Page 1: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

18 September 2014 36

Burgersfort:013 231 7758/013 231 8008Lydenburg:

Pioneer Butchery Lange Street c.1920 - 21

Bo, die drukkers van die ou Lydenburg Nuus en onder die kabelkarretjie oor die Lydenburg


THERE are many explanations for how the name Mashishing came into being. Below are some explanations which I believe may hold some truth. According to historic accounts the original community (BaPedi) resided at Boomplaats. After the land was sold to private people the original residents moved away and settled at the banks of the Marambane River. The name Marambane was derived from the word mahambane meaning to walk. This word was used to descr ibe the go ld p r o s p e c t o r s ( 1 8 7 1 ) , Abomahambane, who scoured the hills and valleys around Lydenburg in search of gold. It was here that Mashishing was established. At first it was agreed that the area be named Marangrang (after a Pedi chief and businessman) but it was l a t e r d e c i d e d t o n a m e i t Mashishing, after the tall grass of the area. This reference to grass was also made in another probable explanation for the origin of Mashishing. Major of Thaba Chweu, Mr Michael Ncongwane, who is also an enthusiastic historian, explained that the BaPedi settled here with their cattle mainly because this area had excellent grazing for cattle. Therefore the place was referred to as Leshishi – good grass or grazing. Leshishi became Mashishing. The latter, I believe, explains why reference is made to grass in both cases, you decide which is more probable! - By JP Celliers, Curater Lydenburg Museum.

Die Jubileum Uitgawe van Lydenburg Nuus op 22 Junie 1962, vier ook die 75ste bestaansjaar van die koerant. Teen daardie tyd was dit dan ook die oudste Plattelandse nuusblad en drukpers in die Transvaal. Aldus die berig in die uitgawe word die herkoms van die drukpers wat gebruik is om die koerant te druk weergegee: “Tydens die goud “boom” te Pelgrimsrust in 1872, is 'n drukpers aldaar opgerig en is “The Goldfiels Mercury” uitgegee. Twee jaar later, in 1874, is publikasie van laasgenoemde blad gestaak”. Na hierdie gebeurtenis vervolg die berig met: “ 'n Ryk Lydenburgse handelaar, by name John H. Parker, het die toerusting gaan koop en dit die 37 myl vanaf Pelgrimsrus per ossewa laat vervoer en dit opgerig op die perseel waar Kruger se Slagtery tans gehuisves is. Een van hierdie “masjiene”, 'n proefpers met die datum 1872 daarop gegraveer, is vandag nog in gebruik by die Lydenburg Nuus”. Tans is hierdie proefpers in die versameling van die Lydenburg Museum. “De Lijdenburger” se eertse uitgawe was op 23 Junie 1887 en deur John H. Parker uitgegee. Ses jaar later het die broers Paul en Hendrik Joubert die koerant oorgeneem. 'n Verdere vyf jaar later besit Hendrik, ook bekend as “Hendrik Regop” die koerant en persbedryf tot en met sy aftrede in 1954. Hy is oorlede in 1959 te Pretoria. Die koerant het ook 'n groot rol gespeel tydens die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog (ook bekend as die Anglo Boereoorlog, 1899-1902) toe dit die amptelike spreekbuis was van die Republikeinse Regering. Gedurende die tydperk het die Redakteur (Joubert) asook mnr S. Hiemstra in ondubbelsinnigetaal geskryf hoe hul oor die Britse magte gevoel het. Met die aankoms van Genl. Buller en sy magte in Oktober 1900 is die koerant se toerusting gekommandeer vir

De Beerstraat in die vroeë 1900’s

Uit argief van Elize en Michelle Boshoff

Lydenburg se swembad.

gebruik deur die Britse magte en is Joubert en Hiemstra beide gevange geneem. Na afloop van die oorlog het die “Lydenburg News” vir die eerstekeer die lig gesien. Hierdie het 'n nuwe tydperk in die koerant se beleid ingelei en Die Lydenburg Nuus / Lydenburg News het gestreef om op politieke gebied heeltemal onpartydig te staan en 'n beter verhouding tussen die twee taalgroepe (Afrikaans en Engels) te bevorder. Die koerant is telke male van hand versit. Mnre. Schulze en Bloom het dit verkoop aan mnr C. Hurley wie dit dan weer in 1944 aan mnr. Jack Healy verkoop het. Teen die tyd van Hurley se heengaan in 1956 het mnre. D.N. Ackermann en T. De Villiers die besigheid oorgeneem. Na De Villiers se onttrekking het Ackermann die besigheid steeds besit teen die tyd van die verskyning van die Jubileum Uitgawe op 22 Junie 1962.

September is Erfenismaand. Vier dit op 24 September, dis ’n vakansiedag. Vier dit as Nasionale Braaidag of vier

jou kultuur en herkoms.


Page 2: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

18 September 2014

Cnr Church & Viljoen Street(opposite Medical Centre)

Tel: 013 235 1983 /013 235 4563

Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist

Hearing Aids,Hearing Tests &

Speech Problems

Z. Pieterse

Tel: 013 235 385536 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg

Across Medical Centre

THE Thaba Moshate Hotel Casino and Convention Resort intensive construction programme is continuing successfully - to meet the grand opening date in early 2015. Despite recent strikes in the steel-producing industry, the Peermont Development Team has managed to successfully eliminate any time losses and the Greater Tubatse local community has shown tremendous support for the project. “Construction has progressed according to schedule with 85% of all concrete works, 80% of brickwork on the hotel building and 40% of the brickwork on the casino complete. All service installations have commenced and are 30% complete”, said Craig Harrison; Director; Harrison Project Management. He added, “Having an open site has also allowed the external works for the roadways and parking to commence and all the service installations are keeping up with this fast paced project”. Aptly named after the Sepedi phrase Thaba ya Moshate, loosely translated as “mountain palace or castle”, Thaba Moshate is a Peermont Group initiative that will see a major boost for Burgersfort town. The new resort will drive enterprise development, job creation and local development within the Greater Tubatse Municipality, while making an investment value of over R320 million to

To show the progress being made in the construction of Peermont Hotels Casinos and Resorts' latest property, Thaba Moshate Hotel Casino and Convention resort in Burgersfort,

Peermont Group Chief Development and Compliance Executive, Thabo Mokoena took

members of the Limpopo Gambling Board and media representatives on a site visit on Wednesday morning, August 13. Here

Mokoena (back left) is pictured with impressed gambling board members, Joyce Mogale, Kenneth Moboea, Mashile Mokono, Lucy

Monajane, Andile Mashele, Serobi Maja, Adv. Linda Ganess and Londani Mathavhane. The entertainment complex is due to open in early


Jana Jordaan-Dippenaar het hierdie vakansie blomme foto’s geneem in die Kaap, Langebaan

the Limpopo province. The construction development phase of Thaba Moshate employs just over 300 local individuals and makes full use of local business in helping with skill transfers to the local community.The Thaba Moshate Hotel Casino and Convention Resort is located within the Greater Tubatse Municipality and is expected to draw the majority of its support from the Magisterial Districts of Steelpoort, Ohrigstad and Burgersfort itself. The resort stands between the R37 from Burgersfort to Polokwane and the R555 road to Steelport where the main access road will lie. The 6295m² entertainment complex will comprise an 82-key three star select services Peermont Metcourt hotel with a swimming pool and gym and a small conference centre with main venue, breakaway room and tent platform. A 160-seater restaurant will offer delicious meals and the showbar will serve as the resort's live entertainment venue. The casino will house 150 slots and 8 tables with a Salon Privé, deli, walk-up bar and promotions area. Additional facilities include a children's playroom, video arcade and a retail shop. For further information on Thaba Moshate and other Peermont resorts and their entertainment, g a m i n g a n d a c c o m m o d a t i o n o f f e r s , v i s i t or, visit us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @peermont.

Thaba Moshate continues to forgeahead for 2015 grand opening

ie 21ste Wêreld Orgideë-konferensie (WOC21) en skou was aangebied gedurende 10 en 14 September 2014 by D

d i e S a n d t o n C o n v e n t i o n C e n t re i n Johannesburg. Die skou het meer as 10,000 vierkante meter beslaan (twee rugbyvelde) vir die uitstal van plante en blomme. Dié konferensie en skou wat elke drie jaar plaasvind, word as die "Olimpiese Spele van Orgideë" gereken en dit was een van die mees buitengewone botaniese gebeurtenisse wat ooit in SA gehou is. Die tema van dié WOC21 was “Goud in die Groen Era”. Tydens die konferensie was orgideë van reg oor die wêreld ingeskryf om beoordeel te word en was verskeie orgideë koekversier, skilder en fotografie kompetisies ook aangebied met internasionale deelname. Die Vleiland, Broodboom en Kaapse fynbos uitstallings was ook asemrowend mooi.Basie Joubert en Theo van Wyk van Lydenburg het beide eerste plekke op die Skou verower. Theo van Wyk het 'n algehele eerste plek verower in

die Orgideë fotografie kompetisie en Basie Joubert het met sy rare Spinnekop Orgidee spesie (Bartholina Burmanniana) 'n eerste plek verower en ook 'n algehele tweede plek in die Orgideë fotografie kompetisie. Siende dat daar soveel inskrywings in die onderskeie katogorieë was, en die wereld klas gehalte en standaard so hoog was, en dat die beoordeeling deur internasionale panele van beoordelaars gemaak word, was beide aangenaam verras met hulle eerste plekke. Basie wat ̀ n kanker lyer is, loop oor van dankbaarheid aan sy Skepper vir hierdie hoogtepunt in sy lewe. Die volgende Wêreld Orgidee-konferensie en skou word in 2017 in Guayaquil, Ecuador aangebeid en beloof om weereens 'n uitmuntende blomme skouspel te wees. Ons opregte dank en waardering aan die Organiseerders van die skou word betuig vir `n asemrowende Blomme belewenis.• Wat ’n besonderse prestasie. Veels geluk (RED).

