace of other people.

I moved to a less muddy place, and I found a big rock I can sit down to.

So I sat down and stared at the pond waters. At first I thought it’s my imagination that I’ve been hearing weird sounds.

Someone is playing a flute. Could it be Maiku? I turned my head, but no one’s there. Where could that sound come from?

I felt thirsty and hungry. Looking at the water, it looks very clean to me. I drank…one,two… and then pushed my head towards the water so I can see if there are fishes that I could cook.

Surprisingly, I saw no fish. It was a lady, playing a flute. Underwater!

As I was peeking underwater, a mosquito bit me. So I suddenly got off balance.

I fell into the water. I got a closer look at the lady playing the flute. It’s Maiku, I can’t be wrong.

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Chapter 5I want to tell her that I have the icy flute. But I can’t! I forgot I’m underwater. But how can I call her?

I grasped for air for a minute or two, then went back down. I’m still holding the icy flute. Something snapped out of my mind. If she can play the flute underwater, I might do that, too.

So I played the flute, the one that I’ve been playing since elementary, entitled, “Canon in D - Linda Gentille Version”.

Maiku heard it, and I saw, her face was very fascinated. She listened very well. Unfortunately, because of lack of oxygen, I have to grasp for air again. She followed me up.

“Nice flute,” Maiku said. “may I see that please?”

I gave the flute to her. She was about to use it, but she saw my earrings.

“Chosen One!” she exclaimed. “Everyone, the chosen one is here.”

I was confused. Who is she calling? ‘Everyone’ she said. But where are they?

Slowly, small, glowing, spirit-like balls came floating around us. I asked her who they were.

“Ah, they are the good spirits that take care of this place, Mayotte. They came from every little thing, trees, shrubs, tadpoles or even people who die at this place.”

Creepy. But I felt pity for them.

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Chapter 6I told her the real reason why I came. I told her that I will give her the icy flute, but she will give me powers.Maiku was stunned, and she frowned a little. “If I give you powers, Mayotte will vanish together with the spirits.”I was shocked. “Sorry, I don’t know. But can you please teach me how can I get powers without sacrificing Mayotte?”She thought for a while, and even asked the spirits. “The other only way to have powers… is to find the Solar Spear.”There is a Solar Spear after all!“The Spirits sensed the aura of the Solar Spear bearer. He will give you instructions. First, gain his trust. But be careful…”

I bade goodbye after we ate together. Goodbye Mayotte. I’ll also change your place where everyone can enjoy the dragonflies…

I went Eastward and saw that the place was familiar. I was back at Pink Valley!!!

How did I get here? I thought.

I looked around, nothing changed. I think I’ve been away for weeks.

I proceeded to the palace and looked for Queen Miyaki. Instead of seeing her on the throne, I was a blond guy. (yes~! Another guy! :D)

I asked him where Queen Miyaki was.

The blonde guy saw my Lunar Spear and his face looked very mad. I wonder…what’s his problem?

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Chapter 6He approached me, and he said, “Who gave you that?”I answered back. “Queen Miyaki gave me this. But that was very long ago.”This guy introduced himself as King Silencer.I was thinking if he’s the husband of Queen Miyaki… but where is she?He grabbed my Lunar Spear and instead, he gave his spear, the Solar Spear. Now I know that he’s the one I’ve been looking for. I directly asked, “How can I have powers? I want to defeat the Prince of Azores…”Silencer looked at me from head to toe. He even noticed my earrings. “Ah. Chosen One… so, you’re the one in the rumors.”

It may be because of my traveling, and my earrings have been exposed. “Where’s Queen Miyaki? I want to greet her…”

His face suddenly got serious. He pointed at a hallway. I went there, and it’s leading to a large door. I opened the door, and I saw Queen Miyaki crying.

I confronted her, and even asked her what’s wrong.

“I knew this would come… Silencer will definitely won’t let me see the Cherry Blossoms bloom again. He always lock me into this room… I missed everyone!”

She cried… I felt pity again. I asked myself, why is this world full of pitiful people?! Miyaki may be a queen, but still she’s not getting what she wants.

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Chapter 6Silencer suddenly broke in. With glaring eyes, he pulled Miyaki and said, “Don’t get into my plans…”I stood up and shouted at Silencer. “Don’t hurt her… if you don’t love her, just set her free, away from here, so that she may do what can make her happy.”Silencer’s face became gloomy. Oh, shoot! What did I say?!!! Now I’ll never know how to get powers… I sighed, then said sorry. But it was too late.“Chosen One,” he called. “Later, Castile will get you from here. Don’t waste your energy just to have powers if your purpose is to defeat the Prince of Azores. Just marry him. You won’t regret.”Argh! Are you nuts?! If I marry him, I may have my pink laptop, this world will have peace, but I won’t be able to go back to my own world again!

