Page 1: 3B MAN, 84, JAILED HIERARCHY OF THE MARRRYING 19/Albany NY Knickerbocker News/Alb… · his fourth wife with a butcher knife. "He hasn't talked much

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14-B fHE KNICKERBOCWER NEWS. rfllDAT. l̂ fBRUAKt 23, rf40 iiHiiiiiimn mi — — — i

folephona Wart Adt — Dial 4-7111 = 3B


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Husband Turns Up After Long Disappearance

Following Killing HysttsvMc, Md.—(AP)—Joseph

De Perini. 84, sat in a cramped cell today talking to himself and watt­ing for a magistrate^ hearing at which he will be accused of killing his fourth wife with a butcher knife.

"He hasn't talked much to us," said Policeman G. W. Gray, "but be talks a lot to himself."

A lot has happened to the aged man since Tuesday afternoon, when his neighbors heard a terrific din in the apartment where he lived with his wife. Alice, nearly 40 years younger than he.

After the screaming and pound­ing atopped, a door slammed. Thing* were quiet until Mrs. De-Perinl'a daughter, Ruth, 13. arrived home and let out a cry. She found her mother dead of stab wounds. De Perini was missing.

Yesterday police were sure he had thrown himself into the Potomac River or some creek. But shortly before noon an old man walked Into the county police station here. He spoke to Desk Clerk H. S. Gas­man and an officer.

T m a desperado and s mur­derer," they said the old man told them, 'and I want to give myself UP." >•


Secretly Had $150,000 Policy on Life

New York — <AP> — The district attorney's office sought today an explanation of how a $160,000 in­surance policy' was obtained on the Jife of art dealer Mii.on B. Logan— without his knowledge—by his busi­ness associate, who killed himself a few hours after Logan Was bru­tally beaten Monday night* . ^

Logan, who appeared to be re­covering from the attack, told- in veatigators fro mhls hosiptal bed he knew "nothing whatsoever" of the two policies placed with Lloyd's of London by John T. Geery, his for­mer partner in the American Art Association-Anderson Galleries, Inc.

Both Geery and Logan were un­der Indictment for withholding money from patrons of the galler­ies. '

A few hours after the assault upon his associate, Geery sent a

t&4i4fc$V&lj£& hi* brain. *&*r3»^«Mfe. s • - L o i p f i i r ' ' '•"•*,> • %eoned during""an tirWiibW^tW^f^^^ on which he was accompanied by Geery and a third person declared fey police to be John Poggi, a chunky newsstand operator.

The policies, for which Getry paid $4.91536 lh premiums. were to "indemnify the insured for any lass fie may suffer through the <*eath by any cause of Milton B. Logan." x \

According to Herbert Plaut, Gtery's attorney, tlie policies were taken out as a business precaution when he expected Logan to man­age the sale of $3aoofljQOO_-Of Chi­nese art treasures he hoped to ob­tain from Generalissimo Chiang Kf.i-shek through an intermediary identified as a former German U-boat officer.

The deal never was completed, but Geery continued the insurance on a montti-to-month basis even after the business went into bank­ruptcy last August. _"


June 30. 19S7


HELP OUTLINED PAUPER L A B E Dispossessed Families

Missouri to Receive Federal Aid

Relief Recipients of Three Years Would Be So

m» mi - i •••!• i - i •! • •• • . . . I I I - I I M . - M — . . . . i


Washington— «UP> —The Farm Trenton. N. J— (AP) —A rigid Security Administration announced relief"" regulatory program that today a five-point program, includ- \ w„uld pin the pauper label on male

MARRIED Curtin Winsor

Oct. 23.1937 .

MARRIED Ruth Googins July 22. 1933

MARRIED John Boettlger

Jan. IS, 1935

MARRIED Katherine Leas

D e c 15. 1938

Not romancing; to get children by agreement

Will he marry .. Romelle

Schneider?. .

ing collective farming, to aid share croppers "get a new start."

The program combines federal aid * and self-help to provide a house, garden and cow tor each of 2.000 dispossessed families in the ••Booth-Heel'' area of Southeastern Missouri. Several hundred homeless farmers staged a road-side demon­stration there last year.

The program will be put Into ef­fect immediately in seven Missouri counties and may be expanded to other areas later.

Major provisions of the plan are: _1. Rapid expansion of the stand­

ard rehabilitation program in the area.

2. Loans for the construction of homes to cost from $300 to $300 each. •

3. Loans for the purchase of cow and rent of garden land .for at-home" farming.

4. Establishment of small groups of labor homes on FSA-owned lans.

5. Loans for the establLshmeit of cooperative farming enterprises.

Farm security officials said loans and grants to 200 families have been approved and aid would be given about 300 additional families each week until all have been cared for.