Lydenburgers vaar goed by 21ste Wêreld Orgideë-konferensie en skou

Basie Joubert - Algehele Twee Plek


Basie met Bartholina Spesie

en Eerste Prys

Theo Van Wyk - Algehele Eerste Plek Fotografie

Page 3: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

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The Iron Lady

his wonderful old steam locomotive standing at the Lydenburg station has been a feature there for years. TEngraved on a steel plate against the side of the

locomotive it says that this locomotive, 3641 class 7A no.1029 was built in 1898 by Dübs and Company in England. Mr Elson Mathebula, the yard official at the station, knows a lot about this old locomotive. He worked as a stoker on it many years ago. Elson said that his duties as a stoker on this locomotive included shovelling coal into the furnace, which required a great deal of skill to make sure that the heat was evenly distributed in the boiler and that all the coal was consumed economically. When trains were made up in the shunting yard he also had to make sure that the vacuum pipes of the braking system were securely coupled to avoid coaches or trucks running away on the track. Amongst other things he also assisted the driver by providing a

second pair of eyes to watch out that the track was always clear in front of them. As in the case of other steam locomotives of that time, they were at first used on the line from Krugersdorp to Zeerust in the then old Transvaal. They were stationed at Lydenburg and used on the line from Belfast to Steelpoort. There are 19 of these old locomotives standing in various towns in Mpumalanga, a reminder of the magnificent ways of traction of times goes by, since having been superseded by the electric and diesel units of today. By Inger Chester-Browne

St John's Anglican Church on the corner of Kerk thand Burger Streets celebrated its 140 Anniversary

thon the 30 August this year. The occasion, attended by 80 people, was marked with a tour of the church, followed by a wonderful dinner in the church hall. Mrs Marion Moir, Lydenburg's well known Boer War historian, gave a short talk on the history of the church, as well as remembering some of the interesting old stories about earlier years. St John's is one of the oldest churches that has continued to be fully operational through all its years of existence. A booklet has been printed on the history of the church. Should anyone be interested in obtaining a copy at a cost of R50, please contact Rev Sheila Starling on Tel: 0824462425

St John's Anglican Church thhas140 Anniversary

Mr Doug and Rev Shiela Starling, Mrs Sandra and Rev Kgosi Hendricks. Rev Kgosi and Rev Sheila Starling are the clergy in charge of the


The framed original Altar cloth which is over 100 years old,

St John’s Anglican Church in Lydenburg

Lydenburghet ’nryk


Page 4: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

THE word patriotism means a devotion to one’s own country and its defence. This word is misused by Zuma and the present government to coerce every citizen to the ANC’s way of thinking. True patriotism is about the greater good to the country, and certainly not to a specific political party or ideology. Apartheid was for years defended by patriots of which I was one and we were told that it was good for the country. Being a patriot was tantamount to

supporting that ideology. The present government is no different than the old nationalist party. Yes, it gave the vote to all and ended “discrimination”, but promptly went about creating new forms of racialism and discrimination with programmes to “protect” the majority from an insignificant minority. Read colour into this if you want to. We have BBB-EE, transformation and other legalised forms of new apartheid. Universities are told to teach / create patriots. History in schools is one sided, like it was in 1965. The press is coerced into patriotic reporting, i.e. do not report the atrocities / corruption / favouritism etc. of government.When will people realise that a vibrant society is one of free thinkers? People who question,

people who test and experiment. Entrepreneurs are free thinkers. The whole modern world was created by industrial revolution, businessmen, inventors, and free thinkers. If we were all “patriots” nobody would have invented the wheel. We would have followed government like sheep, like most of us still do. No, we have to stop this nonsense. True patriotism is about what is good for me, you, your poor neighbour and the country as a whole. It is about freedom and prosperity for all. We should fight ideology, sectarianism, reliance on the state, fundamentalism and all such tunnel vision like views. Come on people, use your God given talent of independent thought and be a real patriot. You can only be a patriot when you are free. We Afrikaners have known that for 300 years, but were never willing to share the concept.

vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists



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JOB 18:5: Die Goddelose se lig sal beslis uitgedoof word. Die vlam van sy vuur sal ophou brand.Ons Vader, gee dat die Goddelose ag op hierdie woorde sal slaan en sy weë sal verander - Amen.

IS die gras werklik groener aan die ander kant van die draad? Vriende in Witbank se seun het ’n jaar gelede Australië toe geëmigreer. Hy het verlede week met nuwe motors vir hom en sy vrou gespog op Facebook. Hy verdien dit want as 25-jarige jongman het hy baie gesukkel in Suid-Afrika. Al het hy gestudeer en gewerk. Finansieël en emosioneel is dit net vir hulle beter. Hulle het uiteindelik ’n toekoms.Toevallig het ek ’n epos ontvang van ’n oud-Lydenburger verlede week. Toe ek haar epos lees het ek weer gehunker na daardie ‘groener weivelde....Ek plaas dit anoniem: “Ja jong, die lewe hier is baie rustiger as in Suid Afrika. Natuurlik is een van die hoof faktore die min / lae misdaad hier. Ons bly in ’n dorp wat sowat 20 000 mense in het en ek sou skat die dorp self is so twee keer Lydenburg se grootte (sonder Mashishing natuurlik). Ek het iemand wat al sy lewe lank hier in die dorpie bly (nou al by die 50 jaar) gevra hoeveel moorde was hier al in hierdie dorp wat hy van weet of kan onthou. Jy sal my nou nie glo nie. Hy kon net vier van kind-tyd af onthou! Is dit nie ongelooflik nie?Ja, hier is beslis ook misdaad, maar nie eens by verre wat ons in SA geken het nie! Hier is nie diefwering voor die vensters of veiligheidsdeure nie. Nie eens alarmstelsels nie. Dis een uit ’n duisend huise wat ’n alarm in het... Geen ses-voetheinings voor die erf nie. Geen boemelaars nie! Niemand wat op die straathoek rondstaan of in die parkie onder die bome of op die grasperk slaap nie! Niks smouse op die sypaadjies of by die verkeerslig nie. Geen slaggate nie! Ag, ek kan nog aanhou tot vervelens toe. Maar nou kan jy verstaan wat beteken ’n "stres-lose" bestaan hier. Ek slaap soos ’n baba in die nag en wip nie van skrik as iets raas nie!Ons is baie gelukkig hier, maar verlang na al die mooi en lekker van Lydenburg. Al die familie en vriende, die winkel... Die visarend wat byna elke dag in die boom kom sit het buite die kamervenster en hard geroep het. Die tarentale en die fisante se geraas in die gras. Ja, selfs die apies wat elke jaar al ons vye opgebruik het, wek bietjie verlange... ha-ha-ha die ou vabonde! Oe... en die Wildtuin!”

Ja, sy verlang... maar sy lewe met gemoedsrus... dit is tog sekerlik belangriker.

Ratepayer writes:So the town of Lydenburg is almost continuously enveloped in smoke, this following the continuous burning of the 'landfill site” as new South African English calls it. In my vocabulary – The Tip. Said tip which to date has accumulated a surface layer of refuse beyond its capacity and has now extended beyond its boundaries to include a piece of adjacent veld of which I estimate to be in excess of at least four hectares and spreading by the day. This site has now been emitting smoke and harmful substance on a continuous basis for over two months.

What are we paying for?

lencore Eastern m i n e s h a d T B screening for all G

employees from the various shafts of Lebowa, Borwa, Thorncliffe, Magareng, Helena from 18-22 August.All employees had the opportunity to do voluntary screening for TB. This initiative was done by the Eastern mines occupational

health clinic in partnership with the Department of Health. A total number of 2 942 employees were screened of which 139 were referred for follow-up testing. According to statistics one–third of the world's current population has been infected with M. tuberculosis. New infections occur at a rate of one per second! BUT, There’s hope. Tuberculosis is a curable disease-People with active TB disease can be treated and cured IF they seek medical help.

