Download ppt - 2014 Training Day

  • 2014 Training Day

  • FERPA and STUDENTRECORD KEEPING ConfidentialityRecords accessible to parents and students at age 18Directory Information is designated yearly (Code of Conduct)Must annually give parents notice of the opportunity to prevent release of some or all directory information about their child

  • Duty to ReportRequired by lawCertain student misconductSuch as possession of a controlled substance Felony offenses Suspected child abuseMake report promptly to local agency and to supervisorFor more information refer to Local Board Policy and LC Employee Handbook

  • Ethics- EPSBKRS 161.028 requires that the Education Professional Standards Board develop a professional code of ethics. The Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky Certified School Personnel, codified in 16 KAR 1:020, establishes the ethical standards for Kentucky certified school personnel and establishes that violation of the code may be grounds for revocation or suspension of Kentucky teacher/administrator certification.

    Certified School Personnel in the Commonwealth:1. Shall strive toward excellence, recognize the importance of the pursuit of truth, nurture democratic citizenship, and safeguard the freedom to learn and to teach.2. Shall believe in the worth and dignity of each human being and in educational opportunities for all.3. Shall strive to uphold the responsibilities of the education profession, including the following obligations to students, to parents, and to the education profession.

  • EPSB- (cont.)To Students1. Shall provide students with professional education services in a nondiscriminatory manner and in consonance with accepted best practice known to the educator.2. Shall respect the constitutional rights of all students.3. Shall take reasonable measures to protect the health, safety, and emotional well-being of students.4. Shall not use professional relationships or authority with students for personal advantage.5. Shall keep in confidence information about students which has been obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.

  • EPSB- (cont.)6. Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about students or colleagues.7. Shall refrain from subjecting students to embarrassment or disparagement.8. Shall not engage in any sexually related behavior with a student with or without consent, but shall maintain a professional approach with students. Sexually related behavior shall include such behaviors as sexual jokes; sexual remarks; sexual kidding or teasing; sexual innuendo; pressure for dates or sexual favors; inappropriate physical touching, kissing, or grabbing; rape; threats of physical harm; and sexual assault.

  • EPSB- (cont.)To Parents1. Shall make reasonable effort to communicate to parents information which should be revealed in the interest of the student.2. Shall endeavor to understand community cultures and diverse home environments of students.3. Shall not knowingly distort or misrepresent facts concerning educational issues.4. Shall distinguish between personal views and the views of the employing educational agency.5. Shall not interfere in the exercise of political and citizenship rights and responsibilities of others.6. Shall not use institutional privileges for private gain, for the promotion of political candidates, or for partisan political activities.7. Shall not accept gratuities, gifts, or favors that might impair or appear to impair professional judgment, and shall not offer any of these to obtain special advantage.

  • EPSB- (cont.)To the Education Profession1. Shall exemplify behaviors which maintain the dignity and integrity of the profession.2. Shall accord just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession in the exercise of their professional rights and responsibilities.3. Shall keep in confidence information acquired about colleagues in the course of employment, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.4. Shall not use coercive means or give special treatment in order to influence professional decisions.5. Shall apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position or responsibility only on the basis of professional preparation and legal qualifications.6. Shall not knowingly falsify or misrepresent records of facts relating to the educators own qualifications or those of other professionals.

  • ConfidentialityBasic rule of thumb- school business as it relates to students (or staff) of a personal nature should only be discussed in a very confidential manner with other staff members on a need to know basis.School staff members need to refrain from discussing confidential topics away from school.Parents expect our staff to act in a professional manner with their childs private information. This is expectation is reinforced by laws, regulations, and policies.

  • Title IX; Harassment, DiscriminationYour District Title IX Coordinator is Darryl Chittenden. You may contact the Board of Education Office at any time for more information. Harassment/Discrimination is covered under board policy 03.162/03.262 (staff) and 09.428811 (students).Employees who believe they or any other employee, student, or visitor is being or has been subjected to harassment/discrimination shall, as soon as reasonably practical, report it.

  • Title IX; Harassment, Discrimination (CONT.)Harassment/Discrimination of employees is unlawful behavior based on the race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, genetic information or disability of an employee involving intimidation by threats of or actual physical violence; the creation, by whatever means, of a climate of hostility or intimidation, or the use of language, conduct, or symbols in such manner as to be commonly understood to convey hatred, or prejudice.

  • Title IX; Harassment, Discrimination (CONT.)Employees who believe prohibited behavior is occurring or has occurred shall notify the victims principal or supervisor who shall immediately forward the information to the superintendent.When a complaint is received that does not appear to be covered by this policy, administrators shall review other policies that may govern the allegations, including but not limited to, 03.113, 03.1325. 09.426, and/or 09.422.

  • BullyingSTUDENTS09.422Bullying/HazingACTIONS NOT TOLERATEDHazing, bullying, menacing, or abuse of students or staff members will not be tolerated.1 Any student or employee who engages in an act that injures, degrades, or disgraces another student or staff member, disrupts the educational process, or interferes with a students opportunity to obtain an education shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.These provisions shall not be interpreted to prohibit civil exchange of opinions or debate protected under the state or federal constitutions where the opinion expressed does not otherwise materially or substantially disrupt the education process or intrude upon the rights of others.Students who violate this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.This policy extends to any/all student language or behavior including, but not limited to, the use of electronic or online methods.BULLYING DEFINEDBullying refers to any intentional act by a student or groups of students directed against another student to ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate the other student while on school grounds, or at a school sponsored activity, which acts are repeated against the same student over time.

  • Bullying (cont.)REPORTSAs provided in the District Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline, students that believe they are victims of bullying/hazing shall be provided with a process to enable them to report such incidents to District personnel for appropriate action.Employees are expected to take reasonable and prudent action in situations involving student welfare and safety, including following District policy requirements for intervening and reporting to the Principal or to their immediate supervisor those situations that threaten, harass, or endanger the safety of students, other staff members, or visitors to the school or District. Such instances shall include, but are not limited to, bullying or hazing of students and harassment/discrimination of staff, students or visitors by any party.Students who believe they have been a victim of bullying or who have observed other students being bullied shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, report it.The District Code shall specify to whom reports of alleged instances of bullying or hazing shall be made. In serious instances of peer-to-peer bullying/hazing/harassment, employees must report to the alleged victims Principal, as directed by Board policy 09.42811. The Principal/designee shall investigate and address alleged incidents of such misbehavior.In certain cases, employees must do the following:Report bullying and hazing to appropriate law enforcement authorities as required by policy 09.2211; andInvestigate and complete documentation as required by policy 09.42811 covering federally protected areas.

  • KSBA Policy ChangesPolicies are reviewed annually and revisions are made at the recommendation of KSBA in response to legal changes or at the request of the local board of education.Our policy manual is found on our websiteA summary of policy/procedure updates that were adopted for 2014-2015 will be e-mailed to staff. The 2014-2015 LC Employee Handbook is on our website. Your principal/supervisor will be collecting sign-off sheets that the handbook has been made available to you.

    access to outside parties only with parental consent.Records may be challenged by parents if they believe records are misleading, inaccurate, or a violation of their childs privacy rights.

    *Misconduct and offenses shall be reported to local sheriffs office, KY State Police or County Attorney.Child abuse shall be reported to local sheriffs office, KY State Police, Cabinet for Families and Children or County AttorneyIntentionally not reporting is a Misdemeanor