A recent Missouri employment service survey showed that 925 "boot-heel" families who were given eviction notices in January have not found new locations.

A delegation cf Southeastern Missouri tenants and farm laborers came to Washington last month to plead for federaf~aid and threaten­ed to "stage a demonstration that would make last year's look like a Sunday School picnic" if they did not get it.


lantic County officials have an­nounced prisoners may be returned to .road gang work because of the cut in WPA funds.

ALABAMIANS ARE HEALTHIER Montgomery, Ato.—(UP)—Despite

an increase In population, there were 1.146 fewer deaths in Alaba­ma last year than in 1938. the State Health Department reports.

clients of 3-year duration was urged on the New Jersey Legislature to­day by the head of a committee it named to study the state's tangled problem of the needy. T The state constitution bars paupers from voting or holding public office.

Recommended also by Col. G. Barrett Glovei, director of the com­mittee's eight-month investigation cf relief, was abolishment of cash payments and limiting of public assistance to orders "for articles essential to the maintenance of health."

The orders would be redeemable only at licensed stores which wofild not be permitted to grant relief

live- clients: Tobacco In any form, soft drinks,

alcoholic beverages, candy, food for pets or livestock, motor fuel or* motor oil.

Under the GloVer suggestions (submitted to the Legislature by the committee "without comment") relief recipients^ could be required to work for gralfits.

The legislative chairman of the committee, Senator Homer Zink, a Republican, declared today, how­ever, members of the committee who saw the Glover report concur in its i-uggestions.

"Bills will 1>e prepared as soon after the Legislature receives the report a.s possible, to enact those recommendations which are deem­ed necessary to a more • adequate and efficient administration of re­lief in New Jersey," he added.

Wedding scenes are a familiar sight in the much marrying family of President Roosevelt.

m. Father

Franklin started the cycle with his St. Patrick's Day marriage to Eleanor in 19&S. His five children now have seven weddings, four in June, and two divorces on record, with one more break coming up.


FTC Orders Avoidance of Combine Against 12



(This is the fifth installment of the official model airplane con­test rules for 1940 asr adopted by the Academy of Model Aeronautics, Clip and paste in a $cmpbook for ready reference.) • -



La Pai, Bolivia—(AP)—Frartclsco Mamani, convicted of lynching a man who robbed him, must die be­cause he drew a black ball from the "anfora reos" (criminal vase).

Mamani and Julio Zegarra were convicted of killing Domingo Quispe, who- was reported to have robbed Mamani and set fire to Zegarras home.

Under Bolivian law when two per­sons are convicted of one murder they must draw lots to determine who dies' for the crime. The draw was held in court yesterday.

Soft Answer Boston — (AP) — A holdup man

ordered Isaac Smith to open the safe In his Hoxbury garage. 'Tm a stranger here buddy.." Smith said blandly, T m just waiting for a friend." Exit holdup man swiftly— a puzzled look on his face.

THEY'RE COSMETOLOGISTS Boston—(UP)—Hairdressers are

no longer hairdressers. They ate cosmetologists, according to a reso­lution adopted at a meeting of the Masachusetts State Hairdressers' Association. The new name comes from the Greek, meaning "well-ordered."

d&y it had issued "an order, based on a stipulation of the facts, against the Steel .Office Furniture Insti­tute, Cleveland, and 12 member companies to require them to avoid any combination to fix prices, dis-coints and conditions of sale.

The Institute was formed in June, !93.i, and disbanded in March, 1938, the FTC said, and during its ex­istence served as a> clearing hotfee for information. The commission aaded through this exchange the 'members fixed and maintained prices and in some instances main­tained resale prices.

The FTC said the respondent en­tered ip to a stipulation as to the fac's in January. Proceedings were dismissed against Columbia Steel Equipment dompany, Philadelphia, anc* TidewaterNpffice Equipment Dealers' Association* Norfolk, Va.

The commission saM. the 12 com­panies named in the order in ad­dition to the institute accounted for more than half of the IncJustry's production. r They included: "Art Metal'Construction Company,

J&mesfown; Corry - Jamestown Manufacturing Corporation. Corry. Fn.; Remington Rand Inc.. Buffalo; Victor Safe & Equipment Company, Inc., North Tonawanda,- and Yaw-nam and Erbe Manufacturing Com­pany, Rochester.

*Tn emputing average time in sec­onds, the second numeral to the right of " the decimal shall be dropped; results shall be carried to the nearest mathematical tenth.