From burning for a day or two at a time this is now continuous.Nevertheless, allow me to continue in new South African Eeengleesh.Eish, dis ees indeed a chellenge which deeemands ettension as a metta off agencie. Howevva we are serriaasliyy financially chellenged, haangry and suffreeng et gras roots levvel. The only funktshinning ting amang aawa essets is our maya's Masedies Bens, end asa rezalt due to this extreveegense wee hev naw reessoses to solf thees prowblem. AWA et tha kolface iet ees ol wrong. Wee kennot evven begeen too level the pleeyeeng feee-elds, end reefewse to konsida dees mettas es e konsen. Dear readers, this is exactly what is managing our town. That is why things are as they are.On a more purposeful note, allow me to continue. Late one afternoon, my staff and I rather unwillingly ventured to the Tip to get rid of some domestic and garden refuse.We could not get within 1 km of the site in order to dump the refuse concerned due to the acrid “seriously health threatening” pall of smoke emanating from what by law, should be a well managed refuse disposal site, - and at one stage was!! The average resident of this town, with all due respects, does not realise that this is far more than just an 'unpleasant smell”, so to speak. It is life threatening in the extreme!!! In short we are looking at the excessive emission of dioxins which are deadly poisonous and are generated as a direct result of the combustion of PVC plastic materials. Google it, this is serious stuff. Ano ther nas ty, be ing Ch lo r ina ted hydrocarbons. Also among the “not so lekka stuff” is heavy metals and the list goes on.Bhut, nowbooowdy does nuuttteeng ebowt dees metta – Mara Waai?

Employees doing their work.


Baie dankie aan dr. De Kock, die h o s p i t a a l e n Rusoord vir hulle goeie sorg en omgee. Dankie ook vir al d i e o p r o e p e , briewe en liefde van almal af, dit w o r d o p r e g waardeer. Ons gaan hom mis. Van sy vrou, drie kinders, vier kleinkinders en d r i e a g t e r -kleinkinders.

Koos Joubert14 Junie 1940 - 11 Augustus 2014

Jesaja 41:10: nie bevrees nie want Ek is met jou: kyk nie

angstig rond nie, want Ek is jou God. Ek versterk jou, ook

help Ek jou, ook ondersteun Ek jou met My reddende



Page 5: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

Me. Dinah Mkhonto ontvang haar sertifikaat

van mnr.Joshua Ngomane

Mnr. Frik Rousseau ontvang sy sertifikaat van

mnr. Joshua Ngomane.

Dr. Mervyn Lotter ontvangsy sertifikaat

van mnr. Joshua Ngomane (regs).


20+ years

15+ years.

The CEO, B. J. Modipane and Board Members of the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency saw fit to award Long Service Awards to staff members working for MTPA.

On Friday 12 September a function was held at the Fisheries for Lydenburg Fisheries, Blyde NR, Sterkspruit NR, Ohrigstad Dam and Verlorenvallei

10+ years

A local catering group provided lunch

Long service awardsNR, where these award certificates were handed to each p e r s o n b y r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s from Head Office for the specific amount of years worked at MTPA.

The cert i f icates were given for 5+ years, 10+ years, 1 5 + y e a r s a n d 20+years of service. A local catering business provided l u n c h f o r t h e function. It was done very well and everybody enjoyed the event.

Heather Aspeling

Page 6: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

In support of rabies awareness, Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic is offering free rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats from 1 September to 30 September. Call 013 235 4132 for further details. More information on World Rabies Day can be found at

Pieter Krügel: 074 270 7222

Melitza Krügel: 079 857 2717

Buite Lydenburg, Dullstroompad, Ouwerf. Van 10:00 tot laataand.

Alle boeresport soos hoefystergooi sweepklap, hoefsmiddemonstrasie, sakslaan, perdesport vir kinders

. Modever toning, van toeka- tot -nou. Hope s ta l le t j ies , potjiekoskompetisie, langarmdans van 16:00, aandete te koop.

Oudergewoonte sal die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes se kermis, met 'n optog afskop deur Lydenburg se strate.Die optog vind vanaf 12:30 op 26 September 2014 plaas.Outydse motors, perde en ossewaens. Kom koop vleis by die grootste vleistafel ooit met die beste pryse. Wanneer? Saterdag 27 September 2014. ONTBYT R30.00 BEGIN REEDS OM 7:00Behalwe al die eetgoed en verversings sal daar 'n naaldwerk, groente, witolifant en koektafel wees.Kompetisies vir hoede, baba's, kleuters, tieners, ouma, oupa en die 'man met die grootste maag' word ook aangebied.Stalletjies beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie.Skakel Jeanetta Kruger: 013 235 3858 / 013 235 2146 / 082 579 2962.

Alle hondsdolheid (Rabies) entings gratis vir die maand van Sep tember 2014.Lydenburg Diere Spreekkamer (013) 235 3039082 897 4966Kantoorure: M a a n d a e t o t Vrydae: 08:00-13:00/ 14:00- 17:00Saterdae: 09:00- 12:00

Algemeen:Hierdie kompetisie het ten doel om die publiek kans te gee om hulle gunsteling besigheid in en om Lydenburg te nomineer en word onder die vaandel van die Lydenburg / Mashishing Sakekamer geloods. Die doel is om Lydenburgse besighede, produkte en dienste te verbeter en te bemark. Groot pryse is op die spel vir die wenners (met punte) en vir die publiek (gelukkige trekking) en sal later aangekondig word. Vir meer besonderhede hou die koerant dop.Kategorieë 1. Beste Hardeware winkel; 2. Beste Motorhandelaar; 3. Beste Gastehuis4. Beste restaurant / kroeg / wegneemetes5. Beste Koffiewinkel; 6. Beste meubelwinkel; 7. Beste Apteek; 8. Beste eiendomsagentskap; 9. Beste motoronderdele / dienste (nie

Rusoord se Kermis beloof groot pret te wees

Tom Jacobie tree die hele dag op tot laat-aand. Kampvuurkonsert en dans. Publiek wat wil saamsing, bring musiekinstrument saam ( Aandete en koeldrank te koop. Vir sterker drank bring coolbag die aand) Opening 10vmVeteraanmotoroptog 10vmKomiesetoneelopvoeing Half 11Perde dress- up Kompetisie vir kinders 11uurLyndanse- deur Global Artists 12 uurPerde beslaan Demonstrasie half 1Antieksjiek modevertonging 1uurKlei- os maak demonstrasie 2uurKitaarkonsert half 3Lyndanse vir publiek 3uurBoeresport vir kinders half 4Kuier om kampvuur tot laat- aand saam met die musiek van Tom JacobieNS. Gedurende die dag is daar ook broodbak en voorlaaier demonstrasie Vir verder inligting

Tom Jacobie tree heeldag op by Ouwerf

Lydenburg Diere Spreekkamer

Kry vir troeteldier gratishondsdolheid-spuite,dis baie belangrik

Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic

State Vet’s office on 22, 23, 25 and 26 Sept.

This Civet showed strange behaviour and the State Vet’s offices were called. Tissue

was sent for testing and they await the results. Always be on the lookout for

strange behaviour, a sign that an animal may have rabies.

Beste Lydenburgse Besighede kompetisie:

In the past two years there has been a dramatic increase in rabies cases, countrywide.To protect pets (dogs and cats) against this disease, rabies vaccinations are being carried out by private veterinarians and veterinary services free of charge. The State Vet’s office in Lydenburg will be giving free rabies shots on 22, 23, 25 and 26 September at their offices on the corner of Voortrekker and Eeufees Streets, Lydenburg. Rabies is a fatal, viral disease to which people and all warm-blooded animals (e.g. dogs, cats, pigs, donkeys, game etc.) are susceptible. Pet owners are compelled by law (Disease Act 35 of 1984 to ensure that their dogs and cats are vaccinated at the age of three months followed by a second vaccination within 12 months, and thereafter every year in infected areas. It is essential that proof of vaccination (vaccine booklet, vaccine certificate) is kept and accompanies to animals when travelling. Human rabies vaccine and anti-rabies immunoglobulin can prevent rabies in humans if given correctly and immediately after exposure to the rabies virus. If an animal bites a person wash the wound with water and soap for five minutes and consult a medical practitioner immediatelyThe public should immediately notify the local State veterinarian of suspected case of rabies, contact control A.H.T. Johan Engelbrecht at 076 501 4938

handelaars); 10. Beste klerewinkel; 11. Beste kruidenierswinkel / algemene handelaar; 12. Beste glaswerke13. Beste Sekuriteitsdienste; 14. Beste Paneelkloppers; 15. Beste Boekhouers / ouditeurs; 16. Beste Bank / finansiële dienste verskaffers; 17. Beste versekeringsmakelaars18. Beste bouers / kontrakteurs / elektrisiëns / loodgieters; 19. Beste ander / kleiner / besighedeBeoordelingskriteria: (Ken 'n punt van 1 tot 10 toe) 1. Maklike / veilige parkering; 2. Vriendelike ontvangs / personeel / kliëntediens / telefoondiens; 3. Kundigheid van personeel4. Netheid van die winkel / besigheid binne5. Voorraad beskikbaar soos geadverteer6. Diens binne redelike tydperk gelewer7. Beste geriewe vir bejaardes (loopareas ens) / kinders / publieke toilette; 8. Billike pryse; 9.