I sighed again, thinking that Castile will be here in any minute.But it’s weird. Castile didn’t come. It was another citizen from Azores, I suppose.She looked like Nihra, but their difference is, this one has cute angel wings.As she approached me, I noticed her being elegant and beautiful. Seems like she came from a decent race. Then I saw her standing in front of me. She smiled and introduced herself. She’s Auzilla, the guardian of Azores. I can’t believe it! She seemed to be a very nice person. But because of the negative things about Azores, I have a little doubt about her being so nice.I bid goodbye –again- to everyone in the palace. I took my Solar Spear, and then we teleported to Azores.

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Chapter 7When we arrived to Azores, everyone shouted excitedly. Somehow I thought that they’re weird. They saw me for the first time. Am I really that famous?As Auzilla and I were walking, she asked me, “Did you see the guardian at Niamey Forest? How was her?”I was confused, but I just replied, ”she’s very fine. She’s so cool. Why’d you ask?”“She’s my younger sister.” I was surprised a bit. So that’s why they look alike!She added, “She’s supposed to be the guardian here. But her training was so hard that she ran away. She hates pressure the most. Since I can stand out in the pressure, I was appointed as guardian.”

I took my turn in saying my purpose of being here in their world. “I’m here to bring back my missing pink laptop. And they said, in order to fulfill that, I must defeat the Prince of Azores.”

She laughed a little. I thought that maybe she’s thinking that it’s really impossible to defeat their Prince.

“Hey.” I called. “What does the Prince look like?”

Auzilla just smiled and said, “You’ll be surprised later.”

I wonder what he looks like?

We entered the dining hall. There were two chairs in front, for the queen and king. Wait a minute?! If I were to be married to their prince, I’ll become their queen, right? So that means… we’ll be seating right next to each other while eating!

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Chapter 7As expected, I was brought to my chair. I was shy… I sighed. I wish the prince will not look so piggy and grumpy.The trumpets started to signal. The prince is here!I closed my eyes and became nervous of his appearance.“Hi.” he said in a calm voice.Hey! What a familiar voice! Just like the guy last time… what’s his name… ah! I gave his name, that’s Rough.I opened my eyes, and it’s really him. It’s Rough! So, that’s why he don’t want to go to Mayotte. Maiku will recognize him!He sat beside me and said, “Sorry I lied to you… but from that day when you gave me my name, I became happy like never before.”I thought that… this is very ridiculous. I thought the prince of Azores was evil? Oww… and I never thought he’d be this handsome…

He placed his arms around me. “if you’ll marry me, I’ll give you everything you want, and I’ll do everything to make you happy. What’s you decision?”I was very, very confused. I thought at first that it would be easy to say ‘no’… but in this actual time, my heart kept pounding for ‘yes’…“Give me time to think of it…” I said calmly. “Please…”I gave him a sweet smile. Then he nodded. “Sure, Chosen One… But please stay here until you make your final decision. Now, let’s eat.”The violins played a song. But in my mind, it’s driving me crazy. How can I escape this one? I don’t want to make a decision. All I want is my pink laptop and then go home.

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Chapter 7After we ate, we went to his room. It was so big! It was as big as my whole house!He called the maid and said, “Bring her sleeping dress.”And when the maid came back, she brought my sleeping dress. What the heck? It’s made of shiny silk. I refused to wear it but Rough insisted.I wore the dress. It was really comfortable, but what’s not comfortable was… We have to stay together in one bed. No way!Somewhere in the palace, there was a small room. There stood Chio. Like Rough, he also has cute ears.Chio is Rough’s older brother. But why is he staying in the small room? I was curious, so when Rough and I were both lying on bed, I asked him about that.

“ah… I’ll tell you the truth… He’s actually the one behind all the wickedness. I’m only a puppet prince. He’s the real one, but he doesn’t like people so he locks himself in that small room.” he said. “He even told me to marry the Chosen One, and that’s you. According to him, you’re the only one who has the extreme power.”

“I don’t have any power.” I told Rough. “Auzilla brought me here before I asked Silencer how to get powers.”

“Then what are you doing in this world?”

“I don’t know how, but I think I was teleported here. Now I must find my pink laptop and then go home… And don’t worry, I’ll edit the ending of this story…”

His face looked like he’s surprised.

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Chapter 8“So that’s why…” he whispered. “Hey Nashee. Listen to me. Did you have the wristwatch?”

I thought deeply, and then said, “No. I gave it to Guelli.”

He snapped. “Now we can go back to your world…”


“I’ll come with you…”

“Huh… What about my pink laptop?”

“Marry me first, I’ll grant your wish, then we’ll get out of here.”

“It’s alright?”

”Yeah. Besides, I don’t want to let my brother manipulate me anymore.”

I was delighted. So I nodded. I agreed to our deal.

After 3 days of the wedding preparation, the wedding day came. Rough and I already planned for the ‘honeymoon’ escape. xD

After the wedding, we went to greet the people. I was silent, I can’t believe that I’m not single anymore. Very silly, I thought. Hahaha…

After some time, we sat on our throne. He Rough asked for my wish. “I want my pink laptop back.” in an instance, the pink laptop came from up above. I cried for joy. At last! I got it back.

Honeymoon came. Chio went for the first time to our room. He said, “Congratulations. Enjoy the night.” then he went out and shut the door.