A contestant also makes a delayed flight indoors when his model meets an obstruction that prevents further flight. Should a contestant not make one complete official flight in his nine possible chances, his best de­layed flight, or the average of his three Jjest; delayed, shall be recorded as his bggt tlme^-Actual flight time shall be^crecTttea for a flight which ends oy obstruction, no allowance being added for such mishap. In the power event, a flight of less than 40 seconds total elapsed time, or an en­gine run of over 20 seconds, is con­sidered a delayed flight.




209 Central Ave. New Location After March 1st

217 Central Ave. (4. Doors Above)

$ 120

COUGHERS Wh»suff.rT Do u mil­

lion* hsve din*! Vm PfrtuMin - » u(« «nd piMuiit fcerbal «ymp (or children arid grownup.. Proscribed by many phyaicUna For OT«T 30 ywtn. At .11 drufgitu. Or, (or WRES trial bottl*. writ*: Ptrttutin, D M * .

440 Waahington St., New York, N.Y.



Rochester—(AP)—The University of Rochester announced today re­ceipt of two $500 prize scholarships from Martin p. Tieman, Newark, N. J„ manufacturer.

Tienian specified preference in awarding them be given graduates of \he Lawrencevllle, N. J„ Pre­paratory School.



Vi Red Cross Plaster i% medicated. The warming, soothing, supporting action helps' to relieve backache and lumbago due to

^ muscular pain, muscle siiffnes*. wrenches, strains and simple chest * colds. Try it and you will learn why millions have used it for over

50 years. Easy to apply. Economical. Look for the name Johnson's and the Red Cross on every plaster you buy. Accept no substitute*. Made by Johnson 4 Johnson, the world's largest makers of surgical

, For sale at drug stores.

RECORDS—No record is official un t i l it has been accepted by t h e Content Board of the N a - Roses have bee

tional Aeronaut ics Associat ion. Only .durat ion records for! Esyptian tombs, flying models****©-officially recognized . All records ,4®=*^

"" fte" .ftJfer©f3^^£!!^ or- ^nder -speeiiafedij«»^mi of : :the Contest Board of the NAA. jtime of the W e e longest of nine

Application for recognition of na- official flight tional records must be made on offi­cial application forms by the NAA-appointed contest director. The board shall be the final judge in the interpretation of all-rules. -

WHO MAY COMPETE — Con­testants in any official contest for establishing records or for NAA trophies must be members of the model division of the NAA. (Note— This ruling does not apply to con­tests conducted by the National Aero Reserve, which are are not held for the express purpose of establishing NAA records, .but merely for the sake of local competition.) Contest­ants younger than 16 years are classed as juniors. Those over 16 but under 21 years are classed as seniors. Contestants over 21 are eligible for competition in the open class. There are separate categories of records for each group, the records being classes as junior, senior and open, accord­ing to the contestant's age when the record was made.

OFFICIALS—All sanctioned con­tests, meets or record trials shall be conducted by an officially ap­pointed NAA-contest director who may"name as many assistants as are necessary.

DE3IGft,OF MODELS— There are no restriction^ on the design of the models except that they shall meet the specificationsN^amed in the defi­nitions and classifications. However, the models must be seKdesigned that they drop no parts in flight, or dur­ing takeoff. x

NUMBER OF MODELSVEach contestant will be allowed a maxi­mum of three models in each event. and he mawise any or all to com-* pletb his flights;. ' '

NUMBER OF FLIGHTS—Except in the case of gliders, earh contest­ant will be allowed a total of three official flights. A flight Ls a Start that lasts 20 seconds or lonser in an outdoor (Contest, with the excep- j rion of gas models. For indoor mod­els a flight is a start that lasts 60 seconds or longer Any flight less ihiip. that or failure to fly promptly when called shall be judged a de­layed flight. Pushing or guiding a model shall also constitute a de­layed flight, except in the case of gas modelsjvhen ROO rule has been waived. Three successive delayed flights shall be considered as dis­placing one official flight. In deter­mining what constitutes an official ftV.u or a delayed one, the official time will count and a model must remain in flight without being touched after It is officially released. unless;a is apparent that it is out of control or about to strike the ground. If not declared to the tim­ers at the time of the collision, such a flight is to be judged as are official flight. Such subsequent official flights fail to surpass the duration of a delayed flight that has been de­clared, the contestant shall be en­titled to reinstatement of the de­layed flight as official. Scoring time for Indoor models- shall be the long-e t of three official flights, except m the case of indoor gliders, where s-oring time shall be the longest of nine official flights. Scoring time for outdoor models shall be the average elapsed ume of three official flights; except in the ca*e of outdoor hand-launched gliders, where scoring ume shall be the average elapsed

found some



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