Voorkoms / netheid van straatfront10. Gehalte van naverkopediens; 11. Betrokkenheid by gemeenskap / lief-dadigheid ens.Reels: 1. Die kompetisie is oop vir enige lid van die publiek. 2. Inskrywings slegs op die amptelike inskrywingsvorm soos in die Highlands panorama nuus gepubliseer. Deelnemers mag fotostate maak van die amptelike vorm in die koerant. 3. Die beslissing van die beoordelaars is finaal. 4. Die wenner van die algehele groot prys (besigheid) moet 'n lid van die Sakekamer wees. 5. Inskrywings kan by Spar, Pick-n-Pay, en Checkers in die houer gegooi word, of faks na 013 235 3076 of ma i l na andrec@in .za . 6 . Sluitingsdatum is 31 Oktober 2014.

Page 7: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

Bokkie se VleismarkJock’s Country Stalls

013 235 3727

The Heads Shopping Centre, Lydenburg 013 235 1692

Ingredients 2 rolls puff pastry, defrosted15ml sunflower oil, 400g chicken strips, Dice 1 onion and 1red pepper, 250g lean bacon bits1 KNORR Thick White Onion Soup1 bunch spinach, cleaned, d e v e i n e d a n d r o u g h l y chopped1 punnet sl iced button mushrooms, 200g mozzarella cheese, grated1 round feta cheese, crumbled and 1 egg, lightly whisked

MethodHeat oil in a pan and gently fry the onion and red pepper until soft add the chicken strips and brown well then add the bacon bits and fry until cooked.Remove from pan and set aside to cool.Spray the braai grid well with baking spray on both sides. Unroll one of the rolls of puff pastry onto the first grid. Place a layer of spinach over the pastry. Sprinkle the contents of the sachet of KNORR Thick White Onion Soup over this. Add a layer of sliced button mushrooms over this and then add the cheeses.Finish with another layer of spinach and then place the second roll of puff pastry on top.Using your finger tips seal the edges of the pastry as if making a pie. Lightly brush with egg wash before placing on the braai and make three small incisions in the top of the pastry using a small knife to allow the steam to escape. Place high on a very cool braai and allow to cook for about 20 minutes turning the pie over often.


Lydenburg originated as a consequence of suffering which a party of Voortekkers endured when they settled in Ohrigstad approximately 1843. In the following years life proved hard in their new surroundings. “Fever struck down their women and children; disease ruined their crops and killed their cattle”. This state of affairs led them to move from Ohrigstad and settle at Krugespost (a sideline today between Ohrigstad and Lydenburg). From here they eventually settled on the farm Rietspruit, the property of Johannes Coetzer. Here a camp was erected which marks the site of the establishment of the town of Lydenburg. The “town of suffering” named after the suffering which the first inhabitants had to endure. In 1899 with the advent of the Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) it was under control of the Transvaal Republic. After the War in 1903 the town came under control of an Urban District Board with Mr. C.T. Rabie as its first Chairman. The following year it became a Village Council “and by 1927 the full status of a Town Council was conferred upon the town” reads the Lydenburg News article of 29 September 1950.The total population estimate at that time was

33 Voortrekkerstraat, LydenburgRoelf / Lettie: 013 235 2411

approximately 2 500 individuals. Eleven months after attaining its status as municipality, the first Major, Mr. J.W. Goodman,

thwelcomed delegates to the 25 annual meeting of the Municipal Association of the Transvaal. Deputy major of the first Town Council was Mr. M.J. Marren and Councillors were Messrs. D. Ruiter, F.H. Austin, J.A. Barbas, W.F. Bufe, J. Celliers, A.J. de Souza, N.J. Schoeman and P.J. Stephan.The Council chose as motto: “Per res adversas et tolerantia ad progressionem” – From suffering and endurance came progress.

Lydenburg Market Square

Page 8: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36


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THE 2014 Ranger Odyssey has officially started with 20 contestants taking on some of the toughest conditions the African continent has to offer.

The expedition will last for 12 days and cover about 2500km, most of it on gravel along with a series of extreme 4x4 trails in Kaokoland in the far north-west corner of Namibia.

The 20 contestants arrived in Windhoek on Sunday September 7 and immediately set off for Kamanjab, start and end point of the odyssey.

It's also the first time the South African contestants met their compatriots from the other African countries, one each from Angola and Mozambique. A contestant had also

been selected from Nigeria but was unable to compete due to current travel restrictions in place into Namibia.


This year the contestants are paired, with the selection having taken place at the venue for the first night, Oppi Koppi camp site in Kamanjab. The top 10 contestants, based on their results from boot camp and the SSA selections, drew random numbers that linked them up with their team-mates for the rest of the Odyssey.

Together they will be competing for the ultimate prize - the opportunity to each drive an Odyssey Ranger for a year, along with R5 000 fuel per month.

Gavin Golightly, Ford Marketing Manager said: "We have a superb group of individuals on this year's Ranger Odyssey. "Each one of them earned their place on this event, but now it's time for them to prove they are tough enough to embrace this unique 'Built Ford Tough' challenge while traversing some of Africa's most amazing scenery and trails."

Over the course of the event, the contestants will be tackling several arduous 4x4 trails in a fleet of 10 identical Ranger 3.2 XLT Double Cab 4x4 automatics, along with four Rangers for the support and media crews.


The route encompasses the notorious Van Zyl's Pass between Otjihende and Orupembe, as well as the treacherous path along the Kunene River that forms the border between Namibia and Angola.

The Epupa Falls and the Puros Loop are some of the other significant highlights that await the teams, with the latter renowned for its desert lions and elephants.

Throughout the almost two-week adventure, the teams will be constantly evaluated on their technical and precision driving, camp craft, communication and daily vehicle maintenance. There will also be a series of special tasks including river rafting, vehicle recovery and tracking, while physical and mental stamina will undoubtedly be pushed to the limit.

They will also be facing extreme changes in temperature, from scorching hot during the day to freezing at night. Aside from the lions and elephants, this arid region is also known for its snakes and scorpions.

The Ranger Odyssey will end on September 18 when the teams return home from Namibia. The winners of the 2014 event will be announced in

Page 9: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

Lydenburg | Ermelo | StandertonAdelene Le Roux : 076 416 8644 | Hercules Coetzee : 082 255 8090

Jan Coetser : 083 274 3763 | Jaques Oosthuizen : 083 209 2453Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Str, Lydenburg 1120

THOSE who were disappointed when Datsun changed its name to Nissan over three decades ago may have been pleased to see the marque revived last year, even as a budget brand. Nissan's counterpart to its ally Renault's Dacia budget brand, Datsun has been steadily expanding its lineup of low-cost transportation for developing markets with the debut of the Go hatchback in India, the Go+ minivan in Indonesia and the On-Do sedan in Russia. And now it has returned to Moscow to reveal its fourth model, the Mi-Do.

Based closely on the On-Do sedan (which itself is based on the Lada Granta) the Mi-Do takes on a five-door hatchback bodystyle but with no more frills. It uses the same front-drive chassis with the same wheelbase as the sedan, but its chopped tail makes it a good foot and a half shorter overall. Into that compact shape, Datsun has fitted dual airbags, ABS and... well, that's about it. It's got a 1.6-liter, eight-valve inline-four kicking out a grand total of 87 horsepower to either a five-speed manual or a four-speed automatic. Bare bones, this is.

While delivery of the first On-Do sedans commences next month (with the first example going to an IT specialist in Omsk), the Mi-Do is set to begin delivery early next year.

The Internet

ED: Will we see it in SA? Who knows?

THE IBV Supercar Club, with branches in Johannesburg and Durban, is gearing up to drive a Guinness World Record supercar parade in Durban on the 21st of September 2014. It aims to reach a Guinness world record of raising R1 million for a charity through a parade of over 200 supercars down North Beach.

‘You can get involved in this groundbreaking event by donating your time and the gift of a ride in your supercar to an orphaned child,’ invites Marc Rosseau, the MD of IBV Supercar Club. ‘Supercar owners are invited to play their part in making history.’ The parade will be escorted by Harley Davidson & Ducati Bikers, and led by a helicopter formation and special police escort.

MERCEDES-BENZ has come up with a simple and effective way of cutting the time it takes to extract the occupants of a car at the scene of a crash – a set of stickers. Called Rescue Assist, the stickers are placed inside the fuel filler cap and inside the door frame on the opposite side to the fuel-cap; they carry QR codes designed to be read by any enabled smartphone or tablet. Contained in the QR code is the key information needed by the emergency services to quickly, safely and efficiently extract the occupants without endangering either the individuals involved in the incident or those responsible for their rescue.