“Let’s go.” he said. “…to Wrangel Port.”

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Chapter 8Escape wasn’t easy. The guards were everywhere to be seen.

Suddenly, something was up in the sky. It was the Winged Sisters, or should I say, Auzilla and Nihra.

“I asked Auzilla for help.” Rough said. “Then she went to Niamey, too.”

I became full of happiness. The sisters were in each other’s company again after many years.

So they landed on our window. I rode on Nihra because she has larger wings. But wait, how can Rough ride on Auzilla?

“Transform.” Rough said to himself. In a sec, he became a kitten. Both of them weren’t surprised, I was the only one who’s shocked. He’s so cool!

We flew up high. From up above, I saw the whole land of Azores. It’s kind of creepy, but I can say that Azores is like that of a virtual 3-D computer game.

We successfully escaped from Azores. We stayed in Niamey for a while, and everyone that’s on our way were bowing down to us.

“Go to the seashore now.” Tori said. “The last ship to Wrangel will leave in an hour.”

Rough and I ran to the seashore. But...

“Sorry, the ship is full.” the guy said.

Rough transformed into his real appearance. “Full already?”

The guy suddenly bowed. “Your highness! Get aboard.”

We entered the ship.

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Chapter 8Everyone from the ship bowed down to us. I just kept on hiding behind Rough’s back. I want to go home!!! It’s very uneasy living like this.We arrived at Wrangel Port. When we’re about to go down, we saw Azores soldiers and Castile.“Your Highness! Honeymoon is over. Go back to Azores!” Castile exclaimed.Everyone mutters, as if we’re being talked about. Darn Castile! Why does she have to broadcast about our honeymoon?!Guelli saw them. “Why are the Azores people here? What do you need?”“We’ll just pick up the King and Queen.” she said. “They picked this place as their honeymoon venue.”Guelli got mad. “Are you joking? Who’ll gonna think of that? This place is a total wreck. Now get lost. They’re not here!!!”

Rough and I hid behind an old house while watching them.“Or if you’re telling the truth, they probably went home.” Guelli added.Castile finally made up her mind. “Okay, we’ll leave. But tell me if you see them.”So the Azores troop left. Rough and I went inside the old house. In there, we saw a very large machine.“Who’s there?” Guelli asked as she walked. “Oh. It’s the royal couple.”“Hi Guelli! What’s this for?” I asked.Guelli cleared her throat. “That’s a teleporting machine. I used the magic wristwatch’s power. But there’s a missing key. It must be some kind of spear.”Then she turned to me and said, “Hey, that’s not the spear you brought before, right? May I see it?”

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Chapter!I gave the spear to Guelli. She suddenly jumped for joy. “This is the Solar Spear! It’s the key to this machine!”

Rough and I exchanged looks.

Rough spoke, “Can we go back to Nashee’s world using that machine?”

Guelli nodded. “Let’s try it.”

We went inside the machine.

“Get ready! In 5-4-3-2-1….”

I hugged Rough as the machine wobbles.

I hope everything would be fine. If we get home successfully, I’ll be able to continue the story and the evil people will be defeated. This world will be peaceful, it will have harmony. I will turn this world into something beyond imagination. This world will be a better place to live in.

A blinding flash occurred.The next thing we saw was the inside of a classroom. I’m back to where I started!But now I can’t find Rough. I searched everywhere, until I heard a kitten. I carried it in my arms.It was Rough’s true identity, after all. And I’m back to my real age, too. The earrings were gone.I opened the pink laptop and looked at the story file. I edited, edited and edited. I learned many lessons from my own story. In Pink Valley, I learned that happiness is more important that riches. In Niamey, I learned that I must do my very best every single moment. In Wrangel, I learned that life is full of challenges. In Articany, I learned that love for your homeland is important. In Mayotte, I learned the importance of companions, and in Azores, I learned that destiny will allow your wish to be granted if it’s really meant for you.

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To be able to live a happy and peaceful life, everyone should be willing to help.

Sacrificing one’s happiness for other’s sake is a bit weird, but remember that others might do the same to you, too.

Everything has to be a reason, and everyone has a role in your life.

If it’s not meant for you, then it’s not. If it’s meant for you but you don’t want it, you have no other choice but to accept it.

I continued the story, and here’s the ending.The 6 guardians of the 6 kingdoms joined forces to defeat Chio and his companions.They succeeded in defeating him. Chio was then sent to Mayotte where the spirits guarded him.Castile changed for the better, and she became a great heroine.No one ruled their world for his own benefit. Everyone rules their selves.And as for me, the writer, I took care of Rough. I treated him very special, for he’s the one who helped me to bring back my beloved pink laptop that brought the other world to democracy.


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I, Nashee_1750, would like to thank you for reading this one. I really appreciate the time you spent in reading this. Making this story not only requires time and effort, but it also requires good mood, proper inspiration and wide imagination.Without readers, I wont do this. So thanks for being one. :D


For your messages, send me an e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected] …You can also add comments on friendster. …

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God bless! :D