The information – covering everything from the make, model and specifications of the car as well as the location of the high-voltage cables in hybrid cars and their associated safety systems – can be accessed far more efficiently through a QR code reader than through the current process, which involves consulting a database and locating the exact model of car. “It’s going to reduce the amount of time taken to extricate the casualty, which in turn is going to improve survival rates.”

On average the QR codes save about two minutes at the point at which the emergency services first arrive on the scene.

UK Fire Service College training manager Craig Flannery said: “We’d like all cars to have QR Codes.” The QR codes feature on every new Mercedes car and Mercedes-Benz dealers in Britain can retrofit them, free of charge, to any model built from 1990 onwards.

Mercedes-Benz has also decided not to patent the QR stickers in the h o p e t h a t t h e technology will be adopted across the a u t o m o t i v e i n d u s t r y . Mercedes-Benz SA is looking at i n t r o d u c i n g Rescue Assist in S o u t h A f r i c a . iol.motoring.

Page 10: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

MORE South Africans are taking up biking or trail riding - often far from home. That means hauling your bikes long-distance, so make sure you know how to do that safely, and within the law! Les McMaster, chairman of the Motor Industry Workshop Association, told Wheels24: “Cyclists or mountain bikers often gather to ride in groups and this could mean transporting one or more bicycles to a designated meeting spot.

"While there are lots of ways to transport bikes it’s important that they are secure and safe before you hit the road, not only for your safety but for other motorists too.”

McMaster says it’s important to be aware of the road laws and associated legal obligations. “Officials are well within their rights to pull you over if your vehicle is not complying with laws pertaining to transporting a bike. For example, your lights and number plate can’t be obscured.”

• All lights need to be clearly visible and your number plate readable. Lights should be s e e n f r o m v a r i o u s d i r e c t i o n s , n o t j u s t f r o m d i r e c t l y b e h i n d .• Your view cannot be obscured in any way, the view through your rear-view mirror.• Make sure you don’t have an ‘unsafe load’; don’t overload the car; make sure they cannot come loose, fall off or destabilise the car.

• Bikes should also not ‘stick out’ which could cause an accident involving other vehicles, property or pedestrians.

• Don’t exceed the maximum weight-bearing load for bike carrying equipment, roof bars, towballs, top or rear racks, or the load for your type of vehicle as specified by its manufacturer. This load value should be in your vehicle manual. The safe roof carrying weight is nearly always specified, as is the towball load (known as the ‘nose weight rating’).

• Check and tighten fixtures, straps etc of the carrier frequently during your journey - especially before you set off.

BRITISH motorcycle firm Triumph is again taking aim at the motorcycle world land speed record.

Riding a fearsomely powerful two-wheeler called the Castrol Rocket, r ider Jason DiSalvo wil l attempt to beat the 605.697km/h record set in 2010 by Rocky Robinson in a Suzuki-powered streamliner, and possibly become the first motorcycle to break the 400mph (643.74km/h) barrier in the process.

The Castrol Rocket is an attempt for Triumph to restore its legacy of record-breaking, which stretches back decades. Triumph held the title of World’s Fastest Motorcycle from 1955 to 1970 with the exception of a brief 33-day period. The Triumph streamliners to carry world records were the Devil’s Arrow, the Texas Cee-gar and Gyronaut X1, the last being timed at 395.28km/h in 1966, a mark that stood for four years.

That’s also how the immortal Triumph Bonneville got its name.

McMaster added: “When considering the type of carrier to use, make sure it will make sense for your vehicle. It should be quick and easy to set up, not interfere with your vehicle’s functionality (or damage the paintwork) in any way.

"For example, unless you have a large boot, the likelihood of fitting a bicycle in the boot is minimal and there’s a good chance you’ll damage the paintwork or boot or bicycle trying to get it in.

The venue for this record attempt will be the famous Bonnevi l le Sal t F lats in Utah, the home of land-speed record-chasing in the US.

Although it rides on two wheels, the fully-enclosed, to rpedo-shaped mach ine b a r e l y l o o k s l i k e a m o t o r c y c l e . T h e 7 . 7 7 m carbon- f ib re /Kev lar body rides on specially developed G o o d y e a r “ L a n d S p e e d Special” tyres to ensure the bike handles perfectly on the salt surface.

Jason DiSalvo will try to b r e a k 6 4 0 k p h o n t w o wheels.

It’s powered by a pair of m e t h a n o l - f u e l l e d , t w i n -t u r b o c h a r g e d 1 . 5 - l i t r e Triumph Rocket III engines, p r o d u c i n g a c o m b i n e d output of more than 750kW. Carbon brake discs and two parachutes are employed to slow down the appropriately named two-wheeled rocket. S t a r M o t o r i n g

“Rather opt for a roof rack or towball mounting, knowing these items were designed to transport your bike safely and are worth the additional expense to make the trip hassle-free. Ask your mechanic or visit a Miwa workshop for advice on which carrier would work best for your vehicle.”

Page 11: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

The famous Lydenburg Heads - seven terracotta heads which date back to the Early iron age period of 500AD. Six of the heads resemble those of humans, and the seventh is an animal replica of some sort. The

real Heads which were discovered by a farmer's son in the Sterkspruit valley in the 1960's, are not kept at the Lydenburg Museum and are plaster-of-paris replicas. The original Heads are kept at the National Museum (Iziko) in Cape Town.

rt Therapy is about playing with colors and images. It is not about being artistic or talented. Art Therapy is “based on the idea A

that the creative process of art making is healing and life enhancing, and that it is a potent form of communication. It utilizes the creative process …to promote growth, self expression, emotional reparation, conflict resolution and transformation.” My passion for Art Therapy stems from my personal experience of the very practical, healing and restorative impact that it has had on my own journey. I have been studying via the Art Therapy Academy a subsidiary of Helios Training Centre under the care of Lorette Dye [BA(Psyc), BA honors (Psyc), MA Psyc, Ba (CW), Dip (THL)], with specific focus on: Trauma, Child Development, Family Therapy, Group Therapy.Serving the community as a practicing art counselor for the past three years & working with the underprivileged as well as people from all walks of life I have been witness to the powerful aid it can be to people suffering from mental disorders, trauma and also just for relaxing and having fun. For more information contact Marlize v a n d e r M e r w e a t 0 8 2 8 9 3 5 0 5 6 o r [email protected]

Marlize van der Merwe

Phillip van der Schyff, Hercules Coetzee en Collin Campbell is die drie gekwalifiseerde spinning instrukteurs by JJ’s

Connection Health. Hulle het hul kwalifikasies bekom by Spinning SA, wat ’n eerste erkende kursus aangebied het.

Die ander is vir group cycle klasse. Baie welkom Phillip, Hercules en Collin by die JJ’s Connection

Health familie.

Ocean Basket Lydenburg het saam fees gevier en dit was omtrent makietie tyd waarin al die Lydenburgers kon deel. Foto bo: Die Ocean Basket personeel tesame met hul bestuurders, Amandus Vermeulen en Arthur Meyer (middel).

Ocean Basket is 19 jaar al in Suid-Afrika

ede van die Longtom Fotografieklub het baie moeite gedoen om foto's van die voorgestelde onderwerp idiome vir die maand byeenkoms te L

neem. Idiome is so 'n wye veld om af te neem. Na 'n stywe kompetisie het Lance Young gewen met hierdie pragfoto (regs bo). In die ope-afdeling met verskeie onder afdelings het Heather Aspeling as wenner uitgestap met die pragtige foto van die katlagter. Die klub s rig 'n uitnodiging aan al die deelnemers aan die Panorama koerant se fotokompetisie om by die klub te

Idiome vasgevang op kamera

kom aansluit. Persone wat belangstel om die klub te besoek of aan te sluit, kan vir Peet Gerber (voorsitter) 083 6344606 of Heather Aspeling (sekretaresse) 0822889383 skakel vir verdere inligting.Die lede vergader elke 2de Maandag van die maand by die Hervormde Kerk om 18:00.Lance Young se foto wat as die wenner van die “set subject” aangewys is.Heather Aspeling se foto wat as die algehele wenner van die Longtom Fotografieklub se maandbyeenkoms aangewys is.

Katlagter deur Heather Aspeling Foto deur Lance Young

Page 12: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36





Small-HoldingR1 600 000

Ideale beleggings geleentheid! – R1 080 000

Netjiese drie slaapkamer huis met een vol badkamer en aparte

toilet. Sitkamer, eetkamer en kombuis. Dubbelmotorhuis met

dubbel afdak. Waskamer, bediende toilet. Hierdie huis kan gekoop word met die opsie om

te verhuur. Erf 1088m²Stephanie: 072 155 0761

Country style home situatedin secure estate for sale!

Finishes to complement thebuild, 3 bed, 3 bath and

double garage!Lots of extra’s!

PHONE ME TODAY!Fanie: 072 317 3959

Enjoy the peace and calm of this small-

holding situated 7km from town.

Fenced, 5.7Ha, boreholeFanie: 072 317 3959

Verhurings / Rentals

Tel: 013 235 4575

3 Slp huis - R5000.3 x 3 Slp meenthuise - R6000 elk.

3 Slp meenthuis - R5300.1100m² @ R77p/m²; 703m² @ R75 p/m²;

300m² @ R36 p/m²; 2 x 40m² - R3500 elk.4 x 20m² - R1368 elk.

Stoorspasie vanaf R550 - R9000

Country LivingR1 800 000

Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393

013 235 4890 / E-pos: [email protected]

Annalize: 084 512 9393


Te Huur• 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer woonstelle met dubbel afdak - R6800pm• Ruim 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer woonstel met enkelmotorhuis - R6100pm• Ruim 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer meenthuise beskikbaar - R9000pmTe Koop• 3 Slk, 1 badk huis met sitk, eetk, komb. Dbl motorh, dbl-afdak, bediendek & toilet, Grt erf. Gevestigde tuin. R1.1 miljoen• 2 Slk, 1 badk meenthuis met groot oopplan leefarea/kombuis, enkel motorhuis, enkel afdak, eie erf.R880 000• Verskeie erwe te koop vanaf R235 000 in Sterkspruit en The Heads• Industriële erf 7024m² groot R895 000

Thaba Chweu Municipality has received yet another generous donation from Barko Financial Services (BFS), this time in the form of good working toilets at Mashishing and Kellysville cemetery. BFS also donated swings in both parts of the township. The official handover

thwas held on the 4 of September in Civic Centre Hall which proceeded to the cemeteries. Community members received the keys to the new facilities from their ward councilors and the Executive Mayor requested them to ensure that the facilities be taken care of and not be vandalized.

Hennie Nel, Cobus Tomlinson, Wessel Venter, Tielman Nieuwoudt.

Barko Financial Services donates to community

BFS has become a development partner with the municipality and the relationship seems to be growing stronger, in his remarks the executive mayor said “on behalf of TCM we would like to thank BFS most sincerely for the toilets and swings which are among the many contributions they have made in the community, swings are keeping the youth active, healthy and away from mischievous activities. “Let me take this opportunity to also thank all other businesses and mines for their valuable contributions and support to Thaba Chweu Municipality.”

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

TE HUUR:1 x R6800 / maand R10000 / maand

R5000 / maand R6300 / maand R7000 / maand

R8400 / maand R17000 / maand

• 3 Slk wonings: en 1 x • 2 Slk meenthuis - • 3 Slk woonstel, 2 badk, kompleks - 1 x ; 1 x • 4 Slk huis - en 1 x (huis en w/stel)TE KOOP:• 2 erwe @ - Baie goed geleë!• 2 x 3 slk meenthuise, sentraal geleë - elk ohb.• 3 Slk woning met erf - NOG ANDER EIENDOM OOK BESKIKBAAR

R280 000R900 000

R785 000

Sakekamer leer by kenner

DIE Lydenburg Mashishing Sakekamer het tydens sy openbare vergadering van 9 September, mnr. Cobus Tomlinson gehad as gasspreker. Dit vorm deel van die plaaslike sakekamer se inisiatiewe om besighede in Lydenburg se belange te dien, deur kenners te nooi om met plaaslike sakemanne te kom gesels. Die bekende mnr Tomlinson het gepraat oor die nuwe vereistes vir besighede ten opsigte van BBBEE en was ’n gas van die sakekamer. Sy verblyf in Lydenburg is met dank geborg deur mnr Wessel Venter van Amani Boutique Hotel.Tomlinson, ’n gesoute motiveringspreker en besigheidskenner van Nelspruit, is een van drie eienaars van COFTA Unity, wat besighede help met die BBBEE kwessie. Hy is onder andere ook ’n spesialis op die gebied van veranderingsbestuur en die herstrukturering van organisasies. Hy het Dinsdagaand se praatjie opgevolg met ’n kort kursus oor BBBEE op Woensdag 10 September.COFTA Unity baseer hulle konsultasies en kursusse op drie bene, naamlik Beter “scorecard” tellings, beter besigheids winsmarges en verhoogde groei in mensepotensiaal.Beide die vergadering en kursus was goed bygewoon. Besighede het net tyd tot Mei 2015 om hulle huise in orde te kry tov BBBEE. Cobus Tomlinson kan gekontak word by 013 744 0755. Andre Coetzee


Page 13: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

FOR SALEFamily Home

Modern double storey home!Open-plan kitchen leading to

spacious living-area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, patio with braai,

double garage and extra parking.

REMAX WINNERS013 235 2653

Anna - Marie : 0839604775Kobus : 071 872 9323

FOR SALESpacious property with

potential!Home needs some TLC and offers

4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious modern kitchen,

enclosed lapa, covered parking and big stand.

REMAX WINNERS013 235 2653

Anna - Marie : 0839604775Kobus : 071 872 9323

LYDENBURG R950 000 For all your rental needs contact:

Elize Pienaar: 084 851 6705

Bianca Coetzee:078 235 0999

Marietjie Ramsay:083 922 0675

Anchen Erasmus:082 708 0105


De Jager:083 960 4775

Kobus Skeen:071 872 9323

LYDENBURG R1 242 000


RE/MAX WINNERS: 013 235 2653

Is u eiendomby ons in die mark?

Skakel ons nouom seker te maak!

Withthe right

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Alit Fourie Prinsipaal &

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Louis FourieSnr. Verkoopsagent

083 476 3535

Bruce NelSales Agent061 045 9170

Yolanda SchoemanSales Agent079 695 7967

Bernadine van der BergRental-Sales Agent

083 642 6446

Call the Property ProfessionalsCall Huizemark today!









LydenburgTel: 013-235-1335

[email protected]

Tel: 079 894 [email protected]

Hierdie woning is voorwaar 'n plesier. Onderhoudskoste aan hierdie huis is minimaal. Groot tuin waar die kinders kan speel

met hartelus. 3 Groot slaapkamers met 2 vol

badkamers, 1 studeerkamer. Ingeboude kaste. Groot Oopplan sitkamer en eetkamer wat uitloop

op 'n veilige stoep en lugverkoeling.

Lekker gemaklike kombuis met opwas en waskamer.

3 motorhuise en skadunet. Buitekamer en stoorkamer. R1

630 000. Kontak Mariska 0726918718. Deo Volente.

Huis van die week

*3 Slk huis met 2 bdk, groot erf en 3 m/huise met afdakke - R8600*3 Slk huise met erwe beskikbaar naby Tweeriviere myn*4 Slk, huis met 3 bdk,studeer kamer, sitk, eetk, groot erf met rondawel en swembad - R9500*3 Slk huis met 1 bdk en klein bachelor woonstel, groot erf - R5500*Groot 3 slk meenthuis met 2 bdk, erf en dubbel m/huis - R9200*3 Slk meenthuis met 2 bdk, erf en enkel m/huis in veilige kompleks naby dorp - geen troeteldiere toegelaat - R6300*Groot 2 Slk woonstel met eetkamer, tv kamer, groot kombuis, 1 badkamer, klein erf en toesluit motorhuis - R4500*3 Slk huis naby skole gelee met 1 bdk, eetk, kombuis en toesluit m/huis - R6700*Plaas huis te huur met 4 slk, 2 bdk, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, groot erf en dubbel toesluit m/huis - R11400*Groot 1 slk woonstel met tv kamer, eetkamer kombuis in veilige kompleks - R4000Verskeie winkel en kantoor spasie beskikbaar

R1 630 000 3 slk, 2 badk, 4 mhuis, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, groot stoep, groot tuin, waskamer, stoorkamer, alarm, lugversorging in Lydenburg dorp. R1 280 0004 slaapkmr, 3 badkmr, kombuis, sitkamer, eetkamer, 4 afdakke, swembad, lapa en woonstel in Lydenburg Dorp.

R1 830 0004 slaapkamer, 2 badkmr huis, sitkmr, eetkmr, Tv kamer, Groot kombuis, dubbel mhuis, swembad onthaal area en groot tuin in goeie area.R940 0003 slaapkamer, 2 badkmr meenthuis met enkel motorhuis nuut gebou.R750 0003 slaapkmr, 2 badkmr, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en 1 motorhuis in kompleks.

Page 14: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

PROFESSOR BULOHEALER/HERBALISTFor all your problems:• Pregnancy problems• Lost Love• Bad Luck, Gambling• Sexual problems• Chase away Tokoloshe • Financial Problems • Customer Attraction• Court Cases etc.

Lydenburg/ BurgersfortCall: 083 553 3050 41

Verkope & VerhuringTel: 013 235 1986

Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

• Tiles • Baths• Taps • Toilets

BEN 082 408 2798SOPHIA 076 677 7362

Sement BousteneMaxi StenePlaveiselVloerteëlsMuurteëls

Stepping StonesVertoonlokaal byKuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg

op Dullstroompad

EiendomInstandhouding & Verbetering

Fanus Potgieter

[email protected]

Verf - Teël - Plavei - Bou

Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

• Blinds • Vinyl • Laminate • Carpets

Circle Catering &Accommodation

Offers Contractorssingle room

accommodation andcatering facilities in

Steelpoort area

CONTACTCircle Catering

on (018)771-6004or Hentie (Manager)

on 079-887-0374


G . A . P I E N A A R & K I E Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

LAUNDRY/ WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976.

A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

J.C’S TRAILER HIRE, V-Tec agent. 079 171 1109/ 082 434 0026

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

T H E P I N K A P R O N CUPCAKE shop. Amanda 073 242 2674

DA VISSER PLUMBERS: Reg BZ2877. Burst geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532.

M V G L A S & ALUMINIUM:Instaleering & vervanging van vensterglas, veiligheidsglas, aluminium rame, skuif & sort deure, windskerms. Loodgieter dienste. Fanie Maritz 082 490 9805 / Phillip Warricker 082 499 5432

F L I G H T C E N T R E LYDENBURG For any travel arrangements. Ronel 072 560 6511

B O U P L A N N E J C POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615

HUURKOOP PROBLEME? Het jou terugbetaling op jou voer tu ig ’n nagmerr ie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog? Skakel ons vir ’n oplossing. 073 830 8637

KALERO EXPRESS - Meat, Cold drink, Fruit & Veg. Burgerstraat, Shop1. 079 113 2701

ONS SOEK NOG kreatiewe mense v i r S toep Vo l Geskenke. Madelein 076 770 2954


SEWING: New / alterations, Four b’s. Beryl 073 223 6876 Delsie 083 422 4182 Lizah 078 303 5564 . Beehive Centre no 13, c/o Burger & Vo o r t r e k k e r S t r e e t s , Lydenburg.


DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002

HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood g r o u p . L y d e n b u r g , Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

CREATIVE NAIL DESIGN BY CHRISTELLE - Training & Nails. 081 086 3961/ 081 016 0469

G R A N D B O N H E U R Coolsculpting / Fat Freeze, Teeth Whitening System, Personalized Diet Plans, Frequency Treatment. 083 275 3272

C R E AT I V E N A I L S & BEAUTY Jene 072 566 2545

PERMANENT MAKEUP & eyelash extensions. 076 153 8912




MATTE, meubels, motors en

droogsuig van oorstroomde

matte. Martie 082 951 7494


072 610 5105



I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs

& maintenance, updating

hardware and software, virus

removals, networks, call outs

etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 /

Pierre 079 881 1932


A T L A S P A N E E L - KLOPPERS- Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

CORDU AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 17 years exper ience. 3 Chroom Street, Lydenburg. 013 235 3131

GS AUTO Electrical & Mechanical repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735

EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, kombi’s & dubbelcabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ Aflam 072 203 1614


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

TROUROKKE te huur of verkoop. Madelein 076 770 2954 / Saskhia 079 897 3577


L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON 072 320 9203

PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941

D O G T R A I N I N G [email protected] 072 621 7371

DOGGY PARLOUR 076 153 8912




4 S TA R , 2 b e d r o o m apartments @ The Kasteel Count ry Esta te . Fu l ly Furnished. Water and lights incl. Only 4.1km from CMI Mine. R5 500 pm. 5 Apartments available. 082 816 3620.

PLAASHUIS 4 slk, 27km op Ohrigstadpad. 082 406 7830

TE HUUR vanaf 1 Oktober naby Laerskool: 3 slk, 2 badk, groot erf. R9500 pm Madelein 076 770 2954

F L AT S T O R E N T 2 bedroom, Lydenburg from R4000. Contact 082 460 3000


LOSIES 084 346 7911


KLITZGRAS CHALETS A C C O M M O D A T I O N Chapel,conference facilities, boma/ braai. Tel: 013 235 2758


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG M o e d e r - g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburg-str.41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845• New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30.

Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. S o n d a e 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evange l i sas ie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 l y d e n b u r g [email protected] Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 8 0 8 5 6 0 4 . • S e w e d a g A d v e n t i s t e K e r k -S a t e r d a g o g g e n d e , M e t h o d i s t e K e r k , Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049 . • Vo l l e Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 •Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. • New Apostol ic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.


G R E AT E R T U B AT S E MUNICIPALITY NOTICE We, Mashiane Solomon Obakeng and Selwana Makarapa Tracey, being the registered owners of Stand no 1604, 14 Tambotie Street, Bu rge rs fo r t Ex tens ion 17(Leopard Bush) hereby give notice in terms of Clause 21(21.1) (a)(i) of the Tubatse Land Use Management Scheme, 2006 that we have applied to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for the amendment of the Tubatse Land use Management Scheme, 2006 to use Stand no 1604, Tambotie Street, Burgersfort Ext 17(Leopard Bush), currently zoned “residential 1” for a special consent for a “guest house”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the manager Town planning and Land use management, Civic Centre, 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort for a period of 28 days fromthe first day of the notice,any person having any objections to the granting of this applications must lodge such objection together with the ground thereof in writing, with both the Manager: at PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within the period of 28 days from11 September 2014or to address of applicant:14th Tambotie street, Burgersfort, Extension 17(Leopards B u s h ) . Te l : 0 8 2 3 3 6 0 3 7 7 ) . e m a i l a d d r e s s : [email protected]

G R O T E R T U B A T S E M U N I S I P A L I T E I T K E N N I S G E W I N G Ons,Mashiane Solomon Obakeng and Selwana Makarapa Tracey, synde die

geregistreerde eienaar van E r f 1 6 0 4 B u r g e r s f o r t Uitbreiding 17 (Leopard Bush) gee hiermee kennis in terme van Klousule 21 (21,1) (a) (i) van die Groter Tubatse G r o n d g e b r u i k Bestuurskema, 2006, dat ons aansoek gedoen het by die G r o t e r T u b a t s e Munisipaliteit,vir die wysiging van die Groter Tubatse G r o n d g e b r u i k B e s t u u r Skema, tot 2006 om die erwe te gebruik 1604, Burgersfort Ui tbre id ing 17(Leopard Bush ) , t ans gesonee r "residensiele 1" vir spesiale toestemming om 'n Gastehuis te bedryf". Besonderhede van die aansoek le ter insae g e d u r e n d e g e w o n e kantoorure by die kantoor van d i e b e s t u u r d e r S t a d s b e p l a n n i n g e n G r o n d g e b r u i k b e s t u u r , B u r g e r s e n t r u m , 1 Kastaniastraat, Burgersfort, vir 'n tydperk van 28 (datum van eerste publ ikas ie) persone wat enige besware het teen die toestaan van hierdie aansoeke, moet sodanige beswaar indien tesame met die redes by beide die Bestuurder by Posbus 206, Burgersfort, 1150,binne die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 04 September 2014of adres van d ie applicant: 14th Tambotie street, Burgersfort, Extension 17(Leopards Bush). Tel: 082 336 0377) email address: [email protected]

Greater Tubatse Land Use scheme, 2006. Amendment Scheme no: 144/2006 I, Lindiwe Makoale Stephina, the registered owner of Portion 22 Erf 366, Steelpoort Ex tens ion 4 , L impopo Province, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1) (b) (1) of the Townships and Town Planning Ordinance, (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that i have made an application to Greater Tubatse Municipality for the amendment of Land Use Scheme, known as Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006 by rezoning potion 22 of Erf 366 from “Residential 1” to “Business 1” for the purpose of guest house. Plans and particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of Town Planner at Greater Tubatse Municipality for the period of 28 days from the first day of the publication. Objections and / or comments or representation in respect of the application must be lodge with or made in writing to the m u n i c i p a l i t y a t t h e municipality at the above mentioned address or at P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150, within 28 days from the date of f i rs t publ icat ion 11 September 2014, Applicant Address P.O Box 814, Steelpoort, 1133. Tel: (076 8 6 1 7 4 6 ) E m a i l : [email protected]

Greater TubatseTand Use Scheme, 2006. Amendment Scheme no: 144/2006 N n a L i n d i w e M a k o a l e Stephina , moemedi wa P o r t i o n 2 2 E r f 3 6 6 Steelpoort, Extension 4, L i m p o p o P r o v i n c e , kefatsebiso mabapi le karolo 56(1) (b) (1) ya Township le Town Planning Ordinance, (Ordinance 15 of 1986), gore ke dire kgopelo go Greater

Tubatse Municipality ya go fetosha Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006. Kgopelo yeo e mabapi le go fetoshatshomisoya Portion 2 2 y a E r f 3 6 6 g o t s w a “ R e s i d e n t i a l 1 ” g o y a “Business 1” mabapi le go agaya guest house. Dipolane le tse dingwe tseo e leng gore di elanale tsweletso di ka lekolwa ka nako ya mosomo ga Town Planner, Greater Tubatse Municipality, lebaka la matsatsi a 28 go tloga go la m a t h o m o l a t s e b i s o . Yomongwe le yomongwe yo a nago ie tswelopele ya kgopelo o swanetse gore a tlise mabaka ao a lego kgahlanong le tswelopele le Greater Tubatse Municipality P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150, pele gamatsatsi a 28 gotlogalehono 11 September 2014. Address yaka: P.O Box 814, Steelpoort, 1133. Tel: (076 386 1746) Email: [email protected]

Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006 Amendment scheme no: 161/2006I , Marole Arivhashu of Luvhone Environmental Consultants, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of the Erven mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1) (a) (i) of the Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986 (ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for the amendment of Land Use Scheme, know as Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006.Amendment scheme number 161/2006: Rezoning of Erf 2256 Burgersfort E x t e n s i o n 2 1 , f r o m “Residential 1” to “Residential 3” for flats. Plans and particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office to Town Planner, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort, Greater Tubatse Municipality for the period of 28 days from the (first day of publication).





39 Rensburg StLydenburg

013 235 2429


Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VScDr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc

Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc

Spreekure/ Consulting Hours:Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00

De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966

Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment

[email protected]

Objectives and/or comments or representation in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the municipality at the above address or at P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication 19 September 2014. Address of the agent: P . O . B o x 2 1 3 4 . Thohoyandou, 0950. Cell :( 072 649 1974) Emai l ; [email protected]

G r o t e r T u b a t s e Grondgebruikskema 2006 Wysigingskema nommer: 1 6 1 / 2 0 0 6 E k , M a r o l e Arivhashu van Luvhone Environmental Consultants, synde die gemagtigde agent v a n d i e geregistreerdeeienaars van die erwe hieronder genome, gee hiermee in terme van Artikel 56 (1) (b) (i) van die die O r d o n n a n s i e o p Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tubatse Munisipaliteit vir die w y s i g i n g v a n d i e Grondgebruikskema, bekend as die Groter Tubatse Grondgebruikskema, 2006. O p d i e v o l g e n d e w y s e : W y s i g i n g s k e m a nommer: 161/2006: Die hersonering van Erf 2256 Burgersfort, Uitbreiding 21, vanaf “Residensieel 1” tot “Residensieel 3” van die woonste l le . P lanne en besonderhede van d ie

aansoeke le ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die k a n t o o r v a n d i e S t a d s b e p l a n n e r , 1 Kastaniastraat Burgersfort, GroterTubatse Municipality vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf (datum van eerste publikasie). Besware en/ of kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word aan die m u n i s i p a l i t e i t b y bogenoemde adres of Posbus 206, Burgersfort 1150 binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie 18 September 2014. Adres van die agent: Posbus 2134, Thohoyandou, 0950. Cell: (072 649 1974) E-pos:[email protected]

Page 15: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36

Indien u na 21 dae nog nie van ons gehoor het nie, beskou u aansoek as onsuksesvol.

CMR benodig dringend 'n maatskaplike werker vir die Burgersfort/Tubatse area.

Epos CV's na [email protected]:8 Oktober 2014

EDURENDE die jaar moes Suid-Afrikaanse Tentpegging (lees gymkhana) herorganiseer. Tot in 2013 het ons steeds die indeling volgens die G

“ou” provinsies gevolg en was Lydenburg (die Rooikat-

klub) deel van die provinsie Gauteng Noord.Op aandrang van die Suid-Afrikaanse Konfederasie van Sport moes die provinsie ontbind en die nuwe staatkundige indeling van die land volg. Gevolglik is die Mpumalanga

Tentpegging Unie gestig.Hierdie nuwe provinsie se eerste kampieonskappe is voorverlede naweek by Pienaar Dam te Middelburg gehou, saam met die Hartland skou.Die eienaar van Pienaar Dam, mnr. Gerrie Gerrits, het uit sy pad gegaan om Mpumalanga Tentpegging te akkommodeer en ons het pragtige fasiliteite tot ons beskikking gehad. Daarvoor wil ons hom hartlik bedank. Na die byeenkoms is die Mpumalanga junior en senior spanne (bestaande uit vyf lede elk) gekies om onderskeidelik Desember in Bethlehem en Oktober in Beaufort-Wes aan die SA Kampioenskappe deel te neem. Ons is baie trots dat die hele senior en junior Rooikatspanne opgeneem is in die Mpumalanga spanne. Die Lydenburgers wat die spanne gehaal het is seniors Jannie Prinsloo en Isak Niemann en juniors Naudè Potgieter (kaptein) en sy suster Arina Potgieter. Op die algemene jaarvergadering is Jannie Prinsloo ook verkies as die voorsitter van die Mpumalanga Tentpegging Unie en sy vrou, Dinalie Prinsloo, as sekretaresse.

Mpumalanga JuniorspanMpumalanga seniorspan Gerrie Gerrits en

Monica Cronje, bestuurder.

Here are Mesdames

Flora Mangena, Lydia

Ramashala, Eunice Maboi. They enjoyed a

fun day together with all the children at

Kellysville Primary School


Regina Maimela and Hanneli van Rooyen fromKellysville Primary School.

Thuthukani Housing Finance went all out on Casual Day and danced the day away, or when they weren’t working. That’s the


Die Vlytige Kwilters het Saterdag 16 Augustus, kombersies aan CMR oorhandig wat deur die kwilters geskenk is. Twee dames

van CMR, naamlik Karen Smit en Lydia Kruger het dit in ontvangs geneem.

Wenner van die kwilt wat deur die vlytige kwilters aangekondig word.Die wenner van die kwilt is op 16

Augstus 2014 aangekondig naamlik: Martie Klopper. Baie geluk aan jou en ons hoop jy kan die kwilt nuttig


Wenner van kwilt

Page 16: 18 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 36


die Poppy Marx Atletiek dag vir Senior Burgers het weereens bewys dat ouderom nie ’n faktor is as mens D

regtig iets wil doen nie. Lydenburg Dienssentrum het Saterdag 30 Augustus aan die atletiek dag in Nelspruit deelgeneem .Spar Lydenburg het heerlike padkospakkies en water voorsien, asook die middagete.Daar het 14 atlete deelgeneem en van Lydenburg was daar 21 verteenwoordigers in totaal.Die Dienssentrum het weereens die atletiekbeker verower en die atlete het heerlike individuele pryse en sertifikate ontvang.Hulle het die toutrek, eierloop, vinnig-stap en aflos items gewen. Die groep wil net graag vir Spar Lydenburg bedank vir die heerlike eetgoed, en vir Spar Nelspruit wat die borg was vir die Poppy Marx dag, vir die wonderlike pryse en heerlike dag.

Lede van die Lydenburg Dienssentrum in Nelspruit. Lydenburg het weerdie atletiekbeker gewen.

Die gholfspanne van Hoërskool Lydenburg het die jaar baie goed presteer.Drie spanne het deelgeneem, waar twee spanne hulle onderskeie ligas gewen het. Twee van die gholfers (Jacques Brits en Schalk Grobler) is in die Mpumalanga-span opgeneem. Die B-span (Frikkie Fensham, Morne Combrink, Jeandre Combrink en Aalwyn Loots) het die C-liga gewen.Die A-span (Jacques Brits, Schalk Grobler , Henco Erasmus en Jaco Erasmus) het die

Van links (agter): Adriane Vorster, Kobus Pretorius, Diaan Lombaard, Morné Combrink, Mnr. W. Du Preez (afrigter) Jacques Brits,

Henco Erasmus, Jaco Erasmus en Schalk Grobler; (voor): Frikkie Fensham, Aalwyn Loots, Jason Oosthuizen, Jeandre Combrink.

A-liga gewen (bruto en netto) Mnr. Wickus du Preez wil almal bedank vir die hulp en ondersteuning met die gholftoer vroeër die jaar wat die spelers uitstekend voorberei het vir die seisoen.

Vodacom to your door 072 072 1914 we deliver all your needs.

uChoose Flexi 50 Includes R50 Airtime Value PM Smart S 75 Minutes 200MB 200 SMSs


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Tel: 013 235 4406 • Opposite Taxi Rank, LydenburgTel: 013 235 1636 / 7 • Shop 26 • The Heads Shopping Centre, Lydenburg

Tel: 013 231 7979 • Shop L70 • Tubatse Crossing Mall, Burgersfort

Annatjie Ackerman, Callie Janse van Rensburg, Soldi le Grange, Ryk Greeff,

Suzy van Zyl en Roelf du Toit.Van links na regs (agter): Soldi Le Grange, Ina Greeff, Ryk Greeff, Hennie Dreyer,

Kobie Dreyer, Suzy van Zyl en Roedolph Terblanche. (voor): Annatjie Ackerman, Elsa Bester, Roelf du Toit, Japie Jacobs, Bets Jacobs en Callie JV Rensburg. Nie in die foto

nie: Willie Basson